Unit 5 Good manners 单元练习(无答案) 牛津译林版英语八年级下册

Unit 5
1. The accident could be (阻止) if the driver was careful.
2. I write to my mother every week, _______(主要) on Sundays.
3. The heavy work __________(影响) his health, so he looked much older.
4. Do you know the saying, “A friend in need is a friend ________(真正地).
5. By (训练)local doctors and nurses, we can help more people.
6. Thank you for (operate) on them on the plane.
7. I thought of my good friend when I read your (advertise)
8. The doctors didn’t know what caused the old man’s ________(blind).
9. Can I have a________(medicine) examination today I don’t feel well.
10. —How is Miss King
—She is still under________(treat) in hospital.
1. Thank you for (警告) us not to swim here.
2. We all think it is (polite) to shout or laugh at others in public.
3. After years of hard work, he finally became a (success) businessman.
4. The teacher spent lots of time (解释) problems to us again and again.
5. Which sentence best (表达) the theme of this story
6. They are having a big dinner with those foreign (客人).
7. I'm sure to visit you_____________ (某时) next year. Don't feel sad now.
8. Jenny told me when she walked, she felt a (疼痛) in the leg.
9. It is important to know the (目的) of listening to the talk this afternoon.
10. How many (蜡烛) shall we buy for the party
1. The Greens (teach)English in China for five years.
2. I thought you would come on time yesterday, but you left me (wait)for an hour.
3.The sign by the lake means“No (fish)”.
4. It’s my job (organize) the class meeting.
5. They are talking about different ways of (raise) money.
6. I (tie)the dog to the tree when my mother called me.
7. Don’t listen to music or watch TV when you _________________(do) your homework.
8. The sales of the popular book _________(be) about 200 million copies last year.
Our teacher encourages us to join the volunteer project to help (other).
2. After a long (discuss), we decided to have a school trip next week.
3. How do ordinary people hide the truth of their feelings so _______________ (success)
4. The more communication we have, the (close) we feel.
5. You can’t judge a book by its cover, as the old _____________(say) goes.
( )1. The new kind of mobile phone is_______ expensive, I don't have _______ money.
A. too much; much too B. much too; too much
C. too much; too much D. much too; much too
( )2. The workers in the Emei Mountains have to ____ rubbish to keep the mountains clean.
A. turn up B. pick up C. mix up D. give up
( )3. -Remember to turn off the air-conditioner when you leave home.
A. OK. I will B. Sorry, I won't
C. Thank you D. I know that
( )4. If you study hard, your dream will_______ soon.
A. come out B. come true C. achieve D. come up
( )5. Wilson can't explain things well, what he says can't be understood very_______.
A quietly B. carefully C. slowly D. clearly
( )6. The boy pushed me away as I was_______ his way.
A. on B. in C. by D. at
( )7. Linda was un happy because Liz________ her conversation with Dad.
A. push in B. cut in C. bump into D. drop in
( )8. Jack is ______funny_______ make us happy after class.
A. so; that B. too; to C. / ; enough to D. enough; to
( )9. The fans were so excited that they _______ their hands .
A. could’t stop clapping B. couldn’t stop to clap
C. can’t stop clapping D. can’t stop to clap
( )10.------Boy, didn’t you see people were waiting in line Don’t______ in!
------I’m sorry, sir.
A. push B. pull C. put D. carry
( )11.More and more people would like to go on vacation abroad.They should remember to be______ with good manners.
A.visitors B.players C.volunteers D.writer
( )12. The bag of rice is ________ heavy for Tom to carry .Let s go and help him
A. too B. so C. very D. Else anything
( )13. ---Would you like ________to drink ---Yes, I d like a cup of coffee.
something else B. else something
C. anything else D. else anything
( )14. ---Could you get home at five o clock
---________. I will have a meeting at that time.
A.I hope so. B. yes, I think so C.I m afraid not. D. I m afraid so.
( )15. We must keep the classroom________ .
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned
( )16.Drivers wear the safety belt when driving.This is the traffic rule.
A.can B.may C.will D.must
( )17. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates_____ dancing with her.
A.practise B.practises C.practising D.to practise
( )18.You will be late for school ____ you don’t get up early
A. if B. or C. otherwise D. and
( )19. I think ____ is really hard for them to climb so high.
A. This B. It C.That D.What
1. 你应该在外面等着轮到你。
You should outside.
2. 这道题太难了,他们算不出来。
The problem is .
3. 在公共场所请你压低声音说话。
When you speak _____________, please _____________.
4. 当有人介绍自己的朋友给你时,你应该和他/她握手。
When someone introduces his friend to you, you should _________________.
5. 我的成功不是偶然,而是我努力的结果。
My success doesn’t come _______________. It is the result of my hard work.
6. 这个箱子足够轻,她能搬动。
The box __________________ for her to carry.
7. 问题够简单的了,他能回答上来。
The question is easy enough __________________.
8. 题太难了,他算不出来。
The problem is __________________.
The problem isn’t __________________.
9. 桥不够宽,大巴过不去。
The bridge __________________ for a bus to go across.
10. 我爷爷年纪大了不能周游世界。
My grandfather is too old __________________.
1. I don't know how I can greet people in the UK.(同义句转换)
I don’t know people in the UK.
2. He should say“sorry”to his friend.(对画线部分提问)
should he to his friend
3. They like to talk about the weather to start a conversation.(对画线部分提问)
do they to talk about to start a conversation
4. You should drop litter everywhere.(改为否定句)
You litter everywhere.
5. The lady greets people with a hug.(改为否定句)
The lady people with a hug.
The reality show(真人秀) is a kind of television program. Usually a reality show has many series. And it can be on TV for many years.
The reality show is quite different from other kinds of TV shows. Because it shows the life of common people, and there are no 1. ___(act)or actresses playing in it. It often shows true stories that happen in people's 2. ___(day) life. So many people enjoy 3. ___ (watch) reality shows.
The first reality show appeared about 20 years ago in America. At that time the 4.____ (famous) and popular reality show was Survivor. It was popular not only in America, 5. ___ around the world.
Reality shows also show different kinds of competitions. For example, there’s a Chinese reality show 6. ___ (call)Sing! China. In this show there7. ___(be) more than one famous Chinese singers. Their job is to find their favorite people and help them be the 8. ___(win). The show is 9._____successful that many people like to watch it.
10.____,some people don't like to watch reality shows.They think the stories in the show are made up.



