
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
It is a cold, dark winter evening — the kind of night that can have runners struggling to find the encouragement to run out. But there will be none of the usual “shall-I-shan’t-I ” dialogue going on in Sarah Donaghy’s head, because tonight is Food Bank Run.
Donaghy, a teacher and the welfare officer for Fareham running club, organised the first Food Bank Run in February 2018. “The idea was that, instead of our usual training run, we’d fill backpacks with food to donate to the local food bank and run there, where volunteers would be waiting to receive it,” she says. Donaghy was expecting about 20 members to take part: “I lost count by the time I got to 70.”
Claire Johnson, the community team leader at the Waypoint Hub, which houses food bank, says, “It was an amazing and emotional experience to see so many runners arrive at our building, bringing much-needed supplies.” But it wasn’t just the food bank that benefited from it. “The runners loved it,” says Donaghy. “The following week after the first run, they were all asking when we could do it again.”
A running equipment company, Runr, joined to help with publicity and event cooperation, creating a Food Bank Run website, complete with an interactive (交互式的) map of events. “Last year, more than 500 running groups, clubs, events and parkruns got involved, donating more than 77 tonnes of supplies to food banks in their communities,” says Craig Winter, one of the founders of Runr.
The event spreads a significant factor — joining with others in physical activity that has a real purpose. It is not “I must do this long run because I’m training for a marathon” or “I must exercise because I’m trying to lose weight”, but something greater. “I truly believe that running for a cause changes your view,” Donaghy says. “Yes, you could do it by entering a marathon and raising money for a charity, but there’s something quite special about handing over food that’s going to someone in your community who really needs it.”
21. What did runners do in the Food Bank Run
A. They performed their usual training. B. They prepared food for the volunteers.
C. They delivered food to the local food bank. D. They collected donations during the run.
22. How did Johnson feel about the first Food Bank Run
A. Appreciative. B. Puzzled. C. Worried. D. Curious.
23. What can we learn about Runr
A. It becomes popular online. B. It helps organize activities.
C. It designs the running route. D. It provides free running shoes.
24. What is the best title of the text
A. Advertise for a Club B. Run for a Good Cause
C. The Power of Running D. The Charm of Volunteering
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. B
【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了Sarah Donaghy组织了一次名为“食品银行跑”的活动,跑步者们背着装满食物的背包跑步,然后将食物捐给当地的食品银行。这个活动得到了大家的热烈响应,不仅帮助了需要的人,也让参与者们感到快乐。
细节理解题。根据第二段““The idea was that, instead of our usual training run, we’d fill backpacks with food to donate to the local food bank and run there, where volunteers would be waiting to receive it,” she says.(她说:‘我们的想法是,与我们通常的训练跑步不同,我们会把食物装满背包,捐给当地的食物银行,然后在那里跑步,志愿者们会在那里等着领取食物。’)”可知,跑步者在Food Bank Run活动中把食物送到当地的食物银行。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段“It was an amazing and emotional experience to see so many runners arrive at our building, bringing much-needed supplies.(看到这么多跑步者来到我们的大楼,带来急需的物资,这是一次令人惊叹和激动的经历。)”可知,Johnson对第一次Food Bank Run活动是赞赏的。故选A。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A running equipment company, Runr, joined to help with publicity and event cooperation, creating a Food Bank Run website, complete with an interactive (交互式的) map of events.(一家名为Runr的跑步设备公司加入进来,帮助宣传和活动合作,创建了一个Food Bank Run网站,并提供了一个交互式的活动地图。)”可知,Runr帮忙组织活动,故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段“Donaghy, a teacher and the welfare officer for Fareham running club, organised the first Food Bank Run in February 2018. “The idea was that, instead of our usual training run, we’d fill backpacks with food to donate to the local food bank and run there, where volunteers would be waiting to receive it,” she says.(Donaghy是一名教师,也是Fareham跑步俱乐部的福利官员,他于2018年2月组织了第一届Food Bank Run。她说:‘我们的想法是,与我们通常的训练跑步不同,我们会把食物装满背包,捐给当地的食物银行,然后在那里跑步,志愿者们会在那里等着领取食物。’)”和最后一段““I truly believe that running for a cause changes your view,” Donaghy says. “Yes, you could do it by entering a marathon and raising money for a charity, but there’s something quite special about handing over food that’s going to someone in your community who really needs it.”(‘我真的相信,为一项事业而跑步会改变你的观点。’Donaghy说:‘是的,你可以通过参加马拉松比赛和为慈善机构筹款来做到这一点,但把食物交给社区里真正需要的人是很特别的。’)”可知,本文主要讲的是“为慈善事业而跑步”的活动,特别是Fareham跑步俱乐部组织的“Food Bank Run”。这个活动鼓励跑步者在完成跑步的同时,将食物捐给当地的食物银行,帮助那些需要帮助的人,因此本文最好的标题是B选项“Run for a Good Cause(为一个好的事业而跑步)”。故选B。
Human beings are inborn for social connection — so much so that we think of even the most basic objects as having feelings or experiences. Social robots add a layer (层) to this. They are designed to make us feel like they’re our friends.
Science writer Eve Herold is the author of the new book Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding on to Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots. It is about socially interactive robots or androids, often human-like in appearance and behavior; through Al, they are increasingly able to listen, chat, and learn. Herold points out many ways that present-day social robots can improve human lives, such as performing tasks for people who are ill, disabled, or in danger, such as soldiers on a battlefield.
But Herold also stares down the darker side of robots. She expresses concern that as robots progress, humans might forget that they’re programmed and start seeing them as capable of real relationships. She fears that this could inspire people to prefer undemanding relationships with robots and not want to relate to other people.
She notes that while social robots may offer positive, social skill-building opportunities for children with autism (自闭症) or companionship for elderly patients with dementia (痴呆) , they may make others feel more lonely. “The thing that I can compare it to is people who are too addicted to social media and end up becoming separated from others because they’re not interacting with real people in a real relationship,” she says.
“People who don’t have enough social encouragement, they can actually lose what social skills they have because they’re so used to this kind of result-free, easy, attractive relationship with a robot.”
25. What can we learn from paragraph 2
A. Robots will replace humans. B. The book wins a big success.
C. The author has a social robot. D. Social robots can benefit humans.
26. What is Herold’s concern about the use of robots
A. Robots may have human sense. B. Robots are easy to break down.
C. People will hate making friends. D. People may escape real connection.
27. What is this text
A. A short story. B. An introduction to a book.
C. A science fiction. D. A news report.
【答案】25. D 26. D 27. B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了科学作家Eve Herold新书Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding an to Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots,并围绕书中的主题——社交机器人如何影响人类生活进行了阐述。文本提到了这本书的内容、作者的观点以及社交机器人可能带来的正负面影响。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Herold points out many ways that present-day social robots can improve human lives, such as performing tasks for people who are ill, disabled, or in danger, such as soldiers on a battlefield.(Herold指出,当今的社交机器人可以在许多方面改善人类的生活,比如为病人、残疾人或处于危险中的人执行任务,比如战场上的士兵。)”可知,我们可以从第二段中了解到社交机器人可以造福人类。到故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段“She expresses concern that as robots progress, humans might forget that they’re programmed and start seeing them as capable of real relationships. She fears that this could inspire people to prefer undemanding relationships with robots and not want to relate to other people.(她担心,随着机器人的进步,人类可能会忘记它们是被编程的,并开始认为它们有能力建立真正的关系。她担心这可能会促使人们更喜欢与机器人建立不那么苛刻的关系,而不想与其他人交往。)”可知,Herold对使用机器人的担忧是人们可能会逃避真正的联系。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Science writer Eve Herold is the author of the new book Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding on to Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots. It is about socially interactive robots or androids, often human-like in appearance and behavior; through Al, they are increasingly able to listen, chat, and learn. Herold points out many ways that present-day social robots can improve human lives, such as performing tasks for people who are ill, disabled, or in danger, such as soldiers on a battlefield.(科学作家Eve Herold是新书《机器人和爱它们的人:在社交机器人时代坚持我们的人性》的作者。它是关于社交互动的机器人或机器人,通常在外表和行为上像人类;通过人工智能,他们越来越能够倾听、聊天和学习。Herold指出,当今的社交机器人可以在许多方面改善人类的生活,比如为病人、残疾人或处于危险中的人执行任务,比如战场上的士兵。)”和第三段“But Herold also stares down the darker side of robots. She expresses concern that as robots progress, humans might forget that they’re programmed and start seeing them as capable of real relationships. She fears that this could inspire people to prefer undemanding relationships with robots and not want to relate to other people.(但Herold也看到了机器人的阴暗面。她担心,随着机器人的进步,人类可能会忘记它们是被编程的,并开始认为它们有能力建立真正的关系。她担心这可能会促使人们更喜欢与机器人建立不那么苛刻的关系,而不想与其他人交往。)”可知,本文主要介绍了科学作家Eve Herold的新书Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding an to Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots,并围绕书中的主题——社交机器人如何影响人类生活进行了阐述。文本提到了这本书的内容、作者的观点以及社交机器人可能带来的正负面影响。因此,这篇文章是对这本书的介绍。故选B。
Across the country, October is National Financial Planning Month, a time when you might want to look back on your retirement statement or rethink investments (投资) for the new year. The month also serves as a good reminder to teach the ones you love a thing or two about money basics. Whether it’s explaining the value of a dollar or delayed enjoyment for a beloved toy, you can explain to children where money comes from, how best to keep it, and the ways that you can use well-earned cash to shape the world we live in.
Financial literacy, simply put, is the know-how to prepare, track expenses, save, plan for retirement, and manage debt. Money-saving expert Andrea Woroch says it’s never too early to start talking about finances, and it can be as simple as taking them shopping or doing everyday tasks around the house. “Your children learn from your habits and the way you spend or save and even talk about money will shape how your children manage money in the future, even if you don’t realize it,” says Woroch.
Most people think that the easiest way to teach their kids about money is to let them watch what they do—from the convenience store to online shopping. But the right way is to practice being a role model of what you hope they (and you) would do when faced with money problems or opportunities.
Woroch says including kids in setting up a budget (预算) for an upcoming event can be a great learning experience. When you have to make a budget cut, think before you complain. Watch how you talk about sacrificing (牺牲) short-term pleasure for long-term gain.
If your family is doing well despite economic downturn, you can teach your kids to appreciate what they have and encourage them to help others in need. Ramirez, a senior advisor at Tend, suggests that parents “increase children’s awareness about how money can benefit others, not just themselves, by encouraging them to raise money for a cause.” This is also a great way to develop their social awareness.
28. Why should kids have financial literacy
A. To avoid debts. B. To obtain happiness.
C. To become experts. D. To form a smart view towards money.
29. Which is suggested for parents to teach children financial literacy
A. Setting a good example. B. Opening an online store.
C. Asking them to shop alone. D. Making them solve money issues.
30. What does Ramirez like to see according to the last paragraph
A. Parents praise children’s efforts. B. Parents donate money for charity.
C Children save money for a cause. D. Children make money by themselves.
【答案】28. D 29. A 30. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Whether it’s explaining the value of a dollar or delayed enjoyment for a beloved toy, you can explain to children where money comes from, how best to keep it, and the ways that you can use well-earned cash to shape the world we live in. (无论是解释一美元的价值还是对心爱玩具的延迟享受,你都可以向孩子解释钱从哪里来,如何最好地保存它,以及你可以用赚来的钱来塑造我们生活的世界的方式。)”可推知,孩子具备金融知识的目的是为了让他们对金钱形成明智的看法。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段““Your children learn from your habits and the way you spend or save and even talk about money will shape how your children manage money in the future, even if you don’t realize it,” says Woroch. (Woroch说:“你的孩子从你的习惯中学习,你花钱或存钱的方式,甚至谈论钱的方式都会影响你的孩子将来如何管理金钱,即使你没有意识到这一点。”)”和第三段“But the right way is to practice being a role model of what you hope they (and you) would do when faced with money problems or opportunities. (但正确的方式是成为你希望他们在面对金钱问题或机会时(以及你自己)会采取行动的榜样。)”可知,文章建议家长应该通过树立一个好榜样的方式来教育孩子理财知识。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Ramirez, a senior advisor at Tend, suggests that parents “increase children’s awareness about how money can benefit others, not just themselves, by encouraging them to raise money for a cause.” This is also a great way to develop their social awareness. (Ramirez是Tend的高级顾问,他建议父母“通过鼓励孩子为某项事业筹集资金,来提高孩子对金钱如何造福他人而不仅仅是自己的意识。”这也是培养他们社会意识的好方法。)”可推知,根据最后一段,Ramirez喜欢看到孩子们为了某项事业而存钱。故选C。
When my three-year-old cousin didn’t get his way and hit his mother in anger, there were immediate consequences (后果): his father calmly and firmly made it clear that this behaviour was unacceptable, and he had to apologise. Then, he lost the honor of playing with his Christmas toys for the rest of the day. ____31____ His parents knew that this consequence would have an impact and was something they could carry out straight away.
The most important goal of discipline (管教) is teaching children and teenagers self-management and responsible decision-making. It is not about control but instead using positive discipline. When children know what will happen, they can make choices. Parents benefit, too, from having a plan of how they will respond to specific behaviour rather than reacting in anger.
____32____ Have a conversation to work through what happened in a particular situation, asking the young person how they made the decision and what the impact of their choices was. Teenagers are often unwilling to talk to parents, facing their parent’s disappointment and requests for explanations. ____33____ The goal of this difficult conversation is to help the teenagers understand the impact of their behaviour.
Taking responsibility and repairing harm by making changes is a powerful consequence that teaches young people about the impacts of their behaviour on others. If an older child has hurt a friend’s feelings, coaching them in talking it through and apologising. ____34____
____35____ And they can finally make wise choices and solve conflicts without force.
A. Sometimes, a discussion is needed.
B. This was a painful experience for the little boy!
C. It can be useless to focus on fixing the problem.
D. Therefore, it is very important that parents stay calm.
E. Typically, consequences can be thought of in three categories.
F. Those who were harmed feel heard, and relationships are repaired.
G. Overall, positive discipline aims to help children become responsible, independent, and kind.
【答案】31. B 32. A 33. D 34. F 35. G
根据上文“His father calmly and firmly made it clear that this behaviour was unacceptable, and he had to apologise. Then, he lost the honor of playing with his Christmas toys for the rest of the day.(他的父亲平静而坚定地表明这种行为是不可接受的,并且他必须道歉。然后,他失去了在当天剩下的时间里玩圣诞玩具的荣誉)”可知,孩子因为打了母亲,被父亲批评且剥夺了玩玩具的权利,这对一个孩子来说是很严重的后果。因此,选择B项“This was a painful experience for the little boy!(这对小男孩来说是一次痛苦的经历!)”直接描述了小男孩错误行为导致的严重的后果,故选B项。
根据下文“Have a conversation to work through what happened in a particular situation, asking the young person how they made the decision and what the impact of their choices was.(进行一次对话,以解决特定情况下发生的事情,询问年轻人他们是如何做出决定以及他们的选择产生了什么影响。)”可知,这里需要一个陈述来引出下一步的行动或建议,该空内容且和对话相关,因此,选择A项“Sometimes, a discussion is needed.(有时,需要进行讨论。)”与上文一致,指出有时需要进行讨论。故选A项。
根据上文“Teenagers are often unwilling to talk to parents, facing their parent’s disappointment and requests for explanations. (面对父母的失望和要求解释,青少年往往不愿意与父母交谈。)”可知,这里需要一个陈述来说明青少年通常不愿意与父母交谈的情况,因为父母很可能会发脾气,所以在这样的谈话中,父母一定要保持冷静,因此,选择D项“Therefore, it is very important that parents stay calm.(因此,父母保持冷静是非常重要的。)”与上文一致,强调了父母保持冷静的重要性。故选D项。
根据上文“If an older child has hurt a friend’s feelings, coaching them in talking it through and apologising. (如果一个年长的孩子伤害了朋友的感情,指导他们通过交谈和道歉来解决问题。)”可知,这里需要一个陈述来说明如果一个年长的孩子伤害了朋友的感情,应该如何指导他们通过交谈和道歉来解决问题。因此,选择F项“Those who were harmed feel heard, and relationships are repaired.(那些受到伤害的人会感到被倾听,关系也会得到修复。)”与上文一致,强调了通过沟通和道歉修复关系的重要性。故选F项。
根据下文“And they can finally make wise choices and solve conflicts without force. (他们最终能够做出明智的选择,无需使用武力解决冲突。)”可知,这里需要一个总结性的陈述来强调正面管教的最终目标。因此,选择G项“Overall, positive discipline aims to help children become responsible, independent, and kind.(总的来说,积极的管教旨在帮助孩子变得负责任、独立和善良。)”与上文一致,概括了正面管教的总体目标。故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Last year, John and I discovered that our plumbing (水管) had failed, flooding our home. We had to live in a hotel as we waited for the ____36____ to be dealt with.
Living in a small hotel room with three little kids was an extremely ____37____ period, but when a group of teenagers from FFA group moved in, things went from bad to worse.
The teens kept talking ____38____ in the hallways until late, and the noise ____39____ my kids. I was ____40____ and decided to talk to them to see if they could show ____41____ rather than become angry. The next day I knocked on the closest door and spoke to the young man who ____42____ .
“I know you’re here for the FFA conference and we want you to have ____43____ but you were a little loud last night and I hope you could be quieter tonight,” I ____44____. The young man said he was very sorry. Before going to bed, I _____45_____ a note under our door. I opened the note to find _____46_____. The teens _____47_____ $40 in the note.
The next morning, my family _____48_____ the teenagers and learned that at the FFA conference, the students had listened to a speech about _____49_____ and paying it forward. That very night, the students found that _____50_____ to be kind.
There is always an act of kindness to be done, just as long as you’re looking for one.
36. A. mess B. fear C. stress D. pollution
37. A. boring B. challenging C. interesting D. confusing
38. A. independently B. beautifully C. loudly D. illegally
39. A. woke up B. cheered up C. built up D. warmed up
40. A. shocked B. upset C. disappointed D. calm
41. A. doubt B. tension C. courage D. understanding
42. A. laughed B. answered C. rejected D. performed
43. A. fun B. confidence C. belief D. attention
44. A. announced B. whispered C. explained D. argued
45. A. left B. lighted C. tore D. noticed
46. A. paper B. hair C. money D. cloth
47. A. included B. wanted C. stole D. took
48. A. approached B. cured C. warned D. thanked
49. A. strategy B. kindness C. honesty D. religion
50. A. attitude B. ability C. opportunity D. strength
【答案】36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们不得不住在旅馆里,等待着混乱局面得到处理。A. mess混乱;B. fear害怕;C. stress压力;D. pollution污染。根据下文“flooding our home”可知,家里被水淹了,因此这是一个需要处理的混乱局面。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:带着三个孩子住在一个小酒店房间里是一段极具挑战性的时期,但当一群来自FFA集团的青少年搬进来时,情况变得更糟了。A. boring无聊的;B. challenging充满挑战的;C. interesting有趣的;D. confusing令人困惑的。下文提到“things went from bad to worse”,说明情况变得更加糟糕,因此可以推断出与三个小孩住在小旅馆房间里是一个充满挑战的时期。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:十几岁的孩子们一直在走廊里大声说话,一直吵到很晚,吵醒了我的孩子们。A. independently独立地;B. beautifully美丽地;C. loudly大声地;D. illegally非法地。根据下文“but you were a little loud last night”可知,孩子们一直在走廊里大声说话。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. woke up唤醒;B. cheered up振作起来,高兴起来;C. built up建立;D. warmed up热身。根据下文“my kids”可知,噪音吵醒了作者的孩子。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很难过,决定和他们谈谈,看看他们是否能表示理解,而不是生气。A. shocked感到震惊的;B. upset沮丧,难过;C. disappointed感到失望的;D. calm镇静的。根据下文“decided to talk to them”可知,作者决定去和他们谈谈,这暗示作者之前可能感到不安或烦恼。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. doubt怀疑;B. tension紧张局势;C. courage勇气;D. understanding理解。根据“rather than become angry”可知,作者决定去和他们谈谈,是希望他们能够展示出理解,而不是生气。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我敲了最近的一扇门,跟开门的年轻人说话。A. laughed笑;B. answered回答;C. rejected拒绝;D. performed表演,表现。根据“The next day I knocked on the closest door”可知,作者敲了离他最近的门,与开门的人交谈。根据语境,开门的人应该是回应了作者的敲门声。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我知道你们是来参加FFA会议的,我们希望你们玩得开心,但你昨晚有点吵,我希望你们今晚能安静一点,”我解释说。A. fun乐趣;B. confidence自信;C. belief信念;D. attention注意力。根据“I know you’re here for the FFA conference and we want you to have...”,可知,作者知道对方是来参加FFA会议的,并且希望他们玩得开心。have fun为固定搭配,意为“玩得开心”。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. announced宣布;B. whispered低语,小声说;C. explained解释;D. argued争论。根据“but you were a little loud last night and I hope you could be quieter tonight”可知,作者是在向年轻人解释(explained)昨晚他们太吵了,希望他们今晚能安静点。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:睡觉前,我注意到门缝下有一张纸条。A. left离开;B. lighted点燃;C. tore撕碎;D. noticed注意。根据“a note under our door”可知,作者注意到了门缝下的纸条。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我打开纸条,发现里面有钱。A. paper纸;B. hair头发;C. money钱;D. cloth布料。根据下文“The teens ____12____ $40 in the note.”可知,作者发现纸条里面有钱。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些青少年在便条中附上了40美元。A. included包括;B. wanted想要;C. stole偷;D. took拿走。根据“$40 in the note”可知,青少年在便条中包含了40美元,表示他们将这40美元作为对作者的歉意或补偿。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我的家人感谢了这些青少年,并得知在FFA会议上,学生们听了一篇关于善良和传递的演讲。A. approached接近;B. cured治愈;C. warned警告;D. thanked感谢。根据“The teens ____12____ $40 in the note.”可知,收到来自青少年们的善意,作者和家人表示感谢。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. strategy策略;B. kindness善良;C. honesty诚实;D. religion宗教。根据下文“There is always an act of kindness to be done,”可知,此处是信息词kindness的词汇复现。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那天晚上,学生们找到了做善事的机会。A. attitude态度;B. ability能力;C. opportunity机会;D. strength力量。根据下文“to be kind”可知,学生们发现有机会表现出善良。故选C。
Have you ever imagined singing together with hundreds of people while at home alone It can be realized ____51____ (easy) by a virtual choir. Anyone with a video camera and ____52____ Internet connection can take part in a video choir from anywhere. A virtual choir helps connect ordinary people together and ____53____ (enable) them to add their voices to those of other individuals.
Award-winning ____54____ (compose) and conductor Eric Whitacre came up with the idea of a virtual choir. Whitacre began studying music in 1988 and got a master’s degree ____55____ musical composition in 1997. Over the next ten years, Whitacre’s ____56____ (origin) compositions became popular among choirs and singers. In 2009, ____57____ (inspire) by a video from a girl singing one of his works, he created his first virtual choir, “Lux Aurumque”, ____58____ received millions of views on the Internet. The virtual choir ____59____ (become) a worldwide phenomenon since then.
The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people to sing with one voice, _____60_____ (make) the world a better place.
【答案】51. easily
52. an 53. enables
55. in 56. original
57. inspired
58. which 59. has become
60. making
考查动词时态。句意:虚拟合唱团帮助将普通人联系在一起,并使他们能够将自己的声音添加到其他人的声音中。空处和helps为并列的谓语,此处使用一般现在时,主语为A virtual choir,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填enables。
考查非谓语动词。句意:2009年,受一个女孩演唱他的作品的视频启发,他创建了他的第一个虚拟合唱团“Lux Aurumque”,在互联网上获得了数百万的观看量。空处需填非谓语动词作状语,he和inspire为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式。故填inspired。
考查定语从句。句意同上。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词“Lux Aurumque”,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:从那时起,虚拟合唱团已经成为一种全球现象。根据“since then”可知,此处为现在完成时,主语为The virtual choir,助动词为has。故填has become。
第四部分 语言知识(共两节,满分20分)
performance various sharp frank hired talent generous figure replace clapped evidence reflected
61. It is so __________ of him to give money to the homeless.
62. She presented solid __________ to support her idea.
63. From a young age, his __________ for storytelling was known, earning him awards at several competitions.
64. Judging by the audience’s reactions, the __________ was a great success.
65. The company offers __________ plans to meet different customer needs.
66. The event raised $200, 000 for charity, and this is not the final __________.
67. The audience cheered and __________ as the curtain came down.
68. Reading is known to keep our memory __________ and reduce stress.
69. He was __________ by a new company, starting his position next month.
70. On the way home he __________ that the interview had gone well.
【答案】61. generous
62. evidence
63. talent 64. performance
65. various
66. figure 67. clapped
68. sharp 69. hired
70. reflected
71. 烟雾报警器可能会因香烟、烹饪和壁炉产生的烟雾被触发。
Smoke alarms can be set __________ by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.
【详解】考查动词短语。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“触发”,应用动词短语set off。故填off。
72. 曲棍球教练对他的认可鼓舞他参加了球队的选拔。
The hockey coach’s recognition encouraged him to try __________ for the team.
【详解】考查动词短语。根据中文句意,空格处需要和前后组成短语“选拔”,可以考虑try out for,意思符合题意,故答案是out。
73. 我需要一两个人帮我安装这台设备。
I need one or two people to help me set __________ the equipment.
【详解】考查动词短语。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“安装”,应用动词短语set up。故填up。
74. 我们的钱只够撑过接下来的3个月。
We have only enough money to carry us __________ the next three months.
【详解】考查固定短语。根据句意和句子结构可知,该句可理解为“我们的钱只够帮助我们度过接下来的3个月”,所以此处应表示“帮助某人渡过难关”应为carry sb. through。故填through。
75. 如果你乱放鞋子,你会被绊倒的。
If you leave your shoes lying around like that, you’ll trip __________ them.
【详解】考查固定短语。对比中英文句子可知,“trip ____”意为“绊倒”,是固定短语trip over,因此空格处是over,故填over。
76. 一次次的失望让他濒临绝望。
Repeated failures have left him __________ despair.
【详解】考查介词。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“绝望地”,应用介词短语in despair。故填in。
77. 青春是人生长河中最美好的一段,人人都要好好把握它。
Youth is the best part of the long river of life, so everyone should take advantage __________ it.
【详解】考查介词。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“利用”,应用动词短语take advantage of。故填of。
78. 这些温泉的颜色从绿色到鲜艳的红色和橙色。
The hot springs’ colors range from green __________ a brilliant red and orange.
【详解】考查介词。根据所给中文提示词和英文翻译可知,需翻译部分是“到”,此处是固定搭配:range from...to...意为“范围从……到……”,所以空处填介词to。故填to。
79. 关于旅行,我最喜欢的一点是有机会摆脱常规生活。
One of the best things I love about travel is the chance to break away __________ daily routines.
【详解】考查介词。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“摆脱”,应用动词短语break away from。故填from。
80. 那个夏天的记忆,随着时间的推移慢慢消失。
The memories of that summer slowly faded __________ over time.
【详解】考查介词。根据所给中文提示词和英文翻译可知,需翻译部分是“慢慢消失”,应是固定搭配:fade away意为“逐渐模糊看不见”,所以空处填away。故填away。
第五部分 书写(5分)
Volunteering is not only beneficial to those who we assist but also to ourselves. For one thing, it improves other people’s quality of life. For another, engaging in volunteer work allows us to develop essential skills like teamwork and leadership and nurtures a sense of social responsibility.
第六部分 写作(满分25分)
81. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ethan was a young man living in a small town. He was a bright soul with dreams, but he was also trapped by the chains of fear and doubt.
Ethan worked at a small bookshop, yet deep within, he had a strong desire to become a painter. Every evening, as the setting sun painted the sky in orange and pink, Ethan would sit by his window, a blank canvas (油画布) before him. Yet, no stroke (笔画) graced the canvas. The fear of failure and the whispers of doubt prevented him from painting. “What if I’m not good enough ” he often thought.
One cold autumn evening, an unexpected visitor came knocking at Ethan’s door-Mrs. Wilkins, an elderly well-known woman of wisdom. “Ethan,” she began gently, “I’ve noticed the light in your room night after night, and yet, I’ve seen no color grace the world from your hands. Why is that ”
Ethan sighed, the weight of his unspoken dreams heavy on his shoulders. He whispered, “I’m afraid that I’ll never be good enough and that my work will never touch the hearts of others.”
Mrs. Wilkins smiled a kind, understanding smile. “Ethan,” she said, drawing closer, “let me tell you a story of a young bird, much like yourself, afraid to leave its nest. The little bird was always scared at the thought of flight. Day after day, it watched other birds fly into the sky, while it remained where it was, full of fear. The bird feared the unknown, feared failure, and most of all, feared that its wings were not strong enough to carry it. But then, one day, a storm approached, and the little bird had no choice but to jump into the storm. It was not an easy journey; the winds were very strong, and the rain blinded its eyes. Yet, with each flap (拍打) of its wings, the bird realized that it was able to fly.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 开头已给出。
Ethan felt a sense of warmth and hope wash over him as Mrs. Wilkins spoke.
That night, for the first time in many years, Ethan picked up his brush.
Ethan felt a sense of warmth and hope wash over him as Mrs. Wilkins spoke. Her words seemed to resonate deeply within him, touching the very core of his fears and doubts. He felt inspired, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “Maybe I can fly too,” he thought to himself, a newfound determination burning within his heart. For the first time in a long while, he felt ready to face his fears and pursue his dreams.
That night, for the first time in many years, Ethan picked up his brush. His hand trembled slightly as he dipped it into the paint, but there was a newfound confidence in his eyes. He began to paint, and with each stroke, he felt more and more at ease. Colors swirled and blended on the canvas, creating a beautiful and vibrant scene. Ethan felt like he was finally giving life to the dreams that had been buried deep within him for so long. As he stepped back to admire his work, a sense of pride and accomplishment washed over him. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey, but he felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:想成为画家——一直不敢尝试——威尔金斯太太来访——讲述小鸟的故事——收到鼓舞——开始画画——感悟。
3. 词汇激活
【点睛】[高分句型1]Ethan felt like he was finally giving life to the dreams that had been buried deep within him for so long.(that引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2]He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey, but he felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.(that引导的宾语从句和whatever引导宾语从句)唐山市十县一中联盟2023-2024学年度高一年级第二学期期中考试
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
It is a cold, dark winter evening — the kind of night that can have runners struggling to find the encouragement to run out. But there will be none of the usual “shall-I-shan’t-I ” dialogue going on in Sarah Donaghy’s head, because tonight is Food Bank Run.
Donaghy, a teacher and the welfare officer for Fareham running club, organised the first Food Bank Run in February 2018. “The idea was that, instead of our usual training run, we’d fill backpacks with food to donate to the local food bank and run there, where volunteers would be waiting to receive it,” she says. Donaghy was expecting about 20 members to take part: “I lost count by the time I got to 70.”
Claire Johnson, the community team leader at the Waypoint Hub, which houses food bank, says, “It was an amazing and emotional experience to see so many runners arrive at our building, bringing much-needed supplies.” But it wasn’t just the food bank that benefited from it. “The runners loved it,” says Donaghy. “The following week after the first run, they were all asking when we could do it again.”
A running equipment company, Runr, joined to help with publicity and event cooperation, creating a Food Bank Run website, complete with an interactive (交互式的) map of events. “Last year, more than 500 running groups, clubs, events and parkruns got involved, donating more than 77 tonnes of supplies to food banks in their communities,” says Craig Winter, one of the founders of Runr.
The event spreads a significant factor — joining with others in physical activity that has a real purpose. It is not “I must do this long run because I’m training for a marathon” or “I must exercise because I’m trying to lose weight”, but something greater. “I truly believe that running for a cause changes your view,” Donaghy says. “Yes, you could do it by entering a marathon and raising money for a charity, but there’s something quite special about handing over food that’s going to someone in your community who really needs it.”
21. What did runners do in the Food Bank Run
A. They performed their usual training. B. They prepared food for the volunteers.
C. They delivered food to the local food bank. D. They collected donations during the run.
22. How did Johnson feel about the first Food Bank Run
A. Appreciative. B. Puzzled. C. Worried. D. Curious.
23. What can we learn about Runr
A. It becomes popular online. B. It helps organize activities.
C. It designs the running route. D. It provides free running shoes.
24. What is the best title of the text
A. Advertise for a Club B. Run for a Good Cause
C. The Power of Running D. The Charm of Volunteering
Human beings are inborn for social connection — so much so that we think of even the most basic objects as having feelings or experiences. Social robots add a layer (层) to this. They are designed to make us feel like they’re our friends.
Science writer Eve Herold is the author of the new book Robots and the People Who Love Them: Holding on to Our Humanity in an Age of Social Robots. It is about socially interactive robots or androids, often human-like in appearance and behavior; through Al, they are increasingly able to listen, chat, and learn. Herold points out many ways that present-day social robots can improve human lives, such as performing tasks for people who are ill, disabled, or in danger, such as soldiers on a battlefield.
But Herold also stares down the darker side of robots. She expresses concern that as robots progress, humans might forget that they’re programmed and start seeing them as capable of real relationships. She fears that this could inspire people to prefer undemanding relationships with robots and not want to relate to other people.
She notes that while social robots may offer positive, social skill-building opportunities for children with autism (自闭症) or companionship for elderly patients with dementia (痴呆) , they may make others feel more lonely. “The thing that I can compare it to is people who are too addicted to social media and end up becoming separated from others because they’re not interacting with real people in a real relationship,” she says.
“People who don’t have enough social encouragement, they can actually lose what social skills they have because they’re so used to this kind of result-free, easy, attractive relationship with a robot.”
25. What can we learn from paragraph 2
A. Robots will replace humans. B. The book wins a big success.
C. The author has a social robot. D. Social robots can benefit humans.
26. What is Herold’s concern about the use of robots
A. Robots may have human sense. B. Robots are easy to break down.
C. People will hate making friends. D. People may escape real connection.
27. What is this text
A. A short story. B. An introduction to a book.
C. A science fiction. D. A news report.
Across the country, October is National Financial Planning Month, a time when you might want to look back on your retirement statement or rethink investments (投资) for the new year. The month also serves as a good reminder to teach the ones you love a thing or two about money basics. Whether it’s explaining the value of a dollar or delayed enjoyment for a beloved toy, you can explain to children where money comes from, how best to keep it, and the ways that you can use well-earned cash to shape the world we live in.
Financial literacy, simply put, is the know-how to prepare, track expenses, save, plan for retirement, and manage debt. Money-saving expert Andrea Woroch says it’s never too early to start talking about finances, and it can be as simple as taking them shopping or doing everyday tasks around the house. “Your children learn from your habits and the way you spend or save and even talk about money will shape how your children manage money in the future, even if you don’t realize it,” says Woroch.
Most people think that the easiest way to teach their kids about money is to let them watch what they do—from the convenience store to online shopping. But the right way is to practice being a role model of what you hope they (and you) would do when faced with money problems or opportunities.
Woroch says including kids in setting up a budget (预算) for an upcoming event can be a great learning experience. When you have to make a budget cut, think before you complain. Watch how you talk about sacrificing (牺牲) short-term pleasure for long-term gain.
If your family is doing well despite economic downturn, you can teach your kids to appreciate what they have and encourage them to help others in need. Ramirez, a senior advisor at Tend, suggests that parents “increase children’s awareness about how money can benefit others, not just themselves, by encouraging them to raise money for a cause.” This is also a great way to develop their social awareness.
28. Why should kids have financial literacy
A. To avoid debts. B. To obtain happiness.
C. To become experts. D. To form a smart view towards money.
29. Which is suggested for parents to teach children financial literacy
A. Setting a good example. B. Opening an online store.
C. Asking them to shop alone. D. Making them solve money issues.
30. What does Ramirez like to see according to the last paragraph
A. Parents praise children’s efforts. B. Parents donate money for charity.
C Children save money for a cause. D. Children make money by themselves.
When my three-year-old cousin didn’t get his way and hit his mother in anger, there were immediate consequences (后果): his father calmly and firmly made it clear that this behaviour was unacceptable, and he had to apologise. Then, he lost the honor of playing with his Christmas toys for the rest of the day. ____31____ His parents knew that this consequence would have an impact and was something they could carry out straight away.
The most important goal of discipline (管教) is teaching children and teenagers self-management and responsible decision-making. It is not about control but instead using positive discipline. When children know what will happen, they can make choices. Parents benefit, too, from having a plan of how they will respond to specific behaviour rather than reacting in anger.
____32____ Have a conversation to work through what happened in a particular situation, asking the young person how they made the decision and what the impact of their choices was. Teenagers are often unwilling to talk to parents, facing their parent’s disappointment and requests for explanations. ____33____ The goal of this difficult conversation is to help the teenagers understand the impact of their behaviour.
Taking responsibility and repairing harm by making changes is a powerful consequence that teaches young people about the impacts of their behaviour on others. If an older child has hurt a friend’s feelings, coaching them in talking it through and apologising. ____34____
____35____ And they can finally make wise choices and solve conflicts without force.
A. Sometimes, a discussion is needed.
B. This was a painful experience for the little boy!
C. It can be useless to focus on fixing the problem.
D. Therefore, it is very important that parents stay calm.
E. Typically, consequences can be thought of in three categories.
F. Those who were harmed feel heard, and relationships are repaired.
G. Overall, positive discipline aims to help children become responsible, independent, and kind.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Last year, John and I discovered that our plumbing (水管) had failed, flooding our home. We had to live in a hotel as we waited for the ____36____ to be dealt with.
Living in a small hotel room with three little kids was an extremely ____37____ period, but when a group of teenagers from FFA group moved in, things went from bad to worse.
The teens kept talking ____38____ in the hallways until late, and the noise ____39____ my kids. I was ____40____ and decided to talk to them to see if they could show ____41____ rather than become angry. The next day I knocked on the closest door and spoke to the young man who ____42____ .
“I know you’re here for the FFA conference and we want you to have ____43____, but you were a little loud last night and I hope you could be quieter tonight,” I ____44____. The young man said he was very sorry. Before going to bed, I _____45_____ a note under our door. I opened the note to find _____46_____. The teens _____47_____ $40 in the note.
The next morning, my family _____48_____ the teenagers and learned that at the FFA conference, the students had listened to a speech about _____49_____ and paying it forward. That very night, the students found that _____50_____ to be kind.
There is always an act of kindness to be done, just as long as you’re looking for one.
36. A. mess B. fear C. stress D. pollution
37. A. boring B. challenging C. interesting D. confusing
38. A. independently B. beautifully C. loudly D. illegally
39. A. woke up B. cheered up C. built up D. warmed up
40. A. shocked B. upset C. disappointed D. calm
41. A. doubt B. tension C. courage D. understanding
42. A. laughed B. answered C. rejected D. performed
43. A. fun B. confidence C. belief D. attention
44. A. announced B. whispered C. explained D. argued
45. A. left B. lighted C. tore D. noticed
46. A. paper B. hair C. money D. cloth
47. A. included B. wanted C. stole D. took
48. A. approached B. cured C. warned D. thanked
49. A. strategy B. kindness C. honesty D. religion
50. A. attitude B. ability C. opportunity D. strength
Have you ever imagined singing together with hundreds of people while at home alone It can be realized ____51____ (easy) by a virtual choir. Anyone with a video camera and ____52____ Internet connection can take part in a video choir from anywhere. A virtual choir helps connect ordinary people together and ____53____ (enable) them to add their voices to those of other individuals.
Award-winning ____54____ (compose) and conductor Eric Whitacre came up with the idea of a virtual choir. Whitacre began studying music in 1988 and got a master’s degree ____55____ musical composition in 1997. Over the next ten years, Whitacre’s ____56____ (origin) compositions became popular among choirs and singers. In 2009, ____57____ (inspire) by a video from a girl singing one of his works, he created his first virtual choir, “Lux Aurumque”, ____58____ received millions of views on the Internet. The virtual choir ____59____ (become) a worldwide phenomenon since then.
The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people to sing with one voice, _____60_____ (make) the world a better place.
第四部分 语言知识(共两节,满分20分)
performance various sharp frank hired talent generous figure replace clapped evidence reflected
61. It is so __________ of him to give money to the homeless.
62. She presented solid __________ to support her idea.
63. From a young age, his __________ for storytelling was known, earning him awards at several competitions.
64. Judging by the audience’s reactions, the __________ was a great success.
65. The company offers __________ plans to meet different customer needs.
66. The event raised $200, 000 for charity, and this is not the final __________.
67. The audience cheered and __________ as the curtain came down.
68. Reading is known to keep our memory __________ and reduce stress.
69. He was __________ by a new company, starting his position next month.
70 On the way home he __________ that the interview had gone well.
71. 烟雾报警器可能会因香烟、烹饪和壁炉产生的烟雾被触发。
Smoke alarms can be set __________ by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.
72. 曲棍球教练对他的认可鼓舞他参加了球队的选拔。
The hockey coach’s recognition encouraged him to try __________ for the team.
73. 我需要一两个人帮我安装这台设备。
I need one or two people to help me set __________ the equipment.
74. 我们的钱只够撑过接下来的3个月。
We have only enough money to carry us __________ the next three months.
75. 如果你乱放鞋子,你会被绊倒的。
If you leave your shoes lying around like that, you’ll trip __________ them.
76. 一次次的失望让他濒临绝望。
Repeated failures have left him __________ despair
77. 青春是人生长河中最美好的一段,人人都要好好把握它。
Youth is the best part of the long river of life, so everyone should take advantage __________ it.
78. 这些温泉的颜色从绿色到鲜艳的红色和橙色。
The hot springs’ colors range from green __________ a brilliant red and orange.
79. 关于旅行,我最喜欢的一点是有机会摆脱常规生活。
One of the best things I love about travel is the chance to break away __________ daily routines.
80. 那个夏天的记忆,随着时间的推移慢慢消失。
The memories of that summer slowly faded __________ over time.
第五部分 书写(5分)
Volunteering is not only beneficial to those who we assist but also to ourselves. For one thing, it improves other people’s quality of life. For another, engaging in volunteer work allows us to develop essential skills like teamwork and leadership and nurtures a sense of social responsibility.
第六部分 写作(满分25分)
81. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Ethan was a young man living in a small town. He was a bright soul with dreams, but he was also trapped by the chains of fear and doubt.
Ethan worked at a small bookshop, yet deep within, he had a strong desire to become a painter. Every evening, as the setting sun painted the sky in orange and pink, Ethan would sit by his window, a blank canvas (油画布) before him. Yet, no stroke (笔画) graced the canvas. The fear of failure and the whispers of doubt prevented him from painting. “What if I’m not good enough ” he often thought.
One cold autumn evening, an unexpected visitor came knocking at Ethan’s door-Mrs. Wilkins, an elderly well-known woman of wisdom. “Ethan,” she began gently, “I’ve noticed the light in your room night after night, and yet, I’ve seen no color grace the world from your hands. Why is that ”
Ethan sighed, the weight of his unspoken dreams heavy on his shoulders. He whispered, “I’m afraid that I’ll never be good enough and that my work will never touch the hearts of others.”
Mrs. Wilkins smiled a kind, understanding smile. “Ethan,” she said, drawing closer, “let me tell you a story of a young bird, much like yourself, afraid to leave its nest. The little bird was always scared at the thought of flight. Day after day, it watched other birds fly into the sky, while it remained where it was, full of fear. The bird feared the unknown, feared failure, and most of all, feared that its wings were not strong enough to carry it. But then, one day, a storm approached, and the little bird had no choice but to jump into the storm. It was not an easy journey; the winds were very strong, and the rain blinded its eyes. Yet, with each flap (拍打) of its wings, the bird realized that it was able to fly.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 开头已给出。
Ethan felt a sense of warmth and hope wash over him as Mrs. Wilkins spoke.
That night, for the first time in many years, Ethan picked up his brush.



