
The Laba Festival is an important celebration in China. It falls in January, and it’s a special day to welcome the Chinese New Year and the coming of spring.
People do different things to celebrate the Laba Festival. One fun tradition is eating Laba porridge (腊八粥). It’s a tasty dish made of grains (谷物), corn, and rice. 1 Families often get together to make and enjoy the porridge.
2 They give clothes, food, and other things to those who need help. It’s a time to show love and kindness to others.
Some people like to visit temples or monasteries (寺院) during the festival. They pray (祈祷) and make wishes for the new year. 3
Besides, there are also other fun activities during the Laba Festival. For example, people do lion dances and dragon dances. They also buy decorations (装饰品), snacks (零食), and special art works at the local markets.
The Laba Festival is a special time for Chinese to celebrate together, eat delicious food, be kind to others, and have fun. 4
A.It’s a way to look for a better future in life.
B.People also do nice things for others during the Laba Festival.
C.It’s also a time to pray for hope and happiness for the new year.
D.That is why people like to spend their time with their families on this day.
E.People believe that eating this porridge brings good luck for the new year.
(2024·湖南邵阳·三模)No one can deal with all the problems on his own. We all have to ask for favors (寻求帮助) sometimes. But it can be a difficult thing to do, even when you ask a good friend. So how can you ask for a favor and be sure to get a positive response (正面回应) Here are some suggestions.
Be a nice person. When you ask someone for a favor, you’re really asking the person to go out of his or her way to help you. Show the person that you understand he or she is doing something especially nice for you. If people think you’re friendly, they’re more likely (可能的) to want to help. 5 And, of course, a smile goes a long way.
6 How do people respond to requests (请求) like this one, “Hey, Mike, lend me your car!” They probably refuse. How can you avoid this problem Be especially careful with how you show your request. For example, say, “Mike, would you mind doing me a favor ” Mike will probably respond like this, “Maybe. What do you need ” 7 People are more likely to agree to help you when they know the whole story.
Show your respect (尊重). If someone agrees to do you a favor, allow the person to choose when he or she helps you. Be respectful of the other person’s time, and try not to ask for too much. 8 Don’t make a habit of asking for favors, and always make sure you’re ready to do someone a favor in return.
A.Now you have his attention and can explain the situation.
B.Choose your words carefully.
C.If someone refuses your request, you should accept the answer politely.
D.Thank them sincerely (真诚地) when they help you.
E.Try your best to help the one who did you a favor once in your way.
What does it mean to be green 9 It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take. Deciding whether a product is green, however, isn’t always easy. Here is what we may keep in mind.
The materials of a product usually come first. What is it made of Are there any harmful chemicals (化学物) in it Green products are made of more natural materials, 10
Packaging (包装) is important. How is a product packaged Is it over packaged We’d better choose glass, metal and paper packaging, as these can be reused or more easily recycled.
Look into what the company tells us about their product. It’s easy to say that a product is “green” or “all natural”, 11 That’s why some information about a product should not be completely believed. After all, companies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible.
Location (地点) matters. Where was a product produced Where are we buying it It is a good idea to order food directly from local farmers, and shop at markets near our houses, because we can go there without driving a car.
12 Better than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store. It sends a message to the producer, keeps money in our pockets, reduces (减少) waste and keeps the planet healthy.
A.Is it a good idea to go green
B.Green is more than just a color.
C.but the words may be too good to be true.
D.so they can be good for our physical health.
E.The greenest thing is certainly the one we don’t buy.
The Unity (和谐) of Man and Nature
The “unity of man and nature” is necessary and important in the cultural tradition of China. The Chinese believe in the unity of man and nature, a basic way to their philosophy (哲学) of life. 13 They are also celebrated for nature.
The ancient Chinese never placed themselves above nature. Zhuangzi , for example, believed “Heaven (天) and earth are parents to all things in the world”. The beauty of nature is to “give birth to all things” and “let all things grow”, while the duty of humans is to “make all things perfect”. Heaven, earth, and humans should be one in unity. 14 They are necessary to each other, so they should treat each other with kindness.
The idea of unity of man and nature has been in the heart of Chinese people. 15 In most provinces of China, some rules have been made to reduce pollution. Many power stations that produce and provide safe and clean electricity have been built. 16
Most of the Chinese, especially the young, are willing to protect the natural environment. China is now working with all other countries to make the earth a better place to live.
A.Each of the three has its own way.
B.The power is from water, wind, and sunlight.
C.There are plenty of great people in the history of China.
D.It encourages modern Chinese to take action to protect natural environment.
E.Most traditional Chinese festivals build a right order of relationships among humans.
Sometimes, you may find life is too hard for you. For sure, we can’t change what is happening in the world, but we can try boosting our positive vibes (增强积极的氛围).
Accept bad luck
17 Recognize that and know that if you can get through them, you will become stronger. It’s a lucky person who never encounters (遭遇) hard times while going through life, but what’s important is how you deal with them. Always try to find some good things in all the bad things you are going through.
Count “good things”
Are you feeling sorry for yourself Remember that it’s important to remind yourself of what’s good about your life. Try creating a list of things that you’re thankful for. Spend a few minutes every evening writing down three nice things that had happened to you that day. 18 Stroked (轻抚) a dog in the park Write it down. Laughed at a joke played by your partner Put that on the list, too.
Start the day well
A nice morning will give you the best possible chance of picking up good vibes every day. 19 To keep yourself healthy, follow the rule of three as you prepare your breakfast—one wholegrain carbohydrate (全麦碳水化合物), one serving of dairy (奶制品), and one piece of fruit.
Bring positivity into your life by making time for enjoyable activities. Set aside an hour to play a board game with your family. Take a walk where you can explore somewhere new in your neighborhood.
A.Create joy in your daily life
B.End the day with a big meal
C.It doesn’t matter if they are small things.
D.Get up at the same time, do some exercise and eat well.
E.Hard times are rubbish, but they make you what you are.
Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province, known for its Ice and Snow Festival, is a charming city. 21 In addition, Russian-style buildings may add more color to your trip—it seems like you are visiting different countries in one trip.
Enjoying the ice wonderland is one of the must-do things. The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival will last till late February. The sun Island and the Ice and Snow World are must-see.
Skiing is another famous activity while traveling in Harbin. To ski for half a day or a full day, Jihua Ski Resort (滑雪场) is a wise choice. 22 For a longer skiing experience of 2 days or more, you’re recommended to go to Yabuli Ski Resort. Yabuli is suitable for all, especially experienced skiers and family groups.
23 Remember to prepare coat, woolen pants, snow boots, gloves for outdoors activities and maybe body warming packs before you go.
For your safety, please choose dark or bright clothes. Walking around in white in the snow-covered city, especially in ski resorts, is very dangerous. 24
For electronic products, such as cameras and mobile phones, it is better to put them in the inner pocket of your coat whenever you finish using them to keep the battery (电池) working.
A.In conclusion, the ice and snow has become an important part of Harbin’s culture.
B.Keeping warm is also very important in winter.
C.It’s the best ski resort near the Harbin city area that is suitable for beginners.
D.It might cause accidents as it is not easy for others to see you.
E.People rush to the Ice City to experience the best of ice and snow culture.
Why not find a new friend in 2024 — yourself! Being treated with kindness, respect and love are things you would expect from a good friendship and you shouldn’t have to go far to find them. 25
What does self-love mean 26 Imagine your best friend is worried or upset, then think about how you’d support them and try to make them feel better. Speaking to yourself with kindness. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others.
27 Because learning to love who you are improves your self-respect. The mental health charity Young Minds says this makes you believe in yourself and feel that you deserve (值得) having good things — such as kind friends and fun experiences.
28 Start to be kind, especially if you make a mistake. Instead of being angry, tell yourself that everyone gets things wrong sometimes. Try not to compare yourself to others. Focus on yourself instead. Writing down your strengths and asking your family and friends for their thoughts. This will help you see the positives in your life.
A.Why does it matter
B.How to better yourself
C.Start by being your own friend.
D.Self-love can help schoolwork.
E.It means taking really good care of your body and mind.
In ancient China, people called a man of great virtue (美德) a gentleman. In the world of flowers, plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums are known as the four gentlemen in China. That’s because these plants’ natural characters have something in common with human virtues. 29
The plum tree is famous for its flowers opening in the dead of winter. 30 This makes it difficult to go unnoticed. It stands for inner beauty and humble display (谦逊表现) under hard conditions. According to historical records, plum blossoms appeared on drawing paper 1,600 years ago.
Grown in deep mountain valleys (山谷), the orchid was named as the fourth of China’s ten famous flowers. With the smell making people’s minds fresh, and the elegant (优雅的) shapes swinging in the wind, orchids stand for elegance in Chinese people’s eyes.
The bamboo is thin with the inner empty. It stands for tolerance (耐力) and open-mindedness. 31 For example, Su Shi once wrote down “Rather eat without meat than live without bamboo” in his poem to express his deep love for bamboo.
Chrysanthemums were planted as early as three thousand years ago. When nearly all the flowers fall, the chrysanthemum opens in the cold autumn air and predicts the coming of winter. It stands for the virtue to go through all difficulties smoothly. 32
A.It is valued in Chinese culture for its character.
B.It was admired by many poets and painters in ancient times.
C.Its fine smell fills the air at one of the coldest times of a year.
D.So the chrysanthemum is a traditional flower loved by Chinese people.
E.They have all long been common subjects in Chinese art, like paintings and poems.
Do you like watching films Today let’s know about some special films.
Animation (动画片)
Animation is one of the oldest special kinds in the film world. It began in the early 1900s. It is not difficult but it does take a lot of time and hard work.
First, someone paints or draws a picture. Then they take a picture of it. They make another picture, which is just a little bit different from the first one, and take another picture. 33
Animated films of any kind take a lot of time to make, but in the end, these special films are touching, funny or simply amazing.
IMAX films
IMAX is short for “Image Maximum (巨幕电影)”. When you watch an IMAX film, you don’t sit up—you lie back. 34 The screen is above, in front of and around you.
In order to create its effects, IMAX films use different theatres, cameras and film from other movies. Most IMAX theatres are in museums, science centers and theme (主题) parks. The IMAX camera is very large and uses a lot of film. It is also very heavy. 35
3-D films
3-D films are not new. They first appeared in 1903. The inventors wanted viewers to feel like they were really inside the movie they were watching! When you watch a 3-D movie, you feel as if the people on the screen are close enough to touch and that the airplane flying at you is flying right off the screen.
36 Usually, one side of the glasses is red and the other is light blue. If you look at the image below with these special glasses, you’ll see the 3-D effect.
A.This is why most IMAX films are only about 40—60 minutes long.
B.You can also stand up if you like.
C.This is repeated at least 12 times to make one second of film!
D.You don’t look at a screen in front of you.
E.To watch 3-D films, you must wear special glasses.
What subject do you worry about the most at school Many students worry about math. Some students can’t sleep well the day before a math exam. 37 . But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful.
“If you are anxious about math, posture (姿势) makes a big difference,” Erik Peper from San Francisco State University told the Daily Mail. That’s right. 38 .
Scientists tested 125 college students. They asked them to do a simple math quiz while sitting in a slumped-over (趴倒的) position, or sitting up straight. After the test, 56% of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight.
Slumping over is a defensive (防守的) posture. It can trigger (激发) negative memories in the body and brain. “ 39 ,” Peper said.
Students who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit from better posture. But they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Daily reported.
40 . Athletes (运动员), musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture. When you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more positive and focus better.
A.Good posture has so many good effects
B.This can stop you from thinking clearly
C.Others may feel very nervous during the exam itself
D.Good posture isn’t just helpful for taking math exams
E.Sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams
A new world record has been set for the world’s heaviest pumpkin. An American called Travis Gienger has grown a pumpkin weighing 1,247kg. It weighs more than four polar bears put together. But do you really know pumpkins 41
※Pumpkins are fruit, not vegetables.
They may not be juicy like an apple, but since pumpkins grow from a flowering plant, they are actually a kind of fruit from the squash (南瓜) or gourd (葫芦) family.
※Pumpkins aren’t always yellow or orange.
While known for their deep orange or yellow color, they can be other different colors. 42 The reason why many pumpkins are orange is that they have carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), the same thing that gives carrots their orange color.
You may only see two or three different kinds of pumpkins at the supermarket, but there are dozens of pumpkin kinds grown all over the world.
※It takes up to 120 days to grow a pumpkin.
If you want to grow pumpkins at home, you need lots of patience. 44 Once you have planted the seeds, it could take up to four months before the pumpkins are ready to pick.
A.It can be used to make 687 pumpkin pies.
B.There are about 45 different kinds of pumpkins.
C.The reason is that it is a kind of slow growing fruit.
D.Here are four things you may not know about pumpkins.
E.For example, they can also be green, red, white and blue.
In the past two years, the “AI face change” has become a hot topic. AI face change refers to changing other people’s faces into their own through AI smart technology. Criminals will use the technology to cheat people, 45 . How do they succeed Criminals can get a picture or a video even our voice through some apps that we use to have fun in the Internet. Here are some tips to prevent.
Move hands in front of the face
During a video call, you can ask the person to move his hand in front of his face. The behavior can break the facial (面部的) system and you can see the face shaking on the screen 46 . When a real person does this, his nose will naturally change the shape.
Talk secretly
In communication, you can ask some questions that only the person knows to check if he is real or unreal. Or for the unknown person, such as the so-called leader or friends, you can check them 47 .
Watch out your phone
Do a good job of daily information, such as phone’s security protection. Strengthen the face, voiceprint (声纹) , finger print. 48 .
A.or you can require him to press his nose or cheek
B.AI face change can be used into the movies
C.which often causes great losses in a short period of time
D.by calling or asking relatives and friends you’re familiar with
E.Don’t enter into unknown websites and load the unknown apps
Your Community (社区)
What is your community like Does it have shops Does it have a park where you can play Does it have neighbors who say hello Are there busy streets
Do fire trucks scream (呼啸) as they go by Or is your community quiet Communities are different, but they are also alike in many munities have people who help take care of you. 49 They put out fires. Police officers are also part of your community. They are strong. They protect people. Doctors and nurses in your community help you stay well. They scrub (擦净) their hands to kill germs (细菌). Teachers in your community help you learn. They stress education and exploration. 50 A community is the place where you live. It is a place where people take care of each other.
51 It can show you where different buildings are. It can help you find the hospital. It can show you the way to the library. What can you do for fun Spread out the map, and take a look. Can you see a park where you can play Can you run fast there Does your mom drive you there Is there a zoo you can visit Maybe you want to find a pool to swim in. Are you hungry Don’t worry. 52
A community has lots of buildings and fun things to do. A map will help you find them. And when you are ready, a map can show you how to get home.
A.They love students.
B.A map shows what is in your community.
C.I want to be a football player.
D.A map can help you find the place to eat some food.
E.Firemen are part of your community.
In this April, some people reported they felt the shake of earthquake. Earthquakes happen suddenly, without warning. 53 Around the world, 70 to 75 damaging earthquakes take place each year. Ground shaking from earthquakes can destroy buildings and bridges. When an earthquake happens in a big city, it may cause many deaths and injuries (受伤). It’s necessary for everybody to know how to be prepared for earthquakes.
Everyone in your home should know what to do if an earthquake happens. 54 After discussion, you can help your family learn to react correctly by practicing. Practice drop, cover and hold-on in each safe place.
During an earthquake, most deaths and injuries are caused by falling heavy objects. You need to pick a safe place in each room of your home. 55 The kitchen is a dangerous place.
Remember to fix things that might fall from above during an earthquake. Falling things, like televisions and books, can cause damage or injury. Move large and heavy things to lower shelves. Hang heavy items, such as mirrors, away from beds and sofas.
If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees and streetlights. If you are in an elevator (电梯), hit the button for every floor. 56
A.Get out as soon as you can.
B.Discuss earthquakes with your family.
C.They can happen at any time of the year.
D.Build a safe room for your family to use.
E.A safe place could be under a strong table.
Beijing Silk Figurines (绢人)
For the younger generations (一代) in China, modern toys have always been attractive (有吸引力的). Recently, Beijing silk figurines, with fine clothing and lively facial expressions, have proved that they are just as attractive as modern toys.
As a form of National Intangible Cultural Heritage (国家级非物质文化遗产), Beijing silk figurines have a history of more than 1,000 years. 57 Usually, a traditional silk figurine is mainly made of natural silk.
He Mei is an inheritor (传承者) of Beijing silk figurines. When first seeing the dolls, she was so attracted by their appearances that she decided to learn the skill of making them. 58
Now Her team is working hard to make Beijing silk figurines go further. “People are familiar with American Barbie dolls. I want to turn Beijing silk figurines into ‘Chinese Barbie dolls’,” she said. 59 The first Beijing silk figurines the team produced were modeled after the different roles in Peking Opera. The team has also turned well-known characters from other Chinese operas into figurines.
To make its products more popular, Her team has developed complete DIY tool bags, so people can create a figurine of their own within an hour. 60 So they can power their figurines with technology. “The connection of the ancient folk art with technology will make people even more interested in the art,” She said.
A.It is one of the greatest inventions in human history.
B.Its history dates all the way to the Tang Dynasty (朝代).
C.Later she set up her company in 2013 to produce silk figurines.
D.Besides, her company has even worked with robot companies.
E.The inspiration (灵感) for their designs mainly comes from traditional Chinese culture.
1.E 2.B 3.C 4.D
1.根据“Families often get together to make and enjoy the porridge.”可知,此处介绍与“腊八粥”有关的内容。选项E“人们认为喝腊八粥为新年带来好运”符合语境。故选E。
2.根据“They give clothes, food, and other things to those who need help.”可知,此处介绍人们所做的事情,选项B“人们在腊八期间也为他人做好事”符合语境。故选B。
3.根据“They pray and make wishes for the new year.”可知,此处是介绍人们去寺庙祈祷,许愿,选项C“这也是为新年祈祷希望和幸福的时候”符合语境。故选C。
4.根据“The Laba Festival is a special time for Chinese to celebrate together, eat delicious food, be kind to others, and have fun.”可知,腊八节是中国人一起庆祝,吃美味食物,善待他人,开心玩的特殊时刻,所以人们喜欢和家人在这一天团聚。选项D“那就是为什么人们喜欢在这一天花费时间和他们家人在一起”符合语境。故选D。
5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C
5.根据前文“Show the person that you understand he or she is doing something especially nice for you.”和后文 “And, of course, a smile goes a long way.”可知此处在谈论别人帮助你时,你应该怎样友好地回应,选项D“当他们帮助你时要真诚地感谢他们。”符合语境。故选D。
6.根据后文的举例“How do people respond to requests (请求) like this one, ‘Hey, Mike, lend me your car!’ They probably refuse…‘Maybe. What do you need ’” 可知这是在描述两种不同的请求帮助的表达,因此此处应和请求帮助时说的话有关,选项B“小心地选择你要说的话。”符合语境。故选B。
7.根据前文“For example, say, ‘Mike, would you mind doing me a favor ’ Mike will probably respond like this, ‘Maybe. What do you need ’” 可知此处指不要直接说你的诉求,而是先引入话题引起对方注意,选项A“现在你引起了他的注意,然后可以说明情况了。”符合语境。故选A。
8.根据前文“Show your respect (尊重). If someone agrees to do you a favor, allow the person to choose when he or she helps you. Be respectful of the other person’s time, and try not to ask for too much.”可知是在介绍别人同意帮忙时应该怎么做,此处应介绍别人不同意帮忙时应如何做才能显示你的尊重,选项C“如果有人拒绝了你的请求,你应该礼貌地接受这个回答。”符合语境。故选C。
9.B 10.D 11.C 12.E
9.根据“What does it mean to be green ”可知,这里应是给出问题的答案,介绍绿色意味着什么,B项“绿色不仅仅是一种颜色。”符合语境,故选B。
10.根据“Green products are made of more natural materials,”可知,此处介绍了绿色产品的原材料,空处应引出结果,D项“所以它们对我们的身体健康有好处。”符合语境,故选D。
11.根据“That’s why some information about a product should not be completely believed.”可知,空处应是给出了不应该完全相信一些产品的信息的原因,C项“但这些话可能好得令人难以置信。”符合语境,故选C。
12.根据“Better than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store.”可知,这里是介绍环保购物,E项“最环保的东西当然是我们不买的东西。”符合语境,故选E。
13.E 14.A 15.D 16.B
13.根据“They are also celebrated for nature.”可知,空处应是引出被庆祝的“They”指代的内容,选项E“大多数中国传统节日建立了人与人之间正确的关系秩序。”符合语境。故选E。
14.根据“Heaven, earth, and humans should be one in unity.”可知,空处与天、地、人三者之间的关系有关,选项A“这三者各有各的方式。”符合语境。故选A。
15.根据“In most provinces of China, some rules have been made to reduce pollution.”可知,空处与保护环境有关,选项D“它鼓励现代中国人采取行动保护自然环境。”符合语境。故选D。
16.根据“Many power stations that produce and provide safe and clean electricity have been built.”可知,空处与发电站和电力有关,选项B“电力来自水、风和阳光。”符合语境。故选B。
17.E 18.C 19.D 20.A
17.根据“Accept bad luck”可知,此处是指接受生活中不好的事情,选项E“困难时期是垃圾,但它们让你成为你自己。”符合语境。故选E。
18.根据“Stroked (轻抚) a dog in the park Write it down. Laughed at a joke played by your partner Put that on the list, too.”可知,是指记录生活中的一些小事情,选项C“如果是小事也没关系。”符合语境。故选C。
19.根据“A nice morning will give you the best possible chance of picking up good vibes every day.”可知,此处是介绍早晨做的事情,选项D“在同一时间起床,做一些运动,吃得好。”符合语境。故选D。
20.根据“Set aside an hour to play a board game with your family. Take a walk where you can explore somewhere new in your neighborhood.”可知,本段是讲在日常生活中创造快乐,选项A“在日常生活中创造快乐”符合语境。故选A。
21.E 22.C 23.B 24.D
21.根据“Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang Province, known for its Ice and Snow Festival, is a charming city”可知,哈尔滨以冰雪节而闻名,是一座迷人的城市。选项E“人们涌向冰城体验最好的冰雪文化。”符合语境,故选E。
22.根据“To ski for half a day or a full day, Jihua Ski Resort (滑雪场) is a wise choice.”可知,如果要滑雪半天或一整天,吉华滑雪场是一个明智的选择。选项C“这是哈尔滨市区附近最好的滑雪场,适合初学者。”符合语境,故选C。
23.根据“Remember to prepare coat, woolen pants, snow boots, gloves for outdoors activities and maybe body warming packs before you go.”可知,记得在出门前准备好外套、羊毛裤、雪地靴、户外活动手套等保暖衣服。选项B“保暖在冬天也很重要。”符合语境,故选B。
24.根据“Walking around in white in the snow-covered city, especially in ski resorts, is very dangerous”可知,在白雪皑皑的城市里,尤其是在滑雪场里,穿着白色衣服四处走动是非常危险的。选项D“这可能会导致事故,因为别人不容易看到你。”符合语境,故选D。
25.C 26.E 27.A 28.B
25.根据“Why not find a new friend in 2024—yourself!”及下文内容可知,2024年我们要将自己作为自己的新朋友看待,下文介绍了这么做的意义和方法。选项C“从做自己的朋友开始。”引出下文,符合语境。故选C。
26.根据“What does self-love mean ”可知,下文应解释自爱的意义。选项E“它意味着要好好照顾自己的身心。”符合语境。故选E。
27.根据“Because learning to love who you are improves your self-respect.”可知,因为学会爱自己可以提高自尊,所以设空处询问学习自爱的原因。选项A“为什么这很重要?”符合语境。故选A。
28.根据“Start to be kind, especially if you make a mistake. Instead of being angry...This will help you see the positives in your life.”可知,本段主要介绍了如何成为更好的自己。选项B“如何提升自己?”符合语境。故选B。
29.E 30.C 31.B 32.D
29.根据“That’s because these plants’ natural characters have something in common with human virtues.”可知,梅兰竹菊这些植物的自然特征与人类的美德有一些共同之处。选项E“它们一直是中国艺术中常见的主题,就像绘画和诗歌一样。”符合语境,故选E。
30.根据“The plum tree is famous for its flowers opening in the dead of winter.”可知,李树以在隆冬时节开放而闻名。选项C“在一年中最冷的时候,空气中弥漫着它的香味。”符合语境,故选C。
31.根据“The bamboo is thin with the inner empty. It stands for tolerance (耐力) and open-mindedness”可知,此处介绍竹子代表的品质。选项B“在古代,它受到许多诗人和画家的推崇。”符合语境,故选B。
32.根据“Chrysanthemums were planted as early as three thousand years ago”可知,这里介绍菊花。选项D“所以菊花是中国人民喜爱的传统花卉。”符合语境, 故选D。
33.C 34.D 35.A 36.E
33.根据“Then they take a picture of it. They make another picture, which is just a little bit different from the first one, and take another picture”可知,第一步需要反复拍照。选项C“这至少要重复12次才能制作出一秒钟的电影!”符合语境,故选C。
34.根据“The screen is above, in front of and around you.”可知,此处和看的屏幕有关。选项D“你不会看你面前的屏幕。”符合语境,故选D。
35.根据“The IMAX camera is very large and uses a lot of film. It is also very heavy.”可知,IMAX摄影机很大,用了很多胶卷。它也很重。选项A“这就是为什么大多数IMAX电影只有40—60分钟长。”符合语境,故选A。
36.根据“Usually, one side of the glasses is red and the other is light blue”可知,介绍看3D电影的眼镜。选项E“要看3D电影,你必须戴上特殊的眼镜。”符合语境,故选E。
37.C 38.E 39.B 40.D
37.根据“Some students can’t sleep well the day before a math exam. ... But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful.”可知,一些学生在数学考试前一天睡不好,但也许有一种方法可以让这个学科不那么紧张。选项C“其他人可能会在考试过程中感到非常紧张”符合语境,故选C。
38.根据“If you are anxious about math, posture (姿势) makes a big difference”可知,如果你对数学感到焦虑,姿势会产生很大的影响,选项E“坐直可以帮助你在数学考试中取得更好的成绩”符合语境,故选E。
39.根据“Slumping over is a defensive (防守的) posture. It can trigger (激发) negative memories in the body and brain.”可知,弯腰驼背是一种防御姿势,它会在身体和大脑中引发负面记忆。选项B“这会妨碍你清晰地思考”符合语境,故选B。
40.根据“Athletes (运动员), musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture.”可知,运动员、音乐家和演说家都能从良好的姿势中受益,此处应说明良好姿势的好处。选项D“良好的姿势不仅对数学考试有帮助”符合语境,故选D。
41.D 42.E 43.B 44.C
41.根据上文“But do you really know pumpkins ”可知,此处是说还有很多关于南瓜的知识是我们所不知的。D选项“以下是关于南瓜你可能不知道的四件事”符合语境,故选D。
42.根据上文“While known for their deep orange or yellow color, they can be other different colors”可知,此处是在讨论南瓜的颜色。E选项“例如,它们也可以是绿色、红色、白色和蓝色的”符合语境,故选E。
43.根据下文“You may only see two or three different kinds of pumpkins at the supermarket, but there are dozens of pumpkin kinds grown all over the world”可知,此处是在说南瓜的种类很多。B选项“大约有45种不同的南瓜”符合语境,故选B。
44.根据上文“If you want to grow pumpkins at home, you need lots of patience”可知,此处是在说南瓜是一种缓慢生长的作物。C选项“原因是它是一种生长缓慢的水果”符合语境,故选C。
45.C 46.A 47.D 48.E
45.根据“Criminals will use the technology to cheat people,”可知,此处与“犯罪”有关,C选项“这往往会在短时间内造成巨大的损失。”符合,故选C。
46.根据“When a real person does this, his nose will naturally change the shape.”可知,此处与“动作”有关,A选项“或者你可以要求他按压他的鼻子或脸颊”符合,故选A。
47.根据“Or for the unknown person, such as the so-called leader or friends, you can check them”可知,此处与“如何应对不认识的熟人”有关,D选项“通过打电话或询问你们熟悉的亲戚和朋友”符合,故选D。
48.根据“Watch out your phone”可知,此处与“手机安全”有关,E选项“不要进入未知网站并加载未知应用程序”符合,故选E。
49.E 50.A 51.B 52.D
49.根据后面一句“They put out fires.”可知这里说的是他们扑灭火,可推出前面说的是社区里的消防员。选项E“消防员是你们社区里的一部分。”符合语境,故选E。
50.根据上文“Teachers in your community help you learn. They stress education and exploration.”可知,此处提到的内容和教师及教育有关。选项A“他们喜爱学生。”符合语境。故选A。
51.根据下文“It can show you where different buildings are.”可知,此处提到了怎么定位找到不同的地方。再结合本段后面内容都是在讲在社区地图上发现不同的地方。选项B“地图会展示你的社区有什么。”符合语境,故选B。
52.根据上文“Are you hungry Don’t worry.”可知,这里跟吃的内容有关。选项D“地图能够帮助你找到吃一些东西的地方。”符合语境,故选D。
53.C 54.B 55.E 56.A
53.根据“Earthquakes happen suddenly, without warning.”可知,地震发生得很突然,毫无征兆。选项C“它们可能在一年中的任何时候发生。”符合语境,故选C。
54.根据“After discussion, you can help your family learn to react correctly by practicing.”可知,此处提到了讨论,选项B“和你的家人讨论地震。”符合语境,故选B。
55.根据“You need to pick a safe place in each room of your home.”可知,你需要在家里的每个房间里选一个安全的地方。选项E“一个安全的地方可能是在一张结实的桌子下面。”符合语境,故选E。
56.根据“If you are in an elevator (电梯), hit the button for every floor.”可知,在电梯里面需要越快出去越好,选项A“出去越快越好。”符合语境,故选A。
57.B 58.C 59.E 60.D
57.根据上文“As a form of National Intangible Cultural Heritage...a history of more than 1,000 years. ”可知,说的是北京绢人的历史,B项“它的历史可以一直追溯到唐朝。”符合语境。故选B。
58.根据上文“When first seeing the dolls, she was so attracted by their appearances that she decided to learn the skill of making them.”可知,何梅决定学习制作绢人的技能,C项“后来,她在2013年成立了自己的公司,生产绢人。”符合语境。故选C。
59.根据下文“The first Beijing silk figurines the team produced were modeled after the different roles in Peking Opera.”可知,该团队制作的第一批绢人是根据京剧中的不同角色设计的。E项“他们的设计灵感主要来自中国传统文化。”符合语境。故选E。
60.根据下文“So they can power their figurines with technology.”可知,他们用科技驱动绢人,D项“此外,她的公司甚至与机器人公司合作。”符合语境。故选D。



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