(小升初英语衔接训练) 2023-2024下学期小学毕业考试高频题11书面表达 (译林版三起)(含答案)

(小升初英语衔接训练) 2023-2024学年下学期小学毕业考试高频题
11 书面表达 (译林版三起)
要求:(1) 所写内容包含思维导图3个方面,可适当展开;
(2) 条理清晰,语句通顺,注意时态,标点、语法正确;
(3) 词数不少于50个词,不少于6句话 (不包括已给的开头) 。
How to be a good student
Everyone wants to be a good student, but how to be a good student ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.“读万卷书,不如行万里路”。你最喜欢的城市是哪一个呢?请以“My favourite city”为题来介绍这个城市的气候特征、特色事物和著名旅游景点或地标建筑。
(1) 内容要涉及以上三个方面,可适当发挥;
(2) 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法正确;不少于5句话。
My favourite city
3.根据图片内容,以“Dreams”为题,谈谈王兵和迈克的梦想,可着重围绕这三个方面:(1)What do they want to be in the future (2)Why (3) What should they do to make their dreams come true
4.同学们,寒假生活即将来临,你有什么计划呢?请以“My winter holiday plan”为题,从生活、学习、体育运动、娱乐活动等方面介绍一下你的寒假计划。你可以根据思维导图的提示来写,如去哪里、做什么、跟谁一起去等。
要求:(1) 所写内容至少包含思维导图3个方面,可适当展开;
(2) 条理清晰,语句通顺,注意时态,标点、语法正确;
(3) 词数不少于50个词,不少于6句话(不包括已给的开头)。
What are you going to do Who are you going to play with
My winter holiday plan
Where are you going How is your winter holiday
My winter holiday plan
Winter holiday is coming soon. I’m very excited. _______________________________
Protect the Earth
The Earth is our home. To protect it, we can ____________________________________
提示词:take some medicine, drink some warm water, have a rest, you should…, you shouldn’t…
Helen has ______. She ______. The doctor says, “You should ______.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
参考词汇:first, then, ask.. . for help, go along, turn left/ right, get to
Susan is very sad today. ___________________________________________________
I hope she will get better soon.
9.假设 Anna 是你的网友,请仔细阅读表格中提供的信息,选择你认为重要的部分介绍一下她,鼓励加入其他方面的信息。要求语句通顺,意思连贯,表达有条理,书写规范,不少于五句话。 (不包括开头句)
Name Anna Country
Age 11
Hobbies reading stories ...
Weekend activities cook nice food for family fish with grandpa in the park … (always, usually, often, sometimes ...)
Others (其他) …
Anna is my e-friend. _______________________________________________________
10.Liu Tao交了一位新朋友(Zhang Peng),他想跟同学们介绍他的新朋友。请根据以下信息卡提示完成关于Zhang Peng 的介绍,不少于6句话,不包括已给句子。
要求:(1) 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;
(2) 可以适当发挥想象。
My friend
I have a new friend. His name is Zhang Peng. ___________________________________
11.看图, 帮助 Peter写一段话介绍自己的一天。要求表达连贯,不少于5句话。
This is our timetable for today.
In the morning, __________________________________________________________
From 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. we have a break after lunch.
In the afternoon, _________________________________________________________
After school, ____________________________________________________________
Hello, I’m Mike. _________________________________________________________
13.Mike将周一美术课的情况做了一个介绍。请你根据例句及图片提示,完成他们体育课的情况介绍。要求:(1) 书写规范、整洁。(2) 包含所给信息。
It’s Monday afternoon. We have an art lesson at two fifty. We can draw animals and flowers. We like Art!
14.Lily是一名六年级的小学生,她有许多好习惯。请根据下面的图片内容发挥想象,用英文写一篇短文,说一说她有哪些好习惯。要求:(1) 契合主题,表达流畅;(2) 书写规范,标点正确;(3) 不少于5句话。
Lily’s good habits
15.愉快的暑假就要来到了,你想出去旅游吗?你想去哪些地方,哪些城市?请以 “My summer holiday plans” 为题,为自己制定一个旅游计划吧。要求:语句通顺,书写规范,语法和标点正确,不少于6句话。
My summer holiday plans
How to be a good student
Everyone wants to be a good student, but how to be a good student We should have some good habits. We need to get up early and keep our room clean and tidy. We should have a healthy diet. We can eat some meat and some vegetables every day. We must follow the traffic rules and wait for the green man in the street. We must not play on the road because it’s dangerous. A good student always has many hobbies. A good student may like reading books or playing football at weekends.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求以“How to be a good student”为题,写一篇短文。然后从好习惯,健康的饮食,遵守交通规则,培养丰富的爱好方面阐述如何成为一个好学生,所写内容包含思维导图3个方面。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:habit习惯,get up early早起,tidy整洁的,healthy diet健康的饮食,traffic rules交通规则,green man绿灯,dangerous危险的
参考句型:We should …;We need to …;We can …; We must …;A good student always ...;A good student may like ...
My favourite city
My favourite city is Beijing. It’s a great city.
It’s often sunny. I like to go to the Summer Palace. The Palace Museum is wonderful too. I can learn a lot from it. The food in Beijing is delicious, for example, the Beijing duck and the Beijing snacks.
Welcome to Beijing.
【详解】1.题干解读:该文要求以“My favourite city”为题写一篇作文,要求介绍这个城市的气候特征、特色事物和著名旅游景点或地标建筑,主语为第一人称,时态为一般现在时,并符合句子的数量要求。
参考词汇:sunny晴朗的,the Summer Palace颐和园,the Palace Museum故宫,delicious美味的,the Beijing duck北京烤鸭,the Beijing snacks北京小吃
参考句型:My favourite city is...;It is...;I can...;Welcome to...
Wang Bing and Mike are talking about their dreams. Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut in the future. Because he wants to fly a spaceship to the Moon. Mike wants to be a dentist in the future. Because he wants to help children take care of their teeth. They should study hard to make their dreams come true.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求以“Dreams”为题,谈谈王兵和迈克的梦想。然后再阐述未来想成为什么,为什么及做什么能使梦想实现。注意文章主要为一般现在时态并要符合单词字数要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:talk about谈论,astronaut宇航员,in the future在未来,spaceship宇宙飞船,dentist牙医,take care of照顾,study hard努力学习,come true实现
参考句型:... are …;… wants to be …;Because …; They should …
My winter holiday plan
Winter holiday is coming soon. I’m very excited. I’m going to study every morning, I’m going to do my homework and read some books. I’m going to play basketball with my father at weekends. I’m going to walk in the park with my brother in the afternoon. What a nice winter holiday!
参考单词:Winter holiday寒假,excited兴奋的,study学习,homework作业,play basketball打篮球,walk走路
参考句型:I’m going to...;What a...;
Protect the Earth
The Earth is our home. To protect it, we can reuse and save water because there is not enough water in many places. Most of our energy comes from oil and coal. To save energy, we can drive less. We can plant more trees because trees help keep the air clean. We can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags. If everyone tries to protect the Earth, it will become more beautiful.
参考词汇:save water节约用水,drive less少开车,plant more trees多种树,use cloth bags使用布袋
参考句型:To protect it, we can...
Helen has a fever. She goes to see a doctor. The doctor says, “You should take some medicine three times a day. Drink some warm water and have a rest. You should eat more fruit and vegetables. You shouldn’t drink cold water.”
【详解】1. 题干解读:题干要求作为医生的你用第二人称给发烧的Helen一些建议,包括应该做的事情和不应该做的事情。时态为一般现在时,并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇和参考句型:
参考词汇:take some medicine喝药,drink some warm water喝些温水,have a rest休息
参考句型:You should…; You shouldn’t…
Mike wanted to visit his friend’s new home. He bought some food in the supermarket first. When he got to Apple Street,he couldn’t find the way. So he asked a policeman for help. The policeman said to him,“ Go along this street. Turn right at the second traffic lights. Then you are on Pear Street. The bookshop is on your left. Your friend’s home is next to it.” Finally, he got to his friend’s home.
参考词汇:first首先,ask...for help求助,go along沿着……走,turn left/right左转/右转,get to到达
参考句型:Mike wanted to...;He bought...;The policeman said...;Go along...
Susan is very sad today. She has a stomachache. Because she eats too many ice creams in the afternoon. She should see the doctor and take some medicine. She shouldn’t eat a lot of ice creams. She should eat healthily.
I hope she will get better soon.
参考词汇:stomachache胃疼; ice cream冰淇淋;see the doctor看医生;take some medicine吃药;eat healthily吃得健康
参考句型:She has...;Because she...;She should...;She shouldn’t...
Anna is my e-friend. She is 11 years old. She is from the UK. Reading stories and climbing hills are her hobbies. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. On Saturday morning, she always fishes with her grandpa in a park. In the evening, she does her homework. On Sunday, she usually has a picnic with her parents.
参考单词:the UK英国,reading stories读故事,climbing hills爬山,hobbies爱好,from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五,in the evening在晚上,usually通常,have a picnic去野餐
参考句型:She is…;Reading stories and climbing hills are her hobbies.;She goes…;On Saturday morning, she always…;On Sunday, she usually…
My friend
I have a new friend. His name is Zhang Peng. He is 11 years old. He has a rabbit and two fish. He likes them very much. Playing games and climbing hills are his hobbies. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. On Saturday morning, he flies a kite in a park. In the evening, he does his homework. On Sunday, he usually has a picnic with his parents.
参考单词:hobbies爱好,from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五,On Saturday morning在星期六上午,in the evening在晚上,On Sunday在星期日,parents父母
参考句型:He is…;He has…;He likes…;Playing games and climbing hills are…;On Saturday morning, he flies…
This is our timetable for today.
In the morning, I have four lessons. They are English, Chinese, Maths and Music. I like Maths.
From 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m. we have a break after lunch.
In the afternoon, I have two lessons. They are Art and PE. I like Art. I can draw well.
After school, I usually play basketball with my friends. It’s my favourite sport. I’m happy today.
参考词汇:lessons科目;English英语;Chinese语文;Maths数学;Music音乐;PE体育;Art美术;draw well画得很好;play basketball打篮球
参考句型:I have...;They are...;I like...;I can...;I usually...;It’s my...
Hello, I’m Mike. I’m ten years old. I get up at seven. I go to bed at nine. I have PE on Thursday. I like music very much.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据图片内容,替Mike补全自我介绍。然后再阐述年龄,日常生活及学校科目。注意文章为一般现在时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:ten十,get up起床,seven七,go to bed去睡觉,Thursday星期四
参考句型:I’m …; I …;I like …
It’s Wednesday afternoon. We have a PE lesson at two twenty. We can play football together. We like PE!
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求以第一人称介绍体育课的情况,包含时间、做什么等信息,注意文章为一般现在时,并且保证一定词数的要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考词汇:Wednesday星期三,have a PE lesson有一节体育课,at two twenty在2点20分,play football踢足球
参考句型:It’s…;We have…;We can…;We like…
Lily’s good habits
Lily is a sixth grade school pupil. She has many good habits. She gets up early in the morning and eats breakfast on time. She likes doing sports and she runs everyday. So she is always healthy. At home, Lily always puts her things in order. She usually finishes her homework before dinner.
【详解】该书面表达要求以“Lily’s good habits”为题写一篇作文。时态为一般现在时,用第三人称写Lily的好习惯。注意书写格式和单词数量。
参考词汇:起床get up,吃早餐eat breakfast,跑步run,完成作业finish homework,健康的healthy,有序in order
参考句型:She is…;She likes…;She always…
My summer holiday plans
My summer holiday is coming. I will travel to Beijing first. I will go there by train. I will visit many famous places. Then I will go to Chengdu by plane. I will see many lovely pandas there. I’m looking forward to the holiday!
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求以“我的暑假计划”为题制定一个旅游计划,计划里面要包括想去哪些地方,哪些城市,怎么去等。注意文章为一般将来时,要求语句通顺,书写规范,语法和标点正确,不少于6句话。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:coming来, travel旅游,train火车, plane飞机,plane可爱的
参考句型:My summer holiday is …;I will… ;I look forward to…
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




下一篇:Unit 6 Plan for the Summer 讲义 +练习(含答案及音频无听力原文)