
听力部分 (40分)
一、勇闯单词关,听句子, 选出你所听到的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)
( ) 1. A. forty B. thirty C. eighty
( ) 2. A. these B. those C. whose
( ) 3. A. pretty B. pants C. pack
( ) 4. A. more B. Moscow C. mine
( ) 5. A. tall B. ball C. wall
二、句子我能懂,听问句, 选择合适的应答语。(每小题2分,共10分)
( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they aren’t.
C. They’re hens.
( ) 2. A. Yes, we do. B. It’s big and nice.
C. It’s next to the music room.
( ) 3. A. It’s 8 o’clock. B. Time to go home.
C. It’s thirty yuan.
( ) 4. A. They’re thirty yuan. B. Yes, please. I want a dress.
C. No, I can’t.
( ) 5. A. No, it’s warm. B. It’s windy.
C. It’s very pretty.
三、热心助人关,听短文, 圈出Amy 外出想要携带的东西。(共10分)
四、你的心灵我最懂,听短文, 完成下列各题。(共10分)
(一) 听录音, 给下列图片排序。(每小题2分,共6分)
(二) 再听一遍录音, 根据所听内容判断句子正( √ ) 误(×)。(每小题2分,共4分)
( ) 1. Amy’s dress is cheap but pretty.
( ) 2. There are animals, vegetables and fruit on the farm.
笔试部分 (60分)
( ) 1. A. farm B. warm C. card
( ) 2. A. let B. table C. noodle
( ) 3. A. bird B. nurse C. water
( ) 4. A. horse B. for C. work
( ) 5. A. fork B. sports C. world
六、搭配我在行,读一读,根据图片提示, 选词填空补全句子。(每小题1分,共5分)
sunny tomatoes gloves playground expensive
1. These are Chen Jie’s nice _________.
2. This skirt is pretty, but it’s too _________.
3. It’s hot and _________ in Sydney.
4. The _________ is next to the garden.
5. These _________ are so big! Yum!
( ) 1. —Where is the computer room —It’s on ________ floor.
A. one B. first C. the first
( ) 2. It’s cold and windy. You can put on your ________.
A. coat B. shorts C. sunglasses
( ) 3. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time ________ get up.
A. to B. for C. at
( ) 4. —Are these ________ —Yes, they are.
A. jacket B. sheep C. potato
( ) 5. —Whose dress is this —It’s ________.
A. My sister B. my sister’s C. my sister
八、火眼金睛就是我,看图, 判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。(每小题2分,共10分)
( ) 1. This is a study.
( ) 2. It’s eight o’clock now.
( ) 3. A picture of vegetables is on the wall.
( ) 4. A T-shirt is on the chair.
( ) 5. It’s snowy today.
( ) 1. How do you like these pants A. It’s sunny and warm.
( ) 2. What time is it B. It’s 89 yuan.
( ) 3. What’s the weather like today C. They are pretty and cheap.
( ) 4. What are these D. They are horses.
( ) 5. How much is this skirt E. It’s seven o’clock.
十、阅读四年级三班社会实践(Social Practice) 的微信群公告, 选择正确的答案。(每小题2分,共10分)
Mrs De 2024-04-19 15:20
Dear children, it’s time for the Social Practice. How happy! Where: Happy Farm When: 2024-4-22 8:00 a.m. Go to the farm by bus. 9:00 a.m. Play games on the farm. 11:30 a.m. Cook lunch on the farm. 2:00 p.m. Have fun with the animals: feed (喂) the hens and milk (给……挤奶) the cows. 4:30 p.m. Go home by bus. Tips: 1. weather: 9-19℃, sunny. Please wear warm clothes. No dress! No skirt! 2. Wear the red cap.
( ) 1. The children play games at ________.
A. 8:00 a.m. B. 9:00 a.m. C. 2:00 p.m.
( ) 2. On the Social Practice Day, the weather is ________.
A. cold and sunny B. sunny and warm C. sunny and hot
( ) 3. At 3:00 p.m., children may(可能) ________.
A. play games B. cook lunch C. milk the cows
( ) 4. The children can wear their(他们的) ________.
A. dresses B. skirts C. caps
( ) 5. From the notice, we know ________.
A. the children don’t eat lunch on the farm
B. the children can see cows and hens on the farm
C. the children go home at 4:00 p.m.
十一、我是大赢家,读一读以下材料, 完成下列任务。(共15分)
Bill: It’s warm and sunny today. I’m at my grandpa’s farm. These are potatoes and carrots. Those tomatoes are red and big. Look! The baby pigs! They are so cute. Oh, what are those We eat eggs from them. Can you guess
Mary: Many things are on sale. The shirt is nice for me. It’s 30 yuan. The sunglasses are pretty and cheap. They’re 20 yuan. It’s 11 o’clock now. It’s time to go home and eat lunch.
任务一: 根据材料内容, 圈出农场里的动植物。(5 分)
任务二: 根据材料内容, 判断句子正(√) 误(×) 。(每小题2分,共6分)
( ) 1. It’s sunny and hot today.
( ) 2. The shirt is twenty yuan and the sunglasses are thirty yuan.
( ) 3. It’s 11:20 now.
任务三: 看图, 根据材料中画线句子进行仿写。(每小题2分,共4分)
1. ________________________ 2. ________________________
(green beans) (gloves, cheap, nice)
一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
二、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B
四、(一) 3 2 1 点拨: 短文开始先介绍了天气情况, 所以天气图为1; 接着介绍了裙子和帽子, 所以衣帽图为2; 最后介绍了农场里的情况, 所以农场图为3。
(二) 1. √
2. × 点拨: 听力文章中介绍了农场里的蔬菜和动物, 没有水果。
五、1. B 点拨: B项中ar发/ /, 其余两项发/ɑ /。
2. A 点拨: A项中le发/le/, 其余两项发/l/。
3. C 点拨: C项中er发/ (r)/, 其余两项发/ /.
4. C 点拨: C项中or发/ /, 其余两项发/ /.
5. C 点拨: C项中or发/ /, 其余两项发/ /.
六、1. gloves
2. expensive
3. sunny
4. playground
5. tomatoes
七、1. C 点拨: 表示在“第几层楼”要用序数词, 且序数词前需要加定冠词the。
2. A 点拨: 句意为“天气冷而且有风, 你可以穿上你的外套”。
3. A 点拨: 在“It’s time...”句型中, 如果后面是动词, 应该用句型“It’s time to +动词原形+其他.”。
4. B 点拨: 根据问句可知, 名词需要用其复数形式, sheep单复数同形。
5. B 点拨: 根据答语可知, “它是我妹妹的(裙子) 。”, 空处应用名词所有格形式。
八、1. F 点拨: 这是卧室, 不是书房。
2. T 点拨: 桌子上的钟表显示是8点。
3. F 点拨: 墙上是一幅关于动物的的画, 不是关于蔬菜的。
4. T
5. F 点拨: 图片显示天气是下雨而不是下雪。
九、1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B
十、1. B 点拨: 根据原文“9:00 a.m. Play games on the farm.”可知孩子们上午九点玩游戏。
2. B 点拨: 根据原文“9-19℃, sunny.”可知天气温暖晴朗。
3. C 点拨: 根据原文“2:00 p.m. Have fun with the animals: feed(喂) the hens and milk(给……挤奶) the cows.”可知下午三点的时候, 孩子们可能在喂鸡或者挤牛奶。
4. C 点拨: 根据原文“No dress! No skirt!”及“Wear the red cap.”可知可以戴红帽子。
5. B 点拨: 孩子们上午11:30开始在农场里做午饭, 所以午饭是在农场里吃的; 孩子们是下午四点半回家; 所以排除了A、C两项, 故答案为B。
十一、任务一: Vegetables:圈出土豆、西红柿、胡萝卜;
任务二: 1. × 点拨: 根据材料中句子“It’s warm and sunny today.”可知天气温
暖晴朗, 句子与材料不符。
2. × 点拨: 应该是衬衫30元, 太阳镜20元。
3. × 点拨: 根据材料中句子“It’s 11 o’clock now.”可知句子错误。
任务三: 1. These are green beans.
2. The gloves are cheap and nice.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 4 When is the art show? 单元质量监测(含答案和听力原文无音频)
