2024年外研版(三起) 小升初英语仿真模拟卷(含解析)

1.—Can I help you ( )
—Some chicken ______ me.
A.to B.of C.for
2.I want to _______ rice. ( )
A.eat B.drink C.eating
3.That’s a hamburger. It __________ good. ( )
A.look B.looks C.are
4.My sister often ______ her room at the weekend. ( )
A.clean B.is cleaning C.cleans
5.—Have you got a stamp from China or a stamp from Canada ( )
A.Yes, I have. B.No, I haven’t.
C.I’ve got a stamp from China but I haven’t got a stamp from Canada.
6.It will be ______ in Shanghai tomorrow. ( )
A.cloudy B.rainy C.sunny
7.Everything is falling. ________! ( )
A.What a mess B.Be careful C.Enjoy your meal
8.—I want two hamburgers and a cola. How much is it ( )
—It’s ________.
A.eight yuan B.thirteen dollars C.thirteen yuan
9.We ______a happy time at school. ( )
A.has B.had C.having
10.She is singing the song for ______. ( )
A.one time B.three times C.the third time
11.him, present, a, Simon’s, bought, mum (.)
12.is, model, for, a, she, blind, role, people (.)
13.do, like, you, Which, middle, school ( )
14.are, Why, wearing, hat, a, you ( )
15.sad, we, different, are, schools, going, I’m, because, to, (.)
A.pick up B.fly away C. gets cold D.write to E. keep on
16.Five minutes later, the balloons will .
17.They’re flying a kite, but it .
18.Oh dear! The apples are falling. Who can help me the apples
19.—Dad, I miss Lucy.
—Me too. Let’s her now.
20.—How to speak English well, Ms Li
—Please practising day by day.
21.She couldn’t see or hear. (改为肯定句)
22.Can you read (做肯定回答)
23.Why are you crying (Sad) (用 Because作答)
24.I’m going to study History and Physics. (对画线部分提问)
you going to study
25.I’m writing goodbye letters. (对画线部分提问)
Bob 26 born in 1993 in New York. When he was 6 years old, he 27 28 school. He 29 to China 3 years ago. He 30 Chinese food and he 31 many places of interest in China. He 32 a new friend. They 33 and 34 together in the park. They 35 very happy.
26.A.was B.is C.be D.were
27.A.go B.went C.going D.goes
28.A.in B.to C.for D.at
29.A.came B.come C.comes D.coming
30.A.liking B.like C.to like D.liked
31.A.visited B.visit C.visiting D.to visit
32.A.had B.have C.having D.to have
33.A.to sing B.sang C.sing D.singing
34.A.danced B.to dance C.dance D.dancing
35.A.is B.be C.was D.were
Great weather! It was 36 and hot all day. We 37 to a beautiful beach. We had great fun 38 in the water. In the afternoon we went 39 . On the way, I found a little boy 40 in the corner. He was 41 . I helped 42 find his father. That made me 43 very happy. I didn’t have 44 money 45 a taxi. So I walked back to the hotel.
36.A.wind B.cloud C.sunny
37.A.go B.got C.went
38.A.play B.played C.playing
39.A.shop B.shopping C.shopped
40.A.cries B.cried C.crying
41.A.lose B.lost C.crying
42.A.he B.his C.him
43.A.feel B.feeling C.felt
44.A.some B.any C.a few
45.A.with B.on C.for
Sue: Hello, Nancy! 46
Nancy: I’m going to have a surprise(惊喜) party for Li Wen. She’s going back to China.
Sue: 47
Nancy: I’m going to sing two Chinese songs.
Sue: 48
Nancy: Yes. Three years ago I could speak little Chinese. 49
Sue: She’s a good girl. When will the party start
Nancy: At half past four. It’s one o’clock. 50
A.Can you speak Chinese well
B.Three hours and a half to go!
C.Li Wen helped me a lot in Chinese.
D.What are you going to do at the party
E.What are you going to do this afternoon
A.B.C. D.E.
51.He wants to be a teacher. ( )
52.It’s going to be sunny. ( )
53.There is a big bird in the tree. ( )
54.She spent about three hours doing her homework. ( )
55.—Why are you crying ( )
—Because I’m sad.
56.It takes seven hours from Chengdu East to Beijing West. ( )
57.It will start at 7:03 from Chengdu to Xiamen. ( )
58.There are twenty-three stations from Chengdu East to Beijing West. ( )
59.It’s nine hundred yuan from Chengdu to Xiamen by First Class. ( )
60.Lingling has five hundred yuan. So she can take Second Class from Chengdu to Xiamen. ( )
Shenzhou XV took three taikonauts into space in November, 2022. They are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.
Fei Junlong was born in Jiangsu in 1965. He joined the army(部队) in 1982. He became one of the first taikonauts in 1998. Fei Junlong went into space for the second(第二) time. In October, 2005, he went into space with Nie Haisheng in Shenzhou Ⅵ. They spent about 115 hours in space. They did a lot of work there.
Deng Qingming was born in Jiangxi in 1966. He joined the army in 1984. He became one of the first taikonauts in 1998.
Zhang Lu was born in Hunan in 1976. He joined the army in 1996. He became one of the second taikonauts in 2010.
The three men are great taikonauts and we are proud of them.
61.What does the text(文本) talk about ( )
A.Shenzhou XV. B.Shenzhou Ⅵ. C.Great taikonauts.
62.Where did Fei Junlong born ( )
A.In Jiangsu. B.In Jiangxi. C.In Hunan.
63.When was Deng Qingming born ( )
A.In 1966. B.In 1984. C.In 2022.
64.Who was one of the second taikonauts in 2010 ( )
A.Fei Junlong. B.Deng Qingming. C.Zhang Lu.
65.Which one is right(正确) ( )
A.Fei Junlong went into space with Nie Haisheng in Shenzhou Ⅵ.
B.Zhang Lu went into space for the second time.
C.They spent about 115 hours in space in Shenzhou XV.
同学们,就要毕业了,你会去哪所中学呢?初中都会学哪些科目呢?请你介绍给大家吧! 参考词汇:primary / middle school, study, September, Chinese, Maths, English, history, geography, physical, say goodbye…
【详解】句意:我想吃米饭。本题考查动词的形式和动词辨析。A吃,动词原形;B喝,动词原形;C吃,动词的ing形式。want to do sth想做某事,eat符合句意,故选A。
【详解】句意:我妹妹经常在周末打扫她的房间。本题考查动词的形式。A是动词原形,B是现在进行时,C是动词的第三人称单数。该句时态是一般现在时,主语My sister是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数,故选C。
11.Simon’s mum bought him a present.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。him他,present礼物,a一个,Simon’s西门的,bought买,mum妈妈。根据所给的句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据所给出词义可连成句子:西门的妈妈给他买了一个礼物。故答案为Simon’s mum bought him a present.
12.She is a role model for blind people.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。is是,role model榜样,for对于,a一个,she她,blind people盲人,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:她是盲人的榜样。故答案为She is a role model for blind people.
13.Which middle school do you like
【详解】本题考查句子结构,do指单词,like喜欢,you你,Which哪一个,middle school中学,根据所给问号和疑问词Which,可知句子是特殊疑问句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:你喜欢哪一所中学?故答案为Which middle school do you like
14.Why are you wearing a hat
【详解】本题考查句子结构。are wearing戴着,Why为什么,hat帽子,a一顶,you你,根据所给问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义连成句子:你为什么戴着一顶帽子?故答案为Why are you wearing a hat
15.I’m sad because we are going to different schools.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。sad伤心的,we are going to我们要去……,different schools不同的学校,I’m我是,because因为,根据所给的句号和单词,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我很伤心因为我们要去不同的学校。故答案为I’m sad because we are going to different schools.
16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.E
【解析】16.句意:五分钟后,气球将会__________。fly away飞走,符合句意,故选B。
17.句意:他们正在放风筝,但是天_________。gets cold变冷,符合句意,故选C。
18.句意:天啊!苹果掉下来了。谁能帮我把苹果___________?pick up捡起,符合句意,故选A。
19.句意:—爸爸,我想念露西了。—我也一样。让我们现在给她写信。write to写信给……,符合句意,故选D。
20.句意:—李女士,怎么才能把英语说好?—请每天_______练习。keep on坚持,符合句意,故选E。
21.She could see and hear.
【详解】句意:她看不见也听不见。本题考查句型转换(10分),题干中含有情态动词的否定形式couldn’t,在肯定句用could;or用于否定句,肯定句中用and,故答案为She could see and hear.
22.Yes, I can.
【详解】句意:你会阅读吗?本题考查一般疑问句的答语,问句是can引导的一般疑问句,根据题意做肯定回答,问句主语是you,答语主语为I,故答案为Yes, I can.
23.Because I am sad.
【详解】句意:你为什么正在哭?本题考查特殊疑问句的答语。根据问句可知时态为一般现在时,答句也应是一般现在时,问句中主语为you,答句主语应为I,be动词应用am,故答案为Because I am sad。
24. What are
25.What are you doing
【详解】原句句意:我正在写告别信。本题考查句型转换(10分)。划线部分是正在做的事情,可知用what提问,问句为:你正在做什么?故答案为What are you doing
26.A 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.D 31.A 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.D
36.C 37.C 38.C 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.C
【解析】36.It was sunny天气晴朗。
38.have great fun doing sth.做某事玩得很高兴。应选C。
39.go shopping去购物。
40.find sb. doing sth.发现某人正在做某事,应选C。
41.他迷路了, He was lost. 应选B。
42.help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,help后跟宾格him。
43.make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,make后跟动词原形。
44.我没有钱I didn’t have any money. 否定句用any。
45.我没有坐出租车的钱。I didn’t have any money for a taxi. 用介词for。
46.E 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.B
51.E 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.C
56.T 57.T 58.F 59.F 60.F
61.C 62.A 63.A 64.C 65.A
61.句意:文本谈论的什么?A神舟十五号。B神舟六号。C伟大的航天员。根据“They are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.”可知介绍航天员,故选C。
62.句意:费俊龙在哪里出生的?A在江苏。B在江西。C在湖南。根据“Fei Junlong was born in Jiangsu in 1965.”可知在江苏出生,故选A。
63.句意:邓清明什么时候出生的?A在1966年。B在1984年。C在2022年。根据“Deng Qingming was born in Jiangxi in 1966.”可知是出生于1966年,故选A。
64.句意:2010年第二批宇航员是谁?A费俊龙。B邓清明。C张陆。根据“He became one of the second taikonauts in 2010.”可知是张陆,故选C。
65.句意:哪一个是正确的?A费俊龙和聂海胜在神舟六号时一起进入太空。B张陆第二次进入太空。C他们在神舟十五号在太空中度过了大约115个小时。根据“In October, 2005, he went into space with Nie Haisheng in Shenzhou Ⅵ.”可知费俊龙和聂海胜在神舟六号时一起进入太空,故选A。
I am going to leave my primary school soon and start middle school this September. My classmates and I are going to different schools. I am going to Park Middle School. I am going to study Chinese, Maths, English, history and geography in middle school. And I am going to learn a lot of new things there. I am also going to meet new friends. I’m sad to say goodbye to my classmates. I’ll miss them.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求用第一人称叙述自己要去哪所中学,并且介绍初中将会学习哪些科目。注意文章为一般将来时,同时注意词数要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考词汇:leave离开,primary school小学,start开始,middle school中学,different不同的,study学习,Chinese语文,English英语,Maths数学,history历史,geography地理,learn学习,say goodbye to对……告别,miss想念
参考句型:I am going to…;My classmates and I are…;I’m sad to…;I’ll miss…
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



