
英 语
2024. 05
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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Traveling to Europe can be so expensive. If you have a tight travel budget, we have other options for your next European vacation. We found some places as cheap as Thailand while looking as pretty as Spain, Greece or Italy.
Bulgaria is often characterized as being a country of stunning landscapes and friendly people with a rich history of culture. And it has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. In Bulgaria you can find accommodation for under fifteen dollars per night and a meal at a local restaurant will cost you no more than five dollars. From Sofia the capital, why not take a train to Istanbul for about fifteen dollars What an adventure!
Romania is a country that not a lot of people know about, but it might be one you want to try on your next trip. Bucharest has a rich, historic architecture and a great nightlife for younger travelers. Besides the capital, there are many other beautiful places to explore in Romania, like you can go to Transylvania and see Dracula’s castle. Good accommodation and a lot of restaurants are available here at a low cost. What a deal!
A perfect alternative to Spain or Italy, Albania has a lot of history and culture, but without all the crowds of tourists that you’ll find in those places. It has some of the best beaches in Europe, so you can take advantage of that as well. The food is cheap and the average cost of accommodation in Albania is also low, with around thirty dollars per night for a mid-range budget.
21. What do the three travel options have in common
A. Mild climate. B. Delicious food.
C. Diverse culture. D. Low travel costs.
22. Which place is appealing to those active in the evening
A. Sofia. B. Istanbul. C. Bucharest. D. Transylvania.
23. What sets Albania apart from the other destinations
A. Attractive seaside views. B. Satisfying tourist service.
C. Rich European culture. D. Advanced public transport.
All I needed to do to earn the two dollars was to clean her house for a few hours after school. It was a beautiful house with things that were common in her neighborhood, absent in mine.
Working for her brought me a sense of pride, not only because I could immerse myself in little luxuries like movies and candy, but also because I contributed half of my earnings to my mother, ensuring they were used for necessities. I was not like the children in folktales: burdensome mouths to feed, problems so severe that they were abandoned to the forest. I had a status that doing routine chores in my house did not provide — and it earned me a slow smile and confirmations that I was adult-like, not childlike.
Little by little, I got better at cleaning her house — good enough to be given more to do. After struggling to move the piano, my limbs ached terribly. Despite wanting to decline or voice my discomfort, I feared losing my job and the independence and respect it afforded me. She began to offer me her clothes, for a price. Impressed by these worn things, which looked simply elegant to a little girl who had only two dresses to wear to school, I bought a few.
Still, I had trouble summoning up (鼓起) the courage to object to the increasing demands she made. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I hesitated to voice my concerns, knowing my mother would urge me to quit. However, one day while alone in the kitchen with my father, I expressed my disappointment. In any case, he put down his cup of coffee and said, “Whatever the work is, do it well — not for the boss but for yourself. You make the job; it doesn’t make you. You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.”
I have worked for all sorts of people since then, geniuses and fools, quick-witted and dull, big-hearted and narrow. I’ve had many kinds of jobs, but since that conversation with my father, I have never considered the level of labor to be the measure of myself, and I have never placed the security of a job above my self-worth and family value.
24. What mainly enabled the author to bear the burden of work
A. Abundant exposure to entertainment.
B. Satisfaction gained from social work.
C. Inborn abilities to handle work stress.
D. Pride in shouldering family obligations.
25. Which of the following can best describe the author’s character
A. Determined and independent. B. Responsible but innocent.
C. Family-oriented and humorous. D. Ambitious but stubborn.
26. What did the author’s father make her understand
A. Don’t abandon her moral principles.
B. Don’t be pessimistic about her identity.
C. Try to express her dissatisfaction in a free way.
D. Try to make a distinction between work and life.
27. Which of the following is the message the author wants to convey
A. Success isn’t always guaranteed by hard work alone.
B. Family support can alleviate the pain of challenging work.
C. Don’t regard work achievement as a criterion for defining oneself.
D. Social expectations may lead individuals away from their genuine goals.
In a normal year, Dayna Reber, a business analyst for a technology consulting firm in Camp Hill, Penn., would finish reading around three books. Thanks to the way Covid-19 has completely changed her daily routine, however, Ms. Reber, 30—who now works from home and rarely socializes offline—has polished off 46 volumes so far in 2020. And that count doesn’t include the bedtime stories she reads to her 4-year-old.
For Ms. Reber and others, lockdown has brought back a passion for reading, both as beneficial time-filler when stuck at home and as a trusty escape. “When the coronavirus hit, I just felt a need to get away from TV and screens.”
If binge (放纵地) reading hasn’t fully replaced binge-watching Netflix shows quite yet, the trend is certainly making strides. In August 2020, year-over-year sales of print books in the U.S. were up 13%, according to NPD BookScan, which tracks book sales across the U.S. Publishers also report a notable increase in purchases of e-books, as well as all books about politics or related to civil rights, racism and diversity.
Independent booksellers, as well as publishers and authors, deserve considerable credit for fueling the page-turning trend. In March, Octavia Books introduced free shipping or delivery within New Orleans on orders of $25 or more. The bookstore also hosts author events via Zoom. And in Illinois, Page 1 Books established a subscription service, where customers fill out an online profile, noting their literary tastes, and then receive a package each month, a mix of hardcovers and paperbacks.
Jamie Miller, 34, a book blogger and “book-stagrammer” who lives in Harleysville, Penn, has long been a committed reader, but she says the hobby has meant far more importance this year. She now schedules a block of time every morning to read, typically a love or vivid novel. “Everything became so chaotic around me that it was just like what can I control ” said Ms. Miller. “My brain just wants something guaranteed to be a happy ending.”
28. What was a cause of Reber’s achievement in book reading
A. Work requirement. B. Pandemic lockdown.
C. Parenting experience. D. Online recommendation.
29. What does the underlined words “making strides” mean in paragraph 3
A. On the way. B. Keeping pace.
C. In great progress. D. Drawing attention.
30. How did some bookstores react to the trend of offline reading
A. Opening new branches. B. Offering sales promotions.
C. Mailing books for free. D. Providing lending service.
31. What is the text mainly about
A. Reasons behind a book reading hit. B. Influence of lockdown on people.
C. Trend of video watching on Netflix. D. Secret to offline bookstore success.
A new study examined scientists’ peer reviews, or researchers’ official statements on others’ work, across multiple AI-related conferences. At one such conference, those peer reviews used the word “meticulous” — a buzzword often associated with generative A.I., like ChatGPT — almost 3,400 percent more than the previous year. Other major conferences showed similar patterns. In other words, many researchers were handing, at least, parts of their peer review over to A.I.
What’s going on in science is a slice of a much bigger problem. Any viral post on social media now almost certainly includes A.I.-generated elements. There are synthetic videos for children on YouTube, like music videos about parrots where the birds have eyes within eyes, singing in an unnatural voice. The narratives make no sense, and characters appear and disappear randomly.
As a neuroscientist, this worries me. Isn’t it possible that human culture contains within it cognitive micronutrients — things like reasonable sentences, narrations and character continuity — that developing brains need Einstein supposedly said: “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be very intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” But what happens when a child is consuming mostly A.I.-generated waste We find ourselves in the middle of a vast developmental experiment.
A.I.’s cultural pollution is driven by a desire to fill the Internet’s appetite for content as cheaply as possible, which in turn pollutes our culture. And despite public appeals to act against it, A.I. companies are dragging their feet because it goes against the industry’s bottom line to have detectable products, which they fear might weaken the model’s performance, although there is no current evidence.
To deal with this general refusal to act, we need a Clean Internet Act. Perhaps the simplest solution would be to force built-in watermarking to A.I. generated outputs, like patterns not easily removable. Just as the 20th century required action to protect the shared environment, the 21st century is going to require actions to protect a different but equally critical resource: our shared human culture.
32. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs
A. Children should avoid social media.
B. A.I. writings are unreliable.
C. Synthetic elements make no sense.
D. A.I. pollution is widespread.
33. Why does the author mention Einstein in Paragraph 3
A. To promote experiments on reading.
B. To connect intelligence and fairy tales.
C. To show concerns over cognitive input quality.
D. To contrast stories with A.I. generated content.
34. Which might be a useful way to stop A.I. products polluting our culture
A. Increasing the expense. B. Adding permanent labels.
C. Creating various patterns. D. Building more A.I. models.
35. Which might be the best title for the text
A. A.I. Garbage Is Polluting our Culture
B. A.I. Companies Change Tech Industry
C. A.I. Performance Continues to Decline
D. A.I. Products Impact Scientific Research
Spreading kindness not only helps others feel better about themselves but also boosts the giver’s health and happiness, according to a study. 36 .
Giving seems to lower our blood pressure.
37 . One study asked a group of hypertensive (高血压的) people to spend $40 on themselves, while another group of people with high blood pressure were told to spend the money on others. They found that spending money on others had reduced their blood pressure at the end of the six-week study
38 .
A recent study found that people who said they would donate money to help orphans were less sensitive to an electric shock than those who declined to give. According to the study, regions of the brain that react to painful stimulation appear to be instantly out of operation by the experience of giving.
Being kind seems to boost happiness.
Another study assigned people to three groups: the first group had to do an act of kindness each day; the second group tried a new activity each day; and the third group did nothing. The first two groups saw a significant boost in happiness. 39 , if you’re creative with your acts of kindness, than those who performed the same activity over and over again.
“When doing an act of kindness, you’re making the world a better place,” said the Random Acts of Kindness foundation, which promotes kindness all year. 40 .
A. It’s a win-win for all
B. Giving seems to lessen our pain
C. You’ll experience even greater joy
D. But consider being kind to yourself
E. Being kind seems to contribute to our sense of community
F. Giving donations to others has been shown to have that effect
G. However, any kindness you give to others is also a gift to yourself
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Achenyo soon arrived at the water’s edge with her pot, and she found a huge surprise. The river was 41 ! In its place was a blanket of dark green leaves and lavender-colored (淡紫色的) flowers.
“Oh no!” Achenyo heard the adults crying, “They’ve 42 again!” It seemed Mama wouldn’t have water to mix the dyes (染料) for her weaving.
Last year, the rainy season had brought a(n) 43 of water hyacinths (水葫芦). The plants had covered the river and left no 44 to dip a pot. Every day, people had to walk into the water and clear enough plants to get water.
What a shame to 45 such pretty flowers, Achenyo thought as she 46 the plants with others and threw them on the riverbank. Then, she had an idea. Carrying the plants under her arm, she got Mama’s water and ran home 47 .
“Mama, will you teach me to weave ” asked Achenyo. Mama laughed. It was her wish to pass on the 48 to her daughter. But looking at the thick stalks, she was 49 . Achenyo showed her how difficult it was to break and begged 50 Mama said yes. Then they wove together every day after school. It was 51 weaving the stalks into different shapes, but she was 52 .
One afternoon, Achenyo held up her finished work to Mama. It was neatly woven and well decorated. “What a nice mat!” They showed it to their neighbours, who were 53 and began to use the stalks to make things. By the end of the rainy season, the 54 no longer thought of the plant as an invader, but a 55 .
41. A. gone B. shallow C. ruined D. dirty
42. A. risen B. struck C. crashed D. recovered
43. A. fashion B. area C. invasion D. line
44. A. chance B. excuse C. need D. room
45. A. waste B. forget C. miss D. grow
46. A. looked over B. stopped by C. walked through D. pulled up
47. A. carefully B. absent-mindedly C. eagerly D. warm-heartedly
48. A. mats B. trade C. tools D. tradition
49. A. doubtful B. hopeless C. disappointed D. stressed
50. A. since B. if C. though D. until
51. A. useful B. tricky C. painful D. risky
52. A. exhausted B. optimistic C. determined D. intelligent
53. A. challenged B. envious C. inspired D. curious
54. A. weavers B. community C. parents D. school
55. A. symbol B. consumer C. means D. provider
The apsaras, angel-like beings known as feitian in Chinese, are a symbol of the city of Dunhuang. Here, in 56 historic Silk Road oasis in Gansu province, feitian-themed decorations and designs are common, ranging from towering sculptures of heavenly musicians holding Chinese pipa lutes 57 complex drawings of charming beauties bearing flowers on the cups.
Dunhuang has amazed the world with its nearby Mogao Caves, one of the greatest “storerooms” of ancient Buddhist art. 58 (date) back to the 4th century, these artworks cover the 59 (gold) age of the Tang (618-907) and other influential dynasties, 60 the city played an important role as a centre of exchanges between East and West.
Today, the great impact of the murals, sculptures, scripts 61 other major objects discovered in the early 20th century at the UNESCO World Heritage Site still 62 (continue) to be felt beyond the cultural, historical and religious field.
As a major 63 (represent) of traditional Chinese culture, Dunhuang art also offers an important way 64 (distinguish) traditional Chinese culture and help spread an appreciation of 65 all over the world.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 活动过程;
2. 你的感受。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 开头和结尾已为你写好。
参考词汇:成人仪式 the coming-of-age ceremony
Dear David,
Li Hua
When I was a boy, I always wore turtleneck shirts because I was so sensitive and shy. I worked hard to earn exceptional marks and always tried to behave well. I was younger than everyone else because my good marks had allowed me to skip second grade, but this added nothing to my already low self-confidence.
When I was 14, my parents divorced (离婚). I moved in with my dad in a new neighborhood, but he was always so busy and had little time for me. It seemed the only time he ever spoke to me was to be demanding or critical. I began to hate coming home from school every day. I sank further into my low self-esteem (自尊) and was overwhelmed with feeling unappreciated and alone.
One day, my aunt called. This seemed like a miracle to me. Aunt Ginette usually only called once a year, on my birthday. She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest, and she thought I should try it, too. She told me she firmly believed I could perform on stage like the other kids since she had seen me do skits (幽默小品) for the family at Christmas.
I was a little taken aback, Me On stage In a public speaking contest To agree would be contrary to my entire shy personality. But Aunt Ginette was so confident and seemed really serious. Feeling her strong belief, I went against all odds and agreed to enter the contest. All that winter, twice a week after dinner, I took three different buses for the three-hour round-trip to practice in Ville d’Anjou, where the competition would take place. I was taken by an energy I had never felt before. The hours and the obstacles no longer mattered. Although my dad really did love me and wanted the best for me, he disapproved of this new dream, fearing it would take away from my homework time and impact my marks. But I remained a top performer in school and never missed a day.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: Four months later, the big night arrived.Paragraph 2: When I saw my father’s face, his eyes were glowing with pride.
第二部分 阅读理解
21-23 DCA 24-27 DADC 28-31 BCBA 32-35 DCBA
36-40 AFBCG
第三部分 语言运用
41-45 ABCDA 46-50 DCBAD 51-55 BCCBD
56. the 57. to 58. Dating 59. golden 60. when
61. and 62. continues 63. representation 64. to distinguish 65. it
第四部分 写作
Possible versions
Dear David,
I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to tell you about a meaningful event, the coming-of-age ceremony for the Senior Three students, marking our journey into adulthood as we’ve all turned 18.
Our principal initiated the ceremony with an uplifting speech about our future responsibilities and the new stage of life that lies ahead. Then, in a deeply touching part of the program, my classmates and I read letters written by our parents, which were filled with love, advice, and memories. We then took turns to express our gratitude for our upbringing and shared our determination to face adult life with courage and integrity.
Experiencing the ritual made me incredibly excited for what’s to come. I am stepping into this new phase with a heart brimming with hope and eyes wide open to the possibilities.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
Dear David,
How’s everything going Last Saturday, I attended the coming-of-age ceremony organized by our school for the senior 3 students, and I’d love to share the whole experience with you.
The event started with a solemn speech from our headmaster, followed by a series of traditional ceremonies marking the transition into adulthood. We were given symbolic items representing responsibilities, virtues, and aspirations. Then, we earnestly pledged to take on the challenges of adulthood with courage and integrity.
Surrounded by classmates, teachers, and parents, and realizing that we are stepping into a new phase of life, I was filled with a mix of emotions-excitement, nervousness, and a deep sense of responsibility. I believe this ceremony has not just marked a milestone in our lives but also reminded us of the need to embrace maturity consciously. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Li Hua
Four months later, the big night arrived. Nervousness still seized me in front of so many people. Taking a deep breath, I regained my calmness and stepped onto the stage while familiar lines of my speech began to whirl in my mind. And when I was about to start, I caught sight of Aunt Ginette, and, surprisingly, my dad, looking at me with expectation. Filled with energy, I wore a big smile and poured out every sentence with fluency. No sooner had I finished the speech than I received a warm applause. With joy, I quickly rushed down to greet my father.
When I saw my father’s face, his eyes were glowing with pride. His previous critical words were replaced by an excited “congratulations” along with a rarely-seen thumbs-up. Tears filled his eyes, seemingly reflecting complex emotions. Next to him, my aunt’s face lit up with a warm and comforting smile, reminding me of everything that I had gone through. Through their proud expressions, I could tell that it was the effort of us all, either visible or invisible, that drove me to the destination where my shyness had disappeared.



