
人教版七年级下册期中试卷 英 语
时量: 120 分钟 满分: 120 分
一、听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选
1 . What can the boy's friend do?
A .Play the guitar . B .Play basketball . C .Play chess .
2 . What time does the boy usually getup?
A .At 6:45 am . B .At 7:15 am . C .At 7:30 am .
3 . How long does it take Mary togo to school on foot?
A .Six minutes . B .Ten minutes . C .Fifteen minutes .
4 . When does the girl clean her room?
A .Every day . B .On school nights . C .On weekends .
5 . What is Mike doing now?
A .Sleeping . B .Swimming . C .Doing his homework .
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
听下面 6 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有 2-3 个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选
听第六段对话,回答第 6、7 小题。
6 . What club does the girl want to join?
A .Dancing club . B .Singing club . C .Chess club .
7 . Why does the girl want to join it?
A .Because it's interesting .
B .Because she wants to learn about it .
C .Because she can dance well .
听第七段对话,回答第 8、9 小题。
7 . What is Laura like?
A .Lovely and kind . B .Outgoing and kind . C .Shy and quiet .
9 . What subject does Laura often help Sara with?
A .English . B .Chinese . C .Math .
听第八段对话,回答第 10、11 小题。
10. How does Steve get to school?
A .By bike . B .By bus . C .On foot .
11. How far is it from Steve's home to school?
A .About 4 kilometers . B .About 10 kilometers . C .About 30 kilometers .
第 1 页 共 8 页
听第九段对话,回答第 12 至 14 小题。
12. What are the two speakers talking about?
A .Visiting a school . B .Visiting a museum . C .Having a picnic .
13. Which sign is mentioned(提到) in the conversation?
A . B. C.
14. What's the probable relationship(关系) between the two speakers?
A .Mom and son . B .Teacher and student . C.Waitress and customer .
听第十段对话,回答第 15 至 17 小题。
15. Why does the boy like monkeys?
A .Because they're friendly .
B .Because they're clever .
C .Because they're brave .
16. Where did the girl go last week?
A .A park . B .A zoo . C .A circus(马戏团).
17. What animals do the two speakers both like?
A .Monkeys . B .Giraffes . C .Dogs .
听下面的独白,回答第 18 至 20 小题。
18. What do Sally and her sister do after breakfast?
A .Watch TV . B .Do sports . C .Go to work .
19. How many classes do Sally and her sister have everyday?
A .Six . B .Four . C .Two .
20. Why do Sally and her sister join the Chinese club?
A .Because they want to know about Chinese history .
B .Because they want to speak Chinese well .
C .Because they think Chinese is very interesting .
二、阅读(共三节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
My name is Mary .I work in a library .Here are the rules of the library .
▲Don't bring any bags into the reading room .
▲Don't eat in the reading room .
▲Keep quiet in the library .Don't answer the phone in the reading room .
▲You can borrow three books at one time and you can keep them for one month .
My name is Amy .I am a student .I'd like to tell you what you can't do in my school .
▲Don't be late for class .
▲Don't eat in class .
▲Don't fight .
▲Don't run in the hallways .
▲Wear the school uniform on school days .
第 2 页 共 8 页
21. If Mary goes to the library,she can .
A .eat apples in the reading room
B .borrow three books at one time
C .take her bag into the reading room
22. Mary and Amy are talking about .
A .uniforms B .books C .Rules




50 pm











Public speaking





Lucas Yu
22. Which two activities share a teacher?
A .Drawing and singing .
B .Drawing and dancing .
C .Singing and public speaking .
24. Each drawing lesson goes on for .
A .50 minutes B .one hour C .45 minutes
25. If Frank is free on Saturday afternoons ,what can he learn?
A .Singing . B .Drawing . C .Public speaking .
A beggar(乞丐) was sitting outside a temple(寺庙) begging.All he asked for was food . After begging for many hours under the hot sun ,he somehow got enough food to eat .He was
One day,a kind-hearted woman came to the temple and saw the beggar .She felt sorry for him and wanted to help him .She came to the temple every day to give him some food .She felt that one bag of food was not enough ,so she gave him two bags for each meal .This went on for
days .
Soon,the beggar stopped begging under the sun.Instead,he found a cool place under a tree
to sit and wait for the woman .He was happy that he didn't have to beg anymore .
But one day,the woman came late to the temple in the morning.The beggar said,“Ma'am,
第 3 页 共 8 页
please come on time .I can't be waiting here in hunger for you to come .And if you can ,please
bring some different kinds of food tomorrow .Eating the same food every day is boring .
Without saying a word ,the woman walked away .The beggar never saw her again .
26. Where did the beggar begat first?
A .In the sun outside a temple .
B .In a cool place .
C .Under a tree by the road .
27. What didn't the beggar ask when the woman came late?
A .To give him food on time .
B .To take food to the cool place .
C .To bring him new kinds of food .
28. The passage is developed by .
A .time B .space(空间) C .logic(逻辑)
29. Why did the woman walk away in the end?
A .Because she was hungry .
B .Because she was busy .
C .Because she was angry .
30. The story tries to tellus that .
A .it's impossible for a beggar to thankyou
B .kindness can make people smart
C .sometimes kindness can make people lazy
In April ,there is a special daywhen people remember their ancestors(祖先).It is Tomb Sweeping(扫墓) Day,also known as Qingming Festival .This year ,the day is on April 5 .
Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival .On this day ,families bring flowers , food and wine to the tombs of their ancestors .They put cakes and fruits in front of the tombs.After that,they sweep dirt(污垢)off the tombs and remember their dead family members .
Why do Chinese people do this?That's because people think that visiting tombs during
Qingming Festival is to show respect to their dead family members .
Tomb Sweeping Day is also a good time to start gardening and doing outdoor activities in
China .Families often get together for outings or to fly kites at this time .
Because of the Covid-19,many people have to stay at home so they can't sweep the tomb.To meet people's needs ,many Chinese cities have an online platform(平台) for this year's Tomb
Sweeping Day .It's a new way to remember our ancestors .
31. Which of the following about Qingming Festival is NOT true?
A .It’s a day to remember their dead families .
B .It is called Tomb Sleeping Day .
C .It falls on April 5 this year .
32 .People bring the following things to the tomb EXCEPT .
A .flowers and cakes B .fruits and wine C .food and dirt
33. What does the underlined word in paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
A .支持 B .祝愿 C .尊重
第 4 页 共 8 页
34. What is a different way to remember the ancestors this year?
A .To stay at home .
B .To remember them online .
C .To sweep the tomb .
35. Which sentence is about Tomb Sweeping Day?
A .East or west ,home is the best .
B .The rain flies heavily as Qingming draws .
C .The moon rising above the sea ,we share ,far,far away .
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
In 2003,China sent its first astronaut(宇航员),Yang Liwei,into space(太空).Since then,
13 Chinese astronauts have “reached for the stars” .__36__ .
They did the Shenzhou XII task.Do you want to bean astronaut like them?How do they get there?
·Having good health
__37__ .Good eyesight and a strong heart are important .You'd better not have other small
problems .__38__ .
·Becoming stronger
In China ,you must be a great pilot(飞行员) before you can bean astronaut .You must fly more than 600 hours without accidents(事故).__39__ .It's very difficult .
· 40 .
Taking some classes is important too .Astronauts take 60 classes to get ready for a task,
including math ,English ,physics and many more .So they will know what to do when things
happen during the task .
A .For example ,a bad tooth could make things terrible
B .You'll start training when you become an astronaut
C .To be an astronaut ,you need to be very healthy
D .Zhai Zhigang ,Wang YapingandYe Guangfu are three of them
E .Learning more
第三节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
Most 11-year-old kids spend their summer holidays playing with friends and families,but one schoolboy from West Yorkshire ,the UK ,has very different plans(计划).
The boy is named Jude Walker.He starts a 200-mile(英里)walk from his home in Yorkshire
to London .
“During COVID-19 I am really worried about(担心)our earth(地球).I want to make people care about it ,” Jude says .“I decide(决定) to do the long walk and I think I can make it .” He plans to start the walk on July 25th.He walks 10 miles every day,and the walk finishes on August 14th .His mother is with him all the way and she is in a car .They also use the car as a hotel to
sleep in .
“We are very proud of him .It is all his idea .” says Sarah Courtney,Jude's mother .
第 5 页 共 8 页
“What we do isn't enough for the earth.I will goon(继续) more walks to make people care
about our earth .” says Jude .
41 .Where does the schoolboy come from?
42 .How far is the long walk from Jude's home to London?
43 .How long does it take Jude to finish his long walk?
44 .Does Jude's mom walk with him all the way?
45 .Why does Jude want togo on more walks?
三、语言运用(共三节,满分 35 分)
第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
Now ,smartphone apps make our life easy .But sometimes they can also make us feel __46__ .These days ,a piece of news in the newspaper talks about a question—Should teachers use apps like WeChat or QQ to give students __ 47__ ?Different people have different ideas.Let's
take a look!
Some parents think it's __48__ to keep the kids far away from smartphones .But sometimes their kids have to do homework on apps.Liu Yan ,a __49__ in Shanghai ,usually has to use his mother's smartphone to do his homework.His father is very worried(焦虑的).“He is __50__ 12 years old .I'm afraid that he may use the smartphone to play games ,” the father says ,“I'm also
worried about his eyes __51__ it takeshim a longtime to do homework on the phone every day .
But some other parents have different ideas.One of__52__ is Mr.Black.He is a father of an 11-year-old boy.He says he can know about when his son begins and finishes the homework from
the phone .He can know __53__ it takes his son to do the homework .
Well,what do teachers think of it?A teacher from our school says students can use phones if the homework on __54__ helps them with their study a lot .And teachers can give homework like listening and speaking exercises on the apps .But parents should control(控制) the __55__ .
46 .A . sorry B . terrible C . lucky
47 .A . homework B . housework C . schoolwork
48 .A . dangerous B . strict C . important
49 .A . father B . student C . teacher
50 .A . only B . also C . too
51 .A . so B . because C . and
52 .A . us B . them C . you
53 .A . how far B . how many C . how long
54 .A . books B . notebooks C . apps
55 .A . rules B . way C . time
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Mr .Lee is a teacher .He is strict 56 . his students .He asks 57 . (they)
not to be late for school .
Never! Sometimes the students are late and Mr .Lee is 58 . (happy).
第 6 页 共 8 页
This morning,Mr.Lee gets up 59. 7:40.Oh no! He must be late for class.Mr.Lee doesn't have breakfast 60 . take a shower .He runs to the bus stop 61 . (quick).Many people are at the stop ,there 62. (be)no bus for Mr.Lee to take .So
Mr .Lee takes the taxi .
Mr .Lee works at No .15 Middle School ,63. the taxi takes him to No .50 Middle School .At last ,Mr .Lee 64 . (get)to school at-8:35 .
“I'm sorry,boys and girls .I'm late for school today ,” Mr .Lee says to his 65 . (student).“Everyone can make mistakes(错误).From now on,I don't ask you never to be late for school .Please do your best not to be late .Can you do it?
“Yes ,we can ,” the class says happily .
第三节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
Do you like dogs or cats ?66 .我善于和动物打交道。So I find apart-time job in the zoo in Changsha.I work on weekends.67.The zoo is about 15 kilometers away from my home.I usually take a bus to work .After I get to the zoo ,I clean the animal rooms and cages(笼子) .
On weekends ,there are tourists coming to the zoo to see these animals .68 .现在很多游客 正在拍照。I need to tell them what they can do and what they cannot do.I like my work because I can play with my favorite animals .I like the grey koalas best .69 .他们是澳大利亚的象征之 一。But I don't think it is a good idea for animals to live in the small rooms or cages .They are from nature(自然) and they are our friends .70 .It is their dream to live in nature .
四、写作(满分 15 分)
71 .同桌是我们在学校最重要的人, 每天陪你度过差不多十个小时, 比你和家人相处的时间
(1)80 词左右;
(2)包含所有的要点, 并请适当发挥;
My deskmate
第 7 页 共 8 页
第 8 页 共 8 页
6— 10: CBBCA 11— 15:CBACA
26—30:AAACC 31—35:BCCBB
41 .From West Yorkshire ,the UK .
42 .200 miles .
43 .From July 25th to August 14th / 21 days .
44 .NO .
45 .To make people care about the earth .
46—50:BACBA 51—55:BBCCC
56 .with 57 .them 58 .unhappy 59 .at
60 .or 61 .quickly 62 .is 63 .but
64 .gets 65 .students
66 .I'm good at dealing with animals/I'm good at getting along with animals .
67 .动物园离我家大约 15 千米(公里)
68 .Now many tourists are taking photos/pictures .
69 .They are one of the symbols of Australia .
70 .生活在大自然中是他们的梦想
71 .略



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