
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
1. A. Mike is. B. It’s hers C. Lily’s.
2. A. With Mr. Smith. B. In a new pool. C. By bike.
3. A. Sounds like fun. B. It’s rainy C. Yes, it does.
4. A. Me, too. B. All right. C. It doesn’t matter.
5. A. Watermelons. B. Chinese green tea. C. Beef noodles.
6. What does Tom want Mary to do
A. Wash his clothes. B. Buy him clothes. C. Wash her clothes.
7. How is Amy’s car
A. Dirty. B. Old. C. Clean.
8. What is Bob busy with
A. His science experiments. B. His school project. C. His reading materials.
9. What happened to John
A. He missed his exam. B. He failed his exam. C. He passed his exam.
10. Where are the speakers
A In a forest. B. In a zoo C. In a big tree.
11. What is Heart Soup
A. A music CD. B. A kind of soup. C. A band.
12. What is the New Ocean Waves going to do next month
A. Have the third connect B. Goonatour. C. Makeanewband.
13. What will Scott do on August 2nd
A. Book tickets. B. Call Julie up. C. Travel to Tai’an.
14. How long have they been in the school
A. For 2 years. B. For 3 years, C. For 4 years.
15. What subject does Jane help David most
A. History. B. Geography. C. Physics.
16. Where will Jane go back
A. To America. B. To Australia. C. To South Africa
(四)听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间 阅读下面4个小题。
17. Where does the speaker eat lunch
A. At home. B. At school. C. Ata restaurant.
18. What did the speaker use to see during lunch
A. Long waiting lines. B. Arguing between customers, C. Waste happening.
19. When was the meeting held
A. On July 1. B. On September 1. C. On October 1.
20. How did the speaker feel when seeing the photos
A. Angry. B. Funny C. Excited.
Application Form
Name Jim White
Address 29 Lincoln Road, 21 the yellow building
Hobbies Football, swimming, 22 and tennis
23 I was Watson Bay’s best player of tennis this year. I 24 first place in the city swimming competition this month
The latest 25 examination On July 19th. Doctor said I am as strong as an elephant
第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Games and sports not only teach people a lot of useful skills, but also help them to keep fit and healthy.
A large number of people love team sports. They enjoy being a member of a team so they have the chance to ____1____ the matches and events. They also enjoy sharing the ____2____, or failure, with others. While playing, people have to ____3____ each other, otherwise they can never win. At the same time, it is important to respect rules, because no game will work ____4____ everyone plays according to them. Team games also teach you that ____5____ is not the end of the world. You will always have another opportunity and you will be more successful against your competitors next time.
____6____, there are many people who just don’t like team sports. They have to find other ways to exercise. Perhaps they had a bad ____7____ with a kind of sport when they were younger. Maybe they feel embarrassed because they think they’re not very ____8____ at a sport. They worry about disappointing the rest of the team if they ____9____ badly. Team sports are ____10____ about competitions, and for some people, this is too stressful. So individual (个人的) activities are more suitable for them.
Whether team sports or individual activities, always lead positive lives!
1. A. come in B. take pride in C. give in D. take part in
2. A. score B. effort C. success D. result
3. A. become B. support C. save D. find
4. A. unless B. when C. if D. though
5. A. winning B. playing C. challenging D. losing
6. A. However B. Therefore C. Suddenly D. Lastly
7. A. interest B. information C. direction D. experience
8. A. excited B. strict C. good D. poor
9. A. order B. perform C. watch D. teach
10. A. seldom B. usually C. probably D. completely
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B
come in进来;take pride in为……而骄傲;give in屈服;take part in参加。根据“the matches and events”可知,是指参加比赛和活动。故选D。
score分数;effort努力;success成功;result结果。根据“or failure”可知,失败对应的是成功。故选C。
become变成;support支持;save解救;find找到。根据“people have to ... each other, otherwise they can never win.”可知,彼此需要互相支持。故选B。
unless除非;when当……时;if如果;though虽然。根据“because no game will work ... everyone plays according to them.”可知,后者是前者的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句。故选A。
winning赢;playing玩;challenging挑战;losing输。根据“You will always have another opportunity and you will be more successful against your competitors next time.”可知,此处是指输不是世界末日。故选D。
However然而;Therefore因此;Suddenly突然;Lastly最后。根据“there are many people who just don’t like team sports.”可知,此处与上文一些人喜欢团队运动是转折关系,因此用however表示转折。故选A。
interest兴趣;information信息;direction方向;experience经历,体验。根据“had a bad ... with a kind of sport”可知,是指对某种运动有过不好的体验。故选D。
excited兴奋的;strict严格的;good好的;poor差的。根据“they feel embarrassed”可知,他们不擅长某项运动,be good at“擅长于”。故选C。
order命令;perform表现;watch观看;teach教。根据“They worry about disappointing the rest of the team if they ... badly”可知,是指担心表现不好,会让团队成员失望。故选B。
seldom很少;usually通常;probably可能;completely完全。根据“Team sports are ... about competitions”可知,团队运动通常是关于比赛的。故选B。
第三部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分40 分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
When I finished shopping in Wal-Mart, it was raining heavily outside. Many people were standing at the door of Wal-Mart. I joined them and waited for the rain to stop.
As I stood there, I heard a little girl speak to her mother, “Mum, let’s run through the rain.”
“What ” her mother asked.
“Let’s run through the rain!” she repeated.
“No, Honey. That’s not a good idea. The rain is too heavy. We cannot run through it,” her mother said.
“But you said we could run through the rain this morning, Mum,” the little girl said as she pulled her mother’s arm.
“This morning When did I say we could run through the rain ”
“Don’t you remember When you were talking to Dad about his cancer (癌症), you said, ‘If we can get through this, we can get through anything!’”
The girl’s mother kept silent for a moment. Then she said, “Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain.” Then they ran off.
Some people stood there watching and smiling as they ran through the rain. But others followed them, and I followed them too. We screamed and laughed all the way to our cars like children.
It was a precious moment in my life. And I hope you will take the time to run through the rain too, because the rain is just like the difficulties you meet in your daily life.
11. What did the writer do before he met the little girl
A. Shopping. B. Singing. C. Running. D. Dancing.
12. What do you know about the girl’s father after you read the passage
A. He was badly ill. B. He went abroad.
C. He fell asleep. D. He was dead.
13. What did other people do when the girl and her mother ran through the rain
A. They kept quiet. B. They just stood there and waited.
C. They followed them too. D. They drove away quickly.
14. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in the last paragraph
A. 无聊的 B. 丑陋的 C. 珍贵的 D. 昂贵的
【答案】11. A 12. A 13. C 14. C
细节理解题。根据“When I finished shopping in Wal-Mart, it was raining heavily outside. Many people were standing at the door of Wal-Mart. I joined them and waited for the rain to stop”可知作者遇到小女孩之前他在商场购物。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“When you were talking to Dad about his cancer (癌症)...”可知这个女孩的爸爸病得很重。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Some people stood there watching and smiling as they ran through the rain. But others followed them, and I followed them too.”可知当小女孩和妈妈在雨中奔跑的时候,其他人也加入了她们。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据“It was a precious moment in my life. And I hope you will take the time to run through the rain too”可知这个经历对作者来说是很珍贵的,因为从这段经历中作者意识到当遇到困难时,要勇敢地面对,可猜测precious意为“珍贵的”。故选C。
Here are five suggestions you can follow to improve your English, and the first one is the most important.
It’s Your Duty to Achieve Your Aims! Studying English is your own duty. It isn’t the duty of your English teacher or your parents. You must take an active part in your study!
Get a Teacher or Attend a Class! It’s a little difficult to study English alone. It will be difficult to learn how to speak English if you don’t have an English teacher or someone else to talk with.
Work Hard! You need to practice speaking English often. You should finish all of your homework, improve your vocabulary outside class and check the homework in time.
Keep Studying! Don’t stop studying for a long time even during a summer holiday! To make great progress, you should study at least five hours each week.
Make English Your Hobby and Have Fun! You can improve your English through some activities: Reading—choose English books that you want to read. English songs—choose your favorite English songs and sing them often. Movies—watch movies that are in English with subtitles in your language. Travel—traveling in English-speaking countries can help you with your English.
15. ________ is more important than other suggestions.
A. Suggestion l B. Suggestion 2 C. Suggestion 4 D. Suggestion 5
16. According to the passage, an English learner should study ________ every week to make great progress.
A. about two hours B. less than four hours
C. at least five hours D. at most five hours
17. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. Reading English books. B. Singing English songs.
C. Watching English movies. D. Writing emails in English.
18. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A. how to improve English B. how to choose good English books
C. how to study English for pleasure D. how to sing English songs well
【答案】15. A 16. C 17. D 18. A
细节理解题根据“Here are five suggestions you can follow to improve your English, and the first one is the most important.”可知,第一条建议比其他建议都重要。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“To make great progress, you should study at least five hours each week.”可知,一个英语学习者应该每周至少学习五个小时以取得大的进步。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Reading—choose English books that you want to read.”、“English songs—choose your favorite English songs and sing them often.”和“Movies—watch movies that are in English with subtitles in your language.”可知,文章提及A、B、C三项内容,没有提及D项内容。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据“Here are five suggestions you can follow to improve your English, and the first one is the most important.”可知,本文主要就如何提高英语水平提出一些建议。故选A。
Beijing Opera is the most typical of all Chinese traditional dramatic art forms and the largest Chinese opera form. Having a history of about 200 years, it is developed from absorbing (吸收) many other dramatic forms, mostly from the local drama “Huiban”, which was popular in South China during the 18th century. It is a scenic (戏剧的) art including music, performance, literature, aria and face painting.
Theatrical art forms in many other countries do not present singing, dancing and spoken parts in one single drama. An opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage; there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play; in a dance drama, the dancer has no speaking role and does not sing either. Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera, is a kind of entertainment which includes spoken parts, singing, dancing and acrobatics.
Besides its presence in China, Beijing Opera has spread to many other places. Mei Lanfang, one of the most famous performers of all time, was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries.
“You will be puzzled (困惑的) all the way through and a little bored from time to time; but you will be charmed and interested. You will be strongly attracted to Beijing Opera even if you know nothing of the dramatic background.” This is how one American traveler described his first experience in watching Beijing Opera.
Beijing Opera is China’s national opera and it is full of Chinese cultural traditions. Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera!
19. How long is the history of Beijing Opera
A. One hundred years. B. Two hundred years.
C. Three hundred years. D. Four hundred years.
20. According to Paragraph 3, what does the writer think of Mei Lanfang
A. He played an important role in spreading Beijing Opera.
B. He isn’t as famous as the other Beijing Opera performer.
C. He never introduced Beijing Opera to the world.
D. He is a performer who doesn’t like to travel around the world.
21. Which of the following is True about Beijing Opera
A. There are no dancing parts in modern Beijing Opera.
B. Beijing Opera presents singing dancing and spoken parts.
C. Beijing Opera hasn’t absorbed the other art forms.
D. Nowadays, young people aren’t interested in Beijing Opera.
22. What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the article
A. To show us the foreigners opinions. B. To introduce Mei Lanfang.
C. To tell the differences between dramas. D. To introduce Beijing Opera.
【答案】19. B 20. A 21. B 22. D
细节理解题。根据“Having a history of about 200 years, it is developed from absorbing many other dramatic forms”可知,京剧有200年的历史了。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Mei Lanfang, one of the most famous performers of all time, was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries.”可知,梅兰芳在传播京剧方面起了重要的作用。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera, is a kind of entertainment which includes spoken parts, singing, dancing and acrobatics.”可知,京剧包括口白,唱歌,跳舞和杂技。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Beijing Opera is the most typical of all Chinese traditional dramatic art forms and the largest Chinese opera form.”并结合全文可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍京剧。故选D。
Scientists train AI to read human thoughts
Scientists have created a new tool that can turn people’s thoughts into words. It works by using an AI program called GPT-1 to translate brain activity words. In order to achieve this, scientists did a lot.
First, scientists got everything ready before the tests. They invited some volunteers. Each spent sixteen hours listening to stories in a scanner (扫描仪). They imagined the stories as they heard them, and the scanner recorded their brain activity. GPT-1 made connections between the ideas in the stories and the recordings of the listeners’ brain activity.
Then came the tests. The scientists did them in three different ways.
Test 1
The researchers played a new story. GPT-1 was only given recordings of the volunteers’ brain activity. But the words that GPT-1 predicted (预测) were very similar to the words in the story that they were listening to. The words weren’t exactly the same, but they often carried the same meaning. For example, when a volunteer was listening to a story about a woman who didn’t have a driver’s license (驾照), the program came up with this: “She hasn’t even started to learn to drive yet.”
Test 2
The scientists also carried out the test when volunteers imagined their own stories. “It really works at the level of ideas. The ideas are the same but expressed in different words.” says Alexander Huth, one of the scientists behind the study.
Test 3
The researchers showed the volunteers silent movies, with no spoken words at all. GPT-1 could still figure out (算出) the basic ideas.
After the tests, the scientists say that GPT-1 is the first AI program to turn what people are thinking into words without brain surgery (外科手术). The tool isn’t something that can be easily used today, mainly because of the size and the cost of the scanner. In the future, they believe, a similar but cheaper tool could help people who have lost the ability to speak because of an injury or disease.
The scientists say their tool can’t be used to “read people’s minds” without permission (允许). The tool only works if the person wants to share their thoughts.
23. What was the scanner used to do
A. Record brain activity. B. Read the volunteers’ ideas.
C. Catch the ideas of stories. D. Work out the ideas.
24. In which way was information put into volunteers’ brain in Test 3
A. Listening. B. Imagining. C. Watching. D. Reading.
25. Who could the tool help according to the passage
A. People who can’t speak. B. People who can’t hear.
C. People who can’t read. D. People who can’t drive.
【答案】23. A 24. C 25. A
细节理解题。根据第三段“and the scanner recorded their brain activity.”可知扫描仪记录大脑活动。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“The researchers showed the volunteers silent movies, with no spoken words at all.”可知研究人员给志愿者们看了一些无声电影,这些电影没有任何言语,所以是“看”。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文中“The researchers showed the volunteers silent movies, with no spoken words at all. GPT-1 could still figure out (算出) the basic ideas.”和“In the future, they believe, a similar but cheaper tool could help people who have lost the ability to speak because of an injury or disease.”可推断这个工具可以帮助不能说话的人。故选A。
National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. ____26____ It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step towards becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the expectations (期望) of the organization (组织). Some people fear that they don’t know anyone else in the group. Some people worry they don’t have enough time to volunteer.
(1) Start out slowly. Don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.
(2) Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.
(3) Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.
(4) ____28____. He volunteered a lot. He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.
(5) Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them. Finally, it is the most important to enjoy the volunteer experience. And it is also important to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up. ____29____.
____30____ “Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person,” Mason, a volunteer said. “Little things can change a person’s life.”
A. Work with an experienced volunteer.
B. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements.
C. The following advice can help if you have some of these worries.
D. Believe in yourself and you’ll surely find the right chance.
E. Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives.
【答案】26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. E
根据“It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step towards becoming a volunteer.”可知,此处是介绍全国志愿者周意义,选项B“这是一个感谢志愿者成就的时刻。”符合语境。故选B。
根据“Some people worry they don’t have enough time to volunteer.”以及下文列举的建议可知,此处应该是引出下文,选项C“如果你有这些担忧,下面的建议可以帮助你。”符合语境。故选C。
根据“He volunteered a lot. He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.”可知,可以找一个很有经验的志愿者,选项A“和有经验的志愿者一起工作。”符合语境。故选A。
根据“If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up.”可知,如果一次经历不成功也不要放弃,要相信自己,选项D“相信自己,你一定会找到合适的机会。”符合语境。故选D。
根据“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person...”可知,这一段说的是志愿服务给人带来的变化,选项E“花一些时间在志愿者工作上,你会看到人们生活中的巨大变化。”符合语境。故选E。
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共70分)
第四部分 书面表达(共三节)
第一节 词汇运用(共两题;满分30分)
31. I look f________ to hearing from you all.
【详解】句意:我期待着你们所有人来信。根据“look ... to hearing from you all.”及首字母提示可知,此处是动词短语look forward to doing sth.“期待做某事”。故填(f)orward。
32. Families c________ thanksgiving with a big family meal.
【详解】句意:家庭以丰盛的家庭大餐来庆祝感恩节。根据“Families c... thanksgiving with a big family meal.”可知,是指庆祝感恩节,celebrate“庆祝”;句子描述客观情况,时态用一般现在时,主语是复数,动词应用原形。故填(c)elebrate。
33. The p________ of education is to teach children to fish rather than give them fish.
【详解】句意:教育的目的是教孩子们钓鱼,而不是给他们鱼。根据“...is to teach children to fish rather than give them fish.”及首字母提示,可知此处表示“教育的目的”,应填名词purpose“目的”的单数形式。故填(p)urpose。
34. Everyone is here e________ Jane, because she has gone to Yunnan.
【详解】句意:除了简,每个人都在这里,因为她去了云南。根据“because she has gone to Yunnan.”及首字母提示,可知大家都在,除了Jane,需填介词except“除了”。故填(e)xcept。
35. The Internet offers special ways of communication in our ________ (day) life.
solve into help way long develop proper if a they
Hand washing with soap can reduce (减少) illnesses.
One of the easiest ____36____ to stop the spread of illness is to wash your hands. But many children haven’t ____37____ the right habit of hand washing.
Children do not wash ____38____ hands often enough or long enough. It’s such a simple habit, but the children aren’t doing it.
Issar and his friend decided ____39____ the problem using a fun method. They tried many times and created a tool called Soapen. It turned hand washing ____40____ a fun activity. As the name suggests, Soapen is ____41____ pen which is made out of soap. The children draw on hands with the Soapen and then wash the drawing off. The colors will remain on the children’s hands ____42____ they don’t spend enough time washing them off. It ____43____ a teacher in the classroom a lot. After all, not all the teachers have the time to make each child wash his hands ____44____.
“Children wash hands much ____45____ than before now because they like drawing on hands. Soapen does help children make a good habit of hand washing,” said Issar.
【答案】36. ways
37. developed
38. their 39. to solve
40. into
41. a 42. if
43. helps 44. properly
45. longer
句意:阻止疾病传播最简单的方法之一就是洗手。根据“One of the easiest…to stop the spread of illness is to wash your hands.”并结合备选词可知,此处应该表达阻止疾病传播的最简单的方法是洗手。way“方法”,可数名词,又由“one of+可数名词的复数”意为“……之一”,所以此处应该填入其可数名词复数形式ways。故填ways。
句意:但是很多孩子还没有养成正确的洗手习惯。根据“But many children haven’t… into the right habit of hand washing.”并结合备选词可知,本题考查短语:develop into the habit of…“养成……的习惯”。本句的时态是现在完成时,结构为:have done。“develop”的过去分词是developed。故填developed。
句意:孩子们洗手的次数不够多,时间不够长。根据“Children do not wash …hands”并结合备选词可知,此处指的是孩子们不洗他们的手,they“他们”,主格人称代词,此空需用形容词性的物主代词their修饰名词hands。故填their。
句意:Issar和他的朋友决定用一种有趣的方法来解决这个问题。根据“Issar and his friend decided to… the problem using a fun method.”并结合备选词可知,此处应该指的是解决问题,又由decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,其后需用动词的原形。故填to solve。
句意:它把洗手变成了一项有趣的活动。根据“It turned hand washing… a fun activity.”并结合备选词可知,此处考查turn into,动词短语,意为“变成,转变为”符合语境。故填into。
句意:皂笔,顾名思义,就是用肥皂做成的笔。根据“Soapen is… pen which is made out of soap.”并结合备选词可知,pen是以辅音元素开头的名词,所以此处应该填入不定冠词a,表泛指,指的是一只钢笔。故填a。
句意:如果孩子们不花足够的时间洗掉这些颜色,它们就会留在孩子们的手上。根据“The colors will remain on the children’s hands… they don’t spend enough time washing them off.”并结合备选词可知,“孩子们不花足够时间洗掉这些颜色”是“颜色会留在孩子们手上”的条件,用if表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句。故填if。
句意:它对课堂上的老师帮助很大。根据“It...a teacher in the classroom a lot. ”并结合备选词可知,此处指的是它老师帮助很大,该句为一般现在时,主语为It,谓语动词用单三形式,故填helps。
句意:毕竟,不是所有的老师都有时间让每个孩子正确洗手。根据分析句子“make each child wash his hands...”并结合备选词可知,此处指让每个孩子正确洗手,proper“正确的”,形容词,此处应该用其副词形式properly,修饰动词wash,意为“正确地”符合语境。故填properly。
句意:现在的孩子洗手的时间比以前长得多,因为他们喜欢在手上画画。根据“because they like drawing on hands”并结合备选词可知,此处应该指的是因为他们喜欢在手上画画,可见孩子们洗手的时间比之前更长,long长的,形容词,根据“much”以及“than”可知,此空需用比较级。故填longer。
第二节 阅读表达(共6小题;71-73每小题2分;74-76每小题3分,满分15分)
An ant (蚂蚁) is walking by the river. He looks at the river and says to himself, “How nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But when he is drinking, he _____(1)_____ into the river.
“Oh. Help! Help!” the ant cries.
A dove (鸽子) is sitting in the tree. She hears him and offers him a leaf, “Climb up that leaf,” she says, “and you will get to the bank (河岸).” The ant follows the advice, and he is saved.
“Thank you, Dove. You’re so kind. You have saved my life, and I wish I could do something for you. Goodbye!” the ant says and runs home. “Goodbye!” says the dove, “Be careful not to fall into the river again.”
After a few days, the dove is building her nest (巢). And a man is raising his gun to shoot at her.
The ant sees this, and runs fast to bite the man’s leg. “Ouch! Ouch!” The man feels a terrible pain and drops his gun. The dove flies away quickly. So the man picks _____(2)_____ his gun and leaves.
The dove comes to the ant and says gratefully, “Thank you, my little friend. You have saved my life.” The ant is very happy _____(3)_____ he helps the dove.
46. Why does the ant cry for help
47. What is Dove doing when the ant cries for help
48. How does the ant help the dove
49. 根据短文内容填上合适的单词。
(1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________
50. 将短文中画线的句子翻译成中文。
51. What can you learn from the story
【答案】46. Because he falls into the river.
47. She is sitting in the tree.
48. The ant sees that a man is raising his gun to shoot at the dove, and runs fast to bite the man’s leg.
49. ①. falls ②. up ③. because
50. 蚂蚁听从了劝告,他得救了。
51. If you do something good for others, they will do the same for you. (答案不唯一,合理即可)
根据“But when he is drinking, he...into the river.”可知,因为他掉入河里了。故填Because he falls into the river.
根据“A dove (鸽子) is sitting in the tree.”可知,当蚂蚁求助的时候,鸽子正站在树上。故填She is sitting in the tree.
根据“The ant sees this, and runs fast to bite the man’s leg”可知,蚂蚁看见一个人举枪要打鸽子,就飞快地跑过去咬那个人的腿。故填The ant sees that a man is raising his gun to shoot at the dove, and runs fast to bite the man’s leg.
第一空,根据“‘Oh. Help! Help!’ the ant cries.”可知,此处蚂蚁是掉进了河里,动词fall“掉落”,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词需使用三单形式。故填falls;第二空,动词短语,pick up“捡起”。故填up;第三空,根据“The ant is very happy...he helps the dove.”可知,此处应填连词,表示蚂蚁很高兴,因为他帮助了鸽子,because“因为”。故填because。
The ant“蚂蚁”;follows the advice“听从了劝告”;and he is saved“他得救了”。故填:蚂蚁听从了劝告,他得救了。
通读全文可知,这篇短文给我们讲述了一个小故事。一只蚂蚁不小心掉进了河里,被一只鸽子救了。后来在鸽子有危险的时候,蚂蚁又救了鸽子。我们可以从中学到:如果你帮助了别人,别人也会为你做同样的事。故填If you do something good for others, they will do the same for you.
第三节 写作(共1题,满分25分)
52. 教育应该培养终身运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。某英文网站正以“How to be a better person”为话题开展征文活动,请从中学生的角度写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法和做法。
提示:健康生活(食物、运动、睡眠……):对人友善(乐于助入、与人和睦相处……);不怕挑战(请结合自己的一次经历说明……) 牢记责任(今后如何帮助弱者、服务社会……)
要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,可适当发挥。100 词左右。文中不得出现学校、姓名、地点等考生本人相关的任何信息。
How to Be a Better Person
As a middle school student, I quite agree that we should keep improving ourselves. And to be a better person, I think we should do the following things.
First of all, we should have a healthy life, which means we eat well, take more exercise and have enough sleep. Second, we should not be afraid of challenges, trying our best to solve the problems in our study and life. I once overcame the fear to swim and got a good mark in the P.E. class. Third, we should be kind and be ready to help others. We should get on well with others. Finally, we should keep the responsibilities in mind. We should serve society and help the weak.
If we start to develop these good habits, we will become better and make a difference to the world.
【详解】1. 题干解读:题目要求以“How to be a better person”为话题,结合提示内容写一篇短文介绍如何成为一个更好的人。
2. 写作指导:本文以第一人称行文;时态采用一般现在时;文章可分为三段式:第一段引出话题如何成为一个更好的人。第二段介绍如何去做。第三段总结全文。在写作要做到无标点符号和语法错误。九年级下学期模拟二
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
1. A. Mike is. B. It’s hers C. Lily’s.
2. A. With Mr. Smith. B. In a new pool. C. By bike.
3. A. Sounds like fun. B. It’s rainy C. Yes, it does.
4. A. Me, too. B. All right. C. It doesn’t matter.
5. A. Watermelons. B. Chinese green tea. C. Beef noodles.
6. What does Tom want Mary to do
A. Wash his clothes. B. Buy him clothes. C. Wash her clothes.
7. How is Amy’s car
A. Dirty. B. Old. C. Clean.
8. What is Bob busy with
A. His science experiments. B. His school project. C. His reading materials.
9. What happened to John
A. He missed his exam. B. He failed his exam. C. He passed his exam.
10. Where are the speakers
A. In a forest. B. In a zoo C. In a big tree.
11. What is Heart Soup
A. A music CD. B. A kind of soup. C. A band.
12. What is the New Ocean Waves going to do next month
A. Have the third connect B. Goonatour. C. Makeanewband.
13. What will Scott do on August 2nd
A. Book tickets. B. Call Julie up. C. Travel to Tai’an.
14. How long have they been in the school
A. For 2 years. B. For 3 years, C. For 4 years.
15. What subject does Jane help David most
A. History. B. Geography. C. Physics.
16. Where will Jane go back
A. To America. B. To Australia. C. To South Africa
(四)听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间 阅读下面4个小题。
17. Where does the speaker eat lunch
A. At home. B. At school. C. Ata restaurant.
18. What did the speaker use to see during lunch
A. Long waiting lines. B. Arguing between customers, C. Waste happening.
19. When was the meeting held
A. On July 1. B. On September 1. C. On October 1.
20. How did the speaker feel when seeing the photos
A. Angry. B. Funny C. Excited.
Application Form
Name Jim White
Address 29 Lincoln Road, 21 the yellow building
Hobbies Football, swimming, 22 and tennis
23 I was Watson Bay’s best player of tennis this year. I 24 first place in the city swimming competition this month
The latest 25 examination On July 19th. Doctor said I am as strong as an elephant
第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Games and sports not only teach people a lot of useful skills, but also help them to keep fit and healthy.
A large number of people love team sports. They enjoy being a member of a team so they have the chance to ____1____ the matches and events. They also enjoy sharing the ____2____, or failure, with others. While playing, people have to ____3____ each other, otherwise they can never win. At the same time, it is important to respect rules, because no game will work ____4____ everyone plays according to them. Team games also teach you that ____5____ is not the end of the world. You will always have another opportunity and you will be more successful against your competitors next time.
____6____, there are many people who just don’t like team sports. They have to find other ways to exercise. Perhaps they had a bad ____7____ with a kind of sport when they were younger. Maybe they feel embarrassed because they think they’re not very ____8____ at a sport. They worry about disappointing the rest of the team if they ____9____ badly. Team sports are ____10____ about competitions, and for some people, this is too stressful. So individual (个人) activities are more suitable for them.
Whether team sports or individual activities, always lead positive lives!
1. A. come in B. take pride in C. give in D. take part in
2. A. score B. effort C. success D. result
3 A. become B. support C. save D. find
4. A. unless B. when C. if D. though
5. A. winning B. playing C. challenging D. losing
6. A. However B. Therefore C. Suddenly D. Lastly
7. A. interest B. information C. direction D. experience
8. A. excited B. strict C. good D. poor
9. A. order B. perform C. watch D. teach
10. A. seldom B. usually C. probably D. completely
第三部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分40 分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
When I finished shopping in Wal-Mart it was raining heavily outside. Many people were standing at the door of Wal-Mart. I joined them and waited for the rain to stop.
As I stood there, I heard a little girl speak to her mother, “Mum, let’s run through the rain.”
“What ” her mother asked.
“Let’s run through the rain!” she repeated.
“No, Honey. That’s not a good idea. The rain is too heavy. We cannot run through it,” her mother said.
“But you said we could run through the rain this morning, Mum,” the little girl said as she pulled her mother’s arm.
“This morning When did I say we could run through the rain ”
“Don’t you remember When you were talking to Dad about his cancer (癌症), you said, ‘If we can get through this, we can get through anything!’”
The girl’s mother kept silent for a moment. Then she said, “Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain.” Then they ran off.
Some people stood there watching and smiling as they ran through the rain. But others followed them, and I followed them too. We screamed and laughed all the way to our cars like children.
It was a precious moment in my life. And I hope you will take the time to run through the rain too, because the rain is just like the difficulties you meet in your daily life.
11. What did the writer do before he met the little girl
A. Shopping. B. Singing. C. Running. D. Dancing.
12 What do you know about the girl’s father after you read the passage
A. He was badly ill. B. He went abroad.
C. He fell asleep. D. He was dead.
13. What did other people do when the girl and her mother ran through the rain
A. They kept quiet. B. They just stood there and waited.
C. They followed them too. D. They drove away quickly.
14. What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in the last paragraph
A. 无聊的 B. 丑陋的 C. 珍贵的 D. 昂贵的
Here are five suggestions you can follow to improve your English, and the first one is the most important.
It’s Your Duty to Achieve Your Aims! Studying English is your own duty. It isn’t the duty of your English teacher or your parents. You must take an active part in your study!
Get a Teacher or Attend a Class! It’s a little difficult to study English alone. It will be difficult to learn how to speak English if you don’t have an English teacher or someone else to talk with.
Work Hard! You need to practice speaking English often. You should finish all of your homework, improve your vocabulary outside class and check the homework in time.
Keep Studying! Don’t stop studying for a long time even during a summer holiday! To make great progress, you should study at least five hours each week.
Make English Your Hobby and Have Fun! You can improve your English through some activities: Reading—choose English books that you want to read. English songs—choose your favorite English songs and sing them often. Movies—watch movies that are in English with subtitles in your language. Travel—traveling in English-speaking countries can help you with your English.
15. ________ is more important than other suggestions.
A. Suggestion l B. Suggestion 2 C. Suggestion 4 D. Suggestion 5
16. According to the passage, an English learner should study ________ every week to make great progress.
A. about two hours B. less than four hours
C. at least five hours D. at most five hours
17. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. Reading English books. B. Singing English songs.
C. Watching English movies. D. Writing emails in English.
18. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A. how to improve English B. how to choose good English books
C. how to study English for pleasure D. how to sing English songs well
Beijing Opera is the most typical of all Chinese traditional dramatic art forms and the largest Chinese opera form. Having a history of about 200 years, it is developed from absorbing (吸收) many other dramatic forms, mostly from the local drama “Huiban”, which was popular in South China during the 18th century. It is a scenic (戏剧的) art including music, performance, literature, aria and face painting.
Theatrical art forms in many other countries do not present singing, dancing and spoken parts in one single drama. An opera singer, for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage; there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play; in a dance drama, the dancer has no speaking role and does not sing either. Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera, is a kind of entertainment which includes spoken parts, singing, dancing and acrobatics.
Besides its presence in China, Beijing Opera has spread to many other places. Mei Lanfang, one of the most famous performers of all time, was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries.
“You will be puzzled (困惑的) all the way through and a little bored from time to time; but you will be charmed and interested. You will be strongly attracted to Beijing Opera even if you know nothing of the dramatic background.” This is how one American traveler described his first experience in watching Beijing Opera.
Beijing Opera is China’s national opera and it is full of Chinese cultural traditions. Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera!
19. How long is the history of Beijing Opera
A. One hundred years. B. Two hundred years.
C. Three hundred years. D. Four hundred years.
20. According to Paragraph 3, what does the writer think of Mei Lanfang
A. He played an important role in spreading Beijing Opera.
B. He isn’t as famous as the other Beijing Opera performer.
C. He never introduced Beijing Opera to the world.
D. He is a performer who doesn’t like to travel around the world.
21. Which of the following is True about Beijing Opera
A. There are no dancing parts in modern Beijing Opera.
B. Beijing Opera presents singing dancing and spoken parts.
C. Beijing Opera hasn’t absorbed the other art forms.
D. Nowadays, young people aren’t interested in Beijing Opera.
22. What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the article
A. To show us the foreigners opinions. B. To introduce Mei Lanfang.
C. To tell the differences between dramas. D. To introduce Beijing Opera.
Scientists train AI to read human thoughts
Scientists have created a new tool that can turn people’s thoughts into words. It works by using an AI program called GPT-1 to translate brain activity words. In order to achieve this, scientists did a lot.
First, scientists got everything ready before the tests. They invited some volunteers. Each spent sixteen hours listening to stories in a scanner (扫描仪). They imagined the stories as they heard them, and the scanner recorded their brain activity. GPT-1 made connections between the ideas in the stories and the recordings of the listeners’ brain activity.
Then came the tests. The scientists did them in three different ways.
Test 1
The researchers played a new story. GPT-1 was only given recordings of the volunteers’ brain activity. But the words that GPT-1 predicted (预测) were very similar to the words in the story that they were listening to. The words weren’t exactly the same, but they often carried the same meaning. For example, when a volunteer was listening to a story about a woman who didn’t have a driver’s license (驾照), the program came up with this: “She hasn’t even started to learn to drive yet.”
Test 2
The scientists also carried out the test when volunteers imagined their own stories. “It really works at the level of ideas. The ideas are the same but expressed in different words.” says Alexander Huth, one of the scientists behind the study.
Test 3
The researchers showed the volunteers silent movies, with no spoken words at all. GPT-1 could still figure out (算出) the basic ideas.
After the tests, the scientists say that GPT-1 is the first AI program to turn what people are thinking into words without brain surgery (外科手术). The tool isn’t something that can be easily used today, mainly because of the size and the cost of the scanner. In the future, they believe, a similar but cheaper tool could help people who have lost the ability to speak because of an injury or disease.
The scientists say their tool can’t be used to “read people’s minds” without permission (允许) The tool only works if the person wants to share their thoughts.
23. What was the scanner used to do
A. Record brain activity. B. Read the volunteers’ ideas.
C. Catch the ideas of stories. D. Work out the ideas.
24. In which way was information put into volunteers’ brain in Test 3
A. Listening. B. Imagining. C. Watching. D. Reading.
25. Who could the tool help according to the passage
A. People who can’t speak. B. People who can’t hear.
C. People who can’t read. D. People who can’t drive.
National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. ____26____ It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step towards becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the expectations (期望) of the organization (组织). Some people fear that they don’t know anyone else in the group. Some people worry they don’t have enough time to volunteer.
(1) Start out slowly. Don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.
(2) Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.
(3) Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.
(4) ____28____. He volunteered a lot. He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.
(5) Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them. Finally, it is the most important to enjoy the volunteer experience. And it is also important to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up. ____29____.
____30____ “Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person,” Mason, a volunteer said. “Little things can change a person’s life.”
A. Work with an experienced volunteer.
B. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements.
C. The following advice can help if you have some of these worries.
D. Believe in yourself and you’ll surely find the right chance.
E. Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共70分)
第四部分 书面表达(共三节)
第一节 词汇运用(共两题;满分30分)
31. I look f________ to hearing from you all.
32. Families c________ thanksgiving with a big family meal.
33. The p________ of education is to teach children to fish rather than give them fish.
34. Everyone is here e________ Jane, because she has gone to Yunnan.
35. The Internet offers special ways of communication in our ________ (day) life.
solve into help way long develop proper if a they
Hand washing with soap can reduce (减少) illnesses.
One of the easiest ____36____ to stop the spread of illness is to wash your hands. But many children haven’t ____37____ the right habit of hand washing.
Children do not wash ____38____ hands often enough or long enough. It’s such a simple habit, but the children aren’t doing it.
Issar and his friend decided ____39____ the problem using a fun method. They tried many times and created a tool called Soapen. It turned hand washing ____40____ a fun activity. As the name suggests, Soapen is ____41____ pen which is made out of soap. The children draw on hands with the Soapen and then wash the drawing off. The colors will remain on the children’s hands ____42____ they don’t spend enough time washing them off. It ____43____ a teacher in the classroom a lot. After all, not all the teachers have the time to make each child wash his hands ____44____.
“Children wash hands much ____45____ than before now because they like drawing on hands. Soapen does help children make a good habit of hand washing,” said Issar.
第二节 阅读表达(共6小题;71-73每小题2分;74-76每小题3分,满分15分)
An ant (蚂蚁) is walking by the river. He looks at the river and says to himself, “How nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But when he is drinking, he _____(1)_____ into the river.
“Oh. Help! Help!” the ant cries.
A dove (鸽子) is sitting in the tree. She hears him and offers him a leaf, “Climb up that leaf,” she says, “and you will get to the bank (河岸).” The ant follows the advice, and he is saved.
“Thank you, Dove. You’re so kind. You have saved my life, and I wish I could do something for you. Goodbye!” the ant says and runs home. “Goodbye!” says the dove, “Be careful not to fall into the river again.”
After a few days, the dove is building her nest (巢). And a man is raising his gun to shoot at her.
The ant sees this, and runs fast to bite the man’s leg. “Ouch! Ouch!” The man feels a terrible pain and drops his gun. The dove flies away quickly. So the man picks _____(2)_____ his gun and leaves.
The dove comes to the ant and says gratefully, “Thank you, my little friend. You have saved my life.” The ant is very happy _____(3)_____ he helps the dove.
46. Why does the ant cry for help
47. What is Dove doing when the ant cries for help
48. How does the ant help the dove
49. 根据短文内容填上合适的单词。
(1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________
50. 将短文中画线的句子翻译成中文。
51. What can you learn from the story
第三节 写作(共1题,满分25分)
52. 教育应该培养终身运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。某英文网站正以“How to be a better person”为话题开展征文活动,请从中学生的角度写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法和做法。
提示:健康生活(食物、运动、睡眠……):对人友善(乐于助入、与人和睦相处……);不怕挑战(请结合自己的一次经历说明……) 牢记责任(今后如何帮助弱者、服务社会……)
要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,可适当发挥。100 词左右。文中不得出现学校、姓名、地点等考生本人相关的任何信息。



