
2.试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用 2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、The public hope that Mercedes-Benz will provide better after-sales──in the future.
A .master B .service C .method D .situation
2、Do you often goto the theater It’s a great place to enjoy the latest films with others. To be a good moviegoer(常看电
影的人),you shouldn’t .
①eat and drink noisily
②put your feet on the back of the seats
③be on time
④use your phone or other mobile devices (移动设备).
⑤stay quiet during the film
A.②③④ B.①②④ C.①④⑤
3、--Look! Someonethe classroom.
--Well,it wasn't me. I didn't do it.
A .is cleaning B .was cleaning C .has cleaned D .will clean
4、–The players in Super Brain can workout different problems in a very short time.
–they are! They have super brains indeed.
A .How interesting B .How amazing
C .What interesting D .What amazing
5、—May I hand in my test paper and leave now
—No, you . You aren’t allowed to leave until the bell rings.
A .needn’t B .may not C .mustn’t D .shouldn’t
6、The Smiths welcomed us warmly and made us at home.
A .felt B .feel C .feeling
7、—I called you last night but you didn’t answer the phone.
—About 8:00 Oh, I with my family at Wal-Mart at that time.
A .shop B .shopped C .was shopping D .have shopped
8、The two buildings in a very traditional style. Many visitors were interested in them.
A .built B .were builtC .are building D .will build
9、(2017·广东· 28)Two months ago,China tested its aircraft carrier(航空母舰) built completely on its own.
A .one B .first C .the one D .the first
10、John is a kind boy. He helps others when they are in trouble.
A .never B .hardly C .always D .sometimes
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
It was the middle of July. I had spent two days exploring a bat cave in thedesert in southern New Mexico. The cave was part of an ancient flow of lava(熔岩流),now hardened into rock. I had left the cave and was driving my pickup
truckon a rough(高低不平的) track across the 1 surface of the lava flow.
Suddenly, the truck came to a stop, caught on a black lava rock.
A quick check of the underside 2 the worst: the truck's axle(车轴)was bent,nearly broken intwo. I couldn't
3 help in such faraway country. I put the food and cans of water into my backpackand set off on foot, going north,
the direction of the main highway.I was low on water. Too little food didnot matter much, but hiking across the desert in
July without water could be dangerous. As I set out,unreasonable 4 came over my mind. I was afraid of
everything around me. Each creature mademy heart jump. In my mind, every movement was a scary animal about to
strike and kill me.
I walked for hours and cried until I 5 that nobody was around to hear plaining wasuseless. A change came over me. I began to feel less afraid. Fear was replaced by curiosity. I went on,and slowly but surely began to see the
desert world differently, through 6 eyes, not frightened ones.That night I lay on the warm sand, using my
backpack as a pillow. The sky went dark. The starsbegan to shine in the hugeness of the heavens. With a smile I thought how little there was to fear, afterall. By noon the following day I 7 north. I began to think how lucky I was to see
the wild desertworld. A wrecked truck and a forced hike across the desert gave me an/a 8 to see what few
othersever saw
Late in the day, I came to a farmhouse. I drank all the lemonade that the farmer and his wife had intheir
refrigerator. "I liked it out there," I told them when we got to talking. "I just wish I had been lessfrightened. I would
have noticed more that way "I know what you mean," the man said thoughtfully."It's a rare sight, that desert
wilderness, a rare sight’
1 .A .clean B .flat
2 .A .proved B .ordered
3 .A .choose B .explain
C .hard
C .thought
C .suggest
D .smooth
D .imagined
D .expect
4 .A .pride B .fears C .pains D .surprise
5 .A .wondered B .remembered C .described D .realized
6 .A .tired B .nervous C .interested D .satisfied
7 .A .continued B .searched C .improved D .increased
8 .A .change B .opportunity C .attention D .responsibility
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、Dear editor,
Last week I ─1.(visit) our zoo, and I was very surprised —2.(find) hardly anyone there. Zoos are important places .They
are like living textbooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals and help to educate the
public about 3.(care) for them. If we 4.(not support) our zoos, they -5.(not have) enough money to take care of so many
fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.
Animal Friend
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
13、Alyssa Carson is a 14-year-old girl. She comes from Louisiana, the USA .Alyssa Carson wants to become the first
person to visit Mars! As a space fan, she has taken part in the Space Camp in Alabama twelve times. Alyssa Carson is
the fist person to take part in all three NASA(美国国家航 空航天局) Space Camps in the world. This 14-year-old girl
has been training to be an astronaut for nine years and decided to become the first person to land on Mars. The
Louisiana teenager speaks Spanish, French and Chinese.
Why does Alyssa want to visit Mars “It’s a place that no one has been to before. I want to take that first step,” Alyssa
said. She calls herself the Mars Generation. NASA believes that the little girl will make it. Her code name in NASA is
“Blueberry” and she maybe on a Mars mission(访问团) in
2033 if all goes well. Alyssa’s father thinks that if she does go on a mission on Mars, he may never see her again. But for
Alyssa, it is something that she has dreamed about since she was five years old.
She told the BBC that she wants to encourage other children to achieve their dreams. She said, “I don’t want one failure
on the way to stop me from going to Mars.”
1 .Alyssa Carson comes from according to the passage.
A .France B .America C .Russia D .Mars
2 .The passage says that Alyssa can speak languages.
A .two B .three C .four D .five
3 .We learn from the passage that Alyssa’s dream is to .
A .become the first person to visit Mars B.join in the fourth NASA space camp
C .wish children to realize their dreams D .take good care of her father at home
4 .Which of the following statements is TRUE
A .Alyssa has been an astronaut for 9 years.
B .Mars is a place nobody has been to so far.
C .Alyssa’s father has not seen her for long.
D .Alyssa may be on a Mars mission at present.
5 .The best title of the passage maybe “ ” .
A .A Visit to Mars B .The Space Camp C .The First Step D .A Girl’s Dream
14、News Review
Learn to swim. Do you want to study in Tsinghua(清华) University If your answer is yes, you need to be able to swim or
get prepared to learn to swim from now on. Recently, the university has made a new rule that students must pass the
50-meter swimming test to finish school. This rule has been brought into a broad discussion. Some agree with it because
it can help students do more sports, but others disagree. They believe that it doesn’t respect their personal wishes. It
shouldn’t be a must for graduation. What’s your opinion
“Thomas Edison was an great inventor in the US. When he was seven, her mother caught a
serious illness so she had to receive an operation(手术) in time. However, the room was too dark. So Edison brought a
mirror and an oil lamp to light the room. How smart he was.” This story comes from the Chinese textbook for
Grade-two students in the primary school. But recently, many people believe it was not true because the first operation about that illness in the world took place in 1886. Edison reached seven years old in 1854. Some people wonder why the
story appears in the textbook. Maybe that’s because the editor(编辑) cares too much about the educational meaning
without checking whether it was true or not.
Paper books never disappear With the development of E-books, many people prefer to read on the Internet. Some
experts worry that paper books may diedown as time goes by. However, a recent study has shown a rising enthusiasm of
paper books all over the world, especially among young people of 16 to 24. Just in last month, 7% more paper books
have been sold in the UK and E-book sale has fallen in a row by 4% in total over the month. Also, a survey made by
Voxburner says that 60% of 16-to-24-year-olds prefer paper books. The most popular reasons given were, “ I love the
feeling of holding the books and the smell of the paper, and I won’t end up with headache and sore eyes.
1 .According to the first paragraph, students in Tsinghua University must to finish school.
A .do some sports B .pass a swimming test C .learn to discuss D .respect each other
2 .The blank in the second paragraph should be filled in “ .”
A .Thomas Edison’s childhood B .Some good stories in the textbook
C .Textbooks are not true D .Educational meaning in Edison’s story
3 .The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “enthusiasm” in this passage is “ ”.
A .热情 B .厌恶 C .危机 D .成本
4 .To explain why paper books never disappear, the writer does all the following things EXCEPT .
A .list some numbers B .give us some reasons
C .show a survey result D .tell a story of his own
15、In 1996, Joe Richman had been working as a radio reporter on US national radio for several years and was
looking for a new idea for a radio programme. He met a teenager called John Cutler. John had Tourette's Syndrome—a
brain illness. This meant that Josh did not always have control of his movements and speech.
John was just beginning highschool when he agreed to work with Joy on a story about his illness. Joe wanted John
to keep a radio diary of his daily life. He gave John a tape recorder and asked him to record what happened to him
every day. John and Joe agreed that an important part of his story would be talking to his school friends about
Tourette's Syndrome. John was embarrassed(尴尬) to record at school—his friends might laugh.
One day, John took the tape recorder to school, but he kept it inside his bag all day. He was too afraid to bring it
out. After months of feeling afraid, he took the tape recorder out on lunchtime. What happened next was a total
surprise. John tells it best:“Everyone jumped at the chance. Everyone started asking me questions about that, I had
never really talking about it to anyone—except my mom and dad. ”
That was an important day in John's life because he learned to be more open about his condition. Now John says he wants to do radio diaries until he's 80 years old. He learnt a lot about himself by doing the radio diary. It made a great
radio programme, too. Being a reporter is like having a passport. You can ask questions, be curious and explore new
worlds. Radio is the perfect way to be on the radio and everyone likes to listen!
1 .Who was Joe Richman
A .John's teacher. B .A radio reporter.
C .John's doctor. D .One of John's classmates.
2 .What did Joe want John to do
A .To keep a radio diary of his daily life. B .To talk to his school friends.
C .To take the tape recorder to school. D .To control his movements and speech.
3 .How did John's classmates feel when he recorded for the first time
A .Afraid. B .Shy.
C .Excited. D .Strange.
4 .What did John learn by doing the radio diary
A .To be more open. B .A lot about himself.
C .To make more friends. D .Much about radio programme
16、Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you falloff a bike and break your
arms, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.
You probably knowhow to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely.
Your eyes
Too much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should beat least 50cm from
the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest.
When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect(反射)
on the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes.
Your hands and wrists(手腕)
Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you
use a keyboard for a long time, follow these rules: ①Rest your wrists on something. ②Keep your elbows at the same
height as the keyboard. ③Stop sometimes and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way.
Your back
Some peoplesit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way, you can injure your back or your
neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms, wrists, hands and the upper part of your legs should all the parallel (平行) to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time,
get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and neck.
1 .A computer screen may injure your eyes if .
A .you sit 60cm away
B .your eyes are too close to it
C .the window is on your left or right
2 .Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you .
A .move in the same way again and again
B .rest your wrists on something
C .keep your elbows as high as the keyboard
3 .When using a computer, your eyes and hands will be safe if you .
A .work near a window
B .work for a long time
C .take rests at times
4 .It is good for your back and neck if you sit .
A .for many hours
B .in the right way
C .with the screen below your eyes
5 .What would be the best title for the text
A .How to Use a Computer Safely
B .How to Keep your Hands and Wrists Safe
C .How to Protect your Eyes and your Back
17、Is there a difference in meaning between "It's too late to telephone. Mary is asleep now." and "It's too late to
telephone. Mary will be asleep now."
Yes. The difference is in the reason given for it being too late to telephone. In the first sentence "Mary is asleep now",
the speaker is stating(陈述) a fact. In the second sentence "Mary will be asleep now", the speaker is saying what Mary
usually does. In fact, it's possible that Mary isn't asleep, but she is usually asleep at this time.
So let's take two situations. In the first case, imagine Mary's mother answers the telephone.
You: "May I speak to Mary, please "
Mother: "No. It's too late. Mary is asleep now."
You: "Are you sure It's only 10 0'clock."
Mother: "Yes. I went to her room and she was asleep."
The mother knows that Mary is asleep because she went into her room and saw her.
Here is another case. Two friends decide to telephone Mary.
Jack: "Let's telephone Mary. It's 10 0'clock."
Jill: "No. It's too late. She will be asleep now."
Jill knows that Mary always goes to bed before 10 o'clock, so now she'll probably be asleep. But it is also possible that
she is staying up late.
1 .(小题 1)In the first situation. Mary's mother .
A .is afraid to wake up Mary
B .wants to tell you that she knows Mary is asleep
C .knows that Mary wants to sleep at this time
D .wants to know if she can take a message for Mary
2 .(小题 2)In the second situation, Jill .
A .knows that Mary has gone to bed
B .doesn't know whether Mary is asleep
C .is sure that Mary cannot answer the telephone
D .thinks it's possible that Mary cannot answer the telephone
3 .(小题 3)In which situation do you think the word "will" is used in the same way Jill uses it
A .Will you please lend me a hand
B .It's too heavy, I think. I'll help you.
C .Don't get into his office. He will be angry now.
D .You won't have to come to my office. I will send it to you.
18、In fact, at the time they seemed to be ordinary events, but now everything seems different. I had spent 10 years away from the place where I was born. Even though I made the decision to leave my country by myself, I miss a lot of things now. The person that brought me the happiest memories is my best friend. She is the greatest person in the world, and I
am not exaggerating(吹嘘). She is kind, funny,polite,and always willing to listen,and has been a great friend. I always
recall(回想)events from our childhood. I think about the school where we met in the first grade and went on until the
5thgrade. I think about the talks we had and the things we did together. If someone wants me to describe our friendship,
I’d say we have been close friends for 17 years and we never got angry with each other. It’s amazing, isn’t it I haven’t
been able to do that with anybody else. Sometimes I even feel guilty(有罪的). I miss her more than my own brothers and
sisters. And of course besides those memories, my kids are number one in my life. I have plenty of beautiful memories
with them, especially when they were born, which also turned out to be a sad moment for both of them, because they were premature babies(早产儿). Anyone, who has had an experience with a premature baby, can what I mean.
1 .How does the writer feel about her best friend
A .She is patient and fun
B .She is famous in the world
C .she is more important than her sons
D .They have been best friends and lived close.
2 .How long has the writer spent with her friend?
A .For 5 years B .For 6 years
C .For 10 years D .For 17 years
3 .Which of the following words has the same meaning of “figure out”
A .Guess B .Look for C .Understand D .Point out
4 .What can we learn from the passage
A .The writer still lives in her own country.
B .They got to know each other in their childhood.
C .The writer felt tired of looking after her children.
D .It’s common that the writer never quarreled with her friends.
19、 假定你是苏华,最近你的澳大利亚笔友 Nathan 犯了一些错误,倍感懊恼,写了一封邮件向你诉说,为



Learning from mistakes
Dear Su Hue,
I'm unhappy that I've made some mistakes recently. They're troubling me a lot
these days. I really need your
help. Would you please share your experience with me
Do you agree that everyone makes mistakes
Can you tell me one of
your mistake

What have you learned
from the mistake
All the best,
l.词数 90 左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词量;
1 .回复须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;
2 .文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Dear Nathan,
I'm sorry to know that you are not happy these days.
I hope my experience can help you out.
Best wishes
Su Hua
Ⅰ. 单项选择
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、1 .C
2 .A
3 .D
4 .B
5 .D
6 .C
7 .A
8 .B
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、1 .visited
2 .to find
3 .caring
4 .don’t support
5 .won't have
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
13、1 .B
2 .C
3 .A
4 .B
5 .D
14、1 .B
2 .C
3 .A
4 .D
15、1 .B
2 .A
3 .C
4 .A
16、1 .B
2 .A
3 .C
4 .B
5 .A
17、1 .B
2 .D
3 .C
18、1 .A
2 .D
3 .C
4 .B
19、Dear Nathan,
I'm sorry to know that you are not happy these days. You needn't worry too much. It's true that everyone makes
Take me, for example. One day, I spent so much time playing football with my friends that I forgot to do my homework.
I said sorry to my teacher and finished it the next day. I found it important to achieve a balance between schoolwork
and hobbies.
It doesn't matter whether or not you make mistakes. What matters most is to correct and learn from them. In this way,
others will understand you. Then you will feel much better.
I hope my experience can help you out.
Best wishes.
Su Hua



