
2023-2024学年江苏省常州市八年级 (下)期中英语试卷
第一部分: 听对话回答问题。听下面10段对话, 每段对话后有1个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1. How does Leo keep in touch with his pen friends now
2. How will the boy go to Shanghai
3. Where did Sally go last year
4. What’s Tom’s telephone number
5. When did the early bus leave
A. At 6: 25.
B. At 6: 30.
C. At 6: 35.
6. What season is it according to the dialogue
A. Summer.
B. Autumn.
C. Winter.
7. How long will the two people stay there
A. All the morning.
B. All the afternoon.
C. All day.
8. What does the boy think of Kris
A. Lazy.
B. Humorous.
C. Generous.
9. What are they going to do first
A. Look for someone taller.
B. Take down the old pictures.
C. Get some new pictures.
10. Who are the speakers
A. Shopkeeper and shopper.
B. Waiter and guest.
C. Husband and wife.
第二部分: 听对话和短文回答问题。本部分共有10道小题, 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟。听完后, 每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的答案。
11. 1. Where do they decide to go for their summer vacation
A. Sichuan.
B. Hong Kong.
C. Beijing.
2. Who does Kate want to see
A. Her teacher.
B. Her friend.
C. Her classmate.
The First Balloon Trips
In 1783 ●The first balloon trip lasted only eight1.    .
In2.     ●An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the English Channel in a balloon ●They nearly lost their life because of a hole in the balloon. ●They saved 3.     by throwing away most of their things.
13. 1. Where did Mr. Green come from
A. From Japan.
B. From France.
C. From the UK.
2 How many foreign languages could Mr. Green speak very well
A. Three.
B. Two.
C. Only one.
3. What did Mr. Green do before he went to Japan
A. He bought a lot of presents for his Japanese friends.
B. He taught himself Japanese at home.
C. He went to the evening classes to learn Japanese.
4 How long did Mr. Green stay in Japan
A. For a few days.
B. For a few weeks.
C. For a few months.
5. What was Mr. Green’s trouble when he stayed in Japan
A. The Japanese people could hardly understand him.
B. He spoke Japanese as well as the Japanese people.
C He could talk freely with the Japanese people.
二、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —Last night, I had ________ one-hour trip to Iceland (冰岛) online.
—Iceland is ________ European country which is famous for its beautiful views.
A. a; a B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the
2. —My father ________ Shanghai with my grandparents.
—Really ________ will they come back
A. has been to; How soon B. has gone to; How soon
C. has been in; How long D. has gone to; How long
3. —I wanted to help Nancy, but she ________.
—Maybe she can do it by herself.
A. received B. returned C. repeated D. refused
4. The old man lived ________ in the village but he didn’t feel ________.
A. alone; alone
B. lonely; lonely
C. alone; lonely
D. lonely; alone
5. —How long ________ the parade ________
—It ________ half an hour ago.
A. has; been over; has finished
B. did; finish; finished
C. has; been over; finished
D. did; finish; has finished
6. —How do you like working in this office
—Not bad. But I sometimes think the job is boring ________.
A. on the way B. in some ways
C. by the way D. in the way
7. —Must I return the book today
—No, you ________. You can ________ it for another week.
A. needn’t; keep
B. mustn’t; keep
C. mustn’t; borrow
D. don’t have to; borrow
8. It ________ two years since we ________ this school. We really love it.
A. was; has entered B. was; entered
C. is; has entered D. is; entered
9. —Is it the most wonderful football match you have ________ watched
—Yes. I have ________ watched such a wonderful match before.
A. yet; never B. already; yet
C. ever; never D. ever; yet
10. —Thanks for giving me your advice,Amy.
—______. That’s what friends are for.
A. Never mind B. All right C. With pleasure D. My pleasure
One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about ____11____ late for school. There were many people waiting in line at the bus stop, but most of them just stared (盯着) at their mobile phones ____12____ the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy ____13____ a bike caught my attention. He was riding beside the bus while waving his arm. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the ____14____, but he refused to stop until we reached the next stop. The bus drove fast, and the boy tried his best ____15____ up with it. It ____16____ that he was a little tired, but he still kept riding. And he was carrying ____17____ over his shoulder and shouting.
Finally, when we came to the next stop, to our surprise, the boy ran up to the ____18____ of the bus. I heard an exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, “Does anyone lose a suitcase at the bus stop ” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s mine.” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about ____19____ the boy did, and the crowds of strangers suddenly became ____20____ to one another.
Sometimes even something small can change the relationship among people a lot. What an unforgettable experience!
11. A. be B. to be C. being D. been
12. A. Before B. Since C. Until D. When
13. A. on B. by C. in D. under
14. A. policeman B. boy C. driver D. other passengers
15. A. catching B. to catch C. caught D. catch
16. A. looked B. seemed C. sounded D. felt
17. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
18. A. door B. window C. end D. seat
19. A. which B. how C. what D. that
20. A. excited B. friendly C. easy D. surprised
四、阅读理解 阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
The Silk Road is the wonderful land trade route from China to Rome. It connects two very different worlds—the East and the West: the two cultures of Asia and Europe. When you travel along the ancient Silk Road, history will come to life.
13 Days’ Silk Road Adventure Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an/Shanghai
12 Days’ Silk Road Adventure and Kung fu Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an/ Luoyang
17 Days’ Silk Road Adventure Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Kashgar/Turfan/Dunhuang/Jiayuguan/Lanzhou/ Xi’an/Shanghai (Suzhou)
10 Days’ Silk Road Tour City: Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an
21. The ancient Silk Road means the route from China to ________.
A. Rome B. England C. India D. Africa
22. Which Silk Road tour can make you learn something about Chinese kung fu
A. The 10-day tour. B. The 12-day tour. C. The 13-day tour. D. The 17-day tour.
23. Where is the information probably from
A. A storybook. B. A music book. C. A history book. D. A travel guide.
Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He was born on July 21, 1899. He was happy at that time. His father taught him a love of the outdoor life and his mother taught him a love of music and art. Then, at school, he was good at English so that he often wrote for the school newspaper. In 1917, after he finished school, he began to work as a reporter for the Star newspaper. Unluckily, he worked there for only six months because of the war.
Later, the First World War broke out, Hemingway became an ambulance (救护车) driver. After the war, he went to live in Paris and continued his writing. Many people and things in the war influenced him so deeply that they became the main parts in many of his books.
However, Hemingway’s personal life isn’t so successful as his writing. His health was not good and he experienced many accidents. In October of 1954, he won the Nobel Prize for literature (文学), but he was too ill to receive it in person.
In his final years, he began to forget things and he couldn’t write any more. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway left this world forever with people’s regrets.
24. How old was Hemingway when he got the Nobel Prize for literature
A. 18. B. 19. C. 55. D. 62.
25. Which of the following is the correct order of Hemingway’s experiences    
①Hemingway experienced many accidents.
②Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for literature.
③Hemingway continued his writing in Paris.
④Hemingway became an ambulance driver for the First World War.
⑤Hemingway worked as a reporter.
A. ①③④⑤② B. ⑤④③①② C. ⑤③①④② D. ①③⑤④②
26. What is the best title for the text
A. The Life of Hemingway
B. The Famous Book of Hemingway
C. The Childhood of Hemingway
D. The Achievement of Hemingway
Clean up the world’s highest mountain
China will cut the number of climbers trying to climb Mount Qomolangma from the north this year as part of plans for the clean-up on the world’s highest mountain. The clean-up activity will include moving away the bodies of climbers who died at more than 8, 000 metres up the mountain.
The total number of climbers trying to reach the top of the world’s highest mountain from the north will be controlled to less than 300. The climbing season will be controlled to spring.
Parts of Qomolangma are in China and Nepal. Each year, around 60, 000 climbers and guides visit the Chinese north side of the mountain, but few actually try to climb it. China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down rubbish from the mountain, which includes cans, plastic bags, tents and oxygen tanks.
On the Nepalese side, mountaineering trip organizers have begun sending huge rubbish bags to climbers during the spring climbing season. They should collect rubbish that then can be carried by helicopters back to the base camp.
Every year there are many victims on Qomolangma often in the “death area” above 8, 000 metres where the air is the thinnest. In 2017, 648 people reached the top of Qomolangma. Six people have died on the mountain that year, one of them on the north side.
Qomolangma has become the world’s highest rubbish dump. Meanwhile, melting ice caused by global warming is exposing rubbish that has been left on the mountain since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first successful climbing 66 years ago.
27. What can we guess from the first paragraph ________
A. Some climbers died during mountain climbing.
B. No climbers will climb Mount Qomolangma.
C. About8, 000 people died of climbing the mountain.
D. Mount Qomolangma is cleaned up every year.
28. Which of the following is TRUE ________
A. Each year, around 60, 000 climbers climb the mountain from the north side.
B. China has set up stations to deal with rubbish which is left on the mountain.
C. On the Nepalese side, climbers should take rubbish back to the base camp.
D. In China, people use helicopters to take the rubbish back to the base camp.
29. The underlined word “victims” means ________.
A. persons who enjoy climbing B. persons who work hard
C. persons who have experienced death D. persons who help climbers
30. We can mainly learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A. the weather in the world is getting warmer
B. Edmund and Tenzing were famous climbers
C. Qomolangma is now getting much cleaner
D. Qomolangma faces serious rubbish problems
信息还原。阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (选项中有两项为多余选项)。
There are many aspects (方面) to language learning, such as how words are said. ____31____
◆Don’t worry too much about pronouncing (发音) words the wrong way.
Pronunciation is important of course. It helps listeners to understand what someone says more clearly. But the most important step in learning a new language is to practice speaking it. As for learning any new skill, practice makes perfect.
◆Don’t be afraid to guess the meaning of what someone says.
____32____ It is impossible to know all of them. You may use context (上下文) and body language to guess what others say. For example, when a person says “Hola” and waves his hand, it is not necessarily important at that moment to know the exact meaning.
Learning a new language or skill always takes time. Many will give up learning because it is too hard or boring. Some may think that other people will make fun of them for making mistakes. But it’s OK to make mistakes. Don’t lose hope and keep trying.
In the end, learning a new language can be difficult, but remember that it can give great advantages. ____34____ Don’t forget that learning a language can also include making new friends and experiencing new cultures !
A. Don’t give up.
B. Don’t waste time.
C. There are tens of thousands of words in English.
D. Some words are pronounced differently in British English and American English.
E. But some advice might make learning a new language easier-and more fun.
F. Learning a language doesn’t just mean the ability to speak in that different language.
It was a happy time for me, but there were many dangers because of my small size. There are some incidents (事件) that I remembered clearly.
Every morning Glumdalclitch carried my box to the window. One day she carried me to the window as usual, and then she left me there. Some huge wasps (黄蜂) came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce (凶猛的). I was afraid of them. I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them. Luckily, the others flew away.
Another dangerous moment that I remembered was this: Glumdalclitch left me in the garden one day, and the weather was very bad. First it rained, and then it hailed (下冰雹), and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travels
35. Why did Gulliver have some dangers
36. What were as big as the size of birds in England
37. Where did Gulliver hide to keep himself safe from the hailstones
The oil paper umbrella has a history of over 1, 000 years in China. It is a ____38____ (tradition) Chinese handicraft (手工艺品). Yuhang in Hangzhou is famous ____39____ this kind of umbrellas for over 230 years. They are ____40____ (main) made of skin paper, bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油), ____41____ (include) making bamboo ribs, pesting papers (糊纸) and painting patterns. It takes at least a week ____42____ (make) per umbrella.
A young man called Liu Weixue learned ____43____ art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather. “I want to bring the art to life.” Liu said. He ____44____ (improve) the umbrellas to win the hearts of young people. ____45____ the old skin paper was easy to break, he started to use a kind of thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed for ____46____ (time) without breaking. He used a kind of lighter bamboo to make the umbrellas weigh ____47____ (little).
Now Liu hopes the art can be passed on. He goes to local schools to teach students. He also goes to events in different places to promote (推广) the art.
八、根据句意及提示完成单词拼写, 每空一词
48. After the marathon race, all of us were ________ (疲劳的) out except Mike.
49. Because of his hard work, he finally ________ (实现) his dream of being an artist.
50. History books can improve our ________ (知识) of the past .
51. The cartoon character looks much ________ (ugly) when it becomes angry.
52. The Chinese government has done a lot to control water ________ (pollute).
53. 她的父母已经结婚三十多年了。
Her parents ___________________________.
54. 你不必在周末去南京出差。
You ___________________________.
55. 最近,人们已经习惯了外出时佩戴口罩。
________, people ________ masks when going out.
56. 也许你的老师可以给你关于怎样处理这个问题的建议。
Maybe your teacher ___________________________.
57. 他曾经梦想过环游世界吗
________ he ever ___________________________
58. managed, the, English, they, translate, book (自己加标点)
59. 假如你是李明,刚收到美国叔叔Kevin的电子邮件,请认真阅读下面的邮件,并根据邮件内容回一封电子邮件。
Dear Li Ming,
I haven’t seen you for a long time since we met last time. The world is changing fast. Are there many changes in our hometown Have you changed a lot You told me you spent too much time playing computer games and you wanted to have a change. Now you spend much time reading books. Can you tell me something about your reading habits, like when, where and what you read And do you have any plans for the summer holiday this year
Looking forward to hearing from you.
1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;回信须包含邮件中的所有相关内容,并作适当发挥;
2. 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等信息;
3. 词数不少于90词,信的首尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Kevin,
I’m very glad to hear from you. Our hometown—Changzhou has changed a lot over the years.
I hope to meet you soon.
Li Ming2023-2024学年江苏省常州市八年级 (下)期中英语试卷
第一部分: 听对话回答问题。听下面10段对话, 每段对话后有1个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1. How does Leo keep in touch with his pen friends now
2. How will the boy go to Shanghai
3. Where did Sally go last year
4. What’s Tom’s telephone number
5. When did the early bus leave
A. At 6: 25.
B. At 6: 30.
C. At 6: 35.
6. What season is it according to the dialogue
A. Summer.
B. Autumn.
C. Winter.
7. How long will the two people stay there
A. All the morning.
B. All the afternoon.
C. All day.
8. What does the boy think of Kris
A. Lazy.
B. Humorous.
C. Generous.
9. What are they going to do first
A. Look for someone taller.
B. Take down the old pictures.
C. Get some new pictures.
10. Who are the speakers
A. Shopkeeper and shopper.
B. Waiter and guest.
C. Husband and wife.
第二部分: 听对话和短文回答问题。本部分共有10道小题, 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文, 各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读相关小题, 每小题5秒钟。听完后, 每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的答案。
11. 1. Where do they decide to go for their summer vacation
A. Sichuan.
B. Hong Kong.
C. Beijing.
2. Who does Kate want to see
A. Her teacher.
B. Her friend.
C. Her classmate.
The First Balloon Trips
In 1783 ●The first balloon trip lasted only eight1.    .
In2.     ●An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the English Channel in a balloon. ●They nearly lost their life because of a hole in the balloon. ●They saved 3.     by throwing away most of their things.
13. 1. Where did Mr. Green come from
A. From Japan.
B. From France.
C. From the UK.
2. How many foreign languages could Mr. Green speak very well
A. Three.
B. Two.
C. Only one.
3. What did Mr. Green do before he went to Japan
A. He bought a lot of presents for his Japanese friends.
B. He taught himself Japanese at home.
C. He went to the evening classes to learn Japanese.
4. How long did Mr. Green stay in Japan
A. For a few days.
B. For a few weeks.
C. For a few months.
5. What was Mr. Green’s trouble when he stayed in Japan
A The Japanese people could hardly understand him.
B. He spoke Japanese as well as the Japanese people.
C He could talk freely with the Japanese people.
二、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. —Last night, I had ________ one-hour trip to Iceland (冰岛) online.
—Iceland is ________ European country which is famous for its beautiful views.
A. a; a B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the
【详解】句意:——昨晚,我在网上有一个小时的冰岛之旅。 ——冰岛是一个以美景闻名的欧洲国家。
考查冠词用法。a表泛指,不定冠词,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an表泛指,不定冠词,用于以元音音素开头的单词前;the表特指,定冠词。第一空,根据“had … one-hour trip”可知,此处应用不定冠词表泛指,且one是以辅音音素开头的单词,应用a;第二空,根据“… European country”可知,此处是指一个欧洲国家,应用不定冠词表泛指,且European是以辅音音素开头的单词,应用a。故选A。
2. —My father ________ Shanghai with my grandparents.
—Really ________ will they come back
A. has been to; How soon B. has gone to; How soon
C. has been in; How long D. has gone to; How long
考查现在完成时和特殊疑问句。How soon 多久,一般对将来时间进行提问;How long多长,一般对时间长短进行提问;has been to 是已经去过某处,并且已经回来了;has gone to 是已经去了某处,但是到目前为止还没有回来;has been in 待在某地。结合“will they come back”可知表示去了某地用have/has gone to,主语“my father”为第三人称单数,用has;结合“will they come back”可知是询问多久之后,用how soon提问,故选B。
3. —I wanted to help Nancy, but she ________.
—Maybe she can do it by herself.
A. received B. returned C. repeated D. refused
【详解】句意:——我想帮助南希,但她拒绝了。 ——也许她可以自己做。
考查动词辨析。received收到;returned归还;repeated重复;refused拒绝。根据答语“Maybe she can do it by herself.”可知,此处是指拒绝帮助。故选D。
4. The old man lived ________ in the village but he didn’t feel ________.
A. alone; alone
B. lonely; lonely
C. alone; lonely
D. lonely; alone
考查形容词与副词的用法。第一空表示“独自居住”,要用副词alone来修饰动词lived;第二空表示“觉得寂寞”,要用feel lonely,lonely为形容词,作表语。故选C。
5. —How long ________ the parade ________
—It ________ half an hour ago.
A. has; been over; has finished
B. did; finish; finished
C. has; been over; finished
D. did; finish; has finished
考查动词时态。根据“How long”可知,第一空所在句子要用现在完成时,主语是the parade,所以结构为:has+过去分词,且动词要用延续性动词,be over是延续性动词,be的过去分词是been;又根据“half an hours ago”可知,第三空所在句子用一般过去时。故选C。
6. —How do you like working in this office
—Not bad. But I sometimes think the job is boring ________.
A. on the way B. in some ways
C. by the way D. in the way
【详解】句意:——你觉得在这个办公室工作怎么样? ——不是坏的。但我有时觉得这份工作在某些方面很无聊。
考查介词短语。on the way在路上;in some ways在某些方面;by the way顺便说一下;in the way阻碍,妨碍。根据“Not bad. But I sometimes think the job is boring”可知,此处是指在某些方面来说办公室工作有些无聊。故选B。
7. —Must I return the book today
—No, you ________. You can ________ it for another week.
A. needn’t; keep
B. mustn’t; keep
C. mustn’t; borrow
D. don’t have to; borrow
考查情态动词和动词辨析。needn’t不需要;mustn’t禁止;don’t have to不必;keep保管,延续性动词;borrow借,非延续性动词。第一个句子是由must引导的一般疑问句,其对应的否定回答是don’t have to或needn’t,排除B和C选项;“for+一段时间”要与延续性动词一起连用,所以第二个空格填keep。故选A。
8. It ________ two years since we ________ this school. We really love it.
A. was; has entered B. was; entered
C. is; has entered D. is; entered
考查动词的时态。根据分析句子可知,此处考查常用句式:It is/has been+时间段+since从句,表示“自从……有……了”,后面跟过去的时间点或一般过去时的从句,表示一段时间,主句时态是一般现在时或现在完成时可知,第一个空填is或has been;第二个空填entered。故选D。
9. —Is it the most wonderful football match you have ________ watched
—Yes. I have ________ watched such a wonderful match before.
A. yet; never B. already; yet
C. ever; never D. ever; yet
10. —Thanks for giving me your advice,Amy.
—______. That’s what friends are for.
A. Never mind B. All right C. With pleasure D. My pleasure
考查情景交际。Never mind没有关系,不要放在心上;All right 好的,可以;With pleasure我很乐意;My pleasure我很荣幸,很高兴为你服务。根据下文,这就是朋友的作用。结合语境可知选D。
One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about ____11____ late for school. There were many people waiting in line at the bus stop, but most of them just stared (盯着) at their mobile phones ____12____ the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy ____13____ a bike caught my attention. He was riding beside the bus while waving his arm. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the ____14____, but he refused to stop until we reached the next stop. The bus drove fast, and the boy tried his best ____15____ up with it. It ____16____ that he was a little tired, but he still kept riding. And he was carrying ____17____ over his shoulder and shouting.
Finally, when we came to the next stop, to our surprise, the boy ran up to the ____18____ of the bus. I heard an exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, “Does anyone lose a suitcase at the bus stop ” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s mine.” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about ____19____ the boy did, and the crowds of strangers suddenly became ____20____ to one another.
Sometimes even something small can change the relationship among people a lot. What an unforgettable experience!
11. A. be B. to be C. being D. been
12. A. Before B. Since C. Until D. When
13. A. on B. by C. in D. under
14. A. policeman B. boy C. driver D. other passengers
15. A. catching B. to catch C. caught D. catch
16. A. looked B. seemed C. sounded D. felt
17. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
18. A. door B. window C. end D. seat
19. A. which B. how C. what D. that
20. A. excited B. friendly C. easy D. surprised
【答案】11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B
be动词原形;to be不定式;being现在分词;been过去分词。about是介词,后接doing形式,故选C。
Before在……之前;Since自从;Until直到;When当……时。根据“the bus finally came, we all hurried on board”可知,当车来的时候,大家纷纷上车,故选D。
on在……上;by乘;in在……里面;under在……下方。根据“a bike”可知,此处表示“骑自行车”,应用介词on,故选A。
policeman警察;boy男孩;driver司机;other passengers其他乘客。根据“but he refused to stop until we reached the next stop.”可知,乘客对着司机大喊,故选C。
catching赶上,现在分词或动名词;to catch赶上,不定式;caught赶上,过去式;catch赶上,动词原形。根据“tried his best”可知,此处是短语try one’s best to do sth,故选B。
looked看;seemed似乎;sounded听起来;felt感觉。根据“It...that he was a little tired”可知,他似乎有些累了,故选B。
something一些事情;nothing没有事情;anything任何事情;everything一切。根据“And he was carrying...over his shoulder and shouting.”可知,他肩上扛着东西,肯定句用something,故选A。
door门;window窗户;end结束;seat座位。根据“the boy ran up to the...of the bus. I heard an exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked”可知,男孩在公交车门口和司机谈话,故选A。
which哪一个;how怎样;what什么;that引导从句无意义。根据“Everyone on the bus began talking about...the boy did”可知,人们谈论男孩所做的事情,空处引导词在从句中作宾语,应用what引导,故选C。
excited激动的;friendly友好的;easy容易的;surprised惊讶的。根据“the crowds of strangers suddenly became...to one another.”以及“something small can change the relationship among people a lot”可知,陌生人变得友好起来,故选B。
四、阅读理解 阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
The Silk Road is the wonderful land trade route from China to Rome. It connects two very different worlds—the East and the West: the two cultures of Asia and Europe. When you travel along the ancient Silk Road, history will come to life.
13 Days’ Silk Road Adventure Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an/Shanghai
12 Days’ Silk Road Adventure and Kung fu Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an/ Luoyang
17 Days’ Silk Road Adventure Tour City: Beijing/Urumqi/Kashgar/Turfan/Dunhuang/Jiayuguan/Lanzhou/ Xi’an/Shanghai (Suzhou)
10 Days’ Silk Road Tour City: Urumqi/Turfan/Dunhuang/Xi’an
21. The ancient Silk Road means the route from China to ________.
A. Rome B. England C. India D. Africa
22. Which Silk Road tour can make you learn something about Chinese kung fu
A. The 10-day tour. B. The 12-day tour. C. The 13-day tour. D. The 17-day tour.
23. Where is the information probably from
A. A storybook. B. A music book. C. A history book. D. A travel guide.
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D
细节理解题。根据“The Silk Road is the wonderful land trade route from China to Rome.”可知,丝绸之路是从中国到罗马的奇妙的陆路贸易路线。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“12 Days’ Silk Road Adventure and Kung fu Tour”可知,12天丝绸之路探险和功夫之旅,故选B。
Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He was born on July 21, 1899. He was happy at that time. His father taught him a love of the outdoor life and his mother taught him a love of music and art. Then, at school, he was good at English so that he often wrote for the school newspaper. In 1917, after he finished school, he began to work as a reporter for the Star newspaper. Unluckily, he worked there for only six months because of the war.
Later, the First World War broke out, Hemingway became an ambulance (救护车) driver. After the war, he went to live in Paris and continued his writing. Many people and things in the war influenced him so deeply that they became the main parts in many of his books.
However, Hemingway’s personal life isn’t so successful as his writing. His health was not good and he experienced many accidents. In October of 1954, he won the Nobel Prize for literature (文学), but he was too ill to receive it in person.
In his final years, he began to forget things and he couldn’t write any more. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway left this world forever with people’s regrets.
24. How old was Hemingway when he got the Nobel Prize for literature
A. 18. B. 19. C. 55. D. 62.
25. Which of the following is the correct order of Hemingway’s experiences    
①Hemingway experienced many accidents.
②Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for literature.
③Hemingway continued his writing in Paris.
④Hemingway became an ambulance driver for the First World War.
⑤Hemingway worked as a reporter.
A. ①③④⑤② B. ⑤④③①② C. ⑤③①④② D. ①③⑤④②
26. What is the best title for the text
A. The Life of Hemingway
B. The Famous Book of Hemingway
C. The Childhood of Hemingway
D. The Achievement of Hemingway
【答案】24. C 25. B 26. A
细节理解题。根据“He was born on July 21, 1899.”以及“In October of 1954, he won the Nobel Prize for literature (文学)”可知,他出生于1899年,获得诺贝尔文学奖是1954年,也就是他在55岁时获奖,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“In 1917, after he finished school, he began to work as a reporter for the Star newspaper.”可知,他毕业后成为了一名记者,根据“Later, the First World War broke out, Hemingway became an ambulance (救护车) driver. After the war, he went to live in Paris and continued his writing.”可知,一战期间,他成为了一名救护车司机,战后他移居巴黎,继续写作,根据“His health was not good and he experienced many accidents. In October of 1954, he won the Nobel Prize for literature (文学), but he was too ill to receive it in person.”可知,他经历了许多意外,1954年10月,他获得了诺贝尔文学奖,所以正确的顺序是⑤④③①②,故选B。
最佳标题题。根据“Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century.”以及整个文章的理解可知,文章主要是介绍海明威的一生的情况,故选A。
Clean up the world’s highest mountain
China will cut the number of climbers trying to climb Mount Qomolangma from the north this year as part of plans for the clean-up on the world’s highest mountain. The clean-up activity will include moving away the bodies of climbers who died at more than 8, 000 metres up the mountain.
The total number of climbers trying to reach the top of the world’s highest mountain from the north will be controlled to less than 300 The climbing season will be controlled to spring.
Parts of Qomolangma are in China and Nepal. Each year, around 60, 000 climbers and guides visit the Chinese north side of the mountain, but few actually try to climb it. China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down rubbish from the mountain, which includes cans, plastic bags, tents and oxygen tanks.
On the Nepalese side, mountaineering trip organizers have begun sending huge rubbish bags to climbers during the spring climbing season. They should collect rubbish that then can be carried by helicopters back to the base camp.
Every year there are many victims on Qomolangma often in the “death area” above 8, 000 metres where the air is the thinnest. In 2017, 648 people reached the top of Qomolangma. Six people have died on the mountain that year, one of them on the north side.
Qomolangma has become the world’s highest rubbish dump. Meanwhile, melting ice caused by global warming is exposing rubbish that has been left on the mountain since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first successful climbing 66 years ago.
27. What can we guess from the first paragraph ________
A. Some climbers died during mountain climbing.
B. No climbers will climb Mount Qomolangma.
C. About8, 000 people died of climbing the mountain.
D. Mount Qomolangma is cleaned up every year.
28. Which of the following is TRUE ________
A. Each year, around 60, 000 climbers climb the mountain from the north side.
B. China has set up stations to deal with rubbish which is left on the mountain.
C. On the Nepalese side, climbers should take rubbish back to the base camp.
D. In China, people use helicopters to take the rubbish back to the base camp.
29. The underlined word “victims” means ________.
A. persons who enjoy climbing B. persons who work hard
C. persons who have experienced death D. persons who help climbers
30. We can mainly learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A. the weather in the world is getting warmer
B. Edmund and Tenzing were famous climbers
C. Qomolangma is now getting much cleaner
D. Qomolangma faces serious rubbish problems
【答案】27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D
推理判断题。根据第一段的“…moving away the bodies of climbers who died at more than 8, 000 metres up the mountain.”可知将会移走死于海拔8000多米的登山者的尸体。可推知, 一些人在登山途中遇难。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段的“China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down rubbish from the mountain,”可知中国已经建立了垃圾站,对山上的垃圾进行分类、回收和分解,因此B项符合文意。故选B。
词义猜测题。根据第五段的“In 2017, 648 people reached the top of Qomolangma. Six people have died on the mountain that year, one of them on the north side.”可知2017年,648人登上了珠穆朗玛峰。那年有六个人死在山上,其中一个在北边。可知此处意为每年有许多遇难者,可知划线词意为“遇难者”。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Qomolangma has become the world’s highest rubbish dump. Meanwhile, melting ice caused by global warming is exposing rubbish that has been left on the mountain since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first successful climbing 66 years ago.”可知珠穆朗玛峰已经成为世界上最高的垃圾场。与此同时,全球变暖导致的冰川融化正在暴露自66年前埃德蒙 希拉里和丹增 诺盖首次成功攀登以来留在山上的垃圾。可知珠峰面临严峻的垃圾问题。故选D。
信息还原。阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (选项中有两项为多余选项)。
There are many aspects (方面) to language learning, such as how words are said. ____31____
◆Don’t worry too much about pronouncing (发音) words the wrong way.
Pronunciation is important, of course. It helps listeners to understand what someone says more clearly. But the most important step in learning a new language is to practice speaking it. As for learning any new skill, practice makes perfect.
◆Don’t be afraid to guess the meaning of what someone says.
____32____ It is impossible to know all of them. You may use context (上下文) and body language to guess what others say. For example, when a person says “Hola” and waves his hand, it is not necessarily important at that moment to know the exact meaning.
Learning a new language or skill always takes time. Many will give up learning because it is too hard or boring. Some may think that other people will make fun of them for making mistakes. But it’s OK to make mistakes. Don’t lose hope and keep trying.
In the end, learning a new language can be difficult, but remember that it can give great advantages. ____34____ Don’t forget that learning a language can also include making new friends and experiencing new cultures !
A. Don’t give up.
B. Don’t waste time.
C. There are tens of thousands of words in English.
D. Some words are pronounced differently in British English and American English.
E. But some advice might make learning a new language easier-and more fun.
F. Learning a language doesn’t just mean the ability to speak in that different language.
【答案】31. E 32. C 33. A 34. F
根据“There are many aspects (方面) to language learning, such as how words are said.”以及下文的介绍可知,此处应是说有一些方法会让它变得简单有趣,选项E“但是一些建议可能会让学习一门新语言更容易,更有趣。”符合,故选E。
根据“It is impossible to know all of them. You may use context (上下文) and body language to guess what others say.”可知,此处应是说英语中单词太多,不可能全部都认识,选项C“英语中有数以万计的单词。”符合,故选C。
根据“Learning a new language or skill always takes time. Many will give up learning because it is too hard or boring.”可知,此处应是一个小标题,应是建议人们不要放弃,选项A“不要放弃。”符合,故选A。
根据“In the end, learning a new language can be difficult, but remember that it can give great advantages.”可知,此处是介绍学习一门新的语言的优势,选项F“学习一门语言并不仅仅意味着能够用不同的语言说话。”符合,故选F。
It was a happy time for me, but there were many dangers because of my small size. There are some incidents (事件) that I remembered clearly.
Every morning Glumdalclitch carried my box to the window. One day she carried me to the window as usual, and then she left me there. Some huge wasps (黄蜂) came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce (凶猛的). I was afraid of them. I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them. Luckily, the others flew away.
Another dangerous moment that I remembered was this: Glumdalclitch left me in the garden one day, and the weather was very bad. First it rained, and then it hailed (下冰雹), and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travels
35. Why did Gulliver have some dangers
36. What were as big as the size of birds in England
37. Where did Gulliver hide to keep himself safe from the hailstones
【答案】35. His small size.
36. Some huge wasps.
37. Under a tree.
根据“but there were many dangers because of my small size”可知,是因为体型小,故填His small size.
根据“Some huge wasps (黄蜂) came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce (凶猛的).”可知,一些大黄蜂和英国的鸟一样大,故填Some huge wasps.
根据“I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.”可知,躲在树下,故填Under a tree.
The oil paper umbrella has a history of over 1, 000 years in China. It is a ____38____ (tradition) Chinese handicraft (手工艺品). Yuhang in Hangzhou is famous ____39____ this kind of umbrellas for over 230 years. They are ____40____ (main) made of skin paper, bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油), ____41____ (include) making bamboo ribs, pesting papers (糊纸) and painting patterns. It takes at least a week ____42____ (make) per umbrella.
A young man called Liu Weixue learned ____43____ art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather. “I want to bring the art to life.” Liu said. He ____44____ (improve) the umbrellas to win the hearts of young people. ____45____ the old skin paper was easy to break, he started to use a kind of thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed for ____46____ (time) without breaking. He used a kind of lighter bamboo to make the umbrellas weigh ____47____ (little).
Now Liu hopes the art can be passed on. He goes to local schools to teach students. He also goes to events in different places to promote (推广) the art.
【答案】38. traditional
39. for 40. mainly
41. including
42. to make
43. the 44. improved
45. As 46. times
47. less
句意:这是中国传统工艺品。根据横线后“Chinese handicraft (手工艺品)”,结合所给词可知,tradition“传统”,名词,此处应该填入traditional“传统的”,形容词,作定语,修饰限定名词handcraft。故填traditional。
句意:杭州余杭以这种伞闻名已有230多年了。根据分析句子“Yuhang in Hangzhou is famous…this kind of umbrellas for over 230 years.”可知,此处考查形容词短语:be famous for“因……而出名”。故填for。
句意:它们主要由皮纸、竹子和桐油涂层制成,包括制作竹筋、糊纸和绘画图案。根据“They are…made of skin paperr, bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油)”,结合所给词可知,main“主要的”,形容词,此处应该填入mainly,副词,修饰动词短语:be made of,意为“主要地”符合语境。故填mainly。
句意:它们主要由皮纸、竹子和桐油涂层制成,包括制作竹筋、糊纸和绘画图案。根据“…making bamboo ribs, pesting papers (糊纸) and painting patterns”,结合所给词可知,include“包括”,此处应该填入including,介词,意为“包括……在内”符合语境。故填including。
句意:制作每把伞至少需要一周时间。根据分析句子“It takes at least a week…per umbrella.”可知,此处考查固定句型:It takes+时间段+to do sth.“做某事花费多少时间”,结合所给词,此处应该填入to make,不定式,作真正主语。故填to make。
句意:一个叫刘的年轻人从他的祖父那里学会了制作余杭油纸伞的艺术。根据横线后“art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather.”,结合句意可知,此处应该表特指制作余杭油纸伞的艺术,所以应该填入定冠词the。故填the。
句意:由于旧皮纸容易破损,他开始使用一种更厚的纸。根据分析句子“…the old skin paper was easy to break, he started to use a kind of thicker paper.”可知,此处前后是因果关系,所以此处应该填入as,引导原因状语从句,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填As。
句意:在一次测试中,他的雨伞被打开和关闭了多次而没有断裂。根据“In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed for…without breaking.”,结合所给词可知,此处应该表达他的雨伞被打开和关闭了多次而没有断裂,time“次数”,可数名词,结合语境,此处应该用复数形式times。故填times。
句意:他用一种较轻的竹子来减轻雨伞的重量。根据“He used a kind of lighter bamboo to make the umbrellas weigh…”,结合所给词可知,此处应该表达:他用一种较轻的竹子来减轻雨伞的重量,所以此处应该填入less,little的比较级,make sth.+形容词比较级“使……更……的”。故填less。
八、根据句意及提示完成单词拼写, 每空一词
48. After the marathon race, all of us were ________ (疲劳的) out except Mike.
【详解】句意:马拉松比赛结束后,除了迈克,我们都累坏了。此处考查be tired out“精疲力尽”。故填tired。
49. Because of his hard work, he finally ________ (实现) his dream of being an artist.
【详解】句意:由于他的努力,他终于实现了当艺术家的梦想。结合句意和汉语提示可知,achieve“实现”,动词,achieve one’s dream“实现梦想”,固定搭配;根据语境可知,此处陈述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时,谓语动词应用过去式achieved。故填achieved。
50. History books can improve our ________ (知识) of the past .
51. The cartoon character looks much ________ (ugly) when it becomes angry.
52. The Chinese government has done a lot to control water ________ (pollute).
【详解】句意:中国政府在控制水污染方面做了很多工作。根据“control water”可知,此处指“水污染”,所以填名词pollution。故填pollution。
53. 她的父母已经结婚三十多年了。
Her parents ___________________________.
【答案】have been married for over thirty years##have been married for more than thirty years
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,over/more than thirty years“三十多年了”,连接一段时间用介词for;时态用现在完成时“have/has done”,主语是“Her parents”,助动词用have;动词用延续性动词be married“结婚,be动词的过去分词为been。故填have been married for over/more than thirty years。
54. 你不必在周末去南京出差。
You ___________________________.
【答案】don’t need to go on a business trip to Nanjing on weekends##don’t need to go to Nanjing on business on weekends##needn’t go on a business trip to Nanjing on weekends##needn’t go to Nanjing on business on weekends
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,时态为一般现在时,主语为“You”,needn’t do sth./don’t need to do sth,“不必做某事”;go on a business trip to Nanjing/go to Nanjing on business“去南京出差”;on weekends“在周末”。故填needn’t/don’t need to go on a business trip to Nanjing/go to Nanjing on business on weekends。
55. 最近,人们已经习惯了外出时佩戴口罩。
________, people ________ masks when going out.
【答案】 ①. Recently ②. have been used to wearing
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,recently“最近”,修饰整个句子,填副词,句首首字母大写;根据“recently”及“已经”可知,此处用现在完成时,主语“people”,所以结构为“have+过去分词”;be used to doing sth.“习惯做某事”,be动词的过去分词为been;wear masks“戴口罩”,wear的现在分词为wearing。故填Recently;have been used to wearing。
56. 也许你的老师可以给你关于怎样处理这个问题的建议。
Maybe your teacher ___________________________.
【答案】can give you advice on how to deal with this problem
【详解】结合中英文提示可知,此处缺少“可以给你关于怎样处理这个问题的建议”,can“可以”,是情态动词,后接动词原形give,you“你”,advice“建议”,是不可数名词,on“关于”,deal with“处理,应付”,此处是“疑问词+to do”的结构,how“怎样”,this problem“这个问题”,故填can give you advice on how to deal with this problem。
57. 他曾经梦想过环游世界吗
________ he ever ___________________________
【答案】 ①. Has ②. dreamed of traveling around the world##dreamt of traveling around the world##dreamed of travelling around the world##dreamt of travelling around the world
【详解】根据“ever”可知,此处为现在完成时,主语为“he”,结构为“has+过去分词”,此处为一般疑问句,has放句首,句首首字母大写;dream of doing sth.“梦想做某事”,dream的过去分词为dreamt/dreamed;travel around the world“环游世界”,travel的动名词为traveling/travelling。故填Has;dreamt/dreamed of traveling/travelling around the world。
58. managed, the, English, they, translate, book (自己加标点)
【答案】They managed to translate the book into English
【详解】根据所给词提示可知,句子为陈述句,且时态为一般过去时;they“他们”,作主语,位于句首,首字母要大写;manage to do sth.“设法做某事”,后接动词不定式作宾语;translate the book into English“把这本书翻译成英语”。故填They managed to translate the book into English.“他们设法把这本书翻译成英语。”
59. 假如你是李明,刚收到美国叔叔Kevin的电子邮件,请认真阅读下面的邮件,并根据邮件内容回一封电子邮件。
Dear Li Ming,
I haven’t seen you for a long time since we met last time. The world is changing fast. Are there many changes in our hometown Have you changed a lot You told me you spent too much time playing computer games and you wanted to have a change. Now you spend much time reading books. Can you tell me something about your reading habits, like when, where and what you read And do you have any plans for the summer holiday this year
Looking forward to hearing from you.
1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;回信须包含邮件中的所有相关内容,并作适当发挥;
2. 文中不得提及真实的人名、校名等信息;
3. 词数不少于90词,信的首尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Kevin,
I’m very glad to hear from you. Our hometown—Changzhou has changed a lot over the years.
I hope to meet you soon.
Li Ming
Dear Kevin,
I’m very glad to hear from you. Our hometown-Changzhou has changed a lot over the years.
The government has built many shops and tall buildings in some large open spaces. Most people have moved into new flats. Many people have their own cars. People are enjoying a comfortable life. I have changed a lot, too. In the past, I spent too much time playing computer games. But now, I often read books in the library in my free time. I enjoy reading books about technology. Summer holiday is coming. My parents and I are planning to visit you and go on a trip to New York.
I hope to meet you soon.
Li Ming
④go on a trip旅行
①In the past, I spent too much time playing computer games. (spend time doing sth花时间做某事)



