
英 语
(考试时间120分钟 满分:120分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. Who is Emma
A. Mike’s sister. B. Mike’s cousin. C. Mike’s neighbour.
7. Where are the speakers
A. In the cinema. B. In the classroom. C. In the supermarket.
8. How does Jane feel now
A. Proud. B. Sad. C. Nervous.
9. What does Sam want to find
A. His pen. B. His watch. C. His bike.
10. How long has the boy had a cold
A. For three days. B. For five days. C. For one week.
11. What would the man like to have
A. Noodles. B. Dessert. C. Dumplings.
12. What size bowl would the man like
A. A small bowl. B. A medium bowl. C. A large bowl.
13. When does the conversation take place
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
14. What is Linda doing
A. Having dinner. B. Taking a walk. C. Doing her homework.
15. What does Jim think of playing tennis
A. Exciting. B. Relaxing. C. Interesting.
16. What will Linda do this evening
A. Go shopping. B. Do some sports. C. Wash her shoes.
17. What are they going to do with the vegetable washing water
A. Clean the floor. B. Water the flowers. C. Feed the animals.
18. What is Day Zero
A. A book. B. A play. C. A movie.
19. What is Day Zero about
A. Water problems. B. Food safety. C. Table manners.
20. When are they going to do next
A. Write an article. B. Draw a picture. C. Make a video.
21. When did the accident happen
A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 2:30 p.m. C. At 6:00 p.m.
22. How many students were hurt in the accident
A. 10. B. 12. C. 15.
23. What happened to the truck driver
A. He lost his life. B. He had both his legs broken. C. He had his left arm broken.
24. Where were the students going
A. To their school. B. To the park. C. To the science museum.
25. What might be the reason for the accident
A.The bad weather. B. The heavy traffic. C. The careless truck driver.
An interview with a singer
Whom Candy, a 19-year-old pop singer.
How ●Candy used to be 26 and her mother asked her to start singing. ●Candy’s life is different after she became 27 .
What ●Now she is able to 28 and meet new people all the time. ●However, too much 29 can also be a bad thing. ●She always has to worry about how she should appear in public. ●Candy 30 on and wants to become a talented singer in the future.
31. —Where are you from, Lisa
— _______ Please say that again.
A. Oh, I see. B. Pardon C. That’s great!
32. Bob has a sweet tooth, so he always puts much _______ in his food and drinks.
A. salt B. milk C. sugar
33. —Who is in the teachers’ office, Andy
—_______, I think. The lights are all off.
A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone
34. You need to get to school before 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Don’t be _______.
A. late B. glad C. ready
35. —_______ of volunteers will be needed for the 2024 Olympic Games.
—Let’s go and join them.
A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Three thousand
36. Susan _______ to Canada twice, so she knows a lot about the country.
A. has gone B. has been C. will go
37. Jackson is nice. He _______ the door before he goes into my room every time.
A. knocks on B. finds out C. shouts at
38. To protect the Chinese in Ukraine, China managed _______ planes to take them home.
A. send B. sent C. to send
39. I don’t know _______ or not Amy will accept my invitation.
A. why B. whether C. that
40. —Must we hand in the exercise books now
—No, you _______. You can hand them in tomorrow.
A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t
A: Hi, Alice. Did you see Lisa’s scrapbook(剪贴簿)
B: Yes. 41
A: Scrapbooks are a good way to keep photos.
B: I agree. I also have a scrapbook.
A: Really 42
B: Last year. It’s a fun hobby.
A: What do you keep in your scrapbook
B: 43 The photos bring back memories for me.
A: That’s nice. I want to learn how to make one. 44
B: Sure, no problem. Let’s meet at the school gate after school.
A: OK. 45
A. See you then. B. Where did you take the photos C. It was so beautiful. D. Could you please help me after school E. When did you start making a scrapbook F. I have photos of my friends and postcards from holidays.
While waves of COVID-19 are leaving, another seems to be having its moment: norovirus (诺如病毒). 46 you or a family member has had norovirus, it isn’t pretty. It’s in your house before you know it. Here are a few tips to 47 the spread of norovirus in your home.
Wash your hands.
Handwashing is the best 48 you can take to stay healthy, and it’s the number one way to protect against norovirus. Just make sure to wash the right way. First, wet hands 49 clean, warm water. Then, use a soap, and clean your hands for 50 20 seconds. At last, wash hands well under running water and dry 51 on a clean towel.
Prepare food safely.
You know that thing about hand washing It’s really important in the kitchen, 52 when preparing food. Properly clean the surfaces you’re working on before you begin. And be sure to clean the area well once you’re done. If you’re feeling 53 or experiencing symptoms(症状), stay out of the kitchen to keep from spreading the virus to others.
Clean the right way.
Someone with norovirus may not show symptoms for several days, 54 it’s nearly impossible to keep viruses out of your house. But you can deal with them once they’ve arrived. Take special care to disinfect(给......消毒) surfaces that are 55 often, such as doors. Wear gloves for cleaning and use water mixed with bleach(漂白剂). Wash dirty clothes immediately and completely, using hot water.
46. A. Unless B. If C. Although
47. A. prevent B. support C. guide
48. A. lesson B. order C. step
49. A. with B. for C. from
50. A. at first B. at least C. at most
51. A. it B. you C. them
52. A. suddenly B. especially C. luckily
53. A. hungry B. happy C. sick
54. A. so B. because C. or
55. A. lost B. touched C. made
Cats, dogs, fish and rabbits are some pets. Keeping chickens at home is also becoming more popular. Having some chickens in your garden can be great fun and you can have eggs most days.
You need to have space in your garden to keep chickens in a safe building called a coop(鸡笼). Chickens will sleep, feed and lay eggs in it. The coop also keeps them from foxes or other danger, so always close the door carefully at night. To keep chickens from the wind and the sun, put the coop in a right position.
Beside the coop, you should make an enclosed(封闭的) place called a run (饲养场), for them to exercise. Letting chickens exercise during the day keeps them happy and healthy. You should feed chickens, give them fresh water and check them each day. It is wrong to feed chickens with junk food.
Feeding chickens the food with sand helps them give eggs with hard shells(壳). Clean chicken poo(粪) often to keep them in good health. A hen will not lay an egg every day, but if you have space for three or four then you can get enough eggs for your family.
56. Keeping chickens at home is becoming more popular because it can be great fun.
57. The coop can keep chickens from danger.
58. It’s necessary to make a run for chickens to exercise.
59. It’s OK to feed chickens with junk food.
60. We should feed hens with chicken poo to get eggs with hard shells.
China is a country with a great history. Let us see some of the greatest ancient mysteries (神秘事物) in China.
Ancient City Under Fuxian Lake Fuxian Lake is the third largest lake in Yunnan. In 2001, a research team discovered a stonework under the lake, covering an area of nearly 2.4 to 2.7 square kilometres. Researchers said that the stonework was 1,750 years old. It’s believed that it was the remains (遗迹) of the ancient Dian Kingdom which mysteriously disappeared after 86 BC.
Mystery of the Huashan Caves(洞穴) The Huashan Caves are near Huangshan in Anhui. They are from 10 to 20 metres in height. 36 caves were found among the hills. The walls and stone stairs show that men dug the caves and they have a history of over 1,700 years. As no historical records tell what those caves were used for, the reason for creating those caves remains a mystery.
Ancient World Under the Taklamakan Desert(沙漠) The Taklamakan desert is the largest desert in China. Ancient people believed that once you entered the desert, there was no getting out of it. But over the years, researchers have begun to discover some of the secrets that have been hidden in this mysterious area. Remains of houses and the ancient city of Loulan were found under the sand. In the late 1980s, several mummies(木乃伊) were also discovered there.
61. The material introduces _______ mysterious places.
A. two B. three C. four
62. What was under Fuxian Lake
A. Many caves. B. Several mummies. C. The stonework.
63. According to the material, the Huashan Caves are mysterious because _______.
A. it’s almost impossible for men to dig such big caves
B. all the caves are in good shapes after more than 1,700 years
C. people don’t know why ancient people dug those caves
64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material
A. The Dian Kingdom disappeared after 68 BC.
B. The Taklamakan desert is the largest desert in the world.
C. The Taklamakan desert might be a place for people to live in before.
65. We can probably read the material in a magazine about _______.
A. nature B. science C. sports
Many people would try very hard to run just one marathon. They would need months of training to get into shape to last the 42.195-km distance. However, marathons are no problem for Australian runner Erchana Murray-Bartlett. She achieved her goal of running 150 marathons in 150 days.
The 32-year-old ran 6,329 km from the northernmost part of Queensland to the southern city of Melbourne. Her five-month coast-to-coast run set a new world record. It’s the most consecutive(连贯的) daily marathons ever run by a woman. She broke the last record of finishing running 106 marathons in 106 days.
Ms Murray-Bartlett is a professional runner. In 2021, she missed the Tokyo Olympics, so she set her sights on a record-breaking challenge. She started her challenge to raise people’s awareness of the extinction crisis(灭绝危机) in Australia. Australia is rich in biodiversity(生物多样性), but many kinds of animals and plants are dying out in her country. Her run raised $70,000 for the Wilderness Society to protect those animals and plants. She said it was a really hard five months, but she knew she could do it.
She said, “Even though sometimes I am tired, I thought, ‘No, I can go one more kilometer’ or ‘No, I can go 500 more meters’. If we keep connecting tiny goals together, we can make it.”
This is a lesson for us all.
66. How long did it take Ms Murray-Bartlett to finish her challenge
A. 32 days. B. 106 days. C. 150 days.
67. Which city did Ms Murray-Bartlett end up running to
A. Melbourne. B. Brisbane. C. Sydney.
68. Why did Ms Murray-Bartlett start her marathon challenge
A. To teach us a lesson.
B. To prepare for the next Olympics.
C. To ask people to care more about the environment.
69. What lesson did Murray-Bartlett’s experience teach us
A. The importance of training to get into shape.
B. The importance of connecting tiny goals together.
C. The importance of running marathons every day.
70. What can be the best title of this passage
A. It’s difficult to run marathons.
B. It’s our duty to protect the biodiversity.
C. A woman set a record by running 150 marathons in 150 days.
①A growing number of people are using ChatGPT, an AI(人工智能) program, to create books for sale. Although sales have been slow so far, human writers are worried that ChatGPT-created books might hurt the writing and publishing(出版) industry.
②Brett Schickler is a salesman in New York. Until recently, he never imagined he could be an author. But after learning about the ChatGPT AI program, Schickler found that he had a good chance.
③Using the AI software, Schickler created his first book, a 30-page children’s e-book, in a few hours. He sold it online and made less than $ 100. While that may not sound like much, it is enough to make him want to create other books using the software.
④“I could see people making a whole career(职业) out of this,” said Schickler.
⑤There were over 200 e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store by mid-February that say ChatGPT is a writer or co-writer. And the number is rising daily. But because of the nature(性质) of ChatGPT and the fact that many writers didn’t admit that they had used it, it’s nearly impossible to exactly know how many e-books may have been written by AI.
⑥Some professional writers are becoming worried about the effects that ChatGPT could have on the book publishing industry. Mary Rasenberger is the director of the Authors Guild, a writer’s group. She said, “This is something we really need to be worried about—these books will flood the market and a lot of authors are going to be out of work.”
71. What can we learn from Paragraph 1
A. Books created by ChatGPT are getting popular.
B. ChatGPT is changing the way that books are sold.
C. Some people are worrying about the use of ChatGPT.
72. Which of the following is TRUE about Brett Schickler
A. He is a teacher in New York.
B. He made a lot of money from his first book.
C. He didn’t spend much time in creating his first book.
73. _______ mentions why it’s hard to count the number of books that were created using ChatGPT.
A. Paragraph 4 B. Paragraph 5 C. Paragraph 6
74. The underlined word “admit” means “_______” in Chinese.
A. 承认 B. 答应 C. 记得
75. What is the main idea of the passage
A. Everyone wants to be a writer.
B. ChatGPT has made reading easier.
C. AI influences the writing and publishing industry.
六、选词填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
that heavy become it down what bad sunlight agree dead
A man was walking through the woods with his axe(斧头) when a small tree called to him. It said, “Hello friend. Can you cut 76 those bigger trees They’re blocking the sun. It is so crowded here 77 I have no room to spread my roots. I can’t feel the wind.”
The little tree held out 78 tiny leaves. It looked so sad. It continued, “If those trees were gone, I’d be able to grow. A year from now, I’d be the biggest tree here. But for now, I’m just a small tree.”
The man thought for a while and 79 . He walked over to the bigger trees and started cutting them down. Soon, he cleared lots of space around the small tree. Now it would be able to feel the sun and wind. It would grow bigger and 80 the biggest tree in that area.
But something else happened instead. The sun’s heat came first. The small tree wasn’t used to so much 81 . It started to burn. Strong wind and 82 rain came—without the bigger trees to protect it, the small tree was hit by the storm. Soon, the tree was nearly 83 .
“You’ve been quite foolish,” said a snake that saw 84 had happened. “You brought this on yourself. If you’d left the bigger trees alone, the sun and storm wouldn’t have hurt you so 85 . They protected you. If you had just waited longer, you would have grown to be just as big as them. You’d be strong.”
古语有云:“一日不读书,尘生其中;两日不读书,言语乏味;三日不读书,面目可憎。”已故著名英语语言学家陈琳生前保持着每日阅读的习惯,即使卧病在床也没有间断。请你以“Do some reading every day”为题,根据以下内容要点写一篇短文。
1. 短文须包含以上所有要点提示,可适当发挥,增加细节;
2. 文中不得透露真实的校名、人名和地名等信息;
3. 不少于80词。
参考词汇:habit, improve, knowledge, confident, the world, online, newspapers
Do some reading every day
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
答案 F A D B C A B B C A A C A
题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
答案 B C A B C A C B C B C A
26. shy 27. famous 28. travel 29. attention 30. fights
题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 B C B A B B A C B C
【解析】本题考查情景交际。由下文答语中的“Please say that again.”可推知空格处应表示为“(因没听清楚)请再说一遍”,选项B符合。
【解析】本题考查名词辨析。由前句“Bob has a sweet tooth(Bob喜欢吃甜食)”可推知空格处应填“sugar(糖)”。故选C。
【解析】本题考查不定代词辨析。由答语末句“The lights are all off.(灯全关了)”可推知空格处应表示为“没有人”。故选B。
【解析】本题考查形容词辨析。由前句“You need to get to school before 8:30 a.m....”可推知后
【解析】本题考查动词时态。由句中的关键信息“twice”可推知空格所在的前句应表达为“Susan去过加拿大两次”,表示“去过某地”应用“(have/has) been to”。故选B。
【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。“manage to do sth.”表示“设法做成某事”,是固定搭配。故选C。
【解析】本题考查宾语从句(引导词)。由空格后的“or not”可推知空格处应用whether与之搭配,表示“是否”。故选B。
题号 41 42 43 44 45
答案 C E F D A
【解析】由上文的信息“Did you see Lisa’s scrapbook ”可知该空格处应表示对Lisa’s scrapbook的补充说明。故选C。
【解析】由下文的“Last year.”可知上文应就“什么时候做某事”提问,选项E符合。
【解析】由上文的信息“What do you keep in your scrapbook ”可知选项F所表示的内容与之相呼应
【解析】由下文的“Sure, no problem.”可知选项D符合情境。
【解析】由上文的信息“Let’s meet at the school gate after school.”可知选项A符合情境。
题号 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
答案 B A C A B C B C A B
类型:说明文 话题:预防疾病
【语篇解读】新冠势头逐渐褪去,诺如病毒又来了。那么日常该如何进行防护呢 文章对此给出了建议。
【解析】由下文的信息“it isn’t pretty”可推知该空格处应填if,表示“你或者家人感染了诺如病毒”。故选B。
【解析】由下文的信息“the spread of norovirus in your home.”可推知空格处应填prevent,表示“防止”。故选A。
【解析】由下文的信息“it’s the number one way to protect against norovirus. ”可知该空格所在句应表示为“洗手是保持健康的最佳步骤”。故选C。
【解析】由上文的“It’s really important in the kitchen”和下文的“when preparing food”可推知空格处应表示为“尤其是”。故选B。
【解析】由下文的“experiencing symptoms”可知该空格处应填“sick”,与下文相对应。故选C。
【解析】由该空格前后的信息“Someone with norovirus may not show symptoms for several days,”和“it’s nearly impossible to keep viruses out of your house.”可知该空格处应用so,表示因果关系。故选A。
【解析】由下文的信息“such as doors.”可推知该空格所在句应表达为“注意要给经常被接触的(物体)表面消毒”。故选B。
题号 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
答案 T T T F F B C C C A C A C B C C C B A C
类型:说明 话题:人与动物
【解析】由首段中的信息“Having some chickens in your garden can be great fun”可知题干描述的与实际情况相符。
【解析】由第二段中的信息“The coop also keeps them from foxes or other danger...”可知题干描述的与实际情况相符。
【解析】由第三段中的信息“Beside the coop, you should make...for them to exercise.”可知题干描述的与实际情况相符。
【解析】由第三段中的信息“It is wrong to feed chickens with junk food.”可知题干描述的与实际情况不相符。
【解析】由短文最后一段的首句信息“Feeding chickens the food with sand helps them give eggs with hard shells.”可知题干描述的与实际情况不相符。
类型:说明文 话题:古代的神秘事物
【解析】本题考查细节理解。三个方框共描述三个神秘事物,由此可知选项B 符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第一个方框中的信息“a research team discovered a stonework under the lake”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第二个方框中的“the reason for creating those caves remains a mystery.”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查推理判断。由第三个方框中的信息“Remains of houses and the ancient city of Loulan were found ... were also discovered there.”可推知选项C符合。
类型:记叙文 话题:体育运动
【语篇解读】Erchana Murray-Bartlett是一位来自澳大利亚的跑步者,她在150天内跑完了150场
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第一段末尾的信息“... in 150 days”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第二段中的信息“... to the southern city of Melbourne.”可知选项A符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第三段中的信息“...to raise people’s awareness of the extinction crisis in Australia.”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第四段中的信息“If we keep connecting tiny goals together, we can make it.”可知选项B符合。
类型:说明文 话题:科学与技术
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第一段的信息“...are worried that ChatGPT-created books might hurt the writing and publishing industry.”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第三段中的信息“...created his first book, a 30-page children’s e-book, in a few hours.”可知选项C符合。
【解析】本题考查细节理解。由第五段的信息“...it’s nearly impossible to exactly know how many e-books may have been written by AI.”可知选项B符合。
【解析】本题考查词义猜测。由该划线词前后的信息“many writers didn’t”和“... that they had used it, it’s nearly impossible to exactly know how many...”可推知该划线词应意为“承认”。选项A符合。
六、选词填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
类型:记叙文 话题:寓言故事
【解析】考查副词。“cut down”意为“砍下”,是固定短语。
【解析】考查连词。由空格前的信息“so crowded...”可知该空应该填that,“so...that...”意为“如此......,以致......”,是固定搭配。
【解析】考查代词。由该句的主语“The little tree”及空格后的名词短语“tiny leaves”可知空格处应填形容词性物主代词its。
【解析】考查动词。由该句前后的信息“It would grow bigger and...”和“the biggest tree in that area.”可推知该空应填become(原形)。
【解析】考查名词。由上文的“The sun’s heat came first.”及下文的“ It started to burn.”可知该空格处应填sunlight。
【解析】考查形容词。由上文信息“Strong wind ...”以及下文的“without the bigger trees to protect it, the small tree was hit by the storm.”可推知空格处应填heavy,与strong相对应。
【解析】考查形容词。由上文的“without the bigger trees to protect it, the small tree was hit by the storm.”可推知该空格处应填dead。
【解析】考查代词。由空格后的信息“had happened.”可推知空格处应填what,引导该宾语从句。
【解析】考查副词。根据上文的信息“ If you’d left the bigger trees alone, the sun and storm wouldn’t have hurt you...”可知此空应填副词bad的副词形式badly。
Do some reading every day
Reading is a very good habit. It can not only improve our knowledge but also make us confident and happy. Reading can help us know more about the world, too.
I love reading very much. I read in different ways, including reading online, reading newspapers and reading books. What I like most is newspapers and history stories because they can always bring me something fresh and smart. I share my ideas about reading with others. This can help me get along well with them.
Do you have a good reading habit Let’s do some reading every day.
1. There is a bank near my house.
2. Strawberries are my favorite fruit.
3. This bag is too heavy for Daniel to carry.
4. The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow.
5. John made a model plane yesterday.
W: Is the girl with short hair your sister, Mike
M: No. She is my cousin Emma.
W: Tom, please read the words loudly. The other classmates can’t hear you.
M: OK, Miss Black.
W: Has Jane won the competition
M: No, she hasn’t. She is a bit sad now.
M: Mum, I can’t find my bike.
W: Don’t worry, Sam. It may be in the garden.
W: I’m sorry to hear that you’ve caught a bad cold. How long have you had it
M: It started three days ago. I forgot to close the window when I slept that night.
W: Good morning, sir! What can I do for you
M: Good morning! I want to have some noodles.
W: What kind of noodles would you like
M: I’d like beef noodles.
W: We have small, medium and large bowls. What size would you like
M: A large bowl, please.
W: OK. Wait a minute, please. I’ll be back soon.
M: Hey, Linda. What are you doing
W: Oh, Jim. Nothing special. I’m just taking a walk here.
M: What for
W: To get a little exercise. I don’t feel very well. I notice that I always get tired easily.
M: Well, I play tennis with some friends on Saturday afternoon. It’s good exercise and it’s interesting too. Would you like to come and play with us
W: That sounds great. Give me a call next time you play. I have to buy a pair of sports shoes this evening.
W: Peter, don’t pour away the vegetable washing water.
M: Well, Lucy, what are you going to do with it
W: We can use it to water the flowers. We should try to save water in daily life.
M: Oh, I agree. Water is really important to us.
W: That’s true. I’ve watched a movie called Day Zero. It shows the water problems in several countries.
M: What did you think of the movie
W: It touched my heart. If we don’t take action now, we’ll have no water to drink one day.
M: Terrible! We should ask more people to save water.
W: You’re right. Let’s make a short video and ask people to join us online!
Here is the six o’clock news. A terrible traffic accident happened on Green Road at 2:30 this afternoon. A school bus was hit by a truck from the back and fifteen students were seriously hurt. The truck driver had both his legs broken.
All the injured students were sent to hospital at once. So far no death have been reported in this accident. The students are from No. 8 Middle School. They were going to visit the science museum. It’s said that bad weather caused the accident. The police told drivers to be more careful, because the weather has not been so good recently. Our reporters will keep an eye on this accident. And more news about the accident will be reported in two hours.
I interviewed 19-year-old pop singer Candy yesterday. Candy told me that she used to be shy and her mother asked her to start singing to deal with the problem. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now she is not shy any more and loves singing in front of crowds.
I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there were many good things, like being able to travel and meeting new people all the time. However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. She always had to worry about how she should appear in public, and had to be very careful about what she said or did. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for her now. That means she has to give up normal life.
People usually cannot imagine how difficult the road to success is. But Candy fights on and wants to become a talented singer in the future.



上一篇:7.4.2 超几何分布(同步检测)(含解析)—2023-2024高二下学期数学选择性必修第三册(人教A版(2019))

下一篇:河北邯郸临漳县2022-2023九年级上学期物理期末检测( 含答案)