江苏省镇江市2024年中考英语模拟考试卷 (含解析)

满分90分 考试时间为100分钟
1.Holding the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games is ________ unusual challenge for China.
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.Shenzhou-17 was sent successfully ________ October 26th, 2023.
A.in B.at C.of D.on
3.Alice is now a CEO of a big company. She’s really ________ in Zhenjiang.
A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody D.anybody
4.Zhang Jinyuan, at the age of 94, received this year’s International Achievement Award because of her great ________ to nursing work.
A.nominations B.introductions C.instructions D.contributions
5.—It’s said that Zhenjiang Pot Cover Noodles are very delicious.
—Well, ________ we are here, why not have a try
A.though B.unless C.since D.before
6.It’s reported that giving up smoking can ________ the risk of disease.
A.reduce B.recycle C.repair D.reuse
7.—May I sleep with my pet dog, Mum
—No, you ________, my dear. It is bad for your health.
A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.won’t
8.According to the survey, about 800, 000 new energy vehicles(车辆)made in China ________ to foreign countries by the end of 2023.
A.will sell B.are sold C.will be sold D.sell
9.It is raining so ________ that we have to stay at home instead of playing football outside.
A.hardly B.heavily C.highly D.lightly
10.In the past few months, a lot of foreign leaders ________ interviews with President Xi Jinping. It means that China is playing a more and more important role in the world.
A.had B.are having C.have had D.will have
11.—The app Douyin is popular among teenagers.
—Let’s make a survey to ________ why teenagers like it so much.
A.find out B.carry out C.turn out D.break out
12.Which of the following words can be changed into a noun by adding the suffix “-ness”
A.pleasant B.difficult C.worth D.careful
13.—I still haven’t made any progress in English.
—Don’t lose heart. As we all know “ ________”
A.Actions speak louder than words. B.Rome is not built in one day.
C.The early bird catches the worm. D.A miss is as good as a mile.
14.—Would you please help me search for some information about the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
A.You are welcome! B.Good luck! C.Never mind! D.With pleasure!
15.—Look! The building over there is our newly built school library.
—It’s so beautiful! Could you please tell me ________
A.that you entered the library before B.when it is going to be open to students
C.whether can I borrow books from it now D.how much we needed to pay for each book
As a kid, I used to spend my summers with my grandparents on their farm in Texas. I helped them with farming at times. Luckily, they 16 a caravan, a kind of car designed for people to live in while travelling. Every few summers, we’d travel together around the US and Canada.
On one trip, I was about 10 years old. I was playing around in the back of the car 17 my grandfather was driving. My grandmother had the passenger seat. She smoked through the trip, and I hated the 18 , which made me cough a lot. I read about smoking in an article. It says that every puff (吸) of a cigarette takes two minutes off your life. I 19 the number of cigarettes per day and the puffs per cigarette. When I came up with a reasonable (合理的) number, I was 20 . Then I moved my head into the front of the car and proudly 21 , “So far, you’ve taken nine years off your life!” Hearing this, my grandmother began to cry and it was not what I 22 . I did not know what to do. My grandfather, who had been driving 23 , stopped the car, got out of it and opened my door. He looked at me calmly, and said 24 , “See, grandmother is crying! One day, you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.”
As I grow up, I realize that cleverness is a gift and kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy — they are given 25 . Choices can be hard, so it seems more difficult to be kind.
16.A.produced B.owned C.required D.returned
17.A.as B.when C.while D.though
18.A.dust B.taste C.noise D.smell
19.A.guessed B.counted C.collected D.received
20.A.afraid B.relaxed C.satisfied D.worried
21.A.replied B.explained C.presented D.announced
22.A.dreamed B.enjoyed C.supported D.expected
23.A.in fear B.in silence C.with pride D.with sadness
24.A.gently B.loudly C.powerfully D.confidently
25.A.in all B.after all C.above all D.first of all
阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Schools help protect kids’ mental (心理的) health in many ways. Some states in the US let kids take mental health days. Should schools offer mental health days Here’s what some students have to say.
Bibi Tooren, 11
Schools should give kids days off for mental health, because mental health is an important part of overall (整体的) health. If you don’t feel well, it will have a big influence on your ability to focus. Kids get stressed with long school days. Plus, kids don’t have much experience dealing with mental health crises (危机).
Nugg Canales, 8
Kids should get mental health days off from school. Sometimes, we need to stay at home and play games to calm our minds. Some schools don’t allow music, and I need soft music to make me feel good about myself and the world. If you take a mental health day, you should not make up work because it adds stress to your life.
Hailey Young, 12
The weekend was created to give us time off, and we children need to learn to better manage our time. We hardly get our schoolwork done in the five schooldays we get. Plus, schools would need students to make up mental health days. They would probably do so during our real breaks: in summer vacation or winter vacation. Another thing is that, for some kids, school might be safe.
Johnny Cabel, 9
I don’t think schools should give students days off for their mental health. Having too many days off can have a bad influence on grades. And many students’ parents have to go to work. If students get too many days off, they might get left home too much. This could make some students’ mental health problems worse.
26.Who thinks kids might have low grades in exams if they get mental health days off
A.Bibi Tooren. B.Nugg Canales. C.Hailey Young. D.Johnny Gabel.
27.What does the underlined word “so” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A.Taking advantage of the weekend. B.Giving kids a safe place like their school.
C.Making up mental health days they have got. D.Finishing schoolwork in the five schooldays.
28.What is the passage mainly about
A.The discussions about kids’ mental health crises.
B.The importance of offering kids mental health days.
C.Several suggestions for improving kids’ mental health.
D.Some opinions about whether kids should get mental health days off.
One plus one is two. There are 60 seconds in one minute. Sixty minutes equals one hour. There are 24 hours in one day. One year includes 365 days. These are all basic facts that we know by heart. But have you ever stopped to think how numbers form and how they developed
It’s safe to say that our society would never developed without numbers. However, the development of numbers is still a puzzle to us. That’s because when ancient people developed simple ways of counting, they didn’t leave any records behind.
It’s not difficult to guess that numbers and counting began with the number “1” though ancient people probably didn’t call it “one”. They likely counted by ones and recorded by carving(刻)lines on a bone.
The earliest evidence of this is the Ishango Bone(伊尚戈骨), which was found in 1960 in Africa. The bone is believed to be more than 20,000 years old. It has many lines on it. The lines look like what we would call “tally marks”(以5为单位的计数方法)today. Scientists think those lines show how ancient people used numbers.
29.According to the article, we still don’t know ________.
A.the basic facts of numbers B.where numbers come from
C.how to count with numbers D.the importance of numbers
30.Why is the development of numbers a puzzle
A.Because people today are not smart enough to find it out.
B.Because people today are not interested in any way of counting.
C.Because ancient people didn’t want to develop a way of counting.
D.Because ancient people didn’t record their ways of counting.
31.What can we infer from the passage
A.The Ishango Bone was found 2000 years ago.
B.There are many numbers on the Ishango Bone.
C.Numbers are important to a society’s development.
D.Ancient people carved lines on the stones as a way of counting.
Characters: Mrs March, Mr Brooke, Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy
The next day was also cold and grey. Nobody talked much during breakfast. Mrs March was pale and tired. The girls tried to hide their tears.
Then Mr Brooke arrived with the carriage and it was time for Mrs March to leave. She kissed her daughter one by one and said, “Keep busy, my dears, and never lose hope!”
“Yes, Mother.”
“Meg, look after your sisters. If you need help, ask Hannah or Mr Laurence. Jo, be patient and cheerful, and write to me often. Beth and Amy, help with the housework and be obedient(顺从的).”
“Yes, Mother! Don’t worry!”
She got into the carriage and opened the window.
“Goodbye, my dears!” she called as it drove away. The girls waved their hands cheerfully until the carriage turned the corner. Then, with sad faces and heavy hearts, they went back inside.
“The house seems very empty now,” said Meg.
“Our motto is ‘Hope and keep busy’”, said Jo brightly. She was trying to forget how sad she was feeling. “So I’m going to go and see Aunt March. What about you, Meg ”
“I’m going to teach the King children.” replied Meg.
“And Amy and I are going to help Hannah with the housework.” said Beth.
“I think anxiety(焦虑)is very interesting.” Amy said seriously. Her words made her sisters laugh, and they all started to feel a little better.
For a week the girls kept to their motto and worked hard. Then Jo got a bad cold, and had to stay at home. She didn’t mind this at all because she didn’t like going to Aunt March’s. She was happy to lie on the sofa all day with her books and medicine. Amy got bored with doing housework so she took out her pencils and drawing book again. Meg went to teach the King children every day, and sewed. She spent the rest of her time writing long letters to her mother and reading the letters from Mr Brooke. Only Beth continued to look after the house. She did her own jobs and her sister’s jobs, too. She never complained. And every day she took some food to the Hummel family.
(Adapted from Little women)
32.Why did the girls wave their hands cheerfully
A.Because they really felt happy at that time.
B.Because they didn’t want their mother to worry about them.
C.Because they were happy to see Mr Brooke leave their home.
D.Because they thought they would be free to do whatever they want.
33.Which is the right order of the following events in the passage
① The girls waved their hands cheerfully.
② Jo got a bad cold and had to stay at home.
⑤ Mrs March kissed her daughter one by one.
④ The girls went back inside with sad faces and heavy hearts.
A.③④①② B.④②①③ C.③①④② D.④③①②
34.What can we infer(推断)from the passage
A.Beth is a kind and hard-working girl.
B.Jo stayed at home because she didn’t like going to Aunt March’s.
C.The girls forgot the motto after a week.
D.The house were empty after Mrs March left.
35.Which is the passage mainly about
A.Human and nature. B.War and peace.
C.Interest and hobbies. D.Family and love.
36.We all know nearly 10% of the Earth’s (/'s :f s/)is covered by ice.
37.Florence Nightingale devoted all (she)to the career as a world-famous nurse.
38.Dr Ma, a professor of ORBIS, provided (medicine)treatment for the patients with eye problems.
39.Thanks to those (fisherman) help, our Diaoyu Islands in the South China Sea are well protected.
40.The community center has been much (noisy)than before since more and more people moved in.
41.She failed in the test this time. (尽管,即使这样), she was happy all the time.
42.The state has a duty to protect its citizens against outer (反对者) all the time.
43.I looked (沿着,顺着) the shelves for the book I needed last night. Finally, I got it.
44.Diana with her classmates went to (西北方)China to be volunteers in the primary schools.
45.In order to celebrate his (二十)birthday, his parents invited many relatives and friends to come.
When I asked my mum and dad if I could go to Kavos with some of my friends for a week, the last thing I thought they would say was “yes”. And at first, they didn’t. They just went on and on about all of the p 46 dangers. So I tried to change their minds. I said to them, “If you were w 47 about the possibility of me falling off a wall and dying in Kavos, then why weren’t you also worried about the possibility of the same thing happening to me in London ”
Finally, they agreed—unwillingly.
After having left my luggage (行李) in my room, I e 48 our resort (度假村) with my friends. Everyone spoke English and e 49 looked like a cheap American film set. It was just w 50 we all needed after a long year of busy schedules.
I promised my parents I wouldn’t go out every nights. B 51 once you’re here, it just can’t be helped. Every one of us wanted to make the most of the week of freedom. At some point, I think we did get a bit too c 52 .
I still wonder if my parents were happy with their d 53 . I won’t be surprised if my mum still r 54 it. But I did have a wonderful holiday.
I think the e 55 made my parents realize that at some point, they have to let go. We have to be given the chance to make our own mistakes and to learn for ourselves what the world is really all about.
It’s midnight and the room is dark and quiet. You are struggling to fall asleep when you hear some strange sounds from upstairs or somewhere in the building—tapping or even marbles(弹珠)dropping and bouncing on the floor! Are there ghosts making noise Luckily, science can explain.
Andy Piacsek, a scientist with the US Acoustical Society, told the sounds could change as they spread through buildings, meaning the early sound could be very different from the final noise of “marbles”.
“Plumbing(管路系统)is a good cause,” Andy suggested. When water floods through a pipe, it compresses(压缩)the air in the pipe and creates the first sound of a dropped marble. As the water flows away, the sound it makes grows more loudly, which may be similar to the sound of a dropped marble bouncing on the floor.
Another possible cause is a common phenomenon(现象)in physics—objects become larger when heated and smaller when cooled. During the day when the temperature rises, buildings take in heat. At night, the air inside a building’s pipes becomes cold. The warm and cold air within buildings leads to strange sounds.
However, knowing such sounds can be explained by science does not usually stop us from being scared. When scared, we may have an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and even a blank mind.
At midnight, you may hear strange sounds from upstairs or somewhere in the building. When scared, you may have a 56 heart rate, rapid breathing and even a blank mind. Scientists explain that there are many reasons for the problem. The sounds could 57 as they spread through buildings. When water floods through a pipe, it compresses the air 58 and creates the sound like marbles dropping. As the water flows away, it makes 59 sounds. There is a common phenomenon in Physics—objects expand when heated and contract when cooled. The mixture of the warm and cold air within buildings, we may hear such strange sounds. Although such sounds can be explained by science, it doesn’t 60 our feeling of scare. Under such conditions, it’s common for a frightened person to react like this.
Things adults should learn from kids
Adults should learn from kids a lot. For example, kids tend to show love. Every action they do for others, is filled with love. They don’t think twice before loving, and they just love. So adults also need to know: the best way to receive love is to first give it. Unluckily, most of us have developed the habit of questioning everything.
Kids never hide emotions. They cry when they hurt themselves, and express displeasure when things don’t go their way. However, we adults always try to hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely. Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness.
Kids are curious little beings, who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they undertake. They have a huge taste for knowledge, and ask lots of questions every day. This curious nature guides their life, and often leads them to simple excellent discoveries. Are adults as curious as kids Well, most of us aren’t. Also, they no longer have the thirst for knowledge, and don’t even ask questions if they don’t understand something. Adults often forget that it isn’t talent or skill but our curiosity and a huge taste for knowledge that makes us worthy.
Kids live in the present, and give 100% to any task they are doing. They never worry about the future, and since they are so busy enjoying their present, life is great today. However, with a job, money, and relationships, it does get hard for an adult to enjoy life. The best thing to do here is to change oneself, and if that isn’t possible, we can live like a child. Just don’t worry about the future, because it isn’t in your control. The only thing you can control is your present, so work hard toward it.
阅读以上信息, 用恰当的单词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。
Things adults should learn from kids
Show love Adults should learn to give love first instead of receiving love.
Never hide emotions ●Children aren’t afraid to display their emotions ●Adults always 61 to express themselves sincerely. Try to show your emotions, 62 you are happy or sad.
Be curious ●Kids are curious, 63 most adults don’t ask questions. ●Our value 64 on our curiosity.
Live in the present ●Kids live in the present happily. ●Adults need to enjoy the present 65 worrying about the future.
一些建议 学习 1.找到正确的学习方法。养成良好的学习习惯,比如……
2. 多阅读,了解传统文化和外国文化;
3. 学习中遇到难题时……
生活 1. 多锻炼,保持健康;
3. 与同学友好相处,不要轻易生气,而是……
2. 短文中应包括所有要点并适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺;
3. 文中不得出现真实地名、校名和人名。
Welcome to our school! In junior high school, life will be different from before. Here are some suggestions about the study and life for you.

考查冠词的用法。a不定冠词表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前,the定冠词, 表特指。空处后面的unusual以元音音素开头,challenge是单数可数名词,所以空处用不定冠词an。故选B。
考查介词辨析。in用于年、月、季节前,也可用在表示泛指的早上、下午前;at用在具体时间点前;of……的;on用在具体某一天前。句中“October 26th, 2023”指具体的某一天,所以前面应用介词on,故选D。
考查复合不定代词。somebody某人,大人物;everybody所有人;nobody没有人;anybody任何人。根据“Alice is now a CEO of a big company.”可知,爱丽丝是一家大公司的CEO,在镇江是一个大人物。She’s really somebody“她真是个大人物”,固定用法。故选A。
考查名词辨析。nominations提名;introductions介绍;instructions命令;contributions贡献。根据“received this year’s International Achievement Award because of her great…to nursing work.”可知,章金媛因其对护理工作的巨大贡献而获得国际成就奖。故选D。
考查动词辨析。reduce减少;recycle回收;repair维修;reuse重新使用。根据“giving up smoking can…the risk of disease.”可知此处表达的应是戒烟能减少疾病的风险,故选A。
考查一般将来时被动语态。根据“by the end of 2023”可知,要用一般将来时,主语与动词sell之间是被动关系,所以此处用一般将来时被动语态,故选C。
考查副词辨析。hardly几乎不;heavily严重地;highly极其,非常;lightly轻轻地。根据“It is raining so… that we have to stay at home instead of playing football outside”可知,此处指雨下得大,用副词heavily修饰动词rain,故选B。
考查时态。根据“In the past few months”可知,句子应用现在完成时,结构是have/has+过去分词,故选C。
考查动词短语。find out找出,查明;carry out实施;turn out结果是;break out爆发。根据“Let’s make a survey to…why teenagers like it so much.”可知,此处指做调查找出抖音受年轻人欢迎的原因。故选A。
考查习语。Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩;Rome is not built in one day罗马不是一天建成的;The early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃;A miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,谬以千里。根据“Don’t lose heart”可知,安慰对方不要灰心,要继续努力,因为“罗马不是一天建成的”,故选B。
考查情景交际。You are welcome!不用谢;Good luck!祝你好运;Never mind!没关系;With pleasure!十分乐意。根据“Would you please help me search for some information”可知,此处是回答对方的请求,用With pleasure!符合语境。故选D。
考查when引导的宾语从句。that you entered the library before你之前进去过图书馆;when it is going to be open to students它什么时候会对学生开放;whether can I borrow books from it now表达错误,从句应用陈述语序;how much we needed to pay for each book每本书我们需要支付多少钱。根据“tell me”可知后接宾语从句,从句应用陈述语序,根据“Could you please tell me”可知从句应用疑问句来进行提问,根据“The building over there is our newly built school library.”可知,图书馆是借书的地方,不需要付钱,因此选项B“它什么时候会对学生开放”符合语境。故选B。
16.B 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.B
produced生产;owned拥有;required要求;returned返回。根据下文“we’d travel together around the US and Canada.”我们会一起去美国和加拿大旅行,可知此处说的是拥有一辆房车,故选B。
as作为;when何时;while在……期间;though虽然。根据“I was playing around in the back of the car … my grandfather was driving.”可知是我的祖父开车时,我在玩耍,while引导的时间状语从句,表示两个动作同时发生,故选C。
dust灰尘;taste味道;noise噪声;smell气味。根据上文“She smoked through the trip,”她整个旅程都在吸烟,可知应该是讨厌烟的这个气味,故选D。
guessed猜;counted数;collected收集;received收到。根据后面的“the number of cigarettes per day and the puffs per cigarette.”每天抽烟的数量,每支烟要吸几口。可知应该是数了一下,故选B。
afraid害怕;relaxed放松;satisfied满意;worried担心。根据上文“When I came up with a reasonable (合理的) number,”当我想出一个合理的数字时,以及下文“Then I moved my head into the front of the car and proudly”然后我骄傲地把头伸到车的前部,可知是满意的得到合理的数字后,故选C。
replied回复:explained解释;presented存在、出现;announced宣布。根据下文“So far, you’ve taken nine years off your life!”到目前为止,你已经减少了九年的生命!可知这是宣布的结果,故选D。
dreamed梦想;enjoyed享受;supported支持;expected期望、预料。根据上文“my grandmother began to cry”我的祖母开始去哭,结合语境,可知这应该不是我所预料的,故选D。
in fear害怕;in silence沉默、安静;with pride骄傲地;with sadness难过的。根据上文“I did not know what to do. My grandfather, who had been driving …,”我不知道该怎么办。我的祖父,他一直在,结合语境及选项,可知应该是默默地开车,故选B。
gently温柔地、轻轻地;loudly大声地;powerfully有力量地;confidently自信地。根据下文“See, grandmother is crying! One day, you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.”看,祖母哭了!总有一天,你会明白善良比聪明更难。结合语境及选项,可知应该是他平静地看着我,温柔地说,故选A。
in all总共;after all毕竟;above all首要的是;first of all首先、第一。根据上文“I realize that cleverness is a gift and kindness is a choice.”我意识到聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。结合“Gifts are easy — they are given ….”以及选项,可知天赋很容易——毕竟它们是天生的,故选B。
26.D 27.C 28.D
26.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Having too many days off can have a bad influence on grades. ”可知休息日过多会对成绩产生不良影响。故选D。
27.词句猜测题。根据第四段的“Plus, schools would need students to make up mental health days. They would probably do so during our real breaks: in summer vacation or winter vacation.”可知此外,学校需要学生弥补心理健康日。他们可能会在我们真正的休息时间这样做:暑假或寒假。因此so指代前一句中的学校要学生弥补心理健康。故选C。
29.B 30.D 31.C
29.细节理解题。根据“However, the development of numbers is still a puzzle to us.”可知,数字的起源与发展对于我们来说是未知的。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“However, the development of numbers is still a puzzle to us. That’s because when ancient people developed simple ways of counting, they didn’t leave any records behind.”可知,原因在于他们并没有留下任何记录。故选D。
31.推理判断题。根据“It’s safe to say that our society would never developed without numbers. ”可知,没有数字,社会就不会发展,所以数字对社会发展非常重要。故选C。
32.B 33.C 34.A 35.D
32.推理判断题。根据“The girls tried to hide their tears.”以及“The girls waved their hands cheerfully until the carriage turned the corner. Then, with sad faces and heavy hearts, they went back inside.”可知女孩们高兴地挥手是为了不想让妈妈为她们担心。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据“She kissed her daughter one by one and said”、“The girls waved their hands cheerfully until the carriage turned the corner. Then, with sad faces and heavy hearts, they went back inside.”以及“Then Jo got a bad cold, and had to stay at home.”可知首先是马奇太太一个一个地吻她的女儿,其次是女孩们高兴地挥挥手,然后女孩们带着悲伤的脸和沉重的心情回到屋里,最后是乔得了重感冒,不得不待在家里。故选C。
34.推理判断题。根据“Only Beth continued to look after the house. She did her own jobs and her sister’s jobs, too. She never complained. And every day she took some food to the Hummel family”(只有贝思继续照看房子。她做她自己的工作,也做她姐姐的工作。她从不抱怨。每天她都给哈默尔家送些食物)可推知贝丝是一个善良、勤奋的女孩。故选A。
【详解】句意:弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔作为一名世界著名的护士,把自己的全部精力都投入到了事业中。此处是固定短语devote oneself to“致力于,献身于”。故填herself。
41.Even so
【详解】句意:这次她考试不及格。即便如此,她一直都很开心。根据汉语提示可知,此空应填even so“尽管,即使这样”,作为插入语放在句中时要用逗号与句子隔开,故填Even so。
46.(p)ossible 47.(w)orried 48.(e)xplored 49.(e)verywhere 50.(w)hat 51.(B)ut 52.(c)razy 53.(d)ecision 54.(r)egrets 55.(e)xperience
46.句意:他们只是没完没了地谈论所有可能的危险。根据“dangers”可知空处应填形容词,根据前文“When I asked my mum and dad if I could go to Kavos with some of my friends for a week, the last thing I thought they would say was “yes”. And at first, they didn’t.”可知,父母讨论所有可能的危险,possible“可能的”符合语境,故填(p)ossible。
47.句意:如果你担心我可能会在卡沃斯从墙上掉下来死去,那么你为什么不担心同样的事情在伦敦发生在我身上呢?根据前文“They just went on and on about all of the possible dangers.”可知此处指的是“担心”,短语be worried about意为“担心”。故填(w)orried。
48.句意:把行李放在房间里后,我和朋友们探索了我们的度假胜地。根据“After having left my luggage(行李) in my room…”可知此处填explore“探究”符合语境,时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填(e)xplored。
49.句意:每个人都说英语,到处看起来都像廉价的美国电影布景。根据“Everyone spoke English…”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“到处”。故填(e)verywhere。
50.句意:这正是我们在忙碌了一年之后所需要的。根据“It was just…we all needed…”可知此处应填引导词充当从句的宾语,That’s what we need“这正是我们所需要的”符合语境,故填what。
51.句意:但一旦你来到这里,就无能为力了。根据“I promised my parents I wouldn’t go out every nights.”(我向父母保证我不会每天晚上都出去。)可知此处为转折,应填but“但是”表示转折,首字母大写。故填(B)ut。
52.句意:在某种程度上,我认为我们确实有点太疯狂了。根据“Every one of us wanted to make the most of the week of freedom.”(我们每个人都想充分利用这一周的自由。)及首字母提示可知,此处填crazy“疯狂”符合语境,指的是作者认为自己的行为有点儿疯狂。故填(c)razy。
53.句意:我仍然怀疑我的父母是否对他们的决定感到满意。根据“my parents were happy with their …”可知指的是父母让作者去旅行的决定,此处应填名词,故填(d)ecision。
54.句意:如果我妈妈仍然后悔,我不会感到惊讶。根据前文“I still wonder if my parents were happy…”可知此处应指妈妈是否后悔她的决定,此处是条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时,主语“my mum”为第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填(r)egrets。
55.句意:我想这段经历让我的父母意识到,在某个时刻,他们必须放手。根据“I think the…made my patents realize that at some point, they have to let go.”可知,此处指的是作者“旅行的经历”让我的父母意识到在某个时刻,他们必须放手。experience“经历”,故填(e)xperience。
56.growing/rising 57.change 58.inside 59.louder 60.stop
56.根据“When scared, we may have an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and even a blank mind.”可知当听到害怕的声音时,你可能会心跳加快,呼吸急促,甚至大脑一片空白,此处应填形容词growing/rising表示“上升的,增加的”,故填growing/rising。
57.根据“the sounds could change as they spread through buildings”可知这些声音在建筑物中传播时可能会发生变化。change“变化”,动词,位于情态动词后,应用动词原形,故填change。
58.根据“When water floods through a pipe, it compresses the air in the pipe and creates the first sound of a dropped marble”可知当水通过管道时,会压缩管道内的空气,发出弹珠掉落的声音。此处是表示“压缩里面的空气”,应用副词inside。故填inside。
59.根据“As the water flows away, the sound it makes grows more loudly”可知随着水的流动,它发出更大的声音,此处应填形容词比较级修饰名词sounds,louder符合语境,故填louder。
60.根据“However, knowing such sounds can be explained by science does not usually stop us from being scared”可知虽然这样的声音可以用科学来解释,但它并不能阻止我们的恐惧感。stop“阻止”,动词,助动词后用动词原形。故填stop。
61.refuse 62.whether 63.while/but 64.depends 65.without
61.根据原文“However, we adults always try to hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely”可知,成年人会隐藏情绪,拒绝表达自己。故填refuse。
62.根据原文“Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness”可知,作者鼓励成年人说出自己悲伤或开心的事。whether...or...表示“无论……还是……”,此题指的是无论你开心还是伤心,都要说出来。故填whether。
63.根据原文“Are adults as curious as kids Well... if they don’t understand something.”可知,虽然孩子们好奇心旺盛,但成年人不像孩子那样爱问问题,因此题干前后是转折关系。故填while/but。
64.根据原文“but our curiosity and a huge taste for knowledge that makes us worthy”可知,成年人的价值取决于好奇心和求知欲,depend on表示“取决于……”,且题干中的主语“Our value”是不可数名词,谓语动词要用第三人称单数。故填depends。
65.根据原文“ Just don’t worry about the future, because it isn’t in your control.”可知,作者不建议成年人担忧未来,且worrying是动名词,前面应该填介词。故填without。
Welcome to our school! In junior high school, life will be different from before. Here are some suggestions about the study and life for you.
Firstly, you will have more subjects to learn, so it is not easy to find good learning methods. Also, you should form good studying habits. In class, you need to listen to the teachers carefully. After class, you need to read more books. In this way, you can learn more about our traditional culture and foreign culture as well. When you have some problems with your study, go to your friends or teachers for help.
Secondly, to be better at study, you must do more exercise to keep healthy. You can join some clubs in your spare time. It’s important for you to spend some time on your hobbies. That will make your school life more interesting and colourful. To get along well with your classmates, try to avoid getting angry. If you have a problem with some of them, talk about it. It’s wise not to keep it in your mind.
I hope you will have a wonderful school life.
①form good studying habits养成良好的学习习惯
②in this way用这种方式
③spend time on sth.花费时间在某物上
①you will have more subjects to learn, so it is not easy to find good learning methods.(so连接的并列句)
②When you have some problems with your study, go to your friends or teachers for help.(when引导的时间状语从句)
③to be better at study, you must do more exercise to keep healthy.(动词不定式作目的状语)



