专题十三 阅读理解(人与自我)- 2024年牛津上海版(试用本)小升初英语知识点专题复习真题演练(含答案)

专题十三 阅读理解(人与自我)
Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。)
Mr White lives in Room 102. It’s late at night. Mr White is sitting on his bed, and he’s looking at his clock. His neighbours(邻居) are making a lot of noise, and Mr White is very angry.
The people in Room 201 are dancing. The man in Room 202 is skipping rope. The woman in Room 301 is playing the drums. The children in Room 302 are listening to loud music. The dog in Room 401 is barking. And the people in Room 402 are talking loudly.
It’s very late, and Mr White is tired and angry. What a terrible night!
1.Mr White’s neighbours are angry. ( )
2.The woman in Room 301 is playing cards. ( )
3.The people in Room 302 are young. ( )
4.The dog in Room 401 isn’t sleeping. ( )
5.Mr White isn’t happy. ( )
6.Read and number. (读绘本,根据绘本内容,给图片排序。其中一项已经给出。)
The Dragon Boat Race
Grace was at the park. Today was her cousin’s dragon boat race! “I have to meet my team now,” her cousin, Peter, said. “The race starts soon.” “Good luck!” said Grace. Grace and Dad walked toward the river. “Look!” Grace pointed to the boats on the water. They all had tall dragon heads and tails.
“In China there’s a dragon boat festival every spring,” said Dad. “Why are all the boats shaped like dragons ” asked Grace. “Long ago farmers believed that dragons would bring rain,” said Dad. “Rice needs lots of rain to grow.” Just then Grace saw Peter with his team. He looked worried.
“One of our paddlers is sick,” Peter said. “We can’t race.” “I can paddle,” said Grace. “Thanks, Grace,” Peter said. “But you don’t know how to paddle a dragon boat.” Grace shrugged. “I know how to row a canoe(独木舟).”
The boat captain heard Grace. “Let’s give her a chance. The race starts in a few minutes!” “Okay,” Peter said. Grace jumped into the boat. Peter gave her a paddle and showed her what to do. Then a horn blew. The dragon boats were off!
Boom! Boom! The captain stood in front with a drum. Each time she banged the drum, the twenty paddlers paddled. A boy in the back steered. Boom! Whoosh! Boom! Whoosh! The dragon boat flew over the water. The crowd roared from the shore. Grace cheered as their boat zipped across the finish line.
“Third place!” cried Peter. “Thanks, Grace. You saved the day!”
( ) ( )
( D )( ) ( ) ( )
Tom and Fred are students. They are both twelve years old. They are in the same class. One day, they have a fight (打架) in class and their teacher is very angry.
She says to them, ‘Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times.’ After school, all the boys go home. But Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with their teacher. They begin to write their names. Then Fred begins to cry.
The teacher looks at him and asks, ‘Why are you crying, Fred ’ ‘Because his name is Tom Mok. And my name is very, very long. My name is Frederick Hollingsworth.’ Fred says.
7.Tom and Fred ________. ( )
A.are brothers B.are classmates C.aren’t in the same school
8.Fred is _______ years old. ( )
A.10 B.12 C.20
9.Tom and Fred are ______ to stay in school. ( )
A.happy B.tired C.sad
10.Tom and Fred have to write their names for _____ times. ( )
A.100 B.1,000 C.10,000
11.Fred is crying because _____. ( )
A.he is afraid B.he is hungry C.his name is too long
Mark’s family went to the Transportation Museum (交通博物馆) last Sunday. They went there by bus. Mark was very excited. First they went to see the old cars. Mark sat in the driver’s seat. Next Mark went to see an old locomotive (火车头). He climbed up and stood in the train. But his sister Kathy didn’t like them. She didn’t like anything in the Transportation Museum. Finally they all left the museum and waited at the bus stop. After a few minutes a very old bus arrived. They got on the bus. The seats were broken. The bus made a lot of noise. It went very slowly. It was a terrible old bus. But Kathy liked it very much. She thought it was great. Sometimes Mark didn’t understand his little sister.
12.Mark went to the transportation Museum last Sunday by himself. ( )
13.Kathy loved cars. ( )
14.Mark liked the Transportation Museum. ( )
15.The family drove home in their car. ( )
16.Kathy liked old bus. ( )
The Jumbo Hotel
Do you hate the idea of having to sleep on a plane In Sweden, Oscar Dios has created a new kind of hotel~the world's first jumbo jet (大型喷气式客机) hotel.
The hotel is really a jet plane at Sweden's Arlanda Airport, Stockholm. It has 25 rooms that can sleep as many as 72 people.
“I learned that this plane was abandoned (废弃) at the airport. For a long time, I've been trying to build a hotel in many different houses and buildings,” Oscar Dios told reporters. “But I have a new idea! Why not in a plane ”
The Jumbo Hotel opened for business on Thursday, giving customers the chance to sleep in the comfortable rooms. “The most difficult part with this project is trying to build something inside the plane—it’s just really, really tight.”
The plane was for Singapore Airlines, and it was taken out of service in 2002. The Jumbo Hotel has two features (特色). One thing about the hotel is the price—the cheapest room is about $41. It is a lot less than hotel rooms outside the airport. What's more, customers can get married on the wing of the plane and live in the plane.
17.One of the features of the plane hotel is that _______. ( )
A.customers can sleep in comfortable rooms B.the hotel can offer good service
C.people can get married on the wing D.the hotel can fly in the sky
18.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ( )
A.The hotel lies at Arlanda Airport. B.The jet plane was out of use since 2002.
C.There are 25 rooms for 72 customers in the plane. D.Every hotel room in the plane is $41 a night.
19.The underlined word “tight” means _______. ( )
A.crowded B.nervous C.deep D.big
20.At first, Oscar Dios wanted to build a hotel _______. ( )
A.in many different houses and buildings B.in an abandoned plane
C.in a beautiful place near the sea D.at the airport
21.The writer writes the passage in order to _______. ( )
A.describe a wonderful place for children B.introduce a new kind of hotel
C.tell people that they can sleep on a plane D.ask people to change the old planes into hotels
Hello, I am Mike. I get up at six o'clock in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at seven o'clock. We do morning exercises at eight o'clock. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at five o'clock in the afternoon. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at nine o'clock. This is my day.
22.Where does Mike eat breakfast ( )
A.At 6:30. B.At school. C.At home.
23.How many classes does Mike have in a day ( )
A.Six. B.Three. C.Five.
24.When does Mike play sports in the afternoon ( )
A.At five thirty. B.At five. C.At four.
25.When does Mike go home in the afternoon ( )
A.At five. B.At five thirty. C.At six.
26.When does Mike go to bed ( )
A.At nine o'clock. B.At seven thirty. C.At eight o'clock.
To: liyun @
From: alice @ penfriend. om
Dear Li Yun,
I am happy to be your pen friend. I live in Australia. I have a twin sister Ann. We look the same, but we don't like the same things. I like swimming, diving and riding my bike, but Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. I like sports, but she likes art. I like beef and coffee, but she likes fruit and milk. Tell me something about you. What's your hobby
27.This email comes from _______. ( )
A.Li Yun B.Ann C.Alice
28.Alice likes _______. ( )
A.drawing pictures B.making kites C.riding a bike
29.Has Alice got the same hobbies as Ann ( )
A.No. B.Yes. C.We don't know.
30."Twin sister" means "_______" in Chinese. ( )
A.妹妹 B.两个姐姐 C.孪生姐姐/妹妹
31.Alice likes _______ and coffee, but Ann likes _______ and milk. ( )
A.fruit; vegetables B.meat; fruit C.beef; fruit
Su Yang and her friends are in the park. Now, it’s four in the afternoon. Su Yang is tired. She’s hot too. Liu Tao is hungry now. Mike is hungry and tired. Where is Yang Ling Look! She is over there, under a big tree. She’s thirsty. But she can’t open her water bottle (壶). Liu Tao and Mike open the bottle for her.
32.Where are Su Yang and her friends ( )
A.At home. B.At school. C.In the park.
33.Is Su Yang tired and hot ( )
A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, she is. C.No, she isn't.
34.How is Liu Tao ( )
A.He’s thirsty. B.He’s tired. C.He’s hungry.
35.Where’s Yang Ling ( )
A.Under a big tree. B.Behind a big tree. C.In a big tree.
36.Who opens the water bottle ( )
A.Liu Tao. B.Mike. C.Liu Tao and Mike.
Hello! My name's John. Nice to meet you. I'm 10 years old. I'm from America. I have a sister, Mary. She is 6 years old. We are good friends, too. I like yellow and white. I like bread and juice. I have 9 pencils in my new bag. I have 7 doll animals in my room. They are very lovely. I like them very much. Do you like me
37.John is ________ years old. ( )
A.eight B.six C.ten
38.John likes ________. ( )
A.juice B.bread C.bread and juice
39.John likes ________. ( )
A.red B.yellow and white C.black
40.Mary is ________ years old. ( )
A.six B.four C.five
41.John has ________ pencils. ( )
A.eight B.nine C.Seven
42.John's from ________. ( )
A.China B.Canada C.America
43.—Are the doll animals lovely ( )
A.No B.Yes C.Oh
Hi! My name is Mike. Today is Saturday. My family are at home now. Look, my grandpa is reading a newspaper (报纸) in his bedroom. My grandma is cooking a big meal in the kitchen. My mother isn't cleaning the rooms. She is washing clothes in the bathroom. My father loves his car very much. He often washes his car at the weekend. But now he's mopping the floor! And I am doing my homework in the study. What is my little brother Bill doing He's watching TV with the dog. Everyone in my family is very busy.
44.Today is ________. ( )
A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday
45.Mike's grandpa is ________. ( )
A.cooking a big meal B.reading a book C.reading a newspaper
46.Is Mike's mother cleaning the rooms ( )
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn't. C.No, she is mopping the floor.
47.Mike's father often ________ at the weekend. ( )
A.washes his car B.washes clothes C.cleans the house
48.What is Bill doing ( )
A.He is doing his homework. B.He is playing with the dog. C.He is watching TV with the dog.
We are students of Yuying Primary School(小学). In our school, there are many teachers and students. There are twenty -six girls and twenty -four boys in our class. Our classroom is big. There are six windows and two doors. The walls(墙)are white. There are two pictures on the wall. A big blackboard is in the front of the classroom. Our desks and chairs are new. Our classroom is very nice. I like it very much.
49.We are students of ________. ( )
A.Yuying Primary School B.No. 3 Middle School
50.There are many teachers and students ________. ( )
A.in the classroom B.in our school
51.There are ________ students in our class. ( )
A.forty B.fifty
52.Our classroom has ________ windows and ________ doors. ( )
A.six; two B.four; one
53.Our classroom is ________. ( )
A.not good B.nice
choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) 。
At my grandfather's birthday party last night, everybody listened to pop music and danced. My sister Kitty and Alice sang my grandfather's favourite songs all the evening and my brother Tom played the guitar. Everybody sat in the living room with my grandmother and grandfather and looked at old photos. We laughed, we smiled, we cried, and we talked about "the good old days". What did I do at my grandfather's birthday party I drank some tea and ate a lot of food.
54.We listened to music. ( )
A.pop B.loud C.Chinese
55.This is a birthday for my . ( )
A.grandmother B.grandfather C.sister
56.My brother's name is . ( )
A.Kitty B.Alice C.Tom
57.Everybody sat in the . ( )
A.living room B.dining room C.bedroom
58.I at birthday party. ( )
A.ate B.drank C.Both A and B
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T
1.句意:怀特先生的邻居很生气。根据“His neighbours(邻居)are making a lot of noise, and Mr White is very angry.”,可知是怀特先生很生气,故答案为F。
2.句意:在301房间的女士正在打牌。根据“The woman in Room 301 is playing the drums.”,可知在301房间的女士正在打鼓,故答案为F。
3.句意:302房间的人都很年轻。根据“The children in Room 302 are listening to loud music.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
4.句意:401房间的狗没有睡觉。根据“The dog in Room 401 is barking.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
5.句意:怀特先生不高兴。根据“It’s very late, and Mr White is tired and angry.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
6. F B E A C
【详解】根据““I have to meet my team now,” her cousin, Peter, said. “The race starts soon.” “Good luck!” said Grace.”,可知,第一个场景是布鲁斯见他的团队,与第四幅图相符,故④排A。
根据““Why are all the boats shaped like dragons ” asked Grace. “Long ago farmers believed that dragons would bring rain,” said Dad. “Rice needs lots of rain to grow.” ”可知,第二个场景是农民盼望龙会带来雨水,与第二幅图相符,故②排B。
根据““One of our paddlers is sick,” Peter said.”,可知第三个场景是一个桨手生病了,与第五幅图相符,故⑤排C。
根据“Then a horn blew. The dragon boats were off!”,可知第四个场景是格蕾丝代替生病的桨手参加了比赛,题目已给出顺序,排D。
根据“The captain stood in front with a drum. Each time she banged the drum, the twenty paddlers paddled. ”,可知第五个场景是船长在前面敲鼓给队员们指挥,与第三幅图相符,故③排E。
根据““Third place!” cried Peter. “Thanks, Grace. You saved the day!””,可知第六个场景是队员们获得了第三名,大家感谢格蕾丝挽救了今天的局面,与第一幅图相符,故①排F。
7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C
7.句意:汤姆和弗雷德______。根据Tom and Fred are students.和They are in the same class. 可知汤姆和弗雷德是学生。他俩在一个班。A是兄弟,B是同学,C不在一个学校。根据他俩在一个班,可知是同学,故选B。
8.句意:弗雷德______岁。根据They are both twelve years old. 他们都十二岁了。可知弗雷德十二岁。故选B。
9.句意:汤姆和弗雷德留在学校______。根据‘After school, all the boys go home. But Tom and Fred stay in the classroom with their teacher. They begin to write their names. Then Fred begins to cry.放学后,所有的男孩都回家了。但是汤姆和弗雷德和他们的老师呆在教室里。他们开始写自己的名字。然后弗雷德开始哭了。可知他俩留在学校很难过。A高兴的,B劳累的,C伤心的。故选C。
10.句意:汤姆和弗雷德必须把他们的名字写_____遍。根据Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times.’今天下午课后留在这里,把你们的名字写一百遍。可知汤姆和弗雷德必须把他们的名字写一百遍。故选A。
11.句意:弗雷德哭了,因为______。根据Because his name is Tom Mok. And my name is very, very long.因为他的名字叫Tom Mok。我的名字非常长。可知弗雷德哭了,因为他的名字长。A他害怕,B她饿了,C他的名字太长了,故选C。
12.F 13.F 14.T 15.F 16.T
12.句意:马克上星期天一个人去了交通博物馆。根据Mark’s family went to the Transportation Museum last Sunday. 上星期天,迈克一家人去了交通博物馆。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
13.句意:凯西喜欢汽车。根据But his sister Kathy didn’t like them. She didn’t like anything in the Transportation Museum. 但是他的妹妹凯西不喜欢它们。她不喜欢交通博物馆里的任何东西。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
14.句意:马克喜欢交通博物馆。根据Mark was very excited. 迈克很兴奋。First they went to see the old cars. 首先他们去看了老汽车。Mark sat in the driver’s seat. 迈克坐在司机的座位上。Next Mark went to see an old locomotive. 接着马克去看一辆旧火车头。可知迈克喜欢交通博物馆。题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
15.句意:这家人开车回家。根据Finally they all left the museum and waited at the bus stop. 最后他们都离开了博物馆,在公共汽车站等车。可知题干与原文不相符,故答案为F。
16.句意:凯西喜欢旧公共汽车。根据But Kathy liked it very much. 但是凯西非常喜欢它。可知题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
17.C 18.D 19.A 20.A 21.B
18.句意:根据文章,下列哪项是不正确的?A这家酒店位于阿兰达机场。B这架喷气式飞机从2002年起停止使用。C飞机上有25个房间,可容纳72名顾客。D飞机上的每个酒店房间每晚41美元。根据One thing about the hotel is the price—the cheapest room is about $41.,可知飞机上最便宜的房间大约41美元,故选D。
20.句意:起初,奥斯卡·迪奥斯想________建一家酒店。A在许多不同的房子和建筑物里,B在一架废弃的飞机上,C在一个美丽的地方,D在海边,根据For a long time, I've been trying to build a hotel in many different houses and buildings,” Oscar Dios told reporters.,可知起初,奥斯卡·迪奥斯想在许多不同的房子和建筑物里建一家酒店,故选A。
22.C 23.A 24.A 25.A 26.A
【解析】22.题干句意:迈克在哪里吃早餐?根据I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at seven o'clock.可知吃了早饭去上学,也就是在家吃早饭,故选C。
23.题干句意:迈克一天有几节课?根据We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.可知早上3节,下午3节,共6节课,故选A。
24.题干句意:迈克下午什么时候做运动?根据I play basketball at 5:30.可知五点半打篮球,故选A。
25.题干句意:迈克下午什么时候回家?根据I go home at five o'clock in the afternoon.可知五点回家,故选A。
26.题干句意:迈克什么时候睡觉?根据I go to bed at nine o'clock.可知九点睡觉,故选A。
27.C 28.C 29.A 30.C 31.C
32.C 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.C
32.句意:苏阳和她的朋友们在哪里?A在家。B在学校。C在公园里。根据“Su Yang and her friends are in the park.”可知是在公园里。故选C。
33.句意:苏阳又累又热吗?A是的,我是。B是的,她是。C不,她不。根据“Su Yang is tired. She’s hot too.”可知她又累又热。故作肯定回答,答语中主语用she。故选B。
34.句意:刘涛怎么样了?A他很渴。B他很累。C他很饿。根据“Liu Tao is hungry now. ”可知他很饿。故选C。
35.句意:杨玲在哪里?A在大树下。B在大树的后面。C在大树上。根据“Look! She is over there, under a big tree. ”可知是在一棵大树下。故选A。
36.句意:谁打开了水瓶?根据“Liu Tao and Mike open the bottle for her.”可知是刘涛和迈克。故选C。
37.C 38.C 39.B 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.B
44.B 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.C
49.A 50.B 51.B 52.A 53.B
54.A 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.C
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:专题十二 情景交际对话- 2024年牛津上海版(试用本)小升初英语知识点专题复习真题演练(含答案)
