Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A (1a-2d)同步练习 (无答案)人教版八年级英语下册

八下人教版 UNIT 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
Section A (1a-2d)
1. It was raining h when we arrived at the top of the mountain.
2.ChatGPT is still s to many people. We need time to understand it.
3. It was so quiet in the room.    (突然), I heard a strong sound from the outside.
4. It    (开始)to snow when I just arrived home after school.
5.When my mother came into my room, I was just l in bed and waiting for the alarm to go off.
pick up go off take a shower wait for at the time of
6. I didn’t catch the bus this morning because my alarm didn’t    on time.
7.Peter with his classmates was    the bus when the earthquake happened.
8. Jack, could you help me    the phone? I’m cooking in the kitchen.
9. —What were you doing    the rainstorm? —I was taking a hot shower.
10. Every night Mr.Brown    before going to bed.
11. 早上还是晴天, 突然十点就下雨了。
It was sunny in the morning.    , it began to rain at 10.
12. 请告诉我,你为什么上学迟到这么多次。
Please tell me why you were late for school     .
The children     at 1:00 pm yesterday.
14. 我昨天给米勒先生打电话,但是他没有接。
I called Mr. Miller yesterday, but he didn’t     .
15. 这位妈妈忙着准备晚餐,以至于没有注意到小宝宝醒了。
The mom was    busy preparing dinner   she didn’t notice the baby wake up.
A:David, I called you at 4 p.m. yesterday, but nobody answered. 16.    ?
B: I was in the garden at that time.
A: Were you playing with your dog there?
B: 17.     .
A: Then what were you doing there?
B: 18.    . Winter is coming and my dog needs a warm place to spend cold days.
A: A doghouse? That’s a great idea.Did you finish it yesterday?
B: No. I’ll go on building it tomorrow. 19.    ?
A: Sure. I’m glad to help you. 20.    ?
B: You don’t need to take anything.
A: OK. See you tomorrow.
B: See you.
Section A (3a-3c)
1.When the    (暴风雨)came, he was watching TV at home.
2. Could you please tell me which one travels more slowly, the    (光)or the sound?
3.Jiuzhaigou is one of the most popular places in China and the number of the visitors keeps   (增加).
4. I could hear the heavy rain beat a the window of my bedroom.
5. What bad weather! The    (风)is blowing harder and harder.
6. People in cold    (地区)like warm colors better than cold colors.
7. The little girl was cold, so her father put more    (木头)on the fire.
8.David looked out of the w and saw an old man lying outside.
9. It’s getting dark outside. You’d better take a    (手电筒)with you.
10. It’s difficult to tell the twins    (分开).
11. Autumn is a beautiful season with fresh air and    (fall) leaves.
12. The little girl lighted many   (match) in the cold street corner.
13. Last night the TV news    (report) that terrible accident in our town.
14. Our basketball team    (beat) another team and won first prize.
15. Rain swept in through the    (break) windows. Everything in the room got wet.
16. 刚才我睡着了,所以没有听到电话响。
I     just now, so I didn’t hear the phone ring.
17. 这场暴风雨摧毁了许多房屋。
The rainstorm    lots of houses   .
18. 直到风渐渐变弱,飞机才起飞。
The plane didn’t take off until the winds    .
19. 仔细检查你的作业,要确保没有任何错误。
Check your homework carefully     there isn’t any mistake in it.
20.刚开始吉米非常紧张, 但几分钟后他就放松了下来。
Jimmy was very nervous    , but a few minutes later he felt relaxed.
rise heavy area begin against get breathe what high sudden
I was working in the office while it was raining 26.    . When I decided to go home, the water at the door of my office building was as 27.    as my knee. When I got on the subway, I thought the nightmare was over, but the train stopped in the middle of the second stop! We couldn’t go any further, and the water 28.    to come into the carriage(车厢).
At first, it 29.    slowly so we just waited in the carriage. Later, a subway worker told us to get off the train. But 30.    he asked us to go back, because there was more water in the front 31.    . After going back to the train, I had to stand on the seat.
At that time I found myself in a very dangerous situation. The air in the carriage was 32.   less and less, and a lot of people like me had problems breathing. I was hopeless and sent a message to my mother, “Mom, I may be dying. I love you.”When Mom called me back, I didn’t know 33.    to say. I just said I was still waiting for help and I hung up. Just then, some people came to save us! They beat 34.    the windows and finally broke them. There was air, and we could 35.   again!
Section A (Grammar Focus-4c)
1. —I called you last night but nobody answered. —Oh, I    (take) a bath at that time.
2. It was easy to get a cold in winter if you play in    (ice) weather conditions.
3.Mrs. Jones    (work) in the garden at this time yesterday.
4.Don’t take it seriously. I was just    (kid).
5.While everyone    (laugh) at the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.
6. He is listening to the teacher carefully now.(用at that time yesterday改写句子)
He       to the teacher carefully at that time yesterday.
7. Sandy was talking on the phone with her cousin at 8 o’clock yesterday evening.(改为否定句)
Sandy     on the phone with her cousin at 8 o’clock yesterday evening.
8. While we were playing on the ground, it began to rain.(用when改写句子)
We    on the ground   began to rain.
9. Ann was drawing a picture at nine last night. (改为一般疑问句)
    a picture at nine last night?
10. Frank was waiting for a bus when I met him. (对画线部分提问)
 What    Frank    when you met him?
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to tell you about what happened to me last week while I 11.    (visit) my aunt in the village.One afternoon, I 12.   (take) her dog for a walk when I 13.    (notice) a boy climbing a tall tree on a hill. Suddenly, the branch 14.    (break) and the boy 15.    (fall) over the edge(边沿). I 16.    (think) about what to do when a man 17.    (come) along the road. I 18.    (explain) what had happened and when he 19.    (go) to call for help, I 20.    (talk) to the boy. Well, everything ended happily.
That’s all my news. Write and tell me yours soon.
Li Chengze is a 12-year-old boy. He lives 21.    his parents in a village. Now everyone calls him a little hero. One night it was very dry(干的)22.    cold. He went home at about 22:00. When he got to an entrance(入口)of his building, he smelled something strange.
He decided to have 23.    look. He quickly ran to the guard room(门卫室), then he knocked on the door from house to house with the worker. And he told people to open the windows and not to smoke. 24.    last he found the place where the smell came from. Thanks to the boy, nobody in the building got hurt in the accident. 25.    clever Li Chengze is!
Section B (1a-1d)
1. 尽管雪下得很大,战士们还是费力地前往那个村庄。
Although it was snowing heavily, the soldiers   the village.
2. 事故发生时,我正好路过。
The accident happened while I   .
3. 这个故事太令人感动,以至于我们都哭了。
The story was    we all cried.
4. 我看见我的朋友正在路边站着。
I saw my friend standing    of the road.
5. 今天早上当我醒来时, 我意识到会上学迟到。
When I     this morning, I    I would be late for school.
Do you know what “when pigs fly” means? It is a 6 people use to express(表达)that something will not probably happen.
For example, a person 7 riding roller coasters(过山车), and then he might tell a friend, “I’ll go on that ride with you when pigs fly.” Well, it’s 8 for pigs to fly . But they can help people who are going to fly.
9 , when Jenny was waiting at the airport, she met 10 interesting. She saw a pig 11 .she was talking with her mom on the phone. The pig was wearing a blue dress, and it had red nails(趾甲). 12 lovely!
After saying “Goodbye” to her 13 , Jenny walked up to the pig. She wanted to have a good 14 . To her surprise, the pig was not afraid 15 .her at all, and would like to get close to her. So Jenny 16 to touch the pig and play with it.
From the workers at the airport, Jenny learned the pig was called Li Lou. Its job was to help nervous people 17 before they fly.“This is Li Lou’s first week in the job as a 18 of the airport’s . It works at our airport 19 once a month,” one worker said to Jenny, “so you are quite 20 to see it.” “I really am,” said Jenny.
(  )6. A. sign B. symbol C. saying D. service
(  )7. A. hates B. loves C. questions D. interests
(  )8. A. typical B. funny C. unfair D. impossible
(  )9. A. Suddenly B. Recently C. Heavily D. Clearly
(  )10. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
(  )11. A. before B. after C. while D. since
(  )12. A. Why B. Who C. How D. What
(  )13. A. mother B. father C. pet D. pig
(  )14. A. try B. look C. seat D. rest
(  )15. A. of B. on C. to D. at
(  )16. A. began B. left C. rose D. drove
(  )17. A. win B. wait C. relax D. cheer
(  )18. A. host B. teacher C. traveler D. member
(  )19. A. also B. only C. ever D. still
(  )20. A. strange B. wrong C. proper D. lucky
Section B (2a-2e)
tower passage date recent pupil
1. About 20 percent of the    in our class are interested in music.
2. On a clear day, you can see most of the city from the top of the    .
3.A great number of Chinese people show more interest in space    .
4. Please read the third    carefully and then answer the questions.
5. In different countries, people celebrate Teachers’ Day on different    (日期).
6. I’m sorry. I    (complete) forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.
7. Mr Li has trouble    (hear). When talking to him, people often have to speak loudly.
8. They were quite sad when they heard the    (true) of the story.
9. I was so    (shock) to hear the news that I could hardly say a word.
10. We won’t forget this day because it has    (mean) to most of us.
in silence look out of remember meeting  the rest of
Why did you    your house?
12.    the students were cleaning the classroom when the teacher came in.
13. At hearing the news, they sat   , without saying a word.
14. I    her at a party once.
15. In this room, you can see a beautiful lake if you   the window.
Section B (3a-Self Check)
1.—What good books did you read    (recent)?—Tales of China.
2. I can’t start a fire without    (match).
3.As a TV reporter, it’s my duty to tell the    (true) to the public.
4. The Chinese will not forget the important    (date) such as October 1st and August 1st.
5. 看一看你的论文,老师给你指出了一些问题。
  your paper, and the teacher has pointed out some problems to you.
6. 政府拆除了这些旧房子,要在这个地区建立一所新学校。
The government    these old houses to set up a new school in this area.
7. 火车的噪音逐渐变弱,最后消失了。
The noise of the train    and finally disappeared.
8. 小偷进来时,警报响了。
The alarm     when the thief got in.
On September 21st, a terrible hurricane(飓风)made its way 9.    our city. At night, the news on TV reported that a heavy wind was coming in our neighborhood. We could hear the strong wind outside our home. It beat against our doors heavily with no light inside. I couldn’t fall asleep 10.  first. My son was so scared that he took out the flashlight 11.    put some matches on the table. He covered the window with a cloth 12.    stop the rain coming into our house. We were busy protecting our house against the strong wind. On the second day, when we went out, we found our neighborhood in 13.   mess. What a terrible hurricane it is !




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