外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 A Glimpse of the Future Developing ideas 同步检测练习(含答案)

新外研社高中英语选择性必修三 Unit 4 同步检测练习
Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1.Teachers provide a model for children to___________________________(模仿).
2.She closed her eyes___________________________(紧紧地)in a vain attempt to hold back the tears
3.I heard sounds of a ___________________________(拼命的)struggle in the next room.
4.Customers may ask for a refund if the goods are___________________________(有缺陷的).
5.I'm not as___________________________(敏捷的)as I used to be, so I cannot make this kind of complex movement.
6.This is the oldest___________________________(机械的)clock in the world.
7.They have found some___________________________(线索)that are closely relevant to this case.
go through race up the difference between...and... change one's mind cry out point at set out start up
1.It's already seven o'clock, and you should___________________________right now or you will be late.
2.It is impolite to___________________________people with your finger.
3.The panicked animals___________________________the slopes, but the fire went faster uphill.
4.The new electric car___________________________many safety tests before it was released onto the market.
5.After their hard work,the car finally___________________________on such a cold day.
6.You can always tell___________________________tourists natives from their body language and clothes.
7.I hope you will___________________________as soon as possible, because it won't do you any good.
8.It's said that he___________________________in pain when the ambulance arrived.
It has been 20 years ______________________________________________________.
2他们放弃了那些陈旧的系统,似乎正在开辟新的领域。(seem to be doing)
They have given up the old systems, ______________________________________________________.
3.他站在门口,仿佛在等谁。(as though引导方式状语从句)
He stood at the door, ______________________________________________________.
In 1492, Columbus reached______________________________________________________.
5.直到婴儿睡着,妈妈才离开房间。(not until用于强调句)
______________________________________________________ the mother left the room.
1.The train was an hour late,which was something we hadn't reckoned___________________________.
2.He___________________________(desperate)hunted for a new job after he was fired by the company.
3.We must make an effort___________________________(go)through the difficult times.
4.Famous experts are often invited to the local Tshow to make comments___________________________social issues.
5.We set out___________________________(use)AI in our project in order to finish it as scheduled.
6.Hold the branch___________________________(tight), and you will be safe for the moment.
7.According___________________________his assistant, he won't come this evening.
8.When___________________________comes to the topic that he isn't interested in, he has nothing to say.
9.A child learns to speak by___________________________(imitate)people around him.
10.We must be consistent___________________________applying the rules.
Jimmy was Moon-born and had never seen a dog. That's 1.___________________________Jimmy's father brought a dog from the Earth. The dog was at the rocket station, 2.___________________________(go)through the tests. Jimmy was playing with Robutt on the crater 3.___________________________his father told him to go back home. He looked 4.___________________________(thick)and stubbier with his spacesuit on. The weight of the spacesuit couldn't keep Jimmy ___________________________racing up a gentle slope in a floating hop. Although Jimmy was expert, he couldn't outrace Robutt, who didn't need a spacesuit.
Jimmy's father told Jimmy there was a real dog from Earth and that Robutt wasn't needed any more. When his father 6.___________________________(say)Robutt was only a mechanical imitation, Jimmy frowned.
Even though Robutt 7.___________________________(program)to act the way it did,it did everything Jimmy wanted it to do and he never regarded it as a machine. The difference between Robutt and the dog was hard 8.___________________________(explain), but his father insisted that Jimmy 9.___________________________(keep)the dog instead of Robutt. Jimmy's desperate look on his face meant he wouldn't do it. He said he loved Robutt and that was important.
The little robot-mutt, which had never been held so tightly in all its 10.___________________________(exist), squeaked high and rapid squeaks-happy squeaks.
II .1.set out2.point a3.raced up4.had gone through5.started up
6.the difference between;and7.change your mind8.was crying out
III.1.since he came to teach in our school
2.seeming to be breaking new ground
3.as though he was waiting for someone
4.what is now called the American continent
5.It was not until the baby fell asleep that
I.1.on2.desperately3.to go4.on5.to use
6.said7.was programmed8.to explain9.(should)keepl0.existence



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