Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years单元组合训练(含答案)

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.
训练1 基础过关
Section A 必背单词
1._____________ n.院子
2. _____________ adj.甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的
3. _____________ n.分;分币
4. _____________ n.玩具
5. _____________ n.熊
6. _____________ n.围巾;披巾;头巾
7. _____________ v.& n.检查;审查
8. _____________ n.板;木板
9. _____________ adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的
10. _____________ n.卧室
11. _____________ n.铁路;铁道
12. _____________ v.离开;分开
13. _____________ n.一段时间;一会儿〔高频〕
14. _____________ n.家乡;故乡〔高频〕
1. yard 2. sweet 3. cent 4,toy 5. bear 6.scarf7. check
8. board 9. junior 10. bedroom11.railway 12. part 13. while 14.hometown
1. _____________ n.记忆;回忆→_____________ v.记忆;记住
2. _____________ n.生产者;制订者→_____________ v.制造
3. _____________ adj.软的;柔软的→_____________ (反义词)
4. _____________ v.清理;清除→_____________ adj.清楚的;清晰的→_____________ adv.清楚地;清晰地
5. _____________ v.拥有;有→_____________ n.主人→_____________ adj.自己的
6. _____________ adj.某种;某事;某人→_____________ adv.无疑;肯定;当然;行
7. _____________ adj.诚实的;老实的→_____________ (反义词)
8. _____________ adj.诚实的;真实的→_____________ adj.真的;符合事实的→_____________ n.事实;实情→_____________ adv.真正;确实
1. memory; memorize 2.maker; make 3.soft;hard4.clear;cear; clearly
5.own;owner;own 6.certain; certainly 7.honest;dishonest 8.truthful;true;truth; truly
Section A 必背短语
1. _____________庭院拍卖会〔高频〕
2. _____________察看;观察〔高频〕
3. _____________清理;丢掉〔高频〕
4. _____________不再;不复〔高频〕
5. _____________放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)
6. _____________至于;关于〔高频〕
7. _____________说实在的
8. _____________处理〔高频〕
1. yard sale 2. check out 3. clear out 4. no longer5. part with 6. as for 7. to be honest 8. do with
Section B 必背单词
1. _____________ adv.现今;现在;目前
2. _____________ v.& n.搜索;搜查
3. _____________ prep.在(其)中;······之一〔高频〕
4. _____________ n.彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔)
5. _____________ v.将······认为;把······视为;看待〔高频〕
6. _____________ v.数数
7. _____________ n.百年;世纪
8. _____________ v.注视;仔细考虑
1. nowadays 2. search 3. among 4. crayon5. regard 6. count 7. century 8. consider
1. _____________ n.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧→_____________ adj.羞愧的
2. _____________ prep.与······相对;在······对面adj.对面的;另一边的→_____________ n.相反的人或物;对立面
3. _____________ adv.尤其;特别;格外→_____________ adj.格外的;特殊的
4. _____________ n.童年;幼年→_____________ (单数)孩子;儿童→_____________ (复数)孩子;儿童
5. _____________ v.拥有;抓住→_____________ (过去式/过去分词)
1. shame; shameful 2. opposite; opposite 3. especially; especial 4. childhood; child; children 5. hold; held
Section B 必背短语
1. _____________寻找〔高频〕
2. _____________保持不变
3. _____________依据
4. _____________一个······的象征
5. _____________暑假期间〔高频〕
6. _____________依某人看〔高频〕
7. _____________几乎;接近
1. search for 2. stay the same 3. according to 4.a symbol of
5. during the summer holiday 6. in one's opinion 7. close to
1.那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了 〔高频〕
1.How long have you had that bike over there
2. I've had them since I was a child.
3. You can also give old things away to people in need.
4. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.
5. As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts.
6. It's been around for at least 20 years.
Do your parents work near or far from your hometown Nowadays, 1_____________ (million) of Chinese leave the countryside to work in the cities. 2_____________ these is Zhong Wei. He grew up in a small village, but he left his hometown and went to Wenzhou. Now he works in 3_____________ crayon factory. He 4_____________ (live) in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. There 5_____________ (be)many people like him there. They haven't been back home for more than a year. 6_____________ a shame! People like Zhong Wei are interested in how 7 hometowns are changing. New roads, beautiful schools, large squares 8_____________ (build) by the government. Zhong Wei knows great changes are taking place here. Besides, he thinks these changes are good because things need to change in order to become 9_____________ (good).But he also thinks some things never change, and that his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood 10_____________ (memory). He wishes to have more time to see his hometown and sit under that big tree again.
1. millions 2. Among 3. a 4. has lived 5. are6.What 7. their 8. have been built 9. better10. memories
训练2 词汇专练
Section A
1. Mr. Black bought a_____________ (玩具)for his little daughter.
2. My father bought my little sister a toy_____________ (熊)last week.
3. He cut the_____________ (木板)into two halves.
4.For_____________ (某种)reasons, Mr. Li left there without saying anything.
5. We'll have a_____________ (庭院)sale to sell the things we don't use anymore.
6. My brother is sad because he will_____________ (与······分开)with his favorite books.
7.My father is a_____________ (职位低下的) officer.
1. toy 2. bear 3. board 4. certain 5. yard6. part 7. junior
1.-How much is the pencil
-Fifty c_____________·
2.Could you go and c_____________ if the baby is asleep
3. Look! A train is running fast on the r_____________.
4. He is from Shanxi and his h_____________ is Taiyuan.
5. My English teacher always wears a s_____________ smile in class.
1. cents 2. check 3. railway 4. hometown5. sweet
1.We have some great_____________ (memory) in the school.
2. His mother has had the bread_____________ (make) for a week.
3. Mary bought two_____________ (scarf).One was for her mom, and the other was for her grandma.
4.When the air moves_____________ (soft),the wind is gentle.
5. Are you being completely_____________ (truth) with me
1. memories 2. maker 3. scarves/scarfs 4.softly5. truthful
child own know sell understand
1. We all decide_____________ these old things that we don't need.
2.-Is there a_____________ home in your town
-Yes, there is.
3.He_____________ the car for many years.
4. Their daughter is very_____________ and we all like her.
5.I_____________ Li Lei since 2008.
1. to sell 2. children's 3. has owned4. understanding 5. have known
check out clear out no longer as for to be honest
1. I like reading books. _____________ the computer, I sometimes use it.
2.I_____________ went to school by bike because I wanted to take a bus.
3.We have already_____________ a lot of things from our bedrooms.
4. _____________,you are a very good teacher.
5. I took lots of photos yesterday just to_____________ the new camera.
1. As for 2. no longer 3. cleared out 4. To be honest 5. check out
Section B
1.To my_____________ (羞愧)I never thanked him for it.
2. I love cold drinks, _____________ (尤其)in summer.
3. The photos bring me some good_____________ (记忆).
4.He has an unforgettable_____________ (童年).
5. _____________ (在其中)the four great classical Chinese novels, my favorite is Journey to the West.
1. shame 2. especially 3. memories 4. childhood5.Among
1. Don't get on the bus before c_____________ the total number of your team members.
2.We call a hundred years a c_____________.
3. My uncle will go to Beijing to s_____________ for a job.
4. There is a car park o_____________ the hotel.
1. counting 2. century 3. search 4.opposite
1. The baby seems_____________ (be)hungry because she is always crying.
2. The two old friends_____________ (know) each other for thirty years.
3. Jack has been in this city since he_____________ (come) to China.
4.Whatever she says, I will believe. She is a_____________ (truth)girl.
1. to be 2. have known 3. came 4. truthful
nowadays crayon regard hold consider
1.He always_____________ me as a friend.
2.You have to_____________ what to do next.
3.You may_____________ your opinion, but you have to obey orders.
4. Can you buy some_____________ for me on the way to school
5. People pay more attention to their health_____________.
1. regards 2. consider 3. hold 4. crayons5.nowadays
at least across from according to once a year millions of
1. -How often does your father go abroad
2. There is a big tree behind the house. It has been there for_____________ ten years.
3.- Where is the biggest bookstore
-Oh, it's over there, _____________ the white building.
4.They spent_____________ dollars in building the factory.
5. _____________ the school rules, you cannot eat anything when you are in the classroom.
1. Once a year 2. at least 3. across from4. millions of 5. According to
1.Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan, because it's_____________ island.
A. so a beautiful B. so beautiful C. such a beautiful D. a such beautiful
2.A_____________ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.
A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old D. three year old
2.A 复合定语中用连字符,且表示量词的名词用单数形式.
训练3 句型专练
Section A
_____________ _____________ the cost, that will be very little.
I plan to_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ tomorrow.
The old bike_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ to me.
You can_____________ these books_____________ to those kids.
Have you_____________ _____________ those old things yet
1. As for 2. have a yard sale 3. brings back sweet memories 4. give; away 5. checked out
I've grown up, so I__________________________.
I feel very sad__________________________ my dog.
__________________________,I don't want to go swimming with him.
My grandparents don't often go out after the weather__________________________.
I haven't seen my grandfather__________________________.
1. don't need it anymore 2. to part with 3. To be honest 4. gets cold 5. for a while
2.我正在考虑加入一个篮球俱乐部.(think about doing)
4.他肯定能通过考试.(be certain)
1. That person has a very poor memory.
2.I'm thinking about joining a basketball club.
3.His daughter is more understanding.
4. He is certain to pass the exam.
A:Excuse me. May I ask you some questions
B:I'm from China.
A:2. _____________
B: I have been studying here for two years.
A:How are you getting on with your study
B:Very well.
A:What are you going to do after finishing your study
B:I'm going back to China.
A:3. _____________
B: Well, China is developing faster and faster. And I want to do something for it.
A:Any more reasons
B: Yes. 4. _____________
A:Wow! Good! Caring for parents comes first in China. Wish you a nice future!
B:5. _____________
1.Where are you from/Where do you come from/Can you tell me where you are/come from
2. How long have you been studying here
3. Why are you going back to China
4. I'd like to spend more time with my parents/I want to stay with my parents/My parents want me to go back,
5, Thank you(a lot/very much)/Many thanks.
Section B
Many old people_____________ their pets_____________ their kids.
_____________ _____________ do you return to your hometown
Mr. Wang_____________ _____________ _____________ for almost a year.
She_____________ _____________ _____________ articles for the magazine.
You're_____________ _____________ now.
1.regard;as 2. How often 3. hasn't been back4. used to write 5. among friends
There are__________________________ in the library.
They built a town here__________________________.
This place is quite__________________________ China.
Can you say__________________________ about it
1. millions of books. 2. in the mid-20th century3. symbol of 4. something more
1.你能帮助我寻找我丢失的那本书吗 (search for)
2.为了8点前到那里,我们起得很早.(in order to)
1. Could you help me search for that book I lost
2. In order to get there before 8 o'clock, we got up very early.
A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you plan to do
B:I've planned to climb Mount Tai with my parents. But my grandma is sick and my parents are going to look after her tomorrow.
A:1. _____________
B: Sounds like a good idea. I have some old clothes and I haven't worn them for a long time.2. _____________
A: Let's go to my grandparents' house. The yard is very big.
B:3. _____________
A: I have lots of storybooks.4. _____________ I haven't read them for a long time. I also have some old toys. I will no longer play with them.
B:Yeah,I see. You have already grown up. 5. _____________
A:What about nine in the morning
B: OK. Let's make it. See you tomorrow morning.
A:See you then.
A. What are you going to sell B. I like them very much, but I have read them many times. C. Shall we have it in your grandparents' yard D. Let's have a yard sale. E. But where shall we have it F. When will we have it G. Would you like to ask them to join us
训练4 语法专练
1. Helen left two hours ago.
Helen has been away_____________ two hours.
2. Jack has a toy car and he got it on his fifth birthday.
Jack has owned the toy car_____________ his fifth birthday.
3.She arrived there at four o'clock and she is still there.
She has been there_____________ four o'clock.
1.for 2. since 3.since
1.-Are you a soccer player in your school
-Yes, I_____________ the team two years ago. I_____________ in the team for two years.
A. have joined; have been B. was joined; am C. joined; was D. joined; have been
2. I saw Julia in April and I_____________ her since then.
A. don't see B. didn't see C. won't see D. haven't seen
3. We_____________ friends since ten years ago.
A. were B. became C. has become D. have been
4. His grandmother_____________ for six years. And he still misses her very much.
A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. has been died
1.D 根据时间状语two years ago可知第一空用一般过去时;根据时间状语for two years 可知第二空要用现在完成时.
2.D since then为现在完成时的时间状语,所以需要用现在完成时.
3.D 由时间状语 since ten years ago 可知本句应用现在完成时态.
4.C 由句意可知,他奶奶去世到现在有6年了,因此本句应用现在完成时表达,排除A;由于“for+时间段”作时间状语的句子谓语动词应用延续性动词,而die为短暂性动词,排除B、D.
1. They have waited here for two hours.
They have waited here_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ .
2. I left my hometown last month.
I_____________ _____________ _____________ from my hometown since last month.
3. I bought the book a week ago.
I_____________ _____________ the book for a week.
4. The film began twenty minutes ago.
The film_____________ _____________ _____________ for twenty minutes.
5. The Blacks got married thirty years ago.
The Blacks have_____________ _____________ for thirty years.
6. The Greens moved to France two years ago.
The Greens_____________ _____________ _____________ France_____________ two years.
7. Mr. Qu borrowed this book two weeks ago.
(1) _____________ _____________ two weeks since Mr. Qu borrowed this book.
(2)Mr. Qu_____________ _____________ this book_____________ two weeks ago.
(3)Mr. Qu_____________ _____________ this book_____________ two weeks.
(4)Two weeks_____________ _____________ _____________ Mr. Qu borrowed this book.
8. I have been learning English for over nine years.
_____________ _____________ have you been learning English
1. since two hours ago 2. have been away 3. have had 4. has been on 5. been married 6. have been in; for
7.(1)It's been (2)has kept;since (3)has kept; for (4) has passed since 8. How long
训练5 重难点提优
重难点1 consider的用法
1.(荆州中考)-I don't know where to go this summer vacation.
-Why not_____________ visiting Jingzhou There are many places of interest.
A. regard B. consider C. wonder D. suggest
2.(鄂州中考)-Jack hasn't taken his piano lessons for a long time.
-He is considering_____________ his piano course and spending more time on his study.
A. to drop B. to throw C. dropping D. throwing
They are considering_____________ _____________ _____________ for vacation.
1.B 句意:“我不知道这个暑假去哪儿.”“为什么不考虑参观荆州呢 (那里)有许多名胜古迹.”根据句意可知,应该是考虑参观荆州.
2.C 根据上文“杰克很久没有上钢琴课了”和下文“花更多时间在学习上”可知,他正考虑放弃钢琴课.放弃应该用drop,相当于give up. consider如果直接跟动词作宾语,后面的动词一定要用动名词形式.
3. where to go
重难点2 regard的用法
Lianhua Lake Park is_____________ _____________ one of the most beautiful parks in Dazhou.
The old man_____________ _____________ _____________ his son.
1.regarded as 2. regards him as
重难点3 among与between的用法
1. There's one taken by the River Seine_____________ these photos. Can you find it out
2. Do you know the student_____________ David and Jack
He is standing_____________ the woods.
1. among 2. between 3. among
重难点4 check的用法
_____________ _____________ all the books.
You should_____________ _____________ before you hand in your homework.
1.Check out 2. check it
重难点5 own的用法
1.The_____________ (own) of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.
2. After two years' hard work, he_____________ (own) a car and a house now.
The farm is_____________ _____________.
1. owner 2. owns 3, their own
重难点6 certain的用法
1. They are certain_____________ (invite) me to the party.
_____________ you_____________ he won't help us
For_____________ reasons, he won't come.
1. to invite 2. Are; certain 3. certain
重难点7 search的用法
He_____________ _____________ his box.
My brother_____________ _____________ _____________ his dictionary.
1. is searching 2. is searching for
重难点8 according to的用法
Everything goes well_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ .
The students go to their school_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________.
1.according to your plan 2. according to where they live
训练6 综合提升练
one season since for friend tourist nobody interest surprise regard hold land
I have been away from my hometown 1. _____________ twenty years ago. I go back to it only 2. _____________ a year. I often miss it. Because it's the place that 3. _____________ all my childhood. Let me tell you something about my hometown.
My hometown is a very beautiful city with much grass 4. _____________. There are many 5. _____________ people. 6. _____________ can have a big fight there. There are also many places of 7. _____________.The places in different 8. _____________ show you different kinds of scenery. Every year there are many 9. _____________ there. If you have time, please come to my hometown. You will be 10. _____________ at what you see.
1. since 2. once 3. holds 4. land 5.friendly6. Nobody 7. interest 8. seasons 9. tourists10. surprised
How often do you hear people say “I will be happy when…”, such as“ When I get that thing I will be happy” “I will be happy when I pass the exam” or“I would be happy if I had more money". I have heard 1. _____________ words before and I am sure that I will hear them again.
Many people believe that 2. _____________ (find) happiness is all about finding or getting something that they want. However, not many people have ever found long-time happiness 3. _____________ achieving a goal. There will always be another thing that they want. There will always be another exam 4. _____________ another dollar.
So, we must find our 5. _____________ (happy) somewhere else-within ourselves. The key to finding happiness is to understand that happiness is a 6. _____________ (choose) rather than the result of an experience.
We need to be happy. Allow 7. _____________ (you) to choose happiness. If life was 8. _____________ (wonder),would you be happy Life is perfect because we create 9. _____________ with our choices. Since we can create life, we can create happiness and choose how much better our 10. _____________ (life) can get!
1.the 2. finding 3. by 4.or 5. happiness6. choice 7. yourself 8. wonderful 9. it 10.lives
Mrs. Zhang is my neighbor. Her house is next to 1. _____________ (my). She is a warm and 2. _____________ (friend) person. She is popular among us. She always 3. _____________ (like) to help others. And she often asks people 4. _____________ she can do for them. She often says hello 5. _____________ me from her front garden when I come back home. She plants different 6. _____________ (kind) of beautiful flowers in her garden. It was Mrs. Zhang's birthday last Saturday. She held a party and 7. _____________ (invite) all the neighbors. She made 8. _____________ very big cake with fresh flowers on it. It was my 9. _____________ (one) time to see such a cake. I thought it was the 10. _____________ (nice) cake I had ever eaten. We sang, danced and talked and it was really a great time.
1. mine 2. friendly 3. likes 4. what 5.to6. kinds 7. invited 8. a 9. first 10.nicest
Shaoshan is a famous city, the hometown of Chairman(主席)Mao Zedong. He once lived, studied, and 1. _____________ (work)here. Shaoshan is a comfortable place with flowers blooming(开花)and birds singing all year round. Shaoshan is a place 2. _____________ is almost in the middle of Hunan, about 40 kilometers from Xiangtan City and 100 kilometers from Changsha City.
As the high-speed trains are available, more and more people come here 3. _____________ train. For example, it only 4. _____________ (take) less than half an hour from Changsha to Shaoshan. Others still want 5. _____________ (drive) here with families or friends. If people come here on December 26th,it will be the 6. _____________ (good) time. On that day there are a lot of celebrations, because it's Chairman Mao's birthday.
7. _____________ (visit) from all over the country come here to show their respect. They also look forward to 8. _____________ (watch)The Most Memorable Shaoshan(《最忆韶山冲》),which can help them better understand Chairman Mao. They will be deeply moved and encouraged. Besides, it is not only 9. _____________ good place for students to have school trips, but also an education base for 10. _____________ (they) to learn about the history of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党).
1. worked 2. that 3. by 4. takes 5. to drive6. best 7. Visitors 8. watching 9. a 10. them
It is three years since I left my 1_____________ (家乡). But I often “see” it in many of my dreams.
I used to live in a small town 2_____________ (在其中)trees. It is a beautiful place and stands 3_____________ (在对面)a nice and clean river. Most of us used to play together near the river, 4_____________ (尤其是)during the summer holidays. It was such a happy 5_____________ (童年).There was no tall building but an old school, where kids learnt to read and 6_____________ (数数)in it. Our hometown has left many unforgettable 7_____________ (记忆).
In the old days it was a poor town. Many people lived a hard life. But great changes have taken place there. The life of the people is greatly improved 8_____________ (如今).People all 9_____________ (拥有)their big houses. Cars and buses are running in the big streets. To be 10_____________ (实在的),I love my hometown. We should try our best to make it more beautiful.
1. hometown 2. among 3. opposite 4. especially5. childhood 6. count 7. memories 8. nowadays9.own 10. honest
1. The old man has_____________ about 100,000 yuan to charities since 2001.
A. given off B. given away C. given out D. given in
2. Sleeping is a popular way to relax_____________ students.
A. on B. among C. about D. at
3.-Do you know Betty very well
-Yes, she and I_____________ friends since we met in Guangzhou last summer.
A. made B. became C. have been D. have turned
4.Mr. Smith is_____________ honest man. He never tells a lie.
A. a B. an C. the D./
5.- _____________ has Mr. White been in the school
-For about ten years.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far
6. I met a friend of mine_____________ I was walking in the park.
A. before B. when C. after D. if
7.-Lucy, may I speak to your uncle
-Oh, sorry! He_____________ to London.
A. has been B. has gone C. goes D. will go
8.My father_____________ on business for two weeks. He'll return in three days.
A. has been away B. left C. has left D. was leaving
9. I'm looking after Tom today. He's been in my house_____________ 8:00 this morning.
A. at B. for C. since D. till
10.- _____________ have you lived in Binzhou
-Since about ten years ago.
A. When B. How often C. How long D. How much
1.B 句意:自从2001年以来,这位老人已经为慈善机构捐了大约十万元.由句意可知,用give away.
2.B 由句意可知是在学生之间,结合选项可知答案.
3.C 时间状语为 since we met in Guangzhou last summer,表示的是从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的状态,应用现在完成时,并且要求动词是延续性的.
4.B honest的发音以元音音素开头,其前用不定冠词an表示“一个/位······”.
5.A For about ten years 表示一段时间,是对how long的回答.
6.B 句意:当我在公园里散步时,我遇到了我的一位朋友.when当······时,符合句意.
7.B 不能接电话的原因是人不在说话人身边,故用has gone.
8.A 由for two weeks可知,本句的时间状语为一段时间,要和延续性动词连用.leave是短暂性动词,须排除.
9.C since后面跟时间点,表示从过去某个时间一直到现在,常常与现在完成时连用.
10.C 答语“Since about ten years ago.”表一段时间,是对how long的回答.
“Poor Grandma! I wish we could do something to cheer her up,” Amy said to her brother Mark.
Grandma had fallen and broken her 1 . The doctor said she would be in bed for six weeks. Grandma was very active and loved to 2 in her garden, so she would not like to sit in her chair 3 her leg to become well again.“I have a(n)4,”said Mark.“I saw some pictures of terrariums(玻璃花园)in a magazine. Terrariums are little indoor gardens that can be 5 in glass bottles. Let's make a terrarium for Grandma, so she can enjoy a garden in her house."
Amy agreed, 6 the two of them found the magazine which told them how to make a terrarium and showed it to 7 mother. She said that a terrarium would be a perfect 8 for Grandma. She helped Amy and Mark find a large, clear glass bottle. After a trip to the garden shop to buy the materials, they began to 9 the terrarium. First, they put some drainage material(排水材料)at the bottom of the bottle. This would keep the soil(土壤)from getting too 10 Next, they added some dark, rich soil.
Now they were ready to add the plants. Amy had chosen 11 plants at the garden shop. One was tall with long, thin, green leaves. The other was short with bright pink flowers. To make the terrarium even more 12,Amy placed rocks of different colors and bright green moss(苔藓)around the plants. 13,they watered the plants.
When Amy and Mark showed Grandma her new terrarium, she was so 14. Now she had a beautiful little 15 to enjoy right inside her home.
1.A.arm B. back C.leg D. head
2.A. rest B. read C. drink D. work
3. A. waiting for B. depending on C. looking at D. getting ready for
4.A. dream B. idea C. question D. story
5. A. hidden B. hung C. grown D. tied
6.A.so B. after C. but D. because
7.A.her B. his C. their D. our
8.A. beginning B. gift C. chance D. task
9. A. borrow B. choose C. buy D. build
10.A. hard B. dirty C. hot D.wet
11.A. two B. three C. four D. five
12. A. expensive B. colorful C. traditional D. personal
13. A. Finally B. However C. Instead D. Still
14. A. afraid B. pleased C. nervous D. worried
15. A. flower B. bottle C. picture D. garden
1.C 由第二段中的her leg to become well again 可知奶奶伤到了腿.
2.D 奶奶非常好动且喜欢在她的花园里劳作(工作).
3.A 奶奶不想坐在椅子上等她的腿好起来.
4.B Mark有一个主意/想法.
5.C 玻璃花园是能够被种在玻璃瓶里的小型室内花园.
6.A 因此他们两个寻找告诉他们怎样去做一个玻璃花园的杂志,并且把它展示给他们的妈妈看.
7.C 他们两个的妈妈,所以是their.
8.B 由第一段内容可知,为使奶奶振奋起来,所以要给奶奶送礼物.
9.D 去买材料,回来做玻璃花园,所以用build.
10.D 句意:这能防止土壤太过湿润.由句意可知答案.
11.A 由第四段中的“One...The other...”可知,一共有两种植物.
12.B 由第四段中的rocks of different colors可知选colorful.
13.A 由第三段中的First、Next可知,此处应用Finally.
14.B 由最后一段中的to enjoy可知,奶奶对礼物满意.
15.D 由第二段内容可知,玻璃花园是一个小型室内花园.
Many people may wonder what the three Chinese astronauts' life was like when working in space. In fact, they did many of the things as we do on Earth.
They brush their teeth, wash their hair and go to the bathroom. However, because of the zero gravity(失重)environment, they take care of themselves in different ways. They wash their hair by using the no-rinse shampoo to get it clean because there are no real showers in the spaceship.
Astronauts eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But how much they eat depends on the astronauts. A woman astronaut often needs only about 1,900 calories(卡路里)a day, while a man requires about 3,200 calories. So there are many kinds of food, such as fruits, nuts, chicken, beef and seafood. They can also drink coffee, tea and orange juice.
Astronauts can have much fun, too. They look out of the window, enjoying the wonderful sunsets and sunrises which happen every 45 minutes. Very often, they play with their food or even joke with their workmates. Believe it or not, astronauts can even spend weekends, when they can watch movies, play music, read books and talk to their families.
After a long day at work, ▲ .Just like on Earth, an astronat goes to bed at a certain time, then wakes up and prepares for work again. But there are a few differences. Astronauts have to sleep in sleeping bags in special cabins(隔间).Generally, astronauts are planned to have eight hours of sleep. Like on Earth, they may wake up in the middle of their sleep to use the toilet. And astronauts also have dreams.
As for Wang Yaping, she had another experience-preparing for lessons for the Chinese students far down on Earth.
1.The passage mainly talks about_____________.
A. how astronauts work in space
B. what it is like inside a spaceship
C. what kind of people can be astronauts
D. astronauts' daily life in the spaceship
2. From the passage we can learn that astronauts_____________.
A. have to take showers every two days
B. are not allowed to play jokes in space
C. can have many kinds of food for their meals
D. never have dreams when they sleep in space
3. Which of the following can be put in the ▲ in Paragraph 5
A. it is time to make a phone call
B. reading is what an astronaut needs
C. listening to music sounds like a good idea
D. nothing is better than a good night's sleep
4. What was Wang Yaping's special experience in space
A. Making different kinds of food.
B. Taking care of the other astronauts.
C. Writing a report about space travel.
D. Giving a lesson to students on Earth.
1.D 主旨大意题.由第一段的第一句话“很多人可能想知道,三个中国宇航员在太空工作时,他们的生活是怎样的.”可得出答案.
2.C 细节理解题.根据第三段内容可得出答案.
3.D 推理判断题.第五段讲述的是宇航员睡觉的问题,D选项讲述的也是睡觉的问题,所以D正确.
4.D 细节理解题.由文章最后一段的内容可得出答案.
Making your school a better place will make everyone around you happier and will get you more excited to go every day. Besides, a better place will also make you more productive. The following are some of the ways to make your school a better place.
1. _____________ Do not stay silent when you see another student getting hurt by others. Speak up confidently and tell them to stop. This will help create a better atmosphere(气氛)at school.
Try to deal with arguments between other kids. When you see other students in an argument, you can help deal with the problem.2. _____________ After all, many arguments in school are just misunderstandings between two people.
3. _____________ If you know that other students have difficulty learning a subject that you're good at, you can help them by teaching them in that subject. Helping other students to improve their grades will help create a positive atmosphere in school.
Make friends with lonely students. If you notice some students who don't have many friends or sit alone at lunch, try to become their friend. 4. _____________ So why not encourage other people to become friends with them
A. Encourage your classmates to talk to each other. B. Friendship will make them less lonely. C. Teach other students if you can. D. You may get into trouble. E. Stand up bravely.
5. What else would you like to do to make your school better (回答不少于5个单词)
1.E 2.A 3.C 4. B 5. Don't talk back to our teachers.(答案不唯一,言之有理即可)
1. Bob is such an_____________ (诚实的)boy that we all believe him.
2. Great changes have taken place in my_____________ (家乡).
3.There must be_____________ (某种)animals living in the hole.
4. Don't play on the_____________ (铁路).
5. I used to share a_____________ (卧室)with my brother.
1.honest 2. hometown 3. certain 4. railway5.bedroom
1. In summer I like to swim, _____________ (especial) in the swimming pool with my friends.
2. Through the diaries I found many soft and sweet_____________ (memory).
3. Mary is always_____________ (truth). You can tell her your secrets.
4.In winter, it's cold, and sometimes it snows. People wear_____________ (scarf).
5. If your new computer does not work, send it back to the_____________ (make).
1.especially 2. memories 3. truthful 4. scarves/scarfs 5. maker(s)
Mr. White_____________ _____________ the car for two years.
He_____________ _____________ in this factory_____________ he_____________ here.
_____________ Bill_____________ _____________ for a long time, he still_____________ very well now.
_____________ _____________ have you_____________ _____________ China
_____________ _____________ the hotel, it was miles from the sea.
1. has had 2. has worked; since; came 3. Although; hasn't skated; skates 4. How long; been in 5.As for
参考词汇;left-behind children 留守儿童
Our hometown and schools have changed a lot these years. A large number of farmers leave the countryside to search for work in the big cities. The farmers are richer and richer. Our cities are getting more and more beautiful. Our country is getting stronger and stronger. But more and more left-behind children are a big problem. Their parents haven't been back to their hometown for many years. The children lost confidence. The teachers are worried about their education.
In my opinion, I think we should find ways to solve these problems so that everyone will live more happily.



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