2024年中考英语复习 补全对话 15篇 江西省 二模 模拟汇编(含答案)

2024年中考英语复习 补全对话 15篇 江西省 二模 模拟汇编(22-24)
(Mike is talking with Wendy in the classroom. Mike=M, Wendy=W)
M: Good morning, Wendy.
W: Good morning, Mike. How was your holiday
M: Great! 1 It was beautiful. Now I can check one more thing off my list.
W: Your list Can you tell me something about it
M: Sure. 2
W: That’s interesting. How many of the things on your list have you done so far
M: 3 I have some pictures. Would you like to see them
W: Of course.
M: 4 And here I am in a hot air balloon.
W: When did you do that I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon.
M: It was two years ago.
W: What are your plans for the next holiday
M: 5 Do you have any other suggestion
W: You can go to visit the Please Touch Museum in California. It’s one of the best museums I’ve been to.
M: OK. I’ll put it on my list.
A.Almost half.
B.I’ve never been to the special museum.
C.Here I am on the top of Mount Taishan.
D.When I was ten, I made a list of things I wanted to do someday.
E.I made a study plan in my childhood.
F.I climbed Mount Taishan.
G.I’m thinking of deep-sea diving in Australia.
(2024·江西赣州·二模)请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从下面的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂圈。 一空一句。
(A reporter is interviewing Nelly about his visit to the Film Park. R-Reporter N-Nelly)
R: Hello, I am the reporter from Seven Radio. 6
N: The tour of the Film Park was my favorite.
R: 7
N: I really like it. Although it was only a model, it looked very real!
R: 8
N: No, we didn’t, but we did visit a film set after the tour. They needed some more actors for the scene.
R: Oh, really 9
N: Yes, I did. It was really interesting.
R: 10
N: To be honest, it was a piece of cake!
A.Did you enjoy working as an actor
B.What was the best part of your visit
C.Did you have any difficultly in acting
D.Did you visit any film sets after the tour
E.What do you think of the Dinosaur World
F.What did you like about the Film Park tour
G.Did you see any famous stars at the film park
(Anna and Kevin are talking at Anna’s home. Anna=A, Kevin=K)
A: Good morning, Kevin. Welcome to my house.
K: Thank you, Anna. Wow, you have so many plants at home.
A: Yes, I like them.
K: 11
A: Because I think they can make my house more beautiful.
K: Well. 12
A: Yes, but it’s interesting. Do you also like plants
K: Yes, I do. 13
A: Why
K: Because they can play with me.
A: That must be interesting. What animals do you keep
K: 14
A: Great! Dogs are friendly animals and cats are very lovely. When do you play with them
K: 15 I take them for a walk and play with them.
A.Why do you like them
B.Two dogs and a cat.
C.But I like animals better.
D.It’s not easy to grow them.
E.How do you look after them.
F.Keeping small animals is not an easy thing.
G.Every morning and evening.
(Ann and Ben are talking about an air purifier(净化器). A=Ann, B=Ben)
A: Good morning, Ben!
B: Good morning, Ann. I haven’t seen you for several days. Where have you been
A: 16
B: Back from Shanghai For holiday or for business
A: For holiday. 17 Look, it’s around my neck. You know, I like clean air.
B: We all do. Does it work well
A: Yes, it works well. 18 Air pollution has brought me health problems.
B: It’s really a great invention!
A: So it is. It’s said that indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air.
B: How much is it
A: 19
B: I’d like to buy one, too.
A: Why not 20
B: That’s great! Your friends will be thankful to you.
A.So I do.
B.It’s 200 yuan.
C.I’ll tell my friends about the great invention.
D.It can help clean the air around me.
E.And I bought an air purifier there.
F.I’ve just come back from Shanghai.
G.You can’t buy one here.
(2023·江西南昌·二模)A: Hello
B: Hi, John, sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn’t wake you up.
A: 21 I haven’t gone to bed yet.
B: Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday
A: No. I didn’t hear that. 22
B: Yeah, Sarah told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about it.
A: 23 Bill’s a nice guy.
B: Yeah, I know.
A: 24
B: She didn’t say.
A: I see. Well, if you talk to Sarah again, tell her there’s a job opening at my company. 25
B: Oh, thank you so much. I’ll tell her.
A.Are you sure
B.That’s too bad.
C.What happened to him
D.Why did they fire him
E.Why is Sarah unhappy these days
F.Actually, I was just doing some work.
G.Bill can have an interview this week if he wants.
(2023·江西景德镇·二模)(Billy and Tim are talking on the way home before the first day of the graduation exams.)
A: Good morning, Billy!
B: Good morning, Tim! We are leaving junior high school after the exams. I feel very sad.
A: Me, too.
B: 26
A: It’s my pleasure.
B: 27 They gave us too much.
A: Yes. It’s hard for us to say goodbye. Our school life is unforgettable.
B: You’re right. 28
A: I hope to pass the exams to get into senior high school.
B: I trust you because you’re the most excellent in our class. 29
A: I think you’ll be successful. By the way, our head teacher told me that we would have a graduation party the next day after the exams. Would you like to come
B: 30 It’s the moment we have a get together.
A.But I’m going to an art school.
B.Thanks for your help during my stay here.
C.Your plan is pretty good.
D.Sure, I’d love to.
E.I’ll miss our teachers and classmates..
F.Sorry, I can’t.
G.What do you hope to do after you graduate
(Betty meets Tina at the school gate in the morning. B=Betty, T=Tina)
B: Hello, Tina. You look sad today. 31
T: I made Wendy unhappy and I don’t know what to do about it.
B: 32
T: I laughed at her this morning.
B: 33
T: She wore a thick sweater on such a hot day and looked silly. I couldn’t help laughing. Was that a big deal
B: 34 Nobody will feel OK if his best friend laughs at him.
T: I regret doing that. What should I do
B: 35
T: You’re right. I will do something to beg (乞求) her pardon.
A.Don’t worry.
B.I’m afraid so.
C.What happened
D.Why did you do that
E.What’s the matter with you
F.When did you make her unhappy
G.I think you should say sorry to her.
(2023·江西九江·二模)Lucy and Jane are shopping in the supermarket. Lucy=L Jane=J.
L:Hi, Jane! I didn’t know you were coming to the supermarket this afternoon.
J: 36
L:Why on Tuesdays
J:Because there are not so many shoppers on Tuesdays.
L:I usually shop on Mondays. 37
J:Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better today.
L:Yes, thank you.
J:I’m going to buy some apples.
L: 38 I want to get some apples, too.
J:Sure. I like sweet red apples. How about you
L: 39
J:These mushrooms(蘑菇)look very good. I think I’ll buy some.
L: 40
J:I’ll make some mushroom soup.
A.Could I help you
B.May I go with you
C.I prefer the crisp green ones.
D.I feel better now, thank you.
E.But I didn’t feel well yesterday.
F.I always shop at the supermarket on Tuesdays.
G.What kind of dish are you going to make with them
( David and his classmate Betty are talking at school. D=David B=Betty)
B: Hi, David!
D: Welcome back, Betty! 41
B: We had quite a good time in Beijing last weekend.
D: 42
B: We took a tour to the Summer Palace and Tian’anmen Square.
D: That sounds great! But now we’d better get back to work. 43
B: There’s nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.
D: And after the exam, there’s the school leavers’ party. 44
B: I’d love to.
D: 45
B: I’m looking forward to it.
A.Do you like it
B.What did you do there
C.How was your holiday
D.Would you like to join us
E.So this week will not be fun.
F.I’m sure we’ll have a great time!
G.We’re going to have a big exam this week.
A: Look! 46
B: Yes, ping-pong is popular with people of all ages in our country.
A: 47
B: No. It’s said that it was first played in England in the l800s.
A: Wow, it really has a long history. 48
B: China, Japan, Australia, Germany and Russia. But almost all of the world’s best players are Chinese.
A: That’s right! 49
B: Let’s play ping-pong together in our spare time.
A: Good idea. I know you’re good at it. 50
B: How about this Sunday afternoon
A: OK! See you then.
A.When will you be free this week
B.Do you like playing ping-pong, too
C.Was ping-pong first played in China
D.Ping-pong is the most popular sport now.
E.Those young children are playing ping-pong so well.
F.Where are the best ping-pong teams from today
G.They’re really excellent.
(2022·江西南昌·二模)(Henry is dropping by Claire now. H = Henry, C=Claire;)
C:Hello, Henry. Come in.
H:Oh, sorry. You’re having lunch.
C:No, this is breakfast. 51
H:Someone told me you’re going away after Christmas.
C: 52
H:What a life you lead, Claire. What time do you leave for the airport
C:Oh, at about ten in the morning. 53
H:I can drive you to the airport.
C: 54
H:I’m free on Wednesday mornings. I’d like to see you off.
C:Thanks a lot. 55
H:No problem. See you then.
A.That’s so nice of you, but I can take a taxi.
B.Yes, I’m going to New York on Wednesday.
C.Most of people must be sleeping at that time.
D.Then let’s meet at 9:50 on Wednesday morning.
E.We can talk on the phone as long as you’re free.
F.I stayed up late working on the report last night.
G.I don’t like to fly at night though it’s much cheaper.
(2022·江西景德镇·二模)A: Li Hua, do you know Ren Zhengfei
B: 56 He is the CEO of Huawei.
A: Right. He has made Huawei famous around the world.
B: And Huawei’s 5 G also leads in the same field.
A: Now, many things made in China are popular in the world. Can you give some examples
B: Yes. 57
A: So proud of all of these. Actually, we can also do something to make our country stronger. What do you think we students should do
B: 58
A: I agree. What are you going to be in the future
B: 59
A: Great! Wish all your dreams come true!
B: Thank you. 60
A.Yes, of course.
B.I hope so.
C.I don’t think so.
D.There are high-speed train, Alipay (支付宝), WeChat and so on.
E.Maybe we should do something.
F.We should work hard now and make us better in many ways.
G.I want to be a scientist to do something for our country.
(2022·江西九江·二模)请阅读下面对话, 根据对话内容从下面七个选项中选择五个填人空白处, 使对话通顺、合理, 意思完整, 一空一句。
A: Hi, Tom! Do you like mountain climbing
B: Yes, I like doing that very much. Last week I went to Mountain Tai with some friends.
A: Really 61 I really admire you. What do you think of it
B: It’s great. The sunrise viewed on the top of Mountain Tai was fantastic. We had a good time there.
A: 62
B: I’ve been there twice. It’s one of the most popular places.
A: 63
B: I heard it’s about 1,500 meters high. It took us five hours to get to the top.
A: That was really a long way. 64
B: That’s true. My legs still hurt now.
A: 65
B: You’re right. I plan to run for half an hour every day after I get up.
A: That sounds great.
A.You must have been tired.
B.Do you know how high it is
C.You can go there with me next time.
D.How long did you stay there
E.Maybe you need to exercise more.
F.I haven’t been there.
G.How many times have you ever been there
Josh: Hi Mark. What are you doing this evening
Mark: Not much. Why
Josh: Do you want to go to the cinema later
Mark: Maybe. 66
Josh: I’m not sure but we can find out on the Internet or go to the cinema to choose the best one.
Mark: All right. 67
Josh: OK. I’ll see you as soon as I finish my chemistry homework.
Mark: That won’t take you long. 68
Josh: OK. Shall I come to your house at 7:00 p. m. then
Mark: 69
Josh: No problem. I will do my homework quickly. How much money will I need
Mark: 70
Josh: Oh, great! See you later.
A.That would be a good idea.
B.Can you get here a bit earlier than that
C.Do you know which film are showing
D.I’ve already done it and it’s not difficult.
E.Could you wait for till I finish my homework
F.It’s OK because my mum’s given me some money.
G.Could you come to my house and we can walk there together
M: Hi! Janet! Are you free
W: Nothing much. What’s up
M: I want to write an article on how to protect the environment.
W: Good idea! Jim!
M: But I don’t know how to write it. 71
W: Well, first, you can start with turning off the lights when you leave a room.
M: Yes. 72 Because I often forget to do that. What’s next
W: Second, how about riding a bike to go to school Don’t take a car or a taxi if you don’t have to.
M: 73 What else
W: Try to recycle paper.
M: Hum...Newspapers, magazines, mails... 74
W: And last, take a bag with you when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags.
M: OK! My parents often go shopping. 75 Thanks a lot! I will begin my writing.
W: OK. Go a head.
A.They often buy a lot of things for me.
B.Would you like to give me a hand
C.We get a lot of paper at home.
D.That’s not easy.
E.That will save money, too.
F.Could I help you now
G.I’ll tell them about it.
1.F 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.G
6.B 7.E 8.G 9.A 10.C
11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.G
16.F 17.E 18.D 19.B 20.C
21.F 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.G
26.B 27.E 28.G 29.A 30.D
31.E 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.G
36.F 37.E 38.B 39.C 40.G
41.C 42.B 43.G 44.D 45.F
46.E 47.C 48.F 49.G 50.A
51.F 52.B 53.G 54.A 55.D
56.A 57.D 58.F 59.G 60.B
61.F 62.G 63.B 64.A 65.E
66.C 67.G 68.D 69.B 70.F
71.B 72.D 73.E 74.C 75.G



