
I. 听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或短语. (共10分)
( ) 1. A. e-book B. piece C. e-mail
. A. phone call B. mobile phone C. think about
A. a bottle of B. a piece off. C. a plate of
( ) 4. A. worker B. actor C. reporter
( ) 5. A. high jump B. long jump C. jump high
II. 听录音, 请选出与你所听到的句子相对应的答语. (共 10 分)
( ) 6. A. Three yuan. B. Three pieces.
( ) 7. A. It’s bad for my eyes. B. Sorry, Kitty is out.
( ) 8. A. She was a nurse B. She is a doctor.
( ) 9. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I didn’t.
( ) 10. A. Sorry, I’m not B. I’m good at throwing.
III. 听录音, 判断下列句子与所听内容是 “√”否 “×” 相符. (10 分)
( ) 11. Au ban wants to drink water.
( ) 12. Lily’s uncle wears a hat.
( ) 13. Tom won the boys’ long jump.
( ) 14. There is a telephone call for Li Shan.
( ) 15. Coin will take part in the 800- meter race.
IV. 听短文, 选择正确的答案. (10 分)
( ) 16. My father is ________ years old.
A. 56 B. 40 C. 36
( ) 17. My father likes to eat ________ for lunch.
A. a bowl of noodles B. a bowl of rice C. a plate of beef
( ) 18. My father often plays sports_________.
A. in the morning B. After lunch C. after dinner
( ) 19. My father’s favorite sport is ________
A. swimming B. long jump C. running
0. My father was a __________ ten years ago.
A teacher B. police officer C. doctor
1. A. cow B. now C. snow D. how
2. A. what B. whom C. where D. which
3. A. school B. book C. foot D. look
4. A. beef B. ball C. bowl D. climb
5. A. think B. tooth C. thing D. this
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D
选项ABD划线部分的发音为[a ],选项C划线部分的发音为[ ],所以C不同,故选C。
选项BCD划线部分的发音为[ ],选项A划线部分的发音为[u ],所以A不同,故选A。
选项ABC划线部分的发音为[θ],选项D划线部分的发音为[ ],所以D不同,故选D。
6. Could you please __________ (help) me clean the window
【详解】句意:你能帮我擦窗户吗?本题考查动词的形式。could you please后跟动词原形,故答案为help。
7. My sister hopes __________ (have) a big house.
【答案】to have
【详解】句意:我姐姐/妹妹希望有一个大房子。本题考查动词的形式,hope to do sth希望做某事,故答案为to have。
8. I’d like three _________ (box) of milk.
9. How many _________ (piece) of bread do you want
【详解】句意:你想要多少片面包?本题考查可数名词及其单复数。how many后跟可数名词复数,piece的复数是pieces,故答案为pieces。
10. The __________ (two) match was swimming.
11. I would like __________ glass of milk and ________ cups of tea. ( )
A. a; a B. a; two C. an; two
12. She is good at running, so she wants to take part in the __________. ( )
A. long jump B. high jump C. running race
13. The grassland near the village _________ big and beautiful. ( )
A. am B. is C. are
【详解】句意:村子附近的草地又大又美。本题考查be动词。主语The grassland是第三人称单数,be用is,故选B。
14. Could you ask Sue _________ here ( )
A. comes B. to come C. coming
【详解】句意:你能请苏过来吗?本题考查动词的形式。ask sb to do sth请某人做某事,故选B。
15. ______ clever the boy is! ( )
A. How B. What C. What a
【详解】考查感叹句。句意为:“这个男孩多么聪明啊!” 此句为感叹句,感叹句的构成:1.What+a/an+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!2.How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!故B、C都不符合题意,故答案为A。
16. I went shopping this morning. (改为否定句)
【答案】I didn’t go shopping this morning.
【详解】原句句意:我今天上午去购物了。本题考查句型转换。句子是一般过去时,改为否定句,助动词用didn’t,went变原形go,故答案为I didn’t go shopping this morning.
17. I’d like to play in the park. (改为一般疑问句)
【答案】Would you like to play in the park
【详解】原句句意:我想在公园里玩。本题考查句型转换。含有would like的陈述句改为一般疑问句,把would提前,I变you,故答案为Would you like to play in the park
18. Tommy wanted to be a reporter. (对划线部分提问)
【答案】What did Tommy want to be
【详解】原句句意:汤米想成为一名记者。本题考查句型转换。划线部分是职业,用what提问,问句为:汤米想成为什么?问句结构为:What+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?句子是一般过去时,助动词用did,wanted变原形want,故答案为What did Tommy want to be
19. can, We, to, send, use, mobile phone, the, messages (.)
【答案】We can use the mobile phone to send messages.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。can可以,We我们,to动词不定式的标志,send messages发送信息,use the mobile phone用手机,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我们可以用手机发送信息。故答案为We can use the mobile phone to send messages.
20. do, Let’s, every day, sports, be, and, healthy. (.)
【答案】Let’s do sports every day and be healthy.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。do sports做运动,Let’s让我们,every day每天,be healthy保持健康,and和,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是祈使句,根据词义连成句子:让我们每天做运动,保持健康。故答案为Let’s do sports every day and be healthy.
A: Hello, Wu Chen.
B: ____21____
A: ____22____
B: Her name is Han Hong.
A: Oh! Is she a famous singer
B: Yes. ____23____ ___24___
A: Wow! She is really great.
B: Uhn…____25____
A. She sings quite well.
B. Hello, Tom.
C. Young people like her a lot.
D. Who’s the woman
E. And she wrote many nice songs.
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. E 25. C
It was Saturday yesterday. The weather was rainy. So Liu Zhaoyang stayed at home. He watched a show about Yuan Longping on TV. Yuan Longping was a great scientist. He was born(出生于) on September 7th, 1930. He was the “Father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻之父)”. He worked hard on the farm and he was interested in science. In 1960, he found(发现) a special(特别的) rice plant. It was a hybrid rice plant. It can grow in many places and kinds of weather.
In his free time, he liked to play sports. He thought sports could make him strong and healthy. He liked swimming and playing volleyball. When he was young, he won the swimming game. He wanted people to do sports every day.
26 It was sunny yesterday. ( )
27. Liu Zhaoyang watched a show about Yuan Longping. ( )
28. When Yuan Longping was 31 years old, he found a special rice plant. ( )
29. Yuan Longping won the swimming game. ( )
30. Yuan Longping thought sports could make him strong and healthy. ( )
【答案】26. F 27. T
28. F 29. T
30. T
句意:昨天阳光明媚。根据“It was Saturday yesterday. The weather was rainy.”,可知昨天下雨了,故答案为F。
句意:刘兆阳看了一个关于袁隆平的节目。根据“So Liu Zhaoyang stayed at home. He watched a show about Yuan Longping on TV.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
句意:当袁隆平31岁的时候,他发现了一种特殊的水稻。根据“He was born(出生于) on September 7th, 1930. In 1960, he found(发现) a special(特别的) rice plant.”,可知当袁隆平30岁的时候,他发现了一种特殊的水稻,故答案为F。
句意:袁隆平赢得了游泳比赛。根据“When he was young, he won the swimming game.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
句意:袁隆平认为运动可以使他变得强壮和健康。根据“He thought sports could make him strong and healthy.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
31. 书面表达
假如你是苏南,你们学校上周二举办了一场运动会,你也参加了这场运动会。请你根据下面表格中的信息写一篇短文, 介绍一下这次运动会吧!
时间 地点 天气 你参加的项目 感受
周二 (4月6日) 操场 晴朗的 跳高,100米赛跑 兴奋、开心
要求:1. 根据表格内容写作,可适当发挥。
2. 不少于六句话。
We had the school sports meeting on the playground last Tuesday. The weather was fine. I took part in the 100-meter race and the high jump. I was the first in the high jump. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. I was very excited and happy.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据表格中的信息写一篇短文。然后再阐述时间,地点,天气,参加的项目和感受。注意文章为一般过去时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:sports meeting运动会,on the playground在操场上,Tuesday周二,100-meter race 100米赛跑,high jump跳高,excited兴奋的
参考句型:We …; The weather was …;I took part in …; Our class …;I was ...2023-2024学年(下)中小学阶段性质量检测
I. 听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或短语. (共10分)
( ) 1. A. e-book B. piece C. e-mail
. A. phone call B. mobile phone C. think about
. A. a bottle of B. a piece off. C. a plate of
( ) 4. A. worker B. actor C. reporter
( ) 5 A. high jump B. long jump C. jump high
II. 听录音, 请选出与你所听到的句子相对应的答语. (共 10 分)
( ) 6 A. Three yuan. B. Three pieces.
( ) 7. A. It’s bad for my eyes. B. Sorry, Kitty is out.
( ) 8. A. She was a nurse B. She is a doctor.
( ) 9. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I didn’t.
( ) 10. A. Sorry, I’m not B. I’m good at throwing.
III. 听录音, 判断下列句子与所听内容是 “√”否 “×” 相符. (10 分)
( ) 11. Au ban wants to drink water.
( ) 12. Lily’s uncle wears a hat.
( ) 13. Tom won the boys’ long jump.
( ) 14. There is a telephone call for Li Shan.
( ) 15. Coin will take part in the 800- meter race.
IV. 听短文, 选择正确的答案. (10 分)
( ) 16. My father is ________ years old.
A. 56 B. 40 C. 36
( ) 17. My father likes to eat ________ for lunch.
A. a bowl of noodles B. a bowl of rice C. a plate of beef
( ) 18. My father often plays sports_________.
A. in the morning B. After lunch C. after dinner
( ) 19. My father’s favorite sport is ________
A. swimming B. long jump C. running
0. My father was a __________ ten years ago.
A. teacher B. police officer C. doctor
1. A. cow B. now C. snow D. how
2. A. what B. whom C. where D. which
3. A. school B. book C. foot D. look
4. A. beef B. ball C. bowl D. climb
5. A. think B. tooth C. thing D. this
6. Could you please __________ (help) me clean the window
7. My sister hopes __________ (have) a big house.
8. I’d like three _________ (box) of milk.
9. How many _________ (piece) of bread do you want
10. The __________ (two) match was swimming.
11. I would like __________ glass of milk and ________ cups of tea. ( )
A. a; a B. a; two C. an; two
12. She is good at running, so she wants to take part in the __________. ( )
A. long jump B. high jump C. running race
13. The grassland near the village _________ big and beautiful. ( )
A. am B. is C. are
14. Could you ask Sue _________ here ( )
A. comes B. to come C. coming
15. ______ clever the boy is! ( )
A. How B. What C. What a
16. I went shopping this morning. (改为否定句)
17. I’d like to play in the park. (改为一般疑问句)
18. Tommy wanted to be a reporter. (对划线部分提问)
19. can, We, to, send, use, mobile phone, the, messages (.)
20. do Let’s, every day, sports, be, and, healthy. (.)
A: Hello, Wu Chen.
B: ____21____
A: ____22____
B: Her name is Han Hong.
A: Oh! Is she a famous singer
B: Yes. ____23____ ___24___
A: Wow! She is really great.
B: Uhn…____25____
A. She sings quite well.
B. Hello, Tom.
C. Young people like her a lot.
D. Who’s the woman
E. And she wrote many nice songs.
It was Saturday yesterday. The weather was rainy. So Liu Zhaoyang stayed at home. He watched a show about Yuan Longping on TV. Yuan Longping was a great scientist. He was born(出生于) on September 7th, 1930. He was the “Father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻之父)”. He worked hard on the farm and he was interested in science. In 1960, he found(发现) a special(特别的) rice plant. It was a hybrid rice plant. It can grow in many places and kinds of weather.
In his free time, he liked to play sports. He thought sports could make him strong and healthy. He liked swimming and playing volleyball. When he was young, he won the swimming game. He wanted people to do sports every day.
26. It was sunny yesterday. ( )
27 Liu Zhaoyang watched a show about Yuan Longping. ( )
28. When Yuan Longping was 31 years old, he found a special rice plant. ( )
29. Yuan Longping won the swimming game. ( )
30. Yuan Longping thought sports could make him strong and healthy. ( )
31. 书面表达。
假如你是苏南,你们学校上周二举办了一场运动会,你也参加了这场运动会。请你根据下面表格中信息写一篇短文, 介绍一下这次运动会吧!
时间 地点 天气 你参加的项目 感受
周二 (4月6日) 操场 晴朗的 跳高,100米赛跑 兴奋、开心
要求:1. 根据表格内容写作,可适当发挥。
2. 不少于六句话。



