
一、Listen and choose. 听辨句子。
A)听录音, 选出所听句子中包含的内容。(5分)
( )1. A. May B. March C. Mary
( )2. A. fishing B. swimming C. shopping
( )3. A. which B. what C. why
( )4. A. live B. cave C. colours
( )5. A. busy B. because C. always
B)听录音, 选择正确的答语。(5分)
( )6. A.1 go to bed at nine o’clock. B. It’s nine o’clock. C. I get up at seven o’clock.
( )7. A. I like summer best. B. I like shirts best. C. I like white best.
( )8. A. She often goes swimming. B. He often plays basketball. C. I often go shopping.
( )9. A. Spring is green with trees. B. I can go swimming. C. Because I like winter vacation.
( )10. A. It’s in February. B. It’s in October. C. At seven o’clock.
二、Listen and choose. 听音, 选图。听录音, 选择正确的图片。(5分)
( )11. A. B. ( )12. A. B.
( )13. A. B. ( )14. A. B.
( )15. A. B.
三、Listen and judge. 听音, 判断.
A)听录音, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( )16. Sarah usually has music class on Tuesdays.
( )17. Summer is Sarah’s favourite season.
( )18. Sarah’s birthday is in December.
( )19. Sarah’s mother’s birthday is in August.
( )20. Sarah’s father’s birthday is in April.
B)听录音, 判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。(5分)
21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )
四、Listen and choose. 听录音, 选择正确的答案. (5分)
( )26. Here is a__________ of my family.
A. picture B. Birthday Calendar C. card
( )27 My grandpa’s birthday is in__________.
A. November B. December C. August
( )28. My mother’s birthday is in__________.
A. May B. August C. March
( )29. There are__________ birthdays in April.
A. three B. two C. four
( )30. My uncle’s birthday is in__________.
A. November B. August C. April
五、 Listen and order. 31. 听录音, 用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序。(5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
六、 Listen and write. 听写. 32. 听录音, 填单词, 每个横线上填写一个单词。(5分)
Hi, I’m Chen Jie. My favourite_________ is spring. Because my birthday is in March. I usually do morning_________ at 8 a. m. and go for walk at 8 p. m. I often go_________ and_________ a_________ class on the weekend.
A. bread B. classroom C. grass D. shirt E. chicken
1. Please clean the _______ at 4 o’clock.
2. The short man wears a ________ and shorts.
3. My grandpa’s cow likes eating green ________.
4. The child likes _______ very much. Yum! Yum!
5 Tim’s brother has________ for breakfast.
【答案】1. classroom
2. shirt 3. grass
4. chicken 5. bread
句意:我爷爷的奶牛喜欢吃青草。green grass青草,符合句意,故答案为grass。
6. —Do you know that festival
—Yes, it is in D_________. I like it very much.
7. —When is it
—It’s in J_________ or February.
8. —I often __________ my room on the weekend.
—You’re a good girl
【详解】句意:—我经常在周末清扫我的房间。—你是个好女孩。本名题考查动词短语和动词的形式,根据图可知是清扫房间clean the room,often是一般现在时的标志词,主语是I,动词用动词原形,故答案为clean。
9. — When do you __________ basketball after school
—At __________ o’clock.
【答案】 ①. play ②. five
【详解】句意:—你放学后什么时候打篮球? —在五点钟。本题考查动词短语及形式,基数词。打篮球play basketball,助动词do后跟动词原形,时间是五点,五five,故答案为play;five。
10. —When do you __________ on a __________
—In __________.
【答案】 ①. go ②. picnic ③. September
【详解】句意:—你们什么时候去野餐?—在九月。本题考查动词短语、动词的形式和专有名词。根据图片可知是去野餐,去野餐go on a picnic,特殊疑问句中助动词后动词用原形;答语根据图片可知是九月September。故答案为go;picnic;September。
11. I eat _______ at six o’clock in the afternoon. ( )
A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
12. —Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you do on Saturdays, Bob ( )
—I like sports. I often _______ on Saturdays.
A. play football B. play the pipa C. pick apples
13. There are ______ seasons in a year. ( )
A. twelve B. four C. three
【详解】句意:一年有_____季节。本题考查数词。A 12, B 4, C 3,一年有四个季节:春夏秋冬,故选B。
14. After the sports meet, we have _________ English party. ( )
A. an B. a C. /
15. In China, ______ is from June to August. ( )
A. spring B. summer C. winter
16. What’s the weather like today (用sunny, warm回答)
【答案】It’s sunny and warm.
【详解】原句句意:今天的天气怎么样?本题考查句型转换。回答天气用It’s...;所给提示词sunny和warm,故答案为It’s sunny and warm.
17. Mother's Day is in May. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Mother's Day
【答案】 ①. When ②. is
【详解】原句句意:母亲节在五月。划线部分是在五月,对时间提问用疑问词when,后接一般疑问句。此句中含有be动词is,将is提到主语Mother's Day前面,故答案为When;is。
18. I often plant flowers in spring. (对划线部分提问)
________ do you often _______ in spring
【答案】 ①. What ②. do
19. often, go, on, for, I, walk, Sundays, a (.)
【答案】I often go for a walk on Sundays.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。often经常,go for a walk去散步,I我,on Sundays在星期天,根据所给的句号和单词,可知句子是一个陈述句的肯定形式,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我经常在星期天去散步。故答案为I often go for a walk on Sundays.
20. 根据图片提示,仿照例句写句子。
A: Which season do you like best
B: 1 like summer best.
A: Why
B: Because I can eat ice cream.
A: ____________________
B: ____________________
A: Why
B: ____________________
【答案】 ①. Which season do you like best ②. I like winter best. ③. Because I can make a snowman.
【详解】根据所给例句:你最喜爱哪个季节?我最喜爱夏季。为什么?因为我可以吃到冰淇淋。根据图可知要仿写的句子句意:你最喜爱哪个季节?Which season do you like best 我最喜爱的是冬季。冬季winter,I like winter best.为什么?Why. 因为我可以堆雪人。堆雪人 make a snowman,故答案为Which season do you like best I like winter best. Because I can make a snowman.
play busy walk do wash
A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you do on Saturday
B: I often ____21____ homework in the morning and ____22____ sports in the afternoon. After dinner, I always go for a ____23____ with my parents.
A: Cool! You have a ____24____ Saturday. B: Yes, I’m busy on Sunday, too.
A: Do you do the same things on Sunday
B: No, I often do housework on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I play the pipa.
I ____25____ my clothes in the evening.
【答案】21. do 22. play
23. walk 24. busy
25. wash
句意:我经常上午做作业,下午运动。做作业do homework,故答案为do。
句意:我经常上午做作业,下午运动。做运动play sports,故答案为play。
句意:晚饭后,我总是和父母一起去散步。去散步go for a walk,故答案为walk。
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In China we usually feel warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter.
But different places have different seasons. The seasons in Australia are different from ours. When it is winter in China, it’s summer there. When it’s spring in China, it is autumn there. Because China is in the northern hemisphere(北半球). But Australia is in the south. The earth goes around the sun. Places in different latitudes(纬度)get different sunshine. When we enjoy a cold Christmas party in China, England or America, Australians are wearing T-shirts and sunglasses on the beach. They like to swim in the sea. So if you go to Australia, make sure to bring the right clothes.
26. The seasons in every place are the same in a year. ( )
27. When it’s spring in Australia, it’s autumn in China. ( )
28. Places in different latitudes get the same sunshine. ( )
29. Christmas Day is always in summer in Australia. ( )
30. If you go to Australia, you should bring the right clothes. ( )
【答案】26. F 27. T
28. F 29. T
30. T
句意:在一年里在每个地方的季节是相同的。根据文中句子“But different places have different seasons. ”得知不同的地方有不同的季节。句意与原文意思不符,故答案为F。
句意:在澳大利亚是春季的时候,在中国是秋季。根据文中句子“When it is winter in China, it’s summer there. When it’s spring in China, it is autumn there. ”得知在中国是冬季的时候,澳大利亚是夏季。在中国是春季的时候,澳大利亚是秋季。句意与原文意思相同,故答案为T。
句意:不同纬度的地方获得相同的阳光。根据文中句子“Places in different latitudes(纬度)get different sunshine. ”得知不同纬度的地方获得不同的阳光。句意与原文意思不同,故答案为F。
句意:在澳大利亚圣诞节总是在夏季。根据文中句子“When we enjoy a cold Christmas party in China, England or America, Australians are wearing T-shirts and sunglasses on the beach. ”得知当我们在中国、英国或美国享受寒冷的圣诞派对时,澳大利亚人在海滩上穿着T恤衫,戴着墨镜。可知澳大利亚的圣诞节是在夏季。句意与原文意思相符,故答案为T。
句意:如果你去澳大利亚,你应该带上合适的衣服。根据文中句子“So if you go to Australia, make sure to bring the right clothes.”得知如果你去澳大利亚,你应该带上合适的衣服。句意与原文意思相符,故答案为T。
Dongdong在一次研学活动中认识了Bill。暑假期间, Bill给Dongdong发来一封邀请函。Dongdong从邀请函中获取了哪些信息呢 请你选择正确的选项补全信息卡。
Dear Dongdong,
How are you now I miss you very much. Next month we’ll have a fruit harvest(收获). So my family will have a bonfire(篝火)party on August 5th on the farm. Would you come to the party I hope we can meet again. You can bring your friends. We will listen to music, sing songs and dance in the evening. We will eat fresh fruit from our farm. And we can tell stories. It will be great fun. See you at the party.
The ____31____Party When: on ____32____ 5th Where: ____33____ What: listen to music, sing and dance, ____34____, tell stories
31. A. Birthday B. Bonfire C. Fruit
32. A. June B. July C. August
33. A. on the farm B. in the park C. at the zoo
34. A. pick apples B. play games C. eat fresh fruit
【答案】31. B 32. C 33. A 34. C
A六月,B七月,C八月,根据文中句子“so my family will have a bonfire(篝火)party on August 5th on the farm. ”得知时间是在八月五日举行篝火聚会,故选C。
A在农场,B在公园,C在动物园,根据文中句子“So my family will have a bonfire(篝火)party on August 5th on the farm. ”得知在农场举行篝火聚会,故选A。
A摘苹果,B玩游戏,C吃新鲜水果,根据文中句子“ We will eat fresh fruit from our farm. ”得知我们将要吃来自农场的新鲜水果,故选C。
March is my favourite month. The weather is usually warm and sometimes it’s ____35____ (rain). There are green ____36____ (leaf) and beautiful flowers everywhere. There ____37____ (be) some fun things in March. My family often go on a picnic on weekends. I often ____38____ (plant) trees with my classmates and teachers on Tree Planting Day. There is a ____39____ (sing) contest, too. March is a month with lots of fun. I like March.
【答案】35. rainy
36. leaves 37. are
38. plant 39. singing
句意:这也有一场歌唱比赛。歌唱比赛singing contest,sing的动名词形式是singing,故答案为singing。
请以“My Day”为题,根据下面的图表提示,用英语描述一下自己(Mary)一天的活动安排。(补全短文)
My Day
My name is Mary. I’m a pupil. I ____40____ up at 6:30 in the morning. I ____41____ breakfast at 7:00 a. m. read books at 7:30 a. m. At 9 o’clock I draw ____42____. I often play ping-pong at 3:00 p. m. I ____43____ TV at 7:30 in the evening. I go to bed at 9:30. This is my day.
【答案】40. get
41. eat 42. pictures
43. watch
句意:我早上六点半起床。根据图可知,起床get up,故答案为get。
句意:我上午七点吃早饭。根据图可知,吃早饭eat breakfast,故答案为eat。
句意:在九点钟,我画画。根据图可知,画画draw pictures,故答案为pictures。
句意:我在晚上看电视。根据图可知,看电视watch TV,故答案为watch。小学五年级(下)英语阶段调研评估
一、Listen and choose. 听辨句子。
A)听录音, 选出所听句子中包含的内容。(5分)
( )1. A. May B. March C. Mary
( )2. A. fishing B. swimming C. shopping
( )3. A. which B. what C. why
( )4. A. live B. cave C. colours
( )5. A. busy B. because C. always
B)听录音, 选择正确的答语。(5分)
( )6. A.1 go to bed at nine o’clock. B. It’s nine o’clock. C. I get up at seven o’clock.
( )7. A. I like summer best. B. I like shirts best. C. I like white best.
( )8. A. She often goes swimming. B. He often plays basketball. C. I often go shopping.
( )9. A. Spring is green with trees. B. I can go swimming. C. Because I like winter vacation.
( )10 A. It’s in February. B. It’s in October. C. At seven o’clock.
二、Listen and choose. 听音, 选图。听录音, 选择正确的图片。(5分)
( )11. A. B. ( )12. A. B.
( )13. A. B. ( )14. A. B.
( )15. A. B.
三、Listen and judge. 听音, 判断.
A)听录音, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)
( )16. Sarah usually has music class on Tuesdays.
( )17. Summer is Sarah’s favourite season.
( )18. Sarah’s birthday is in December.
( )19. Sarah’s mother’s birthday is in August.
( )20. Sarah’s father’s birthday is in April.
B)听录音, 判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。(5分)
21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )
四、Listen and choose. 听录音, 选择正确的答案. (5分)
( )26. Here is a__________ of my family.
A. picture B. Birthday Calendar C. card
( )27. My grandpa’s birthday is in__________.
A. November B. December C. August
( )28. My mother’s birthday is in__________.
A. May B. August C. March
( )29. There are__________ birthdays in April.
A. three B. two C. four
( )30. My uncle’s birthday is in__________.
A. November B. August C. April
五、 Listen and order. 31. 听录音, 用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序。(5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
六、 Listen and write. 听写. 32. 听录音, 填单词, 每个横线上填写一个单词。(5分)
Hi, I’m Chen Jie. My favourite_________ is spring. Because my birthday is in March. I usually do morning_________ at 8 a. m. and go for walk at 8 p. m. I often go_________ and_________ a_________ class on the weekend.
A. bread B. classroom C. grass D. shirt E. chicken
1. Please clean the _______ at 4 o’clock.
2. The short man wears a ________ and shorts.
3. My grandpa’s cow likes eating green ________.
4. The child likes _______ very much. Yum! Yum!
5. Tim’s brother has________ for breakfast.
6 —Do you know that festival
—Yes, it is in D_________. I like it very much.
7. —When is it
—It’s in J_________ or February.
8. —I often __________ my room on the weekend.
—You’re a good girl.
9. — When do you __________ basketball after school
—At __________ o’clock.
10. —When do you __________ on a __________
—In __________.
11. I eat _______ at six o’clock in the afternoon. ( )
A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
12. —Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you do on Saturdays, Bob ( )
—I like sports. I often _______ on Saturdays.
A. play football B. play the pipa C. pick apples
13. There are ______ seasons in a year. ( )
A. twelve B. four C. three
14. After the sports meet, we have _________ English party. ( )
A. an B. a C. /
15. In China, ______ is from June to August. ( )
A. spring B. summer C. winter
16. What’s the weather like today (用sunny, warm回答)
17. Mother's Day is in May. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Mother's Day
18. I often plant flowers in spring. (对划线部分提问)
________ do you often _______ in spring
19. often, go, on, for, I, walk, Sundays, a (.)
20. 根据图片提示,仿照例句写句子。
A: Which season do you like best
B: 1 like summer best.
A: Why
B: Because I can eat ice cream.
A: ____________________
B: ____________________
A: Why
B: ____________________
play busy walk do wash
A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you do on Saturday
B: I often ____21____ homework in the morning and ____22____ sports in the afternoon. After dinner, I always go for a ____23____ with my parents.
A: Cool! You have a ____24____ Saturday. B: Yes, I’m busy on Sunday, too.
A: Do you do the same things on Sunday
B: No, I often do housework on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I play the pipa.
I ____25____ my clothes in the evening.
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In China we usually feel warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter.
But different places have different seasons. The seasons in Australia are different from ours. When it is winter in China it’s summer there. When it’s spring in China, it is autumn there. Because China is in the northern hemisphere(北半球). But Australia is in the south. The earth goes around the sun. Places in different latitudes(纬度)get different sunshine. When we enjoy a cold Christmas party in China, England or America, Australians are wearing T-shirts and sunglasses on the beach. They like to swim in the sea. So if you go to Australia, make sure to bring the right clothes.
26. The seasons in every place are the same in a year. ( )
27. When it’s spring in Australia, it’s autumn in China. ( )
28. Places in different latitudes get the same sunshine. ( )
29. Christmas Day is always in summer in Australia. ( )
30. If you go to Australia you should bring the right clothes. ( )
Dongdong在一次研学活动中认识了Bill。暑假期间, Bill给Dongdong发来一封邀请函。Dongdong从邀请函中获取了哪些信息呢 请你选择正确的选项补全信息卡。
Dear Dongdong,
How are you now I miss you very much. Next month we’ll have a fruit harvest(收获). So my family will have a bonfire(篝火)party on August 5th on the farm. Would you come to the party I hope we can meet again. You can bring your friends. We will listen to music, sing songs and dance in the evening. We will eat fresh fruit from our farm. And we can tell stories. It will be great fun. See you at the party.
The ____31____Party When: on ____32____ 5th Where: ____33____ What: listen to music, sing and dance, ____34____, tell stories
31. A. Birthday B. Bonfire C. Fruit
32. A. June B. July C. August
33. A. on the farm B. in the park C. at the zoo
34. A. pick apples B. play games C. eat fresh fruit
March is my favourite month. The weather is usually warm and sometimes it’s ____35____ (rain). There are green ____36____ (leaf) and beautiful flowers everywhere. There ____37____ (be) some fun things in March. My family often go on a picnic on weekends. I often ____38____ (plant) trees with my classmates and teachers on Tree Planting Day. There is a ____39____ (sing) contest, too. March is a month with lots of fun. I like March.
请以“My Day”为题,根据下面的图表提示,用英语描述一下自己(Mary)一天的活动安排。(补全短文)
My Day
My name is Mary. I’m a pupil. I ____40____ up at 6:30 in the morning. I ____41____ breakfast at 7:00 a. m. read books at 7:30 a. m. At 9 o’clock, I draw ____42____. I often play ping-pong at 3:00 p. m. I ____43____ TV at 7:30 in the evening. I go to bed at 9:30. This is my day.



