期末专题 完形填空(含解析) 外研版 七年级下册 英语题型专项集训

期末专题 完形填空(含解析) 外研版 七年级下册 英语题型专项集训
I am Jane. My family love travel. My parents and I took a 1 to Chengdu last month and we stayed there 2 three days. It was spring 3 we got there. We 4 it is the best time to go there. The weather is usually 5 in spring. It is between 11℃ and 24℃. We didn’t need to 6 heavy clothes. We lived in a nice hotel(宾馆)on Chunxi Road. On the 7 day, we enjoyed many kinds of food on Kuanzhaixiangzi Alleys, 8 liangfen, gongbao chicken and hot pot. The 9 was delicious. On the second day, we 10 Mount Qingcheng. There 11 many great buildings on the mountain. A lot of people visit this 12 all year round. In the afternoon, we came 13 to the hotel. We felt tired(疲倦的) 14 we were very happy. On the last day, we went to see the pandas. They are very cute and I like 15 .
1.A.show B.party C.trip D.picnic
2.A.of B.for C.at D.from
3.A.when B.how C.if D.where
4.A.talk B.think C.stop D.obey
5.A.warm B.cold C.hot D.quiet
6.A.make B.wash C.wear D.use
7.A.third B.two C.first D.second
8.A.look like B.later on C.at once D.such as
9.A.gift B.food C.water D.air
10.A.missed B.brought C.flew D.climbed
11.A.am B.is C.are D.have
12.A.table B.mountain C.race D.meeting
13.A.away B.again C.along D.back
14.A.because B.and C.but D.so
15.A.they B.us C.it D.them
Last summer, we had a school trip. Every student had to go with an adult(成年人). My parents were busy, 16 they asked Uncle Bob to go with me. Oh, no! I didn’t want to be with Uncle Bob. He always 17 funny(好笑的)things!
On the first 18 , we went to the forest. My classmate Tina couldn’t come down from a tree. Uncle Bob 19 to get her, but his foot got stuck(卡住)in the tree. He 20 so funny at that time. Then our teacher came and 21 them come down from the tree.
22 coming down, Tina asked me, “Is he your uncle ”
“Oh, he’s 23 a friend of my father’s,” I said. Yes, I told her a lie(谎话).
I was happy when the five-day 24 was over. On the way home, the bus went BANG! “Sorry, I can’t fix(修理)it,” the bus driver said. “I have to find someone to help 25 .”
“I’ll fix it,” Uncle Bob said. When Uncle Bob got back on the bus, his face and clothes were 26 . “Let’s go!” he said happily. Then he did a funny dance on the 27 .
When we got back to school, Tina asked, “He’s your 28 , isn’t he ”
“Yes,” I said. “I’m 29 I told you a lie.”
“You are 30 to have a nice uncle!” said Tina. “We all like him.”
This is my uncle—a funny and helpful(乐于助人)uncle.
16.A.but B.or C.so
17.A.does B.plays C.makes
18.A.week B.day C.month
19.A.stayed up B.got up C.climbed up
20.A.looked B.sounded C.believed
21.A.wanted B.helped C.kept
22.A.After B.Before C.From
23.A.soon B.just C.else
24.A.lesson B.trip C.dinner
25.A.you B.him C.me
26.A.dirty B.clean C.beautiful
27.A.train B.bus C.bike
28.A.brother B.friend C.uncle
29.A.smart B.sorry C.happy
30.A.lucky B.young C.careful
Once upon a time, an old man lived in a village with his son. He 31 a lot of rice.
Every day he went to the field to see the seedlings (秧苗). The young seedlings grew tall little by little but he was 32 unhappy. “The seedlings grow too slowly. How could they grow 33 ” During the night, he lay in bed and could not 34 . Suddenly in the midnight, a(n) 35 came to his mind. He 36 the bed and ran to the field. In the moonlight (月光), he began working on the rice seedlings. One by one, he pulled (拉) up the 37 plants by half an inch. When he finished pulling, it was 38 and the sun rose. He said to himself happily, “What a 39 idea! How tall the seedlings are!”
After he went back home, he told his son about the seedlings. His son hurried to the field. “Oh, no!” he 40 . The seedlings all died in the field.
31.A.bought B.ate C.cut D.planted
32.A.still B.even C.never D.only
33.A.badly B.easily C.fast D.well
34.A.drink B.sleep C.speak D.see
35.A.answer B.wish C.idea D.problem
36.A.looked around B.pointed at C.waited for D.jumped out of
37.A.young B.high C.tall D.important
38.A.morning B.afternoon C.noon D.midnight
39.A.funny B.wonderful C.dangerous D.true
40.A.answered B.asked C.shouted D.smiled
Jack is eleven years old. He is a middle school 41 . He goes to school by bicycle every 42 . His bike is very 43 . One day his bike is broken, so his father wants to buy a new bicycle for 44 . On a Sunday morning, Jack and his father go to the department 45 , Jack sees 46 good bicycles. He chooses a blue 47 because he likes blue 48 . “How much is it ” says his father. “365 yuan,” says the salesman. “I’ll take the bicycle.” Jack is very 49 . He rides his new bicycle to his home. Now he goes to school 50 his new bike every day.
41.A.name B.student C.girl D.teacher
42.A.day B.month C.year D.term
43.A.new B.broken C.fine D.old
44.A.her B.them C.him D.me
45.A.shop B.store C.office D.palace
46.A.many B.any C.much D.a lot
47.A.it B.that C.this D.one
48.A.ready B.a lot C.right D.very
49.A.happy B.sad C.tired D.bad
50.A.in B.on C.by D.for
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Two tourists were out in a field when they saw a well near an old farmhouse. They were curious (好奇的), so they dropped a small 51 into the well, but they never 52 it hit the bottom.
They 53 and found a larger rock (岩石) and dropped it into the well, but once again heard 54 . They decided to look for something 55 .
After a long time, they 56 a large railroad (铁路枕木), and 57 it down into the well. After several seconds, a goat 58 over and dived (跳入水中) head first into the well.
The two tourists didn’t understand and stood in 59 . Soon after, a farmer came over and 60 them he was looking for a lost goat. The tourists told the farmer about the goat diving into the well, too.
“That couldn’t be my goat,” the farmer said. “My goat was in the field tied to a railroad tie!”
51.A.bag B.stone C.shoe D.cap
52.A.dreamed B.watched C.heard D.knew
53.A.looked up B.looked at C.looked after D.looked around
54.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
55.A.smaller B.clearer C.larger D.smarter
56.A.moved B.bought C.made D.found
57.A.broke B.dropped C.took D.fell
58.A.ran B.swam C.sang D.flew
59.A.happiness B.surprise C.trouble D.need
60.A.told B.asked C.answered D.ordered
A man wanted to sell his donkey (驴) in a market. The market was far from his house, so he started early in the morning with his 61 .
On the way, the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was 62 near it. Someone saw them. He said the father didn’t love his son. After the man 63 this, he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on 64 . Then they continued their journey.
Soon, another man met them. He said it was not 65 for the son to make his old father walk in the sun. What hot weather it was! Then 66 of them decided to walk.
After some time, a group of people saw them. They said the father and the son were 67 . They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them 68 to sit on the donkey and then kept going.
There came a woman. “You may 69 the little donkey by doing that!” she shouted.
So what should we do Maybe we should just do what we think is right, because we cannot follow everyone’s 70 .
61.A.daughter B.son C.father D.wife
62.A.walking B.sitting C.sleeping D.lying
63.A.saw B.felt C.heard D.watched
64.A.it B.him C.them D.you
65.A.bad B.real C.wrong D.right
66.A.any B.some C.both D.none
67.A.kind B.foolish C.strict D.clever
68.A.asked B.forgot C.learned D.chose
69.A.leave B.kill C.save D.sell
70.A.news B.dream C.advice D.wish
Once upon a time, there was a little bird who loved to sing. However, she was very 71 and always sang alone in her nest.
One day, a wise old owl (猫头鹰) 72 by and saw the little bird singing. The owl told the bird that she had a 73 voice and should share it with others. The little bird was 74 to sing among the birds, but the owl encouraged (鼓励) her to sing and 75 with others. The little bird started to practice singing every day and at last she 76 it. She began to 77 of becoming a famous singer.
However, one day the little bird became very 78 and didn’t practice her singing. Her voice started to sound 79 , and other birds didn’t want to sing with her anymore. The little bird sat in a tree and 80 , feeling very sad. Luckily, the wise old owl came back and said to the little bird, “Laziness makes beggars, so work harder and keep trying.”
From then on, the little bird never forgot the value of hard work, and she kept practicing and always sang with joy and happiness.
71.A.friendly B.shy C.outgoing D.dangerous
72.A.flew B.walked C.ran D.swam
73.A.sweet B.terrible C.bad D.loud
74.A.relaxed B.excited C.happy D.afraid
75.A.eat out B.take a walk C.make friends D.drink tea
76.A.was good at B.was bad for C.was strict with D.was made of
77.A.hear B.dream C.know D.tell
78.A.lucky B.quiet C.lazy D.busy
79.A.great B.sweet C.fun D.terrible
80.A.showed B.shouted C.climbed D.cried
Helen is a girl from Hainan. She 81 in a new city now. She loves the 82 here. In her city, it’s always hot. But in her new city, it’s usually cold in 83 . Sometimes it snows. She 84 sees snow in her city. So for her, the snow is interesting 85 beautiful. She can also skate now.
In summer, Helen always wears dresses and shorts because it’s too 86 outside. On weekends, she likes to 87 in the river. Her mother tells 88 not to swim in the river. She may be 89 great danger. So she goes to a swimming pool next to her home.
These days Helen and her family are on a vacation in the mountains. She is drinking cool orange juice now. Helen 90 relaxed. How happy she is!
81.A.leaves B.puts C.lives D.sleeps
82.A.weather B.job C.person D.farm
83.A.summer B.winter C.month D.year
84.A.always B.only C.now D.never
85.A.and B.but C.or D.so
86.A.cold B.dry C.hot D.warm
87.A.run B.jump C.sing D.swim
88.A.him B.her C.you D.me
89.A.on B.to C.in D.for
90.A.feels B.finds C.sounds D.tastes
Seven cats are best friends. They live in the countryside. They always go 91 together on Saturdays. Every time one of them picks (挑选) a place to go.
Today, a 92 named Mimi should pick a place, but she doesn’t give any calls to her friends. The other cats aren’t happy. 93 all go to Mimi’s house and ask her, “You give us no call. 94 ”
Mimi sees them and begins to cry (哭泣). She 95 , “I will move to a new house with my parents. It is in the city. I 96 go shopping with you again.”
Her 97 talk for a long time. Then they say to her, “Don’t cry. We will go to the city and do shopping 98 your new house.” Mimi is very happy.
After two days, Mimi comes to her friends and says, “I will not 99 to the city. My father finds a new job (工作) here.”
Her friends are very 100 . They can go shopping together in the countryside again.
91.A.swimming B.shopping C.dancing D.walking
92.A.cat B.dog C.monkey D.panda
93.A.She B.We C.You D.They
94.A.Why B.How C.What D.When
95.A.asks B.plays C.says D.sings
96.A.should B.shouldn’t C.can D.can’t
97.A.parents B.friends C.teachers D.classmates
98.A.in B.with C.near D.to
99.A.move B.travel C.climb D.turn
100.A.sad B.happy C.careful D.quiet
On weekends I either do homework at home or play outside with my friends. However, my last weekend was a little 101 .
On Sunday morning, my dad walked into my bedroom, 102 me up and said, “Dear, breakfast is on the table.” Then he went to work. In the afternoon, Dad 103 me. On the phone, he told me he might come home 104 . I knew he was busy. Suddenly (突然), I had a(n) 105 . “Dad must be very tired after a day’s work. Why don’t I make dinner for 106 ” I didn’t know how to 107 . But it didn’t look that difficult, right I often watched dad cooking noodles for me and I thought it was easy. I just needed to boil (煮沸) some water and put the noodles 108 it. I remembered Dad cooked that way. I went to the kitchen and 109 cooking. I first boiled the water and then added (添加) noodles. I was very 110 to do something for my dad.
I cooked the noodles for a long time. Just before Dad got home, the noodles were ready. But they were not like my dad’s noodles. They were more like 111 . Dad got a(n) 112 when he came home. He put the noodles in a bowl to eat. “Mmm! They are very 113 ,” he said. “You make very good noodle soup, my son. ” Dad ate the noodles 114 .
I knew the noodles were terrible. 115 Dad knew I was trying to help out. Later, he told me he would give me a lesson if l wanted.
101.A.boring B.noisy C.quiet D.different
102.A.woke B.got C.stayed D.put
103.A.visited B.called C.missed D.followed
104.A.early B.first C.late D.fast
105.A.story B.idea C.rest D.wish
106.A.him B.me C.her D.them
107.A.use B.cook C.learn D.work
108.A.on B.at C.for D.into
109.A.stopped B.finished C.started D.kept
110.A.hard B.fast C.excited D.lucky
111.A.water B.soup C.cakes D.noodles
112.A.answer B.gift C.lesson D.surprise
113.A.popular B.delicious C.terrible D.important
114.A.tiredly B.quietly C.coldly D.happily
115.A.But B.So C.Because D.And
Dear Paul,
I’m happy to hear that you are well. Now 116 is coming. I’m going to have a two-month vacation. I like it very much 117 I don’t have to get up early in the morning. I have so much 118 time to relax. I can swim in the 119 . I can also 120 some interesting places in China with my parents. It must be 121 !
122 are you doing now How about your summer vacation Is the 123 fine Is it hot Do you need to learn Chinese during the vacation You tell me that your Chinese is great. I am so happy to hear that. Now I still 124 speaking English every day. I think I am good at speaking now. I 125 to meet you.
Please write to me and have a nice vacation!
Li Hua
116.A.winter B.summer C.weekend D.term
117.A.if B.unless C.because D.when
118.A.free B.busy C.terrible D.special
119.A.mountain B.pool C.village D.horse
120.A.visit B.miss C.study D.live
121.A.boring B.bad C.dry D.fun
122.A.Where B.When C.What D.Why
123.A.weather B.country C.problem D.dream
124.A.stop B.finish C.forget D.practice
125.A.look like B.would like C.feel like D.sound like
Philip likes dogs. July 18th is his ninth birthday. He asked his parents to 126 a dog for him, but his parents said no 127 Philip’s grandma doesn’t like dogs.
Philip said to his grandma, “I will keep the dog out of your room.” Grandma said yes. On Friday evening, Philip 128 his dog. He was very 129 and he called his dog Fifi.
One day Grandma said she would watch TV in her room and she didn’t want Philip and his dog to disturb(打扰)her, so Philip played 130 his dog in his room. After some time, Fifi 131 the door of Grandma’s room and kept barking(吠叫)at the door. Philip told Fifi not to bark. But Fifi didn’t 132 . Philip’s father 133 something was wrong, and then he opened the door and saw Grandma on the floor. They took her to the hospital 134 .
Two weeks later, Grandma came back home from the hospital. She thanked Fifi for saving her 135 . She said that Fifi was now one member of her family.
126.A.see B.draw C.buy D.love
127.A.so B.but C.and D.because
128.A.fed B.helped C.went D.got
129.A.fine B.tidy C.happy D.healthy
130.A.with B.about C.from D.at
131.A.lived in B.ran to C.asked for D.came from
132.A.listen B.walk C.say D.talk
133.A.thought B.watched C.arrived D.drove
134.A.slowly B.quickly C.luckily D.differently
135.A.money B.thing C.time D.life
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.D
show展览;party聚会;trip旅行;picnic野餐。根据“took a...to Chengdu”可知是去成都旅行。故选C。
when当;how如何;if如果;where哪里。根据“we got there”可知是当我们到达时。故选A。
talk说话;think认为;stop停止;obey遵守。根据“it is the best time to go there”可知是认为春天是去成都的最好时机。故选B。
warm温暖的;cold寒冷的;hot热的;quiet安静的。根据“It is between 11℃ and 24℃”可知天气很暖和。故选A。
make制作;wash洗;wear穿;use使用。根据“heavy clothes”可知是穿厚衣服。故选C。
third第三;two二;first第一;second第二。根据“On the second day”可知此处是第一天。故选C。
look like看起来像;later on稍后;at once立刻;such as例如。此处是举例说明美食,用such as。故选D。
missed错过;brought带来;flew飞;climbed爬。根据“Mount Qingcheng”可知是爬青城山。故选D。
am是,主语是I;is是,be动词的单数;are是,be动词的复数;have有。此处是there be结构,主语是名词复数,be动词用are。故选C。
table桌子;mountain山;race比赛;meeting会议。根据“on the mountain”可知此处指这座山。故选B。
away离开;again又;along沿着;back回来。根据“came...to the hotel”可知是回到酒店。故选D。
they他们,主格;us我们,宾格;it它;them它们,宾格。根据“we went to see the pandas. They are very cute and I like”可知此处指喜欢熊猫,作宾语用宾格them。故选D。
16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.A
week周;day天;month月。根据“ On the first...”和下文的“five-day”可知是在旅行的第一天。故选B。
stayed up熬夜;got up起床;climbed up爬。根据“Tina couldn’t come down from a tree.”可知是叔叔爬到树上,帮助她下来。故选C。
looked看起来;sounded听起来;believed相信。根据“so funny at that time”可知是看起来很滑稽。故选A。
wanted想要;helped帮助;kept保持。根据“them come down from the tree.”可知是帮助他们从树上下来。故选B。
after在……之后;before在……之前;from从。根据“coming down, Tina asked me”可知是他们从树上下来之后,她问的我。故选A。
soon不久;just仅仅;else别的。根据“a friend of my father’s”可知作者不承认他是自己的叔叔,说他只是爸爸的朋友。故选B。
lesson课;trip旅行;dinner晚饭。根据“Last summer, we had a school trip”可知是这五天的学校旅行。故选B。
you你;him他;me我。根据“I have to find someone to help”可知是要找个人来帮“我”。故选C。
dirty脏的;clean干净的;beautiful美丽的。根据“When Uncle Bob got back on the bus, his face and clothes were”可知修理完车后,脸和衣服应该都脏了。故选A。
train火车;bus公交车;bike自行车。根据“When Uncle Bob got back on the bus”可知是回到公交车上。故选B。
smart聪明的;sorry抱歉的;happy开心的。根据“I told you a lie”可知自己说了谎,应感到抱歉。故选B。
lucky幸运的;young年轻的;careful认真的。根据“have a nice uncle”可知有一个好叔叔,应该很幸运。故选A。
31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.C
bought买;ate吃;cut切;planted种植。根据“Every day he went to the field to see the seedlings (秧苗).”可知他种植了很多水稻。故选D。
still仍然;even甚至;never从不;only仅仅。根据“The young seedlings grew tall little by little but he was...unhappy”可知转折词后表示他仍然不开心。故选A。
badly差;easily容易地;fast快;well好。根据“The seedlings grow too slowly”可知他觉得幼苗长得太慢了,所以想让它们长快点。故选C。
drink喝;sleep睡觉;speak说;see看见。根据“he lay in bed and could not”可知躺在床上睡不着。故选B。
answer回答;wish希望;idea想法;problem问题。根据“came to his mind”可知是想出了一个主意。故选C。
looked around环顾四周;pointed at指;waited for等待;jumped out of跳出。根据“the bed and ran to the field”可知是从床上跳下来。故选D。
young年轻的;high高的;tall高的;important重要的。根据“The young seedlings grew tall little by little”以及前文可知是把幼苗拔高。故选A。
morning早上;afternoon下午;noon正午;midnight午夜。根据“the sun rose”可知早上太阳升起来了。故选A。
funny有趣的;wonderful极好的;dangerous危险的;true真的。根据“How tall the seedlings are”可知他看到秧苗长高了,所以他觉得自己的主意很好。故选B。
answered回答;asked问;shouted大喊;smiled微笑。根据“The seedlings all died in the field.”可知秧苗全都死了,所以应该是大叫。故选C。
41.B 42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.B
name名字;student学生;girl女孩;teacher老师。根据“Jack is eleven years old. He is a middle school...”结合常识可知,他11岁了,是一名中学的……,选项B符合语境。故选B。
new新的;borken坏的;fine好的;old旧的。根据“One day his bike is broken”可知,有一天自行车坏了,所以他的自行车是旧的。故选D。
her她的;them他们;him他;me我。根据“his father wants to buy a new bicycle for...”可知,他的父亲是为“他”买一辆自行车。故选C。
shop商店;store商店;office办公室;palace宫殿。department store“百货公司”,故选B。
many许多(修饰可数名词);any一些(常用于否定或疑问句);much许多(修饰不可数名词);a lot很,非常。本句为肯定句,设空处后bicycles为可数名词复数,所以选用many修饰。故选A。
it它;that那个;this这个;one一个。根据“He chooses a blue...”可知,他选择了蓝色中的“一个”,此处one指代自行车表泛指。故选D。
ready准备好的;a lot很,非常;right正确的;very非常(修饰形容词或副词)。设空处修饰动词like,且修饰词后置,选项B符合语境。故选B。
happy开心的;sad伤心的;tired疲倦的;bad坏的。根据“He rides his new bicycle to his home.”可知,他购买了新的自行车,心情自然是开心的。故选A。
in在……里;on在……上;by通过;for为了。设空处后有形容词性物主代词his,on one’s bike“骑自行车”,所以需使用介词on。故选B。
51.B 52.C 53.D 54.C 55.C 56.D 57.B 58.A 59.B 60.A
bag包;stone石头;shoe鞋;cap帽子。根据“found a larger rock”可知扔的应是小石头,故选B。
dreamed做梦;watched看;heard听见;knew知道。根据“hit the bottom”可知应是听不到石头落到井底的声音,故选C。
looked up查阅;looked at看;looked after照顾;looked around看向周围。根据“found a larger rock”可知应是看向周围,故选D。
something某事;anything任何事;nothing没有什么;everything一切。根据“once again”可知应是依然什么也没听见,故选C。
smaller更小的;clearer更清晰的;larger更大的;smarter更聪明的。根据“a large railroad”可知应是找更大的东西,故选C。
moved移动;bought买;made制造;found发现。根据“They decided to look for something ”可知应是发现一个枕木,故选D。
happiness快乐;surprise惊讶;trouble麻烦;need需要。根据“The two tourists didn’t understand”可知,in surprise“惊讶地”符合语境,故选B。
told告诉;asked问;answered回答;ordered命令。根据“he was looking for a lost goat”可知应是农民告知情况,故选A。
61.B 62.A 63.C 64.A 65.D 66.C 67.B 68.D 69.B 70.C
daughter女儿;son儿子;father父亲;wife母亲。根据下文“the man was sitting on the donkey while his son was...”可知,这个男人和儿子一起去卖驴。故选B。
walking走路;sitting坐;sleeping睡觉;lying躺。根据下文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,路人说父亲不爱儿子是因为父亲让儿子走路,而自己骑驴。故选A。
saw看见;felt感觉;heard听见;watched观看。根据上文“He said the father didn’t love his son.”可知,这个男人听见别人说他不爱儿子。故选C。
it它;him他;them他们;you你,你们。根据“he got down from the donkey and made his son sit on...”可知,此处指父亲从驴上下来,然后让儿子坐驴上,应用单数代词it指代“donkey”。故选A。
bad坏的;real真实的;wrong错误的;right对的,正确的。根据“it was not...for the son to make his old father walk in the sun.”可知,让年迈的父亲在阳光下行走是不对的。故选D。
kind和蔼的;foolish愚蠢的;strict严格的;clever聪明的。根据下文“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it.”可知,他们有驴却不骑,路人觉得他们很愚蠢。故选B。
asked询问;forgot忘记;learned学习;chose选择。根据“They had a donkey, but they didn’t sit on it. Then both of them...to sit on the donkey”可知,路人嘲笑他们有驴却不骑,所以他们选择坐驴上。故选D。
leave离开;kill杀死;save拯救;sell卖。根据上文“Then both of them chose to sit on the donkey”可知,两人都坐在驴上,太重了以至于可能会杀死驴。故选B。
71.B 72.A 73.A 74.D 75.C 76.A 77.B 78.C 79.D 80.D
friendly友好的;shy害羞的;outgoing外向的;dangerous危险的。根据“always sang alone in her nest.”可知她总是一个人唱歌,可见她很害羞。故选B。
flew飞;walked走;ran跑;swam游泳。根据“a wise old owl”可知是猫头鹰飞过。故选A。
sweet甜的;terrible糟糕的;bad坏的;loud大声的。根据“should share it with others”可知声音甜美,应该和其他人分享。故选A。
relaxed放松的;excited激动的;happy开心的;afraid害怕的。根据“to sing among the birds, but the owl encouraged her to sing”以及前文可知,鸟很害羞,所以害怕在他人面前唱歌。故选D。
eat out出去吃;take a walk散步;make friends交朋友;drink tea喝茶。根据“encouraged her to sing and...with others”可知是和其他鸟交朋友。故选C。
was good at擅长;was bad for对……有坏处;was strict with对……严格;was made of由……制成。故选A。
hear听见;dream梦想;know知道;tell告诉。根据“The little bird started to practice singing every day”可知她每天练习,最后很擅长唱歌。故选B。
lucky幸运的;quiet安静的;lazy懒惰的;busy忙的。根据“didn’t practice her singing”以及“Laziness makes beggars”可知她变懒了,没有练习。故选C。
great伟大的;sweet甜的;fun有趣的;terrible糟糕的。根据“and other birds didn’t want to sing with her anymore”可知其他鸟不想和她一起唱歌,因为她唱得很糟糕。故选D。
showed展示;shouted大喊;climbed爬;cried哭。根据“feeling very sad”可知她很伤心,哭了。故选D。
81.C 82.A 83.B 84.D 85.A 86.C 87.D 88.B 89.C 90.A
leaves遗留;puts放置;lives生活;sleeps睡觉。根据“in a new city now”可知,是指住在城市里,故选C。
weather天气;job工作;person人;farm农场。根据“In her city, it’s always hot.”可知,此处是指天气,故选A。
summer夏天;winter冬天;month月;year年。根据“it’s usually cold in...Sometimes it snows.”可知,冬天很冷,会下雪,故选B。
always总是;only仅仅;now现在;never从不。根据上文“Helen is a girl from Hainan.”和“In her city, it’s always hot.”可知海伦来自海南,这个城市天气很热,所以从不下雪,故选D。
cold冷的;dry干的;hot热的;warm温暖的。根据“In summer, Helen always wears dresses and shorts”可知,因为外面很热,所以海伦总是穿着连衣裙和短裤。故选C。
run跑;jump跳;sing唱歌;swim游泳。根据“not to swim in the river”可知,是指在河里游泳,故选D。
on在……上;to到;in在……里;for为了。in great danger“处于巨大的危险中”,是固定短语,故选C。
91.B 92.A 93.D 94.A 95.C 96.D 97.B 98.C 99.A 100.B
swimming游泳;shopping购物;dancing跳舞;walking步行。根据“They can go shopping together”可知,他们总是一起购物。故选B。
cat猫;dog狗;monkey猴子;panda熊猫。根据“Seven cats are best friends.”及“The other cats aren’t happy.”可知,咪咪是一只猫。故选A。
She她;We我们;You你/你们;They他们。根据“The other cats aren’t happy”可知,其他的猫咪去咪咪家询问原因,用第三人称复数They指代其他的猫咪。故选D。
Why为什么;How怎样;What什么;When什么时候。根据“You give us no call.”可知,猫咪们询问咪咪为什么不给他们打电话。故选A。
asks询问;plays玩;says说;sings唱歌。根据“I will move to a new house with my parents. It is in the city.”可知,下文是咪咪“说”的内容。故选C。
should应该;shouldn’t不应该;can能够;can’t不能。根据“I will move to a new house with my parents. It is in the city.”可知,咪咪要从乡下搬到城里,就不能和朋友们一起购物了。故选D。
parents父母;friends朋友;teachers老师;classmates同学。根据“Seven cats are best friends.”可知,咪咪的猫咪朋友们为此事讨论了很长时间。故选B。
in在……里面;with和;near在……附近;to到。根据“do shopping…your new house”可知,此处指在房子附近购物。故选C。
move搬;travel旅行;climb攀登;turn转向。根据“I will move to a new house with my parents. It is in the city.”可知,咪咪不会搬到城里去了。故选A。
sad悲伤的;happy开心的;careful认真的;quiet安静的。根据“They can go shopping together in the countryside again.”可知,咪咪不会搬走了,他们又能一起购物了,所以都很开心。故选B。
101.D 102.A 103.B 104.C 105.B 106.A 107.B 108.D 109.C 110.C 111.B 112.D 113.B 114.D 115.A
boring无聊的;noisy吵闹的;quiet安静的;different不同的。根据“However, my last weekend was a little”可知这周末和之前的周末不一样。故选D。
woke醒来;got得到;stayed待;put放。根据“On Sunday morning”可知是早上把我叫醒。故选A。
visited参观;called打电话;missed错过;followed跟随。根据“On the phone”可知是打电话。故选B。
early早;first第一;late晚;fast快。根据“I knew he was busy”可知他很忙,所以会晚回家。故选C。
story故事;idea想法;rest休息;wish希望。根据“Suddenly (突然), I had a(n)”可知作者突然有了一个主意,想给父亲做一顿饭。故选B。
use使用;cook烹饪;learn学习;work工作。根据“Why don’t I make dinner”可知想给爸爸做饭,但是不知道怎么做饭。故选B。
on在上面;at在;for为了;into到里面。根据“put the noodles...it”可知是把面条放进水里。故选D。
stopped停止;finished结束;started开始;kept保持。根据“I went to the kitchen”可知是走进厨房开始做饭。故选C。
hard难的;fast快;excited兴奋的;lucky幸运的。根据“to do something for my dad”可知能为爸爸做一些事,作者很开心。故选C。
water水;soup汤;cakes蛋糕;noodles面条。根据“You make very good noodle soup”可知是更像汤。故选B。
answer答案;gift礼物;lesson课;surprise惊喜。根据“when he came home”可知爸爸回家看到作者给自己做了饭,所以很惊喜。故选D。
popular受欢迎的;delicious美味的;terrible糟糕的;important重要的。根据“You make very good noodle soup”可知爸爸认为作者做的饭很美味。故选B。
tiredly劳累地;quietly安静地;coldly冷漠地;happily开心地。根据“Dad ate the noodles”可知作者给爸爸做饭,爸爸很开心。故选D。
116.B 117.C 118.A 119.B 120.A 121.D 122.C 123.A 124.D 125.B
winter冬季;summer夏季;weekend周末;term学期。根据“How about your summer vacation”可知,此处指夏天来了,故选B。
if如果;unless除非;because因为;when当……时。空格后“I don’t have to get up early in the morning”是解释喜欢的原因,故选C。
free空闲的;busy忙碌的;terrible糟糕的;special特别的。根据“I can swim in the…”可知,有空闲时间去做一些事情,故选A。
mountain山;pool游泳池;village村庄;horse马。根据“can swim in the”可知,在泳池里游泳,故选B。
visit参观;miss怀念;study学习;live居住。根据“some interesting places”可知,去有趣的地方参观,故选A。
boring无聊的;bad差的;dry干燥的;fun有乐趣的。根据“some interesting places”可知,去有趣的地方一定很有趣,故选D。
Where在哪里;When何时;What什么;Why为什么。根据“are you doing now”可知,询问正在做什么,故选C。
weather天气;country国家;problem问题;dream梦想。根据“Is it hot”可知,询问天气的情况,故选A。
stop停止;finish完成;forget忘记;practice练习。根据“ speaking English every day”及“I think I am good at speaking now”可知,每天练习说英语,现在很擅长说英语,故选D。
look like看起来像;would like想要;feel like想要;sould like听起来像。根据“to meet you”可知,此处考查would like to do sth“想要做某事”,故选B。
126.C 127.D 128.D 129.C 130.A 131.B 132.A 133.A 134.B 135.D
see看见;draw画画;buy买;love喜欢。根据“a dog for him”可知,此处是buy sth. for sb.“给某人买某物”,表达“给他买一只狗”。故选C。
so所以;but但是;and并且;because因为。后面“Philip’s grandma doesn’t like dogs”是“父母说不”的原因。故选D。
fed喂养;helped帮助;went去;got得到。根据“I will keep the dog out of your room.”结合前文说要求父母给他买只狗,所以此处是说得到了他的狗。故选D。
with和;about大约;from从;at在。play with sb.“与某人玩耍”,固定搭配。故选A。
lived in居住;ran to跑向;asked for寻求;came from来自。根据“the door (门) of Grandma’s room”可知,此处是说跑向奶奶的房间门口。故选B。
listen听;walk走;say说;talk谈话。根据“Philip told Fifi not to bark.”可知,此处是说让狗别叫,但是它不听。故选A。
thought感觉,认为;watched观看;arrived到达;drove驾驶。根据“something was wrong (不正常的)”可知,此处是说感觉不对。故选A。
money金钱;thing东西;time时间;life生命。前文表达是狗的叫声才让家人知道奶奶躺在地板上,所以此处是save one’s life“拯救某人的生命”。故选D。



上一篇:期末专题 补全对话(含解析) 外研版 七年级下册 英语题型专项集训

下一篇:【优选题库】Unit4 At the farm 综合检测卷(含答案、录音及听力材料)