期末专题 补全对话(含解析) 外研版 七年级下册 英语题型专项集训

期末专题 补全对话(含解析) 外研版 七年级下册 英语题型专项集训
补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。
A: Excuse me. 1
B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.
C: The Children’s Hospital Er...it’s near Baihua Park, but it’s a little far from here.
A: 2
C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.
A: 3
C: Yes. The No.15 bus will take you right there.
A: Where is the bus stop
C: Go down this road, and take the first turning on the right. 4 . You can’t miss it.
A: 5 .
C: You’re welcome.
A: Hi, Lingling. Where did you go on the Dragon Boat Festival
B: I went to Chongqing with my sister.
A: 6
B: It was wonderful! Chongqing is a special and magic city. The food was delicious and the people were friendly.
A: 7
B: By ship. Traveling by ship was great. The mountains along the Changjiang River was very beautiful.
B: 8
A: For two days, because our holidays were too short.
B: 9
A: We visited Hongyadong and some other places of interest.
B: What was the weather like there
A: 10 . The sun shone brightly.
B: That sounds interesting! I hope to go to Chongqing someday.
A: Hi, Cindy! I didn’t see you these days. 11
B: Hi, Paul! I went to China on vacation.
A: Really 12
B: Well, the food is delicious! The people are friendly and the cities are beautiful!
A: 13
B: Yes. Look! These are the pictures of my trip.
A: Oh, they are great! 14
B: It is the West Lake in Hangzhou.
A: 15
B: I went boating with my parents.
A: How nice! I want to go there, too.
A.What’s this
B.How are you
C.Where did you go
D.How did you go there
E.What did you do there
F.Did you take any photos
G.What do you think of China
A: Excuse me. 16 I want to go there with my son.
B: Certainly. Just go along the street and you will see the clock tower. The zoo is behind it.
A: 17
B: No, it isn’t.
A: We want to go there on foot. 18
B: It will take you about half an hour. But it is a hot day. You can take a bus.
A: You are right. 19
B: You can take the No. 8 bus.
A: 20
B: You are welcome.
A.Thank you very much.
B.Is it far from here
C.Could you tell me how to get to the city zoo
D.How is the city zoo
E.Which bus can we take
F.How much is the map
G.How long will it take
补全对话根据 上下文主题语境填入短语或句子,完成对话。
A:Hi, Mary. 21
B:I’m reading a storybook.
A:Oh What does it say
B: 22 , there was a beautiful girl.
A:Did the girl meet a nice prince (王子)
B: 23 But the prince was a frog (青蛙).
A:What A frog Did he 24 a prince at last
B:Yes. The girl’s love helped him change back to the prince.
A:Oh, it’s really a funny story. 25
B:It’s called The Frog Prince.
A: Excuse me, Sir! 26 I am new here.
B: No, there isn’t one near here.
A: Where can I find a zoo in this city, please
B: Oh, there’s one on the corner of the Huyuan Road.
A: 27
B: It’s about eleven kilometers away from here.
A: 28
B: You can take a bus there. Er..., take bus No.2.
A: 29
B: Look, the bus stop is over there.
A: 30 .
Sam: Hi, Lily. 31
Lily: Yes, I did. I visited a small village.
Sam: Oh, great. 32
Lily: I took a bus. The village is a little far.
Sam: 33
Lily: Of course, I went fishing in the river. I also picked some pears. They were delicious.
Sam: Sounds interesting. 34
Lily: It was cloudy and cool. Did you go anywhere
Sam: Yes. I went to the zoo.
Lily: Did you see any lions
Sam: No, I didn’t. 35 They were really cute.
Lily: I think so.
A.But I saw pandas and monkeys.
B.What did you do there
C.How did you get there
D.Did you have fun in the village
E.Did you have a trip last month
F.How was the weather there
Tina: Bob, I went on vacation last weekend.
Bob: Great!
Tina: I went there with some of my friends.
Tina: We camped in the mountains.
Bob: That sounds exciting.
Tina: It was sunny. We met some farmers and had tea with them.
Tina: Yes, I took some beautiful photos. Did you have fun last weekend
Tina: Wow, pretty cool.
36.A.What did you do B.Who did you go with
C.Where did you go D.How did you go there
37.A.Did you milk a cow B.How was your school trip
C.What did you do on vacation D.Were the strawberries good
38.A.What about you B.When did you go to work
C.What are they doing D.What was the weather like
39.A.What is an elephant B.Can my dream come true
C.Did you take any photos D.Where are Kate and Leo from
40.A.See you tomorrow. B.No, I didn’t have fun.
C.Who went to the library D.Yes, I went to the movies.
A: Hi, Tom. Do you have any plans for the coming summer holiday
B: Yes. I will go to Yuntai Mountain with my friends.
A: 41
B: We will have a volunteer activity there, like helping visitors find ways.
A: Sounds great. 42
B: I will go to Yuntai Mountain on July, 18.
A: 43
B: Yes, I will see my grandparents when I get there. I miss them so much.
A: 44
B: I will stay there for about a month.
A: Oh, it’s quite a long time. 45 !
B: Thank you.
Sofia and Eric are at home now
Eric: What are you doing Sofia
Sofia: I’m shopping online.
Eric: 46
Sofia: Yes, I do. I buy most of my school things online.
Eric: 47 Is it better than shopping at a shop
Sofia: Yes, I think so. 48 You can get them at any place by post.
Eric: Sounds great! 49
Sofia: Yes. And it can also help us save a lot of money.
Eric: Are there any other advantages
Sofia: Yes. 50 So you can shop at any time. And you needn’t go to many markets because there is almost everything online.
A.Some shops online are open 24 hours a day.
B.It has several advantages.
C.It can help us save a lot of time, right
D.I never buy things on the Internet.
E.Do you often shop online
(In a clothes store)
A: Good afternoon! 51
B: Yes. I’m looking for a sweater.
A: What about this one
B: 52 Do you have sweaters in other colors
A: Of course. We’ve got sweaters in blue, brown, black and purple, too.
B: Can I have a look at the blue one
A: Sure. 53
B: It feels soft. 54
A: Wool. So it’s soft and warm.
B: I see. 55
A: Sure. The fitting room is over there.
A.Here you are.
B.May I try it on
C.Oh, it’s too big.
D.Can I help you
E.What’s it made of (由什么制成)
F.Sorry, I don’t like white.
根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。
A: Hi, Mike! What did you do last weekend
B: 56 .
A: Your best friend 57
B: He is of medium height and has short black hair.
A: I see. Is he David
B: Yes, you are right. You know, next Saturday is my birthday and I will have a party. Would you like to come
A: 58 . Where is it
B: At Huahua Restaurant.
A: Oh, I don’t know the way. 59
B: You can go along Center Street. It’s just across from the People’s Park.
A: 60
B: It takes about 30 minutes. And I think walking is good for our health.
A: Thank you. See you then.
B: See you.
Andy: You’re reading again, Jill.
Jill: Reading is really important. If you don’t read, you’ll m 61 many surprising new ideas. At the same time, I can learn how to write through reading.
Andy: Wow, now I know w 62 you are so good at writing.
Jill: You see. I want to be a writer in the f 63 .
Andy: Really How are you going to become a writer
Jill: Well, I’m going to p 64 writing stories a lot, of course. What do you want to be
Andy: My parents want me to be a policeman, but I’m not s 65 about that. Maybe I will be a doctor to help s 66 people.
Jill: Well, it’s not easy to d 67 . Just work hard. Then you can be anything you want!
Andy: Yes, you’re right.
A: Hello, Daniel. What are you doing
B: 68
A: Then, what will life be like in the future
B: 69
A: But how will we drive them
B: 70 The cars will fly by themselves.
A: Cool! 71
B: There won’t be any schools. Students will have classes on the Internet.
A: But I think there will be schools.
B: 72
A: Because school is good fun, and you can also make friends there.
B: You are right.
A.We won’t drive them.
B.Why do you think so
C.What about the school
D.There won’t be any cars.
E.I’m reading a book about future life.
F.The cars will be able to fly in the sky.
A: Hello, Grace! Nice to see you!
B: Nice to see you, too. You know we’ll have a summer vacation soon.
A: Yes, I plan to visit my grandparents. I miss them a lot. What about you
B: You know, nothing is more important than health.
A: I agree with you.
B: I’m going to run in the park for half an hour every morning. What’s more,
A: Junk food Sounds difficult for you.
B: Maybe you are right.
A: Well, I hope your dream will come true. Goodbye!
B: Bye!
73.A.What are you going to do B.Do you have any plans
C.Did you go to the park D.Do you like watching game shows
74.A.I just want to keep healthy. B.It’s important to study hard.
C.I’m going to visit the Great Wall. D.I can’t stand them.
75.A.Where are you going to work B.How are you going to do that
C.How do you make a banana milk shake D.What will happen if you go there
76.A.I don’t like junk food. B.Don’t eat too much sugar.
C.There will be more pollution. D.I will stop eating junk food.
77.A.I don’t think so. B.But I don’t like junk food at all.
C.But I believe I can make it. D.I’ll help clean up the city park.
A: Hello, Judy!
B: Hi, Li Ping!
A: 78
B: No, I’m writing an email (邮件) to my grandparents. I miss my grandparents and my hometown very much.
A: 79
B: Of course. That’s a beautiful small town in the south of He nan.
A: 80
B: A townhouse with a big garden. 81 . Our family get together and take a photo under the old tree every autumn.
A: How nice! 82
B: It’s hot in summer and it rains sometimes.
A: I’d like to visit your hometown when the summer holidays come.
B: Great! I can’t wait!
1.How can I get to the Children’s Hospital 2.How far is it 3.Can I take the bus 4.You can see it there 5.Thank you
1.根据“Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend”以及“The Children’s Hospital”可知此处询问如何去儿童医院。故填How can I get to the Children’s Hospital。
2.根据“It’s about 5 kilometers away.”可知此处询问离这多远。故填How far is it。
3.根据“Yes. The No.15 bus will take you right there”可知此处询问可不可以坐公交车。故填Can I take the bus。
4.根据“You can’t miss it.”可知在第一个路口右转,就可以看到儿童医院。故填You can see it there。
5.根据“You’re welcome.”可知此处表达感激。故填Thank you。
6.How was your trip/What was your trip like 7.How did you go there 8.How long did you stay there 9.What places did you visit/Where did you go 10.It was sunny/It was hot/It was bright...
6.根据“It was wonderful!”可知,询问旅行如何,故填How was your trip/What was your trip like。
7.根据“By ship.”可知,询问如何去那里,故填How did you go there。
8.根据“For two days”可知,询问在重庆待了多久,故填How long did you stay there。
9.根据“We visited Hongyadong and some other places of interest.”可知,询问去了哪里,故填What places did you visit/Where did you go。
10.根据“The sun shone brightly.”可知,天气是晴朗的,故填It was sunny/It was hot/It was bright...。
11.C 12.G 13.F 14.A 15.E
11.根据“I went to China on vacation.”可知,前文应是询问对方去了哪里。选项C“你去哪里了”符合语境。故选C。
12.根据“Well, the food is delicious! The people are friendly and the cities are beautiful!”可知,是描述食物和人如何,所以前文的横线上是询问看法。选项G“你认为中国怎样”符合语境。故选G。
13.根据“Yes. Look! These are the pictures of my trip.”可知,横线上应是询问拍照情况,选项F“你拍照了吗”符合语境。故选F。
14.根据“It is the West Lake in Hangzhou.”可知,横线上应是询问是什么。选项A“这是什么”符合语境。故选A。
15.根据“I went boating with my parents.”可知,应是询问做了什么。选项E“你在那儿做什么了”符合语境。故选E。
16.C 17.B 18.G 19.E 20.A
16.根据“Just go along the street and you will see the clock tower. The zoo is behind it”可知,询问去动物园的路怎么走,C选项“你能告诉我怎么去市动物园吗”符合,故选C。
17.根据“No, it isn’t”可知,这是is引导的一般疑问句,B选项“离这远吗”符合,故选B。
18.根据“It will take you about half an hour.”可知,询问要花多久,G选项“要花多久”符合,故选G。
19.根据“You can take the No. 8 bus.”可知,询问乘坐哪一路公交车,E选项“我们可以乘坐哪一路公交车”符合,故选E。
20.根据“You are welcome”可知,此处应表示感谢,A选项“非常感谢你”符合,故选A。
21.What are you doing 22.Once upon a time 23.Yes, she did 24.change back 25.What’s the name of the story
21.根据下文“I’m reading a storybook.”可知,此处是在询问玛丽在做什么。故填What are you doing。
22.根据上文“What does it say ”及下文“there was a beautiful girl.”可知,此处是故事的开头,“很久以前,有一个美丽的姑娘。”符合语境。故填Once upon a time。
23.根据上文“Did the girl meet a nice prince (王子) ”可知,这是一个一般疑问句,需使用Yes或No来回答。根据下文“But the prince was a frog (青蛙).”可知,此处是肯定回答,“是的,她遇到了。”符合语境。故填Yes, she did。
24.根据下文“Yes. The girl’s love helped him change back to the prince.”可推断,此处是在询问他最后是否变回了王子,符合语境;change back“变回,回复原状”,助动词did之后跟动词原形。故填change back。
25.根据下文“It’s called The Frog Prince.”可知,此处是在询问故事的名字,“故事的名字是什么?”符合语境。故填What’s the name of the story。
26.Is there a zoo near here 27.How far is it from here 28.How can I get there 29.Where is the bus stop 30.Thank you/Thanks a lot/…
26.根据“No, there isn’t one near here”以及“Where can I find a zoo in this city, please”可知此处询问附近有没有动物园。故填Is there a zoo near here。
27.根据“It’s about eleven kilometers away from here.”可知此处询问离这里有多远。故填How far is it from here。
28.根据“You can take a bus there. Er..., take bus No.2.”可知此处询问应如何去那里。故填How can I get there。
29.根据“Look, the bus stop is over there.”可知此处询问公交车站在哪里。故填Where is the bus stop。
30.根据“Look, the bus stop is over there.”可知最后对对方的帮助表示感谢。故填Thank you/Thanks a lot/…
31.E 32.C 33.B 34.F 35.A
31.根据下文“Yes, I did. I visited a small village.”可知,此处应是一个一般疑问句,询问关于旅行的话题。选项E“你上个月去旅行了吗?”符合语境。故选E。
32.根据下文“I took a bus. The village is a little far.”可知,此处应是询问如何到达那个村子的。选项C“你是如何到达那里的?”符合语境。故选C。
33.根据下文“Of course, I went fishing in the river. I also picked some pears. They were delicious.”可知,Lily介绍了在村子里所做的事情,此处应是询问Lily做了什么。选项B“你在那里做了什么?”符合语境。故选B。
34.根据下一句“It was cloudy and cool.”可知此处应是询问天气状况如何。选项F“那里的天气如何?”符合语境。故选F。
35.根据下一句“They were really cute.”可知,它们真的很可爱,说明此处应是谈论和动物相关的话题。选项A“但我看了熊猫和猴子。”符合语境。故选A。
36.B 37.C 38.D 39.C 40.D
36.根据“I went there with some of my friends.”可知,空处问和谁一起去度假的,选项B“你和谁一起去的?”符合语境。故选B。
37.根据“We camped in the mountains.”可知,空处问假期做了什么,选项C“你假期做了什么?”符合语境。故选C。
38.根据“ It was sunny.”可知,空处询问天气怎么样,选项D“天气怎么样?”符合语境。故选D。
39.根据“Yes, I took some beautiful photos.”可知,空处问有没有拍一些照片,选项C“你拍了照片吗?”符合语境。故选C。
40.根据“Did you have fun last weekend ”和“Wow, pretty cool.”可知,空处为肯定回答,表达自己上周做了什么有趣的活动,选项D“是的,我去看电影了。”符合语境。故选D。
41.What will you do there 42.When will you go to Yuntai Mountain 43.Will you do anything else 44.How long will you stay there 45.Have a good time
41.根据下文“We will have a volunteer activity there, like helping visitors find ways.”可知,横线上应是询问对方去那里做什么。故填What will you do there。
42.根据下文“I will go to Yuntai Mountain on July, 18.”可知,本句是问对方将什么时候去。故填When will you go to Yuntai Mountain。
43.根据下文“Yes, I will see my grandparents when I get there.”可知,本句是一般疑问句,问对方还有其他事吗。故填Will you do anything else。
44.根据下文“I will stay there for about a month.”可知,横线上应是问对方待在那儿多长时间。故填How long will you stay there。
45.根据标点符号及下文的答语“Thank you.”可知,应是表示祝愿。故填Have a good time。
46.E 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A
46.根据“Yes, I do. I buy most of my school things online”可知此处是以do开头的一般疑问句,且和网上购物有关,选项E“你经常网上购物吗”符合语境。故选E。
47.根据“Is it better than shopping at a shop ”可知他想知道网上购物是不是比在商店购物好,可见他没有在网上购物过,选项D“我从没有在网上买过东西”符合语境。故选D。
48.根据“You can get them at any place by post”可知此处表示网上购物有好处,选项B“它有几个好处”符合语境。故选B。
49.根据“Yes. And it can also help us save a lot of money”可知网上购物能帮助我们,且空处应是一个问句,选项C“它能帮助我们节约时间,是吗”符合语境。故选C。
50.根据“So you can shop at any time”可知你可以随时网上购物,空处应是介绍原因,选项A“一些网店24小时营业”符合语境。故选A。
51.D 52.F 53.A 54.E 55.B
51.根据“Yes. I’m looking for a sweater”可知,这是一个购物场景,售货员应说“我能帮你吗”,D选项“我能帮你吗”符合,故选D。
52.根据“What about this one”及“Do you have sweaters in other colors”可知,并不喜欢售货员推荐的这个颜色,F选项“对不起,我不喜欢白色”符合,故选F。
53.根据“Can I have a look at the blue one”及“Sure”可知,售货员把这件蓝色的递给顾客,A选项“给你”符合,故选A。
54.根据“It feels soft”可知,摸起来很柔软,所以询问它的材质,E选项“它由什么制成”符合,故选E。
55.根据“Sure. The fitting room is over there”可知,想试穿下这件衣服,B选项“我可以试穿下它吗”符合,故选B。
56.I went to the park with my best friend 57.What does he look like 58.Yes, I would like to 59.How can I get there 60.How long does it take to get there
56.根据“What did you do last weekend ”和“Your best friend ”可知,此处回答我和好朋友一起做了某事,故填I went to the park with my best friend。
57.根据“He is of medium height and has short black hair.”可知,此处询问他的长相,故填What does he look like。
58.根据“Would you like to come ”和“Where is it ”可知,询问它在哪里,因此表示愿意去,用肯定回答,故填Yes, I would like to。
59.根据“You can go along Center Street. It’s just across from the People’s Park.”可知,询问如何到达那里,故填How can I get there。
60.根据“It takes about 30 minutes.”可知,此处询问需要多长时间,故填How long does it take to get there。
61.(m)iss 62.(w)hy 63.(f)uture 64.(p)ractise/(p)ractice 65.(s)ure 66.(s)ick/(s)ave 67.(d)ecide
61.根据“many surprising new ideas.”可知如果不读书,可能会错过很多东西,miss表示“错过”,will后接动词原形。故填(m)iss。
62.此空是宾语从句的连接词,根据“At the same time, I can learn how to write through reading.”可知Andy知道Jiff擅长写作的原因了,用why引导宾语从句。故填(w)hy。
63.根据“ I want to be a writer in the”可知此处是介词短语,in the future表示“将来”。故填(f)uture。
64.根据“ How are you going to become a writer ”可知此处指如何成为作家,根据“writing stories a lot, of course”可知想成为作家,一定要多练习写作,practice/practise表示“练习”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填(p)ractice/(p)ractise。
65.根据“but I’m not ... about that. ”可知此处是短语be sure about表示“对……有把握”。故填(s)ure。
66.根据“Maybe I will be a doctor to help ... people.”可知医生可以帮忙救治病人,help后可接动词原形,save表示“救”;此空也可以形容词作定语,sick表示“生病的”。故填(s)ick/(s)ave。
67.根据“ Just work hard. Then you can be anything you want!”可知Jill觉得很难决定,decide表示“决定”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填(d)ecide。
68.E 69.F 70.A 71.C 72.B
68.根据“What are you doing ”可知回答是正在做的事情,E选项“我正在读一本关于未来生活的书”符合情景。故选E。
69.根据“Then, what will life be like in the future ”可知回答应该描绘书中介绍的未来生活,F选项“车能够在天空中飞”符合情景。故选F。
70.根据“But how will we drive them ”可知回答应该是驾车方式,A选项“我们不用驾驶”符合情景。故选A。
71.根据“There won’t be any schools. Students will have classes on the Internet.”可知此处询问未来学校的情况,C选项“学校怎么样”符合情景。故选C。
72.根据“Because school is good fun, and you can also make friends there.”可知此句是Why引导的特殊疑问句,B选项“你为什么这么想”符合情景。故选B。
73.B 74.A 75.B 76.D 77.C
73.根据“Yes, I plan to visit my grandparents.”可知此处应是一般疑问句,问的应是有没有什么计划,选项B“你有什么计划吗”,符合语境,故选B。
74.根据“What about you ”以及“You know, nothing is more important than health.”可知此处应是与健康有关,选项A“我只想保持健康”,符合语境,故选A。
75.根据“I’m going to run in the park for half an hour every morning.”以及结合上下文,可知此处应是问要如何保持健康,选项B“你打算怎么做”,符合语境,故选B。
76.根据“Junk food Sounds difficult for you.”可知此处应是说要不吃垃圾食品,选项D“我要停止吃垃圾食品”,符合语境,故选D。
77.根据“Well, I hope your dream will come true.”可知此处应是表示自己能做到,选项C“但是我相信我能做到”,符合语境,故选C。
78.Are you playing computer games/Are you doing your homework/Are you reading books/… 79.Could you tell me something about your hometown/Could you introduce your hometown/…
80.What kind of house do you live in 81.There is an old tree in the garden/There is an old tree in the yard/… 82.What’s the weather like in your hometown/How is the weather there/…
78.根据Judy的回答“No, I’m writing an email (邮件) to my grandparents”可知,应用一般疑问句问Judy是在做某事吗,事情无限制。故填Are you playing computer games/Are you doing your homework/Are you reading books/…。
79.根据“Of course. That’s a beautiful small town in the south of He nan.”可知,肯定回答后介绍了自己的家乡,由此可推断出,问的是能否介绍自己的家乡。故填Could you tell me something about your hometown/Could you introduce your hometown/…。
80.根据“A townhouse with a big garden.”可知,问Judy住的房子是什么样的。故填What kind of house do you live in。
81.根据“Our family get together and take a photo under the old tree every autumn.”可知,这里提到有一棵老树,所以空处应为“花园里有棵老树/院子里有棵老树”。故填There is an old tree in the garden/There is an old tree in the yard/…。
82.根据“It’s hot in summer and it rains sometimes.”可知,问Judy的是家乡的天气。故填What’s the weather like in your hometown/How is the weather there/…。



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