
1. A. how B. know C. snow D. grow
2. A. get B. bed C. she D. let
3. A. room B. cook C. foot D. wood
4. A. cut B. supper C. brush D. student
5. A. when B. white C. whale D. whose
6. many (比较级) ____________
7. they (宾格) ____________
8. easy (对应词) ____________
9. take (过去式) ____________
10 child (复数) ____________
11 act (名词) _______
12. help (形容词) _______
13. nine (序数词) _______
14 scarf (复数形式) _______
15. buy (过去式) _______
16. basketball player _________
e on _________
18. 在……岁时 _________
19. 上网 _________
20. take part in _________
21. take a message _________
22 and so on _________
23. 建立;建造 _________
24. 三玻璃杯果汁 _________
25. 一盘牛肉 _________
26. May I speak _________ Kitty ( )
A. to B. for C. about
27. He is _________ for his toys. ( )
A. looks B. looked C. looking
28. I _________ the first _________ the boys'100-meter race. ( )
A. is; in B. was; in C. am; at
29. We'd better _________ up earlier. ( )
A. get B. got C. getting
30. I want to be a _________. ( )
A. sings B. singing C. singer
31. What _________ he like ( )
A do B. is C. doing
32. She _________ up a hope school for poor children two years ago. ( )
A. set B. seted C. sets
33. I hope _________ have a mobile phone, _______. ( )
A. to; to B. to; too C. too; to D. too;too
34. There _________ a new film tomorrow. ( )
A. was B. will C. will be
35. I’d like three ___________ of beef and a ___________ of bread. ( )
A. plates; pieces B. plates; piece C. plate; piece D. plate; pieces
36. My brother ______ (want) to be a singer.
37. I am good at ________ (swim).
38. The poor girl ______ (lose) her arms two years ago.
39. I went ______ (shop) with my mom this morning.
40. I don’t think the mobile phones are ______ (use).
41. We will ______ (go) on a picnic tomorrow.
42. The girl is ______ (listen) to music.
43. This is Wu Chen ______ (speak).
44. I would like ______ (play) on the playground.
45. We shouldn’t ______ (have) mobile phones.
how what how much how many how old
46. —______ is the weather like today —It’s sunny.
47. —______ does Lucy come to school
—She comes to school by car.
48. —______ is your jacket
—It’s 100 yuan.
49. —______ are you
—I’m eleven years old.
50. —______ boys are there in your class
51. I’d like two bowls of noodles. (对划线部分提问)
52. She bought me a mobile phone. (改为一般疑问句)
53. a, he, thin, little, looks (.)
54. I will use it to read e-books. (改为否定句)
55. you, will, tomorrow, what, do ( )
56. Would you like anything to eat ______改为______
57. Let’s to play basketball together. ______改为______
58. My friends use them learn English. ______改为______
59. He is very help to the people there. ______改为______
60. He had to do everything on his feet. ______改为______
Sunday May 16th Sunny
Today I went to see my penfriend in Hongye Hotel. We had a talk for a long time. How happy we were! He's from America. His name is Paul. He came to visit China two days ago. He's interested in reading, playing basketball and making penfriends. He also wants to learn Chinese. He hopes I can visit America one day.
61. What day is it ( )
A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Sunny
62. How's the weather It's _______. ( )
A. cloudy B. sunny C. Sunday
63. Where is Paul from ( )
A. China B. Australia C. America
64. When did Paul come to China ( )
A. Sunday B. Two days ago C. Saturday
65. What's Paul interested in ( )
A. Reading and playing football.
B. Playing football and making penfriends.
C. Reading, playing basketball and making penfriends.甘肃省定西市2023-2024学年度第二学期中段
1. A. how B. know C. snow D. grow
2. A. get B. bed C. she D. let
3. A. room B. cook C. foot D. wood
4. A. cut B. supper C. brush D. student
5. A. when B. white C. whale D. whose
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D
how划线部分的发音是/au/,know划线部分的发音是/ u/,snow划线部分的发音是/ u/,grow划线部分的发音是/ u/,不同类的是A,故选A。
cut划线部分的发音是/ /,supper划线部分的发音是/ /,brush划线部分的发音是/ /,student划线部分的发音是/ju:/,不同类的是D,故选D。
6. many (比较级) ____________
7. they (宾格) ____________
8. easy (对应词) ____________
9. take (过去式) ____________
10. child (复数) ____________
【答案】6. more
7. them 8. difficult
9. took 10. children
11. act (名词) _______
12. help (形容词) _______
13. nine (序数词) _______
14 scarf (复数形式) _______
15. buy (过去式) _______
【答案】11. actor
12. helpful
13. ninth##9th
14 scarves
15. bought
16. basketball player _________
e on _________
18. 在……岁时 _________
19. 上网 _________
20. take part in _________
【答案】16. 篮球运动员
17. 加油 18. at the age of
19. go on the Internet
20. 参加
basketball player是名词词组,翻译为篮球运动员,故答案为篮球运动员。
come on是动词短语,翻译为加油,故答案为加油。
在……岁时,是介词固定搭配,英文为at the age of,故答案为at the age of。
上网,是一个动词短语,英文为go on the Internet,故答案为go on the Internet。
take part in是动词短语,翻译为参加,故答案为参加。
21. take a message _________
22. and so on _________
23. 建立;建造 _________
24. 三玻璃杯果汁 _________
25. 一盘牛肉 _________
【答案】21. 留言 22. 等等,诸如此类
23. set up 24. three glasses of juice
25. a plate of beef
take a message是动词短语,翻译为留言,故答案为留言。
and so on是固定搭配,翻译为等等,诸如此类,故答案为等等,诸如此类。
建立;建造,是一个动词短语,英文为set up,故答案为set up。
三玻璃杯three glasses of,果汁juice,故答案为three glasses of juice。
一盘a plate of,牛肉beef,故答案为a plate of beef。
26. May I speak _________ Kitty ( )
A. to B. for C. about
【详解】句意:我可以找凯蒂接电话吗》此题考查固定短语speak to对某人讲话,故选A。
27. He is _________ for his toys. ( )
A. looks B. looked C. looking
28. I _________ the first _________ the boys'100-meter race. ( )
A. is; in B. was; in C. am; at
【详解】句意:我在男子100米比赛中拿了第一名。在比赛中in the race,根据句意可知该句是一般过去时,故be动词用was。故选B。
29. We'd better _________ up earlier. ( )
A. get B. got C. getting
【详解】句意:你最好早点起床。本题在考had better的用法,had better 后跟动词原形,选项A get是原形,选项B got 是过去式,选项C getting 是现在分词,所以A符合had better的用法,故选A。
30. I want to be a _________. ( )
A. sings B. singing C. singer
31. What _________ he like ( )
A. do B. is C. doing
【详解】句意:他长什么样?What+be+主语+like 询问长什么样,主语he是第三人称单数,be动词用is,故选B。
32. She _________ up a hope school for poor children two years ago. ( )
A. set B. seted C. sets
33. I hope _________ have a mobile phone, _______. ( )
A. to; to B. to; too C. too; to D. too;too
【详解】句意:我也希望有一部手机。hope to do sth希望做某事,第一个空填to;第二个空填too也,副词。故选B。
34. There _________ a new film tomorrow. ( )
A. was B. will C. will be
【详解】句意:明天将要有一场新电影。tomorrow是一般将来时的标志词,此题考查there be句型的一般将来时,there is/are going to be或there will be,故选C。
35. I’d like three ___________ of beef and a ___________ of bread. ( )
A. plates; pieces B. plates; piece C. plate; piece D. plate; pieces
36. My brother ______ (want) to be a singer.
【详解】句意:我哥哥/弟弟想成为一名歌手。本题考查动词的形式。句子可用一般现在时,主语My brother是第三人称单数,want用第三人称单数形式wants,故答案为wants。
37. I am good at ________ (swim).
【详解】句意:我擅长游泳。擅长做某事be good at doing sth.且swim的动名词形式是swimming,故答案为swimming。
38. The poor girl ______ (lose) her arms two years ago.
【详解】句意:这个可怜的女孩两年前失去了她的胳膊。本题考查动词的形式。two years ago两年前,是一般过去时的标志词,lose用过去式lost,故答案为lost。
39. I went ______ (shop) with my mom this morning.
【详解】句意:我今天早上和我的妈妈去购物了。本题考查动词短语。shop是动词购物,名词商店。go shopping是动词短语,去购物,故答案为shopping。
40. I don’t think the mobile phones are ______ (use).
41. We will ______ (go) on a picnic tomorrow.
42. The girl is ______ (listen) to music.
43. This is Wu Chen ______ (speak).
【详解】句意:我是吴晨。本题考查动词的形式。speak是动词,说话。This is sb. speaking.是打电话用语,我是……,故答案为speaking。
44. I would like ______ (play) on the playground.
【答案】to play
【详解】句意:我想在操场上玩。本题考查动词的形式。would like to do sth想做某事,故答案为to play。
45. We shouldn’t ______ (have) mobile phones.
how what how much how many how old
46. —______ is the weather like today —It’s sunny.
47. —______ does Lucy come to school
—She comes to school by car.
48. —______ is your jacket
—It’s 100 yuan.
49. —______ are you
—I’m eleven years old.
50. —______ boys are there in your class
【答案】46. What
47. How 48. How much
49. How old
50. How many
句意:—你的夹克多少钱?—100元。根据答语可知问句问价钱,how much多少钱,位于句首,首字母大写,故答案为How much。
句意:—你多大了?—我11岁。根据答语可知问句问年龄,how old多大,位于句首,首字母大写,故答案为How old。
句意:—你们班有多少名学生?—十二名。根据答语可知问句问数量,how many多少,后跟可数名词复数,位于句首,首字母大写,故答案为How many。
51. I’d like two bowls of noodles. (对划线部分提问)
【答案】What would you like
【详解】原句句意:我想要两碗面条。划线部分是想要的,用what提问,问句为:What would you like 你想要什么?故答案为What would you like
52. She bought me a mobile phone. (改为一般疑问句)
【答案】Did she buy you a mobile phone
【详解】句意:她给我买了一部手机。本题考查句型转换。这是含有实意动词的句子,时态是一般过去时态,一般疑问句借助助动词did,动词的过去式bought改为原形buy,me变成you,故答案为Did she buy you a mobile phone
53. a, he, thin, little, looks (.)
【答案】He looks a little thin.
54. I will use it to read e-books. (改为否定句)
【答案】I won’t use it to read e-books.
【详解】句意:我将使用它来读电子书。本题考查句型转换。本题是一般将来时的陈述句,否定句在will后面加not,will和not缩写为won’t,故答案为I won’t use it to read e-books.
55. you, will, tomorrow, what, do ( )
【答案】What will you do tomorrow
【详解】本题考查句子结构。you你,will会,tomorrow明天,what什么,do做,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据词义连成句子:你明天会做什么?故答案为What will you do tomorrow
56. Would you like anything to eat ______改为______
【答案】 ①. B ②. something
57. Let’s to play basketball together. ______改为______
【答案】 ①. A ②. play
58. My friends use them learn English. ______改为______
【答案】 ①. B ②. to learn
【详解】句意:我的朋友们使用它们来学习英语。本题考查动词不定式。learn是动词,学习,这里是使用它们来学习英语,用动词不定式表目的,C错误,改为to learn,故答案为B;to learn。
59. He is very help to the people there. ______改为______
【答案】 ①. B ②. helpful
60. He had to do everything on his feet. ______改为______
【答案】 ①. C ②. with
Sunday May 16th Sunny
Today I went to see my penfriend in Hongye Hotel. We had a talk for a long time. How happy we were! He's from America. His name is Paul. He came to visit China two days ago. He's interested in reading, playing basketball and making penfriends. He also wants to learn Chinese. He hopes I can visit America one day.
61 What day is it ( )
A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Sunny
62. How's the weather It's _______. ( )
A. cloudy B. sunny C. Sunday
63. Where is Paul from ( )
A. China B. Australia C. America
64. When did Paul come to China ( )
A. Sunday B. Two days ago C. Saturday
65. What's Paul interested in ( )
A. Reading and playing football.
B. Playing football and making penfriends.
C. Reading, playing basketball and making penfriends.
【答案】61. A 62. B 63. C 64. B 65. C
句意:今天是星期几?A周日;B周六;C晴朗的;根据文中“Sunday May 16th Sunny”可知今天周日,故选A。
句意:今天天气怎么样?它是______。A多云的;B晴朗的;C周日;根据文中“Sunday May 16th Sunny”可知今天天气晴朗,故选B。
句意:保罗来自哪?A中国;B澳大利亚;C美国;根据文中“He's from America.”可知他来自美国。故选C。
句意:保罗什么时候来中国?A周日;B两天前;C周日;根据文中“He came to visit China two days ago. ”可知他两天前来中国。故选B。
句意:保罗对什么感兴趣?A阅读和踢足球。B踢足球和交笔友。C阅读,打篮球和交笔友。根据文中“He's interested in reading, playing basketball and making penfriends. ”可知他对阅读,打篮球和交笔友感兴趣。故选C。



