Unit 4 When is the art show ?同步练习(无答案)

Class: Name:
问句 答句
1 When is Tree Planting Day It’s in March.
2 When is China’s National Day It’s on October 1st.
3 When is the art show It’s on December 1st.
4 When is the singing contest It’s on September 2nd.
5 When is your birthday My birthday is on April 4th.
6 When is Mike’s birthday His birthday is on February 12th.
7 What will you do for your mun I’ll cook noodles for her.
8 What day is it today It’s Tuesday. 问星期
9 What’s the date today It’s June 12th. 问日期
10 Monday is the second day of a week. 周一是一周里的第二天。
11 Spring is the first season of a year. 春季是一年里的第一个季节。
第一 第二 第三 第四
第五 第六 第七 第八
第九 第十 第12
第20 第21 第23
第30 第40 第54
1. birthday is April 2nd
A.Who,in B.Whose,on C.Who’s,on
2.June is the month of a year. A.six B.sixth C.two
3.There are candies. A.three B.first C.third
4.Today is birthday. A. brother B.my mother’s C.mothers
5. Day is on March 8th. A.Womans ’ B.Women’s C. Woman’s
6.There are some special days August. A.in B.on C.of
7.I will meals my mum.
A.cook,for B.cooks,to C.cooking,for
4. Yes,my birthday is in October.
5.When is American Thanksgiving Day
6.What’s your favourite month?
7.Is her birthday on November 22nd
1.Our classroom is the second floor.
2.I like China. What you 3.There is a photo Zhaoqing.
4.Amy goes bed early. 5.I can go a picnic in spring.
6.Thank you telling me. 7.There is a map China.
1.The library is on the (two) floor.
2.December is the (twelve) month of a year.
3.People make (snowman) in winter.
4.August is the (eight) month of a year.
5.October 1st is (Chinese) National Day.
6.It’s a (rain) day.
7.Mary’s birthday is on July (thirteen).
8.How many (book) are there
9.Amy’s (mother) birthday is coming.
10.Can you go (swim)



