广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇2023-2024度第二学期七年级期中阶段性检测 英语试题(含答案)

全卷共8页,51 小题,满分 90 分,考试用时 90 分钟。
答题前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的考生号、姓名、座位号。用 2B 铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。
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Susan has a cake shop. ____1____job isn't easy because she has to begin to work at 8:00 am and finish it at 9:00 pm every day.____2______,she isn't alone. Her sisters work together ____3_____her.They make all the cakes by themselves.And many people enjoy buying things in __4____shop.
Susan and her sisters usually____5_____in the kitchen at the back of the shop.During festivals,they are very busy so the ___6_____get out of the kitchen.They are often tired,___7_____they never stop the work, When she sees the look of joy on the ___8____faces.Susan feels so happy.Susan is also always ready__9____others.She helps the old people in her neighbourhood(社区)once a month.And she often gives money and food to poor children.___10____kind lady she is!Do you want to have your own ship like Susan
( )1.A.She B.Her C.Hers
( )2.A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckily
( )3.A.for B.with
( )4.A.a C.the
( ) B.will work C.worked
( )6.A.mustn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t
( )7.A.and B.but C.or
( )8.A.customer B.customers C.customers’
( )9.A.helping help C.helped
( )10.A.How B.What C.What a
Mr. Turner is a businessman from the US. Last month,he took a trip to Munich, one of the biggest__11____in Germany(德国).
On the first day,he wanted to walk around the city.When he got out of the hotel, he realized (意识到)he didn’t know the ___12_____of the street.He__13____the wall of the street and saw a German word “ Einbahnstra β e”.He wrote it down on a piece of paper “Now,I know the name of the street”he thought, “It will be ___14____for me to get back here.”
After walking for a long time in the city, Mir Turner was___15_____ and wanted to go back to his hotel.He took out the ___16_____and showed the word to a young lady. The lady read the word carefully,but she didn’t ___17_____what he wanted.Then Mr.Turner asked an old man,but the old man couldn’t help him.
____18_____,Mr, Turner saw a young man. The young man knew a little__19____. Mr. Turner showed him the word again and asked him where the street was.The young man __20_____and told Mr.Turner “Einbahnstra β e”meant “one-way street”in English.It was not the name of the street.
( )11.A.villages B.towns C.cities D.countries
( ) B.number C.gate D.people
( )13.A.looked at B.looked for C.looked after D.looked up
( )14.A.good B.easy D.silly
( ) B.sad C.tired D.comfortable
( )16.A.wallet C.ticket D.paper
( )17.A.ask B.understand C.enjoy D.change
( )18.A.Finally B.Carefully C.Quickly D.Happily
( )19.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.German D.English
( )20.A.cheered B.promised C.laughed D.cried
Welcome to Lost And
Lost:A mobile phonePlace:Remin ParkName:Kelly SmithTime:April 10th ,2024Description(描述):It is a Huawei cellphone and the colour is purple.Reward(报酬):¥500Contact:243-6754 Lost:A walletPlace:King’s StreetName:Alice ClobesDescription:It is a black wallet with a star on it.There is some money and an ID card in it.Reward:¥100Contact:080-2024
Found:A cameraPlace:National MuseumName:Eric MillerTime:January 20th,2024Description:I found a yellow camera at the gate of the museum.And a red camera bag is near it.E-mail:ericmiller1212@. Found:A set of keysPlace:City BankName:Adam MortonTime:April 25th ,2024Description:There are 3 keys and one of them is golden(金色的).E-mail:adammorton@
( )21.Who lost a mobile phone on April 10th,2024
Alice Clobes B.Eric Miller C.Kelly Smith D.Adam Morton
( )22.Which wallet did Alice Clobes lose
B. C. D.
( )23.Mark lost a set of keys,and he can___________.
call 080-2024 B.e-mail adammorton@ ( mailto:adammorton@ ) 243-6754
e-mail ericmiller1212@.
( )24.Which of the following is TRUE
Eric found a yellow camera. B.. If you found Alice's wallet,you can get 500 yuan.
C.Adam lost a set of keys in King's Street. D.Kelly lost a black phone in a park.
( )25.Where is the passage most probably from
A guidebook B.A storybook C.A newspaper D.The Internet
Where are you going during the May Day holiday Tianshui(天水) in Gansu becomes famous these days.Thousands of visitors come to Tianshui because of its malatang hotpot(麻辣烫火锅).Tianshui welcomed 7.54 million visitors and made about 4.37 billion yuan last month.You can see different kinds of vegetables, meat and seafood in malatang hotpot in Tianshui.
Tianshui malatang becomes famous because of a video. In the video, a girl shares delicious food in Haiying Malatang Restaurant.The video gets hot online, and people from different places come here to try the food. Ha Haiying runs the restaurant for 26 years. Every day she works with other workers from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. She is busy but delighted because many people love their food.
Why is Tianshui malatang so popular The biggest reason(原因)is that it is very delicious.Because Tianshui malatang uses the special Gansu pepper(辣椒). Also, the workers in the restaurants are nice.People feel comfortable when they eat there.Finally, the food is not expensive. Visitors can enjoy delicious malatang at a low price.
( )26.What can’t you see in the malatang hotpot in Tianshui
Vegetables B.Seafood C.Fruit D.Meat
( )27.How long do Haiying and her workers work every day
A.6hours B.9hours C.13hours D.15hours
( )28.The underlined word “delighted”in Paragraph 2 means______.
happy B.worried C.strict D.healthy
( )29.Tianshui malatang is popular because___________.
①the food is very delicious ②the workers are nice
③the food is cheap. ④the restaurant are beautiful
①②④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③
( )30.What’s the best title(标题)of the passage
A Trip during the May Day Holiday
Malatang in Tianshui,Gansu
A Video about Tianshui malatang
The Way to Make malatang
( )31.Li Ping is good at cooking. He likes making delicious food. He is also interested in food from different countries.( )32.Jack does kung fu well. He thinks doing kung fu can make him strong and bring happiness to others.( )33.Amy thinks drawing is interesting.She draws well and she is happy to teach others.( )34.Eric loves volleyball. He wants to find someone to play with him in his free time.He also wants to make some friends.( )35. Bob is an American student in China. He can teach people to speak English and he also wants to learn some Chinese. Cam you play basketball well The basketball team in our school is looking for players.We will play games with other teams at the end of this term. Are you good at drawing Do you like to teach others to draw Welcome to our drawing club.Our English club needs some students from English-speaking countries.All of the students in our club are friendly.We can also teach you some Chinese.Do you like volleyball Do you want to play with us after school You can make new friends here. Call me at 4237-7903 and join us.Can you play table tennis well Are you good with children Our centre needs a teacher to teach children table e and join us !Our club will cook delicious food together every Wednesday afternoon.Students from different countries will share some special food in the club.The old people's home needs some volunteers(志愿者).Can you sing, dance or do kung fu The old will be happy to watch your e and join us.
easy from idea head but call
they be become difficult girl and
The lion dance is important in the hearts of people in Guangdong province.In Guangdong,a one-lion dance usually needs eight people-the lion___36_____the lion tail and six other players.In the past,it was only an art for men.But the Women’s Lion Dance Team___37______Guangzhou is special.Because all the dancers in the team are girls.
One day,a man___38____Zhang Zheliang sees some young lion dancers going down and he has a(n)___39_____of having an all-girl lion dance team.He starts to look for girl dancers but it is not ___40____because most of lion dancers are men.He finally finds girl dancers___41_____trains(训练)them hard.Because of___42_____hard work,the girls win their first big prize(奖).They get more prizes later and ___43_____famous.
Today,there___44_____over 20 girls in the team.And more___45____start to learn the lion dance because of them.Do you like the lion dance
What will life be like in the future Will machines and robots help with people's work Or will they be bad for humans(人类) Today I will tell you a story about the future. It is a movie named I,Robot.
The year is 2035 and almost every family has a robot.People use their robots to do lots of things,such as working,cooking,doing housework and taking their dogs for a walk.Robots have to work for humans because their designers(设计师)make them do so.Spooner,a 30-year-old policeman,doesn’t like robots.He thinks humans can’t get on well with their robots.But Susan,a scientist,likes robots because they help people a lot.She thinks one day robots will become more powerful(强大的)than people.
When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world's robots. A few robots have their own ideas and they're trying to get out of people’s control(控制)on a cold evening!Of course these robots’ dream doesn’t come true.People work hard to control their robots again and they make it at last.Robots have many advantages,but we should use them in a right way.
What’s the name of the movie
Who do robots have to work for
What is Spooner,a scientist or a policeman
Why does Susan like robots
When are robots trying to get out of people’s control
假如你是 Kate,下星期要参加学校举办的英语演讲比赛,请你以“Life in Ten Years”为题,根据以下的思维导图,用英语写一篇演讲稿。
Life in Ten Years
Good morning,everyone.I'm Kate,a student from Class 1,Grade 7.Today I'm going to talk about life in ten years.________________________________________
Thanks for listening!
36.head 37.from 38.called 39.idea 40.easy 41. and 42.their 43.become 44.are 45.girls
A.46.I,Robot. 47.Humans. 48.A policeman. 49.Because robots help people a lot. 50.On a cold evening.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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