专题08 完形填空-2023-2024六年级英语下学期期末考试真题汇编(外研版三起)(含解析)

专题08 完形填空
Hi, everyone. I’m Chinese, 1 live in London now. I can speak English. But I sometimes 2 mistakes with English words. It was sunny yesterday. My friend and I went to the park. I 3 , “Let’s fly cats in the park.” My friend laughed. I didn’t 4 why. My friend said, “Cats are animals. We can’t fly them. But we can fly kites.” “I knew my mistake. I wanted to say ‘kites’, not ‘cats’.” I said. Then we laughed again. That 5 funny.
( )1.A.but B.or C.and
( )2.A.makes B.make C.made
( )3.A.say B.said C.says
( )4.A.know B.knew C.knows
( )5.A.is B.are C.was
It was Xiaoxiao’s birthday last Saturday. She 6 many presents from her family. Her father gave 7 a bike. Her mother bought a book about space travel for her. She was 8 in it. She 9 a lot about space travel. Wang Yaping is her hero. She loves her very much. She wants to be a 10 like Wang Yaping in the future.
( )6.A.got B.get C.gets
( )7.A.she B.him C.her
( )8.A.interesting B.interested C.interest
( )9.A.learnt B.learning C.learn
( )10.A.teacher B.taikonaut C.worker
(22-23六年级下·四川乐山·期末)I have a new friend. 11 name is Zhang Lei. He 12 in Sanya. He’s a schoolboy. He likes 13 football. But he didn’t play it last weekend. He 14 a bad cold. He 15 at home.
( )11.A.Her B.His
( )12.A.lives B.works
( )13.A.play B.playing
( )14.A.had B.has
( )15.A.stays B.stayed
(22-23六年级下·四川乐山·期末)I'm Tom. I live in London. I'm a pupil. I go to 16 by bus every day. My favourite 17 are English and PE. I can 18 some Chinese. I want to know more about China. So I want a pen friend from 19 . Do you want to be my 20
( )16.A.work B.school
( )17.A.subjects B.festivals
( )18.A.speak B.watch
( )19.A.Chinese B.China
( )20.A.pen friend B.teacher
(22-23六年级下·河南焦作·期末)Dear Mr Smith,
Today I see an ad (广告). I know you 21 two swimming teachers for your club on Sundays. I want tot be a(n) 22 teacher. My name is June Smith. My 23 name is June. I’m 20. I like swimming and I 24 swim well. I like kids and I am 25 with kids. I can help them 26 swimming. I can also play 27 guitar. I like English and I 28 English very well. My email address is june009@. If I can 29 in your club, please 30 me. My telephone number is 358-2698.
( )21.A.have B.see C.need
( )22.A.swimming B.piano C.English
( )23.A.first B.family C.last
( )24.A.don’t B.can C.can’t
( )25.A.fine B.nice C.good
( )26.A.for B.to C.with
( )27.A.the B.a C.an
( )28.A.spell B.speak C.tell
( )29.A.am B.is C.be
( )30.A.call B.meet C.thank
(22-23六年级下·山西临汾·期末)Hello, I'm Lily. I'm 31 Tianjin. I'm twelve 32 old. 33 a baby, I 34 no arms. So I 35 write. I was very sad. My parents 36 me the story of Helen Keller. Then I started to learn 37 with my feet. It was difficult for me. But I learnt hard. Now I can write 38 my feet. I'm very 39 . My parents are proud 40 me.
( )31.A.to B.from C.for
( )32.A.years B.year C.months
( )33.A.And B.At C.As
( )34.A.has B.have C.had
( )35.A.could B.couldn't C.can
( )36.A.told B.listen C.speaking
( )37.A.write B.to write C.writes
( )38.A.with B.for C.to
( )39.A.sad B.happy C.angry
( )40.A.of B.to C.with
Marie Curie (居里夫人)was a famous 41 She 42 born in Poland (波兰)in 1867. As a young 43 , she went to Paris(巴黎), France(法国) to study maths. She was very good at maths and science. In 1903,the Curies with another scientist(科学家)shared(分享)the Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖). She lived to 44 67. She is a role model 45 everyone.
( )41.A.teacher B.taikonaut C.scientist
( )42.A.is B.was C.be
( )43.A.woman B.man C.driver
( )44.A.is B.was C.be
( )45.A.for B.in C.with
Dick gets a little pocket money from his parents every week. He can (1) the money to buy books, CDs, or other (2) things. He doesn’t (3) much. He puts some into a (4) . One day, Dick went to a (5) . He saw a DVD player. It was a little expensive. But he (6) it very much. He thought (7) could help him to practice English. He wanted to buy it, (8) he didn’t have enough money with him. So he went to the bank to withdraw(提,取)some (9) . At last, he bought one and went home (10) .
( ) (1) A.get B.bring C.give D.make
( ) (2) A.careful B.long C.useful D.useless
( ) (3) A.spend B.go C.borrow D.take
( ) (4) A.home B.bank C.hotel D.hospital
( ) (5)A.shop B.library C.park D.home
( ) (6) A.like B.to like C.liked D.liking
( ) (7) A.they B.you C.it D.its
( ) (8) A.and B.but C.so D.while
( ) (9)A.food B.food C.drinks D.money
( ) (10)A.sadly B.happily C.slowly D.unhappily
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C
2.句意:但是我有时会犯英语错误。A动词的第三人称单数,B动词原形,C动词的过去式。 sometimes是一般现在时的标志词,排除选项C,主语I是第一人称单数,动词用原形,故选B。
4.句意:我不知道为什么。A动词原形,B动词的过去式,C动词的第三人称单数。助动词 didn’t后接动词原形,故选A。
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
8.句意:她对它很感兴趣。A有趣的,物做主语;B感兴趣的,人做主语;C使感兴趣,动词。be interested in对……感兴趣,故选B。
11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B
12.句意:他居住在三亚。A居住,B工作,根据“ He’s a schoolboy.”他是一个学校男孩,可知,他不可能工作了。排除B,故选A。
13.句意:他喜欢踢足球。A动词原形,B现在分词,like to do sth/like doing sth,喜欢做某事,故选B。
14.句意:他感冒了。A动词过去式,B动词第三人称单数形式,根据“But he didn’t play it last weekend.”上周末他没有踢足球,可知,时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选A。
15.句意:他呆在家里。A动词第三人称单数形式,B动词过去式,根据last weekend可知,时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选B。
16.B 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.A
16.句意:我每天坐公共汽车去______。A工作,B学校。根据前一句I'm a pupil. 我是一名学生。可知B选项符合语境,go to school去上学。故选B。
20.句意:你想成为我的_____吗?A笔友,B老师。根据前一句So I want a pen friend from China. 因此我想要一个来自中国的笔友。可知A选项符合语境,故选A。
21.C 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.A
23.句意:我的名字叫琼。first name名字,family name姓氏,last name姓,根据My name is June Smith.可知我的名字叫琼,故选A。
25.句意:我喜欢孩子我和孩子们相处得很好。A好的,B好看的,C好的,根据句意,可知考查短语be good with与……相处很好,介词短语,故选C。
26.句意:我可以帮助他们游泳。A为了,B到,C和……一起,根据句意,可知考查短语help sb with sth帮助某人做某事,动词短语,故选C。
27.句意:我也会弹吉他。the定冠词,a用于以辅音音素开头的名词前,an用于以元音音素开头的名词前,play表示演奏乐器,后接表示乐器的名词,与定冠词the连用,弹吉他为play the guitar,故选A。
28.句意:我喜欢英语我英语讲得很好。A拼写,B讲,C告诉,讲某种语言用speak,speak English讲英语,故选B。
30.句意:如果我能加入你的俱乐部,请给我_____。call打电话,meet遇见,thank感谢,由短文中的My telephone number is 358-2698.可知请给我打电话,故选A。
31.B 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.A
31.句意:我_____天津。根据句意可知该空填from,be from来自,固定短语,故选B。
32.句意:我十二岁。...year(s) old几岁,twelve后跟名词复数,用years,故选A。
37.句意:我开始学习用我的脚写字。learn to do sth学习做某事,后跟不定式,to write是过去式,故选B。
40.句意:我的父母亲因我而骄傲。be proud of因……而骄傲,固定短语,故选A。
41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.A
46.(1)B (2)C (3)A (4)B (5) A (6)C (7)C (8)B (9) D (10)B



