期末专题训练 短文填空 18篇(含答案)--2023-2024七年级英语下学期 人教版

期末专题训练 短文填空 18篇 --2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期 人教版
In many people’s eyes. Elijah Enwerem is different. He comes from England. The boy has white hair 1 his skin(皮肤) is white too, because he has albinism, a special illness (疾病).
Because of this 2 (boy) hair and skin, people often look at him in surprise. At first, this made him very unhappy. He often asked his mother 3 he looked different from other children. 4 (lucky), being a model(模特) really helped him.
One day, Elijah’s mother 5 (put) some of his photos online. One man saw them and thought the photos were special and Elijah could be a model. She thought Elijah would be 6 (interest) in being a model. So she let her son have a try. It took Elijah a long time 7 (practice) and he made it. And it really helped.
These days, Elijah does very well as a model. He wants to show himself 8 front of others. He also 9 (help)people with albinism and lets the world know more about the illness.
Now Elijah thought being different is 10 great thing. After all, everyone is special.
Mr. Wang is a 40-year-old man from Chongqing. This is his 11 (five) year in the UK. He has a Chongqing restaurant there. Maoxuewang and laziji are two 12 (dish) in his restaurant. Many people come to eat them. The number of customers (顾客) can reach (达到) 100 every day.
Mr. Wang is 13 (friend) and he enjoys 14 (talk) with his customers. He tells them to have some spicy (辣的) food because it’s good for 15 (they) health in a way. He is happy to help more people 16 (know) about Chongqing food.
A young woman 17 (eat) spicy noodles at his restaurant right now. There 18 (be) some beef, cabbage and potatoes in them. “They are spicy for 19 (I), but so delicious,” she says. I would like 20 (visit) China one day and taste great food there. Chongqing will be my first stop.” Food brings people together (一起). Do you think so
Hello everyone! Let me tell you my favorite day. I like Friday best.
One reason I like Friday is that I have my favorite 21 (subject) on that day: P.E. and chemistry. Chemistry is great. We 22 (do) some experiments in the science class last week and our teacher, Mr. King, is so funny. In P.E. class, we 23 (usual) play basketball. This is my favorite sport. And I’m very good 24 it. Our team often gets good results. If it is 25 (rain), we can also go to the gym.
We also have French on Friday. After that we have ICT (信息通信技术). It’s interesting 26 (do) something about basketball on the computer. After school I play outside with friends and then I play football at the sports center with 27 (they). At night we sometimes go to my best 28 (friend) house for a party. He has a great house. We can watch a DVD and play 29 guitar together. We can relax on Friday evening 30 there’s no class at school on Saturdays.
Dear Alan,
Thank you 31 your last e-mail. I’m very happy here. Let me tell you some good news. This term, we have a new English teacher. 32 (she) name is Jane. She is beautiful. She is thin and of medium 33 (high). She has long blonde hair 34 big blue eyes. She likes 35 (wear) a red skirt and a pair of black shoes. Her voice is beautiful, too. She is good at teaching and her 36 (class) are very interesting. We all like listening to her. She is good at singing and dancing. She also likes sports, such as volleyball, basketball and ping-pong, and she likes tennis best. Oh, she has 37 11-year-old daughter, Helen. She never 38 (worry) about talking with us because she can speak Chinese 39 (good). We are in the same class. Jane is 40 (friend) to us and we all like her very much. What does your English teacher look like
My friend Anna has a cat. One day, 41 cat didn’t eat anything and was asleep all day. She was worried about it 42 she asked me for help. I told her to call the animal doctor. But Anna 43 (think) there was nothing she could do.
“Call the animal doctor and talk to 44 (he),” I said again. “It doesn’t work, because the animal doctor won’t know anything by calling. He may ask me 45 (take) my cat to see the doctor, and I know it’s not that bad,” she said.
“Yes.” I said. “But you do that just 46 you, not for your cat. You are worrying about your cat now. If you don’t do anything, you will worry about it all the time.”
“OK,” she said. “I see.”
She 47 (talk) with the doctor, and then found the problem very quickly. The doctor told her what to do. Three 48 (day) later, things changed. Her cat was healthy again and could eat 49 (good).
Now, Anna 50 (stay) with her cat and enjoys the great time every day!
When you worry about something, you should act(行动)on it, not just think about it.
(22-23七年级下·山东威海·期末)Laura Fagan, a 29-year-old British girl, has a special job. She is paid well to taste chocolate, desserts and cakes.
Laura works in the famous supermarket, Tesco. Her job is 51 (taste) different kinds of desserts. She needs to try as many as 20 desserts a day. Also, she always 52 (travel) for work. She needs to travel to different cities to try different desserts. Although this job seems to be great, it is hard. Usually, Laura begins trying desserts as early as 8 a.m., and 53 still ________ (try) new desserts at 6 p. m. before she goes back home. Luckily, the job hasn’t made her too heavy. She only 54 (worry) about her teeth. “Of course I was afraid of becoming fat when I 55 (start) the job, so I try to do exercise as often as possible. The main thing is my teeth. I must take care of them. I don’t think my dentist 56 (be) happy if I tell her what I do, so I try to brush my teeth as often as possible,” Laura told a reporter (记者). She goes to the gym to keep slim (苗条的) and 57 (take) more care of her teeth after trying the desserts. She said, “When I tell people what I do, they say it’s the best job in the world.”
Laura loves her job although it is hard. “I can 58 (learn) about new trend (动态) in food,” she said.
Mr. Henry went to a dinner party. He was wearing old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didn’t look at him. They didn’t ask him 59 (sit) at the table.
Mr. Henry went home and put on his 60 (good) clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room 61 (stand) up and smiled at him. They gave him very good food to eat.
Mr. Henry took off his clothes 62 (angry), and put them before the food and said, “Eat! Clothes!”
The other people asked “What are you doing ”
He answered, “I 63 (ask) my coat to eat food. When I was wearing my old clothes. You didn’t look at me. You didn’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes. And you give me very good food. So I see you give the food to my clothes, not to me.”
Trees are important in our daily life. They p 64 oxygen for us to breathe. But they often get hurt. One kind of hurt on trees is a tree hole. To help trees grow healthily, people usually take good c 65 of the tree holes.
Last winter, some Shanghai artists drew cute animals in the tree holes on the street, such as birds, cats and squirrels. These animals look l 66 . They are like living or hiding there.
These paintings are not h 67 to the trees. In f 68 , they cover the holes and stop the trees from losing water. The hole paintings not only make the street full of colour works of art, but also help people understand the protection of the environment.
What do you want to be in the future(未来)
For the American boy, Aktham Aleiwi, the answer 69 a traffic policeman.
Aktham is only 5 years old, but he is already a good traffic helper in his city. Look at the picture. Aktham is working on the street in front 70 his sister’s school. He is in a blue uniform(制服). He thinks 71 uniform looks cool on him.
Aktham works there 72 Monday to Friday. “I stop the cars running too fast 73 then give the drivers speeding tickets. I also help the students cross the busy street safely,” he says. Aktham is very happy about his work.
William and I are classmates. We have lunch at school every day. For lunch, he likes to have rice and vegetables in the dinning hall. But I like to have chicken and fruit. After class, we like playing sports. He likes soccer and he thinks 74 is interesting and easy. I like basketball and I think it’s easy for me.
This month is October. I like October 75 we have a lot of things to do in this month. In the middle 76 October, we have a school trip. October the nineteenth is the day for an art festival. Students always show their pictures in a big classroom during 77 art festival. Next, we have a book sale in the school library. I like the book sale best because I can buy books at very good prices. 78 the last day of this month, there is a music festival. It’s really great.
My school life is really busy but interesting!
Today pets are very common in many families. People have time and money to look after 79 (they). Many people like to keep little animals as pets, such as dogs, cats and birds. And the pets are very 80 (importance) in their families. They think of the pets 81 their family members.
In many ways, pets can bring love and happiness and sometimes they also feel thankful. They show their 82 (thank) in a special way. They 83 (be) humans’ friends for quite a long time, especially the dogs.
Two years ago, a fireman saved 84 dog named Doberman from a fire in her house. The dog was a mother of six babies. The fireman kept on 85 (work) in the fire. The tired man sat down to have a rest 86 he put out the fire. He saw the mother dog that he saved walking straight to him. He wanted 87 (know) what she was going to do. To his surprise, the dog came up to him and kissed him. At first, he was too surprised to do anything. But then he hugged (拥抱) her 88 (happy) at once.
(21-22七年级下·山东临沂·期末)Christian lives in Australia and she has a pet koala. His name is Triumph. But he didn’t have the right foot. So he couldn’t climb and had problem in 89 (walk). For years, Christian tried to find a person to make a new leg for him, but no one could do it.
Then one day, Christian met a doctor, Doulman, and 90 (tell) him about Triumph’s problem. Doulman was so 91 (friend) and wanted to have a try. He thought about many 92 (way) to help Triumph. In the end, he made a model of Triumph’s leg. To Christian’s surprise, after she helped Triumph put it on, he could use it well. He did a little jump and started running around and 93 (climb). Christian shouted because it was great to see him move like other koalas. Her dream came true.
Doulman works on a new model leg for Triumph these days. He 94 (wish) that it could help him climb more easily and 95 (quick). He is sure Triumph can live a better life.
My name 96 Li Lei. I love animals. I have two pets at home, a dog and a cat. The dog is black and the cat is white. They both look cute. My dog’s name is Heihei. He is very smart. He can dance and walk on two legs. He likes running around me. I take him for 97 walk in the park every evening. Baibai is the name of my cat. She is kind of lazy. She often sleeps in the daytime. So she is very fat.She likes playing 98 balls. When I come back home from school, Heihei and Baibai always run happily to 99 . I give them something to eat and then play with them. It’s very interesting to keep Heihei and Baibai. They bring me much fun. I like them 100 much.
My name is Jessica. I was born in 101 small village 30 years ago. There was only one school in this small village, 102 there were 200 students in it. The teachers were very 103 (friend) and all the students liked them. Behind the school, there were many trees. I liked reading books under the trees.
There were two 104 (house) next to the school. The small one was Lucy’s house. The big one was Mr. Wang’s house. Mr. Wang was my 105 (one) Chinese teacher. Lucy’s house was in front of 106 (he). I 107 (ride) to school when I was a student. There was a small park near my house. I often played 108 my friends there. Sometimes we 109 (fly) kites. 110 nice the village was! I like the village very much.
When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby. I enjoy watching the stars, so I often went outside with my mum 111 clear nights and looked at the sky. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the 112 . How beautiful they were! Studying the stars was the thing I liked 113 . Once I learned a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my 114 . I host a TV programme The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to 115 people about the stars in a lively way. If you work hard, you can turn your hobby into your career (职业) one day!
I want to be a doctor. I think that being a doctor is one of the most important 116 (job)in the world. Most people are busy 117 (work)every day. They don’t have much time to relax or do exercise. Lots of them are in poor health because they don’t take good care of 118 (they). I would like to help them to get 119 (health)again. I know it’s not easy to be a doctor. I need to learn a lot. I 120 (study)hard to improve my skills. As a doctor, I am going to try to help the people who are sick. I will always be there with them when they need me. If someone 121 (not have)enough money, I am still going to help him or her. I believe after he or she gets some money, he or she 122 (give)the money back to me. Maybe doctors can’t 123 (make)much money, but I don’t care. It would be great to be a doctor because I can help others. Helping others would make me happy.
Zibo barbecue(烧烤) is hot. On each t 124 is a small stove(炉子). People can help themselves to wrap skewers(裹肉串)in a thin pancake, usually with a spring onion(葱) i 125 the pancake.
Facts from Meituan and Dazhong Dianping s 126 that booking volume(预订量) for accommodation(住宿) in Zibo during the five-day May Day holiday is higher t 127 that in 2019. The number of people arriving and l 128 through Zibo railway station has reached 50,000 a day. Most of them come to t 129 Zibo barbecue. Visitors can visit some places of interest for f 130 with their high-speed railway tickets(高铁票). There are also new bus lines, so visitors can “get on the bus to rest, get o 131 to eat”. Volunteers are r 132 to help visitors at the railway station. What’s more, Zibo barbecue is delicious and costs l 133 money. Local people are warm to offer visitors water, fruit and even their homes to strangers who couldn’t find hotels. Why not go and see for yourself
Dear Eric,
How’s it 134 (go) with you
In your last letter, I know something about the food in your country. 135 many kinds of Chinese food do you know I would like 136 (tell) you some specials. Special 1 is noodles. There are many kinds of noodles in China, like rolled noodles, pulled noodles 137 fried noodles. All 138 them are great. Special 2 139 (be) dumplings. I think you must know 140 (they). Do you know the famous Kung Fu Panda cartoon movie There are 141 kinds of Chinese specials in the movie: noodles and fried dumplings. And we also have another kind of dumplings, boiled (水煮的) dumplings. We often eat boiled dumplings during the Spring Festival.
In China, we eat different 142 (kind) of food in our festivals. I like Chinese food very much. I hope you will like it, too. And I want to learn more about the food around 143 world.
Best wishes.
Liu Xin
1.and 2.boy’s 3.why 4.Luckily 5.put 6.interested 7.to practice 8.in 9.helps 10.a
11.fifth 12.dishes 13.friendly 14.talking 15.their 16.know/to know 17.is eating 18.is 19.me 20.to visit
21.subjects 22.did 23.usually 24.at 25.rainy 26.to do 27.them 28.friend’s 29.the 30.because
31.for 32.Her 33.height 34.and 35.wearing 36.classes 37.an 38.worries 39.well 40.friendly
41.the 42.so 43.thought 44.him 45.to take 46.for 47.talked 48.days 49.well 50.stays
51.to taste/tasting 52.travels 53.is;trying 54.worries 55.started 56.will be 57.takes 58.learn
59.to sit 60.best 61.stood 62.angrily 63.am asking
64.(p)rovide 65.(c)are 66.(l)ively 67.(h)armful 68.(f)act
69.is 70.of 71.the 72.from 73.and
74.it 75.because 76.of 77.the 78.On
79.them 80.important 81.as 82.thanks 83.are/have been 84.a 85.working 86.after 87.to know 88.happily
89.walking 90.told 91.friendly 92.ways 93.climbing 94.wishes 95.quickly
96.is 97.a 98.with 99.me 100.very
101.a 102.and 103.friendly 104.houses 105.first 106.his 107.rode 108.with 109.flew 110.How
111.on 112.sky 113.best 114.job 115.tell
116.jobs 117.working 118.themselves 119.healthy 120.will study/am going to study 121.doesn’t have 122.will give 123.make
124.(t)able 125.(i)n/(i)nside 126.(s)how 127.(t)han 128.(l)eaving 129.(t)aste/(t)ry 130.(f)ree 131.(o)ff 132.(r)eady 133.(l)ittle
134.going 135.How 136.to tell 137.and 138.of 139.is 140.them 141.two 142.kinds 143.the



