
It was a cloudy afternoon. There was going to be a heavy ____1____. Even so, Bob didn’t want to go home. He just had a terrible argument with his mom and ran out of the ____2____. Sitting down near a park where many children were playing with their parents, Bob felt a little ____3____. After a while, a little girl with a ball in her hands came towards Bob and invited him to ____4____ with her. Bob had a good time with the little girl and almost forgot his ____5____.
____6____, nobody came or took the girl home when it began to rain. The girl, however, seemed fine. She told Bob that her parents were busy ____7____ snacks across the road but they always kept an eye on her. This made Bob wonder whether his parents were also ____8____ him.
In the end, he took the little girl to her parents’ vending cart(售货摊)and then ran home quickly. The moment Bob opened the ____9____, his mom was close to tears. She shouted, “Where have you been I _____10_____ you everywhere! See how wet your coat is! Don’t ask for my help even if you get a cold tonight!” But Bob knew she wasn’t angry anymore.
( ) 1. A. snow B. rain C. fog D. wind
( ) 2. A. store B. park C. house D. hotel
( ) 3. A. lonely B. funny C. nervous D. crazy
( ) 4. A. walk B. talk C. stay D. play
( ) 5. A. illness B. sadness C. wish D. doubt
( ) 6. A. Angrily B. Interestingly C. Surprisingly D. Frighteningly
( ) 7. A. making B. eating C. taking D. selling
( ) 8. A. worried about B. excited about C. strict with D. ashamed of
( ) 9. A. eye B. mouth C. door D. window
( ) 10. A. called on B. looked for C. asked about D. sent for
Ding Yiteng received his early education in America where his mother was doing her medical research.At first, he couldn't 1 others at school and had few friends there. What's worse, when he and his 2 returned to China after the sixth grade, Ding couldn't be accepted by kids in China, either.
Difficulties shaped (塑造) Ding's 3 to communicate with others, and loneliness caused his wish to express himself. In college, Ding became 4 in theatre and spent most of his time acting. His 5 for Chinese opera became stronger while acting in Denmark in 2015. A picture of Peking Opera performer Mei Lanfang on the wall of the Danish theatre company made him feel 6 .
"I felt great need for Chinese culture and its greatness," Ding said. And then Ding 7
all his time and energy studying Chinese dramas and showing traditional plays, like Tou 0Yuan, in a new way.
"I understand the Western perspective (视角) of art and beauty, and I love Chinese culture," said Ding. "So 8 can't l be the one who integrates(融合) different cultures "
He 9 a new method of theatre acting and expression--"The Modern Format". It integrates traditional Chinese cultural elements with contemporary performance techniques (现代表演技巧).
10 , because of his hard work, he became the winner of the "New Prominent Chinese Director" award in 2018 with Tou 0 Yuan.
1.( ) A. help B. beat C. remember D. understand
2.( ) A. father B. mother C. teacher D. friend
3.( ) A. opinion B. victory C. ability D. pleasure
4.( ) A. interested B. successful C. rich D. weak
5.( ) A. wish B. love C. change D. reason
6.( ) A. worried B. brave C. proud D. ashamed
7.( ) A. spent B. wasted C. lost D. saved
8.( ) A. how B. why C. when D. where
9.( ) A. changed B. bought C. forgot D. created
10.( ) A. Actually B. Instead C. Finally D. However
Do you like eating guoba Do you know that someone postponed graduation just because he wanted to make it This is what happened to Du Haotian, a graduate studentfrom Shanxi.
Guoba is 1 made from rice, but Du chose coloured potatoes to make it in Zhenba, a small town in Shanxi. A lot of 2 there make a living by growing and selling potatoes. Zhenba is far from cities, so it's 3 for the villagers to go to the cities to sell potatoes.
For that, Du 4 his university's coloured potatoes to the villagers. The coloured potatoes look and taste better. At first, Du and his team wanted to make coloured 5 with the villagers’ potatoes, but they didn’t have the equipment (设备). Later, they 6 the idea of making coloured guoba and they asked a factory to make some first. Du then took the guoba to his university and sold it 7 .“ We made 10,000 yuan in an hour on some apps ,” he said 8 . Du and his team decided to build a guoba factory in Zhenba. However, as a student, Du was under pressure (压力) to graduate at the same time.
“I asked my 9 for a one-year postponement. My teachers and classmates told me not to do that, but I wanted to help the villagers ,” he said.Last year, they built a guoba factory. One of the villagers said Du was the father of the coloured guoba.“It 10 my heart,” Du said.
1.( ) A. seldom B. never C. hardly D. usually
2.( ) A. businessmen B. factories C. students D. villagers
3.( ) A. difficult B. impossible C. easy D. possible
4.( ) A. introduced B. asked C. reminded D. taught
5.( ) A. dishes B. food C. potato chips D. French fries
6.( ) A. caught up with B. took out C. thought of D. depended on
7.( ) A. in the market B. on the campus C. on the Internet D. in the school
8.( ) A. sadly B. excitedly C. luckily D. exactly
9.( ) A. parent B. manager C. universities D. customer
10.( ) A. cooled B. warmed C. calmed D. softened
Ben Underwood was a British teenage boy. He lived a 1 life like other kids. But in one way, Ben was different from most other teenagers—he was 2 . However, Ben had a special talent. He didn’t have eyes but he could still ‘see’.
Ben was born on 26 January 1992. For the first two years of his life, Ben was a happy and healthy baby. However, when Ben was two years old, his life 3 . In 1994, he was taken to the hospital because he had problems with his eyes. The doctors 4 his eyes and told his mother the bad news—Ben had cancer. The doctors had to remove (去掉) his eyes and Ben became blind.
When he was three, Ben learned how to see buildings with his 5 . He listened very 6 and he could hear noises bounce off (反弹) buildings. Then when Ben was seven, he learned to click. He made clicking 7 with his mouth and listened for the noises that bounced back from things. This is the same way dolphins see things underwater and bats see in the 8 .
Ben travelled to different countries and talked to people about his life. He taught people that anything is possible and we should 9 give up. Many people 10 him. They thought Ben inspired them and helped them feel strong.
( ) 1. A. normal B. difficult C. smart D. different
( ) 2. A. able B. deaf C. blind D. brave
( ) 3. A. improved B. decided C. failed D. changed
( ) 4. A looked after B. looked over C. looked for D. looked up
( ) 5. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. head
( ) 6. A. suddenly B. quickly C. carefully D. easily
( ) 7. A. efforts B. mistakes C. noises D. lives
( ) 8. A. dark B. light C. garden D. dream
( ) 9. A. seldom B. never C. ever D. hardly
( ) 10. A. admired B. behaved C. bullied D. appeared
There was once a famous scientist who made several important discoveries.Once he was asked how he was able to be so 1 . He replied that it all came from an experience he had with his mother when he was two years old. He was trying to take a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator.But the bottle was too slippery and he 2 it.The kitchen floor was 3 with milk.
When his mother came into the kitchen. 4 shouting at him or punishing him, she said, "Robert, how great and wonderful it is!I have never seen such a huge puddle of milk.Would you like to play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up."
So he did. After a few minutes, they cleaned it up together.Then his mother said, "This was a 5 experiment in how to carry a big bottle of milk with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the backyard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can find a way to 6 it without dropping it."
The little boy finally learned that if he 7 the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.What a wonderful 8 it is!
The scientist then added that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid of making mistakes.He learned that mistakes are just 9 to learn something new—which is,after all,what scientific experiments are all about.Even if the experiment doesn't "work",we can still learn something 10 from it.
1.( ) A. humorous B. creative C. active D. successful
2.( )A. dropped B. put C. caught D. held
3.( ) A. crowded B. cleaned C. filled D. covered
4.( ) A. thanks to B. instead of C. in addition to D. because of
5.( ) A. failed B. challenging C. excellent D. difficult
6.( ) A. share B. serve C. move D. carry
7.( ) A. held B. put C. brought D. pulled
8.( ) A. mother B. bottle C. story D. lesson
9.( ) A. wishes B. chances C. difficulties D. results
10.( ) A. correct B. interesting C. valuable D. necessary
When I was a college student , I lived alone in my dorm , far away from home and family. My life was on repeat: class, dining room, study, sleep. Then one day, a friend 1 me to attend a study-abroad programme in Italy.
At first, I felt uncertain and 2 , for I had never been on a train before, let alone left the country. Then some students who had attended the programme 3 their travel stories in Italy. They told me how studying abroad opened their eyes to the world. So I 4 to step out of my comfort-zone and began to expect things in the future.
The experience turned out to be a turning point my life. It set me free from my small world and showed me a big different world I had never 5 . By the time the programme was over , I had 6 many cities, museums, and places with a long history. I had also climbed 2 mountains and met hundreds of other 7 . I used to be shy, but now I’m no longer afraid to take 8 .
For those who always say “ one day I will travel ” or “ I would love to travel but...”, I encourage them to do it now. Get out of your comfort zone and do what you have always dreamed of doing. It’s not that 9 . The best part of all is that it will change your life 10 .
1.( ) A. ordered B. allowed C. encouraged D. followed
2.( )A. excited B. angry C. bored D. nervous
3.( ) A. shared B. reported C. supported D. imagined
4.( ) A. asked B. hated C. decided D. agreed
5.( ) A. laughed at B. Thought of C. compared with D. helped with
6.( ) A. built B. organized C. received D. explored
7.( ) A. travellers B. doctors C. writers D. teachers
8.( ) A. exams B. adventures C. advice D. exercise
9.( ) A. natural B. unusual C. helpful D. difficult
10.( ) A. completely B. hardly C. carefully D. mainly
A little girl named Paranka worked with the old cook of a rich person's house, remembering all of her delicious recipes . The old cook 1 Paranka deeply and they worked happily together.
One day, the old cook 2 became ill and couldn't cook anymore. She hoped Paranka would take over the running of the 3 . But the next day, the lady of the house said, “Paranka, I'm afraid you are too 4 to cook for me and my important guests. I have found a new head cook.” Paranka's heart sank , but she did not 5 .
That afternoon, Olya came. She was 6 and bragged that she'd cooked for the finest people in Europe. Days passed. Whenever a meal couldn't make the lady pleased, Olya told the lady it was others’ 7 .
One day, Olya ordered Paranka to make a dessert and said, “If the lady likes it, tell her I made it.” Paranka made the dessert and served it. In the dining room, an important guest was sitting there with the lady.
“It’s 8 !” shouted the guest. He turned to the lady. “ I must have your 9 . She must come to my house and make this wonderful dessert for my guests.”
The lady 10 and ordered Olya to go with the guest. Olya was completely surprised and went away with the guest later.
1.( ) A. hated B. loved C. obeyed D. touched
2.( )A. nearly B. separately C. suddenly D. confidently
3.( ) A. house B. kitchen C. garden D. room
4.( ) A. young B. careless C. weak D. cool
5.( ) A. trust B. pretend C. satisfy D. complain
6.( ) A. cruel B. proud C. bored D. frightened
7.( ) A. hobby B. dream C. fault D. rule
8.( ) A. silly B. simple C. awful D. delicious
9.( ) A. teacher B. relative C. cook D. guest
10.( ) A. attacked B. agreed C. refused D. punished
I went on a business trip to China years ago with my British co-workers. There, I tried hot pot for the first time, and it turned out to be the best part of the journey. 1 a local place to eat, we walked around a few streets where English was 2 to be heard. We finally found a small 3 whose windows were filled with steam.
The moment we walked in, our waitress could feel that we didn't know what to do. 4 , she took control. She brought out a pot, a stove, and two plates. Then, she took us to the table of meat, vegetables, and dumplings. She strongly 5 what kinds food we should choose.
To make sure that we enjoyed ourselves, our waitress watched our table every now and then. Each time she felt that we had a(n) 6 . she visited us to make things right.
After a while, our faces all turned 7 from the spicy food. Seeing this, our waitress told us one way to 8 the spiciness is to make a dipping sauce and cover the food with this just before eating it.
Our meal in China was fun and educational. Hot pot is much more than just the food - it's a social practice. It's a way to bring people 9 when you share a meal.
As our waitress said on her last visit to our table, “You don't ‘hot pot' with people you don't 10 .”
1.( ) A. Looking after B. Looking into C. Looking up D. Looking for
2.( )A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
3.( ) A. cafe B. restaurant C. market D. hotel
4.( ) A. Sadly B. Surprisingly C. Strangely D. Luckily
5.( ) A. suggested B. supported C. ordered D. provided
6.( ) A. success B. difficulty C. argument D. excuse
7.( ) A. pale B. green C. red D. blue
8.( ) A. add B. reduce C. improve D. taste
9.( ) A. food B. concern C. pleasure D. trouble
10.( ) A. like B. hate C. believe D. need
It was a cloudy afternoon. There was going to be a heavy ____1____. Even so, Bob didn’t want to go home. He just had a terrible argument with his mom and ran out of the ____2____. Sitting down near a park where many children were playing with their parents, Bob felt a little ____3____. After a while, a little girl with a ball in her hands came towards Bob and invited him to ____4____ with her. Bob had a good time with the little girl and almost forgot his ____5____.
____6____, nobody came or took the girl home when it began to rain. The girl, however, seemed fine. She told Bob that her parents were busy ____7____ snacks across the road but they always kept an eye on her. This made Bob wonder whether his parents were also ____8____ him.
In the end, he took the little girl to her parents’ vending cart(售货摊)and then ran home quickly. The moment Bob opened the ____9____, his mom was close to tears. She shouted, “Where have you been I _____10_____ you everywhere! See how wet your coat is! Don’t ask for my help even if you get a cold tonight!” But Bob knew she wasn’t angry anymore.
( B ) 1. A. snow B. rain C. fog D. wind
( C ) 2. A. store B. park C. house D. hotel
( A ) 3. A. lonely B. funny C. nervous D. crazy
( D ) 4. A. walk B. talk C. stay D. play
( B ) 5. A. illness B. sadness C. wish D. doubt
( C ) 6. A. Angrily B. Interestingly C. Surprisingly D. Frighteningly
( D ) 7. A. making B. eating C. taking D. selling
( A ) 8. A. worried about B. excited about C. strict with D. ashamed of
( C ) 9. A. eye B. mouth C. door D. window
( B ) 10. A. called on B. looked for C. asked about D. sent for
Ding Yiteng received his early education in America where his mother was doing her medical research.At first, he couldn't 1 others at school and had few friends there. What's worse, when he and his 2 returned to China after the sixth grade, Ding couldn't be accepted by kids in China, either.
Difficulties shaped (塑造) Ding's 3 to communicate with others, and loneliness caused his wish to express himself. In college, Ding became 4 in theatre and spent most of his time acting. His 5 for Chinese opera became stronger while acting in Denmark in 2015. A picture of Peking Opera performer Mei Lanfang on the wall of the Danish theatre company made him feel 6 .
"I felt great need for Chinese culture and its greatness," Ding said. And then Ding 7
all his time and energy studying Chinese dramas and showing traditional plays, like Tou 0Yuan, in a new way.
"I understand the Western perspective (视角) of art and beauty, and I love Chinese culture," said Ding. "So 8 can't l be the one who integrates(融合) different cultures "
He 9 a new method of theatre acting and expression--"The Modern Format". It integrates traditional Chinese cultural elements with contemporary performance techniques (现代表演技巧).
10 , because of his hard work, he became the winner of the "New Prominent Chinese Director" award in 2018 with Tou 0 Yuan.
1.( D ) A. help B. beat C. remember D. understand
2.( B ) A. father B. mother C. teacher D. friend
3.( C ) A. opinion B. victory C. ability D. pleasure
4.( A ) A. interested B. successful C. rich D. weak
5.( B ) A. wish B. love C. change D. reason
6.( C ) A. worried B. brave C. proud D. ashamed
7.( A ) A. spent B. wasted C. lost D. saved
8.( B ) A. how B. why C. when D. where
9.( D ) A. changed B. bought C. forgot D. created
10.( C ) A. Actually B. Instead C. Finally D. However
Do you like eating guoba Do you know that someone postponed graduation just because he wanted to make it This is what happened to Du Haotian, a graduate studentfrom Shanxi.
Guoba is 1 made from rice, but Du chose coloured potatoes to make it in Zhenba, a small town in Shanxi. A lot of 2 there make a living by growing and selling potatoes. Zhenba is far from cities, so it's 3 for the villagers to go to the cities to sell potatoes.
For that, Du 4 his university's coloured potatoes to the villagers. The coloured potatoes look and taste better. At first, Du and his team wanted to make coloured 5 with the villagers’ potatoes, but they didn’t have the equipment (设备). Later, they 6 the idea of making coloured guoba and they asked a factory to make some first. Du then took the guoba to his university and sold it 7 .“ We made 10,000 yuan in an hour on some apps ,” he said 8 . Du and his team decided to build a guoba factory in Zhenba. However, as a student, Du was under pressure (压力) to graduate at the same time.
“I asked my 9 for a one-year postponement. My teachers and classmates told me not to do that, but I wanted to help the villagers ,” he said.Last year, they built a guoba factory. One of the villagers said Du was the father of the coloured guoba.“It 10 my heart,” Du said.
1.( D ) A. seldom B. never C. hardly D. usually
2.( D ) A. businessmen B. factories C. students D. villagers
3.( A ) A. difficult B. impossible C. easy D. possible
4.( A ) A. introduced B. asked C. reminded D. taught
5.( C ) A. dishes B. food C. potato chips D. French fries
6.( C ) A. caught up with B. took out C. thought of D. depended on
7.( C ) A. in the market B. on the campus C. on the Internet D. in the school
8.( B ) A. sadly B. excitedly C. luckily D. exactly
9.( C ) A. parent B. manager C. universities D. customer
10.( B ) A. cooled B. warmed C. calmed D. softened
Ben Underwood was a British teenage boy. He lived a 1 life like other kids. But in one way, Ben was different from most other teenagers—he was 2 . However, Ben had a special talent. He didn’t have eyes but he could still ‘see’.
Ben was born on 26 January 1992. For the first two years of his life, Ben was a happy and healthy baby. However, when Ben was two years old, his life 3 . In 1994, he was taken to the hospital because he had problems with his eyes. The doctors 4 his eyes and told his mother the bad news—Ben had cancer. The doctors had to remove (去掉) his eyes and Ben became blind.
When he was three, Ben learned how to see buildings with his 5 . He listened very 6 and he could hear noises bounce off (反弹) buildings. Then when Ben was seven, he learned to click. He made clicking 7 with his mouth and listened for the noises that bounced back from things. This is the same way dolphins see things underwater and bats see in the 8 .
Ben travelled to different countries and talked to people about his life. He taught people that anything is possible and we should 9 give up. Many people 10 him. They thought Ben inspired them and helped them feel strong.
( A ) 1. A. normal B. difficult C. smart D. different
( C ) 2. A. able B. deaf C. blind D. brave
( D ) 3. A. improved B. decided C. failed D. changed
( B ) 4. A looked after B. looked over C. looked for D. looked up
( B ) 5. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. head
( C ) 6. A. suddenly B. quickly C. carefully D. easily
( C ) 7. A. efforts B. mistakes C. noises D. lives
( A ) 8. A. dark B. light C. garden D. dream
( B ) 9. A. seldom B. never C. ever D. hardly
( A ) 10. A. admired B. behaved C. bullied D. appeared
There was once a famous scientist who made several important discoveries.Once he was asked how he was able to be so 1 . He replied that it all came from an experience he had with his mother when he was two years old. He was trying to take a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator.But the bottle was too slippery and he 2 it.The kitchen floor was 3 with milk.
When his mother came into the kitchen. 4 shouting at him or punishing him, she said, "Robert, how great and wonderful it is!I have never seen such a huge puddle of milk.Would you like to play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up."
So he did. After a few minutes, they cleaned it up together.Then his mother said, "This was a 5 experiment in how to carry a big bottle of milk with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the backyard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can find a way to 6 it without dropping it."
The little boy finally learned that if he 7 the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.What a wonderful 8 it is!
The scientist then added that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid of making mistakes.He learned that mistakes are just 9 to learn something new—which is,after all,what scientific experiments are all about.Even if the experiment doesn't "work",we can still learn something 10 from it.
1.( D ) A. humorous B. creative C. active D. successful
2.( A )A. dropped B. put C. caught D. held
3.( D ) A. crowded B. cleaned C. filled D. covered
4.( B ) A. thanks to B. instead of C. in addition to D. because of
5.( A ) A. failed B. challenging C. excellent D. difficult
6.( D ) A. share B. serve C. move D. carry
7.( A ) A. held B. put C. brought D. pulled
8.( D ) A. mother B. bottle C. story D. lesson
9.( B ) A. wishes B. chances C. difficulties D. results
10.( C ) A. correct B. interesting C. valuable D. necessary
When I was a college student , I lived alone in my dorm , far away from home and family. My life was on repeat: class, dining room, study, sleep. Then one day, a friend 1 me to attend a study-abroad programme in Italy.
At first, I felt uncertain and 2 , for I had never been on a train before, let alone left the country. Then some students who had attended the programme 3 their travel stories in Italy. They told me how studying abroad opened their eyes to the world. So I 4 to step out of my comfort-zone and began to expect things in the future.
The experience turned out to be a turning point my life. It set me free from my small world and showed me a big different world I had never 5 . By the time the programme was over , I had 6 many cities, museums, and places with a long history. I had also climbed 2 mountains and met hundreds of other 7 . I used to be shy, but now I’m no longer afraid to take 8 .
For those who always say “ one day I will travel ” or “ I would love to travel but...”, I encourage them to do it now. Get out of your comfort zone and do what you have always dreamed of doing. It’s not that 9 . The best part of all is that it will change your life 10 .
1.( C ) A. ordered B. allowed C. encouraged D. followed
2.( D )A. excited B. angry C. bored D. nervous
3.( A ) A. shared B. reported C. supported D. imagined
4.( C ) A. asked B. hated C. decided D. agreed
5.( B ) A. laughed at B. Thought of C. compared with D. helped with
6.( D ) A. built B. organized C. received D. explored
7.( A ) A. travellers B. doctors C. writers D. teachers
8.( B ) A. exams B. adventures C. advice D. exercise
9.( D ) A. natural B. unusual C. helpful D. difficult
10.( A ) A. completely B. hardly C. carefully D. mainly
A little girl named Paranka worked with the old cook of a rich person's house, remembering all of her delicious recipes . The old cook 1 Paranka deeply and they worked happily together.
One day, the old cook 2 became ill and couldn't cook anymore. She hoped Paranka would take over the running of the 3 . But the next day, the lady of the house said, “Paranka, I'm afraid you are too 4 to cook for me and my important guests. I have found a new head cook.” Paranka's heart sank , but she did not 5 .
That afternoon, Olya came. She was 6 and bragged that she'd cooked for the finest people in Europe. Days passed. Whenever a meal couldn't make the lady pleased, Olya told the lady it was others’ 7 .
One day, Olya ordered Paranka to make a dessert and said, “If the lady likes it, tell her I made it.” Paranka made the dessert and served it. In the dining room, an important guest was sitting there with the lady.
“It’s 8 !” shouted the guest. He turned to the lady. “ I must have your 9 . She must come to my house and make this wonderful dessert for my guests.”
The lady 10 and ordered Olya to go with the guest. Olya was completely surprised and went away with the guest later.
1.( B ) A. hated B. loved C. obeyed D. touched
2.( C )A. nearly B. separately C. suddenly D. confidently
3.( B ) A. house B. kitchen C. garden D. room
4.( A ) A. young B. careless C. weak D. cool
5.( D ) A. trust B. pretend C. satisfy D. complain
6.( B ) A. cruel B. proud C. bored D. frightened
7.( C ) A. hobby B. dream C. fault D. rule
8.( D ) A. silly B. simple C. awful D. delicious
9.( C ) A. teacher B. relative C. cook D. guest
10.( B ) A. attacked B. agreed C. refused D. punished
I went on a business trip to China years ago with my British co-workers. There, I tried hot pot for the first time, and it turned out to be the best part of the journey. 1 a local place to eat, we walked around a few streets where English was 2 to be heard. We finally found a small 3 whose windows were filled with steam.
The moment we walked in, our waitress could feel that we didn't know what to do. 4 , she took control. She brought out a pot, a stove, and two plates. Then, she took us to the table of meat, vegetables, and dumplings. She strongly 5 what kinds food we should choose.
To make sure that we enjoyed ourselves, our waitress watched our table every now and then. Each time she felt that we had a(n) 6 . she visited us to make things right.
After a while, our faces all turned 7 from the spicy food. Seeing this, our waitress told us one way to 8 the spiciness is to make a dipping sauce and cover the food with this just before eating it.
Our meal in China was fun and educational. Hot pot is much more than just the food - it's a social practice. It's a way to bring people 9 when you share a meal.
As our waitress said on her last visit to our table, “You don't ‘hot pot' with people you don't 10 .”
1.( D) A. Looking after B. Looking into C. Looking up D. Looking for
2.( C )A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
3.( B ) A. cafe B. restaurant C. market D. hotel
4.( D ) A. Sadly B. Surprisingly C. Strangely D. Luckily
5.( A ) A. suggested B. supported C. ordered D. provided
6.( B ) A. success B. difficulty C. argument D. excuse
7.( C ) A. pale B. green C. red D. blue
8.( B ) A. add B. reduce C. improve D. taste
9.( C ) A. food B. concern C. pleasure D. trouble
10.( A ) A. like B. hate C. believe D. need



