
(2024·湖南长沙·一模)It has been said that Niulang and Zhinu are both gods. Niulang takes care of the heavenly cows. Zhinu is the youngest daughter of the Heavenly Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor (王母娘娘和玉皇大帝). She is good at weaving (编织) and her job is to create clouds.
Niulang and Zhinu fell in love with each other at first sight. This was against law of Heaven! The Heavenly Queen Mother felt angry. She sent Niulang down to Earth to herd (放牧) cows. Zhinu, meanwhile, was made to create colorful clouds all day long. She missed Niulang and kept crying.
One day, Zhinu and her sisters were allowed to take a bath on Earth. When they were bathing, Niulang happened to walk past. Zhinu recognized (认出) him at once. The two were very excited. They got married and lived happily on Earth. They even had two lovely children.
But good times seldom last. After learning about Niulang and Zhinu’s marriage, the Heavenly Queen Mother sent soldiers to bring her daughter back. Niulang felt sad. What would life be like without Zhinu Seeing this, one of his cows told him, “If you kill me and put on my skin, you will be able to travel to Heaven to see Zhinu.” Unwillingly, Niulang did as he was told. Then, he set out to find his wife.
This made the Heavenly Queen Mother even angrier. She created a large river to separate the two. Unable to cross the river, Niulang cried all day and all night. The deep love between Niulang and Zhinu moved some magpies (喜鹊). The birds built a colorful bridge across the river, allowing the two to reunite.
In the end, the Heavenly Queen Mother was also moved. She allowed Niulang and the two children to stay in Heaven. The family is now able to reunite once a year — on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
1.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 2 refer to (指代)
A.Niulang’s losing heavenly cows.
B.Zhinu’s messy weaving products.
C.A love relationship between gods.
2.How did Niulang feel when he followed the cow’s idea
A.Pleased. B.Unwilling. C.Disappointed.
3.What Chinese traditional festival is this story about
A.The Lantern Festival.
B.The Mid-Autumn Festival.
C.The Qixi Festival.
4.What might be the best title of this passage
A.Love Never Dies B.Crying Always Works C.Animals Sometimes Help
(23-24九年级下·湖南常德·期中)The Mogao Caves are a very special place in China, which are located in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. The Mogao Caves are thousands of years old and were listed as a world heritage (遗产) site by UNESCO in 1987.
Many people, including archaeologists (考古学家) and researchers, work hard to take care of the Mogao Caves and learn more about them. Fan Jinshi is one of them.
Fan was born in Beijing on July 9, 1938. Her father was a graduate of Tsinghua University and had a strong interest in Chinese classical art and culture.
Influenced by her father, Fan liked visiting museums when she was in middle school. With the great love of Chinese culture, she studied in the archaeology department in Peking University and graduated in 1963. Then she started working at Dunhuang and has worked there ever since. She spends her years taking care of Dunhuang. People call her the “Daughter of Dunhuang”.
On May 4, 2023, “Daughter of Dunhuang” Fan Jinshi returned to Peking University and brought back 10 million RMB donations to set up the Fan Jinshi Education Fund (基金). “Money made should be spent in the right way. People cannot only think of themselves,” she said. “Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university, so it can raise cultural confidence and strength.”
5.How long has Fan Jinshi worked at Dunhuang
A.For almost seventy years.
B.For over sixty years.
C.For about eighty years.
6.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Archaeologists. B.The Mogao Caves. C.Researchers.
7.What is the purpose of the Fan Jinshi Education Fund
A.To tell people more about Dunhuang and teach the classical art.
B.To take care of the Mogao Caves and learn more about them.
C.support the research of Dunhuang studies at Peking University.
8.What’s the best title for the passage
A.Protecting Dunhuang
B.Fan Jinshi: “Daughter of Dunhuang”
C.Helping Dunhuang Studies
(2024·湖南长沙·二模)Prince Nallamothula is a nine-year-old inventor. He built a model for a robot that will let people do farm work remotely (远程).
When Prince was a young boy, he didn’t share the same interest as the others. He didn’t have many toys at home and seldom played computer games. However, he was interested in playing with blocks to build things whenever he could.
One day, Prince’s mom said that there was not enough space in their apartment to grow all her plants, so he started thinking about ways to solve the problem. Then an idea came up, “What if we plant them in a different place from where we live ”
Prince spent about two to three months building his robot. Before drawing out designs, he had to search for a great deal of information on the Internet. In order to build the robot successfully, he went to the market to buy necessary parts. The robot had everything to help it move around. The last step is doing all the coding (编程) to get the robot to be useful and not just a model. His robot was named GrRobot. It had a camera for live video and a basket to plant seeds. It could decide whether to open the sprinkler (喷洒器) according to the soil conditions (土壤情况). All of these will help farmers do farm work and even some difficult work.
Besides this robot, Prince had also invented a game and apps. When asked about the secret to his achievements, he replied, “Seeing people’s life getting better because of my inventions makes me feel great. I’ll do what I can to solve more people’s problems. And the world may be different with my help.”
9.What is special about Prince’s invention
A.It’s made of building blocks.
B.It’s controlled by a computer game.
C.It allows people to do farm work remotely.
10.Why did Prince invent the robot according to Paragraph 3
A.To solve the problem of their apartment.
B.To meet her mom’s need to grow all her plants.
C.To show the possibility of building things with blocks.
11.Which of the following steps are included in making Prince’s robot
①Writing codes for the robot.
②Drawing out designs of the robot.
③Shooting live video with a camera.
④Searching for information on the Internet.
⑤Going to the market to buy necessary parts.
A.①②④⑤ B.①②③⑤ C.②③④⑤
12.What can be inferred (推断) from the last paragraph
A.Hard work is the secret to success.
B.Working together makes a difference.
C.Happiness may be found by helping others.
Once upon a time, there lived an old man. One day, one of his horses got lost. Hearing the news, all his kind neighbors came to comfort him.“It’s OK. Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing (幸事),” said the old man, smiling to his neighbors.
No one believed that until several months later, the lost horse did come back. Unexpectedly, his horse came back with another fine horse. “Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune,” said the old man, looking worried.
The old man had a son who enjoyed riding a lot. When he saw the fine horse, he loved it more than anything else and rode the horse every day with great joy.
One day, he was riding it so fast that he fell off the horse and broke his leg badly. “Don’t be too worried! There’s no doubt that your son will soon get better,” said the neighbors.
“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing again,” said the old man, peacefully.
About a year later, the king started a war. All strong young men were asked to join the army, and as a result, nine out of ten men died in the terrible war.
Because of his broken leg, the old man’s son did not join in the war and so both the boy and his father kept alive.
Every coin has two sides. For some people, good luck can still become bad luck, for others, even misfortunes are taken as chances for a better life.
13.What would the neighbors probably say to the old man after his horse got lost
A.It’s nothing to lose a horse.
B.I’m sorry that you lost your horse.
C.Why didn’t you take good care of your horse
14.The underlined word “misfortune” means ________ in Chinese.
A.不幸 B.幸运 C.误会
15.What happened in the end
A.The old man broke his leg.
B.The neighbors were all asked to join the army.
C.The father and the boy lived through the war.
16.What can we learn from the passage
A.Bad luck brings more bad luck.
B.Misfortunes may turn into good luck.
C.The old man had the same thought as his neighbors.
(2024·湖南株洲·一模)The Lanhua Volunteer Group, with nearly 500 volunteers, was founded in 2005 by Wang Lanhua, who is now 70 years old, and is named after her. “As long as people ask us for help, we are willing to make an effort in every possible way to help them.” she said.
Though the 3,000 families in the community were not closely connected to her, she said that she still cared about their unsolved problems. Wang and her teammates often helped people in need. She went to the homes of the old to help them shower, cut their nails (指甲) and wash windows. And she bought food and medicine for the elderly. Shu Hongyong and his younger brother had a hard life because of family changes. After Wang knew about their difficulties, she stuck to taking care of them, bringing them food and washing their clothes. Now Shu has opened a shop and is also an important member of the volunteer group.
Besides, her group often organizes activities from Monday to Friday, such as a flag-raising ceremony (仪式) every Monday, and a concert every Tuesday.
Many people look up to Wang who was named as a National Moral (有道德的) Model, and they want to become like her because of her selfless behavior. So far, Litong District has had 60,000 volunteers, nearly 90 percent of them being women. Wang has moved her office from her house to a 1,400-square-meter volunteer service center.
“The more volunteers there are, the fewer difficulties people will face. I will keep doing volunteer activities.” Wang said.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
17.The Lanhua Volunteer Group was named after ________.
A.a flower B.the founder’s name C.the founder’s birthplace
18.What can you learn from Paragraph 2
A.There were 4,000 families in Wang’s community.
B.Wang and her teammates often helped people in need.
C.Shu and his younger brother have opened a restaurant.
19.When does the group often organize a concert
A.On Mondays. B.On Tuesdays. C.On Wednesdays.
20.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Wang Lanhua and Her Volunteer Group
B.The Life of Wang Lanhua
C.The Importance of Helping Others
Read Three Poets
People write poems to share what they see. They want us to feel the joy or sadness that they feel. The following three poets come from two countries, the United States and the United Kingdom. However, the language they use is the same. English!
Michael Rosen is a British children’s book writer and poet. He enjoys writing poetry and reading it aloud with his children. Michael Rosen writes very creative poems. His poem “Colour” encourages children to be creative, too.
Aileen Fisher was an award-winning American children’s poet, book writer, and playwright. She loved nature and liked to go hiking and mountain climbing. Do you like grasshoppers (草蜢) Aileen Fisher loved to write about insects in her poem “But I Wonder...”
Robert Louis Stevenson was a famous Scottish poet and book writer who lived in the 1800s. He wrote many books, including the famous Treasure Island. Do you notice how winter days are short and summer days are long Robert Louis Stevenson noticed it, too and wrote about it in his poem “Bed in Summer.”
21.What does Michael Rosen enjoy doing with his children
A.Going hiking and mountain climbing.
B.Singing and dancing happily.
C.Writing poetry and reading it aloud.
22.What nationality (国籍) is Aileen Fisher
A.British. B.American. C.Russian.
23.Who was the poem “Bed in Summer” written by
A.Robert Louis Stevenson. B.Aileen Fisher. C.Michael Rosen.
(2024·湖南岳阳·二模)Once there was a manager who had a team of around 40 hardworking members. Everything seemed perfect except for one thing: the group has a hard time communicating and sharing information with each other.
Then one day, the manager had an idea. He decided to take his group on a team outing and personally prepared games of 3 rounds.
During the first round, the manager told everyone to blow a balloon and write their names without popping (弄破) it. And soon the team members did it successfully.
After that, the leader told them to wait outside for the next round. When they were asked to enter the room again, the members saw many more balloons without names all around the room.
The manager told his team to search for the balloon with his or her name on it. The first three persons to bring him the balloon would win, while those who popped the balloon would be out of the game.
15 minutes had already passed and not a single one was able to identify (确认) his or her balloon, and that’s why the manager decided to go on to the third round instead. For the third round, the manager told his young group to pick any balloons from the room and give it to the person whose name was on it.
Within a couple of minutes, everyone had his balloon with his own name. The manager went on to tell his members why they were not able to search for their balloons in the second round. That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target. However, in just a short time, they were able to do the third round because of the power of teamwork and sharing with each other.
24.What was the team asked to do in the first round
A.To share their information.
B.To identity their own balloons.
C.To blow the balloons and write their names.
25.Why did the team fail in the second round
A.Some of them popped the balloons.
B.Each focused on his or her own balloon.
C.Only three of them found the balloons.
26.What does the underlined word “target” mean
A.interest B.goal C.direction
27.What’s the manager’s purpose in preparing the games
A.To find out the most talented members.
B.To free the team from the stress in their work.
C.To remind the team of the importance of teamwork.
In the quiet town of Zuckerman’s farm, a young girl named Fern Arable stops his father from killing a newborn pig for food. The pig is so weak that Fern’s father is afraid he may not be able to live long. Fern keeps the pig and names him Wilbur. She raises him with love and care. As Wilbur grows, he becomes worried about his future, knowing that he will finally become food.
Wilbur finds an unexpected friend in the barn (牲口棚), a clever spider (蜘蛛) named Charlotte. Charlotte makes a plan to save Wilbur’s life by spinning (编织) messages praising him into her web (网). These messages draw the attention from the people in the town, making Wilbur famous and beloved by all. With Charlotte’s guidance and the support of his animal friends, including a wise old sheep named Templeton, Wilbur learns valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the importance of seeing with the heart.
When it’s time for the fair, Charlotte spins her greatest message, praising Wilbur as “Some Pig”. The message catches the attention of judges (裁判) and wins Wilbur a special prize. However, as the fair comes to an end, Charlotte’s health begins to deteriorate.
In her final moments, Charlotte allows Wilbur to take with him her egg sac (卵囊), from which her children will hatch (孵出) in the spring. Wilbur, deeply saddened by Charlotte’s passing, honors her memory by watching over her children and remembering the friendship they share.
28.What does Fern do with the newborn pig
A.She kills him. B.She eats him. C.She saves him.
29.What can we learn from Paragraph 2
A.Wilbur is lucky to have helpful friends.
B.Charlotte makes webs for the people in town.
C.Wilbur learns how to spin messages into a web.
30.What does the underlined word “deteriorate” mean in Chinese
A.恶化 B.好转 C.变化
31.What is the main idea of the story
A.Why Wilbur is loved by many animals.
B.How a girl named Fern makes friends with Wilbur.
C.What Charlotte and Wilbur do for their friendship.
(23-24九年级下·湖南长沙·期中)When I was 12 years old, I already knew that my teen years were going to be the worst years of my life. I was a total outsider, bullied (欺凌) at school. I felt completely alone in my small town.
But by starting to do volunteer work when I was 14, I turned my problem into a passion for helping others. The opportunity to practice kindness made me feel like my life had a greater purpose. The more positive energy I shared, the more kindness and appreciation (感激) I received. I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people, specifically teenagers, and help them feel less alone.
Books were my true friends back then. I was so thankful for those books the authors (作者) wrote. The kindness they offered me with their books saved my life. One of my biggest dreams was to become an author so that I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me.
After going through terrible experiences at school, I made a choice to take the positive road in the next steps of my journey. My dream career, one I thought was only possible for the authors I loved, is what I am doing now. I have been a full-time author of teen novels since 2007 and am grateful for this amazing opportunity to reach out to readers every single day.
Kindness saved me when I needed help the most. Even small acts of kindness can change people’s life. You never know what someone else is going through. But by practicing daily kindness, you become an architect (建筑师) of positive change.
32.How did the writer feel when he was 12
A.Bored. B.Positive. C.Unhappy.
33.What’s the writer’s purpose in life after the volunteer work
A.To help teenagers and make them feel less alone.
B.To read books and become an author.
C.To be a volunteer.
34.Why did the writer choose writing as his job
A.To share his school experience.
B.To show his talent in writing.
C.To write books that can pass kindness to readers.
35.What can we learn from the text
A.Volunteer work can help people solve problems.
B.Kindness can make a difference to people’s life.
C.Terrible experiences can make a person feel more alone.
(2024·湖南湘西·二模)Yesterday I posted a photo of myself overlooking the ocean with the title (标题) Missing My Family on the Internet. I haven’t seen my parents who live overseas for almost two years because of their busy work.
And the longer it takes, the more I miss them.
Today my doorbell rang. I opened the door and found a delivery (送货) lady with a bag in her hand. I was very surprised because I didn’t order anything. The delivery lady found that I seemed to be confused (困惑的) so she asked, “Have you purchased anything on the Internet ”
I had no idea but suddenly I found a name on the bag which was Ann. Ann is a beautiful, loving and kind-hearted neighbor of mine. So I replied, “I haven’t ordered anything but I know Ann. Maybe she sent this to me.” Then I took the bag into my room. But I didn’t know why she sent this bag to me.
Inside my kitchen I opened the bag and found two boxes with tasty food! It was the local food of my hometown. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
At the same time, I called Ann to thank her for her gift. She replied that she wanted to brighten up my days as she knew how I felt because her parents were overseas as well. What a wonderful neighbor she is! No one had ever done anything like this for me before.
36.Why did the writer post a photo online
A.Because she liked this photo very much.
B.Because she wanted to make friends online.
C.Because she missed her family living overseas.
D.Because she wanted to connect with her neighbors.
37.What does the underlined word “purchased” mean
A.played B.seen C.learnt D.bought
38.The writer thought it might be her bag when she saw ________.
A.Ann’s name B.her name C.the two boxes D.her family photo
39.What did the writer and Ann have in common
A.They both thought of others. B.Their parents all lived overseas.
C.They both liked to surf the Internet. D.Their parents lived in the same country.
40.What is the right order according to the story
① The writer opened the bag. ② The writer thanked her neighbor.
③ The writer posted a photo online. ④ The writer received an unknown bag.
A.④ ③ ② ① B.③ ④ ① ② C.② ① ③ ④ D.① ③ ④ ②
(23-24九年级下·湖南长沙·阶段练习)In the fifth grade, there came my sudden fashion moment. One day, I was really feeling myself. I put on a black skirt and colorful tights (连裤袜), a yellow T-shirt with dark purple flowers. Then I added my final touch: a pair of green rain boots (雨靴).
I climbed onto the school bus, smiling and thought I was a super star. But when I got off, my friend John looked me up and down and said, “What are you wearing ” Everyone turned and looked at me, laughing. I was discouraged. To be honest, John wasn’t trying to make me disappointed. He was just shocked.
But while my ego (自尊) took a minute to return, a rebellious (反叛的) voice appeared in my mind and I said, “No, I’m not showing up like everyone else.”
Style has always lit me up. And through all my years, that voice has remained.
But the truth isn’t about clothes. It’s about a powerful need to be accepted by the world as my true self. Personal style isn’t about drawing attention. It is a strong wish not to be looked at but to be taken in as a whole by others.
However, society sometimes fails to understand this. There is a saying, “To be yourself in a world that is trying to change you into something else is the greatest achievement.” Wear the clothes you love and be yourself.
41.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “discouraged”
A.Upset. B.Joyful. C.Surprised.
42.What did the writer do after being laughed at by her classmates
A.She kept silent and never said anything.
B.She shouted at her friend and never talked to him.
C.She stuck to her true feeling and made an effort to be herself.
43.The writer thinks “personal style” is _______.
A.being looked at and praised by others
B.wanting to be accepted as true self
C.dressing well to draw attention
44.What’s the best title for the passage
A.Change Your Clothes B.Follow the Rules C.Be Yourself Bravely
(23-24九年级下·湖南衡阳·阶段练习)Antonio López de Santa Anna, a former president of Mexico, was living in New York in the late 1860s. While he was there, he met with Thomas Adams, an inventor. Santa Anna shared with Adams his idea for an invention — a new process, really, for making rubber (橡胶) products such as tires (轮胎).
▲ Santa Anna thought it would be possible to blend the rubber with chicle (糖胶树胶), the milky juice of a tropical (热带的) tree. That would make rubber products much cheaper to produce. Adams told Santa Anna that he was willing to try. Later, Santa Anna prepared one ton of chicle to be shipped to Adams from Mexico.
Adams worked for about a year, trying different blends of rubber and chicle. None of them were successful. The inventor still had lots of chicle left over and wondered what to do with it. Then he remembered Santa Anna’s stories of people chewing chicle in Mexico. So Adams made a small number of chewing gum (口香糖), packaged it, and sold it in local stores. The gum was much tastier than other American gum, which was made from wax (蜡) or tree sap (汁).
Although Adams’s original idea was a failure, chewing gum was a success. In 1871, he invented a machine to produce gum so he wouldn’t have to make it by hand. Adams enjoyed success for the rest of his life, and people have enjoyed all kinds of tasty gum for years.
45.What idea did Santa Anna share with Adams
A.A new way to make rubber products.
B.The process of making tires.
C.A new invention made of rubber.
46.Which of the following sentences can best replace the “__▲___” in Paragraph 2
A.Rubber was quite difficult to get at that time.
B.Rubber is a natural product, but it’s expensive.
C.Rubber products were easy to make by machines.
47.How long had Adams worked on blending rubber with chicle
A.For one year. B.For half a year. C.For two years.
(2024·湖南衡阳·一模)Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, just celebrated his 31st birthday on May 11th, 2023.
A party was held on Saturday at his home in a Portuguese (葡萄牙的) village. More than 100 people attended the party. Local meat and fish were served to the guests and Bobi, who only eats human food.
Mr. Costa owned several old-aged dogs in the past, but he never imagined any of his dogs would reach their 30s. What has helped Bobi’s long life Mr. Costa believes the “quiet and peaceful environment” in which Bobi lives matters. Also Bobi has enjoyed a free and happy life in the nearby forest. But he thinks the most important reason is that the “very active” dog has never been lonely.
Now in Bobi’s older years, he finds it difficult to walk. Just like old-aged humans, Bobi sleeps a lot. He lies down in bed at once after eating, although on cold days he chooses to take a short sleep by the fire. He refuses to walk in the forest. Instead he prefers to hang out at home in the yard. Only little Costa, Mr. Costa’s son, can ask him for a walk outside.
Mr. Costa, now 38, was only 8 years old when Bobi was born. “Bobi is special because looking at him is like remembering the family members who have already left this world, like my grandparents,” Mr. Costa said.
48.Bobi was born on May 11th, ________.
A.1981 B.1992 C.2014
49.According to Mr. Costa, which is the most important reason for Bobi’s long life
A.He lives in a quiet and peaceful environment.
B.He’s lived a free and happy life in the forest.
C.The “very active” dog has never been lonely.
50.In Bobi’s older years, who can ask him for a walk outside
A.Mr. Costa. B.Little Costa. C.Mrs. Costa.
51.What is the best title for the passage
A.Bobi and His Owner Mr. Costa
B.Bobi’s Happy Birthday Party
C.Bobi, the World’s Oldest Dog
(23-24九年级下·湖南长沙·开学考试)Going to a movie now has been a part of our life. But have you ever thought of blind people watching movies
64-year-old Wang Fokun lost his eyesight in his fifties. He had to give up his hobby of watching movies then. But in the past two years, a theater has helped him to get his love for the cinema back. Every Saturday, Wang travels 40 minutes to “watch” a movie.
It’s at Xindeng Theater in Kunming that Wang “watches” the movie. With the help of volunteers, Wang enjoys himself along with many other blind people. The volunteers describe what is happening on the screen, including when the story happens, what the actors or actresses look like, what they are doing…Thanks to the description, the blind can throw themselves into the movie. They laugh when something funny happens and cry during sad scenes.
The task of describing the movie is not as simple as it sounds. The volunteers must be familiar with every scene in the movie. “I watch a movie at least three times and write down every small part,” one of the volunteers said. And they have to practice many times before they do the job. However, they all enjoy the experience. “We’re glad to bring enjoyment to the audience (观众) by explaining the movie,” they said. So far, thousands of blind people have enjoyed more than 100 films described by them. They all agree that the volunteers do a great job.
52.Thanks to Xindeng Theater, 64-year-old Wang ________.
A.has a new hobby B.can enjoy movies again C.gets his eyesight back
53.The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.
A.how the blind “watch” movies at the theater
B.how volunteers prepare for the description
C.what is happening on the screen at the theater
54.What does the underlined word “familiar” mean in Chinese
A.熟悉的 B.擅长的 C.感兴趣的
55.What can the best title be for the passage
A.Skills to describe the movie
B.Cultural activities for the blind
C.Volunteers bring joy to the blind
YOLO, as the highest-grossing movie (票房冠军) of this year’s Spring Festival holiday, shows the efforts of a jobless woman who became a boxer. It has sparked a weight loss frenzy (掀起减肥热身潮) among the Chinese recently.
Though Jia Ling said the story is aimed to highlight self-care and self-respect, her surprising physical change—she halved (减半) her weight in about a year—coupled with the inspirational film, has leaded to a heated discussion on slimming (苗条) and encouraged viewers to hit the gym (健身房) or change their diets.
He Fang, a nutrition (营养学) expert at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University’s School of Medicine, said, “It is more advisable to learn from Jia’s strong will and determination (决心) in running after a goal.”
How to make a weight loss plan depends on each person’s body mass index (质量指数), muscle density (肌肉密度) and other factors. Losing weight at a rapid speed the way Jia did could result in many health problems, she said.
“As for ways of exercising, the most important thing is to find a kind of reasonable exercise that is safe and easy to continue in the long run,” said He Fang. “The key to staying fit is taking up and sticking to a healthy lifestyle and understanding that weight loss is a long, gradual journey.”
Fan Zhihong, an expert of nutrition at China Agricultural University, said that keeping an ideal (理想的) weight is even harder than losing weight and big weight changes are no less harmful than being overweight.
56.What’s the main purpose of the film YOLO
A.To call for people to lose weight.
B.To stress self-care and self-respect
C.To encourage people to change their diets.
57.What does the underlined word “inspirational” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.意犹未尽的 B.精彩纷呈的 C.鼓舞人心的
58.Which once is Not True according to the text
A.Losing weight too rapidly may lead to many health problems.
B.We’d better keep on a healthy lifestyle and lose weight gradually.
C.Being overweight is more harmful than big weight changes for people.
59.What section (部分) of a magazine is the text taken from
A.Health. B.Movie. C.Sports.
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C
1.代词指代题。根据“Niulang and Zhinu fell in love with each other at first sight. This was against law of Heaven!”可知,牛郎和织女一见钟情,这是违背天庭的。所以此处This指的是“牛郎和织女一见钟情”,人与神相恋是触犯天条的。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据“Unwillingly, Niulang did as he was told.”可知,牛郎是不情愿的,故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据“The family is now able to reunite once a year — on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.”可知,故事讲述的是七夕节,故选C。
5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B
5.推理判断题。根据“she studied in the archaeology department in Peking University and graduated in 1963. Then she started working at Dunhuang and has worked there ever since. She spends her years taking care of Dunhuang.”可知,1963年毕业于北京大学考古系,然后她开始在敦煌工作,从那时起就一直在那里工作;今年是2024年,由此推知她在敦煌工作了60多年。故选B。
6.词义猜测题。根据第二段“Many people, including archaeologists (考古学家) and researchers, work hard to take care of the Mogao Caves and learn more about them.”可知,包括考古学家和研究人员在内的许多人都在努力保护莫高窟,并对它们有更多的了解;them代指的是前面提到的“the Mogao Caves”。故选B。
7.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university”可知,成立樊锦诗教育基金是为了支持敦煌非遗成果在大学的研究。故选C。
9.C 10.B 11.A 12.C
【导语】本文主要讲述了一位9岁的小发明家Prince Nallamothula受到妈妈生活中所遇问题的启发,发明了能帮助人们远程干农活的机器人的故事。他希望能够以自己的力量发明创造,从而方便更多人的生活。
9.细节理解题。根据“He built a model for a robot that will let people do farm work remotely (远程).”可知,普林斯的发明允许人们远程做农活。故选C。
10.段落大意题。根据“One day, Prince’s mom said that there was not enough space in their apartment to grow all her plants, so he started thinking about ways to solve the problem.”可知,普林斯发明机器人是为了满足她妈妈种植所有植物的需要。故选B。
11.细节理解题。根据“Prince spent about two to three months building his robot. Before drawing out designs, he had to search for a great deal of information on the Internet. In order to build the robot successfully, he went to the market to buy necessary parts. The robot had everything to help it move around. The last step is doing all the coding (编程) to get the robot to be useful and not just a model. His robot was named GrRobot.”可知,①②④⑤符合。故选A。
12.推理判断题。根据“When asked about the secret to his achievements, he replied, “Seeing people’s life getting better because of my inventions makes me feel great. I’ll do what I can to solve more people’s problems. And the world may be different with my help.””可推知,帮助别人可以找到幸福。故选C。
13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B
13.推理判断题。根据“Hearing the news, all his kind neighbors came to comfort him.”可知,老人的马丢失后,邻居们来安慰他,故可推知,邻居们可能会说“我很遗憾你失去了你的马”。故选B。
14.词句猜测题。根据“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune,”以及“One day, he was riding it so fast that he fell off the horse and broke his leg badly.”可知,马回来了并带回了一匹好马,这很快就会成为不幸的原因,因此“misfortune”表示“不幸”。故选A。
15.细节理解题。根据“Because of his broken leg, the old man’s son did not join in the war and so both the boy and his father kept alive.”可知,老人和他的儿子都在战争中活下来了。故选C。
16.细节理解题。根据“Every coin has two sides. For some people, good luck can still become bad luck, for others, even misfortunes are taken as chances for a better life.”可知,不幸可能变成好运。故选B。
17.B 18.B 19.B 20.A
17.细节理解题。根据“The Lanhua Volunteer Group, with nearly 500 volunteers, was founded in 2005 by Wang Lanhua, who is now 70 years old, and is named after her.”可知,以创建者的名字命名。故选B。
18.细节理解题。根据“Wang and her teammates often helped people in need.”可知,王和她的队友经常帮助有需要的人。故选B。
19.细节理解题。根据“and a concert every Tuesday.”可知,是每周二组织。故选B。
21.C 22.B 23.A
21.细节理解题。根据“He enjoys writing poetry and reading it aloud with his children.”可知,他喜欢和孩子们一起写诗并大声朗读。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据“Aileen Fisher was an award-winning American children’s poet”可知,Aileen Fisher是美国人。故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据“Robert Louis Stevenson noticed it, too and wrote about it in his poem ‘Bed in Summer.’ ”可知,Robert Louis Stevenson写了这首诗。故选A。
24.C 25.B 26.B 27.C
24.细节理解题。根据“During the first round, the manager told everyone to blow a balloon and write their names without popping (弄破) it.”可知让他们吹气球并写下自己的名字。故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据“That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target.”可知这是因为每个人都把太多的注意力集中在找自己的气球。故选B。
26.词句猜测题。根据“That was because everyone was fixing too much attention on his own target.”可知每个人都把太多的注意力集中在自己的目标上,可推测target与goal意思相近。故选B。
27.推理判断题。根据“Everything seemed perfect except for one thing: the group has a hard time communicating and sharing information with each other.”以及“However, in just a short time, they were able to do the third round because of the power of teamwork and sharing with each other.”可知是为了提醒团队合作的重要性。故选C。
28.C 29.A 30.A 31.C
28.细节理解题。根据“In the quiet town of Zuckerman’s farm, a young girl named Fern Arable stops his father from killing a newborn pig for food.”可知,Fern阻止她的爸爸杀死这只刚出生的小猪,也就是说她救了这只小猪。故选C。
29.推理判断题。根据“Wilbur finds an unexpected friend in the barn (牲口棚), a clever spider (蜘蛛) named Charlotte.”和“With Charlotte’s guidance and the support of his animal friends, including a wise old sheep named Templeton, Wilbur learns valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the importance of seeing with the heart.”可知,Wibur非常幸运地拥有一些能帮得上他的朋友。故选A。
30.词句猜测题。根据“In her final moments, Charlotte allows Wilbur to take with him her egg sac (卵囊), from which her children will hatch (孵出) in the spring.”可知,在Charlotte的最后时光,她允许Wilbur带走她的卵囊,好让她的孩子在春天可以孵化出来,由此可知她的健康开始恶化,deteriorate意为“恶化”。故选A。
32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B
32.细节理解题。根据“When I was 12 years old, I already knew that my teen years were going to be the worst years of my life.”可知感觉不开心,故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据“I realized that my purpose in life would be to reach out to people, specifically teenagers, and help them feel less alone.”可知是帮助青少年,减少他们的孤独感。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据“One of my biggest dreams was to become an author so that I could write books that would help other teenagers the way those books helped me.”可知是为了写一些能把善意传递给读者的书。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据“Kindness saved me when I needed help the most. Even small acts of kindness can change people’s life.”可知善良可以改变人们的生活。故选B。
36.C 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.B
36.细节理解题。根据“I haven’t seen my parents who live overseas for almost two years because of their busy work.”可知,是因为作者思念海外的家人。故选C。
37.词义猜测题。根据前文“I was very surprised because I didn’t order anything.”以及“The delivery lady found that I seemed to be confused (困惑的) so she asked”可知,前文提到作者并没有购买东西,因此派送员应该是好奇的问:你在网上“买”东西吗,因此划线词是“买”。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据“I haven’t ordered anything but I know Ann. Maybe she sent this to me.”可知,当作者看到安娜的名字时,认为是安娜的。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“I haven’t seen my parents who live overseas for almost two years because of their busy work.”以及“She replied that she wanted to brighten up my days as she knew how I felt because her parents were overseas as well.”可知,安娜和作者的父母都在海外。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据“Yesterday I posted a photo of myself overlooking the ocean with the title (标题) Missing My Family on the Internet.”可知,作者上传了照片在网上;根据“I opened the door and found a delivery (送货) lady with a bag in her hand.”可知,作者收到了包裹;根据“Inside my kitchen I opened the bag and found two boxes with tasty food!”可知,作者打开了包裹;根据“At the same time, I called Ann to thank her for her gift.”可知,接着作者又感谢了邻居安娜,正确的顺序是③ ④ ① ②。故选B。
41.A 42.C 43.B 44.C
41.词义猜测题。根据“Everyone turned and looked at me, laughing”可知,每个人都转过身来看着我,大笑着,这应该是让我觉得有些泄气,因此discouraged表示“泄气的”,与upset近义。故选A。
42.细节理解题。根据“But while my ego (自尊) took a minute to return, a rebellious (反叛的) voice appeared in my mind and I said, ‘No, I’m not showing up like everyone else.’”可知,作者在脑海里出现一个反叛的声音,并说“不,我不会像其他人一样出现。”,由此可知,作者在受到同学的嘲笑后仍然坚持自己的真实情感并努力做自己。故选C。
43.细节理解题。根据“It’s about a powerful need to be accepted by the world as my true self. Personal style isn’t about drawing attention. It is a strong wish not to be looked at but to be taken in as a whole by others.”可知,作者认为个人风格是想被世界接受为真实的自己。故选B。
44.最佳标题题。根据“‘To be yourself in a world that is trying to change you into something else is the greatest achievement.’ Wear the clothes you love and be yourself.”及全文可知,本文通过作者自己的经历告诉我们要勇敢地做自己,因此C选项“勇敢做自己”为最佳标题。故选C。
45.A 46.B 47.A
45.细节理解题。根据“Santa Anna shared with Adams his idea for an invention — a new process, really, for making rubber (橡胶) products such as tires (轮胎).”可知分享了一种制造橡胶制品的新方法。故选A。
46.推理判断题。根据“That would make rubber products much cheaper to produce.”可知这里要讲“橡胶是一种天然产品,但价格昂贵”。故选B。
47.细节理解题。根据“Adams worked for about a year, trying different blends of rubber and chicle.”可知亚当斯工作了大约一年,尝试了不同的橡胶和糖胶树胶混合物。故选A。
48.B 49.C 50.B 51.C
48.推理判断题。根据第一段“Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, just celebrated his 31st birthday on May 11th, 2023.”可知,2023年5月11日是他31岁的生日,由此可推知,他出生于1992年。故选B。
49.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But he thinks the most important reason is that the ‘very active’ dog has never been lonely.”可知,Bobi长寿的最重要的原因是这只“非常活跃”的狗从未感到孤独。故选C。
50.细节理解题。根据“Only little Costa, Mr. Costa’s son, can ask him for a walk outside.”可知,只有Costa先生的儿子小Costa可以请他出去散步。故选B。
52.B 53.A 54.A 55.C
52.细节理解题。根据“But in the past two years, a theater has helped him to get his love for the cinema back. Every Saturday, Wang travels 40 minutes to ‘watch’ a movie.”可知,多亏了“心灯影院”,他可以再次欣赏电影。故选B。
53.段落大意题。根据“With the help of volunteers, Wang enjoys himself along with many other blind people.…Thanks to the description, the blind can throw themselves into the movie.”可知,第三段主要介绍了盲人如何在电影院里“看”电影。故选A。
54.词义猜测题。根据“The volunteers must be familiar with every scene in the movie. ‘I watch a movie at least three times and write down every small part,’ one of the volunteers said.”可知,其中一位志愿者把一部电影至少看了三次,还记下了每个情节,说明他们必须对电影里的场景非常熟悉,说明familiar意为“熟悉的”。故选A。
56.B 57.C 58.C 59.A
56.推理判断题。根据“Though Jia Ling said the story is aimed to highlight self-care and self-respect, her surprising physical change”可知,这部电影主要是突出自爱和自尊。故选B。
57.词义猜测题。根据“encouraged viewers to hit the gym (健身房) or change their diets”可知,这部电影很鼓舞人心,鼓励很多人去健身房以及改变饮食。故选C。
58.细节理解题。根据“keeping an ideal (理想的) weight is even harder than losing weight and big weight changes are no less harmful than being overweight”可知,大的体重变化的危害不比超重小。故选C。



