
The Beginning of Summer (立夏) is the first solar (太阳的) term in summer.
Everything thrives (茁壮成长) during this solar term. As for the date of the Beginning of Summer, it is different, maybe on May 6th or 7th each year according to the movement of the sun. Here is what people do on that day.
Eating the Beginning of Summer Rice
The rice for this day used to be made with many kinds of colorful beans, which means “a bumper grain harvest”. Now the rice is only cooked with glutinous rice and broad beans, but the sweet taste and people’s good wishes for a good harvest in it keep unchanged.
The Egg Competition
As an old Chinese saying goes, “Hanging an egg on children’s chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases.” Parents prepare boiled eggs and put them in a bag before hanging them on their child’s chest on that day. When children get together, they will play a game called “the egg competition”, colliding (碰撞) each other’s eggs in pairs, and the child with the last intact (完好无损的)egg is the winner, called “king of eggs”!
There is a custom of weighing people’s weight on the Beginning of Summer in many areas of China. Because the hot summer will start, people are more likely to lose weight, which is a bad thing they think. Therefore, people usually weigh themselves to see the health of their bodies. In ancient China, people would hang a big wooden scale (称) at the entrance of the village so that kids could be weighed one by one.
1.The date of the Beginning of Summer is different because of .
A.the movement of the moon B.the movement of the sun
C.the difference of the season
2.What does the Beginning of Summer rice symbolize
A.People’s weight.
B.Many kinds of colorful beans.
C.A bumper grain harvest.
3.What’s the purpose of the egg competition
A.To find who owns the most intact egg.
B.To tell the importance of eating more eggs
C.To pray (祈祷) for good health for children.
4.What can we infer from the passage
A.People put their good wishes in the activities of the Beginning of Summer.
B.The Beginning of Summer is the most important solar term around the world.
C.The Beginning of Summer is becoming more and more important.
【答案】1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A
1.细节理解题。根据“As for the date of the Beginning of Summer, it is different, maybe on May 6th or 7th each year according to the movement of the sun.”可知,由于太阳的运动,故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据“The rice for this day used to be made with many kinds of colorful beans, which means ‘a bumper grain harvest’.”可知,代表着“粮食大丰收”,故选C。
3.细节理解题。根据“When children get together, they will play a game called ‘the egg competition’, colliding (碰撞) each other’s eggs in pairs, and the child with the last intact (完好无损的) egg is the winner, called ‘king of eggs’!”可知,是为了看谁有完好无损的蛋,故选A。
4.推理判断题。根据“Now the rice is only cooked with glutinous rice and broad beans, but the sweet taste and people’s good wishes for a good harvest in it keep unchanged.”“Hanging an egg on children’s chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases.”及“Because the hot summer will start, people are more likely to lose weight, which is a bad thing they think. Therefore, people
usually weigh themselves to see the health of their bodies.”可知,人们将他们的美好祝愿放在初夏的活动中。故选A。
The Netherlands is low-lying and influenced by the north sea wind, which caused floods to happen easily in the past. In order to deal with the problem, the Dutch used thousands of windmills. So the Netherlands became the famous land of windmills. With this invention, the Dutch set a special date and held some activities. It’s held on the second Saturday of May each year. Gradually, Windmill Day becomes a traditional folk festival in the Netherlands.
On this day, pictures shaped of windmills are everywhere. Many shops are filled with colorful windmill art pieces. Children also like to draw windmills on the doors and windows.
Windmills have different purposes in different states. They bring good luck to people in most situations. When the flag is hung on the windmill, it may mean that a baby is born, or a couple are holding a wedding. When the fan of windmill is like a cross, it means that some important guests are coming and they are warmly welcomed. However, when the windmill is at rest and backward, it mainly tells us that something bad has happened.
Nowadays, during your visit in the Netherlands, you can choose the windmill museums. Also, you can go to the local windmill villages. There are still more than 1000 windmills around the country, with many still in use. Every windmill is covered in red and green and is slowly running to greet you.
5.People in Netherlands mainly use windmills to ________ .
A.produce electricity B.do with floods
C.celebrate festivals D.welcome visitors
6.How do the Dutch celebrate Windmill Day ________
①They decorate the public places with pictures shaped of windmills.
②Shop owners prepare lots of colorful windmill art pieces.
③They fix the fan of windmill as the shape of a cross.
④Young kids draw windmills on the doors and windows.
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
7.Which picture of windmills shows the coming of a newborn ________
8.What can we know from the text ________
A.Visitors can only enjoy windmills in museums.
B.Windmills bring good luck to people in all situations.
C.There are fewer than 1000 windmills across the country.
D.A still windmill means something bad has happened.
9.In which part of a magazine can we read the text ________
A.Culture. B.Human. C.Language. D.Science.
【答案】5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A
5.细节理解题。根据第一段“The Netherlands is low—lying and influenced by the north sea wind...thousands of windmills”可知,荷兰地市低洼,过去容易发生洪涝灾害,为了解决这个问题,荷兰人使用了成千上万的风车,所以荷兰人主要用风车解决洪水问题。故选B。
6.细节理解题。根据第二段“On this day, pictures shaped of windmills are everywhere...windows.”可知,在这一天到处都是风车形状的图片,许多商店都摆满了风车艺术品,孩子们在门窗上画风车,所以他们庆祝的方式有①②④。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据第三段“When the flag is hung on the windmill, it may mean that a baby is born”可知,当旗帜挂在风车上时,可能意味着有一个婴儿出生了。故选C。
8.细节理解题。根据第三段“when the windmill is at rest and backward, it mainly tells us that something bad has happened”可知,当风车处于静止或倒退状态时,它预示着发生了不好的事情,选项D表述与原文相符。故选D。
9.推理判断题。根据第一段“Windmill Day becomes a traditional folk festival in the Netherlands”可知,风车日渐渐成为一个传统的民间节日,所以本文主要介绍的风车之国——荷兰,推测可以在杂志的文化专栏看到这篇文章。故选A。
10 When going shopping, I sometimes get a direct “No bargaining (还价)” in return. Is it not good to bargain here 11 As a newcomer, I know little about the table manners in China. Can you tell me some of them 12 How interesting it was! I met my Chinese roommate today. When she held out her hand, I bowed. 13 I gave a gift to my Chinese friend on her birthday. She didn’t open it when she received it. Didn’t she like my gift 14 Last night, I had dinner with a Chinese friend. I wanted to pay for my share A.Normally, you’re supposed to take off your shoes before entering a Chinese person’s home. But don’t worry. There will be slippers (拖鞋) for you. B.Actually it’s very common to ask for lower prices in China. After a few minutes’ bargaining, you might get 50% off. C. It’s not like that. You should never expect Chinese to open gifts in front of you as this is considered impolite in China. D.If you plan to give a gift to a Chinese, be aware that things like clocks, pears, and knives are considered to bring bad luck. E. Well, there are several rules about using
of the meal but he fought to pay for the whole meal himself. chopsticks. Don’t stick them into the food, or point at others with them. F. Take it easy! Most Chinese people fight over the bill to show their friendliness. Maybe you can treat him next time. G. That’s what we do in China. We are supposed to shake hands when we meet people for the first time.
【答案】10.B 11.E 12.G 13.C 14.F
10.根据“Is it not good to bargain here”可知他不知道在这里讨价还价好不好,选项B“事实上,要求降价在中国很常见。经过几分钟的讨价还价,你可能会得到50%的折扣”符合。故选B。
11.根据“As a newcomer, I know little about the table manners in China”可知他想知道中国的餐桌礼仪,选项E“嗯,使用筷子有几个规则。不要把它们粘在食物里,也不要用它们指着别人”符合。故选E。
12.根据“When she held out her hand, I bowed”可知他见朋友时,他朋友想握手,他却鞠躬,选项G“我们在中国就是这么做的。我们第一次见面时应该握手”符合。故选G。
13.根据“She didn’t open it when she received it. Didn’t she like my gift”可知他朋友没有当面打开礼物,所以他不知道朋友是否喜欢他送的礼物,选项C“不是那样的。你不应该期望中国人在你面前打开礼物,因为这在中国被认为是不礼貌的”符合。故选C。
14.根据“I wanted to pay for my share of the meal but he fought to pay for the whole meal himself”可知他和朋友吃饭时,他想付自己的那部分钱,但是朋友想付完所有的钱,选项F“别紧张!大多数中国人为了表示友好而为账单争吵。也许你下次可以请他”符合。故选F。
Each country has many different festivals. The Spring Festival is one of the most 15 festivals in China. It usually comes in January 16 February.
Everyone likes it very much. When the Spring Festival is coming, parents 17 prepare new clothes for their kids. People have also 18 the Spring Festival for a long time. In the past, people often 19 guests with all kinds of foods made by themselves. But now some people are used to buying 20 from restaurants. Rooms are usually cleaned and floors are swept brightly. Before that day, people who are on 21 and working around the country will come back home.
On that day, kids can get money from their parents and grandparents. Giving pocket money is the main action for parents and grandparents to show their warm love. They all think the money can bring a 22 life.
For breakfast, people eat dumplings and some other nice foods. After breakfast, children will follow adults to visit their 23 . Next day, it is time for women to go to their parents’ homes with 24 . But for parents, what matters is not the gifts, but the time they spend together.
15.A.important B.creative C.serious D.difficult
16.A.and B.or C.but D.so
17.A.never B.hardly C.usually D.sometimes
18.A.discussed B.protected C.compared D.celebrated
19.A.treated B.replied C.controlled D.changed
20.A.it B.them C.him D.you
21.A.education B.show C.business D.competition
22.A.terrible B.dangerous C.simple D.lucky
23.A.relatives B.teachers C.guests D.classmates
24.A.presents B.clothes C.vegetables D.prizes
15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.A
never从不;hardly几乎不;usually通常;sometimes有时。根据“Everyone likes it very much.”并结合常识可知,春节孩子们通常都会有新衣服穿。故选C。
discussed讨论;protected保护;compared比较;celebrated庆祝。根据“In the past, people often...and working around the country will come back home.”可知,下文介绍了人们庆祝春节的方式。故选D。
treated招待;replied回复;controlled控制;changed改变。根据“...guests with all kinds of foods”可知,此处指用食物招待客人。故选A。
it它;them它们;him他;you你。本句设空处指代前句提到的“all kinds of foods”,即“它们”。故选B。
education教育;show展示;business商业;competition比赛。固定短语on business“出差”。故选C。
terrible糟糕的;dangerous危险的;simple简单的;lucky幸运的。根据“Giving pocket money is the main action for parents and grandparents to show their warm love.”可知,压岁钱代表了长辈们的爱,所以是美好的寓意,D选项符合语境。故选D。
relatives亲戚;teachers老师;guests客人;classmates同学。根据“children will follow adults”可知,此处指跟随大人一起去走亲戚。故选A。
presents礼物;clothes衣服;vegetables蔬菜;prizes奖品。根据“what matters is not the gifts”可知,重要的不是礼物,所以女人们是带着礼物回娘家。故选A。
Red Packets in Chinese Culture
Giving Hongbao (red packets) is a tradition in China. Traditional red pockets are often decorated with gold Chinese characters(汉字), such as 25 and wealth.
How red packets are used
During Chinese New Year, 26 is (are) put inside red packets which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbours and friends.
The 27
Red represents luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is 28 red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.
How to give and receive
Giving and receiving red packets is a 29 act. Therefore, red packets are always 30 and received with both hands.
Someone who receives a red packet at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not 31 it in front of the giver. 32 , things are different at a Chinese wedding, where the guests usually give the red packets to the attendants and sign 33 names on a large scroll ( long piece of paper). The attendants will open the packets at once, 34 the money inside, and record it on a register(登记簿) next to the guests’ names.
The amount(数量)
The amount of money is relative to your relationship to the person who receives-the 35 your relationship is, the more money is expected. Anyway, it is not the amount of the money that matters, but the care and love you hold for others .
What not to gift
Certain amounts of money are to be 36 . Anything with a four is not good because four sounds similar to 37 in Chinese. Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good things are believed to come in 38 . For example, gifting $20 is better than $21.
The money inside a red packet should 39 be new. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste.
Hongbao is a symbol of love from others, as well as a sign of good luck.
25.A.praise B.dream C.happiness D.advice
26.A.paper B.money C.letters D.notes
27.A.colour B.size C.shape D.history
28.A.when B.why C.how D.where
29.A.strange B.simple C.smart D.serious
30.A.presented B.filled C.covered D.gathered
31.A.watch B.hide C.open D. accept
32.A.Moreover B.However C.Otherwise D.Besides
33.A.his B.their C.your D.our
34.A.count B.change C.choose D.collect
35.A.worse B.harder C.closer D.wider
36.A.avoided B.increased C.afforded D.returned
37.A.birth B.fear C.death D.envy
38.A.groups B.rows C.teams D.pairs
39.A.sometimes B.never C.seldom D.always
25.C 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.D
colour颜色;size尺寸;shape形状;history历史。根据“Red represents luck and good fortune in Chinese culture.”可知,本段介绍红包的颜色,故选A。
when何时;why为什么;how如何;where哪里。分析“That is…red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.”可知,此处强调红包是红色的原因,故选B。
strange奇怪的;simple简单的;smart聪明的;serious严肃的。根据“Therefore, red packets are always…and received with both hands.”给红包和收红包用双手,可知,收发红包是一种严肃的行为,故选D。
presented颁发;filled填满;covered覆盖;gathered聚集。根据“Therefore, red packets are always…and received with both hands.”可知,与用双手接红包对应的是用双手送红包,故选A。
watch观看;hide隐藏;open打开;accept接受。此处与后文“The attendants will open the packets at once”形成对比,不会马上打开红包,故选C。
Moreover此外;However然而;Otherwise否则;Besides此外。根据“things are different at a Chinese wedding”可知,两句话构成转折关系,前者不能当着给红包的人拆红包,而婚礼则不一样,故选B。
count数;change改变;choose选择;collect收集。根据“and record it on a register”可知,数好钱再把金额登记在册,故选A。
worse更差;harder更难;closer更近;wider更宽。根据“the…your relationship is, the more money is expected”可知,关系越亲近,给的红包就越大,故选C。
avoided避免;increased增加;afforded买得起;returned归还。根据“Anything with a four is not good”可知,有些数字需要避免,比如含有4的数字。故选A。
birth出生;fear害怕;death死亡;envy嫉妒。根据“because four sounds similar to…in Chinese”和常识可知,4在中文里听起来和死亡很像,故选C。
groups组;rows排;teams队;pairs双。根据“Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good things are believed to come in…”可知,人们相信好事成双,故选D。
sometimes有时;never从不;seldom很少;always总是。根据“Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste.”把钱折叠或者用皱了的钱不好,可知,红包里的钱应该总是新的,故选D。
Leaving the Garden (出花园) is a traditional coming-of-age ceremony (成人礼) in Chaoshan of Guangdong. 40 children turn 15, they usually take part in this ceremony.
But do you know 41 it is called Leaving the Garden Because Chaoshan people believe that children are protected by God. They also think that living under 42 parents’ care is like living in a garden. In 43 garden, children are protected from the sun and rain. However, as they grow up, they must leave the garden 44 the world.
On that day, children 45 to take a bath. After the bath, the children put on new clothes and red shoes. It means they walk outside of the garden 46 .
Then they 47 a big dinner with their family. 48 the end of the dinner, the children serve tea to their parents to express thanks for bringing them up. The Leaving the Garden ceremony is one of 49 historical and cultural traditions in Chaoshan. Do you want to have the ceremony, too
40.A.If B.When C.Because
41.A.why B.what C.how
42.A.they B.them C.their
43.A.a B.an C.the
44.A.face B.to face C.facing
45.A.ask B.are asked C.were asked
46.A.success B.successful C.successfully
47.A.have B.are having C.had
48.A.At B.In C.On
49.A.important B.more important C.the most important
40.B 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.C 47.A 48.A 49.C
If如果;When当……时;Because因为。根据“children turn 15, they usually take part in this ceremony”可知,孩子们满15岁时,可以参加成人礼,故选B。
they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词。此空修饰parents’ care,应填形容词性物主代词,故选C。
face动词原形;to face动词不定式;facing动名词。根据“they must leave the garden…the world”可知,离开花园的目的是为了面对世界,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。
ask动词原形;are asked一般现在时被动语态;were asked一般过去时被动语态。此段用的是一般现在时,且主语children与动词ask之间是被动关系,所以此处用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B。
have动词原形;are having现在进行时;had动词过去式。此句是一般现在时,根据they可知,动词用原形,故选A。
At后接具体时刻;In后接某年某月某季节;On后接具体一天。at the end of “在……结束时”,固定搭配,故选A。
important形容词原级;more important形容词比较级;the most important形容词最高级。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一”,故选C。
50.假如你是李华,你收到了美国笔友Mark的电子邮件,请阅读邮件并回复。FROM: Mark
TO: Li Hua
SUBJECT: How to behave properly as a guest
Dear Li Hua,
How’s it going Next week I’ll fly to Zhejiang to celebrate Helen’s birthday. Are you free then We can have fun together! I’m not sure what gifts I should buy for her, do you have any suggestions
It’s my first time to attend a birthday dinner in China. I’m afraid I can’t behave well at Helen’s home. Can you tell me some table manners
I’m so excited about that! See you soon.
FROM: Li Hua
TO: Mark
SUBJECT: Re: How to behave properly as a guest
Dear Mark,
I’m happy to hear that you are going to Helen’s birthday party. I will go with you and have a birthday dinner together.
Li Hua
Dear Mark,
I’m happy to hear that you are going to Helen’s birthday party. I will go with you and have a birthday dinner together.
As for gifts, I suggest you buy her something that represents Chinese culture, such as a silk scarf or a tea set. You can also buy her a gift card to a local department store so that she can choose something she likes.
Here are some table manners to keep in mind when attending a birthday dinner in China. Use chopsticks like this: hold them about one-third of the way from the top with your thumb and pointer finger, and rest the bottom chopstick on your ring finger. Don’t stick your chopsticks straight up into your rice bowl, because that’s considered bad luck. Don’t share food with your own chopsticks. Instead, use the special chopsticks that are provided for taking food from shared dishes. Be quiet while you eat, and finish everything on your plate before asking for more.
I hope these tips will help you behave properly as a guest at Helen’s birthday dinner. See you soon!
Li Hua
②so that以便
③keep in mind牢记
①As for gifts, I suggest you buy her something that represents Chinese culture, such as a silk scarf or a tea set. (that引导定语从句)
②Don’t stick your chopsticks straight up into your rice bowl, because that’s considered bad luck. (祈使句否定形式;because引导原因状语从句)
提示:1) wait for the elder people to eat first;
2) not stick your chopsticks into the food;
Dear Lucy,
Liu Fang
Dear Lucy,
Glad to hear from you. You must be excited about coming to China soon.
You want to know some table manners in China. Let me give you some suggestions about Chinese customs.
If there are elder people at the table, we are supposed to wait for them to eat first. You know in China we use chopsticks to eat instead of knives and forks. But there are some rules we should follow. First, it’s impolite to point at someone with chopsticks. Second, we are not supposed to stick them into the food.
It’s not easy to remember all of them. But you can watch what other people do at the table. Just do as the Romans do. Hope you have a great time in China, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Liu Fang
①be supposed to 应该做某事
②instead of 而不是
③look forward to doing sth 期待做某事
①If there are elder people at the table, we are supposed to wait for them to eat first.(if引导条件状语从句)
②Just do as the Romans do.(谚语“入乡随俗”)
Visiting is not a kind of social manners, but also away of human communication. However, without paying attention to some details, it’s easy to be against the social manners and rules and leave a bad impression. When we visit a family, there are some things that can not be done.
First, don’t enter other rooms without being invited because the host will have a living room or dining room which is arranged (安排). Some other rooms will be locked up. Maybe there are some personal things or things that are not very tidy. If we enter the rooms without permission, we will make the host feel uncomfortable.
Second, don’t flip through (翻阅) the host’s things easily. Books, diaries and computer documents are their personal things. So they should not be looked through by others. If we do, it will cause unnecessary trouble to the owner. We should respect others and be respected by others.
Third, don’t mistake each other’s identities (身份). When being a guest at home of others, we should follow the custom of the treat. 2 The host picks up the wineglass (酒杯) and the guests can eat. The host shows respect when picking up dishes and the guests are not easy to eat distant (远处的) dishes, show their politeness
In addition, don’t grab food with your hands, don’t chew (咀嚼) loudly, don’t talk with food in your mouth, because these are all impolite performances. We should also not compete with others for food, which will make a bad impression on others.
Finally, don’t forget to give gifts. Giving gifts is s also a social manner that can improve relationships. Taking a small gift is a way to express thanks and respect, and it is also a traditional habit.
In short, when going to others’ home, we must know the manners and respect others’ feelings, in order to make the host family feel comfortable and warm.
52.The underlined word “they” refers to .
53.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
54.Why should we take a gift when we visit our friend’s home
55.Both Zhang Yan and Tang Na go to Tom’s home. Zhang visits Tom’s all rooms including bedrooms. Tang rushes to eat the same dishes with Tom. behavior(s) make(s) Tom uncomfortable. (横线上填写一个单词)
56.Please give a proper title to this passage.
【答案】52.books, diaries and computer (documents) or (their) personal things 53.东家不饮客不餐/如果主人不举起酒杯,客人便不进餐(含意类似的翻译都可以)。 54.Because giving gifts is also a social manner that can improve relationships./Because taking a small gift/It is a way to express thankful and respect, and it is also a traditional habit./Because taking a small
gift/It is a way to express thankful and respect./Because it is also a traditional habit. 55.Their 56.Some things that can not be done during visiting/Some things we can’t do during visiting./Some details we should know when visiting.
52.根据“Books, diaries and computer documents are their personal things. So they should not be looked through by others”可知,书籍、日记和电脑文件都是他们的私人物品。所以它们不应该被别人浏览。they指的是书籍、日记和电脑文件或私人物品。故填books, diaries and computer (documents) or (their) personal things。
53.The host“主人”;picks up the wineglass (酒杯)“举起酒杯”;and“并且”;the guests can eat“客人可以吃”。整合一下,翻译为“如果主人不举起酒杯,客人便不进餐”,更文雅一点就是“东家不饮客不餐”。故填:东家不饮客不餐/如果主人不举起酒杯,客人便不进餐(含意类似的翻译都可以)。
54.根据“Finally, don’t forget to give gifts. Giving gifts is s also a social manner that can improve relationships. Taking a small gift is a way to express thanks and respect, and it is also a traditional habit.”可知,因为送礼也是一种社交方式,可以改善人际关系。/因为送小礼物是一种表达感激和尊重的方式,也是一种传统习惯。/因为带一个小礼物是一种表达感激和尊重的方式。/因为这也是一种传统习惯。故填Because giving gifts is also a social manner that can improve relationships./Because taking a small gift/It is a way to express thankful and respect, and it is also a traditional habit./Because taking a small gift/It is a way to express thankful and respect./Because it is also a traditional habit.
55.根据“Both Zhang Yan and Tang Na go to Tom’s home. Zhang visits Tom’s all rooms including bedrooms. Tang rushes to eat the same dishes with Tom....behavior(s) make(s) Tom uncomfortable.”可知,是指张燕和唐娜的行为,应用形容词性物主代词their。故填Their。
56.根据“When we visit a family, there are some things that can not be done.”和全文可知,文章主要介绍了有些事情在参观期间不能做/有些事情我们在参观期间无法做/我们参观时应该了解一些细节。故填Some things that can not be done during visiting/Some things we can’t do during visiting./Some details we should know when visiting.
Giving gifts is a tradition as old as mankind itself. It has always been a part of our society.
When you give a gift to someone, it tells them that they are special to you. We give and receive gifts for many occasions (场合), like birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc. In fact, gift-giving is so necessary to our world that many countries developed interesting traditions around it. Here are some of the most interesting ones.
When giving a gift in Japan, you should be very careful. It is not good to surprise them, as they will be embarrassed if they cannot immediately return something to the gift giver. The gift is usually given in private, and it is not common to open it immediately.
South Korea
In South Korea, it’s very rude to give or receive a gift using only one hand, especially if it is the left hand. You must always use both hands. Korean New Year’s greeting cards or gifts are never with a mainly red color, as it is used for announcing funerals (宣告葬礼). Also, don’t give gifts that come in sets of four as they stand for death there.
When giving a gift in India, you should always use your right hand. Using the left hand is impolite as that hand is considered unclean. If giving money in India, try to give a sum (金额) that ends with 1. Odd numbers (奇数) are seen as very lucky in India. The number 1 is especially lucky as it means a new beginning.
In Russia, you should never give someone yellow flowers as yellow is the symbol of ending a relationship or betrayal (背叛). As COVID-19 has changed our life greatly, many gift givers choose to send gifts online instead of sending gifts in person.
57.When you give a gift to someone, it tells them that .
58.In Japan, it’s common to give gifts rather than in public.
59.You can’t use one hand, especially the to give or receive a gift in South Korea.
60.In India, the number 1 is quite lucky as it means .
61.You mustn’t give to others unless you want to end a relationship in Russia.
【答案】57.they are special to you 58.in private 59.left hand 60.a new beginning 61.yellow flowers
57.根据“When you give a gift to someone, it tells them that they are special to you.”可知,当你给别人一份礼物时,它告诉他们,他们对你来说是特别的。故填they are special to you。
58.根据“The gift is usually given in private”可知,在日本,礼物通常是私下送的。故填in private。
59.根据“In South Korea, it’s very rude to give or receive a gift using only one hand, especially if it is the left hand.”可知,在韩国,不能用一只手,尤其是左手送或收礼物。故填left hand。
60.根据“The number 1 is especially lucky as it means a new beginning.”可知,在印度,数字1特别幸运,因为它意味着一个新的开始。故填a new beginning。
61.根据“In Russia, you should never give someone yellow flowers as yellow is the symbol of ending a relationship or betrayal (背叛).”可知,在俄罗斯,除非你想结束一段关系,否则你不能给别人送黄色的花。故填yellow flowers。



上一篇:2023 年秋学期小学三年级英语期末检测试题(含答案无听力原文和音频)
