
(2024·广东广州·一模)Long long ago, people didn’t know how to plant crops, or how to make cloth, or how to make tools. Life was difficult. The god Nyame up in the sky had all the wisdom of the world. He kept it 1 in a pot.
One day, Nyame decided that he would give the pot of wisdom to Anansi. Every time Anansi looked in the pot, he learned something 2 . It was so exciting!
Greedy Anansi thought, “I’ll keep the pot safe at the 3 of a tall tree. Then I can have it all to myself!” He tied the pot to his 4 closely and began to climb the tree. But it was hard to climb the tree with the pot hitting him in the knees.
All the time Anansi’s young son had been 5 under the tree. Then he said, “Wouldn’t it be easier to climb if you tied the pot to your back instead ” Although Anansi had 6 at first, he followed his son’s idea later and it really was a lot easier.
In no time he was high up in the tree. He said to himself with satisfaction, “That’s it! No one can 7 this place!” But then he stopped and thought, “I’m supposed to be the one with all the wisdom, but here my son was 8 than me! How could it be!” With all his strength, Anansi threw the pot down out of the tree 9 .
It broke into pieces on the ground. The wisdom was free for everyone. Then people learned to farm, to make clothes, to make tools, and all the other things.
It’s true that 10 wisdom makes a better world.
1.A.cool B.safe C.alive D.fresh
2.A.easy B.famous C.new D.familiar
3.A.top B.corner C.back D.bottom
4.A.stomach B.back C.hands D.feet
5.A.listening B.watching C.warning D.talking
6.A.doubt B.hope C.laughing D.luck
7.A.pass B.accept C.check D.reach
8.A.more careful B.more creative C.calmer D.cleverer
9.A.nervously B.angrily C.excitedly D.helplessly
10.A.hiding B.collecting C.sharing D.creating
My mother is 82 years old. Each week I take my mother out to do shopping and visit the doctor, because she has difficulty in 11 . She is unable to express herself clearly.
Last week she walked to a nearby store to buy some small things by herself, because I was busy. When she went to 12 for her things, she found that she was short of three dollars. The only way to pay for the goods was to 13 a cup. By dropping it, she was able to buy the new total with the cash she had.
At this store, people looked around and chose their own goods. My mother was putting her things into shopping bags 14 without talking to others. Suddenly a 15 came up to her and said, “Here is the cup that you put back.” Then she 16 my mother the cup. My mother asked for the woman’s name and 17 so that she could repay her by post (邮寄). But the woman told her the cup was her gift.
My mother was 18 . The next day, she decided to go back to the store and give the worker a five-dollar bill to keep on hand. When the 19 thing happened to someone else unexpectedly, the worker could use the bill.
Whoever you are, you should thank for the act of 20 . That not only helps others, but may help yourself one day.
11.A.walking B.talking C.packing D.noticing
12.A.provide B.wait C.pay D.hope
13.A.receive B.compare C.add D.return
14.A.carelessly B.quietly C.happily D.loudly
15.A.stranger B.police C.doctor D.friend
16.A.passed B.prepared C.carried D.asked
17.A.number B.address C.age D.birthday
18.A.bored B.interested C.moved D.tired
19.A.lucky B.beautiful C.different D.same
20.A.courage B.kindness C.confidence D.truth
(2024·广东广州·一模)Last year, I was allowed to give students online classes at home. A comfortable home office, and getting away from the crowded subway was very 21 to me. I couldn’t wait to be a 22 woman and things did go well for the first few weeks.
However, the 23 of working at home soon showed up. I started my day with a wonderful plan. I promised myself to have quick breaks every one hour and regular 24 every day. Yet mountains of homework to be checked, non-stop text messages from parents, and online meetings tied me to my computer all day long. All these left me little time to 25 . Short talks with others during breaks and quick walks after lunch around my home building were all gone. Finally, my world was within the walls of my home, and I only walked a few meters rather than kilometers.
One day, I tried 26 one of my favorite dresses and it couldn’t pass through my body at all. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a 27 person with extra weight, messy hair, instead of a person who enjoyed the time at home. The 28 of work and personal life made me like a machine that never stops working. This experience allowed me to discover my true self. I needed a change, not just for my 29 , but to put my health at the first place. I made a promise to myself again that I would 30 my work and my body. My life should be on a healthier way.
21.A.attractive B.surprising C.challenging D.interesting
22.A.happy B.good C.true D.friendly
23.A.advantages B.solutions C.problems D.expectations
24.A.exercise B.breakfast C.shower D.sleep
25.A.reply B.relax C.return D.read
26.A.cleaning up B.throwing away C.putting on D.getting back
27.A.lazy B.tired C.rude D.mad
28.A.mix B.success C.exchange D.value
29.A.luck B.experience C.duty D.weight
30.A.balance B.trust C.serve D.test
(2024·广东广州·一模)Saving Baby Elephants
Mishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 31 . It’s 5:30 a. m., and he hasn’t had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast.
Mishak is a 32 from an elephant rescue center. 33 , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 34 for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where elephants used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage, so farmers kill them. As a result, adult elephants often leave their babies behind.
When a baby elephant loses its mother, it’s also in great danger. This is because it needs its mother’s milk for about four years. Without the milk, the baby has little chance to live. Research shows that elephants, like people, have 35 . If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.
The center’s job is to raise these baby elephants and send them back to the 36 step by step. First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants because they don’t want an elephant to depend on one of the keepers too much. Then keepers take the elephants into the forest. This is a(n) 37 part of the process because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others. When an elephant is four and no longer needs 38 , keepers move it to the wild. This makes elephants become 39 . It often takes them eight to ten years to get used to the wild.
At bedtime, Mishak has to lie down and 40 with his baby elephant. Mishak says that when he leaves the babies, they cry. Does he need an alarm to wake up “Oh, no,” he says, “The elephants are our alarms.”
31.A.nervous B.down C.tired D.shy
32.A.teacher B.keeper C.doctor D.policeman
33.A.Unluckily B.Finally C.Excitedly D.Suddenly
34.A.buy B.kill C.keep D.collect
35.A.foods B.homes C.friends D.feelings
36.A.center B.zoo C.wild D.city
37.A.easy B.fast C.important D.strange
38.A.milk B.fruits C.grass D.leaves
39.A.brave B.popular C.friendly D.patient
40.A.work B.play C.study D.sleep
(2024·广东广州·一模)Where was that cashier (收银员) Impatient, I quickly looked at my watch. I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.
I looked around the nearly empty 41 , but the cashier was nowhere in sight. A woman stood wiping (擦) the far end of the counter. She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.
I waited, getting angry. I’d been standing there for at least three minutes!
Controlling my anger, I remembered Mom’s words. “ 42 you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, just 43 what is missing. If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing. If someone is hateful, then 44 is missing. If we will be what’s missing, then we’ll provide whatever the situation needs.”
And here I was in an unpleasant situation, How should I “be what’s missing” What was missing was 45 . Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.
Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. “May I help you ” she asked, still 46 . She looked so tired. No doubt, she was overworked.
I took a deep breath. With Mom’s words ringing in my head, I gave the woman my order... and smiled. “How are you today ”
My question seemed to 47 her. She eyed me for a second before answering. “Not too good.”
“I’m sorry.” I said. “I hope it gets better starting right now.”
She almost smiled as she looked at me. “Thanks. I hope you’re right.”
I 48 to myself as I ate my sandwich. We’re all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt. We need to be 49 to each other.
After eating, I wiped the table cleaner than usual, and put the tray (托盘) back nicely on the stand. The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face.
“Be what’s missing.” It 50 .
41.A.store B.office C.school D.restaurant
42.A.However B.Whoever C.Whenever D.Whatever
43.A.put off B.stick with C.worry about D.think about
44.A.trust B.love C.patience D.confidence
45.A.hope B.advice C.money D.service
46.A.kindly B.coldly C.carefully D.nervously
47.A.hurt B.trouble C.surprise D.disappoint
48.A.wrote B.thought C.dreamed D.introduced
49.A.nicer B.cooler C.closer D.fairer
50.A.said B.read C.ended D.worked
A man who lived a long time ago believed that he could read the future in the stars. He called himself an Astrologer (占星家) and spent his time at night looking at the sky. He was always 51 worrying about future and villagers often came to him, hoping to know what their future holds.
One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village. His eyes were 52 on the stars. He thought he saw there that the end of the world was near. He lost in his 53 about the future. As he was looking at the stars, he kept walking without looking down. 54 , he fell into a ditch (沟) full of mud and water.
He was sinking in the muddy water, and madly trying to hold on to the slippery (滑的) side of the hole in his effort to climb out. He was unable to climb out and 55 for his life. He started shouting for help. His cries for help soon brought the villagers running.
As they pulled him out of the 56 , one of them said, “You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you 57 to see what is at your feet! This may teach you to pay more attention to what is right in front of you, and let the future take care of itself.”
“What use is it,” said another, “to read the 58 , when you can’t see what’s right here on the Earth ”
We all want our future to be 59 and happy, but the time doesn’t stop for anyone. Each tomorrow 60 today, and your present is also a part of your future. There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and improve, but you can’t go back to yesterday. So, keep the balance of your present life and work for a better tomorrow.
51.A.proud B.worth C.angry D.busy
52.A.fixed B.kept C.put D.tied
53.A.challenge B.direction C.thought D.research
54.A.Slowly B.Carefully C.Suddenly D.Excitedly
55.A.fearful B.painful C.harmful D.careful
56.A.lake B.sand C.mud D.fire
57.A.refuse B.fail C.happen D.decide
58.A.signs B.stories C.books D.stars
59.A.famous B.bright C.pretty D.clever
60.A.pours into B.turns into C.looks into D.steps into
(2024·广东广州·一模)The passengers on the bus watched with pity as the young woman with the white cane (手杖) made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using her hands to 61 the seats, walked down and found the seat he’d told her was empty. Then she settled in and rested her cane against her leg.
It had been a year since Susan, 34, became blind. As a result of a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), she was suddenly thrown into a world of 62 . When she first lost her sight, her husband, Mark, watched her fall into despair and decided to help her become independent again.
When Susan felt ready to return to her job, she was too 63 to get around the city on the bus by herself. Therefore, for two weeks, Mark walked with Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to depend on her other 64 , especially her hearing, to decide where she was and how to get used to the new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat. Finally, Susan decided to try the trip on her own. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their 65 ways.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...each day on her own went 66 and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it! She was going to work all by herself. On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. The driver said, “You are a lucky lady.”
Susan wasn’t sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. Curious, she asked the driver, “What do you 67 ” The driver answered, “It must feel good to be 68 and protected like you are.” The driver went on, “You know, every morning for the past week, the fine looking gentleman has been 69 you as you get on and off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. Then he walks away.“
Tears of happiness poured down Susan’s cheeks. She was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her a gift more 70 than sight, a gift she didn’t need to see to believe——the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
A.touch B.knock C.find D.feel
62.A.darkness B.disease C.anger D.sadness
63.A.dangerous B.successful C.frightened D.sure
64.A.feelings B.senses C.sights D.gifts
65.A.usual B.personal C.natural D.separate
66.A.perfectly B.carefully C.undoubtedly D.confidently
67.A.say B.understand C.mean D.suppose
68.A.looked down on B.taken care of C.got along with D.kept up with
69.A.searching B.calling C.noticing D.watching
70.A.beautiful B.peaceful C.powerful D.cheerful
(2024·广东广州·一模)The big rocks
One day, an expert in time management (管理) was speaking to a group of students. He used an experiment those students would never 71 .
He pulled out a wide-mouthed jar (罐子) and set it on the table. Firstly, he took out some egg-sized rocks and 72 placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the 73 and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is the jar full ” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”
Then he put some small stones in and 74 the jar causing the stones down into the space between the big rocks. He asked the group again, “Is the jar full ” By this time, one of the students answered, “Probably not.”
After that, he started putting some sand into the jar. It went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the 75 . Once more he asked the question, “Is the jar full ” “No!” the class shouted.
At this time, he poured a cup of water in until the jar was full. He looked at the class and asked, “What is the point of this experiment ” One eager student said, “The point is, no matter how 76 you are, you can find some time to do more if you try really hard.”
“Good answer, but that’s not my point.” the speaker replied. “The 77 this experiment tells us is: If you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all. What are the big rocks in your life In my life, they are the things that I 78 , my family members, my health, my education, my dreams...”
If you focus on the 79 things, then you’ll fill your life with little things that don’t really matter, and you’ll 80 have enough time to spend on the big, important tasks: the big rocks.
71.A.forget B.remember C.complete D.understand
72.A.quickly B.bravely C.carefully D.difficultly
73.A.top B.side C.bottom D.middle
74.A.held B.shook C.broke D.carried
75.A.cup B.eggs C.water D.stones
76.A.busy B.free C.happy D.tired
77.A.question B.problem C.reason D.truth
78.A.make B.show C.love D.change
79.A.useful B.interesting C.impossible D.unimportant
80.A.ever B.never C.often D.always
(2024·广东广州·一模)When I was young, my mum always encouraged me to do new things. She often said, “Have a try!” I was not allowed to 81 at the very beginning until I tried it. Over the years, I have realized my 82 mainly comes from keeping those words in mind.
After leaving university, I started working in a big company. I just wanted to work for a short period until I decided on my career. At that time, my focus wasn’t on the 83 itself. I thought I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and take care of a family. However, I was 84 . I’ve worked for the same company for 28 years. I’ve been given chances to 85 different positions (职位) in the company. I’ve 86 every change of my position. Whether I was working on projects or finding new solutions, I liked learning and growing in each position. I’ve found that I have many talents and skills, because I 87 try new things. I’ve also found that if I put what I 88 into practice and work hard to achieve my goals, I can succeed.
Today, I am so excited and grateful to become the CEO of the company. Another 89 has come and I am ready to take it, no matter what difficulty there will be. Thanks to the faith “Keep trying!”, I become 90 enough to take every new challenge.
81.A.speak up B.hurry up C.give up D.show up
82.A.project B.success C.goal D.service
83.A.money B.skill C.job D.family
84.A.sure B.uncertain C.right D.wrong
85.A.return to B.move to C.wait for D.look for
86.A.enjoyed B.missed C.admitted D.refused
87.A.doubtfully B.nervously C.regularly D.continuously
88.A.trust B.require C.correct D.survey
89.A.dream B.chance C.pressure D.difficulty
90.A.lucky B.busy C.brave D.polite
(2024·广东广州·一模)Jason had the best apples in town, but kids knew they mustn’t go into his yard to pick delicious apples. They always said that Jason was 91 .
One Friday, Jane was walking by Jason’s house with her friend Amy. Like most of the children, Jane was scared of the old man because of the 92 about him that she heard. Jane thought that Jason would hurt them.
To stay away from trouble, Jane 93 that they could cross over to the other side of the street. Amy told Jane not to worry. Still, Jane was growing more 94 when she was closer to Jason’s house. When Jason saw Amy, he 95 and said, “Hello, Amy. You’ve got a friend with you today.”
Amy smiled back and told him they were going to listen to music and play games. Jason told them that sounded fun, and gave each of them a fresh 96 .
As they walked on, Jane asked Amy, “Everyone says Jason is the 97 man in town. Why was he so nice to us just now ” Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house, Jason wasn’t very 98 , but she smiled at him. One day, he smiled back at her. After some more time, he started smiling 99 and then talking to her kindly.
We’re always working hard to achieve so much, and it‘s easy to forget that we can make ourselves and others happy easily. Actually, 100 is important. A simple smile can make you happy and relaxed. And giving a smile takes so little effort. Let’s smile at others.
91.A.hard-working B.careless C.terrible D.helpful
92.A.works B.articles C.stories D.songs
93.A.agreed B.refused C.accepted D.suggested
94.A.excited B.cheerful C.bored D.nervous
95.A.shouted B.smiled C.cried D.left
96.A.apple B.gift C.flower D.hug
97.A.strictest B.luckiest C.gentlest D.happiest
98.A.angry B.friendly C.afraid D.frightened
99.A.calmly B.coldly C.warmly D.humorously
100.A.smiling B.resting C.forgetting D.paying
(2024·广东广州·一模)Every day after lunch, my new neighbor Sonia will play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with her 3 kids. So I am often woken up by them at noon. Sometimes, I will watch curiously.
Sonia put a towel around the older girl Amy’s eyes, calling, “Jerry, Mike, have you hidden yourselves ”
The boys replied, “We are 101 .”
Sonia pushed Amy gently forward and said, “Go, 102 them now!”
Amy stepped carefully, reached out her hands, and walked forward carefully.
“Amy, mind your feet and don’t fall down! Brothers are a little behind you.” said Sonia.
Amy 103 around and caught them. Great laughter would break out in the yard.
Being troubled, I visited Sonia and expressed if she could take the children to the 104 every noon. I would pay for the 105 . Then I saw the yard full of line: three children playing in the strange lines. “Oh, kids, Uncle Jack wants to 106 you to the movies.” Sonia called. But she winked (使眼色) at me aside to speak. She said she had taken the three children from the orphanage (孤儿院). And the kids were learning how to live in the neighborhood and how to go to school 107 . Then I realized that the yard line was a 108 of the community.
“Now Amy is able to go to Hyde School by herself.” Sonia said with great pride.
“Hyde The school for the blind Amy is blind ” I was surprised.
Sonia nodded, adding “Not only her, but Jerry and Mike are also soon going to Hyde School.”
Then the children asked. “Mom, is watching movies more fun ”
Sonia smiled at me. I said loudly, “Of course no, what can be more fun than hide-and-seek ”
Walking out, I asked Sonia, “SORRY, but why do you still 109 the children’s eyes during hide-and-seek ”
Sonia said seriously, “In my eyes, they are like 110 people, they can see everything!”
101.A.busy B.free C.ready D.left
102.A.see B.beat C.hide D.catch
103.A.ran B.sat C.turned D.looked
104.A.gym B.cinema C.concert D.playground
105.A.tickets B.meals C.clothes D.classes
106.A.trick B.drive C.invite D.follow
107.A.lively B.warmly C.happily D.independently
108.A.map B.design C.direction D.culture
109.A.see B.cover C.touch D.watch
110.A.blind B.special C.friendly D.ordinary
(2024·广东广州·一模)Brad showed an interest in painting and kept learning to paint on the Internet. He was eager to explore the outside world and use his paintbrush to 111 his experiences. However, his family condition was common and he didn’t get 112 from his parents.
One day, as Brad was surfing the Internet, he came across Jack’s travel stories. Out of curiosity, he 113 searched for the latest information about Jack. He found Jack was a travel blogger who always shared his travel 114 online. During that time, he was travelling around Europe and every day he updated his blog, sharing photos and thoughts with his fans.
Brad was addicted to Jack’s travel and liked the beautiful scenery (风景) he shared. Encouraged by those pictures, he 115 his paintbrush and tried to draw the scenery. Day after day, Brad continued painting, referring to pictures downloaded from Jack’s blog. Gradually, his parents noticed his 116 creativity in painting. They organized an art exhibition to 117 his paintings to the local community, which turned out to be a 118 .
Brad was 119 to Jack for sharing travel pictures. Later, he tried to connect Jack on the Internet and shared his paintings with him. Jack was 120 when seeing his travel pictures were shown in another way. He was even moved to tears.
Jack’s journeys had not only broadened his own horizons (眼界) but also had helped Brad develop his talent, making it possible for him to explore the world with his paintbrush.
111.A.report B.repeat C.review D.record
112.A.support B.love C.attention D.welcome
113.A.hardly B.immediately C.nearly D.slowly
114.A.cost B.schedules C.guide D.experiences
115.A.woke up B.gave up C.picked up D.grew up
116.A.boring B.amazing C.annoying D.exciting
117.A.show B.send C.buy D.draw
118.A.error B.challenge C.success D.chance
119.A.kind B.thankful C.respectful D.true
120.A.angry B.nervous C.frightened D.surprised
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C
cool酷的;safe安全的;alive活着的;fresh新鲜的。根据“I’ll keep the pot safe”可知是把智慧放在罐子里,保证它的安全。故选B。
easy容易的;famous著名的;new新的;familiar相似的。根据“he learned something”可知是学到新东西。故选C。
top顶端;corner角落;back后面;bottom底部。根据“began to climb the tree”可知是想放到树顶上。故选A。
stomach胃;back背部;hands手;feet脚。根据“But it was hard to climb the tree with the pot hitting him in the knees.”可知是把罐子绑在肚子上,所以爬树的时候罐子会打到他的膝盖上。故选A。
listening听;watching看;warning警告;talking说话。根据“All the time Anansi’s young son had been”可知他儿子在树下看。故选B。
doubt怀疑;hope希望;laughing笑;luck运气。根据“at first, he followed his son’s idea later and it really was a lot easier.”可知他刚开始怀疑,但是还是听从了儿子的建议。故选A。
pass通过;accept接受;check检查;reach到达。根据“this place”可知是没有人能到达树顶。故选D。
more careful更认真的;more creative更有创造力的;calmer更镇定的;cleverer更聪明的。根据“I’m supposed to be the one with all the wisdom, but here my son was”可知他以为自己有所有的智慧,但是在这个事情上,他儿子比他聪明。故选D。
nervously紧张地;angrily生气地;excitedly兴奋地;helplessly无助地。根据“With all his strength”以及前文可知他认为他儿子比自己聪明,所以他很生气。故选B。
hiding隐藏;collecting收集;sharing分享;creating创造。根据“The wisdom was free for everyone”以及“wisdom makes a better world.”可知大家都分享智慧,世界会变得更美好。故选C。
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B
walking步行;talking说话;packing打包;noticing注意。根据下文“She is unable to express herself clearly.”可知,作者的母亲说话有点困难。故选B。
provide提供;wait等待;pay支付;hope希望。根据下文“she found that she was short of three dollars.”可知,母亲去付钱。故选C。
receive收到;compare比较;add添加;return归还。根据下文“Here is the cup that you put back.”可知,此处是指母亲只有把杯子放回原处,才能支付别的商品。故选D。
carelessly粗心地;quietly静静地;happily开心地;loudly大声地。根据下文“without talking to others”可知,此处是指母亲静静地把她的东西放进购物袋里。故选B。
stranger陌生人;police警察;doctor医生;friend朋友。根据下文“My mother asked for the woman’s name and …so that she could repay her by post.”可知,母亲不认识那位女士,由此可以推断那位女士是一位陌生人。故选A。
passed递;prepared准备;carried携带;asked询问。根据下文“But the woman told her the cup was her gift.”可知,那位女士把杯子递给了作者的母亲。故选A。
number号码;address地址;age年龄;birthday生日。根据下文“she could repay her by post”可知,邮寄东西需要地址。故选B。
bored无聊的;interested感兴趣的;moved感动的;tired累的。根据上文“My mother asked for the woman’s name and…so that she could repay her by post. But the woman told her the cup was her gift.”可知,作者的母亲受到了陌生人的帮助而被感动了。故选C。
lucky幸运的;beautiful美丽的;different不同的;same相同的。根据“the…thing happened to someone else unexpectedly”可知,此处是指发生和母亲一样买东西钱不够付款的事情。故选D。
courage勇气;kindness善良;confidence自信;truth真相。根据“That not only helps others, but may help yourself one day.”可知,此处是指像那位陌生女士那样的善举。故选B。
21.A 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.A
attractive吸引人的;surprising令人惊讶的;challenging富于挑战性的;interesting有趣的。根据“A comfortable home office, and getting away from the crowded subway”可知,舒适的家庭办公室,以及远离拥挤的公共交通,这些都是很吸引人的。故选A。
happy快乐的,幸福的;good好的;true真实的;friendly友好的。根据“I couldn’t wait to be a...woman”可知,不需要挤公交,在家有舒适的办公环境,所以此处是指作者想迫不及待地成为一个快乐的女人。故选A。
advantages优势;solutions解决办法;problems问题;expectations期望。根据下文“Yet mountains of homework to be checked, non-stop text messages from parents, and online meetings tied me to my computer all day long.”可知,此处是指居家办公的问题出现了。故选C。
exercise锻炼;breakfast早餐;shower洗澡;sleep睡眠。结合上文“have quick breaks”可知,作者原计划每天快速休息,还要进行锻炼,结果事与愿违,根本没有时间锻炼身体。故选A。
reply回复;relax放松;return回来;read阅读。根据上文“Yet mountains of homework to be checked, non-stop text messages from parents, and online meetings tied me to my computer all day long.”可知,堆积如山的作业要批改,没完没了的来自父母的短信,以及在线会议把我整天都绑在电脑前,所以此处是指作者没有时间去放松自己。故选B。
cleaning up清理;throwing away扔掉;putting on穿上;getting back取回。根据下文“it couldn’t pass through my body at all”可知,此处是指作者想试着穿一件裙子。故选C。
lazy懒惰的;tired疲倦的;rude粗鲁的;mad生气的。根据下文“made me like a machine that never stops working”可知,作者就像一台永不停歇的机器,负担重,疲惫不堪。故选B。
mix混合;success成功;exchange交换;value价值。根据第二段“working at home”和下文“work and personal life”可知,作者在家里工作,工作和个人生活是混合在一起的。故选A。
luck运气;experience经历;duty义务;weight体重。根据上文“I saw a … person with extra weight,”可知,此处是指作者长胖了,体重增加了;现在想要作出改变,要控制体重。故选D。
balance平衡;trust信任;serve服务;test测试。根据下文“My life should be on a healthier way.”可知,此处是指作者下定决心要注意工作和身体健康的均衡,这样作者的生活才会朝着更健康的方向发展。故选A。
31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.A 40.D
nervous紧张的;down低落的;tired劳累的;shy害羞的。根据“he hasn’t had much sleep”可知,他是累的。故选C。
teacher老师;keeper饲养员;doctor医生;policeman警察。根据“from an elephant rescue (救援) center”以及后文“First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants”可知,他是大象饲养员。故选B。
Unluckily不幸地;Finally最后;Excitedly兴奋地;Suddenly突然地。根据“many elephants meet problems”可知,这是一件不幸的事情。故选A。
buy买;kill杀害;keep养;collect收集。根据“for their ivory”可知,猎人为了象牙会猎杀大象。故选B。
foods食物;homes家园;friends朋友;feelings感情。根据“If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.”可知,大象是有感情的。故选D。
center中心;zoo动物园;wild野外;city城市。根据“Then keepers take the elephants into the forest.”可知,是逐步将大象送回野外。故选C。
easy容易的;fast快的;important重要的;strange奇怪的。根据“because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others”可知,把大象送到森林里是重要的一步。故选C。
milk牛奶;fruits水果;grass杯子,玻璃;leaves树叶。根据“keepers move it to the wild”可知,大象不用喝奶后,就可以被送到野外。故选A。
39. 句意:这使大象变得勇敢。
brave勇敢的;popular流行的;friendly友好的;patient耐心的。根据“keepers move it to the wild”可知,把大象送到野外会让它们勇敢起来。故选A。
work工作;play玩耍;study学习;sleep睡觉。根据“At bedtime”可知,是和小象一起睡觉。故选D。
41.D 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.D
store商店;office办公室;school学校;restaurant餐厅。根据上文“I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.”可推断出作者需要出来吃点东西,然后回去工作,应是环顾餐厅。故选D。
However然而;Whoever无论谁;Whenever无论何时;Whatever无论什么。根据“you find yourself in an unpleasant situation”可知,此处为whenever连接的时间状语从句,表示“无论何时”符合句意,故选C。
put off推迟;stick with坚持;worry about担心;think about思考。根据“what is missing”可知,此处指“思考下缺少什么”,故选D。
trust相信;love爱;patience耐心;confidence自信心。根据前文“If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing.”可知unkind和kindness为对应关系,结合空前“If someone is hateful”与hateful对应的词为love,故选B。
hope希望;advice建议;money钱;service 服务。根据空后“Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.”可推知此处指的是服务。故选D。
kindly友善地;coldly冷漠地;carefully仔细地;nervously紧张地。根据第二段最后一句“She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.”可知,此处是coldly的同词复现,对应空格前的“still”,意思是她仍然冷漠地问。故选B。
hurt使受伤;trouble使烦恼;surprise使惊讶;disappoint使失望。根据后文“She eyed me for a second before answering.”可推知作者的问题似乎使她惊讶。故选C。
wrote写;thought思考;dreamed梦想;introduced介绍。根据“We’re all the same, really...to each other.”可知,此处是思考的内容,故选B。
nicer更友善的;cooler更冷漠的;closer更近的;fairer更公正的。根据前文“We’re all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt.”可推知需要对彼此更友善。故选A。
said说;read阅读;ended结束;worked工作,奏效。根据“The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face.”可推知作者以善良应对冷漠,最终奏效了。故选D。
51.D 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.A 56.C 57.B 58.D 59.B 60.B
proud骄傲的,自豪的;worth值得的;angry生气的;busy忙碌的。根据“he could read the future in the stars…looking at the sky”可知他总是忙于担心未来发生的事情,故选D。
fixed盯着,集中注意力;kept保持;put摆放;tied系。根据“He thought he saw there that the end of the world was near.”可知他是盯着星星在看,故选A。
challenge挑战;direction方向;thought心思,想法;research调查。根据“As he was looking at the stars…full of mud and water.”可知他陷入了对未来的思考之中,be lost in one’s thought意为“陷入沉思”,故选C。
slowly缓慢地;carefully小心地;suddenly突然地;excitedly兴奋地。根据“As he was looking at the stars, he kept walking without looking down.”可知他是没留意脚下的路,突然掉进沟里,故选C。
fearful担心的,恐惧的;painful痛苦的;harmful有害的;careful小心的。根据“He was unable to climb out”和“His cries for help”可知他很害怕,故选A。
lake湖;sand沙子;mud泥泞;fire火。根据“he fell into a ditch (沟) full of mud and water.”可知是从泥泞中拉出来,故选C。
refuse拒绝;fail未能,失败;happen发生;decide决定。根据“This may teach you to pay more attention to what is right in front of you, and let the future take care of itself.”可知是他没有注意到脚下的东西,fail to do sth. 意为“未能做某事”,故选B。
signs招牌,符号;stories故事;books书;stars星星。根据“You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you fail to see what is at your feet!”可知是跟星星有关,故选D。
famous著名的;bright明亮的,光明的;pretty漂亮的;clever聪明的。根据“There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and improve, but you can’t go back to yesterday.”可知未来是光明的,故选B。
pours into倒入;turns into变成;looks into调查;steps into干涉。根据“There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and improve, but you can’t go back to yesterday.”可知每个明天都会变成今天,故选B。
61.D 62.A 63.C 64.B 65.D 66.A 67.C 68.B 69.D 70.C
touch触摸;knock敲;find找到;feel感受。根据“using her hands to...”以及下文可知,这位女士看不见,所以用手感受着座位,故选D。
darkness黑暗;disease疾病;anger愤怒;sadness伤心。根据“When she first lost her sight”可知,她失明了,陷入了一片黑暗的世界。故选A。
dangerous危险的;successful成功的;frightened害怕的;sure确定的。根据“Therefore, for two weeks, Mark walked with Susan to and from work each day”可知,她的丈夫每天陪她一起上下班,所以她害怕得不敢独自坐公共汽车在城市里转。故选C。
feelings感觉;senses感官;sights视线;gifts礼物。根据“especially her hearing”可知,听觉是一种感官,故选B。
usual通常的;personal个人的;natural自然的;separate分开的。根据“Finally, Susan decided to try the trip on her own”可知,苏珊决定自己独自去上班,所以两人分开了,故选D。
perfectly完美地;carefully认真地;undoubtedly毫不怀疑地;confidently自信地。根据“Susan had never felt better. ”可知,苏珊感觉很好,说明独自去上班的过程很完美,故选A。
looked down on瞧不起;taken care of照顾;got along with和……相处得好;kept up with跟上。根据“protected like you are”和后文介绍苏珊的丈夫一直关注着苏珊可知,她一直被照顾和保护,故选B。
searching搜寻;calling打电话;noticing注意;watching注视。根据“the fine looking gentleman has been...you as you get on and off the bus”可知,苏珊的丈夫一直注视着她上下车,故选D。
beautiful美丽的;peaceful和平的;powerful有力的;cheerful开心的。根据“ a gift she didn’t need to see to believe——the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness. ”可知,爱的礼物是一个比视力更有力量的礼物,故选C。
71.A 72.C 73.A 74.B 75.D 76.A 77.D 78.C 79.D 80.B
forget忘记;remember记得;complete完成;understand理解。根据“an experiment those students would never...”及全文可知,这位时间管理专家做了一个让学生们永生难忘的实验。故选A。
quickly快速地;bravely勇敢地;carefully小心地;difficultly困难地。根据“he took out some egg-sized rocks and...placed them, one at a time, into the jar”可知,此处应表示他把石头一个一个地小心地放到罐子里面。故选C。
73.句意:当罐子装满了,里面再也装不下石头时,他问:“罐子满了吗 ”
top顶部;side边;bottom底部;middle中间。根据“no more rocks would fit inside”可知,此处应表示石头已经装到了罐子的顶部。故选A。
held握着;shook摇动;broke打破;carried拿起。根据“causing the stones down into the space between the big rocks”可知,此处让小石头落到大石头之间的空隙里,需要摇动罐子。故选B。
cup杯子;eggs鸡蛋;water水;stones石头。根据“Then he put some small stones in and...the jar causing the stones down into the space between the big rocks.”可知,罐子里已经有了大石块和小石头,此处指沙子进入了石块和石头之间的所有空隙。故选D。
busy忙的;free空闲的;happy开心的;tired累的。根据“you can find some time to do more if you try really hard”可知,此处表示不管你有多忙,只要你非常努力地尝试,就能找到时间做更多的事情。故选A。
question问题;problem问题;reason理由;truth事实。根据“...this experiment tells us is: If you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.”可知,此处是这个实验告诉我们的事实。故选D。
make制作;show展示;love热爱;change改变。根据“my family members, my health, my education, my dreams...”可知,此处指我热爱的东西。故选C。
useful有用的;interesting有趣的;impossible不可能的;unimportant不重要的。根据“then you’ll fill your life with little things that don’t really matter”可知,此处表示你的生活会充满无关紧要的小事情是由于你把注意力集中在不重要的事情上。故选D。
ever曾经;never从不;often经常;always总是。根据“If you focus on the...things”可知,此处表示你把注意力集中在不重要的事情上,你就不会有足够的时间花费在大的重要的事情上。故选B。
81.C 82.B 83.C 84.D 85.B 86.A 87.D 88.A 89.B 90.C
speak up大声说话;hurry up赶快;give up放弃;show up显露。根据“I was not allowed to ... at the very beginning until I tried it.”可知,尝试新事物时,作者不被允许刚开始就放弃,直到她尝试了。故选C。
project项目,计划;success成功;goal目标;service服务。根据“mainly comes from keeping those words in mind”及下文可知,作者的成功源自不断地尝试。故选B。
money金钱;skill技能;job工作;family家庭。根据“I just wanted to work for a short period until I decided on my career.”和“I thought I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and take care of a family.”可知,作者刚开始工作时,注意力并不在工作上。故选C。
sure确定的;uncertain不确定的;right正确的;wrong错误的。根据“I just wanted to work for a short period until I decided on my career.”和“I’ve worked for the same company for 28 years.”可知,作者最初的想法是错误的。故选D。
return to返回;move to移到;wait for等待;look for寻找。根据“I’ve been given chances to ... different positions (职位) in the company.”可知,作者被给予机会去到公司不同的职位。故选B。
enjoyed喜欢;missed错过;admitted承认;refused拒绝。根据“Whether I was working on projects or finding new solutions, I liked learning and growing in each position.”可知,作者喜欢每一次职位的改变。故选A。
doubtfully怀疑地;nervously紧张地;regularly有规律地;continuously连续不断地。根据“I’ve found that I have many talents and skills”可知,作者不断地尝试新事物,在这过程中,发现自己具有很多天赋和技能。故选D。
trust信任;require要求;correct改正;survey调查。根据下文“Thanks to the faith ‘Keep trying!’,”可知,此处指把自己坚信的东西付诸于实践。故选A。
dream梦想;chance机会;pressure压力;difficulty困难。根据“Today, I am so excited and grateful to become the CEO of the company.”可知,此处指另一个机会来临。故选B。
lucky幸运的;busy忙碌的;brave勇敢的;polite礼貌的。根据“take every new challenge”可知,作者足够勇敢接受人生的每一个挑战。故选C。
91.C 92.C 93.D 94.D 95.B 96.A 97.A 98.B 99.C 100.A
hard-working勤劳的;careless不关心的;terrible可拍的;helpful有帮助的。根据上一句“but kids knew they mustn’t go into his yard to pick delicious apples.”可知,孩子们都不敢去他的小院子里面摘苹果,推测他们认为杰森很可怕。故选C。
works作品;articles文章;stories故事;songs歌曲。根据“Jane was scared of the old man because of the...about him that she heard”可知,简听说了很多关于杰森的故事。故选C。
agreed同意;refused拒绝;accepted接受;suggested建议。根据“To stay away from trouble”可知,为了远离麻烦,简建议走路的另一边。故选D。
excited激动的;cheerful欢呼的;bored无聊的;nervous紧张的。根据“Jane was growing more...when she was closer to Jason’s house.”以及前文可知,简听说了很多关于杰森的令人害怕的故事,推测她越靠近杰森的家时,越紧张。故选D。
shouted大喊;smiled微笑;cried哭;left离开。根据下文“Amy smiled back”可知,杰森看到Amy时,笑着和她说话。故选B。
apple苹果;gift礼物;flower花;hug拥抱。根据第一段第一句“Jason had the best apples in town”可知,杰森有着这个小镇上最好的苹果,推测他给了她们两人每人一个苹果。故选A。
strictest最严厉的;luckiest最幸运的;gentlest最温和的;happiest最快乐的。根据“Why was he so nice to us just now”及语境可知,前后两句是转折关系,推测每个人都认为杰森是一个非常严厉的人。故选A。
angry生气的;friendly友好的;afraid害怕的;frightened惊恐的。根据“but she smiled at him.”推测,杰森没有对Amy微笑,但是Amy对杰森笑了,说明一开始杰森对Amy并不是很友好。故选B。
calmly平静地;coldly冷冷地;warmly热情地;humorously幽默地。根据“After some more time, he started smiling...and then talking to her kindly.”推测,在Amy对杰森微笑很多次后,杰森也开始对Amy热情地微笑了。故选C。
smiling微笑;resting休息;forgetting遗忘;paying支付。根据“ A simple smile can make you happy and relaxed.”以及文章内容可知,一直在强调微笑的作用。故选A。
101.C 102.D 103.C 104.B 105.A 106.C 107.D 108.A 109.B 110.D
busy忙碌的;free自由的;ready准备好的;left剩余的。根据“Jerry, Mike, have you hidden yourselves ”可知,此处应是回答已经藏好了,也就是准备好了,故选C。
see看见;beat打败;hide隐藏;catch抓住。根据“Go, ...them now!”可知,在玩捉迷藏,所以是抓他们。故选D。
ran跑;sat坐;turned转向;looked看。根据“Brothers are a little behind you.”可知,提醒他们在后面,所以是转身抓住了他们。故选C。
gym体育馆;cinema电影院;concert音乐会;playground操场。根据“to the movies”可知,是去看电影,故选B。
tickets票;meals餐食;clothes衣服;classes班级。根据“I would pay for the...”可知,看电影要买票,故选A。
trick哄骗;drive驾驶;invite邀请;follow跟随。根据“Uncle Jack wants to...you to the movies.”可知,杰克叔叔邀请孩子们去看电影。故选C。
lively活泼的;warmly温暖地;happily开心地;independently独立地。根据“And the kids were learning how to live in the neighborhood and how to go to school...”可知,学习如何独立上学。故选D。
map地图;design设计;direction方向;culture文化。根据“Then I realized that the yard line was a...of the community.”可知,码线是社区的地图。故选A。
see看见;cover遮盖;touch触摸;watch观看。根据“but why do you still...the children’s eyes during hide-and-seek ”可知,孩子们是盲人,但是捉迷藏的时候还是蒙住孩子的眼睛,故选B。
blind盲的;special特殊的;friendly友好的;ordinary普通的。根据“In my eyes, they are like...people, they can see everything!”可知,他们和普通人一样,故选D。
111.D 112.A 113.B 114.D 115.C 116.B 117.A 118.C 119.B 120.D
report汇报;repeat重复;review回顾;record记录。根据“use his paintbrush to…his experiences.”可知,这里是用画笔记录自己的经历。故选D。
support支持;love爱;attention注意;welcome欢迎。根据“his family condition was common”可知,这里是他没有得到父母的支持。故选A。
hardly几乎没有;immediately立即;nearly几乎;slowly慢速地。根据“he…searched for the latest information about Jack.”可知,他立即查找关于杰克的最新信息。故选B。
cost费用;schedules时间表;guide指导;experiences经历。根据“Jack was a travel blogger”可知,这里是杰克经常在网上分享他的旅行经历。故选D。
woke up醒来;gave up放弃;picked up拿起;grew up长大。根据“his paintbrush and tried to draw the scenery.”可知,这里是他拿起画笔,试着画出风景。故选C。
boring没趣的;amazing惊人的;annoying烦人的;exciting令人兴奋的。根据“his parents noticed his…creativity in painting.”可知,这里指惊人的创造力。故选B。
show显示;send邮寄;buy购买;draw画。根据“his paintings to the local community,”可知,这里是向当地社区展示他的画作。故选A。
error错误;challenge挑战;success成功;chance机会。根据“which turned out to be a….”可知,这里是结果很成功。故选C。
kind友善的;thankful感激的;respectful恭敬的;true真的。根据“Jack for sharing travel pictures.”可知,这里是布拉德感谢杰克分享旅行照片。故选B。
angry愤怒的;nervous紧张的;frightened害怕的;surprised惊讶的。根据“He was even moved to tears.”可知,这里是他很惊讶。故选D。



