专题14 阅读判断-2023-2024六年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(人教PEP版)(含解析)

专题14 阅读判断
Hello, I am Oliver. Last Sunday I went to a farm with my friends. The weather was very nice. We went there by bus. It took us fifty minutes to get there. There were many trees and beautiful flowers on the farm. Mike and Sam fed the pigs. The pigs were fat and strong. Near the pigs, there were some chickens walking under a big tree. Lucy and Judy fed some rice to them. We also saw some cows. The cows were stronger than the pigs. Bob and I fed the cows. Three boys planted a young tree with the help of a farm worker. Two girls watered the young tree. We were very tired when we finished the work, but all of us were very happy.
1.Oliver and his friends went to the farm by bus. ( )
2.It took them an hour to get to the farm. ( )
3.Some chickens were walking under a big tree. ( )
4.Lucy and Judy planted a young tree. ( )
5.They were unhappy because they were tired. ( )
I like my school very much now, because it is big and beautiful. But five years ago, it was small and dirty (脏的). There was only a small playground then. We couldn’t play football or badminton on it. But now there is a big gym in my school. We can do all kinds of sports in it. Before there weren’t any computers. But now there is a computer room and there are many computers in it. Now there is a big library in my school. I can read books in it.
6.My school was big and beautiful five years ago. ( )
7.There is a big gym in my school now. ( )
8.There were many computers before. ( )
9.Now I can read books in the library. ( )
10.I don’t like my school. ( )
In my city, people can see the fireworks(烟花) at the Spring Festival. Last year, I went to see the fireworks with my parents and my uncle’s family. We walked to the bank(堤坝). There were lots of people there. It was cold and windy. But all of us were happy and excited. The fireworks show started at eight o’clock. They were wonderful. Some of the fireworks were small and some of them were large. They went very high. My uncle took many pictures of the fireworks.
11.We went to see the fireworks at the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )
12.It was cold and windy. ( )
13.There were few people on the bank. ( )
14.We got there by bike. ( )
15.My father took many pictures. ( )
Last Sunday, all students went to a forest park with Miss White. They had a happy time there.
Name In the morning In the afternoon
Jim rode a bike went fishing
Anna took pictures read books
Carl rode a horse went swimming
Andy played badminton played football
Judy played badminton listened to music
16.Jim rode a bike with Carl. ( )
17.Anna took pictures in the forest park. ( )
18.Judy and Andy played badminton in the morning. ( )
19.Two students went fishing in the afternoon. ( )
20.All students were happy last Sunday. ( )
Do you know how to throw trash(垃圾) into the right bins Look! There are different kinds(种类) of bins.
We should put the leftover into the green bins, such as left fish, left rice and left vegetables. They’re for the “Kitchen waste”.
We should put the old newspapers(报纸), the glass, the cans into the blue bins. They’re for the “Recyclable waste”.
We should put the used batteries(电池), expired medicine into the red bins. They’re for the “Harmful waste”.
How about other trash We can put them into the black bins. They’re for the “Other waste”, such as the dust, the toilet paper(卫生纸) and so on.
Waste sorting is very important(重要的) in our life. Let’s do it! And let’s ask our family and friends to do it together!
21.There are different kinds of bins for the trash. ( )
22.The blue bins are for the “Kitchen waste”. ( )
23.We should put the water bottles into the red bins. ( )
24.We should put the toilet paper into the black bins. ( )
25.Waste sorting is not important in our life. ( )
I have a very large (大的) family. I have two brothers and three sisters. My brothers go to university (大学) but my sisters are pupil. My father is a doctor and my mother works in a bookstore. My grandfather and grandmother live with us. We have two dogs and four cats.
Our house is large. There are six bedrooms and three living rooms in the house. It also has a big garden. My grandparents grow flowers, fruits and vegetables in it. The children and dogs play there. We are happy at home.
26.There are 10 people in my family. ( )
27.My mother is a nurse. ( )
28.We have two dogs and four cats. ( )
29.There are seven bedrooms and two living rooms in the house. ( )
30.My grandparents grow fruits in the garden. ( )
Lily and Lucy are twins. They come from the USA.They came to China in 2010 because their parents came to China to work. Their father is an engineer(工程师) and their mother is a teacher. Lily and Lucy are 12 years old. They are in Grade 6, but they are in different classes. Lily is in Class 2 and Lucy is in Class 3. They walk to school every day. They have many friends in China. The girls and their friends often play together. They like hiking with their friends in summer and making a snowman with them in winter. They enjoy their life in China.
31.Lily and Lucy are American girls. ( )
32.Their mother is an engineer. ( )
33.Lily and Lucy are in the same class. ( )
34.Lily and Lucy like hiking and making a snowman in winter. ( )
35.They live in China now. ( )
Li Lin is a student at Xinghua Primary School. Five years ago, he was short and thin. He couldn’t ride a bike at that time. He went to school by bus. He didn’t like sports. After school, he always watched TV. But now he is different. He likes sports very much. He goes to school by bike. After school, he often plays basketball with his friends. He is tall and strong now.
36.Li Lin couldn’t ride a bike five years ago. ( )
37.He went to school on foot five years ago. ( )
38.He rides a bike to school now. ( )
39.He often plays football after school now. ( )
40.He is tall and strong now. ( )
Welcome to our zoo! Ticket price: Adults(成人): ¥80 Children: free (under 1.2m) half the price (1.2~1.5m) Time: Tuesday~Sunday 10:00 a.m.~6:00 p.m.
41.There are many animals in the zoo. ( )
42.The zoo is open on Monday. ( )
43.My sister is 1.3 metres tall. The ticket for her is 40 yuan. ( )
44.The ticket for my mother is 80 yuan. ( )
45.It is free for the pupils in Grade 6. ( )
46.It’s a plane ticket. ( )
47.Zhang Lin is going to Wuhan. ( )
48.Zhang Lin can get to (达) the station at 10: 27 ( )
49.Zhang Lin’s seat is the first class. ( )
50.The ticket price is 53 yuan. ( )
1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
1.句意:奥利弗和他的朋友们乘公共汽车去了农场。根据“We went there by bus.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
2.句意:他们花了一个小时才到达农场。根据“It took us fifty minutes to get there.”,可知他们花了五十分钟到的农场,故答案为F。
3.句意:一些鸡在一棵大树下散步。根据“Near the pigs, there were some chickens walking under a big tree.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
4.句意:露西和朱迪种了一棵小树。根据“Three boys planted a young tree with the help of a farm worker.”,可知是三个男孩在农场工人的帮助下种植了一棵小树。故答案为F。
5.句意:他们很不高兴,因为他们累了。根据“We were very tired when we finished the work, but all of us were very happy.”,可知他们都很高兴,故答案为F。
6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F
6.句意:五年前,我的学校又大又漂亮。根据“But five years ago, it was small and dirty (脏的).”,可知五年前,作者的学校又小又脏,故答案为F。
7.句意:现在我的学校里有一个大体育馆。根据“But now there is a big gym in my school.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
8.句意:以前有很多电脑。根据“Before there weren’t any computers.”,可知以前没有电脑,故答案为F。
9.句意:现在我可以在图书馆看书了。根据“Now there is a big library in my school. I can read books in it.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
10.句意:我不喜欢我的学校。根据“I like my school very much now, because it is big and beautiful.”,可知作者喜欢自己的学校,故答案为F。
11.F 12.T 13.F 14.F 15.F
11.句意:我们去看了中秋节的烟花。根据“In my city, people can see the fireworks(烟花) at the Spring Festival. Last year, I went to see the fireworks with my parents and my uncle’s family.”,可知看的是春节的烟花,故答案为F。
12.句意:天气寒冷且有风。根据“It was cold and windy.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
13.句意:堤坝上几乎没有人。根据“We walked to the bank(堤坝). There were lots of people there.”,可知堤坝上有很多人,故答案为F。
14.句意:我们是骑自行车到那里的。根据“We walked to the bank(堤坝).”,可知步行去的那里,故答案为F。
15.句意:我爸爸拍了很多照片。根据“My uncle took many pictures of the fireworks.”,可知叔叔拍了很多照片,故答案为F。
16.F 17.T 18.T 19.F 20.T
16.句意:吉姆和卡尔一起骑自行车。 根据表格内容可知吉姆上午骑自行车,卡尔上午骑马,题干与表格内容不符,故答案为F。
17.句意:安娜在森林公园拍照了。 根据表格内容可知安娜上午拍照了,题干与表格内容相符,故答案为T。
18.句意:朱迪和安迪上午打羽毛球了。 根据表格内容可知朱迪和安迪在上午打羽毛球了,题干与表格内容相符,故答案为T。
19.句意:两个学生下午去钓鱼了。 根据表格内容可知只有吉姆下午去钓鱼了,题干与表格内容不符,故答案为F。
20.句意:上周日所有的学生都很开心。根据句子“Last Sunday, all students went to a forest park with Miss White. They had a happy time there.上周日,所有的学生都和怀特老师去了森林公园。他们在那里玩得很开心。”可知题干与表格内容相符,故答案为T。
21.T 22.F 23.F 24.T 25.F
21.句意:有不同种类的垃圾桶。根据文章“ Look! There are different kinds of bins”可知有不同种类的垃圾桶。题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
22.句意:蓝色的垃圾箱是用来放“厨房垃圾”的。根据文章“We should put the leftover into the green bins, such as left fish, left rice and left vegetables. They’re for the “Kitchen waste””可知我们应该把剩菜、剩鱼、剩米饭和剩菜放入绿色垃圾桶,它们是“厨余垃圾”。题干与原文不符,故答案为F。
23.句意:我们应该把水瓶放进红色的垃圾桶。根据文章“We should put the used batteries, expired medicine into the red bins. They’re for the “Harmful waste””可知我们应该把用过的电池、过期药品放入红色垃圾桶。题干与原文不符,故答案为F。
24.句意:我们应该把卫生纸放进黑色的垃圾桶。根据文章“We can put them into the black bins. They’re for the “Other waste”, such as the dust, the toilet paperand so on”可知我们可以把它们放入黑色垃圾桶,它们是“其余垃圾”,如灰尘、厕纸等。题干与原文相符,故答案为T。
25.句意:垃圾分类在我们生活中并不重要。根据文章“Waste sorting is very important in our life”可知垃圾分类在我们生活中非常重要,题干与原文不符,故答案为F。
26.T 27.F 28.T 29.F 30.T
27.句意:我的妈妈是一名护士。由文中“My father is a doctor and my mother works in a bookstore.” 可知我妈妈在书店工作,不是护士。句子与原文不符,故答案为F。
28.句意:我们有两只狗和四只猫。由文中“We have two dogs and four cats.” 可知句子与原文相符,故答案为T。
29.句意:在房子里有七个卧室和两个客厅。由文中“There are six bedrooms and three living rooms in the house.” 可知在房子里有六个卧室和三个客厅,句子与原文不符,故答案为F。
30.句意:我的(外)祖父母在花园里种水果。由文中“My grandparents grow flowers, fruits and vegetables in it.” 可知我的(外)祖父母在花园里种花,水果和蔬菜。句子与原文相符,故答案为T。
31.T 32.F 33.F 34.F 35.T
31.句意:莉莉和露西是美国女孩。根据“Lily and Lucy are twins. They come from the USA.”,可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。
32.句意:她们的母亲是一名工程师。根据“Their father is an engineer(工程师) and their mother is a teacher.”,可知她们的母亲是一名老师,故答案为F。
33.句意:莉莉和露西在同一个班。根据“They are in Grade 6, but they are in different classes.”,可知莉莉和露西不在同一个班,故答案为F。
34.句意:莉莉和露西喜欢在冬天徒步旅行和堆雪人。根据“They like hiking with their friends in summer and making a snowman with them in winter.”,可知她们喜欢在夏天徒步旅行,在冬天堆雪人,故答案为F。
35.句意:他们现在住在中国。根据“They enjoy their life in China.”,可知句子与短文相符,故答案为T。
36.T 37.F 38.T 39.F 40.T
36.句意:李林五年前不会骑自行车。根据“Five years ago, he was short and thin. He couldn’t ride a bike at that time.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
37.句意:五年前他步行上学。根据“He went to school by bus.”,可知五年前他坐公共汽车去上学,故答案为F。
38.句意:他现在骑自行车上学。根据“He goes to school by bike.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
39.句意:他现在放学后经常踢足球。根据“After school, he often plays basketball with his friends.”,可知他现在放学后打篮球,故答案为F。
40.句意:他现在又高又壮。根据“He is tall and strong now.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F
43.句意:我姐姐身高1.3米。她的票是40元。根据“Adults(成人): ¥80 Children: free (under 1.2m) half the price (1.2~1.5m)”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
44.句意:我妈妈的票是80元。根据“Adults(成人): ¥80”,可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。
45.句意:这对六年级的学生是免费的。根据“free (under 1.2m)”,六年级的学生一般都高于1.2米,故答案为F。
46.F 47.T 48.F 49.F 50.T
48.句意:张琳可以10:27到达车站。根据“July lst ,2023 10:27”可知是发车时间是10:27,需要10:27之前到达,故答案为F。
49.句意:张琳的座位是头等舱。根据“2nd Class”可知座位是二等,故答案为F。
50.句意:票价是53元。根据“ 53”可知票价是53元,故答案为T。




下一篇:专题02 语音选择题-2023-2024四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(人教PEP版)(含解析)