
选择题部分 共100分
1.A.Come and join us . B.Hope to see you soon . C.Don’t be late for class .
2.A.I go to the zoo . B.She has long hair . C.They are so popular
3.A.Is this your dictionary B.Will you clean the room C.Can your brother dance
4.A.Tony can’t find his keys . B.Lucy didn’t answer the phone . C.Gina isn’t afraid of the dark .
5.A.What does he look like B.Why were they laughing C.Where did you go on vacation
6.What time is it now
A.8:00. B.9:00. C.10:00.
7.Who bought the dress for Tina
A.Herself . B.Her friend . C.Her mother .
8.How did Bob improve English
A.By watching movies . B.By listening to tapes . C.By reading textbooks .
9.Why does Linda look worried
A.She lost her hat . B.She failed the exam . C.She had a fever .
10.Where are the two speakers
A.In the hospital . B.At the school . C.At the restaurant .
11.How did the woman get the news
A.From the newspaper . B.On TV . C.On the radio .
12.What are they talking about
A.A traffic accident . B.A fire accident . C.An earthquake .
13.When did the accident happen
A.Last night . B.Yesterday morning . C.Yesterday afternoon .
14.How many people did the dog save
A.Two . B.Three . C.Four .
15.What will the woman do after the talk
A.Have a pet dog . B.Look after the dog . C.Call the newspaper .
16.Where did Eric make cakes
A.In a store . B.In a restaurant . C.At a supermarket .
17.What did people say about these cakes
A.Big and cheap . B.Delicious but expensive . C.Delicious and cheap .
18.When was Eric’s birthday
A.Last Monday . B.Next Sunday . C.Last Sunday .
19.What presents did the customers prepare for Eric
A.Cakes . B.Hugs . C.Smiles .
20.How did Eric feel in the end
A.Sad . B.Moved . C.Proud .
21.What is the men’s T-shirt made of
A.Cotton . B.Silk . C.PU . D .Silver .
22.Which of the following cannot be cleaned by hand
A.The T=shirt . B.The dress . C.The jacket . D.The coat .
23.How much do you need to pay for four jackets
A.$200. B.$300. C.$400. D.$600.
24.What can we learn from the text
A.The dress has five sizes . B.The jacket is soft and comfortable .
C.This is a big sale for women’s clothes . D.The order number for the Scotland T-shirt is KQ8151.
25.Where is this text most probably taken from
A.A life magazine . B.A novel . C.A history textbook . D.A storybook .
When I was a girl growing up,I couldn’t once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.
Anything we didn’t eat at one meal was leftovers.I can remember my grandma making a huge pot of potatoes.We would all eat until we were full enough,but there were always about half of the potatoes leftover.A few days later,Grandma would take those potatoes out of the fridge,boil some noodles,add some vegetables and mix them all together.And I also remember when I watched my mum fry bacon (煎培根) for us in the mornings,she would always take the oil carefully and pour it into a bottle.Then she would use it later to add flavor to so many other dishes.I was already an adult when I realized that potatoes didn’t taste like bacon at all !
I learned their lessons well,and after I grew up,I tried to never waste food myself.But eating leftovers is bad for the health after all.So I always planned the week’s meals ahead of time and only bought what was on my shopping list so that nothing went to waste.And of course,we didn’t have to eat any leftovers.Every meal went into our stomachs.To me,throwing food into the bin was just wrong .
However,when it comes to living,there are no leftovers.Life is just like a feast.Each moment that you don’t live is lost forever.Life cannot be saved or stored.Each day is a fresh beginning.Live each moment of your life to the fullest,then .
26.What did the writer’s grandma use the leftover potatoes to do
A.Mix with noodles . B.Boil fish soup . C.Fry bacon . D.Throw away .
27.Why did the potatoes cooked by the mum taste like bacon
A.She poured the bacon oil into potatoes .
B.She put potatoes on the plate .
C.She was good at cooking .
D.She mixed the bacon with potatoes
28.How did the writer save food in her way
A.By shopping ahead of time . B.By throwing it into the litter bin .
C.By following her mother’s shopping list . D.By planning the next week’s food .
29.What does the underlined word “ feast ” in the he last paragraph probably mean
A.A sweet dream . B.A large meal. C.A happy story D.A beautiful picture .
30.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs
A.I is never to0old to learn. B.Eat to live,but not live to eat .
C.Neither food nor life should be Wasted . D.There is no such thing as a free lunch .
A tree has roots (根) People have roots,too.If you get to the root of a problem,you will solve it.It’s the same thing with words.Dig deeply into a big,unknown word and you will understand where it came from .
As readers,especially those reading in a second language,we need to deal with the text as if
we were detectives who are just looking for information to unlock the unknown. Like any good
detective arriving On the crime scene,the first thing to do when meeting a Hew and difficult word is to judge (判断) the situation,to look at everything that is known and see if it helps us to understand what means.
As you know,prefixes and suffixes can be added to the beginning or end of words to change the meaning Know them,and you will have the word building power.But root words are the key.Take time to learn a few of these,put them in your memory,and you will become master word detective.
Let’s look at one common root word used in English ." Alter " from the Latin word means " other ".When you meet this root word,you know that the bigger word has something to do with " other ". Examine the word " alternate ". Can you find the Latin root in it
If you and your friend like to eat out,first you pay and the other pays the next time.You are alternating paying .
If you go to the movies on alternate Saturdays,you go on one Saturday,but not the other Saturday .
If you have no altemative,you have no other choice .
Learn as many root words as possible in the language you are studying.Then use your " rooting for words " skills.Like any new skill,practice and hard work are always paid back .
31.What does the underlined word " it " in paragraph 2 refer to (所指)
A.The situation . B.The crime scene .
C.A new and difficult word . D.Everything that is known .
32.If Jim and Lily go to the movies,which one below is " alternating paying "
A.They each pay half . B.Jim pays every time .
C.Their parents pay for them . D.They take turns to pay .
33.How does the writer explain his ideas about root words
A.By giving a fact . B.By taking an example . C.By telling a story . D.By having a discussion .
34."Sen " from the Latin word means " old ". Which word uses this Latin root
A.My brother is my senior by two years . B.He was ill so he was absent from school .
C.A criminal was sentenced to death by law. D.60 students were present at the sports meeting.
35.Which of t the text
Human activity is changing the surface and temperature of our planet.But new research shows that it is also changing the sound of the earth’s oceans and seas.Scientists say these changes influence many sea animals-from very small fish to huge whales .
Sound travels very far underwater.For fish,sound is probably a better way to sense their environment than light.They use sounds to communicate with each other.Sounds also help some ocean animals to find food and avoid their hunters. Many ocean animals use sounds to find good places to give birth.Sounds help fish and other sea animals survive.
However,increased noise from humans is making it harder for these animals to hear each other.The noise comes from shipping traffic,underwater oil and gas exploration,and other noisy human activity.For many sea animals,their efforts to communicate are eingmase1by sounds that humans have introduced.Experts explain the word " masking ",which happens when one or more noises in the water block (阻截) sound important to an ocean animal’s life .
The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important shipping passages.It is full of large ships traveling to Asia,Europe,and Africa.Some fish and other animals now avoid the noisiest areas.Also,the total number of sea animals has gone down by about half since 1970.In some parts of the ocean,scientists now record fewer animals singing and calling than in the past .
Experts say that influence of noise on sea animals are not well understood.However,some studies suggest that noise may cause hearing loss (丧失).The stress from human noise might also influence the immune (免疫) system-an animal’s natural defense system.Many sea animals are showing higher levels of stress because of noise .
When people think of threats (威胁) facing the ocean,we often think of climate (气候) change,plastics,and overfishing.But noise pollution is another necessary thing we need to be monitoring When it comes to something humans can do for the ocean,we need to think about how to make it quieter.Sound pollution may be easier to deal with than other ocean threats.You can reduce or turn off sound right away.It’s not like plastics or climate change,which are much harder to undo .
36.According to the text,sounds can help sea animals in many ways except .
A.communicating with each other B.searching for something to eat
C.getting away from their hunters D.blocking the sunshine outside
37.Why is the Red Sea mentioned in the text
A.To introduce an important shipping passages .
B.To explain why there are so many large ships .
C.To report the total number of sea animals alive .
D.To give an example of the influence of human noise .
38.What can you know from the text
A.Noise may cause the hearing loss of humans .
B.Noise does more harm to sea animals than we realize .
C.Plastic pollution is the biggest threat facing oceans and seas .
D.Fish sense their environment better through light than sound .
39.What does the underlined word " undo " mean in the last paragraph
A.Put in the effort . B.Promise the result .
C.Forget the influence . D.Cancel the influence .
40.Which of the following would be the best title
A.Why Are Ocean Animals So Noisy B.Helpful Ways to Save Ocean Animals
C.Humans Are Making Oceans Too Noisy D.Which Threat to Oceans Is the Biggest
Studies report that people feel less stressed after just 45 minutes of making art.Making art is a good way to help our mind relax and reduce stress.Besides reducing stress,here are some other advantages of making art advantages of making ant .
Art is helpful to improve our self-knowledge and self-expression . 41 What colors do we prefer Which shapes are we drawn to To make art is to make choices,and that makes paying attention to our inner (内在的) selves important,as we decide what do and do not make us happy. 42 We express ourselves by making a physical representation of our inner world.In doing so,we are acting a healthy belief that what’s inside of us deserves taking up pace and being seen by others .
43 If we want to build a relationship with others,we can show them our art.They may share with us how our art makes them feel ; they may ask how we got the idea of creating the work ; they may tell us their understanding of making art.A conversation is then started.What’s more,those of us who are interested in making art can be attracted to the creation of others . 44
Art can help us pay more attention to the process rather than the product.My painting skills are not very good.I make mistakes as soon as my brush hits the paper . 45 I can see my work getting better and better with tireless practice,which has brought me great satisfaction.Such pleasure in process can influence how we see ourselves.There are dark days in our lives from time to time.But they are just pieces of our life journey.We are always learning,growing,and surprised by life .
A.Art helps us to connect us with others .
B.Making art turns our attention outward (向外)
C.However,there’s always something to like .
D.What’s more,we are also expressing ourselves .
E.creating art can change and broaden (开阔) our minds .
F.When making art,we are making decisions about what we like .
G.We find ourselves wanting to know more about others ' artworks .
A:Guess what I’m going to the International Amusement Park in Beijing next weekend .
B:Wow,great ! 46
A:Maybe by high - speed railway .
B:I went there during the Spring Festival.The History world is the most exciting !
A:Really 47
B:Sure.You can book the tickets from their official websites.
A:Thanks. 48
B:About 5 to 6 hours.You need to stop to have a rest .
A: 49 But I believe it must be a great day .
B:I think so.You can also watch the traditional Chinese art show for free .
A: 50 I can’t wait
B:Have a good time !
A:Thank you !
46.A.How will you go there B.How was your school trip
C.Why do you want to go there D.When will you go there
47.A.Have you decided yet B.Could you give me some advice
C.How was the weather there D.Could you tell me when to get there
48.A.Who visited it with you B.How many parks have you visited
C.How long do I need to visit it D.How are you going to visit it
49.A.What a long time ! B.Never mind . C.That’s too bad . D.How time flies !
50.A.Hurry up . B.No problem . C.Let’s go now . D.Sounds cool .
Imagine you are at a new school.It’s lunch time,but you don’t have 51 to sit with.You want to join someone at their table, 52 you are not sure i they are friendly.This was the situation that Natalie found herself in when she started at a new school.What should you do if you are in this situation
Natalie's 53 of solving the problem was to create an app.She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school.She found it difficult to make new friends and had to 54 a new table at lunch every day.If she sat by herself,she felt lonely.But if she asked to join someone and was 55 ,she felt embarrassed.She created a lunch-planning app to help students like 56 find people to have lunch with .
The app called Sit With Us is 57 . If a student is having lunch at noon,he or she can create an invitation.Other students can open the app and 58 that invitation.They can then use the app to decide when and where to 59 This allows students to make 60 online instead of face-to-face.It is the reason why the app can work so 61 it lowers the risk of being refused and the embarrassment that goes along with it .
Natalie is happy to see that many people like her app, 62 those who suffer from bullying .Soon after she made her app 63 to the public,she won a prize for it.She also appeared in many news stories .
Natalie’s journey has not only led to the creation of a successful app,but has also allowed her to share her story and inspire others.She was even invited to speak at a university In her 64 Natalie wanted people to know that you don’t have to do something 65 to change lives.Sometimes,a simple thing like having a friend to enjoy lunch with can make a difference in creating a more welcoming school environment .
51.A.something B.everyone C.anyone D.nothing
52.A.and B.but C.so D.because
53.A.habit B.course C.question D.way
54.A.search for B.fix up C.give out D.get away from
55.A.called B.refused C.discussed D.believed
56.A.her B.him C.it D.them
57.A.cheap B.noisy C.private D.simple
58.A.make B.miss C.accept D.send
59.A.stop B.study C.meet D.exercise
60.A.plans B.trouble C.reports D.dinner
61.A.late B.well C.hard D.loudly
62.A.probably B.exactly C.normally D.especially
63.A.proud B.available C.enjoyable D.terrible
64.A.turn B.yard C.talk D.video
65.A.big B.new C.happy D.similar
非选择题部分 共50分
What should you do if you have a headache In modern times,people often take aspirin (林).But is aspirin 66 (actual) a modern medicine
More than 4,000 years ago,ancient Egyptians used dried leaves to treat pain.And in the fourth century B.C.a medicine made from tree bark67 (use) to treat fevers.In the nineteenth century,European scientists discovered that both medicines have the same chemical. They used the chemical to make a modern medicine-aspirin.Today,it’s one of the world’s 68
(cheap) and most helpful medicines .
Some of the medicines we have today come 69 traditional Chinese medicine . In the
third century B,C.some people 70 (begin) studying the human body.They tried many different ways to treat the patients and recorded 71 (they) results.For more than 2,000 years,doctors recorded 72 they found in books.These ancient books are still useful today .
Tu Youyou,a Chinese medical researcher,found that in 73 past,people used a herb (药草)
with yellow flowers to treat fevers.After studying it,she developed a medicine that saved millions of people from dying .
For 74 (century),Western medicine paid little attention to traditional Chinese medicine .But today,scientists are studying traditional treatments 75 (develop) new medicines .
B:It’s white.
77.A:What does she want to be when she grows up
B: .
78.A:What size would you like
B: .
B:Once a week .
B:For three years .
Last Friday,we bad a discussion on whether the apps like " Zuoyebang " and " Xiaoyuansouli " can truly help us in study.
1—5BCAAC 6—10BBCBA 11—15AACCB 16—20BBCAC
1—5ACBDA 6—10AADBC 11—15CDBAC 16—20DDBDC
46.really 47.was used 48.cheapest 49.from 50.began 51.their
52.what 53.the 54.centuries 55.to develop
56.What color is this ruler
57.She wants to be a pianist
58.I’d like a large bowl
59.How often do you play soccer
60.How long have you had this bike
Last Friday,we had a discussion on whether the apps like " Zuoyebang " and " Xiaoyuansouti " can truly help us in study .
Some think we can save much time by using them.Once we have problems,we needn’t take time to look for someone for help.Instead,we can use Apps anytime and anywhere.What’s more,such Apps act like patient teachers and never get fed up with anyone.Others think we will have more screen time if we use them often.Moreover,we might be poorer in problem solving if we rely more on Apps .
After entering junior school,my parents can’t help me with my study any longer.Unlike humans.Apps never get angry with us.So I agree that we can use them for help .



