
(Two friends are talking about the science and technology festival (科技节) in school.)
Alice: Hi, Jack. Do you know the science and technology festival in our school
Jack: No, I don’t. I am new here. 1
Alice: It’s a festival for students to learn and share something about science and technology.
Jack: Can I join in
Alice: 2 There are many fun activities (活动) at the festival.
Jack: 3
Alice: Yes. Some famous scientist (科学家) will come to our school and tell us some interesting science knowledge.
Jack: 4 I am afraid that I can’t understand these lectures.
Alice: Don’t worry! 5 It’s easy.
Jack: Thank you! When is the festival
Alice: It’s next week. Let’s read some magazines about science this weekend.
A.What is it
B.Sounds good.
C.I can help you.
D.Where are the lectures
E.But I am not good at science.
F.Sure, you will have a good time.
G.Do we have some lectures (讲座)
A: Hey, Daming. Did you watch the basketball match between China and Japan yesterday
B: 6 It was exciting!
A: What was the score
B: 73 to 71. 7
A: It was great. It was a pity that I missed it.
B: You look tired. 8
A: My brother hurt his knee yesterday so I had to stay in the hospital with him.
B: 9 How’s your brother now
A: He went home today, but he still needs to stay in bed.
B: 10
A: At least three weeks.
A.Don’t worry.
B.Of course I did.
C.What’s the matter
D.I’m sorry to hear that.
E.Chinese girls won the match.
F.How long will he stay in bed
A: Andy, it’s Saturday today, but you look unhappy.
B: 11
A: What’s the matter
B: I studied until 11:00 last night.
A: 12
B: At 7:00.
A: Oh, that’s long enough. 13
B: But my parents want me to study all day. They expect me to get good grades.
A: Poor Andy. 14
B: I don’t think they can understand me.
A: But I think it’s bad if you don’t try to communicate with them. You should tell them that you don’t have to study for a long time to get good grades.
B: 15 Thanks.
A.So, what time did you start studying
B.I’m really tired, Tony.
C.Well, I will have a try.
D.Maybe you should learn to relax.
E.Why don’t you talk to your parents
A: Hello, can I speak to Alice
B: This is Alice. 16
A: Hi, this is Tina.
B: Hi, Tina. 17
A: Oh, I’m just watching TV. What about you
B: Well, I’m making dinner.
A: 18
B: I’m making vegetable salad.
A: 19
B: Do you want to eat dinner with me
A: Oh, I’d love to. Thanks.
B: Great. Linda and Rick are also coming. They will arrive at seven.
A: OK. 20
B: OK. See you then. Bye.
A: Bye.
A.Where are you
B.Who is that speaking
C.It sounds delicious.
D.What are you doing
E.What are you making
F.I can be there at seven, too.
A: Hi, Amy! What’s for Jeff’s birthday
B: 21
A: Yes, he does. He has a nice pencil-box.
B: 22 He likes playing soccer very much.
A: That sounds good. But he has two soccer balls.
B: Does he have an English-Chinese dictionary
A: Yes, he does. 23
B: 24
A: Good idea. 25
A.Let’s buy him a big one.
B.How about a soccer ball
C.Let’ go to the sports store.
D.No, he doesn’t.
E.Does he have a pencil-box
F.Let’s go to the bookstore.
G.But his dictionary is small and old.
A: Hey, Kevin. Your new T-shirt looks really cool!
B: Thanks! It’s the team uniform(队服) of my club.
A: 26
B: I’m in a soccer club.
A: Oh. 27
B: Yeah, we must wear them when we train(训练).
A: 28
B: No, only on Tuesday and Friday mornings. But we’ll have a soccer game, so we have lots of training every day this month.
A: I see. 29
B: On April 24th.
A: 30
B: Sure! All students are welcome.
A.Can I watch it then
B.What club are you in
C.When is the soccer game
D.Do you have to train every day
E.What time do you go to the club
F.Where do you usually take exercise
G.No wonder(难怪) you wear soccer shoes, too.
G: Hello, everyone! Today we’re going to talk about things in the future. 31
T: Well, Miss Green. I think students won’t go to school in 50 years.
G: 32
T: They’ll study on computers at home.
G: Good. Toby. There will be more free time for students to do what they want. 33 Do you think so
T: Yes, I think so. Miss Green. There will be more and more robots working for people.
G: Oh, that would be nice. 34
T: They’ll fly to work or travel.
G: Sounds interesting! Tell me what your prediction about money.
T: I think people won’t need money. Everything will be free.
G: Great! 35
A.Where will they study
B.People will fly in the sky.
C.They make plans to live in the sea.
D.I want to listen to your predictions.
E.You give us a wonderful future world!
F.I think every family will have robots.
G.How will people go to work or travel
A: You look happy this morning, Julie.
B: Yes, I watched my favorite TV show just now.
A: 36
B: Frank’s Life.
A: 37
B: It’s a comedy show.
A: Comedies often make people laugh and I love them. But I like travel shows better.
B: 38
A: Because I can learn about different places from the shows.
B: I see. 39
A: I don’t mind them. 40
B: Me, too!
A.I can’t stand cartoon movies!
B.What kind of show is it
C.What do you think of cooking shows
D.But I always feel hungry when I watch them.
E.What’s your favorite TV show
F.Why do you like them
A: What are you going to do this weekend
B: 41 What about you
A: 42
B: Playing on the beach sounds interesting!
A: 43
B: Sure, I’d love to go with you. 44
A: At around 8:00 on Saturday morning.
B: That would be great, so we may have more free time playing there.
A: Yes. 45
B: Oh, I love music.
A: Well then, I’ll see you on Saturday.
A.I am not sure.
B.How are you going there
C.When are you going to leave
D.There’s going to be a volleyball game.
E.I’m going to take a drive to the beach.
F.Would you be interested in joining me
G.There’s going to be a music festival on the beach.
A: Would you like to have dinner with me this evening, Bob
B: 46 Maybe another time.
A: What are you doing
B: I’m making a plan. 47
A: What plan Is it very important
B: Yes. I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.
A: 48
B: I help out at the children’s hospital. I help to plan some activities.
A: 49
B: Of course. You should help to make the sick children happy.
A: 50 I can tell them some interesting stories.
A.Oh, I’d love to do that!
B.I must finish it on time.
C.Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy.
D.Could I join you
E.What kind of volunteer work do you do
F.I need to do something for it.
M: Hi, Lily. Long time no see! 51
W: I’m fine. I just came back last night. I will have classes the day after tomorrow.
M: Wow! Where did you go
W: 52
M: Really 53
W: For about two weeks. I stayed at my uncle’s home.
M: 54
W: Yes, of course! I visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square and the Forbidden City.
M: Wow, I hope I can visit China some day!
W: I’ll go to China this September again. 55
M: Yes, I’d love to!
A.How long did you stay there
B.How are you
C.Would you like to go with me
D.I went to China.
E.It’s wonderful.
F.Did you visit many places of interest in China
A: Hi, Greg. I didn’t see you yesterday. Where did you go
B: Hi, Helen. 56
A: Oh, what TV program did you watch
B: Its name’s Athletic Brother. Have you ever heard of it
A: Of course! It’s popular now. 57
B: I love Kevin best. He’s my idol and I’m fond of him for a long time.
A: Why do you like him
B: Because he can do best in singing and creating. He has the most beautiful voice in the world! 58
A: He’s the most popular for sure. In fact, he’s my favorite, too!
B: Great! I hear his new film is coming out soon. 59
A: Yes, I’d love to. Which cinema do you prefer
B: How about Blue Sea Theater 60
A: Sounds great! Let’s make it Sunday afternoon.
B: OK, see you then!
A.I just don’t like the environment
B.Who do you like best in the program
C.Would you like to see the film with me
D.I’m hungry, too.
E.It’s not far from here.
F.I stayed at home and watched TV.
G.What do you think of him
A: Hi, Alice. 61
B: It was really interesting.
A: 62
B: No, we didn’t. We went to my grandfather’s farm. Look, here are some photos.
A: 63
B: Of course. We saw quite a lot.
A: Did you ride a horse
B: No, we didn’t. But we milked some cows.
A: Wow, it was interesting. 64
B: Well, we saw some chickens but we didn’t feed them.
A: 65
B: My grandfather showed us around the farm and told us a lot about farming.
A.How was your school trip last weekend
B.What else did you do then
C.How are you
D.Did you see any cows
E.And did you feed any chickens
F.Did you climb the mountains
G.Where did you go
A: Hello, I’m a reporter. 66
B: Sure.
A: Do you like watching movies
B: 67
A: So what do you think is the best movie theater in town
B: Screen City, I think.
A: 68
B: Because it has the most comfortable seats.
A: 69
B: It has the biggest screens.
A: OK. Then what about Town Cinema
B: It’s the cheapest, and the movies are the latest.
A: How far is it from your home
B: 70
A.Why do you think so
B.Can I ask you some questions
C.Well, what do you think of Movie World
D.What movies are you interested in
E.Yes, very much. And I watch them once a week.
F.Very far. But it is convenient (方便的) to take the bus.
G.It takes us two hours.
(In New York, Claire is chatting with Wu Li from Hangzhou about gifts.)
Claire: I’m traveling to your hometown, Hangzhou. What can I buy for my family and friends
Wu Li: Well, there are many fantastic things in Hangzhou, like tea and silk.
Claire: Sounds good. I think my family would like to try Chinese tea. 71
Wu Li: Sure. We have different kinds of tea, such as green tea, black tea, white tea and so on.
Claire: Wow, so many! 72
Wu Li: Green tea. The most popular green tea is Longjing tea produced near the West Lake.
Claire: I see. 73
Wu Li: I’m sure they will like it.
Claire: I think so. What about silk
Wu Li: 74 If you want to buy silk products, you can go to any silk shop in Hangzhou.
Claire: Great! I’ll buy some silk scarves for my friends.
Wu Li: And there is a silk museum in Hangzhou. 75
Claire: Really! That must be interesting. Thanks for your help.
Wu Li: My pleasure. Enjoy yourself!
A.Which is your favorite, Wu Li
B.They don’t like Chinese tea at all.
C.You can find out how silk is made there.
D.I’ll buy some Longjing tea for my family.
E.Silk made in Hangzhou is famous all over the world.
F.Could you please tell me something about Chinese tea
A: Hi, Judy. Now you’ve been in China for a year. 76
B: I watch TV in Chinese.
A: 77
B: If it’s a TV play, I can understand most of what’s happening.
A: What about a talk show
B: 78 I don’t really understand what they’re saying because they speak fast.
A: And there’s a lot of slang (俚语) in a talk show. 79
B: Yes. I watch for about an hour every day.
A: Do you think that watching TV is helpful to your Chinese learning
B: Yes. 80 Each time I can learn something new. And I also often talk about popular TV programmes with my Chinese friends.
A: Oh, I think that’s why your Chinese has improved so fast.
A.That’s a good idea.
B.It’s difficult for me.
C.Do you often watch TV
D.How much can you understand
E.It’s a great way for me to learn Chinese.
F.Do you watch TV in English or in Chinese
A: Hi, Sam! 81
B: I’m reading an article about ChatGPT.
A: What’s that
B: It’s a smart AI chatbot (聊天机器人).
A: 82
B: It was invented by someone in a US company.
A: Sounds interesting. 83
B: It can do a lot of things, like answering questions, writing e-mails and chatting with you.
A: Can I use it for my homework
B: 84 But you’d better use it as a learning tool, not to cheat on your homework.
A: Why
B: Because if we do so, we won’t need to use our brains. Then we will lose the ability to think and learn.
A: 85 The more we use it, the lazier our brain will be.
A.What are you doing
B.No, you shouldn’t.
C.What can it do
D.How about you
E.What was it
F.I think you are right.
G.Who invented it
A: Hello, Tim! Long time no see.
B: Hi, Ann! Long time no see.
A: 86
B: Yes, I’m free that evening.
A: Beginning of Spring (立春) is coming. 87
B: Sure. That sounds great. Thank you for inviting me.
A: You’re welcome. 88
B: By the way, what will we have Do I need to bring anything
A: No. 89 We will share spring pancakes and spring rolls.
B: Oh, I can’t wait. 90
A: See you then!
A.See you next Sunday.
B.I’m glad you can come.
C.We already prepare enough food.
D.Are you free next Sunday evening
E.Can you come to my home to have dinner with us
A: 91 .
B: OK, how do we make it
A: First, cut up some fruits like apples, bananas or a watermelon.
B: I like eating bananas and apples. How about three apples and three bananas
A: Sure. 92 .
B: I have a big bowl. Here you are.
A: 93 .
B: How much yogurt do we need
A: 94 .
B: What else do we need
A: Would you like to put some honey
B: Oh, a little, please.
A: 95 Do you want to have a taste
B: How delicious!
A.Then put some yogurt in the bowl.
B.One spoon is enough.
C.How do you make a banana milk shake
D.Let’s make fruit salad.
E.Finally, mix them all up.
F.Put the fruits into a bowl.
G.How many apples do you need
Jim: Hi, Sally. How are you
Sally: 96 I am listening to some great music. I really love it
Jim: Sounds great. 97
Sally: The Cold Play. They are a great band. 98
Jim: Well, I like the Black Pink best.
Sally: The Black Pink! 99 I listen to them a lot
Jim: Really They have a new song. Let’s give it a try!
Sally: 100
A.What is your favorite pop group
B.Who are you listening to
C.I’m fine.
D.What are you doing
E.That’s a good idea.
F.They are fantastic.
G.I don’t really like them.
A: Susan, how was your weekend
B: 101
A: What did you do
B: I watched a chess game on Sunday.
A: I don’t like chess. 102
B: Yes. I enjoyed it a lot. It was an exciting and special game.
A: 103
B: Two, of course. There was only one player in the game.
A: One 104
B: He played against a computer.
A: Wow! That sounds interesting. 105
B: The player. He is cleverer than the computer.
A.Who won the game, the player or the computer
B.It was exciting.
C.Do you think it is interesting
D.How about you
E.How did he play
F.How many people are there in a chess match
G.Where is the other
A: Good morning, Helen! 106
B: Yes, she is in her room, Jack.
A: It’s my birthday today and I’d like to have a party this evening 107
B: Oh, I’m afraid she can’t. She has to go to the doctor.
A: 108
B: She just has the flu.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. 109
B: She will take a taxi there in a few minutes.
A: I can drive her to the hospital. I’m not busy now.
B: 110 Thanks.
A.Is she free
B.What’s up with her
C.Can Mary come to my party
D.Is your sister Mary in
E.That would be really nice of you.
F.How will she go to the doctor
(Tom is an exchange student in Laura’s school. They’re on the phone.)
Tom: Hello! This is Tom speaking.
Laura: Hi, Tom! 111
Tom: Thank you, Laura. Where are we going
Laura: Yancheng Nature Reserve. 112
Tom: Great! How will we go there
Laura: By bus. 113
Tom: OK. What should we take with us then
Laura: A pair of binoculars, I think. They can help us see the birds more clearly.
Tom: All right. 114
Laura: It usually takes hours to watch birds. So you’d better take some snacks and water.
Tom: OK. 115
Laura: At 7: 30 a.m. in front of our school gate.
Tom: I can’t wait to go there! See you then!
A.Anything else
B.It will take us about one hour.
C.We’ll go bird watching there!
D.When and where shall we meet
E.I’m calling to invite you to join our school trip this Sunday.
A: What are you going to do tomorrow evening, Linda
B: 116
A: I’ll have a dinner party for my new friend, Nelly.
B: You mean your new classmate
A: You’re right. My mother will cook delicious fish. 117
B: I’d love to. But I have something important to do. 118 If I don’t go to the lessons, my parents will be angry.
A: I see. 119
B: I have them twice a week.
A: 120
B: You know, I don’t like them at all. I have to take them because I want to make my parents happy.
A: OK. Let’s make it another time.
B: Have a good time!
A: Thanks.
A.I have to go to the art lessons.
B.How many times do you take lessons a week
C.Can you come to my party
D.How often do you have art lessons
E.Nothing much.
F.I have to practice playing volleyball.
G.How do you like art lessons
A: Welcome to “Problem Line”. 121
B: This is David speaking.
A: Hi, David. 122 We are listening.
B: Sure. I have problems with my mom. Every time we talk about something, we argue (争吵) a lot. Sometimes we shout at each other.
A: 123 It’s not right to do so.
B: I know. But she always arranges (安排) everything for me. I can’t even decide what to wear on weekends.
A: That’s too bad. 124
B: I tried, but it didn’t work because she never listened to me. She thinks I should listen to her because I’m her child.
A: Well, that’s a difficult problem. 125
B: Really What’s it
A: You can ask your teacher for help. Your mother may listen to your teacher.
B: OK. I’ll have a try. Thank you.
A: You are welcome.
A.I can talk to her.
B.You look so upset.
C.Who’s that speaking
D.Why not talk to her about it
E.But maybe I have good advice.
F.Please don’t shout at our mom.
G.Would you like to share your problem with us

1.A 2.F 3.G 4.E 5.C
6.B 7.E 8.C 9.D 10.F
11.B 12.A 13.D 14.E 15.C
16.B 17.D 18.E 19.C 20.F
21.E 22.B 23.G 24.A 25.F
26.B 27.G 28.D 29.C 30.A
31.D 32.A 33.F 34.G 35.E
36.E 37.B 38.F 39.C 40.D
41.A 42.E 43.F 44.C 45.G
46.C 47.B 48.E 49.D 50.A
51.B 52.D 53.A 54.F 55.C
56.F 57.B 58.G 59.C 60.E
61.A 62.F 63.D 64.E 65.B
66.B 67.E 68.A 69.C 70.F
71.F 72.A 73.D 74.E 75.C
76.F 77.D 78.B 79.C 80.E
81.A 82.G 83.C 84.B 85.F
86.D 87.E 88.B 89.C 90.A
91.D 92.F 93.A 94.B 95.E
96.C 97.B 98.A 99.F 100.E
101.B 102.C 103.F 104.E 105.A
106.D 107.C 108.B 109.F 110.E
111.E 112.C 113.B 114.A 115.D
116.E 117.C 118.A 119.D 120.G
121.C 122.G 123.F 124.D 125.E



