期末专题训练 完形填空 15篇 (含答案)--2023-2024七年级英语下学期 人教版

期末专题训练 完形填空 15篇 --2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期 人教版
My name is Kate. I’m twelve years old. I was born in America. But I 1 in China now. My parents work in Beijing. They go to work 2 bus.
I’m tall and slim(苗). My eyes 3 big and blue. I have short blonde hair. But my classmates all have black hair. That’s interesting. In America, the 4 of people’s hair are quite different. Some people have black hair, some have brown hair and others have blonde hair.
I like 5 and I’m on the school swimming team. I like playing tennis, too. But my classmates don’t play 6 . They often play basketball and soccer after 7 . They like playing badminton, 8 . They are all very kind to me. I often play with 9 . I love Chinese food. We often 10 dinner in the restaurant. I have many 11 here. That’s great. We often have 12 in the park. We go there by bike. It takes us half an hour 13 there.
There are lots of flowers in the park. They are so beautiful. We 14 many photos of the flowers. We eat lots of delicious food, such as bread, cakes. And we 15 milk and green tea. We have a good time.
1.A.visit B.join C.study D.play
2.A.at B.on C.in D.by
3.A.is B.are C.have D.has
4.A.sizes B.colors C.names D.places
5.A.swimming B.reading C.fishing D.shopping
6.A.basketball B.soccer C.tennis D.volleyball
7.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.school
8.A.also B.too C.either D.so
9.A.him B.her C.them D.it
10.A.have B.make C.drink D.cook
11.A.books B.friends C.trees D.children
12.A.lunch B.dinner C.a picnic D.breakfast
13.A.to get B.got C.getting D.get
14.A.bring B.take C.make D.draw
15.A.sell B.eat C.drink D.take
A man wanted to sell his donkey (驴) in a market. The market was far from his house, so he started early in the morning with his 16 .
On the way, the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was 17 near it. Someone saw them. He said the father didn’t love his son. After the man 18 this, he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on 19 . Then they continued their journey.
Soon, another man met them. He said it was not 20 for the son to make his old father walk in the sun. What hot weather it was! Then 21 of them decided to walk.
After some time, a group of people saw them. They said the father and the son were 22 . They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them 23 to sit on the donkey and then kept going.
There came a woman. “You may 24 the little donkey by doing that!” she shouted.
So what should we do Maybe we should just do what we think is right, because we cannot follow everyone’s 25 .
16.A.daughter B.son C.father D.wife
17.A.walking B.sitting C.sleeping D.lying
18.A.saw B.felt C.heard D.watched
19.A.it B.him C.them D.you
20.A.bad B.real C.wrong D.right
21.A.any B.some C.both D.none
22.A.kind B.foolish C.strict D.clever
23.A.asked B.forgot C.learned D.chose
24.A.leave B.kill C.save D.sell
25.A.news B.dream C.advice D.wish
Many people often have a question about what is success and how to achieve it. Actually, many 26 such as Patrick Moore and Jane Goodall have already answered this question with their growing experience.
As a schoolboy Charles liked drawing very much, but he was so 27 his lessons that he even failed every subject in the eighth grade. However, this didn’t make him give up his 28 . When he was in senior high school, he sent some cartoons to the school magazine many times. The editors(编辑) 29 to use his drawings again and again.
Those failures didn’t make him give up his interest.Instead, he decided to tell his own story in 30 . The main character(角色)was a little boy. The boy always lost, but he never gave up. When his cartoon came out, its character made people think of their own 31 experience in the past. So they 32 fall in love with this “cute loser”. Today his cartoon character is popular all over the world.
We can learn a very important lesson from Charles’s story. We all face difficulties and failures in life from time to time, but we still need to work hard for our 33 . If we continue to develop our hobbies and never 34 , who knows what will happen We may achieve our dreams and encourage others that 35 comes only through difficulty. Some winners just take shorter time to succeed while others may take longer! In this way, there will be no “losers”.
26.A.writers B.winners C.artists D.teachers
27.A.poor at B.good at C.strict about D.excited about
28.A.project B.trip C.career D.hobby
29.A.decided B.disagreed C.preferred D.started
30.A.poems B.cartoons C.articles D.reports
31.A.surprising B.dangerous C.unhappy D.lucky
32.A.easily B.terribly C.hardly D.carefully
33.A.parents B.dreams C.money D.power
34.A.fall down B.get down C.grow up D.give up
35.A.success B.surprise C.journey D.experience
Tom was walking along the beach. When he looked down the beach, he saw a man moving like a 36 . He thought that someone was dancing on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. But he was not dancing at all. He was picking up 37 and throwing them into the sea.
He 38 the man and asked, “Good morning! What are you doing ”
The young man looked up and 39 , “Throwing starfish into the sea. It’s low tide (落潮) now and all of these starfish were on the beach. If I don’t throw them , they will 40 .”
“But, young man, you cannot 41 every starfish on the beach. You will 42 make it. Just give it up.”
The young man 43 and continued to pick up another starfish and throw it into the 44 . Then he said, “It made a difference for that one!”
Tom learnt that if each of us tries to do something, our world will be better. So he decided to be one of the 45 on the beach.
36.A.snake B.superman C.dancer D.model
37.A.starfish B.bottles C.stones D.fish-food
38.A.flew to B.danced with C.walked to D.listened to
39.A.cried B.laughed C.replied D.apologized
40.A.return B.die C.sleep D.disappear
41.A.touch B.kill C.see D.save
42.A.never B.possibly C.finally D.soon
43.A.woke up B.felt encouraged C.gave a smile D.became nervous
44.A.boat B.sea C.sand D.box
45.A.fishermen B.leaders C.helpers D.swimmers
阅读短文,从每小题A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。
I used to be the shortest in my class. I had few friends and always felt 46 . On my 12th birthday, I made a 47 that I could grow up quickly.
Last summer vacation, I was so worried about my 48 that I didn’t want to go to summer camp. But my mom said, “You won’t know anything 49 you get there.” And I had to agree.
50 Monday, my teacher Maggie asked all of us to climb a wall(墙). When I saw the wall, I was so 51 . It might be ten meters high! I thought I could 52 climb that huge wall successfully.
After the other campers finished, I told Maggie I wanted to 53 climbing.
“Amy, when you meet 54 , just believe in yourself and never give up easily.” said Maggie. Hearing this, I felt a little upset. Suddenly, I came up with a good 55 . I pretended(假装)to 56 my knee and couldn’t move.
“How’s the knee Are you OK ” Maggie asked. She was so kind that I didn’t want to cheat(欺骗)her again.
I said sorry to her. Maggie smiled, and showed me 57 she climbed the wall. The other campers were also 58 for me.
I tried my best and kept trying. And finally something 59 happened—I made it!
From this experience, I’ve learned a lot. Anything is possible if you 60 yourself.
46.A.angry B.lonely C.happy D.glad
47.A.wish B.decision C.mistake D.difference
48.A.height B.build C.hair D.head
49.A.if B.although C.until D.so
50.A.In B.For C.At D.On
51.A.scared B.tired C.bored D.comfortable
52.A.sometimes B.often C.never D.probably
53.A.get up B.give up C.take up D.fix up
54.A.difficulties B.promises C.hobbies D.interests
55.A.subject B.article C.joke D.idea
56.A.change B.hurt C.control D.repair
57.A.what B.when C.why D.how
58.A.cheering B.preparing C.looking D.reading
59.A.interesting B.lucky C.surprising D.different
60.A.help B.trust C.teach D.enjoy
My good friend Sandy was so worried about her cat. She asked for my help. Her cat was ill, but it 61 serious enough to take it to the vet(兽医). I said to her, “You must do something.”
“But there’s 62 I can do,” Sandy said.
“ 63 the vet and talk to him,” I said.
“That doesn’t make sense(有意义) 64 the vet won’t know anything from what I tell him. He may ask me 65 my cat to see him, and I know it’s not that serious,” she said.
“Yes, I understand,” I said. “But you need to do that for 66 , not for the cat. By not doing anything you are worrying yourself. ”
“Okay,” she said. “I see 67 you mean.”
When Sandy called, the vet 68 found the problem. He told her to bring the cat in. And if he was right about the cat, he 69 treat it right away.
If you worry about anything, you should act(行动)on it, not just think about it. You can make the actions very small and easy, as long as you take one. Even small actions will send away your 70 . When there’s action, there’s no fear(恐惧).
61.A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.wasn’t D.didn’t
62.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
63.A.Call B.Calls C.Called D.Calling
64.A.if B.because C.when D.after
65.A.takes B.taking C.took D.to take
66.A.me B.you C.mine D.yours
67.A.what B.why C.how D.who
68.A.careful B.quick C.carefully D.quickly
69.A.may B.must C.could D.had to
70.A.worry B.problem C.worries D.problems
During the Warring States Period(战国时期), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. Once he left his home to 71 some learned persons to get more knowledge (知识).
A year later, he came back home 72 . “Why have you returned ” asked his wife in surprise. “You 73 spent one year studying with those learned persons.” “I come back just because I miss you very much.”
Without saying 74 , his wife took a pair of scissors (剪刀) and went to the loom (织布机) at which she had worked. Pointing at the half done brocade(锦缎), she said, “This brocade is made of the finest silk. I 75 it one strand(缕) after another. Now if I cut (剪) it, all my work will be wasted. It’s the same with your 76 . You can get knowledge only 77 working hard. Now, if you 78 halfway, isn’t it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom ”
Yue Yangzi was moved by his wife’s 79 . He again left home to visit those learned persons. Some 80 later he became very knowledgeable.
No matter what you do, you should never do by halfway. Stick to it and you’ll succeed.
71.A.enjoy B.invite C.visit D.pay
72.A.quickly B.finally C.sadly D.suddenly
73.A.only B.really C.maybe D.even
74.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything
75.A.made B.moved C.bought D.changed
76.A.books B.studies C.trips D.wishes
77.A.on B.in C.by D.with
78.A.agree B.stop C.repeat D.complain
79.A.problems B.jobs C.words D.abilities
80.A.years B.days C.months D.weeks
Last Sunday, Bill went to his uncle’s farm. There were many 81 .
Bill said, “Uncle Tony, I want to learn to ride a horse. Can you 82 me ”
Uncle Tony said, “Sure, Let’s 83 a horse now.”
Bill 84 all the horses and then he saw a white horse. The white horse wasn’t tall, 85 it looked handsome. Bill said he wanted to ride it. Uncle Tony told Bill its name was Sammy. And he asked Bill to 86 Sammy some hay (干草). But Bill didn’t want to do it. He 87 wanted to ride it. Uncle Tony said, “Horses are 88 . If they feel that you’re not kind to them, they won’t let you ride them.”
“You mean (意思是) I need to make friends 89 Sammy first ” Bill asked.
Uncle Tony said, “Yes. If Sammy thinks you’re its friend, it will be happy every time you ride it.”
90 this, Bill went to feed Sammy quickly.
81.A.carrots B.fruits C.animals D.vegetables
82.A.find B.teach C.tell D.ask
83.A.pick B.wash C.visit D.buy
84.A.talked to B.thought of C.cut up D.looked at
85.A.and B.so C.but D.because
86.A.grow B.feed C.milk D.draw
87.A.also B.still C.often D.just
88.A.smart B.shy C.scary D.friendly
89.A.for B.with C.from D.about
90.A.Hearing B.Seeing C.Reading D.Getting
Philip likes dogs. July 18th is his ninth birthday. He asked his parents to 91 a dog for him, but his parents said no 92 Philip’s grandma doesn’t like dogs.
Philip said to his grandma, “I will keep the dog out of your room.” Grandma said yes. On Friday evening, Philip 93 his dog. He was very 94 and he called his dog Fifi.
One day Grandma said she would watch TV in her room and she didn’t want Philip and his dog to disturb(打扰)her, so Philip played 95 his dog in his room. After some time, Fifi 96 the door of Grandma’s room and kept barking(吠叫)at the door. Philip told Fifi not to bark. But Fifi didn’t 97 . Philip’s father 98 something was wrong, and then he opened the door and saw Grandma on the floor. They took her to the hospital 99 .
Two weeks later, Grandma came back home from the hospital. She thanked Fifi for saving her 100 . She said that Fifi was now one member of her family.
91.A.see B.draw C.buy D.love
92.A.so B.but C.and D.because
93.A.fed B.helped C.went D.got
94.A.fine B.tidy C.happy D.healthy
95.A.with B.about C.from D.at
96.A.lived in B.ran to C.asked for D.came from
97.A.listen B.walk C.say D.talk
98.A.thought B.watched C.arrived D.drove
99.A.slowly B.quickly C.luckily D.differently
100.A.money B.thing C.time D.life
What might life be like if you looked very different from others Most of us are 101 to be born with “normal” (正常的) faces. But the movie Wonder shows us that a beautiful heart 102 much more.
From a(an) 103 book, the movie is about a boy named Auggie. He has a facial deformity (面部畸形). After Auggie enters school, he must do with judgmental (爱品头论足的) classmates and 104 to be OK with his look.
In the United States, most kids are taught that it is fine to be different. They are even 105 of it. But some kids have 106 understanding others’ differences. It is difficult for them to do that because they have their own 107 . This is another important idea from the movie—even the kids who pick on (招惹) Auggie have their own trouble.
As Auggie’s classmates get to know him 108 , they come to find that he is a nice kid and begin to be friendly to him. In real life, it may 109 longer to see such changes. But if we give people a chance, they are sure to have a change of 110 in the end.
101.A.easy B.sure C.ordinary D.lucky
102.A.takes B.means C.gets D.makes
103.A.best-selling B.easy-going C.heart-breaking D.life-changing
104.A.decide B.prefer C.learn D.agree
105.A.afraid B.free C.sick D.proud
106.A.time B.difficulty C.anger D.ideas
107.A.things B.studies C.problems D.lives
108.A.earlier B.better C.faster D.clearer
109.A.take B.spend C.cost D.use
110.A.eyes B.faces C.heads D.hearts
It is very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework, 111 newspapers, watch TV and look for information on the Internet to learn something new. I often see her play TaiChi(太极)in the morning and dance in the evening. She is over seventy years old, 112 she looks young and beautiful.
Last week, a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked 113 to keep so young and healthy. She answered 114 a smile on her face, “I have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite 115 . Keep your mind active, be interested in the world 116 you, and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as 117 as you can. Don’t think you are too old to go back to 118 .” I know a man who entered a medical college(医科大学)when he was seventy years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at playing tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matter 119 you are, you can make it. Please tell the story to your family. I think people should, 120 the lady. I hope everyone will stay young and healthy.
111.A.look B.read C.see D.watch
112.A.and B.or C.but D.because
113.A.what B.why C.who D.how
114.A.on B.in C.with D.at
115.A.easy B.dear C.early D.late
116.A.under B.around C.above D.between
117.A.soon B.busily C.hardly D.often
118.A.place B.song C.school D.dance
119.A.how long B.how old C.how far D.how many
120.A.listen to B.learn from C.think of D.talk about
Dogs are popular pets. They are smart and 121 . People often say dogs are “man’s best friends”. But for some people a dog is more than a friend. A dog can save your 122 .
Last month, seven-month-old Lisa Green and her mother were in 123 garden. Mrs. Green heard the telephone ring 124 went back to the house. She didn’t 125 a snake moving near Lisa, but the family’s dog, Joe did.
When the snake moved toward Lisa, Joe 126 the snake. The snake didn’t bite Lisa but it bit Joe. When Mrs. Green saw Joe, she took him straight to the vet’s. The vet gave him some medicine (药) and today Joe is 127 . Thanks to Joe, Lisa is fine too.
Peter has a similar (类似的) story. One night there was a fire in his home. Peter 128 get out of the house. His dog, Susie, helped him away from the fire. Then she ran to a nearby house. She barked loudly and woke 129 the people there. They 130 119, so Peter and his house were saved.
121.A.friendly B.funny C.dangerous D.terrible
122.A.time B.money C.life D.face
123.A.our B.their C.its D.his
124.A.but B.before C.after D.and
125.A.smell B.listen C.see D.look
126.A.went across B.asked for C.jumped on D.ran away
127.A.fine B.smart C.sick D.clean
128.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.didn’t D.couldn’t
129.A.off B.down C.up D.in
130.A.asked B.called C.made D.said
Hello, everyone! Do you 131 about SOS student club Yes I am a member of the 132 . Now let me tell you something about it.
The purpose of SOS student club is to help 133 when they are in need. Some students think 134 homework is so difficult that they can’t finish it. They can ask the members of the club 135 help. Some students like volleyball, 136 they can’t play it. They can ask us to teach them. Some students can’t get on 137 with others and they are not happy. They can 138 us.
Are you free after school Do you want to be 139 to others If your answer is yes, come and join us. We need five new members. Please 140 us at SOSstudentclub@.
131.A.see B.find C.know D.join
132.A.club B.party C.festival D.family
133.A.parents B.students C.grandparents D.friends
134.A.our B.his C.my D.their
135.A.on B.for C.of D.about
136.A.or B.but C.because D.so
137.A.well B.quite C.luckily D.late
138.A.think about B.think of C.talk to D.shout to
139.A.cool B.busy C.right D.useful
140.A.call B.thank C.e-mail D.meet
A man keeps three monkeys in his house. The monkeys are very 141 and they can do many things. The man loves his 142 . And he thinks they can try something new, so he begins to 143 them to dance. The monkeys don’t like dancing at first, but the man is very strict and make a lot of 144 for them to follow. They have to 145 hard every day. Soon they can dance very well. The man is very happy about that.
One day, the man dressed the monkeys up in beautiful clothes and masks (面具), and took them to a party. He wanted people to 146 his smart friends.
The dancing monkeys were welcome at the party. Nobody knew that they were monkeys, and people 147 them. The monkeys were very happy to have lots of delicious food there.
All of a sudden (突然), a child put some bananas in front of the dancing monkeys. The monkeys 148 everything then. All of them ran to the bananas and began to eat quickly. All the people at the party laughed. “They aren’t 149 at all”, cried one man. “They are 150 monkeys!”
Another man said, “What we see isn’t always true.”
141.A.lazy B.smart C.kind D.lovely
142.A.pets B.places C.children D.groups
143.A.run B.teach C.cross D.save
144.A.dreams B.ways C.messages D.rules
145.A.blow B.use C.live D.practice
146.A.feel B.taste C.watch D.listen
147.A.were popular with B.were friendly to C.were afraid of D.were good at
148.A.kept B.forgot C.ordered D.liked
149.A.monkeys B.actors C.friends D.dancers
150.A.still B.often C.just D.also
My parents and I always live together. But on one weekend, they had something to do in another city, 151 I had to stay at home by myself. In the early 152 , I went to a restaurant and had a bowl of tomato noodles for breakfast. I felt 153 because the noodles were delicious. At noon, my aunt 154 me to have lunch with her. When I got to her house, I was surprised to see tomato noodles on the table! For 155 , I went to my grandparents’ home. I hoped to have some porridge. But as soon as I walked into the kitchen, I saw a big bowl of tomato noodles! What a day!
151.A.but B.so C.for
152.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening
153.A.bad B.funny C.good
154.A.visited B.asked C.helped
155.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C
16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.C
26.B 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.A
36.C 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.B 41.D 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.C
46.B 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.D 51.A 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.D 56.B 57.D 58.A 59.C 60.B
61.C 62.B 63.A 64.B 65.D 66.B 67.A 68.D 69.C 70.C
71.C 72.D 73.A 74.D 75.A 76.B 77.C 78.B 79.C 80.A
81.C 82.B 83.A 84.D 85.C 86.B 87.D 88.A 89.B 90.A
91.C 92.D 93.D 94.C 95.A 96.B 97.A 98.A 99.B 100.D
101.D 102.B 103.A 104.C 105.D 106.B 107.C 108.B 109.A 110.D
111.B 112.C 113.D 114.C 115.A 116.B 117.D 118.C 119.B 120.B
121.A 122.C 123.B 124.D 125.C 126.C 127.A 128.D 129.C 130.B
131.C 132.A 133.B 134.D 135.B 136.B 137.A 138.C 139.D 140.C
141.B 142.A 143.B 144.D 145.D 146.C 147.B 148.B 149.D 150.C
151.B 152.A 153.C 154.B 155.C



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