Unit 7 It's raining! 单元过关卷(无答案) 人教版七年级英语下册

( )1.- ,Mary?
A.What are you doing B.How's it going
C.Who's speaking D.What's she doing
( )2.Everyone a great time my aunt in America.
A.is having,visiting B.is having,is visiting
C.are having,are visiting D.having,visiting
( )3.Look at the !It's heavily now.
A.rain;rain B.raining;raining
C.rain;raining D.raining;rainy
( )4.The music nice.Everyone can enjoy it.
A.sound B.sounds C.sounds like D.listen
( )5.I'm studying English and I'm learning
A. lot B. a lot of C. lot of D. a lot
( )6. -I'm going on vacation this weekend.
A. The same to you B. Have a good time
C. Hurry up D. Hold on, please
( )7. I'm so happy America next week.
A. visit B. visits C. to visit D. visiting
( )8. ---Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin
----__.I' ll do it at once.
A. Not at all B. No problem C. Wait a moment D. That's right
( )9. Look! Some boys in the river. Let's go and join them.
A. swim B. swims C. are swimming D. will swim
( )10. It often in winter in North China.
A. snowing B. snowy C. snow D. snows
Dear Ivan,
How are things going?Now I am1on the sofa,writing an e-mail to you.My2and I are having a great time in Bangkok,Thailand.It's a beautiful place.The_3here is not too cold now.But it's always rainy in September and there is no4all year.So I think there is no real(真正的)winter here.We are living in a small hotel(旅馆).There is a big5near here.Mother likes shopping there and it6many kinds of foods.Dad is taking photos of an old tower(塔)near our hotel.He likes old things,7I find them boring.My brother Robert likes eating Thai food.He thinks it tastes8.We often9people there in English.They are all friendly to us.I think English is10.If we want to travel to other countries,
we must learn English well.Please write to me if you are free.
( )1.A.sitting B.washing C.sleeping D.reading
( )2.A.friends B.classmates C.family D.cousins
( )3.A.time B.weather C.water D.food
( )4.A.wind B.sun C.snow D.cloud
( )5.A.library B.pool C.school D.supermarket
( )6.A.buys B.sells C.takes D.brings
( )7.A.and B.so C.because D.but
( )8.A.delicious B.terrible C.bad D.funny
( )9.A.think of B.talk to C.listen to D.look at
( )10.A.old B.new C.useful D.boring
Here's the weather report for Gongyi, Henan from April 29th, 2024 to May 5th,
()1.What's the highest temperature(最高温)on May 5th?
A.12 ℃. B.13 ℃. C.28 ℃. D.29 ℃.
()2.What's the weather like on Thursday?
A.Sunny/Cloudy. B.Sunny/Sunny.
C.Cloudy/Overcast. D.Overcast/Sunny.
()3.What does"overcast”mean in Chinese?
A.晴天的 B.多云的 C.有风的 D.阴天的
()4.You had better on Tuesday.
A.go to the beach B.take an umbrella
C.play badminton D.go for a walk
()5. It's best to go on a trip on of May Day holiday.
A. Thursday and Friday B. Saturday and Sunday
C. Monday and Tuesday D. Tuesday and Wednesday
In England,people can experience(经历)four seasons in one day.So they often talk about the weather.In the morning the weather is warm like in spring.After an hour black clouds come and then it rains hard.The weather gets a little cold.In the afternoon it will be sunny,the sun will begin to shine,and it will be summer at this time of a day.
In England,people can also have summer in winter,or have winter in summer.So in winter they swim sometimes.
When you go to England,you will see some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat withthem on the sunny morning,but you should not laugh at(嘲笑)them.If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat,you will regret later in the day.
( )6.In England,people often talk about the
A.weather B.seasons C.spring D.summer
( )7.In England, in winter.
A.it is always very cold
B.people always wear warm clothes
C.people can swim sometimes
D.the weather is very hot
( )8.English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them
A.on a rainy morning B.on a sunny morning
C.on a snowy morning D.A,B and C
( )9.The underlined word"regret"means" ."in Chinese.
A.高兴 B.疲倦 C.懊悔 D.得意
( )10.In England,which is NOT TRUE?
A.People can have four seasons in a day.
В.The weather is warm in the morning and soon it will be cold in the day.
C.People take an umbrella on the rainy morning.
D.The weather isn't very cold in winter and isn't very hot in summer.
I like rainy days.Here are some of the reasons(理由).
I think that rain can make the air cool off.No matter(无论)how hot it is,it gets cooler when it rains.I like opening my windows to let the cooler air in.
I like the smell in the air when it begins to rain.It's a kind of clean and fresh smell.
I like the sound(声 音)of rain when it hits things.I like closing my eyes and listening to the rain coming down,and I like hearing different sounds of rain.
I like rainy days,because they give me an excuse(借口)to stay in and be lazy.
That is one of the best things in my daily life.And reading a good book on a rainy day is one of my favorite things.
Another reason is that it makes the grass green and helps the trees and flowers grow.
( )11.What does the writer think of the smell in the air when it begins to rain?
A.Dirty and fresh. B.Dirty and bad.
C.Clean and fresh. D.Clean and nice.
( )12.What does the underlined word“hits”mean in Chinese?
A.碰撞 B.发现 C.冲突 D.抨击
( )13.What does the writer like to do best on a rainy day?
A. Watch TV. B. Play games.
C. Listen to music. D. Read a book.
( )1 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. Rain can make the trees and flowers grow.
B. Rain can give the writer an excuse to be lazy.
C. When it rains, the air will become warmer.
D. The writer likes hearing different sounds of rain.
( )1 5. How many reasons does the writer have
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.
On top of the world
With heavy winds,low oxygen(氧气)and-25°C temperatures,Qomolangma is one of the hardest mountans to climb.Despite the difficulty,Chinese researchers successfully reached the top of the mountain on May 4.They also set up the world's highest automatic meteorological monitoring station(自动气象观测站),at an altitude(海拔)of 8,830 meters.
"The new station is the highlight(亮点)of this scientific trip,"noted Guangming Daily.It replaces Balcony Station,set up by United States and British scientists,as the highest weather station on Earth.Balcony Station,set up on Qomolangma in 2019,sits at about 8,430 meters above sea level.
Powered by solar panels(太阳能板),the new station can last for two years in bad weather.It has a satellite(卫星)communication system that can transmit data every 12 minutes.For the first time,Chinese scientists can collect data from the summit(山顶)of the world's highest mountain.
Studying data from Qomolangma will help scientists answer important questions.For example,will the ice cap above 8,000 meters melt due to global warming?Will that affect the 10 big rivers in Asia that provide water to more than 2.5 billion people?What effect(影响)does air pollution have on the mountain?What is the ecosystem(生态系统)like 8,000 meters above sea level?
During this science trip,the researchers also measured(测量)the thickness of ice and snow at the summit with a high-precision radar(高精度雷达).Then,they collected ice and snow samples.They will examine the changing environments and ecosystems on the mountain,as well as study the effects of human activity on the area,Xinhua reported.
1.Why is it difficult to climb Qomolangma?
2.Which is the highest weather station on Earth?
3. How many years can the new station last for in bad weather
4. How often does the satellite communication system transmit data
5. What did the researchers use to measure the thickness of ice and snow at the summit
五、短文填空 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式完成短文。(10分)
Play they practice other make good teach wind dream between
Look at these girls from Guangxi!They are playing soccer at school.They're very young. seven and thirteen years old.But they play soccer very The girls know about soccer and play it because of their ,Li Qiang.Li wants the girls to know more about the world(世界)by playing soccer.At first,some of have no sports shirts or shoes.With the help of others(别人),they now all have sports clothes and shoes.The girls have a big .They want to play soccer with students from schools and win(赢)games. their dream come true,they train(训练)hard every day.Sometimes,on and rainy days,they can't train.Then they watch soccer games with their teacher. "I hope(希望)they will have a good time soccer,"Li Qiang says.
1、It's rainy.(对划线部分提问)
the like?\ the weather?
2、Uncle Joe is playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)
Uncle Joe basketball?
3、Aunt Sally is cooking.(改为否定句)
Aunt Sally
4、Mary is watching TV.(对划线部分提问)
is Mary ?
5、Hello,Rick speaking.(补全电话用语)
Hello, Rick speaking.
七书面表达(15分).假如你是魏华,你正在加拿大的姑妈家度假。请根据下表信息,给你上海的同学李涛写一封信,不少于 60 词。



上一篇:Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to Canada 单元测试(无答案)
