Unit 5 Whose dog is it?单元测试(无答案)

Unit 5 Whose dog is it?基础测评卷
时间:60 分钟 满分:100分
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总 分
得 分
1. —Is the elephant water
—Yes, it is.
2. Li Ming is lunch at home.
3. They are in the snow.
4. The girl is apples now.
5. My brother is a book in the library.
( ) 1. I reading a cartoon book.
A. am B. is C. are
( ) 2. Can you her to the park
A. make B. have C. take
( ) 3. A baby panda with its mother.
A. are sleeping B. is sleeping C. sleep
( ) 4.—Is he drinking water
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he isn't.
( ) 5. Look! The fish are in the river.
A. swims B. swimming C. swim
1. Can you take (he) to the park
2. Tony is (run) at school.
3. I don't want to ( is) a fish.
4. Why are they ( look) at us
5. Are these all (our)
( )1. The girl is drawing a picture.
( )2. Look! The cat is sleeping.
( )3. —Is this Amy’s bag
—No. It's Lily's.
( )4. The boy is playing with his dog.
( )5. Look at the monkey.
It's eating a banana.
bike this
These books . Those books .
They the classroom.
4.莉莉正在做什么 她正在喝水。
—What Lily
—She water.
5.那只熊猫在吃东西吗 不,它在玩耍。
— the panda
—No, it .
( )1. What is the rabbit doing A. Yes, he is.
( )2. Where is your sister B. It's eating carrots.
( )3. Is he listening to music C. Sure. Here you are.
( )4. Whose picture is this D. She is in the bedroom.
( )5. Can I play with your ball E. It's Sarah's.
Zhang Peng:Hey! What are you doing
Amy:I'm watching Animal e and sit down.
Zhang Peng:Thank you.
Amy:Oh, look! What are the kangaroos doing
Zhang Peng:They're jumping.
Amy:What are the pandas doing
Zhang Peng:They're eating. Look at the lions. Are they running
Amy:No, they aren't. They're fighting(打架).
Zhang Peng:Look! The monkeys are climbing.
Amy:They're cute.
( ) 1. Zhang Peng and Amy are watching Animal World.
( ) 2. The pandas are climbing.
( ) 3. The tigers are fighting.
( ) 4. The monkeys are climbing.
( ) 5. The kangaroos are jumping.



