
阅读理解 A篇:杭州亚运会:向“绿”而行,和谐共生。
B篇: 别具特色这些亚运项目。
F篇: “抱树”真能治内耗?来看背后的科学原理
A 阅读理解
“Green Games” became a calling card for the 19th Asian Games, which were held from Sept 23 to Oct 8 in Hangzhou and five other cities in Zhejiang.
To make the Games the world’s first waste-free sporting event, green energy sources were used at all 56 competition venues (场馆).
Some of the renewable (可再生的) electricity used at the venues was photovoltaic energy (光伏能源), transmitted (传输) from areas such as Qinghai and Gansu. Another source was wind power which was made in areas including the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
A digital management platform was also started to help achieve carbon neutrality (碳中和) during the Asian Games. On the platform, digital technologies were used for managing carbon emissions (排放) from venues in the six cities where the Games were held. The technologies included data collection and emissions reduction (减排) and evaluation.
Among all of the Games’ 56 competition venues, just 12 were newly built. The rest were existing facilities (设施) repaired as part of the organizers’ mission of sustainability (持续性).
The Shangcheng Sports Centre Stadium, the venue used for soccer events at the Games, was first built in 2019. During the venue’s renovation, its solar-film ceiling and spectator (观众) seating – both of which had been used for 14 years but remained in good condition – were kept after being scientifically assessed (评估). This helped to reduce building costs by nearly 8 million yuan.
The race track of Chun’an Jieshou Sports Centre’s velodrome (自行车赛场) was covered with 374 interchangeable components (部件) which can continue to use after the competition ended.
Zhejiang also improved public entry to the venues and hosted sports events in them. During the one-year delay (推迟) of the Games due to the pandemic, the venues were put aside but still kept in use. Since May 2022, all of the available venues have received 10 million visits, allowing the public to experience the world-class facilities.
These venues will continue to be used for sports and public fitness after the Games. Venue owners and operators have developed post-games plans for 51 venues.
1.What kind of renewable energy sources were used at the competition venues
A Solar energy and wind power
B Hydroelectric power and geothermal energy
C Biomass and tidal energy
D Nuclear power and natural gas
2.What was the goal of the 19th Asian Games in terms of waste management
A. To use green energy sources at all competition venues
B. To achieve carbon neutrality during the Games
C. To repair and renovate existing facilities
D. To reduce building costs for venues
How many of the competition venues were newly built for the 19th Asian Games
A. 12 B. 56 C. 51 D. The article does not mention it.
4.Why did the organizers keep the solar-film ceiling and spectator seating of the Shangcheng Sports Centre Stadium
A. They were newly built and modern.
B. They were in good condition.
C. They were technologically advanced.
D. The article does not mention the reason.
5.What will happen to the venues after the Games
A. They will be demolished.
B. They will be used for sports and public fitness.
C. They will be sold to other countries.
D. The article does not mention it.
1. 细节理解题。从第三段可知使用光伏能源和风能。故答案选A
3. A细节理解题。根据文章, among the 56 competition venues, only 12 were newly built, while the rest were repaired existing facilities.故答案选A
5.B 细节理解题。文章指出,这些场馆将在奥运会后继续用于体育和公众健身,这表明它们将具有长期用途。
B 阅读理解
On Sept 24, at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, people burst into thunderous (雷鸣般的) cheers after China’s Tong Xin finished a difficult move. For the move, she had to make a 540-degree turn. In the end, she won the women’s taijiquan and taijijian all-round gold (女子太极拳太极剑全能金牌) at the sports event.
Tong’s slow but strong actions with her sword (剑) showed perfectly Chinese wushu’s beautiful mix of soft and hard moves. As a sport showing regional (区域的) culture, wushu was included in the Asian Games in 1990.
Apart from wushu, many other special sports from different Asian areas were also seen at the sports event, making it a party of folk cultures. Kabaddi (卡巴迪) and sepak takraw (藤球) are two examples.
Kabaddi (卡巴迪) is a folk sport from India and has a history of more than 4,000 years. As the athletic form (竞技版) of the game “eagle (老鹰) catching chickens”, kabaddi needs nothing but an area that is 13 meters long and 10 meters wide.
Sepak takraw first became popular in Southeast Asia. It is similar to the traditional Chinese game of shuttlecock kicking (踢毽子). Players need to use their feet, head, knees and other parts of their body to move the ball. It is also called “kick volleyball”.
Although the Asian Games don’t include as many countries as the Olympic Games, they have even more events, especially the ones born out of the Asian region. This makes it really unique.
As Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the event’s opening ceremony (开幕式), “The 19th Asian Games have included many disciplines (项目) with distinctive (有特色的) Asian features. It provides a platform (舞台) to celebrate sports and culture, and showcases Asian culture that is inclusive (包容的), vibrant (充满活力的) and always keen (渴望的) to learn from others.”
1.What gold medal did Tong Xin win at the Asian Games
A. Women’s wushu B. Women’s taijiquan C. Women’s kabaddi D. Women’s sepak takraw
2. What is the story mainly about
A. The game results as of Sept 24.
B. Chinese wushu athlete Tong Xin.
C. The newly invented sports games.
D. Regional sports in the Asian Games.
3. What do we know about Kabaddi
A. It is a new game created in India.
B. It looks like a traditional Chinese kid’s game.
C. It has a high requirement for the playing area.
D. It is very popular in Asia.
4. What’s the meaning of having folk sports in the Asian Games
a. To introduce new sports to the world.
b. To celebrate regional sports and culture.
c. To showcase unique Asian culture.
d. To highlight Asian features.
e. To show the athletes’ sporting spirit.
A. abc B. bcd C. bde D. cde
【解析】1.根据文章中提到的信息,Tong Xin在亚运会上赢得了女子太极拳太极剑全能金牌,因此选项b是正确答案。
2.文章一开始提到了武术,之后提出由很多其他亚洲地区的运动作为文化的一部分也成为了亚运项目,比如卡巴迪和藤球。因此,有关文章的主要内容的正确选项为D,regional sports意为由地区特色的运动。
Recently, people online have been selling verbal abuse (言语辱骂) “services”. An internet user pays the seller some money to abuse the victim (受害者) through social media. However, this is not right or legal.
To know more about this, Teens talked to Xing Junxia, a lawyer at the S&P Law Firm in Beijing.
In life, we may say bad words to people we don’t like. If it gets serious, it becomes verbal abuse. “The act of verbal abuse violates (侵犯) the victim’s rights,” Xing said. “These words usually hurt the victim’s right to reputation (名誉权), which can lead to civil liability (民事责任).” The attacker (攻击者) should stop this right away. He or she should also formally (正式地) say sorry to the victim. This is to cut down the influence of the abuse.
Xing pointed out that both the attacker and the payer should bear civil liability because they do it together.
In more serious situations, the attacker will face administrative penalties (行政处罚). A man in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, who ran an online verbal abuse “service” and had abused 25 people, was recently caught. Although he knew it was illegal, he believed it was an easy way to make money. In the end, he was fined (处罚) 500 yuan and handed over all of the illegal money he had got.
In the most serious situations, Xing said, verbal abuse can make the victim ill. The attacker should then face criminal liability (刑事责任). It means that he or she may spend time in prison (监狱), said Xing.
1. If you are abused verbally, you can legally _____.
A. ask the attacker for some money B. ask the attacker to stop and say sorry
C. post the attacker’s acts online D. beat the attacker
2. Who is at fault in the case of selling verbal abuse “service”
A. Only the attacker. B. Only the payer.
C. Both the attacker and the payer. D. The attacker, the payer and the victim.
3. The example in Paragraph 5 mainly shows us _____.
A. that the payer won’t face a penalty
B. that the attacker is only fined in serious cases
C. the reason for “selling” verbal abuse
D. the result of running verbal abuse “service”
4. What is the main idea of the story
A. Selling services online is illegal.
B. Verbal abuse can hurt others physically.
C. We should use laws to protect ourselves.
D. Verbal abuse is law-breaking.
1. B 细节理解题。根据文章中提到的邢军霞律师的说法,如果有人受到言语虐待,他们有权要求袭击者停止虐待,并向受害者正式道歉。
3.D. 从第5段中的例子展示了一名男子经营网络言语虐待服务并被执法部门抓获的结果。他被罚款,并不得不交出他从服务中获得的所有非法资金。
4. D. 故事的大意是,在网上销售言语虐待服务是非法的,从事言语虐待的个人可能面临民事和刑事处罚。它强调了言语虐待的有害影响,并强调这是对个人权利的侵犯。故答案选D
Do you know about Bee & Flower It was once a well-known hair care brand in China. Many brands like this have “disappeared” because young people don’t know about them.
But recently, some old Chinese brands have made a comeback. It’s a good start, but there’s more to it.
In early September, anger over a Chinese makeup brand’s eyebrow pens (眉笔) lit up the internet. Some people thought that they were too expensive as it cost 79 yuan to get three pens. Shortly after, Bee & Flower started to sell three large bottles of hair care products for the same price. It showed that Chinese products could still be cost-effective (划算的).
Many Chinese brands took their chance by selling through livestreaming (直播). What’s more, they also helped sell each other’s products. For example, hosts of sports brand Erke washed their hair with Bee & Flower products on Sept 13.
Many people can’t stop buying these products. Why For one thing, they think that the products of these Chinese brands are good to use and don’t cost much. Also, it makes buyers feel proud. They can help these old brands “come back to life” by buying the products. Buyers believe in these brands and will use their money to help them grow.
However, livestreaming events should only be a start. How can brands keep people interested Good products with good prices. The brands shouldn’t take advantage of (利用) people’s trust. They should turn it into a reason to make their products better.
1. Which of the following can take the place of the word “disappeared”
A. shown up B. looked up C. given away D. gone away
2. What gave Bee & Flower the chance to sell their products
A. There was a big activity for online shopping.
B. It became a well-known hair care brand in China.
C. The products of Chinese brands became more popular.
D. People were discussing expensive eyebrow pens.
3. What happened during the livestreaming of some Chinese brands
A. They sold their products at a higher price.
B. They helped sell the goods of other brands.
C. They sold all the products in one room.
D. The workers washed their hair while doing sports.
4. What makes people buy products of Chinese brands
a. Low prices. b. A willingness to help. c. Excellent ads. d. Good products.
e. Interesting looks.
A. abc B. abd C. bcd D. bde
5. What does the writer think according to the last paragraph
A. Chinese brands can only be popular for a while.
B. Livestreaming is a good way to keep brands popular.
C. It is smart to use people’s trust to keep them interested.
D. The brands should set good prices for their products.
1.根据文章第一段内容可知,许多这样的品牌“消失”了。根据常识,"gone away"意味着消失。答案选D
2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容可知,Bee & Flower之所以有机会销售他们的产品是因为人们在讨论昂贵的眉笔。
3. 根据第三段内容可知,一些中国品牌的直播中相互推销彼此的产品。答案选B
4. 根据文章第四段内容可知,人们购买中国品牌产品的原因有:价格低廉,乐意帮助,以及产品质量好。所以答案为 B.
5. 根据最后一段内容可知,作者认为中国品牌应该以人们的信任为基础,把人们的信任转化为保持产品受欢迎的原因,所以答案为 C。
What movies are you going to watch during the National Day holiday Teens picks four movies to fill up your holiday with great stories. Whether if you like comedic movies, or movies that are more real, you can find what’s right for you.
Lose to Win 《好像也没那么热血沸腾》 Release date: Sept 28 Get ready! The sports movie Lose to Win is going to make you laugh, feel nervous (紧张的) and warm your heart. The movie got its idea from the real-life story of a disabled basketball team from Valencia, Spain. Lose to Win shows the winning spirit of the heart. The story follows a basketball coach named Wei Guozheng. He teaches a basketball team made up of students with mental (精神的) disabilities. They all have the dream of becoming winners. The movie is filled with laughter. For example, just when Wei tells everybody his big goal of winning every game, other teams make amazing slam dunks (扣篮). Things like this make the movie fun.
Under the Light (《坚如磐石》) Release date: Sept 28 Director Zhang Yimou’s latest work, Under the Light, is a crime movie. It talks about human nature, politics (政治), and right and wrong. A police officer takes part in a meeting hosted by a rich businessman. But behind it, there are killings and illegal trades (违法交易). You can feel nervous as well as excited when you watch the movie. Under the Light shows Zhang trying new things in his movies. “This is something I have never tried before,” Zhang said in an interview (采访).
The Great War (《志愿军:雄兵出击》) Release date: Sept 28 A great war (战争) movie by famous director Chen Kaige is coming out on Sept 28. The Great War is about the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army going to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to help in the war against US aggression (侵略). It shows China’s efforts (努力) in the war by telling stories of the country’s leaders, soldiers, diplomats (外交官) and common people. To truly show how the war looked, Chen’s team made bridges and roads according to real history. For the winter scenes, they worked outside when it was 18 degrees below zero.
Operation Moscow Release date: Sept 29 Directed by Qiu Litao and co-produced and performed by Andy Lau in a special performance of "93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow ", starring Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xuan, Wen Yongshan, and others This film is adapted from the first real case of cross-border pursuit in China. In the early 1990s, a large number of Chinese merchants took international trains to sell goods, and criminals robbed the train, causing a sensation(轰动) in the world.
1.Who is the director of the movie “93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow”
A. Chen Kaige B. Zhang Yimou C. Wei Guozheng D. Qiu Litao
2.When is the movie “Lose to Win” released
A. Sept 26 B. Sept 27 C. Sept 28 D. Sept 29
3.What is the genre of the movie “Under the Light”
A. Comedy B. Sports C. War D. Crime
4.What is the focus of the movie “The Great War”
A. Basketball team overcoming disabilities
B. Crime and illegal trades
C. Chinese efforts in the war against US aggression
D. Cross-border pursuit
5. Where may this article be from?
A.A sports magazine B. A film magazine C. a crime novel D. An advertisement
2.细节理解题。根据文章中提到的信息,电影《好像也没那么热血沸腾》的上映日期是九月二十八日,因此选项C 是正确答案。
3.细节理解题。根据文章中提到的信息,电影Under the Light是一部犯罪片,因此选项C是正确答案。
Feel down Hug a tree! Recently, many Chinese young people have turned to trees to help with their stress. Although it sounds strange, there’s a science behind the act of tree-hugging.
It can be explained by the “biophilia hypothesis (亲生命假说)”. It was pointed out by US scientist Edward Wilson in 1984. He said that humans are born to love being around other living things. Humans’ love for nature is “in our DNA”. This idea helps to explain why people prefer natural, green views to city views. It’s also one of the reasons why people love cute pets.
Some studies have looked into why tree-hugging can help with our health. A study in 2021 reported that the activity can increase oxytocin (催产素). It’s a hormone responsible for feelings. The higher the level of oxytocin is, the calmer and happier you may be. Hugging trees for only 21 seconds can lead to an increase in oxytocin.
Another hormone called cortisol (皮质醇) is a marker of stress. The brain produces more cortisol when the person is anxious (焦虑的), angry, or very sad. Hugging trees helps cut cortisol production, which makes us feel better.
Although the activity is helpful to us, it’s important to keep in mind that we shouldn’t hurt nature while doing it. Trees often hold valuable ecosystems (生态环境). Many small creatures live on the tree – and they are too small to be seen. You may want to be gentle when hugging trees – just like how you hug a friend!
1. Which of the following can be explained by the “biophilia hypothesis”
A. People feel relaxed in parks. B. People like doing exercises.
C. People love visiting historical sites. D. People like to live in cities.
2. How might people feel with a lower hormone oxytocin
A. They might feel calm and happy.
B. They might feel angry and sad.
C. They might feel relaxed and scared.
D. They might feel happy and sad.
3. What is the right relationship between the hormone cortisol and our feelings
A. We feel sadder with a lower level of cortisol.
B. We feel angrier with a lower level of cortisol.
C. We feel more stressed with a higher level of cortisol.
D. We feel much happier with a higher level of cortisol.
4. What can we learn from the story
A. Hugs give people energy.
B. The “biophilia hypothesis” is partly wrong.
C. Tree-hugging is harmful to the environment.
D. Hugging trees in the right way helps reduce stress.
1.A细节理解题 “亲生命假说”指的是人们喜欢周围的生物,喜爱大自然是我们身体DNA里自带的基因。这也就解释了人们为什么更喜欢大自然,绿色的风景相对于城市的风景。所以本题选A去公园放松亲自大自然。
2. B通过文章中的段落可知,人体内催产素越高,人就会感觉更开心更平静。相反催产素低,人们就会感觉难过和愤怒,所以选B。
3. C 根据第四段可以得知另外一种荷尔蒙叫做皮质醇,是自身压力的标志。当人们感觉焦虑、生气和难过时,大脑产生更多的皮质醇。拥抱大树能够帮助减少皮质醇的产生,让我们感觉更舒适,所以本题选C,当皮质醇高时,人们的压力就会很大。
4. D大意理解题。通过本文可以推断出,A.拥抱给人们提供能量。选项和文章不符合。B.亲生命假说部分是错误的,文章中没有提到这个观点是错误的。所以B是错误的。C.拥抱树木对环境有害。这个选项也是错误的。D.正确的拥抱树木能够帮助人们减轻压力。这个选项是正确的。所以选D。
Hong Kong actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai received a very important award (奖项) – the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement (终身成就金狮奖) at the 80th Venice Film Festival On Sept 2. He’s the first Chinese actor ____1_____(get) this award.
Leung cried when ______2______(receive) the award, saying that he wanted to share the award with everyone _____3____ has helped him in his 41-year acting career.
This award recognizes Leung’s long list of famous works. He ____4_____(become) a film star in Hong Kong in the 1980s and got famous around the world for _____5_____(he )acting in award-winning films like Chungking Express (《重庆森林》) and In the Mood for Love (《花样年华》), which _____6_______( direct) by Wong Kar-wai.
Leung is also known _____7____(介词) being in big blockbusters (大片). For example, he plays an undercover agent (卧底) in the Hong Kong crime classic Infernal Affairs (《无间道》). He has also been in director Zhang Yimou’s martial arts (武术) film Hero (《英雄》), which stands as one of_____8_________ (successful) Chinese films in North America.
Famous director, Ang Lee, described Leung as “a director’s dream” _____9_______(连词)he can show complicated (复杂的) feelings just with his eyes. “He can say more in one look than many actors can with a full monologue (独角戏),” Lee said.
Leung’s next film, Silent Friend (《寂静的朋友》), ____10______( start )filming in April 2024. Leung will play a scientist and work with filmmakers from Germany, France and Hungary to show a story across different countries. The world’s audience (观众) is looking forward to another fresh and touching performance by Leung.
【答案】1.to get 2.receiving 3.who/that 4.became 5.his 6.were directed 7.for 8.the most successful 9.because 10.will start
What is the best virtue (美德) What can we learn from water Laozi, a famous Chinese philosopher (哲学家) who lived around 2,500 years ago, might give us an answer.
The top goodness is like water, benefiting all, competing with none, and is pleased with all that others disdain. Therefore, it is close to the Word. —The Word and the World《道德经》
A Chinese teacher called Zhen Daqian from a high school in Beijing gave further explanation: Laozi tells us the top character is just like water. All life in the world cannot live without water, but water never asks for anything in return. It just keeps giving quietly. Also, water often stays where people don’t like, such us low-lying wetlands and deserted valleys (空旷的山谷). This kind of low profile (低调) makes water the closest to the law of the universe. It seems that we have always taken qualities like bravery and strength as great virtues, but we should not forget what water has taught us.
In dealing with people, we can act as water. Do our best to help others without trying to get fame or benefit. At the same time, stay modest (谦虚的). It’s unwise to always talk about the favors you gave to others. Even if no one cares about you in a difficult situation, you need to stay calm. After all, water will not choose where to be, it just flows to where it is needed.
We know that the Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water. In 2014, President Xi Jinping mentioned it at the welcome dinner of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing. He said APEC members are brought together by the water of the Pacific Ocean and have a shared responsibility to make the Pacific an ocean of peace, friendship and cooperation (合作).
1.Which of the following is not the quality of water
A.Low profiles. B.Bravery.
C.Giving quietly. D.Never asking for anything in return
2.What does the underlined word “disdain” mean
A.like B.hate C.enjoy D.admire
3.What is the right way we should act as water in dealing with people
A.Staying proud.
B.Helping others for fame and benefit.
C.Staying excited in a difficult situation.
D.Never talking about the favors you gave to others.
4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph
A.We Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water.
B.The water of the Pacific Ocean is very important.
C.All the APEC members should cooperate well with each other.
D.All the APEC members should keep the peace of the Pacific Ocean.
5.Which of the following could be the best title for this passage
A.Laozi — A Famous Philosopher in China
B.Zhen Daqian—A Chinese Teacher
C.Water — The Best Virtue
D.Goodness — The Word and The World
【答案】1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C
1.细节理解题。根据“All life in the world cannot live without water, but water never asks for anything in return. It just keeps giving quietly. Also, water often stays where people don’t like, such us low-lying wetlands and deserted valleys. This kind of low profile (低调) makes water the closest to the law of the universe.”可知水教我们低调、默默付出不求回报,不包括勇敢。故选B。
2.词义猜测题。根据“The top goodness is like water, benefiting all, competing with none, and is pleased with all that others disdain. Therefore, it is close to the Word.”(上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。)可知,带划线的单词意思是“憎恶”。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据“In dealing with people, we can act as water. ... It’s unwise to always talk about the favors you gave to others.”可知,与人相处时,我们应像水一样永远不要谈论你给别人的好处。故选D。
4.段落大意题。根据“We know that the Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water.”及整段内容可知最后一段主要讲我们中华民族历来重视老子关于水的思想。故选A。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
阅读理解 A篇:杭州亚运会:向“绿”而行,和谐共生。
B篇: 别具特色这些亚运项目。
F篇: “抱树”真能治内耗?来看背后的科学原理
A 阅读理解
“Green Games” became a calling card for the 19th Asian Games, which were held from Sept 23 to Oct 8 in Hangzhou and five other cities in Zhejiang.
To make the Games the world’s first waste-free sporting event, green energy sources were used at all 56 competition venues (场馆).
Some of the renewable (可再生的) electricity used at the venues was photovoltaic energy (光伏能源), transmitted (传输) from areas such as Qinghai and Gansu. Another source was wind power which was made in areas including the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
A digital management platform was also started to help achieve carbon neutrality (碳中和) during the Asian Games. On the platform, digital technologies were used for managing carbon emissions (排放) from venues in the six cities where the Games were held. The technologies included data collection and emissions reduction (减排) and evaluation.
Among all of the Games’ 56 competition venues, just 12 were newly built. The rest were existing facilities (设施) repaired as part of the organizers’ mission of sustainability (持续性).
The Shangcheng Sports Centre Stadium, the venue used for soccer events at the Games, was first built in 2019. During the venue’s renovation, its solar-film ceiling and spectator (观众) seating – both of which had been used for 14 years but remained in good condition – were kept after being scientifically assessed (评估). This helped to reduce building costs by nearly 8 million yuan.
The race track of Chun’an Jieshou Sports Centre’s velodrome (自行车赛场) was covered with 374 interchangeable components (部件) which can continue to use after the competition ended.
Zhejiang also improved public entry to the venues and hosted sports events in them. During the one-year delay (推迟) of the Games due to the pandemic, the venues were put aside but still kept in use. Since May 2022, all of the available venues have received 10 million visits, allowing the public to experience the world-class facilities.
These venues will continue to be used for sports and public fitness after the Games. Venue owners and operators have developed post-games plans for 51 venues.
1.What kind of renewable energy sources were used at the competition venues
A Solar energy and wind power
B Hydroelectric power and geothermal energy
C Biomass and tidal energy
D Nuclear power and natural gas
2.What was the goal of the 19th Asian Games in terms of waste management
A. To use green energy sources at all competition venues
B. To achieve carbon neutrality during the Games
C. To repair and renovate existing facilities
D. To reduce building costs for venues
How many of the competition venues were newly built for the 19th Asian Games
A. 12 B. 56 C. 51 D. The article does not mention it.
4.Why did the organizers keep the solar-film ceiling and spectator seating of the Shangcheng Sports Centre Stadium
A. They were newly built and modern.
B. They were in good condition.
C. They were technologically advanced.
D. The article does not mention the reason.
5.What will happen to the venues after the Games
A. They will be demolished.
B. They will be used for sports and public fitness.
C. They will be sold to other countries.
D. The article does not mention it.
B 阅读理解
On Sept 24, at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, people burst into thunderous (雷鸣般的) cheers after China’s Tong Xin finished a difficult move. For the move, she had to make a 540-degree turn. In the end, she won the women’s taijiquan and taijijian all-round gold (女子太极拳太极剑全能金牌) at the sports event.
Tong’s slow but strong actions with her sword (剑) showed perfectly Chinese wushu’s beautiful mix of soft and hard moves. As a sport showing regional (区域的) culture, wushu was included in the Asian Games in 1990.
Apart from wushu, many other special sports from different Asian areas were also seen at the sports event, making it a party of folk cultures. Kabaddi (卡巴迪) and sepak takraw (藤球) are two examples.
Kabaddi (卡巴迪) is a folk sport from India and has a history of more than 4,000 years. As the athletic form (竞技版) of the game “eagle (老鹰) catching chickens”, kabaddi needs nothing but an area that is 13 meters long and 10 meters wide.
Sepak takraw first became popular in Southeast Asia. It is similar to the traditional Chinese game of shuttlecock kicking (踢毽子). Players need to use their feet, head, knees and other parts of their body to move the ball. It is also called “kick volleyball”.
Although the Asian Games don’t include as many countries as the Olympic Games, they have even more events, especially the ones born out of the Asian region. This makes it really unique.
As Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the event’s opening ceremony (开幕式), “The 19th Asian Games have included many disciplines (项目) with distinctive (有特色的) Asian features. It provides a platform (舞台) to celebrate sports and culture, and showcases Asian culture that is inclusive (包容的), vibrant (充满活力的) and always keen (渴望的) to learn from others.”
1.What gold medal did Tong Xin win at the Asian Games
A. Women’s wushu B. Women’s taijiquan C. Women’s kabaddi D. Women’s sepak takraw
2. What is the story mainly about
A. The game results as of Sept 24.
B. Chinese wushu athlete Tong Xin.
C. The newly invented sports games.
D. Regional sports in the Asian Games.
3. What do we know about Kabaddi
A. It is a new game created in India.
B. It looks like a traditional Chinese kid’s game.
C. It has a high requirement for the playing area.
D. It is very popular in Asia.
4. What’s the meaning of having folk sports in the Asian Games
a. To introduce new sports to the world.
b. To celebrate regional sports and culture.
c. To showcase unique Asian culture.
d. To highlight Asian features.
e. To show the athletes’ sporting spirit.
A. abc B. bcd C. bde D. cde
Recently, people online have been selling verbal abuse (言语辱骂) “services”. An internet user pays the seller some money to abuse the victim (受害者) through social media. However, this is not right or legal.
To know more about this, Teens talked to Xing Junxia, a lawyer at the S&P Law Firm in Beijing.
In life, we may say bad words to people we don’t like. If it gets serious, it becomes verbal abuse. “The act of verbal abuse violates (侵犯) the victim’s rights,” Xing said. “These words usually hurt the victim’s right to reputation (名誉权), which can lead to civil liability (民事责任).” The attacker (攻击者) should stop this right away. He or she should also formally (正式地) say sorry to the victim. This is to cut down the influence of the abuse.
Xing pointed out that both the attacker and the payer should bear civil liability because they do it together.
In more serious situations, the attacker will face administrative penalties (行政处罚). A man in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, who ran an online verbal abuse “service” and had abused 25 people, was recently caught. Although he knew it was illegal, he believed it was an easy way to make money. In the end, he was fined (处罚) 500 yuan and handed over all of the illegal money he had got.
In the most serious situations, Xing said, verbal abuse can make the victim ill. The attacker should then face criminal liability (刑事责任). It means that he or she may spend time in prison (监狱), said Xing.
1. If you are abused verbally, you can legally _____.
A. ask the attacker for some money B. ask the attacker to stop and say sorry
C. post the attacker’s acts online D. beat the attacker
2. Who is at fault in the case of selling verbal abuse “service”
A. Only the attacker. B. Only the payer.
C. Both the attacker and the payer. D. The attacker, the payer and the victim.
3. The example in Paragraph 5 mainly shows us _____.
A. that the payer won’t face a penalty
B. that the attacker is only fined in serious cases
C. the reason for “selling” verbal abuse
D. the result of running verbal abuse “service”
4. What is the main idea of the story
A. Selling services online is illegal.
B. Verbal abuse can hurt others physically.
C. We should use laws to protect ourselves.
D. Verbal abuse is law-breaking.
Do you know about Bee & Flower It was once a well-known hair care brand in China. Many brands like this have “disappeared” because young people don’t know about them.
But recently, some old Chinese brands have made a comeback. It’s a good start, but there’s more to it.
In early September, anger over a Chinese makeup brand’s eyebrow pens (眉笔) lit up the internet. Some people thought that they were too expensive as it cost 79 yuan to get three pens. Shortly after, Bee & Flower started to sell three large bottles of hair care products for the same price. It showed that Chinese products could still be cost-effective (划算的).
Many Chinese brands took their chance by selling through livestreaming (直播). What’s more, they also helped sell each other’s products. For example, hosts of sports brand Erke washed their hair with Bee & Flower products on Sept 13.
Many people can’t stop buying these products. Why For one thing, they think that the products of these Chinese brands are good to use and don’t cost much. Also, it makes buyers feel proud. They can help these old brands “come back to life” by buying the products. Buyers believe in these brands and will use their money to help them grow.
However, livestreaming events should only be a start. How can brands keep people interested Good products with good prices. The brands shouldn’t take advantage of (利用) people’s trust. They should turn it into a reason to make their products better.
1. Which of the following can take the place of the word “disappeared”
A. shown up B. looked up C. given away D. gone away
2. What gave Bee & Flower the chance to sell their products
A. There was a big activity for online shopping.
B. It became a well-known hair care brand in China.
C. The products of Chinese brands became more popular.
D. People were discussing expensive eyebrow pens.
3. What happened during the livestreaming of some Chinese brands
A. They sold their products at a higher price.
B. They helped sell the goods of other brands.
C. They sold all the products in one room.
D. The workers washed their hair while doing sports.
4. What makes people buy products of Chinese brands
a. Low prices. b. A willingness to help. c. Excellent ads. d. Good products.
e. Interesting looks.
A. abc B. abd C. bcd D. bde
5. What does the writer think according to the last paragraph
A. Chinese brands can only be popular for a while.
B. Livestreaming is a good way to keep brands popular.
C. It is smart to use people’s trust to keep them interested.
D. The brands should set good prices for their products.
What movies are you going to watch during the National Day holiday Teens picks four movies to fill up your holiday with great stories. Whether if you like comedic movies, or movies that are more real, you can find what’s right for you.
Lose to Win 《好像也没那么热血沸腾》 Release date: Sept 28 Get ready! The sports movie Lose to Win is going to make you laugh, feel nervous (紧张的) and warm your heart. The movie got its idea from the real-life story of a disabled basketball team from Valencia, Spain. Lose to Win shows the winning spirit of the heart. The story follows a basketball coach named Wei Guozheng. He teaches a basketball team made up of students with mental (精神的) disabilities. They all have the dream of becoming winners. The movie is filled with laughter. For example, just when Wei tells everybody his big goal of winning every game, other teams make amazing slam dunks (扣篮). Things like this make the movie fun.
Under the Light (《坚如磐石》) Release date: Sept 28 Director Zhang Yimou’s latest work, Under the Light, is a crime movie. It talks about human nature, politics (政治), and right and wrong. A police officer takes part in a meeting hosted by a rich businessman. But behind it, there are killings and illegal trades (违法交易). You can feel nervous as well as excited when you watch the movie. Under the Light shows Zhang trying new things in his movies. “This is something I have never tried before,” Zhang said in an interview (采访).
The Great War (《志愿军:雄兵出击》) Release date: Sept 28 A great war (战争) movie by famous director Chen Kaige is coming out on Sept 28. The Great War is about the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army going to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to help in the war against US aggression (侵略). It shows China’s efforts (努力) in the war by telling stories of the country’s leaders, soldiers, diplomats (外交官) and common people. To truly show how the war looked, Chen’s team made bridges and roads according to real history. For the winter scenes, they worked outside when it was 18 degrees below zero.
Operation Moscow Release date: Sept 29 Directed by Qiu Litao and co-produced and performed by Andy Lau in a special performance of "93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow ", starring Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xuan, Wen Yongshan, and others This film is adapted from the first real case of cross-border pursuit in China. In the early 1990s, a large number of Chinese merchants took international trains to sell goods, and criminals robbed the train, causing a sensation(轰动) in the world.
1.Who is the director of the movie “93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow”
A. Chen Kaige B. Zhang Yimou C. Wei Guozheng D. Qiu Litao
2.When is the movie “Lose to Win” released
A. Sept 26 B. Sept 27 C. Sept 28 D. Sept 29
3.What is the genre of the movie “Under the Light”
A. Comedy B. Sports C. War D. Crime
4.What is the focus of the movie “The Great War”
A. Basketball team overcoming disabilities
B. Crime and illegal trades
C. Chinese efforts in the war against US aggression
D. Cross-border pursuit
5. Where may this article be from?
A.A sports magazine B. A film magazine C. a crime novel D. An advertisement
Feel down Hug a tree! Recently, many Chinese young people have turned to trees to help with their stress. Although it sounds strange, there’s a science behind the act of tree-hugging.
It can be explained by the “biophilia hypothesis (亲生命假说)”. It was pointed out by US scientist Edward Wilson in 1984. He said that humans are born to love being around other living things. Humans’ love for nature is “in our DNA”. This idea helps to explain why people prefer natural, green views to city views. It’s also one of the reasons why people love cute pets.
Some studies have looked into why tree-hugging can help with our health. A study in 2021 reported that the activity can increase oxytocin (催产素). It’s a hormone responsible for feelings. The higher the level of oxytocin is, the calmer and happier you may be. Hugging trees for only 21 seconds can lead to an increase in oxytocin.
Another hormone called cortisol (皮质醇) is a marker of stress. The brain produces more cortisol when the person is anxious (焦虑的), angry, or very sad. Hugging trees helps cut cortisol production, which makes us feel better.
Although the activity is helpful to us, it’s important to keep in mind that we shouldn’t hurt nature while doing it. Trees often hold valuable ecosystems (生态环境). Many small creatures live on the tree – and they are too small to be seen. You may want to be gentle when hugging trees – just like how you hug a friend!
1. Which of the following can be explained by the “biophilia hypothesis”
A. People feel relaxed in parks. B. People like doing exercises.
C. People love visiting historical sites. D. People like to live in cities.
2. How might people feel with a lower hormone oxytocin
A. They might feel calm and happy.
B. They might feel angry and sad.
C. They might feel relaxed and scared.
D. They might feel happy and sad.
3. What is the right relationship between the hormone cortisol and our feelings
A. We feel sadder with a lower level of cortisol.
B. We feel angrier with a lower level of cortisol.
C. We feel more stressed with a higher level of cortisol.
D. We feel much happier with a higher level of cortisol.
4. What can we learn from the story
A. Hugs give people energy.
B. The “biophilia hypothesis” is partly wrong.
C. Tree-hugging is harmful to the environment.
D. Hugging trees in the right way helps reduce stress.
Hong Kong actor Tony Leung Chiu-wai received a very important award (奖项) – the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement (终身成就金狮奖) at the 80th Venice Film Festival On Sept 2. He’s the first Chinese actor ____1_____(get) this award.
Leung cried when ______2______(receive) the award, saying that he wanted to share the award with everyone _____3____ has helped him in his 41-year acting career.
This award recognizes Leung’s long list of famous works. He ____4_____(become) a film star in Hong Kong in the 1980s and got famous around the world for _____5_____(he )acting in award-winning films like Chungking Express (《重庆森林》) and In the Mood for Love (《花样年华》), which _____6_______( direct) by Wong Kar-wai.
Leung is also known _____7____(介词) being in big blockbusters (大片). For example, he plays an undercover agent (卧底) in the Hong Kong crime classic Infernal Affairs (《无间道》). He has also been in director Zhang Yimou’s martial arts (武术) film Hero (《英雄》), which stands as one of_____8_________ (successful) Chinese films in North America.
Famous director, Ang Lee, described Leung as “a director’s dream” _____9_______(连词)he can show complicated (复杂的) feelings just with his eyes. “He can say more in one look than many actors can with a full monologue (独角戏),” Lee said.
Leung’s next film, Silent Friend (《寂静的朋友》), ____10______( start )filming in April 2024. Leung will play a scientist and work with filmmakers from Germany, France and Hungary to show a story across different countries. The world’s audience (观众) is looking forward to another fresh and touching performance by Leung.
What is the best virtue (美德) What can we learn from water Laozi, a famous Chinese philosopher (哲学家) who lived around 2,500 years ago, might give us an answer.
The top goodness is like water, benefiting all, competing with none, and is pleased with all that others disdain. Therefore, it is close to the Word. —The Word and the World《道德经》
A Chinese teacher called Zhen Daqian from a high school in Beijing gave further explanation: Laozi tells us the top character is just like water. All life in the world cannot live without water, but water never asks for anything in return. It just keeps giving quietly. Also, water often stays where people don’t like, such us low-lying wetlands and deserted valleys (空旷的山谷). This kind of low profile (低调) makes water the closest to the law of the universe. It seems that we have always taken qualities like bravery and strength as great virtues, but we should not forget what water has taught us.
In dealing with people, we can act as water. Do our best to help others without trying to get fame or benefit. At the same time, stay modest (谦虚的). It’s unwise to always talk about the favors you gave to others. Even if no one cares about you in a difficult situation, you need to stay calm. After all, water will not choose where to be, it just flows to where it is needed.
We know that the Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water. In 2014, President Xi Jinping mentioned it at the welcome dinner of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing. He said APEC members are brought together by the water of the Pacific Ocean and have a shared responsibility to make the Pacific an ocean of peace, friendship and cooperation (合作).
1.Which of the following is not the quality of water
A.Low profiles. B.Bravery.
C.Giving quietly. D.Never asking for anything in return
2.What does the underlined word “disdain” mean
A.like B.hate C.enjoy D.admire
3.What is the right way we should act as water in dealing with people
A.Staying proud.
B.Helping others for fame and benefit.
C.Staying excited in a difficult situation.
D.Never talking about the favors you gave to others.
4.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph
A.We Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water.
B.The water of the Pacific Ocean is very important.
C.All the APEC members should cooperate well with each other.
D.All the APEC members should keep the peace of the Pacific Ocean.
5.Which of the following could be the best title for this passage
A.Laozi — A Famous Philosopher in China
B.Zhen Daqian—A Chinese Teacher
C.Water — The Best Virtue
D.Goodness — The Word and The World
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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