
(2024·浙江杭州·一模)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
Tea eggs are one of the traditional Chinese foods. These hard-boiled eggs have a little taste of star anise (八角) 1 they look deep brown from the color of black tea.
Here 2 (be) the recipe for tea eggs.
What do we need
3 cups of water
2 tablespoons of black tea leaves
1 tablespoon of thin soy sauce
1 tablespoon of black soy sauce
1 (2 inch) piece of cinnamon (肉桂) stick
2 pods of star anise
3 (teaspoon) of salt
8 large eggs
4 can we make it
First, mix 3 cups of water, tea leaves, thin soy sauce, black soy sauce, cinnamon stick, star anise, and 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a large cooking pan; bring the soup to a boil. Reduce heat, cover the lid 5 (careful), and simmer (文火慢煮) for 1 hour.
6 (two), place eggs and 1 teaspoon of salt into a medium pot; cover it 7 cold water. Bring the water to 8 bowl, reduce heat, and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the pot from heat and cool. Tap cooled eggs with the back of a spoon to crack (使开裂) shells; do not remove shells.
Third, remove the pan from heat. Add the eggs and steep (泡) for at least 8 hours.
What should we pay attention to
You can steep the eggs for up to 1 and a half days for a 9 (rich) flavor (风味) .
The unpeeled eggs will 10 (store) in the fridge for 4 to 5 days if they are tightly sealed (密封).
If you ask people what they think of graffiti (涂鸦), many people consider it to be vandalism (故意破坏), but some 11 (actual) like the pictures or words painted on walls and think of it as an art form. Interestingly, wall painting has been there in different forms 12 40,000 years. During ancient times, 13 (human) used to paint pictures of wild animals or people on the walls and ceilings of caves (洞穴). There are many guesses about the reasons for creating these pictures, but nobody 14 (know) for sure. It is believed that they were not just used 15 (make) the living areas charming. Many experts believe that cave paintings may have been 16 way of communicating with others.
Today street art is hardly seen in art shows, 17 works of art in public places are still popular with painters. They use the streets as 18 (they) galleries to communicate with the public. There are even a few walls in some places where graffiti is encouraged. One of 19 (famous) ones was the John Lennon Wall in Prague in the Czech Republic. It 20 (fill) with graffiti about lyrics from the Beatles’ songs. It was popular for over twenty years. But in 2000, it was painted over with a single color.
Have you ever said “look me in the eyes and say that” We all have. Why do we do this We do it because we want to trust people who look 21 (we) in the eyes. In fact, it is this tool that allows people of low honesty 22 (try) to make others believe that they’re honest and sincere.
There are a lot of 23 (meaning) communicated with eye contact. It can signal (发出信号) the start of building a trusting relationship or it can signal the start of a fight.
Eye contact is also 24 important tool in the messages that we receive. We may think that listening is a task that’s left to our ears, 25 in face-to-face communication, eye contact communicates listening more than anything else. What is it about eye contact that is so 26 (power) in communication Why is the face the first place we look at when we connect with another
Why don’t we translate this appreciation for the power of eye contact 27 action It isn’t easy. We avoid eye contact with people we don’t like or if we’re trying to hide the truth from someone. Masking (伪装) our feelings is more 28 (easy) done when we avoid eye contact.
Eye contact is important because people are social creatures. 29 may be surprising for us to discover that we aren’t making eye contact nearly as much as we thought we 30 (be). Looking people in the eye can help us relate, win over and connect with others.
Hi Mary, How time flies! 1 have been in Beijing for 3 months! I have been rather busy with the course and making new friends 31 I got here. My class is a real mix of nationalities: English, Russian, Thai, Italian, Spanish and Brazilian.
My host family are 32 (real) nice. The parents, Liu and Wu, are very friendly and kind. Their young children 33 (call) Yan and Dong. They’re both in primary school and are very sweet, but sometimes a bit annoying too. If I am asked to watch the film The Lion King 34 them one more time, I’m going crazy!
We live so close to the school that 35 only takes us five minutes to walk there. It’s only a short bus ride from Wangfujing Shopping Centre, and it’s convenient 36 (buy) everything there. As you know, there are many ancient buildings here in Beijing. The Forbidden City is 37 (famous) of all. Our class 38 (go) on a school trip to visit it last week. We were so lucky! There was a traditional festival at that moment. The Forbidden City is such 39 amazing place to see!
I’ll send you some 40 (photo) of the places of interest in Beijing next time. Please take care and write back to me!
Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday. It is one of 41 four top traditional Chinese festivals with a history of over 2,000 years.
Dragon Boat Festival 42 (fall) on the fifth day of the fifth month lunar. This year, Chinese will have a 3-day public holiday 43 Saturday to Monday for celebrations. The dragon boat race is one of them. And it is 44 (warm) welcomed.
Many believe that Dragon Boat Festival 45 (celebrate) to remember the death of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. He jumped into the Miluo River for his country. The local people searched for Qu Yuan’s body, 46 failed. To stop fish from harming his body, people threw zongzi into the river 47 (feed) the fish. Over time, eating zongzi and the boat race have been the traditional activities of Dragon Boat Festival.
Do you know that “Happy Dragon Boat Festival” might not be a good greeting for 48 (we), although it sounds quite natural For we Chinese, “Safe and Healthy Dragon Boat Festival” is much 49 (popular) than that greeting.
In addition to Chinese, many other Asian 50 (country) also celebrate this festival. For example, in Singapore, the local seafood is used to make zongzi. Actually, Dragon Boat Festival has been a world-wide festival today.
(23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·阶段练习)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
Two years ago, Laura Eshelman was struggling with a mental problem. What’s worse, she was having trouble 51 (find) work.
One day, she was leaving a downtown business where she had yet failed in another job application (工作申请). Feeling very disappointed, she decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street and found something 52 her hungry stomach.
As she crossed the street, Eshelman noticed a man who 53 (ask) for money on the corner. His messy hair and clothing made it seem like he’d been living outside for a while. She watched as he asked a passerby for change, 54 she even didn’t look at him.
As Eshelman walked closer, the man turned his attention to her and asked if he could have a little bit of money. “Leave me alone. I don’t have 55 (something) to give you. Just go away!”, Eshelman shouted, almost letting off all her negative 56 (feel). But these 57 (kind) words were just what made her feel regretful later.
The man was embarrassed as well as a little 58 (surprise). It was quite normal that he 59 (refuse) by others, but not usually in such a rude way. He just lowered his head and Eshelman continued into 60 store. After picking up some bread and a bottle of water, she went to the checkout to pay. And it was at that moment that she found her purse, where she had put all her money and important papers, was missing.
Plants are more than just pretty to look at. They give us 61 (fruit), vegetables and food we eat. Some plants even provide materials for medicine or 62 (build) things. But do you know 63 plants can do something even more amazing They can make our homes, schools and workplaces much 64 (healthy).
We spend a large part of our day indoors. 65 (lucky), the air inside buildings can often be full 66 chemicals (化学物质) from many things around us. This poor air quality (质量) can make us 67 (feel) sick, causing sore eyes and throats, and even making it hard for us 68 (breathe). When the air inside buildings gets really bad, people even call them “sick buildings”.
The good news is that plants are like nature’s little 69 (superhero). They have a magic power fighting against bad air. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO ) and breathe out oxygen (O ) which we humans need to live. They can also add moisture to the air if it’s too dry, making it 70 (comfortable) for us to breathe.
Most people have never seen white strawberries, but they have been popular in Japanese food market for years. The 71 (Asia) country actually has several kinds of white strawberries. Among them, the White Jewel is the most expensive. White Jewel strawberries 72 (create) by Yasuhito Teshima a few years ago. His farm is the only one in the world that produces this special fruit. Teshima says he spent years doing experiments in order to grow 73 large strawberry that is white both on the inside and the outside. One of the 74 (secret) is to cut down on exposure (暴露) to sunlight. But Teshima says his technique (技术) is far 75 perfect. Only 10% of his strawberries turn out white. However, the White Jewel is 76 (large) of all kinds of white strawberries in Japan. White Jewel strawberries are sold at a high price. John Daub got a chance 77 (try) the White Jewel while visiting 78 (he) farm. He says, “The White Jewel smells very sweet and the skin is very soft. It tastes sweet like candy, 79 unlike candy. The natural sugars don’t stay in your mouth and leave a fresh aftertaste (回味)”. In Japanese culture, expensive fruit like the White Jewel 80 (be) often bought as a special gift rather than just as a sweet snack.
The Open Hand—a Universal Sign
When 81 (meet) people at the airport, most people smile and shake hands with the people they meet. We know that a smile is usually a sign that people feel 82 (friend) and happy, but what will happen 83 we don’t know who the new person is What if we are not introduced by a friend What if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place
Sometimes people are dangerous and humans have to find ways to protect 84 (them). We have to make sure we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous. Showing our hands 85 (mean) that we are not armed. In many cultures today, the Western custom of shaking hands 86 (use). We use our right hand, which is usually 87 (strong) than the left one. If we are using our hand this way, it can’t be holding a knife or a gun. It shows that we trust the other person, and that the other person can trust us.
Not all cultures use the handshake, and people in many Asian cultures do not always touch another person. Japanese people might cover one hand 88 the other hand, depending on 89 they are greeting, bow (鞠躬) slightly or quite low. In India, Hindu people join their hands in front of their faces and bow their heads. A Muslim will touch his heart, mouth and forehead to show respect.
In almost all cultures, to smile and show 90 open right hand means, “welcome, you are safe with me.”
The traditional Chinese Longtaitou Festival, or the Dragon Head-Raising Festival, is the second day of the second lunar (农历的) month every year. This year it is on March 11.
The dragon is one of the greatest 91 (symbol) in Chinese culture. It brings wind and rain. It is said that every year on that day, the dragon raises its head after its winter sleep. This is 92 we call the day “the Dragon Head-Raising Day” (Longtaitou). Because they believe that there will be more rain after Longtaitou. Old people think of it 93 the start of spring and farming. And rain is of great 94 (important) to farming.
Nowadays, many customs 95 (disappear). But having a haircut remains and it is still popular. People have their hair cut on the Dragon Head-Raising Day after a whole month. Many believe 96 (strong) that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to their 97 (mother) brothers. So they cut it on that day and expect 98 (bring) them good luck. Also, it is a tradition to eat certain food such as dumplings, noodles and so on. Dumplings and noodles 99 (call) separately dragons’ ears (long’er) and dragons’ bear (longxu). As the old saying goes, eating dumplings does not freeze your ears.
People celebrate this 100 (tradition) festival in various ways, and the most important is that the festival has been passed on and it shows the best wishes and good luck.
Many children, and some adults too, dislike the taste of certain vegetables. The tastes of foods such as cabbages and carrots are 101 (general) the ones people mention as their least favorite vegetables. However, according to 102 expert from Oxford University, children might change 103 (they) minds about these foods 104 they can hear simple music while eating. An example of this is the sweet sounds that come 105 a musical instrument, the wind chime (风铃). This instrument often hangs in people’s 106 (garden), and plays sweet notes when the wind 107 (blow) through it. These notes may make the food seem to taste 108 (sweet) than it would do normally. However, many adults agree that their tastes developed as they 109 (grow) up. As a result, they would like 110 (eat) the kind of vegetables they always hated during their childhood.
John was born in 1818. When he turned 11 years old, he and his family moved to the United States from Scotland. They 111 (begin) a new life in Wisconsin that year. John showed his love of nature in his early years. He liked playing outdoors every day. He was also interested in working outdoors on his 112 (father) farm.
When he was 29, John had 113 accident at work. The accident hurt his eyes. As a result, he missed looking at nature for months. 114 (lucky), he could see again. Later that year, John decided 115 (spend) all his time learning about nature. He would travel in order to make his dream come true.
First, John hiked 1,000 miles. He studied plants 116 animals. He then took a trip 117 ship. It was to learn 118 (many) about the world around him than ever. In 1869, John went to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. He climbed the mountains and wrote down 119 he saw. And he wrote about the animals and plants as well. By the time John turned 33, people were reading what he had written. They realized the 120 (important) of nature from John’s books. Many people understood and accepted his thoughts.
John’s books are still read today. He is famous for his love of nature.
(23-24九年级上·浙江杭州·期末)Fan Zhaoyi is a hotel owner at “Snow Town”. In the past, most people there 121 (make) a living by cutting down trees. But it was difficult to take the wood out of the farm because the snow was too heavy. The snow season at the farm can last up to seven 122 (month) a year. Many workers had to find other jobs 123 (slow).
“At that time, these workers 124 (encourage) to work in the tourism area, but many people were afraid to try. Few families were brave enough 125 (provide) hotels, but I was a brave one.” Fan said.
He turned out to be right. The high mountains, thick forest and proper temperature make snow there 126 special that more and more visitors go to visit the farm.
“I prepared four rooms in 127 first year and started to make money later,” Fan said. His success also encouraged other people. The “Snow Town” has also been trying 128 (it) best to provide better service for the tourists. It is going to make itself one of 129 (popular) places for visitors.
Last year, the winter tourist season at the “Snow Town” began, and 100,000 tickets were pre-sold. The white snow and red lanterns have won the hearts 130 thousands of tourists from all over the world.
To be honest, no matter how old we are, most of us love it when our parents do things for us. It makes our life much 131 (comfortable), and we have less to worry about.
Some parents 132 (prepare) almost everything for their children since they were born. They consider their older children (and sometimes even adults) 133 babies! They are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by 134 (them). As a result, their children fail 135 (learn) social skills, and come to depend more on the parents!
So some experts suggest that children shouldn’t 136 (take) good care of by their parents all the time. Children need their own time to develop into adults and to learn 137 to deal with problems. It is not necessary for parents to care too much about the 138 (safe) of their children. Too much care breaks their fun when they are growing up. 139 they may get into trouble when they can’t depend on their parents, they can learn a lot.
It’s nice that parents show their care and attention to their children. It’s nice that children know that their parents’ care is the result of love. And it’ll be nicer if they are the children 140 can let their parents know how much love they really need and how much love is too much.
Some people may think that students who study abroad have more time for fun and less homework. But in fact, Grade 12 students in Canada are just as busy as students in China. In Canada, students have 141 (pay) equal attention to all the tests and homework. To reduce 142 (they) pressure from the important courses, like math and English, students will often choose one or two courses in the last year of high school. They are usually easier so that students can get a fairly excellent final grade.
Take me as 143 example—I chose an interesting course, cooking and health. This course is aimed at 144 (help) students develop a healthy lifestyle and diet. The 145 (big) fun of this course is that students can experience cooking. I believe this is the reason why there are a large number of students 146 the waiting list. Teachers always let students decide 147 they want to cook. Students 148 (divide) into four groups with six people, and we enjoy the cooking time a lot.
After attending this class for more than three 149 (month), I believe it’s not as easy as others think it is because it requires basic knowledge of science, life skills and practice.
Some people might think they are just for fun and don’t need to be taken 150 (serious). But I believe it is a great way to forget our stress and I do learn a lot from those elective courses.
It was the summer holidays and our family rented an apartment for a week near the beach. We all went to the beach on 151 first day and it was fantastic! I did lots of surfing. The sea was really warm! While Mum and Dad were reading 152 (they) books, my brother Paul was building a big sandcastle (沙堡) 153 . (happy)
On the evening we arrived, my parents were cooking supper when suddenly the computer stopped working. There was no electricity in the apartment! We had to eat our supper in the dark! The electricity didn’t come on again 154 late at night.
The next day, we went to the market. We 155 (shop) when suddenly dark clouds came over and it started to rain hard. Dad 156 (drive) us back to the apartment.
When we got back, the rain was coming into Paul’s bedroom and his bed was very wet. So for the rest of the holiday he had to share my bedroom.
157 the end of the holiday, Mum and Dad were cleaning the apartment when suddenly Dad shouted, “Oh, no!” Paul and I ran into the kitchen. 158 strange it was! Paul’s milk was drunk and my apples were eaten by a family of 159 (mouse)!
We packed up our things and left the apartment very quickly! We were all really glad 160 (get) home.
Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are 161 (study). But most students don’t know 162 to take notes.
If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that will be great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things 163 (different).
For example, some teachers may focus on lots of dates and facts in class, 164 they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write 165 (something) down, but they may repeat them.
Don’t try to write down every word in class, 166 you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.
Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you’ve 167 (miss). If your teacher compares your notes with your 168 (classmate), it can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.
Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place. Good-note taking 169 (take) time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, you’ll surely have 170 (little) time to watch TV than before. But you’ll save time in the coming test.
(23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·期中)In 1974, in the Shaanxi Province in China, some farmers 171 (dig) a hole for a well. They were looking for water, but they discovered something amazing. They found 172 army made of clay. Later, they came to be known 173 the Terracotta Warriors (秦始皇兵马俑). The army has 8,000 soldiers and 670 horses in it. Qin Shi Huang wanted this army to protect 174 (he) in the next life after his 175 (die).
In 246 BC, Qin Shi Huang became the first Emperor of China. He was only thirteen years old when he became emperor. Right away, work began on his burial (埋葬) ground. We know of the story of the emperor and the work from the Chinese writer Sima Qian. Sima lived about a hundred years after Qin Shi Huang. He said that 700,000 176 (man) worked on the army of figures, which took forty years 177 (complete).
The soldiers in the Terracotta Army were just models, 178 their weapons (武器) were not. They each had some of 179 (fine) weapons of their time. Chinese metal workers must have been very skilled and smart. The knives and other weapons they made are all still very sharp. Also, some of the weapons 180 (cover) with special chemicals that protected them.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for attending the graduation ceremony. Congratulations to all of you here. I remember 181 (meet) you when you were starting Grade 7. You were full of energy and thirsty 182 knowledge. Today you have become 183 (talent) young adults who are full of hope for the future. You’ve all grown up so much and I’m so proud of you.
Your parents, your teachers and your friends gave you 184 hand when you were in trouble. Please remember they are important people in your lives. Please consider 185 they have done for you and what they mean to you. Never fail to be thankful to them.
Life in senior high school will be 186 (hard). You’ll make mistakes along the way. The key is to learn from our mistakes and never give up. But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability 187 (make) your own choices. Choose wisely and be responsible for your 188 (decide) and actions. It is always hard to separate from those whom you 189 (spend) so much time with for the past three years. As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn’t forget where you came from. The future is 190 (you).
Good luck and hope to see you sometime soon! Thank you!
It’s widely believed that Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world. For one thing, Chinese has 191 (thousand) of characters. And its writing system (系统) is also one of the main challenges to all Chinese learners. More importantly, the language has different tones (音调), so how you speak a word can 192 (complete) change its meaning. For example, ‘‘ma” with the first Chinese tone means “mom”, 193 with the third tone, “ma”, it means “horse”.
However, according to the Ministry of Education in China, the Chinese language learning is available in more than 180 countries and areas around the world. 76 countries have included the Chinese language in their national education systems and nearly 200 million people 194 (receive) Chinese language training for years.
With so many interesting foreign languages to learn, 195 do they choose Chinese For one reason, China 196 (play) an important role in the world events. Learning Chinese may help one find a good job. Also, China has 197 long history with rich culture and its cooking styles have influenced its neighbors and the West. Knowing the language also makes traveling around China 198 (easy) and more enjoyable.
As for learning Chinese, there is no magic way. Just spend time practicing it. Listen and speak as often 199 possible. Listen to Chinese music and watch Chinese movies and shows. Try 200 (speak) with native (本地的) Chinese speakers, read traditional Chinese stories to understand its culture, or try reading a Chinese newspaper.
1.and 2.is 3.teaspoon 4.How 5.carefully 6.Second 7.with 8.a 9.rich/richer 10.be stored
2.句意:这是茶叶蛋的配方。句子用一般现在时,主语是the recipe,be动词用is。故填is。
4.句意:我们怎样才能做?根据“can we make it ”可知是如何做茶叶蛋,how“如何”。故填How。
9.句意:你可以将鸡蛋浸泡1天半,以获得浓郁的味道。根据“You can steep the eggs for up to 1 and a half days”可知将鸡蛋浸泡一天半,可以获得浓郁或者更浓郁的味道,可用形容词原级rich,也可用比较级richer。故填rich/richer。
10.句意:如果密封严密,未去皮的鸡蛋将在冰箱中储存4到5天。主语eggs和谓语store“储存”之间是被动关系,故此处是一般将来时的被动语态will be done。故填be stored。
11.actually 12.for 13.humans 14.knows 15.to make 16.a 17.but 18.their 19.the most famous 20.was filled
12.句意:有趣的是,壁画以不同的形式存在了4万年。根据“40,000 years”可知,一段时间前应用for,故填for。
15.句意:人们相信它们不仅仅是用来使生活区域变得迷人。be used to do sth“被用来做某事”,故填to make。
19.句意:其中最著名的是捷克共和国布拉格的约翰·列侬墙。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一……”。故填the most famous。
20.句意:里面到处都是关于披头士歌曲歌词的涂鸦。be filled with“充满”,根据前后句可知,句子使用一般过去时,主语是It,be动词用was。故填was filled。
21.us 22.to try 23.meanings 24.an 25.but 26.powerful 27.into 28.easily 29.It 30.were
22.句意:事实上,正是这个工具让不诚实的人试图让别人相信他们是诚实和真诚的。allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,空处用不定式作宾语补足语。故填to try。
23.句意:眼神交流可以传达很多意思。a lot of后跟可数名词的复数形式。故填meanings。
27.句意:为什么我们不把这种对眼神交流力量的欣赏转化为行动呢?translate ... into“把……转化成”,固定短语。故填into。
28.句意:当我们避免眼神接触时,我们的感觉更容易被伪装。此处修饰动词,用副词easily“容易地”,且此处是暗含比较,因此用比较级more easily。故填easily。
29.句意:我们可能会惊讶地发现,我们的眼神交流并没有自己想象的那么多。此处是it的固定句型:it may be+形容词+for sb to do sth“做某事对某人来说可能是……”,因此空处用it作形式主语。故填It。
31.since 32.really 33.are called 34.with 35.it 36.to buy 37.the most famous 38.went 39.an 40.photos
31.句意:从我到这以后我一直忙于课程和交新朋友。根据“I have been rather busy with the course and making new friends”可知此处是说“自从我到这”。故填since。
33.句意:他们的孩子叫燕和东。句子中主语和谓语之间为被动关系,故用“be+过去分词”表示被动,又因为主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are called。
36.句意:离王府井购物中心只有很短的公共汽车路程,在那里买任何东西都很方便。it is adj to do“做某事是……的”,故此处填to do不定式。故填to buy。
37.句意:紫禁城是其中最著名的。根据“of all”可知此处应用“the+形容词最高级”表示“其中最……的”。故填the most famous。
38.句意:上周我们班参加了一次学校旅行去参观它。根据“last week”可知此句时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填went。
39.句意:紫禁城是一个非常值得一看的地方!such a(n)+形容词+单数可数名词,为固定搭配;且amazing是以元音音素开头的。故填an。
41.the 42.falls 43.from 44.warmly 45.is celebrated 46.but 47.to feed 48.us 49.more popular 50.countries
41.句意:它是中国四大传统节日之一,有2000多年的历史。根据“one of… four top traditional Chinese festivals”可知,此处特指中国四大传统节日之一,故填the。
45.句意:许多人认为端午节是为了纪念中国著名诗人屈原的去世。主语Dragon Boat Festival与动词celebrate之间是被动关系,此句是一般现在时,此处用一般现在时被动语态,主语是单数形式,助动词用is,故填is celebrated。
47.句意:为了防止鱼伤害他的身体,人们把粽子扔进河里喂鱼。根据“people threw zongzi into the river … the fish”可知,把粽子扔进河里是为了喂鱼,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to feed。
49.句意:对我们中国人来说,“端午节平安健康”比那句问候更受欢迎。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填more popular。
51.finding 52.for 53.was asking 54.but 55.anything 56.feelings 57.unkind 58.surprised 59.was refused 60.the
51.句意:更糟糕的是,她很难找到工作。have trouble doing sth.“做某事有困难”,固定词组。故填finding。
52.句意:她感到非常失望,决定去街对面的Whole Foods,为她饥饿的肚子找点东西。根据“Feeling very disappointed, she decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street and found something…her hungry stomach.”的句意可知,此处指为她饥饿的肚子找点东西,for“为了”符合。故填for。
53.句意:当她穿过街道时,Eshelman注意到一个男人在拐角处要钱。根据空前的“noticed”可知,此处指过去正在发生的动作,应用过去进行时,主语为“a man”,所以此处应填was asking。故填was asking。
57.句意:但这些刻薄的话,恰恰让她后来感到后悔。根据上文“Leave me alone. I don’t have…to give you. Just go away!”可知,此处指刻薄的话,unkind“刻薄的”符合。故填unkind。
58.句意:这个男人既尴尬又有点惊讶。分析句子结构可知,此处应用所给词的形容词形式,作表语,主语为“The man”,所以此处应用surprised“感到惊讶的”。故填surprised。
59.句意:他被别人拒绝是很正常的,但通常不会如此粗鲁。根据空后的“by others”可知,此处应用被动语态;句子时态为一般过去时,主语为“he”,所以此处应填was refused。故填was refused。
60.句意:他只是低下头,Eshelman继续走进商店。根据上文“she decided to go to the Whole Foods across the street”可知,此处表示特指的含义。故填the。
61.fruits 62.building 63.that 64.healthier 65.Unluckily 66.of 67.feel 68.to breathe 69.superheroes 70.more comfortable
65.句意:不幸的是,建筑物内的空气中往往充满了来自我们周围许多东西的化学物质。根据“the air inside buildings can often be full”可知空气中充满了很多化学物质,这是不幸的,修饰整个句子用副词unluckily“不幸地”。故填Unluckily。
66.句意:不幸的是,建筑物内的空气中往往充满了来自我们周围许多东西的化学物质。be full of“充满”。故填of。
67.句意:这种糟糕的空气质量会让我们感到恶心,导致眼睛和喉咙疼痛,甚至使我们呼吸困难。make sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填feel。
68.句意:这种糟糕的空气质量会让我们感到恶心,导致眼睛和喉咙疼痛,甚至使我们呼吸困难。此处是结构make it adj. for sb. to do sth.“使做某事对某人来说是……的”。故填to breathe。
70.句意:如果空气太干,它们也会给空气增加水分,使我们呼吸更舒适。根据“They can also add moisture to the air”可知植物可以给空气增加水分,让我们更舒适,故此处用比较级more comfortable,形容词作宾语补足语。故填more comfortable。
71.Asian 72.were created 73.a 74.secrets 75.from 76.the largest 77.to try 78.his 79.but 80.is
72.句意:白宝石草莓由Yasuhito Teshima在几年前创造。根据“a few years ago”可知时态为过去时,White Jewel strawberries与create之间存在被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态结构:be+动词过去分词,主语是复数,be动词用were,故填were created。
74.句意:其中一个秘诀是减少暴露在阳光下。one of+名词复数“……之一”,故填secrets。
75.句意:但Teshima说,他的技术还不完美。根据“Only 10% of his strawberries turn out white.”可知只有10%的成功了,所以此空表示不完美。far from“远非”,故填from。
76.句意:然而,在日本,白宝石是所有种类的白色草莓里最大的。根据“all kinds of white strawberries”可知是在所有白草莓中进行对比,需要用形容词large的最高级,故填the largest。
77.句意:John Daub在参观他的农场时得到了一个机会去尝试白宝石。get a chance to do“得到一个机会去做”。故填to try。
78.句意:John Daub在参观他的农场时得到了一个机会去尝试白宝石。此空后是名词farm,需用形容词性物主代词his修饰,故填his。
80.句意:在日本文化中,像白宝石这样昂贵的水果通常被当作特别的礼物购买,而不仅仅是作为甜食。此空主语是expensive fruit,因此be动词用单数,时态为一般现在时。故填is。
81.meeting 82.friendly 83.if 84.themselves 85.means 86.is used 87.stronger 88.with 89.whom/who 90.an
81.句意:当在机场遇见人们时,大多数人都会微笑并和他们遇见的人握手。该句为when引导的时间状语从句,还原为:when most people are meeting。省略了主语和are。故填meeting。
82.句意:我们知道微笑通常是人们感到友好和快乐的标志,但如果我们不知道这个新面孔是谁呢?根据“people feel…and happy”可知,空处缺少形容词作表语,friendly“友好的”。故填friendly。
83.句意:我们知道微笑通常是人们感到友好和快乐的标志,但如果我们不知道这个新面孔是谁呢?根据“we don’t know who the new person is ”可知,此处表条件,if引导条件状语从句。故填if。
84.句意:有时人是危险的,人类必须找到保护自己的方法。根据“humans have to find ways to protect…”可知,此处表达保护自己,空处应为反身代词。故填themselves。
85.句意:举手表示我们没有武器。分析句子,“Showing our hands”作主语,句子时态为一般现在时,空处谓语动词用三单形式。故填means。
86.句意:在今天的许多文化中,都使用了西方握手的习俗。根据“the Western custom of shaking hands”可知,此处表被动,空处应为一般现在时的被动语态。故填is used。
87.句意:我们通常用右手,右手比左手更有力。根据“than the left one”表明此处用形容词比较级,故填stronger。
88.句意:日本人可能会用一只手捂住另一只手,这取决于他们在和谁打招呼,轻微鞠躬还是把腰弯得很低。cover A with B“用B盖住A”。故填with。
91.symbols 92.why 93.as 94.importance 95.have disappeared 96.strongly 97.mother’s 98.to bring 99.are called 100.traditional
91.句意:龙是中国文化中最伟大的象征之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数“最……之一”,应用名词复数。故填symbols。
92.句意:这就是为什么我们把这一天称为“龙抬头”。根据“It is said that every year on that day, the dragon raises its head after its winter sleep”可知,此处是在说明理由,应用why引导表语从句。故填why。
93.句意:老人们认为这是春天和农业的开始。根据“Old people think of it…the start of spring and farming”可知,此处指作为春天和农业的开始,as“作为”。故填as。
95.句意:如今,很多的风俗都已经消失了。根据“Nowadays, many customs…”可知,句子应用现在完成时,表示已经消失了,主语是复数,用have+动词的过去分词。故填have disappeared。
98.句意:所以他们在那一天剪头发,希望能带来好运气。expect to do sth“期待做某事”,固定用法。故填to bring。
99.句意:饺子和面条分别叫龙耳和龙须。分析句子可知,主语Dumplings and noodles与动词call存在被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是复数,因此用被动语态:are+动词的过去分词。故填are called。
100. 句意:人们以各种方式庆祝这个传统节日,而重要的这是这个节日的传承,它显示了最美好的祝愿和好运。分析句子可知,此处应用形容词作定语。故填traditional。
101.generally 102.an 103.their 104.if 105.from 106.gardens 107.blows 108.sweeter 109.grew 110.to eat
104.句意:然而,牛津大学的一位专家表示,如果儿童在吃东西时听简单音乐,可能会改变对这些食物的看法。根据“children might change...minds about these foods...they can hear simple music while eating.”可知,此处用if引导条件状语从句。故填if。
105.句意:这方面的一个例子是乐器风铃发出的悦耳的声音。根据the sweet sounds that come...a musical instrument可知,此处用come from表示“来自于”。故填from。
106.句意:这种乐器经常挂在人们的花园里,当风吹过时会发出甜美的音符。根据“in people’s...” 可知此处用名词复数形式表示泛指。故填gardens。
107.句意:这种乐器经常挂在人们的花园里,当风吹过时会发出甜美的音符。根据主句“plays sweet notes”可知,时态为一般现在时,when引导的时间状语从句与其时态一致,从句主语是the wind,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填blows。
109.句意:然而,许多成年人认为他们的口味随着年龄的增长而发展。根据“their tastes developed”可知,主句是一般过去时,as引导的从句也用一般过去时。故填grew。
110.句意:因此,他们愿意吃他们童年时一直讨厌的蔬菜。would like to do sth.“愿意做某事”。故填to eat。
111.began 112.father’s 113.an 114.Luckily 115.to spend 116.and 117.by 118.more 119.what 120.importance
112.句意:他还喜欢在父亲的农场里从事户外工作。根据“on his ... farm”可知,此处指他父亲的农场,应用名词所有格father’s修饰名词farm。故填father’s。
113.句意:29岁时,约翰在工作中出了意外。根据“John had ... accident”可知,此处泛指“一场意外”,且accident是以元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词an。故填an。
115.句意:那年晚些时候,约翰决定把所有的时间都用来研究大自然。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,应用动词不定式。故填to spend。
117.句意:然后他乘船旅行。根据“He then took a trip ... ship.”可知,是指乘船旅行,by ship“乘船”,固定短语。故填by。
119.句意:他爬上了山,写下了他所看到的。根据“wrote down ... he saw”可知,是指写下所看到的内容,用what“什么”引导宾语从句。故填what。
120.句意:他们从约翰的书中认识到自然的重要性。the importance of“……的重要性”,固定短语。故填importance。
121.made 122.months 123.slowly 124.were encouraged 125.to provide 126.so 127.the 128.its 129.the most popular 130.of
121.句意:过去,那里的大多数人靠砍伐树木谋生。根据句子时间状语“In the past”可知,此处应用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。make的过去式为made。故填made。
124.句意:当时,这些工人被鼓励在旅游区工作,但许多人不敢尝试。句子主语是动作的承受者,此处应用被动语态:be+动词过去分词;根据前后时态一致原则,此处应用一般过去时,主语workers是复数,be动词用were,encourage的过去分词为encouraged。故填were encouraged。
125.句意:很少有家庭有勇气提供旅馆,但我是一个勇敢的家庭。根据句意可知,本句包含固定搭配be brave enough to do sth.“足够勇敢去做某事”,所以此处应该填的是不定式。故填to provide。
128.句意:“雪城”也一直在尽力为游客提供更好的服务。try one’s best意为“尽某人最大努力”,固定搭配。主语是The “Snow Town”,指代物用it,所以此处的one’s用its“它的”。故填its。
129.句意:它将使自己成为最受游客欢迎的地方之一。one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……之一”,固定搭配。popular的最高级为most popular。故填the most popular。
131.more comfortable 132.have prepared 133.as 134.themselves 135.to learn 136.be taken 137.how 138.safety 139.And 140.who/that
【导语】本文主要介绍了父母太爱孩子, 导致孩子没有学会社交技能,越来越依赖父母,所以专家建议孩子不应该一直受到父母的照顾,要让孩子变得独立。
131.句意:这让我们的生活更加舒适,我们也不用担心了。much后修饰形容词比较级more comfortable“更舒服的”。故填more comfortable。
132.句意:有些父母从孩子出生起就为他们准备了几乎所有的东西。根据“since...”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是名词复数,助动词用have。故填have prepared。
134.句意:他们害怕让他们自己去任何地方或做任何事情。根据“let them go anywhere or do anything by...”可知是让他们独自去任何地方或做任何事情,用反身代词themselves“他们自己”。故填themselves。
135.句意:结果,他们的孩子没有学会社交技能,越来越依赖父母!fail to do sth.“未能做某事”。故填to learn。
136.句意:因此,一些专家建议,孩子不应该一直受到父母的照顾。主语children和谓语take care of之间是被动关系,此处用含有情态动词被动语态should be done。故填be taken。
137.句意:孩子们需要自己的时间来成长为成年人,学习如何处理问题。根据“learn...to deal with problems”可知是学习如何处理问题,how“如何”。故填how。
141.to pay 142.their 143.an 144.helping 145.biggest 146.on 147.what 148.are divided 149.months 150.seriously
141.句意:在加拿大,学生必须同等重视所有的考试和家庭作业。have to do sth.“必须做某事”,固定词组。故填to pay。
143.句意:以我为例,我选择了一门有趣的课程,烹饪与健康。take sb. as an example“以某人为例”,固定词组。故填an。
145.句意:这门课程最大的乐趣是学生可以体验烹饪。根据“The…fun of this course is that students can experience cooking.”的句意及空前的“The”可知,此处表示最高级的含义,应用所给词的最高级形式。故填biggest。
146.句意:我相信这就是为什么有很多学生在等待名单上的原因。根据空后的“the waiting list”可知,此处指在等待名单上,on“在……上”符合。故填on。
148.句意:学生们分成四组,每组六人,我们很享受做饭的时间。分析句子结构可知,主语与谓语之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以此处应用被动语态;句子时态为一般现在时,主语为“Students”,所以此处应填are divided。故填are divided。
149.句意:在参加了三个多月的课程后,我认为它并不像别人想象的那么容易,因为它需要基本的科学知识,生活技能和实践。根据空前的“more than three”可知,此处应用所给词的复数形式。故填months。
151.the 152.their 153.happily 154.until 155.were shopping 156.drove 157.At 158.How 159.mice 160.to get
151.句意:第一天我们都去了海滩,太棒了!根据“on…first day”可知,此处表示第一天,序数词first前要加冠词the。故填the。
152.句意:当爸爸妈妈在看书的时候,我的弟弟保罗正在开心地堆一个大沙堡。根据“Mum and Dad were reading …books”可知,此处是指爸爸妈妈在读他们的书,应用人称代词they“他们”的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”作定语,修饰名词books。故填their。
154.句意:直到深夜才恢复供电。根据“The electricity didn’t come on again…late at night.”可知,此处考查not…until“直到……才……”,固定搭配。故填until。
155.句意:我们正在买东西,突然乌云密布,下起了大雨。分析句子结构可知,when引导的时间状语从句,从句谓语动词came是一般过去时,主句表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,用过去进行时,其结构为was/were doing,主语we是复数形式,助动词用were,动词shop的现在分词为shopping。故填were shopping。
157.句意:假期结束时,爸爸妈妈正在打扫公寓,突然爸爸喊道:“哦,不!”根据“…the end of”可知,此处考查at the end of“在……的结束时”,介词短语,此处应填介词at,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填At。
159.句意:保罗的牛奶和我的苹果被一群老鼠喝光、吃掉了。根据空前“a family of”可知,此处表示一窝老鼠,应用名词mouse“老鼠”的复数形式mice。故填mice。
160.句意:我们都很高兴回家了。根据“were all really glad…home”可知,此处考查be glad to do sth.“开心做某事”,应用动词不定式to get。故填to get。
161.studying 162.how 163.differently 164.but 165.anything 166.or/because 167.missed 168.classmates 169.takes 170.less
162.句意:但是大部分的学生不知道如何记笔记。根据know可知,此处填写一个宾语,“特殊疑问词+to do”可作know的宾语,此处选择特殊疑问词how,表示“如何”。故填how。
167.句意:不要害怕要求老师重复你所遗漏的内容。根据have可知,本句是现在完成时,现在完成时是have done,此处用miss的过去分词missed。故填missed。
169.句意:好的笔记需要时间。本句的主语是good-note taking表示“善于记笔记这件事”,此处谓语动词要用第三人称单数,take的第三人称单数形式是takes。故填takes。
171.were digging 172.an 173.as 174.him 175.death 176.men 177.to complete 178.but 179.the finest 180.were covered
171.句意:1974年,在中国陕西省,一些农民正在挖井。根据“They were looking for water”可知,一些农民正在挖井,再结合“In 1974”可知,句子用过去进行时态,用be doing结构,主语为复数,因此be动词用were。故填were digging。
173.句意:后来,他们被称为兵马俑。根据“they came to be known ... the Terracotta Warriors”可知,他们被称为兵马俑,be known as“被称为”。故填as。
177.句意:他说,有70万人在制作这个数字军团,花了40年的时间才完成。take some time to do sth为固定搭配,意为“花费时间做某事”,因此填动词不定式。故填to complete。
179.句意:他们每人都有一些当时最精良的武器。根据“Chinese metal workers must have been very skilled and smart.”可知,此处指他们每人都有一些当时最精良的武器,因此fine用最高级形式,再结合“some of”可知,weapons表示特指,形容词最高级前面加定冠词the。故填the finest。
180.句意:此外,一些武器被特殊的化学物质覆盖以保护它们。分析句子可知,weapons与cover之间构成被动关系,用be covered结构,结合“protected”可知,句子用一般过去时,主语some为复数形式,因此be动词用were。故填were covered。
181.meeting 182.for 183.talented 184.a 185.what 186.harder 187.to make 188.decisions 189.have spent 190.yours
181.句意:我记得在你们刚上七年级的时候,我见过你们所有人。这里用到了一般现在时,remember表示回忆起过去的事情,remember doing sth译为“记得做过某事”,因此空格处应填入动词meet的动名词形式。故填meeting。
182.句意:你们都是如此精力充沛,渴望知识。“thirsty for knowledge”固定搭配,译为“渴望知识”。故填for。
183.句意:今天我看到满堂都是对未来充满希望又有才华的年轻人。根据“young adults”可知空格处为形容词,修饰young adults。故填talented。
184.句意:在你遇到困难的时候,你的父母,老师,朋友帮助过你。“give sb a hand”固定短语,译为“给予某人帮助”。故填a。
185.句意:仔细想一下他们为你做过什么,他们对你们来说意味着什么。根据“and what they mean to you”可知and连接两个并列的句子,故空格处填what。故填what。
186.句意:高中生活会更艰难。根据“You’ll make mistakes along the way.”可知高中生活更艰难,空格处填比较级。故填harder。
187.句意:在你们打开的每一扇门后面,都蕴藏着学习新事物的机会,并且你们都有能力做出自己的选择。根据题干,have the ability to do固定短语,译为“有能力做某事”。故填to make。
189.句意:要和那些你在过去三年里花了这么多时间的人分开总是很困难的。根据题干,for the past three years是现在完成时的标志,故空格用现在完成时have/has+过去分词形式,主语是you,助动词用have。故填have spent。
191.thousands 192.completely 193.but 194.have received 195.why 196.plays 197.a 198.easier 199.as 200.speaking
191.句意:其中一个原因是,汉语有成千上万的汉字。thousands of“数千的”。故填thousands。
194.句意:76个国家已将汉语纳入其国家教育体系,近2亿人多年来接受汉语培训。receive“收到”,根据“for years.”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是nearly 200 million people,助动词用have。故填have received。
195.句意:在有这么多有趣的外语可以学习的情况下,他们为什么选择学习汉语呢?根据“For one reason, ”可知此处询问原因,用疑问词why。故填why。
198.句意:了解这门语言也使得在中国周围旅行变得更容易和更愉快。根据“more enjoyable”可知此处用比较级easier“更容易的”。故填easier。
199.句意:尽可能经常地听和说。as often as possible“尽可能经常地”。故填as。
200.句意:尝试与中国本地人交谈,阅读传统的中国故事以了解其文化,或尝试阅读一份中文报纸。根据“or try reading a Chinese newspaper.”可知此处指尝试与本地人交谈,用结构try doing sth.。故填speaking。



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