2024届陕西省部分学校高三下学期5月份高考适应性考试英语试题(有答案解析与听力原文 无音频)

考试满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. How does the woman feel about the man’s idea
A. Concerned. B. Satisfied. C. Disappointed.
2. What does the man want to be
A. A reporter. B. A lawyer. C. A designer.
3. Where are probably the speakers
A. In the hotel. B. At the hairdresser’s. C. In the office.
4. What mistake did the man make
A. Giving wrong items.
B. Forgetting to give the receipt.
C. Charging too much.
5. Why does the man refuse the woman’s invitation
A. He has to prepare for a game.
B. He failed to win a contest.
C. He dislikes doing sports.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. A couple.
7. What do we know about the man
A. He refuses to drink beer. B. He dislikes Sichuan cuisine. C. He is satisfied with the food.
8. What does the woman do for the man
A. Lend him $10. B. Give him some medicine. C. Help him register.
9. What is the man going to do next
A. Pay for the registration.
B. Go to the consulting room.
C. Go back home.
10. What is the woman doing
A. Having her first day at work.
B. Conducting an interview.
C. Showing the man around.
11. When does the woman’s company adjust the salary each year
A. In October. B. In November. C. In December.
12. How many paid vacation days can one get for the third year of work
A. 2. B. 7. C. 11.
13. Who is the woman probably talking to
A. Her husband. B. Her employer. C. An interviewer.
14. How long has the woman failed to meet the target
A. Three days. B. Three weeks. C. Three months.
15. What does the man say about the woman
A. She is not experienced.
B. She is unsuitable for the job.
C. She lacks enough rest.
16. What does the man try to do in the end
A. Comfort the woman.
B. Teach the woman to meet the target.
C. Share work experience with the woman.
17. What is China’s forest coverage rate now
A. 12%. B. 17.56%. C. 23.04%.
18. What is the result of the nationwide voluntary tree planting
A. China has the largest area of planted forests.
B. China has the most forest resources.
C. China has the largest stock volume.
19. What is the Chinese government’s second measure of the campaign
A. Providing more legal guidance.
B. Building more service platforms.
C. Raising the awareness of forest conservation.
20. What is mainly talked about
A. Future plans and goals.
B. Past and present protection laws.
C. Recent progress and future strategy.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Last Updated: October 26, 2023
Interested in exploring two million years of human history and culture in one place The British Museum is a good choice. In this guide, find out what you need to know to visit the British Museum. Here’s what we’ll cover:
Pro Tip: Bookmark this post in your browser(浏览器)so you can easily find it when you’re in London.
Opening hours and tickets
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day(to 8:30 p.m. on Fridays). A booked time slot will get you guaranteed entry.
It’s free to visit the British Museum, but there are also priced special exhibitions. For example, “Hieroglyphs: Unlocking Ancient Egypt” is on until February 2023 and tickets cost 18 for adults.
What to see
There are more than 60 galleries exhibiting items. Here are our recommendations on what to see.
The Younger Memnon (Room 4-Egypt)
Oxus Treasure (Room 52-Ancient Iran)
Lewis Chessmen (Room 40-Medieval Europe, 1050-1500)
Royal Game Of Ur (Room 56-Mesopotamia, 6000-1500 B.C.)
Aztec Serpent (Room 27-Mexico: 2000 B.C.-A.D.1521)
Ife Head (Room 25-Africa)
Guided tour options
A knowledgeable guide will cover the exhibits in a more reasonable time so you have a memorable visit.
A variety of themed audio guides in their app are available for anyone interested in self-guided tour.
You can purchase the full bundle per language for 4. 99(introductory offer)or themed tours per language for 1.99– 2.99.
Places to eat nearby
Great Court Restaurant, Hakkasan and Zeo’s London are museum’s restaurants where you can enjoy delicious food and drinks at a reasonable price. Apart from those above, there are also the Court Café and the Montague Café inside the museum. Also, there are other options not too far beyond the museum gates, in case you are seeking more inspired dining.
21. If interested in Mexico relics, which room will you visit
A. Room 25. B. Room 27. C. Room 40. D. Room 56.
22. What do Zeo’s London and the Montague Café have in common
A. Bargains are not allowed there. B. They both serve a variety of cuisines.
C. Drinks there are welcome by visitors. D. They are both located in the museum.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A travel website. B. A health magazine.
C. A report on heritage. D. A brochure for tourists.
I was ten years old when I started watching lawn tennis. Having developed interest in tennis, I started following and gaining knowledge about the game. The play of the 100th seed was the best according to me until I asked my father who is the number 1 ranked player in the world, to which he replied—Roger Federer.
That was it! I watched his play at Wimbledon and really couldn’t stop admiring this personality. His silky smooth movement, flawless serve, unreachable powerful forehand, amazing footwork—all of it was pretty amazing. I started playing tennis because of him; he was undoubtedly my role model. I followed his career off the tennis court and learned things about him that really made me a better person in life.
There is a feeling of joy in each stroke that Federer plays and a feeling of excitement in each thing he does whether it is giving an interview, doing a press conference, practicing on court or mere signing the tennis balls for fans. There is never a dull moment when he is around, which inspires everyone to be happy and joyous in life in whatever they do. One of the most important things about him which inspires me is his sense of humor.
Federer first congratulates his opponents and never shies from telling them they played wonderfully well, and that luck was on his side today or that he had a good day, instead of attributing the victory to his hours of hard work and training. He always looks for opportunities to praise others.
Another admirable thing about Federer is his love for the game. It teaches me that it’s great to do what you love. You can excel in any profession if you love it from your heart; it then becomes no more a profession but a thing of joy from which you can get satisfaction and fulfilment each day you practice it. It is no more a duty but a sense of fulfilment(成就).
He is the most respected player in the game and everyone feels privileged to play against him, and some don’t even mind losing to him! This kind of respect is not gained in a few days but in many years by achieving perfectionism both on and off the court, by inspiring and motivating generations to come and becoming a part of history, by not just getting awards on the court but also by being a good man. Federer’s energy motivates me to keep moving on and on in my life, fighting difficulties with a smile and cherishing good moments as well as not so good.
24. How did the author initially know Federer
A. By watching the play of the 100th seed player.
B. By following a Wimbledon tournament.
C. By participating in a tennis camp.
D. By requiring his father.
25. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. Federer’s optimistic and humorous features.
B. How Federer reacted when being interviewed.
C. The influence Federer has on his fans.
D. How Federer achieved victories through hard exercise.
26. Which of the following might the author agree with
A. We should never cares about losing a game.
B. We’d better keep a good relationship with anyone.
C. We should treasure both good and not-so-good moments in life.
D. We can learn to handle challenges brought by our opponents.
27. What is probably the best title
A. The Significance of Following a Model B. An Inspiring Legend: Roger Federer
C. The Way to Gain the Sense of Fulfilment D. The Privilege of Being a Tennis Star
Make me a chili pepper lover! People who often chow down on chili peppers may live for longer and have a significantly reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病)or cancer, research from Cleveland Clinic’s Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute suggests.
Previous studies have found that capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their characteristic kick, can have anti-inflammatory(消炎的), antioxidant, anti-cancer and blood-glucose regulating effects when eaten. To further investigate the effects of consuming chili peppers, the researchers gathered together the health and dietary records of more than 570,000 patients in the US, Italy, China and Iran, published in four previous large-scale scientific studies.
They found that those who ate chili peppers regularly had a 26% reduction in cardiovascular disease(CVD)death, a 23% relative reduction in cancer death, and a 25% relative reduction in all-cause death, compared to those who rarely or never ate them.
“We were surprised to find that in these previously published studies, regular consumption of chili pepper was associated with an overall risk reduction of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality. It highlights that dietary factors may play an important role in overall health,” said senior author Dr. Bo Xu, a cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic’s Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute.
“The exact reasons and mechanisms that might explain our findings, though, are currently unknown,” he added. “Therefore, it is impossible to convincingly say that eating more chili pepper can prolong life and reduce deaths, especially from cardiovascular factors or cancer. More research, especially evidence from randomized controlled studies, is needed to confirm these new findings.”
Additionally, as the precise amount and type of chili pepper consumed varied across the four studies used in the research, it’s tricky to determine exactly how much and what type of chili peppers may provide the health benefits. However, the researchers are continuing to analyze the data in the hope of uncovering more concrete evidence.
28. What does the research reveal
A. Chili peppers can cure heart diseases. B. People who love chili peppers live longer.
C. Eating hot peppers may be good for the health. D. Some peppers have been used as medicine.
29. Why are data listed in paragraph 3
A. To correct misunderstandings.
B. To clarify a concept.
C. To prove researchers’ ideas.
D. To provide readers with the truth.
30. What is Dr. Bo Xu’s attitude toward the new findings
A. Tolerant. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Dismissive.
31. What are the researchers planning to do according to the text
A. Go on the study to find more proofs. B. Conduct a large-scale clinical trials.
C. Discover more potential health benefits. D. Develop new nutrition dietary guidelines.
You may feel like a master multitask er as you drink your morning coffee, catch up on email and tune into a conference call. But did you know for most people, in most situations, multitasking makes us less efficient and more likely to make a mistake.
This might not be as apparent when we’re doing simple and routine tasks, like listening to music while walking, or folding laundry while watching TV. But when the stakes are higher and the tasks are more complex, trying to multitask can negatively impact our lives — or even be dangerous.
So-called multitasking divides our attention. It makes it harder for us to give our full attention to one thing. For example, attempting to complete additional tasks during a driving simulation led to poorer driving performance. It can also affect our ability to learn, because in order to learn, we need to be able to focus. Dr. Kubu, a neuropsychologist, says, “If we’re constantly attempting to multitask, we don’t practice tuning out the rest of the word to engage in deeper processing and learning. ”Another pitfall(缺陷)is that trying to do too much at once makes it harder to be mindful and truly present in the moment — and mindfulness comes with a plethora(过量)of benefits for our minds and our bodies. In fact, many therapies based on mindfulness can even help patients suffering from depression, anxiety and other conditions.
Choosing to focus on one task at a time can benefit many aspects of our life. Take surgeons for example. “People assume a surgeon’s skill is primarily in the precision and steadiness of their hands. While there’s some truth to that, the true gift of a surgeon is the ability to single-mindedly focus on one person and complete a series of task over the course of many hours.” Dr. Kubu explains. But surgeons aren’t necessarily born with this ability to monotask. Rather, they develop and perfect it through hours of practice. It is true that we perform best one thing at a time. Why not give it a try
32. Multitasking will make negative influences when tasks are ________.
A. clear and apparent B. routine and regular
C. simple and relaxing D. risky and complicated
33. How did the author develop paragraph 3
A. By listing data. B. By stating reasons.
C. By giving definitions. D. By making comparisons.
34. What does the underlined word “monotask” mean in the last paragraph
A. Single-task. B. Multitask. C. Efficiency. D. Task-switching.
35. What is the text mainly about
A. Why multitasking doesn’t work. B. How to improve daily performance.
C. Which career less needs multitasking. D. What positive effects multitasking has.
Perseverance(毅力)is the secret of success. 36 Even if a person is not very talented, nor highly knowledgeable, but of an average merit(优点), still he can succeed in life simply by his perseverance. Every action has its reaction. So hard labour has no alternative. It must yield(产生)results.
A person who is highly intelligent, and a scholarly genius, but is lethargic(懒散的)by nature, and reluctant to diligence, can hardly prosper in life, because he does not know how to use his brain and labour in the right direction. 37 Say, the loft y monuments, the palaces, the cities, the buildings etc. — all were built only by long and hard labour. “Rome was not built in a day”. It is through perseverance of thousands of diligent men that such magnificent structures can be standing.
38 Science, architecture, literature, music — in every aspect of life —perseverance is the root cause of success and glory. Shakespeare did not compose such substantial works just in a day. He had to work hard during days and nights with tremendous perseverance to create such great masterpieces.
Modern scientists also work hard for years to succeed. 39 If one looks at his own life, he can very well understand that whatever he has so far gained, he has gained it only by his hard labour, and not by chance or magic, or by someone’s grace.
Therefore, perseverance must be practised from the very childhood so that the noble habit becomes a part and parcel of one’s life. With that great advantage or goodwill, a man can walk easily on the risky road of his life’s journey. 40
A. It is crucial to keep growing. B. And success will likely be his and his only. C. Without it, no great achievement is possible. D. Nothing can stop them from achieving their goals. E. In human life, perseverance plays a very important role. F. They carry on their experiments day and night for years together. G. In this world, all the great things have been made or constructed only by perseverance.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
Growing up as a kid in the UK, I was fascinated by insects. Wanting to 41 them, I started building little houses for ants, using little pieces of wood and 42 .
I then progressed to 43 little cups from silver foil(银箔)for the imaginary friends I visualized living in my garden’s depths. My mother, seeing my creations, 44 me by saying that my ability to make things small could 45 great achievements.
As the years went by, my designs became more 46 . And I used many different 47 , such as diamond fragments, eyelashes(睫毛)and even spider web threads.
I sometimes worked for 16 hours a day without breaks, and it took me up to three months to 48 a sculpture. I had to hold my breath during the sculpting process. It wasn’t actually a(n) 49 process—I could only enjoy it once I had finished it.
My sculptures have taken me to 50 places. In 2012, I met the queen, giving her a tiny crown on the head of a pin. In 2013, I 51 my first Guinness World Record for creating the smallest sculpture made 52 . It was a 24-carat gold motorbike that fitted inside a drilled out hair. In 2017, I 53 my record with a sculpture of a human fetus(胎儿)that measured 0. 078mm by 0.053mm.
Later in life, I was diagnosed with autism(自闭症), which I now view as a special ability. It has 54 me to strive for excellence, and I share this message by leading workshops for children with 55 learning styles, helping them to make their own small figures from a modeling clay called Blu-Tack.
The world of tiny sculptures is where I find 56 . Although I’ve attempted larger works, I’ve realized that the 57 and precision of small sculptures are what I 58 love. It’s a reminder to 59 the small moments in life, where great 60 and beauty can often be found.
41. A. control B. trap C. comfort D. protect
42. A. roots B. flowers C. leaves D. vegetables
43. A. creating B. choosing C. designing D. painting
44. A. encouraged B. ordered C. urged D. allowed
45. A. object to B. lead to C. appeal to D. related to
46. A. abstract B. expensive C. complicated D. traditional
47. A. methods B. tools C. colors D. materials
48. A. select B. evaluate C. finish D. change
49. A. special B. enjoyable C. difficult D. unforgettable
50. A. incredible B. hopeful C. crucial D. awful
51. A. received B. confirmed C. expected D. admitted
52. A. with resources B. by machine C. with devices D. by hand
53. A. ruined B. supported C. quit D. broke
54. A. brought B. driven C. forced D. persuaded
55. A. different B. proper C. simple D. regular
56. A. duty B. joy C. respect D. surprise
57. A. depth B. variety C. width D. detail
58. A. merely B. truly C. instantly D. equally
59. A. observe B. require C. value D. admire
60. A. courage B. ambition C. strength D. kindness
Before moving to the city of Xi’an, capital of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, Robin Gilbank had 61 (limit)knowledge about the city despite a keen interest in Chinese culture.
“Like many foreigners 62 had never been here, I knew nothing about the historic city except for terracotta warriors at that time,” recalled the 41-year-old scholar from North Yorkshire in Britain.
Enchanted by its profound history and distinctive culture, Gilbank applied 63 a teaching position at Northwest University in Xi’an in 2008. “Shaanxi boasts(拥有)many famous writers. So I decided to translate their works into English so as to provide a new window for the world 64 (get)a glimpse(一瞥)of the real and diversified life here,” said Gilbank.
65 (work)with Hu Zongfeng, dean of School of Foreign Languages of Northwest University, Gilbank travels 66 (wide)in Shaanxi and learns the dialect from locals to have a deep understanding of customs. They have translated over 30 Chinese novels into English.
The past decade witnesses his deeper friendship with the 67 (native)and the centuries-old city. In 2018, he was awarded as one of the 40 most 68 (influence)foreign experts during the past 40 years since the initiation of China’s reform and opening-up policy.
Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)was proposed by China in 2013, China 69 (open)wider. Gilbank’s experience is a microcosm(缩影)of the story of 70 increasing number of foreigners settling down in Xi’an. They are kick-starting a new journey in the open and livable city with a population of 13 million.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Today was a day that I will never forget, because I experienced something so warm and touched.
After my friend’s birthday party, I went to the bus station. When the bus came, I got on and didn’t notice I was not in the right bus. It wasn’t until I stepped off at the next stop I realized I was in a unfamiliar place. As it was getting dark, I felt scared. Suddenly, I saw car lights but heard someone saying gentle, “Can I help you ” It is a female driver. After learning about my trouble, she offered me a ride free of charges.
With his help, I got home safely. The experience taught me that kindness and compassion can make a significant difference in someone’s day. I decided I would try my best to help others in need in my life as well as.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Johnson所在的学校将开设汉语选修课(Chinese elective)。他来信询问如何布置一间教室来营造良好的汉语学习氛围。请你给他回信,内容包括:
Dear Johnson,
Li Hua
第一部分 听力
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C
第二部分 阅读理解
21.B 22.D 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.C
31.A 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.A
36.C 37.G 38.E 39.F 40.B
第三部分 语言知识运用
41.D 42.C 43.A 44.A 45.B 46.C 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.A
51.A 52.D 53.D 54.B 55.A 56.B 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.C
61. limited 62. who/that 63. for 64. to get 65. Working
66. widely 67. natives 68. influential 69. has opened 70. an
第四部分 写作
第一节 短文改错
71. touched改为touching 72. in改为on 73. stop 后面加上that
74. a改为an 75. but改为and 7 6. gentle改为gently
77. is改为was 78. charges改为charge 79. his 改为her
80. 去掉最后一个 as
第二节 书面表达
One possible version:
Dear Johnson,
I’m thrilled to hear that your school is introducing a Chinese elective! To create an immersive learning environment for the classroom, I suggest the following:
First, decorate your classroom with cultural items: Chinese calligraphy, traditional paintings, and maps of China to stimulate interest in the language. Second, engage students with Chinese music, films, and interactive software for more dynamic learning. Finally, include authentic objects like Chinese tea sets or chopsticks, which can help students understand the practical use of the language.
I hope these suggestions will help make the Chinese classroom a place of excitement and inspiration. Wish you all the best.
Li Hua
Text 1
W: Do you have any ideas to promote our products
M: Maybe we can distribute some to citizens for free. If they find them okay, we may have a good promotion.
W: Your suggestion is excellent.
Text 2
W: Are you going to be a designer or a lawyer
M: Neither. In fact, I’m considering working as a journalist. I find it interesting and I would love the challenge.
Text 3
M: Welcome! Have you made an appointment with us, madam
W: Yes. My name is Jenny Brown. I called Mr. Wilson, the best stylist here yesterday.
M: Let me check the schedule. Yes, madam. Let me wash your hair first. He’ll be here in a minute.
Text 4
W: Excuse me, there is something wrong with my receipt. I didn’t buy this item.
M: Oh, let me see. I’m sorry. I made the mistake. I didn’t double check the receipt. I’ll take off the $100 for the item. Sorry to have caused you trouble. Now you need to pay $1,050.
W: It’s all right.
Text 5
W: Steven, would you like to dance with me tonight
M: Mandy, I’m just not in the mood for this.
W: Why What’s going on
M: I lost the table tennis game yesterday. I don’t want to play table tennis anymore.
Text 6
W: Please help yourself to whatever you like.
M: OK, thank you.
W: ⑥Would you like to try this dish It’s a little hot, though.
M: I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine.
W: Would you like another beer
M: I’ll have another cup if you insist.
W: Let’s toast an enjoyable meal. Cheers!
M: Bottoms up! ⑥⑦This meal is incredible. I wish I had known this place before. Thanks for bringing me here. I know I’ll come here again soon.
Text 7
M: Could you please tell me where I can register
W: ⑧You can register here. Do you have a registration card
M: No. It’s my first time to come here.
W: ⑧Alright. Please register your information here and pay for it. And I’ll make a medical record for you.
M: Okay. How much do I need to pay for the registration
W: $10. ⑧And this is your registration card. Don’t lose it and please bring it whenever you come.
M: OK, I will. And this is $10. ⑨By the way, can you tell me how to get to the consulting room
W: Go down this way until you come to the drugstore. Make a left turn and it’s just there.
Text 8
W: Do you have any other questions
M: Yes. May I ask something about the salary and benefits of your company
W: According to our regulations, you can get the basic salary, $2,200 for the first three months.
M: That sounds fine.
W: The salary will be deposited into the bank on the 15th of every month. Your salary will be raised every year in October, depending on your performance evaluation. You can get a bonus once a year, and it is normally in December.
M: Are there paid holidays
W: Yes, you may enjoy a seven-day paid holiday in the first year. After that, you can have two more days each year.
Text 9
W: Hey, darling
M: Hey, Susan. You’re back. Dinner is ready soon. How was your day
W: It was an awful day. I got fired.
M: Why so suddenly What is the reason
W: I haven’t met the target for 3 months, not 3 weeks or 3 days.
M: It’s okay, darling. Don’t be too upset.
W: I tried different ways, but they didn’t work.
M: Have you ever thought this kind of sales job is not for you Maybe your personality isn’t fit for this job. Do you feel comfortable with the job
W: No. Sometimes I find it so hard to talk with a stranger or persuade someone to purchase.
M: See, it must be that your personality doesn’t fit.
W: I will think more about this.
M: Cheer up, darling. You can take a rest and think again. I’m sure you can find a better job. Anyway, I’m always rooting for you.
Text 10
M: Chinese people have planted 78 billion trees since China launched its nationwide voluntary tree planting campaign 40 years ago. “The nationwide voluntary tree planting has effectively enriched China’s forest resources. Our forest coverage rate has risen from 12 percent in the early 1980s to 23.04 percent at present. Our forest stock volume has increased from 9.028 billion cubic meters to 17.56 billion cubic meters. The campaign has made China the country with the largest increase in forest resources and the largest area of planted forests,” said Zhang Wei, a senior official of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. Regarding the next step of the campaign, the administration said that it will further improve related laws and regulations and encourage more participation into the campaign. First, the Chinese government will speed up the legislation process for the campaign, providing more legal guidance for the activity. “Second, we’ll build more comprehensive service platforms for voluntary tree planting to provide more approaches for residents to fulfill their obligations, ” said Zhang. In addition, China will further popularize ecological knowledge and promote ecological civilization to raise the public awareness of forest conservation.
第二部分 阅读理解
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章表格右列第五行的内容“Room 27-Mexico: 2000 B.C.-A.D.1521”可知,27号房间展示的是来自墨西哥的展品。因此,对墨西哥文物感兴趣的话,应前往Room 27参观。故选B项。
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容“…Zeo’s London are museum’s restaurants where you can enjoy delicious food and drinks.... Apart from those above,there are also . . . the Montague Café…inside the museum. ”可知,Zeo’s London和the Montague Café都位于大英博物馆内。故选D项。
【解析】文章出处题。本文主要讲述了大英博物馆的参观指南,这属于旅游范畴的话题。另外,依据文本第一行“Last Updated: October 26,2023”和第二段内容“Pro Tip: Bookmark this post in your browser....”可知,这些“更新”、“添加书签”和“浏览器”这些字眼,均为网站用语。故选A项。
【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段的内容“…to which he replied—Roger Federer. That was it!”可知,父亲告诉了作者世界排名第一的网球运动员罗杰·费德勒。故选D项。
【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Federer’s energy motivates me... cherishing good moments as well as not so good.”的内容可知,在费德勒的影响下,作者认识到,无论我们应该珍惜生活中的美好时刻和不那么美好的时刻。故选C项。
【解析】主旨大意题。本文围绕网球运动员罗杰·费德勒展开叙述,详细描绘了他的球技、人格魅力以及对作者产生的积极影响。作者将其视为榜样,受其激励并学习其优秀品质。四个选项中,B项“An Inspiring Legend: Roger Federer(一位鼓舞人心的传奇:罗杰·费德勒)”最能全面概括文章内容。故选B项。
【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段的内容“People who often chow down on chili peppers may live for longer and have a significantly reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer, research from Cleveland Clinic’s Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute suggests.”可知,吃辣椒可能会降低患癌风险。故选C项。
【解析】观点态度题。根据第四和第五段的内容可知,Dr. Bo Xu对新发现持肯定态度,认为食用辣椒与全因、心血管疾病和癌症死亡风险的整体降低有关,强调了饮食因素在整体健康中的重要性。同时,他也表明他对当前研究结果的解释和机制尚不清楚,认为不能确信地宣称多吃辣椒可以延长寿命并减少特定死因,尤其是心血管疾病或癌症,强调需要更多研究,尤其是随机对照试验的证据来进一步证实。这种既肯定已有研究发现又指出其局限性和需要进一步验证的态度体现出Dr. Bo Xu的客观性。故选C项。
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容“However, the researchers are continuing to analyze the data in the hope of uncovering more concrete evidence.”可知,研究人员计划继续分析数据,以期找到更多确凿的证据。这表明他们打算继续进行研究,寻找更多的证据来支持或完善现有发现。故选A项。
【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的内容“But when the stakes are higher and the tasks are more complex, trying to multitask can negatively impact our lives—or even be dangerous.”可知,当风险增加,任务更加复杂时,试图同时处理多项任务就会对我们的生活产生负面影响。故选D项。
【解析】根据空前的“Perseverance is the secret of success.”和空后的“…still he can succeed in life simply by his perseverance.”内容可知,此处需要一个句子来补充说明毅力的重要性。选项C “Without it, no great achievement is possible.”直接指出了没有毅力就不可能取得伟大的成就,符合上下文语境。故选C。
【解析】根据空后的“…all were built only by long and hard labour.”和“‘Rome was not built in a day.’”内容可知,世界上所有伟大的事物,如宏伟的纪念碑、宫殿、城市和建筑等,都是通过长期的辛勤劳动和毅力建造的。选项G “In this world, all the great things have been made or constructed only by perseverance.”强调了所有伟大事物的建立都需要毅力,这与下文内容相一致。故选G。
【解析】根据空前的句子“Modern scientists also work hard for years to succeed.”内容可知,现代科学家需要多年的辛勤工作才能成功,而空后的句子则强调了成功是通过努力而不是偶然获得的。因此,选项F中的“他们日夜进行实验,一起度过了多年”恰好符合这个语境,描述了科学家为了成功而付出的努力。故选F。
【解析】最后一个空白处需要一个句子来作为段落的总结,强调毅力对个人成功的影响。选项B “And success will likely be his and his only.”强调了毅力是个人成功的关键,这与前文提到的“With that great advantage or goodwill, a man can walk easily on the risky road of his life’s journey.”相呼应,因此B是合适的选择。故选B。
第三部分 语言知识运用
【解析】考查动词。句意:出于想要保护它们的愿望,我开始用小木块和树叶为蚂蚁建造小房子。A. control控制;B. trap陷阱;C. comfort 安慰;D. protect保护。根据句意,作者出于保护昆虫的目的制作小房子,因此选项D符合句意和语境。故选D。
【解析】考查名词。句意见上题。A. roots根;B. flowers 花朵;C. leaves 叶子;D. vegetables蔬菜。根据句意,作者使用了树叶作为建造材料,因此选项C符合题意。故选C。
【解析】考查动词。句意:然后我开始用银箔为我在花园深处想象中的朋友们创造小杯子。A. creating 创造;B. choosing 选择;C. designing 设计;D. painting 绘画。根据句意及下文 “My mother, seeing my creations...” 可知,作者在制作小杯子时是在创造,因此选项A符合语境和题意。故选A。
【解析】考查动词。句意:我的母亲看到我的创作后,鼓励我,说我制作小物件的能力可以带来巨大的成就。A. encouraged鼓励;B. ordered命令;C. urged敦促;D. allowed允许。根据句意,母亲对作者的创作表示鼓励,因此选项A符合题意。故选A。
【解析】考查动词短语。句意见上题。A. object to反对;B. lead to 导致;C. appeal to 吸引;D. related to 与…有关。根据句意,母亲的鼓励暗示了作者的能力可以带来成就,因此选项B符合题意。故选B。
【解析】考查形容词。句意:随着岁月的流逝,我的设计变得更加复杂。A. abstract抽象的;B. expensive 昂贵的;C. complicated 复杂的;D. traditional 传统的。根据句意和下文语境可知,作者的设计在变得复杂,用到的材料也更加多样,因此选项C符合语境。故选C。
【解析】考查名词。句意:我使用了各种各样的材料,比如钻石碎片、睫毛,甚至是蜘蛛网线。A. methods 方法;B. tools工具;C. colors 颜色;D. materials 材料。根据句意和下文语境可知,作者在制作过程中使用了多种不同的材料,因此选项D符合题意。故选D。
【解析】考查动词。句意:我有时一天工作16个小时不休息,完成一件雕塑需要长达三个月的时间。A. select 选择;B. evaluate 评价;C. finish 完成;D. change 改变。根据句意和下文 “I could only enjoy it once I had finished it.” 可知,作者在描述完成雕塑的过程,因此选项C为正确答案。
【解析】考查形容词。句意:实际上,这个过程并不轻松——我只有在完成之后才能享受它。A. special特别的;B. enjoyable令人愉快的;C. difficult困难的;D. unforgettable难忘的。根据句意和最后一段的内容可知,作者描述的是雕塑过程的感受,这个过程需要的是全身心的投入,过程并不轻松,因此选项B符合上下文语境。故选B。
【解析】考查形容词。句意:我的雕塑作品带我去了令人难以置信的地方。A. incredible不可思议的;B. hopeful 有希望的;C. crucial 关键的;D. awful 糟糕的。根据下文的内容可知,作者通过雕塑作品见到了女王,还获得了吉尼斯世界记录,这带给他非凡的经历,因此选项A符合上下文语境。故选A。
【解析】考查动词。句意:2013年,我因手工制作了最小的雕塑而获得了我的第一个吉尼斯世界纪录。A. received 收到;B. confirmed 确认;C. expected 期待;D. admitted 承认。根据句意和语境可知,作者获得吉尼斯世界纪录,因此选项A符合题意。故选A。
【解析】考查介词短语。句意:这是一个24K金的摩托车,适合放在一个被钻孔的头发里,英语参考答案是我手工创造的最小的雕塑。A. with resources用资源;B. by machine 用机器;C. with devices用设备;D. by hand手工。根据句意和上文可知,作者是用手工制作的雕塑,因此选项D为正确答案。故选D。
【解析】考查动词。句意:2017年,我用一个尺寸为0.078mm乘以0.053mm的人类胎儿雕塑打破了我的记录。A. ruined 毁坏;B. supported 支持;C. quit放弃;D. broke打破。根据句意和语境可知,作者通过另一个杰作打破了自己之前的记录,因此选项D为正确答案。故选D。
【解析】考查动词。句意:它驱使我追求卓越,我通过领导针对不同学习风格的儿童的工作坊来分享这一信息,帮助他们用一种叫做Blu-Tack的塑形粘土制作自己的小人物。A. brought 带来;B. driven驱动;C. forced 强迫;D. persuaded说服。根据句意和上下文可知,作者被诊断为自闭症,但是作者把它被视为一种驱动自己追求卓越的能力,因此选项B为正确答案。故选B。
【解析】考查形容词。句意见上题。A. different不同的;B. proper适当的;C. simple 简单的;D. regular 常规的。根据句意,作者帮助具有不同学习风格的孩子们,因此选项A为正确答案。故选A。
【解析】考查名词。句意:在微小雕塑的世界里,我找到了快乐。选项 A. duty责任;B. joy快乐;C. respect尊重;D. surprise惊讶。根据句意和下文语境可知,作者在微雕艺术中找到了自己真正热爱的事情,从中找到了快乐,因此选项B为正确答案。故选B。
【解析】考查名词。句意:尽管我尝试过更大的作品,但我意识到小雕塑的精确性和细节是我真正热爱的。选项A. depth 深度;B. variety多样性;C. width宽度;D. detail细节。根据句意,作者强调的是小雕塑的精确性和细节,因此选项D符合语境。故选D。
【解析】考查副词。句意见上题。A. merely 仅仅;B. truly 真正地;C. instantly 立刻;D. equally同样地。根据文章内容可知,作者从小时候就对小雕塑非常热爱,因此选项B为正确答案。故选B。
【解析】考查动词。句意:这是提醒我们要珍惜生活中的小时刻,因为在那里往往可以发现巨大的力量和美丽。A. observe 观察;B. require 要求;C. value珍视;D. admire钦佩。根据句意和上文可知,作者通过做微雕艺术找到了真正的快乐,因此提醒人们要珍惜生活中的小时刻,选项C为正确答案。故选C。
【解析】考查名词。句意见上题。A. courage 勇气;B. ambition抱负;C. strength 力量;D. kindness善良。通过上文内容可知,作者被诊断为自闭症,但是他把这视为一种特殊的能力,作者从中找到了力量,这驱使他追求卓越,帮助他做出了非凡的成就。故选C。
【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻特写,主题语境是人与社会。文章讲述了英国学者Robin Gilbank因对中国文化感兴趣而搬到西安,并在当地大学教书和翻译作品,深入了解当地文化,最终成为当地文化交流的重要人物,并在“一带一路”倡议背景下,成为了外国人在西安定居和贡献的典范。
【解析】考查形容词。句意:在搬到中国西北陕西省的省会城市西安之前,尽管对中国文化有着浓厚的兴趣,Robin Gilbank对这座城市的了解非常有限。根据句子结构,空格处需要形容词来修饰名词“knowledge”,表达“有限的”之意。故填limited。
【解析】考查定语从句。句意:像许多从未来过这里的外国人一样,当时我除了兵马俑之外,对这座历史名城一无所知。空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词“many foreigners”,并且从句中缺少主语,所以使用关系代词who或that。故填who/that。
64.【答案】to get
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:陕西有很多著名的作家。所以我决定将他们的作品翻译成英语,为世界提供一个新窗口,一窥这里真实而多元的生活。不定式作目的状语,表达“为了”的意思。故填to get。
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:与西北大学外语学院院长胡宗峰合作,吉尔班克在陕西广泛旅行,并向当地人学习方言,以深入了解当地的习俗。“work with”是一个固定搭配,意为“与…合作”,在句中做状语,与句中主语构成主谓关系,应使用现在分词形式,位于句首,应使用大写形式。故填Working。
69.【答案】has opened
【解析】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:自从中国在2013年提出“一带一路”倡议以来,中国变得更加开放。根据句子结构和时间状语“Since the initiation of China’s reform and opening-up policy…”,句中谓语动词应使用现在完成时态,主语是单数形式,谓语使用单数形式。故填has opened。
【解析】考查冠词。句意:Gilbank的经历是越来越多外国人在西安定居的故事的一个缩影。“an increasing number of” 是固定搭配,表示“越来越多的”。故填an。
第四部分 写作
【解析】考查连词。此题考查 It wasn’t until…that…强调句型,意为“直到……才……”。
【解析】考查名词。“free of charge”是一个固定搭配,意为“免费地”。
【解析】考查形容词性物主代词。根据上文“a female driver”可知,此处应用her。
【解析】考查固定搭配。此处的as well 为固定搭配,意为“也”。
One possible version:
Dear Johnson,
I’m thrilled to hear that your school is introducing a Chinese elective! To create an immersive learning environment for the classroom, I suggest the following:
First, decorate your classroom with cultural items: Chinese calligraphy, traditional paintings, and maps of China to stimulate interest in the language. Second, engage students with Chinese music, films, and interactive software for more dynamic learning. Finally, include authentic objects like Chinese tea sets or chopsticks, which can help students understand the practical use of the language.
I hope these suggestions will help make the Chinese classroom a place of excitement and inspiration. Wish you all the best.
Li Hua




下一篇:外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 A Glimpse of the Future Developing ideas 同步检测练习(含答案)