
2. 答案全部写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
1. What is Henry’s father’s job
A. B. C.
2. What is John’s mother doing
A. B. C.
3. Where is the penfr iend from
A. B. C.
4. Where did Tony go last Sunday
A. B. C.
5. Who is Mike waiting for
A. His sister. B. His mother. C. His father.
6. Where did the boy go
A. To the beach. B. To the park. C. To the post office.
7. Where are they
A. In the hospital. B. In the bank. C. In the restaurant.
8. What did the boy buy for his father
A. A baseball. B. A watch. C. A brush.
9. What does Dale have to do first
A. Do his homework. B. Do the dishes. C. Do some reading
10. Why does Paul read more books
A. Because he likes them.
B. Because he wants to study for a test.
C. Because he wants to be a writer.
11. What will the weather be like this weekend
A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.
12. What would Millie like to do
A. Go swimming. B. Go shopping. C. Stay at home.
Name Susan
Where is she from 13 .
Who does she travel with Her 14 .
Why does she like London It’s modern and beautiful.
How long will she stay in China For about 15 .
13. A. France B. America C. Japan
14. A. parents B. friends C. classmates
15. A. a week B. two weeks C. a month
16. What does Mark Chan do
A. He’s a guide. B. He’s a tourist. C. He’s a singer.
17. What was Chicago famous for in the past
A. Being a meat market. B. Its opera houses. C. Its nice museums.
18. How many fine museums are there in Chicago
A. Less than 5. B. More than 15. C. More than 50.
19. Where is Mark Chan probably now
A. In a theater. B. On a bus. C. In a museum.
20. What is Mark Chan’s telephone number
A. 312-726-1008. B. 321-726-1088. C. 312-726-1088.
1. It is impossible for ________ European student to speak Chinese in such ________ short time.
A. a; / B. an; / C. a; a D. an: a
2. —Mr. Green will have a ________ holiday soon.
—How lucky he is!
A. two months B. two-month C. two-months D. two month
3. Mr. Wu, we ________ the cleaning work. Can we go home now
A. finish B. have finished C. finishes D. will finish
4. The twins look the same, but ________ they are really different.
A. at a time B. from time to time
C. some time D. some times
5. My parents ________ for over 50 years and they love each other very much.
A. have married B. married
C. will marry D. have been married
6—________ have you been away from your hometown
—Since 5 years ago.
A. How long B. How often
C. How far D. How soon
7. A computer is usually a screen, a main unit, a mouse and so on.
A. made of B. made from
C. made up of D. made out of
8. There is no air _______ water on the moon.
A. and B. but C. or D. with
9. —Were you very _______when you saw the parade coming towards you
—Of course. It was the most ______moment.
A. excited, excited B. exciting, excited C. excited, exciting D. exciting, exciting
10. —Can you tell me ________ to start the computer
—With pleasure.
A. what B. when C. how D. why
11. —The computer ________ a TV, doesn’t it
—Yes, I agree.
A. likes B. is like C. looks D. looks like
12. Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the ________ of Giants(巨人).”
A. stomachs B. shoulders C. arms D. heads
13. Sally sat ________ Harry and they had lunch face to face.
A. beside B. next to C. opposite D. behind
14. —Do you mind me smoking here
—________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.”
A. It doesn’t matter B. Certainly not C. Never mind D. Better not
15. — I will go to Suzhou for a holiday next month.
— Great! ________
A. Have a good time! B. Best wishes!
C. Glad to see you again! D. Good luck!
One cold winter morning, Jim fell from his father’s bike and his legs couldn’t move. A doctor ___16___ him and said he had to stay in bed for ___17___. Jim was sad at the doctor’s words because Christmas was coming. He wanted to look at the shop windows ___18___ Christmas gifts and see them lit up (被照亮) at night.
Jim’s younger sister, Mary, wanted to ___19___ her brother. Every day, she went to the shop nearby after school to look at the windows ___20___. When she got home, she would tell Jim what there were in the windows.
There were Christmas trees in all windows. A big kind Father Christmas was standing in one of the windows, ___21___ a long white beard (胡须). In his pockets were all kinds of toys. How ___22___ he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!
Every time Mary described the windows, Jim would ___23___ his eyes, imagining (想象) himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop. ___24___ there was one thing Mary didn’t mention to Jim. It was a lovely wooden horse. She wanted to give it to Jim as a Christmas ___25___.
The day before Christmas Eve, Mary ___26___ her pocket money and found that it was not enough. So she asked Dad if he could ___27___ her a job to make some money.
By helping her parents clean and decorate the house, Mary got enough money and bought the wooden horse.
On Christmas morning, Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed. What a big ___28___ ! How happy he was! Mary was as happy as Jim because she made Jim happy.
Actually, the ___29___ people this Christmas were their parents because their daughter had learnt to ___30___.
A. saw B. asked C. heard D. checked
A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times
A. fit for B. full of C. tied to D. connected with
A. help B. save C. treat D. cure
A. sadly B. proudly C. carefully D. carelessly
A. using B. showing C. selling D. wearing
A. warm B. cold C. patient D. serious
A. open B. close C. wash D. touch
A. And B. But C. Or D. So
A. tree B. card C. song D. gift
A. lent B. hid C. counted D. borrowed
Aoffer B. provide C. buy D. show
A. hope B. reward C. surprise D. challenge
A. busiest B. richest C. kindest D. happiest
A. get B. give C. obey D. receive
Here is the 5-day weather report in Suqian, Jiangsu Province.
Day Description Temperature(温度) Humidity(湿度)
Monday March 30 Partly Foggy 17℃/19℃ 91%
Tuesday March 31 A. M. Showers(阵雨) 15℃/17℃ 85%
Wednesday April l Partly Cloudy 27℃/30℃ 79%
Thursday April 2 Mostly Sunny 10℃/15℃ 78%
Friday April 3 P. M. Showers 18℃/25℃ 92%
31. How is the weather like on Wednesday
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Foggy. D. Cloudy.
32. Which day has the highest temperature this week
A. March 30. B. April 1. C. April 2. D. April 3.
33. Andrew plans to go on a picnic this week, which is the most suitable day
A. March 30. B. March 31. C. April 2. D. April 3.
My hometown is a very beautiful town near the sea. It has a long history. Its old town centre was built in the 1500s. It’s a place where visitors can go back in time to a different world.
Many of the local people are farmers. However, farming is not the only business here today. Tourists all over the world are coming to learn about the town and its history and spend money. This has brought hope and money to the town. Many people think that tourism will decide the future of the town.
“This is an easier way to make money. Now we have a very good chance (机会) to develop (发展) tourism and help our economy.” some people say. However, tourism has also caused problems. The local environment has become worse because of pollution.
The local people want a business that makes money, but they know they have to be very careful. They can’t let tourism grow without any control. They have to make some important decisions. Will they be able to take action to improve the situation Will they further develop tourism No one knows. The future of their beautiful town may depend on (取决于) the decisions they make today.
34. Which is true about the town
A. It’s near a hill. B. It’s an old town.
C. It’s a new town. D. It’s an old village.
35. What do the local people mainly do
A. They are fishermen or farmers. B. They are farmers or hunters.
C. They are farmers or tourism workers. D. They are hunters or fishermen.
36. What does the underlined word “economy” in para 3 mean
A. 经济 B. 政治 C. 社会 D. 交通
37. What problem has tourism caused
A. The local people wouldn’t like to do the farming any more.
B. The local people don’t know how to spend their money.
C. There aren’t enough hotels or restaurants for tourists.
D. The environment is not as good as before.
Do you feel lonely when your best friend isn’t around Here’s our advice to you-and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.
It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around-maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You may feel left out during breaks or lunchtime. You want to make new friends but how do you find them Maybe it seems like everybody else already has friends. But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
Start by looking around your classroom-think about which kids you’d like to play with during break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (欣赏)to them. Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here ” in the lunchroom. When you’re at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, may I join you ” or just join in.
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching people up. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Being kind, being friendly, sharing, saying nice things, offering help-pretty soon, you’ll have one, two or even more new friends.
You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other again, you can share something you didn’t have before he or she left. You can introduce him or her to your new friends!
38. What does the underlined phrase “feel left out” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. feel homesick B. feel alone C. leave home alone D. be hungry
39. Which are good ways to make friends
a. Join others and play with them.
b. Invite others and share your happiness.
c. Keep asking for help from others.
d. Say “hello” to people you want to make friends with.
A. abc B. bcd C. acd D. abd
40. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. feeling shy B. making a speech to friends
C. studying with friends D. making new friends by yourself
41. What can we learn from the story
A. When you feel lonely, making new friends is a good choice.
B. Making new friends is an easy job.
C. Teachers can become your best friends.
D. New friends would soon replace old friends.
After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as fast as I could. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out. I fell down on the beach and went to sleep.
I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move. My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground!
Then I felt something on my leg. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face. I looked down and saw a very small man. He was the same size as my little finger! Where was I Who was the small person
Soon more small men started climbing all over me. There were around 40 of them. I shouted at them — the loud noise made them all fall over. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.
One of the small men began talking to me, but I could not understand him. I did not know what to say either. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout. I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. They were coming straight towards me. “I must run away from them,” I thought, but I did not know how to get away.
Excerpted from Gulliver’s Travel
42. What was the weather like when Gulliver woke up
A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy. D. Rainy.
43. How big was the small man
A. He was the same size as Gulliver’s thumb.(拇指)
B. He was the same size as Gulliver’s index finger.(食指)
C. He was the same size as Gulliver’s little finger.
D. He was the same size as Gulliver’s middle finger.
44. Why did the small people all fall over
A. Because Gulliver was too huge. B. Because the small people were too hungry.
C. Because Gulliver’s noise was too loud. D. Because Gulliver fought(战斗)with them.
45. Why did Gulliver want to run away from the small people
A. Because he was afraid. B. Because he missed(思念) his home.
C. Because he was hurt. D. Because the small people were strong.
How to beat sadness
We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, ___46___ Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
★ Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow. ___47___, you can flow too.
★ Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood(心情) but also bring others a good mood.
★ Listen to music. ___48___ Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
★ Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book watching a sun rise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
★___49___ Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood(血) flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
These ways will cheer you up(使你振作) when you are down, ___50___ Try and practise them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression(沮丧), go to see a doctor.
A. Do some exercise.
B. let’s try to make it small.
CAll kinds of music are the same.
D. When your energy is flowing freely
E. It can be your favourite music.
F. Reading books always makes you relax.
G. but don’t just use them when you are sad.
51. Look, that car is driving at a very high ________(速度). It’s very dangerous.
52. Mo Yan is a famous ________(作家), and many people like his novels.
53. I thank from the ________ (底部) of my heart for your great help.
54. I don’t know whether she is ________ (结婚的) or not, you may ask her mother.
55. The restaurant is open every day ________ (除了……之外) on Monday.
56. Now Mr. Green feels ________ (not happy because of being alone) from time to time after his wife died.
57. On the stage, a ________ (very small) man is jumping around and making faces. How funny he is!
58. Look! There is a ________ (very large) stone in the middle of the road. Let’s move it away.
59. China and Korea are in A________ while the UK and France are in Europe.
60. Mr. Black usually spends his s________ time with his children on weekends.
____61____ (kite) have a long history in China. The Chinese ____62____ (begin) to make kites over 2000 years ago. In the Warring States period (战国时期), a famous man, Mo Zi, ____63____ (make) a bird out of wood. That was the ____64____ (one) kite in history. ____65____ (He) student Lu Ban used bamboo ____66____ (make) kites. In the Eastern Han dynasty, Cai Lun found a new way ____67____ (make) paper, and then people began to use paper to make kites. In the 13th century, an Italian man ____68____ (name) Marco Polo visited China. He told people in the West all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became one of the ____69____ (popular) outdoor activities. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has become famous for ____70____ (make) kites from then on.
71. 假如你是Tom,你来到了一所新学校,你向你的新老师和新同学介绍你自己的一些情况,结合表格中所给的信息,以My hobbies为题,用英语写一篇90词左右的作文。
姓名 Tom 八年级的一名学生 来自澳大利亚,居住在岛屿南端的一个小镇,近几年变化很大
爱好 读书 每天花两个半小时读各种类型的书。 读书能提高我们的知识,帮助我们放松,给我们打开一个全新的世界。
旅游 到目前为止,已游览了许多名胜。例如,长城…… 去年夏天,乘直达飞机去了上海——世界闻名的贸易中心 当游览上海外滩(bund)时,我忍不住拍照。
梦想 希望有一天能不带护照环游世界
表格中涉及到的词汇:in the southern part of (在……南端), island (岛屿), all kinds of (各种类型的), improve (提高), knowledge (知识), open up a whole new world for (为……打开一个全新的世界), so far (到目前为止), places of interest (名胜), for example (例如), take a direct flight to (乘直达飞机去……), trade centre (贸易中心), can’t help doing something (忍不住做某事)
My hobbies
Hello, everyone! I’m Tom. I come to a new school. Now let me tell you something about myself. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hope I can travel around the world without passport some day.2023-2024学年度第二学期期中学情调研试卷
2. 答案全部写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
1. What is Henry’s father’s job
A. B. C.
2 What is John’s mother doing
A. B. C.
3. Where is the penfr iend from
A. B. C.
4. Where did Tony go last Sunday
A. B. C.
5. Who is Mike waiting for
A. His sister. B. His mother. C. His father.
6. Where did the boy go
A. To the beach. B. To the park. C. To the post office.
7. Where are they
A. In the hospital. B. In the bank. C. In the restaurant.
8. What did the boy buy for his father
A. A baseball. B. A watch. C. A brush.
9. What does Dale have to do first
A. Do his homework. B. Do the dishes. C. Do some reading
10. Why does Paul read more books
A. Because he likes them.
B. Because he wants to study for a test.
C. Because he wants to be a writer.
11. What will the weather be like this weekend
A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.
12. What would Millie like to do
A. Go swimming. B. Go shopping. C. Stay at home.
Name Susan
Where is she from 13 .
Who does she travel with Her 14 .
Why does she like London It’s modern and beautiful.
How long will she stay in China For about 15 .
13. A. France B. America C. Japan
14. A. parents B. friends C. classmates
15. A. a week B. two weeks C. a month
16. What does Mark Chan do
A. He’s a guide. B. He’s a tourist. C. He’s a singer.
17. What was Chicago famous for in the past
A. Being a meat market. B. Its opera houses. C. Its nice museums.
18. How many fine museums are there in Chicago
A. Less than 5. B. More than 15. C. More than 50.
19. Where is Mark Chan probably now
A. In a theater. B. On a bus. C. In a museum.
20. What is Mark Chan’s telephone number
A. 312-726-1008. B. 321-726-1088. C. 312-726-1088.
1. It is impossible for ________ European student to speak Chinese in such ________ short time.
A. a; / B. an; / C. a; a D. an: a
考查冠词辨析。a不定冠词,表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的词之前;an不定冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的词之前;/不填。根据“It is impossible for…European student to speak Chinese in such…short time.”可知,两个空处都是表示泛指,European和short都是辅音音素开头的词,因此用a。故选C。
2. —Mr. Green will have a ________ holiday soon.
—How lucky he is!
A. two months B. two-month C. two-months D. two month
3. Mr. Wu, we ________ the cleaning work. Can we go home now
A. finish B. have finished C. finishes D. will finish
考查现在完成时。根据“Mr. Wu, we…the cleaning work. Can we go home now ”可知,此处描述的是已经完成的动作对现在的影响,因此用现在完成时,其谓语动词是have done。故选B。
4. The twins look the same, but ________ they are really different.
A. at a time B. from time to time
C. some time D. some times
考查短语辨析。at a time每次;from time to time有时;some time一段时间;some times几次。根据“The twins look the same, but…they are really different.”可知,此处指的是“有时他们真的不一样”,因此此处用from time to time。故选B。
5. My parents ________ for over 50 years and they love each other very much.
A. have married B. married
C. will marry D. have been married
考查现在完成时和延续性动词。根据“for over 50 years”可知,时态用现在完成时,其谓语动词构成是have/has done,又因接一段时间,动词需要延续性动词,be married为延续性,因此此处用have been married。故选D。
6. —________ have you been away from your hometown
—Since 5 years ago.
A. How long B. How often
C. How far D. How soon
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长;How often多久一次;How far多远;How soon多久之后。根据“Since 5 years ago.”可知,此处是对时间进行询问的,因此用How long。故选A。
7. A computer is usually a screen, a main unit, a mouse and so on.
A. made of B. made from
C. made up of D. made out of
考查动词短语。be made of 用……制成的,能看出原材料;be made from用……制造的,看不出原材料; be made up of 用……构成或组成的;be made out of 由……制成的。根据“a screen, a main unit, a mouse and so on”可知,电脑通常是由一个屏幕,一个主机,一个鼠标等组成,故选C。
8. There is no air _______ water on the moon.
A. and B. but C. or D. with
考查连词辨析。and和;but但是;or或者;with和。在肯定句中的并列成分常用and连接,但在否定句或疑问句中则常用or连接。根据“There is no air…water”可知原句是否定句中表并列,应用or连接,故选C。
9. —Were you very _______when you saw the parade coming towards you
—Of course. It was the most ______moment.
A. excited, excited B. exciting, excited C. excited, exciting D. exciting, exciting
句意: ——当你看到阅兵朝我们走过来时感到兴奋吗?——当然。那是最令人兴奋的瞬间。
10. —Can you tell me ________ to start the computer
—With pleasure.
A. what B. when C. how D. why
考查宾语从句。what什么;when什么时候;how如何;why为什么。根据“Can you tell me…to start the computer ”可知,此处问的是“如何启动电脑”,表示方式,用how引导宾语从句。故选C。
11. —The computer ________ a TV, doesn’t it
—Yes, I agree.
A. likes B. is like C. looks D. looks like
考查动词辨析。likes喜欢;is like就像;looks看;looks like看起来像。根据“The computer…a TV, doesn’t it ”可知,空处缺谓语动词,此处指的是“看起来像”。故选D。
12. Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the ________ of Giants(巨人).”
A. stomachs B. shoulders C. arms D. heads
考查名词辨析。stomachs胃;shoulders肩膀;arms胳膊;heads头。根据“standing on the…of Giants”以及常识可知,此处指的是“巨人的肩膀上”,因此用shoulders。故选B。
13. Sally sat ________ Harry and they had lunch face to face.
A. beside B. next to C. opposite D. behind
考查介词辨析。beside在……旁边;next to紧挨着;opposite在……对面;behind在……后面。根据“Sally sat…Harry and they had lunch face to face.”可知,此处指的是“面对面地吃了午饭”。故选C。
14. —Do you mind me smoking here
—________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking.”
A. It doesn’t matter B. Certainly not C. Never mind D. Better not
考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter没关系;Certainly not当然不;Never mind不要介意; Better not最好不。根据“It says, ‘No smoking’.”可知,应是反对在这吸烟,通常用“Better not.”表示委婉拒绝。故选D。
15. — I will go to Suzhou for a holiday next month.
— Great! ________
A. Have a good time! B. Best wishes!
C. Glad to see you again! D. Good luck!
考查情景交际。Have a good time!玩得开心;Best wishes!最美好的祝愿;Glad to see you again!很开心再次见到你;Good luck!祝你好运。根据上文说去苏州旅游,可知回答是祝愿人家旅途愉快,玩得开心,故选A。
One cold winter morning, Jim fell from his father’s bike and his legs couldn’t move. A doctor ___16___ him and said he had to stay in bed for ___17___. Jim was sad at the doctor’s words because Christmas was coming. He wanted to look at the shop windows ___18___ Christmas gifts and see them lit up (被照亮) at night.
Jim’s younger sister, Mary, wanted to ___19___ her brother. Every day, she went to the shop nearby after school to look at the windows ___20___. When she got home, she would tell Jim what there were in the windows.
There were Christmas trees in all windows. A big kind Father Christmas was standing in one of the windows, ___21___ a long white beard (胡须). In his pockets were all kinds of toys. How ___22___ he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!
Every time Mary described the windows, Jim would ___23___ his eyes, imagining (想象) himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop. ___24___ there was one thing Mary didn’t mention to Jim. It was a lovely wooden horse. She wanted to give it to Jim as a Christmas ___25___.
The day before Christmas Eve, Mary ___26___ her pocket money and found that it was not enough. So she asked Dad if he could ___27___ her a job to make some money.
By helping her parents clean and decorate the house, Mary got enough money and bought the wooden horse.
On Christmas morning, Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed. What a big ___28___ ! How happy he was! Mary was as happy as Jim because she made Jim happy.
Actually, the ___29___ people this Christmas were their parents because their daughter had learnt to ___30___.
A. saw B. asked C. heard D. checked
A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times
A. fit for B. full of C. tied to D. connected with
A. help B. save C. treat D. cure
A. sadly B. proudly C. carefully D. carelessly
A. using B. showing C. selling D. wearing
A. warm B. cold C. patient D. serious
A. open B. close C. wash D. touch
A. And B. But C. Or D. So
A. tree B. card C. song D. gift
A. lent B. hid C. counted D. borrowed
A. offer B. provide C. buy D. show
A. hope B. reward C. surprise D. challenge
A. busiest B. richest C. kindest D. happiest
A. get B. give C. obey D. receive
【答案】16. D17. A18. B19. A20. C21. D22. A23. B24. B25. D26. C27. A28. C29. D30. B
saw看见;asked问;heard听见;checked检查。根据“Jim fell from his father’s bike and his legs couldn’t move.”可知,他从自行车上摔下来,腿不能动了,因此医生应是给他做了检查。故选D。
some time一段时间;sometime在某时;sometimes有时;some times几次。根据“he had to stay in bed for…”可知,此处指的应是必须卧床一段时间。故选A。
fit for与……相符;full of充满;tied to系到……上;connected with与……相连。根据“shop windows…Christmas gifts”可知,此处指的应是充满圣诞节礼物的橱窗。故选B。
sadly悲伤地;proudly骄傲地;carefully仔细地;carelessly粗心地。根据“she went to the shop nearby after school to look at the windows…”可知,此处指的应是在商店仔细地看看橱窗。故选C。
using使用;showing展示;selling出售;wearing蓄,留 (发、须等)。根据“…a long white beard(胡须).”可知,此处指的是留着长长的白胡子。故选D。
warm温暖的;cold冷的;patient耐心的;serious严肃的。根据“How…he seemed to be in his big red coat and fur cap!”可知,穿着大外套,戴着毛皮帽子看起来应是温暖的。故选A。
open打开;close闭上,关闭;wash洗;touch触摸。根据“…imagining himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop.”可知,此处指的应是闭上眼睛想象。故选B。
And并且;But但是;Or或者;So所以。根据“Every time Mary described the windows, Jim would...his eyes, imagining (想象) himself to be looking at the toys inside the shop…there was one thing Mary didn’t mention to Jim.”可知,空处前后句存在转折关系,应用转折连词but连接。故选B。
tree树木;card卡片;song歌曲;gift礼物。根据后文“Mary got enough money and bought the wooden horse.”及“On Christmas morning, Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed.”可知,玛丽买了木马并送给了吉姆,因此此处表达玛丽想把木马送过吉姆作为圣诞节礼物。故选D。
lent借出;hid藏;counted数数;borrowed借来。根据“it was not enough.”可知,玛丽应是数了零花钱才发现不够。故选C。
offer提供,表示主动提出或给予某物,强调主动性和自愿性;provide提供,强调供应或提供所需的东西;buy买;show展示。根据“So she asked Dad if he could…her a job to make some money.”可知,此处是指提供一份工作,offer sb sth“为某人提供某物”。故选A。
hope希望;reward奖励;surprise惊喜;challenge挑战。根据“How happy he was!”及前文表述可知,吉姆不知道关于木马的事情,因此收到木马对吉姆来说应是大的惊喜。故选C。
busiest最忙的;richest最富有的;kindest最善良的;happiest最开心的。根据文中“How happy he was! Mary was as happy as Jim because she made Jim happy”及“because their daughter had learnt to…”可知,看到女儿给受伤的哥哥准备礼物,父母应是最开心的。故选D。
Here is the 5-day weather report in Suqian, Jiangsu Province.
Day Description Temperature(温度) Humidity(湿度)
Monday March 30 Partly Foggy 17℃/19℃ 91%
Tuesday March 31 A. M. Showers(阵雨) 15℃/17℃ 85%
Wednesday April l Partly Cloudy 27℃/30℃ 79%
Thursday April 2 Mostly Sunny 10℃/15℃ 78%
Friday April 3 P. M. Showers 18℃/25℃ 92%
31. How is the weather like on Wednesday
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Foggy. D. Cloudy.
32. Which day has the highest temperature this week
A. March 30. B. April 1. C. April 2. D. April 3.
33. Andrew plans to go on a picnic this week, which is the most suitable day
A. March 30. B. March 31. C. April 2. D. April 3.
【答案】31. D32. B33. C
细节理解题。根据“Wednesday April l Partly Cloudy”可知,周三的天气为局部多云。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Wednesday April l Partly Cloudy 27℃/30℃”可知,四月一日的气温最高。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Thursday April 2 Mostly Sunny 10℃/15℃”可知,四月二日天气晴朗,温度适宜。故选C。
My hometown is a very beautiful town near the sea. It has a long history. Its old town centre was built in the 1500s. It’s a place where visitors can go back in time to a different world.
Many of the local people are farmers. However, farming is not the only business here today. Tourists all over the world are coming to learn about the town and its history and spend money. This has brought hope and money to the town. Many people think that tourism will decide the future of the town.
“This is an easier way to make money. Now we have a very good chance (机会) to develop (发展) tourism and help our economy.” some people say. However, tourism has also caused problems. The local environment has become worse because of pollution.
The local people want a business that makes money, but they know they have to be very careful. They can’t let tourism grow without any control. They have to make some important decisions. Will they be able to take action to improve the situation Will they further develop tourism No one knows. The future of their beautiful town may depend on (取决于) the decisions they make today.
34. Which is true about the town
A. It’s near a hill. B. It’s an old town.
C. It’s a new town. D. It’s an old village.
35. What do the local people mainly do
A. They are fishermen or farmers. B. They are farmers or hunters.
CThey are farmers or tourism workers. D. They are hunters or fishermen.
36. What does the underlined word “economy” in para 3 mean
A. 经济 B. 政治 C. 社会 D. 交通
37. What problem has tourism caused
A. The local people wouldn’t like to do the farming any more.
B. The local people don’t know how to spend their money.
C. There aren’t enough hotels or restaurants for tourists.
D. The environment is not as good as before.
【答案】34. B35. C36. A37. D
细节理解题。根据“It has a long history. Its old town centre was built in the 1500s.”可知,作者的家乡有悠久的历史,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Many of the local people are farmers. However, farming is not the only business here today. Tourists all over the world are coming to learn about the town and its history and spend money. This has brought hope and money to the town. Many people think that tourism will decide the future of the town.”可知,当地人主要是农民,但农业并非当地唯一产业,现在也有很多从事旅游业的人,故选C。
词义猜测题。根据“This is an easier way to make money. Now we have a very good chance (机会) to develop (发展) tourism and help our...”可知,旅游业是赚钱的较为容易的方式,现在有很好的机会发展旅游业并促进经济的发展,所以economy“经济”,故选A。
细节理解题。根据“However, tourism has also caused problems. The local environment has become worse because of pollution.”可知,旅游业给当地带来的问题是环境污染,故选D。
Do you feel lonely when your best friend isn’t around Here’s our advice to you-and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.
It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around-maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You may feel left out during breaks or lunchtime. You want to make new friends, but how do you find them Maybe it seems like everybody else already has friends. But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
Start by looking around your classroom-think about which kids you’d like to play with during break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (欣赏)to them. Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here ” in the lunchroom. When you’re at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, may I join you ” or just join in.
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching people up. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Being kind, being friendly, sharing, saying nice things, offering help-pretty soon, you’ll have one, two or even more new friends.
You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other again, you can share something you didn’t have before he or she left. You can introduce him or her to your new friends!
38. What does the underlined phrase “feel left out” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. feel homesick B. feel alone C. leave home alone D. be hungry
39. Which are good ways to make friends
a. Join others and play with them.
b. Invite others and share your happiness.
c. Keep asking for help from others.
d. Say “hello” to people you want to make friends with.
A. abc B. bcd C. acd D. abd
40. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. feeling shy B. making a speech to friends
C. studying with friends D. making new friends by yourself
41. What can we learn from the story
A. When you feel lonely, making new friends is a good choice.
B. Making new friends is an easy job.
C. Teachers can become your best friends.
D. New friends would soon replace old friends.
【答案】38. B39. D40. D41. A
词义猜测题。根据“It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around-maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class.”可知当最好的一个朋友不在身边,应该是孤独的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Start by looking around your classroom-think about which kids you’d like to play with during break.”、“ Being kind, being friendly, sharing, saying nice things, offering help-pretty soon, you’ll have one, two or even more new friends.”、“When you’re at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say ‘Hi, may I join you ’ or just join in.”可知abd都是交朋友的好办法,故选D。
词句猜测题。根据“If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends”(如果你做这件事有困难,或者你感到害羞,请你的老师帮助你结交新朋友。)可知这里的this指的是自己交新朋友,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Do you feel lonely when your best friend isn’t around Here’s our advice to you-and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.”可知当你感到孤独时,结交新朋友是个不错的选择。故选A。
After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as fast as I could. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out. I fell down on the beach and went to sleep.
I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move. My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground!
Then I felt something on my leg. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face. I looked down and saw a very small man. He was the same size as my little finger! Where was I Who was the small person
Soon more small men started climbing all over me. There were around 40 of them. I shouted at them — the loud noise made them all fall over. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.
One of the small men began talking to me, but I could not understand him. I did not know what to say either. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout. I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. They were coming straight towards me. “I must run away from them,” I thought, but I did not know how to get away.
Excerpted from Gulliver’s Travel
42. What was the weather like when Gulliver woke up
A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy. D. Rainy.
43. How big was the small man
A. He was the same size as Gulliver’s thumb.(拇指)
B. He was the same size as Gulliver’s index finger.(食指)
C. He was the same size as Gulliver’s little finger.
D. He was the same size as Gulliver’s middle finger.
44. Why did the small people all fall over
A. Because Gulliver was too huge. B. Because the small people were too hungry.
C. Because Gulliver’s noise was too loud. D. Because Gulliver fought(战斗)with them.
45. Why did Gulliver want to run away from the small people
A. Because he was afraid. B. Because he missed(思念) his home.
C. Because he was hurt. D. Because the small people were strong.
【答案】42. A43. C44. C45. A
细节理解题。根据“I woke up as the sun was rising, but I found I could not move.”可知,天气是晴朗的。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“He was the same size as my little finger!”可知,他和格列佛的小拇指一样大。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“the loud noise made them all fall over.”可知,因为格列佛的噪音太大了。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“When I lifted my left hand into the air, the small men began to shout. I looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people. They were coming straight towards me.”可推知,因为他很害怕。故选A。
How to beat sadness
We all have days when we are down, tired and unhappy. That’s OK. You need days like this, or how would you know you are happy You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of life, ___46___ Here are a few simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.
★ Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow. ___47___, you can flow too.
★ Smile! It’s easy to do and have good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood(心情) but also bring others a good mood.
★ Listen to music. ___48___ Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.
★ Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, watching a sun rise or having a hot bath, or something like that.
★___49___ Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood(血) flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.
These ways will cheer you up(使你振作) when you are down, ___50___ Try and practise them every day to make them a habit. You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression(沮丧), go to see a doctor.
A. Do some exercise.
B. let’s try to make it small.
C. All kinds of music are the same.
D. When your energy is flowing freely
E. It can be your favourite music.
F. Reading books always makes you relax.
G. but don’t just use them when you are sad.
【答案】46. B47. D48. E49. A50. G
根据“You’ll enjoy your good days even more when you have a few bad days.”以及“Even if sadness is a part of life”可知,此处表示转折,说的是享受美好的日子,B选项“让我们试着把它变小。”符合语境。故选B。
根据“Stand up straight and this helps your energy flow.”可知,此处说的是能量流动,D选项“当你的能量自由流动时”符合语境。故选D。
根据“Some kinds of music work better than others, so try and find out what kind of music works the best for you.”可知,此处说的是最适合你的音乐,E选项“它可以是你最喜欢的音乐。”符合语境。故选E。
根据“Even something as simple as taking a walk will get your blood(血) flowing.”可知,此处说的是散步有助于身体健康,A选项“做一些运动。”符合语境。故选A。
根据“Try and practise them every day to make them a habit.”可知,此处说的是养成习惯,G选项“但是不要只是在你难过的时候使用它们。”符合语境。故选G。
51. Look, that car is driving at a very high ________(速度). It’s very dangerous.
句意:看,那辆车正以很高的速度行驶。非常危险。速度:speed,名词,at a very high speed意为“以一个非常高的速度”,固定词组。故填speed。
52. Mo Yan is a famous ________(作家), and many people like his novels.
53. I thank from the ________ (底部) of my heart for your great help.
句意:我从心底感谢你的帮助。底部:bottom,from the bottom of one’s heart从某人心底里,故填bottom。
54. I don’t know whether she is ________ (结婚的) or not, you may ask her mother.
55. The restaurant is open every day ________ (除了……之外) on Monday.
句意:除了星期日外,餐厅每天都营业。根据“every day...on Monday”和单词提示可知,空处应填except“除……之外”,表示除星期日外。故填except。
56. Now Mr. Green feels ________ (not happy because of being alone) from time to time after his wife died.
句意:妻子去世后,格林先生现在不时感到孤独。根据“Now Mr. Green feels…from time to time after his wife died.”以及英文解释可知,此处指的是“孤独的”,lonely意为“孤独的”,形容词作表语。故填lonely。
57. On the stage, a ________ (very small) man is jumping around and making faces. How funny he is!
58. Look! There is a ________ (very large) stone in the middle of the road. Let’s move it away.
句意:看!路中间有一块巨大的石头。我们把它移开。very large表示“巨大的”,可以用形容词huge表示。故填huge。
59. China and Korea are in A________ while the UK and France are in Europe.
句意:中国和韩国在亚洲,而英国和法国在欧洲。根据“China and Korea are in...”及首字母和常识可知,中国和韩国都属于亚洲,Asia“亚洲”,故填(A)sia。
60. Mr. Black usually spends his s________ time with his children on weekends.
句意:布莱克先生通常在周末和他的孩子一起度过空闲时间。根据“…time with his children on weekends.”以及首字母提示可知,此处指的是“空闲时间”,spare意为“空闲的”,形容词作定语。故填(s)pare。
____61____ (kite) have a long history in China. The Chinese ____62____ (begin) to make kites over 2000 years ago. In the Warring States period (战国时期), a famous man, Mo Zi, ____63____ (make) a bird out of wood. That was the ____64____ (one) kite in history. ____65____ (He) student Lu Ban used bamboo ____66____ (make) kites. In the Eastern Han dynasty, Cai Lun found a new way ____67____ (make) paper, and then people began to use paper to make kites. In the 13th century, an Italian man ____68____ (name) Marco Polo visited China. He told people in the West all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became one of the ____69____ (popular) outdoor activities. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has become famous for ____70____ (make) kites from then on.
【答案】61. Kites
62. began63. made
64first65. His
66. to make
67. to make
68. named69. most popular
70. making
句意:中国人早在2000多年前就开始制作风筝。根据时间状语“over 2000 years ago”与提示词可知,此处应用一般过去时 ,begin的过去式为began,意为“开始”。故填began。
句意:在战国时期,一个著名的人,墨子,用木头做了一只鸟。根据“In the Warring States period”与提示词可知,此处应用一般过去时,make的过去式为made,意为“制作”。故填made。
句意:那是历史上第一只风筝。根据“the”与提示词可知 ,此处应指那是第一只风筝,因此应用first,意为“第一”。故填first。
句意:他的学生鲁班用竹子制作风筝。根据“used bamboo … kites”与提示词可知,此处应指用竹子制作风筝,use sth. to do sth.意为“用某物制作某物”。故填to make。
句意:在东汉时期,蔡伦发现了一种新的造纸方法,然后人们开始用纸制作风筝。根据“found a new way … paper”与提示词可知,a way to do sth.意为“用某种方法去做某事”。故填to make。
句意:13世纪,一位名叫马可·波罗的意大利人访问了中国。根据“an Italian man … Marco Polo visited China”与提示词可知,此处主语为an Italian man,谓语动词为visited,因此name应用非谓语动词,表示被叫作马可·波罗的意大利人,因此用named。故填named。
句意:在明清时期,放风筝成为最受欢迎的户外活动之一。根据“one of the”与提示词可知,one of the+形容词最高级形式,意为“最……的之一”,因此此处应用形容词的最高级形式,因此用most popular,意为“最受欢迎的”。故填most popular。
71. 假如你是Tom,你来到了一所新学校,你向你的新老师和新同学介绍你自己的一些情况,结合表格中所给的信息,以My hobbies为题,用英语写一篇90词左右的作文。
姓名 Tom 八年级的一名学生 来自澳大利亚,居住在岛屿南端的一个小镇,近几年变化很大
爱好 读书 每天花两个半小时读各种类型的书。 读书能提高我们的知识,帮助我们放松,给我们打开一个全新的世界。
旅游 到目前为止,已游览了许多名胜。例如,长城…… 去年夏天,乘直达飞机去了上海——世界闻名的贸易中心 当游览上海外滩(bund)时,我忍不住拍照。
梦想 希望有一天能不带护照环游世界
表格中涉及到的词汇:in the southern part of (在……南端), island (岛屿), all kinds of (各种类型的), improve (提高), knowledge (知识), open up a whole new world for (为……打开一个全新的世界), so far (到目前为止), places of interest (名胜), for example (例如), take a direct flight to (乘直达飞机去……), trade centre (贸易中心), can’t help doing something (忍不住做某事)
My hobbies
Hello, everyone! I’m Tom. I come to a new school. Now let me tell you something about myself. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hope I can travel around the world without passport some day.
My hobbies
Hello, everyone! I’m Tom. I come to a new school. Now let me tell you something about myself.
I am a student in the 8th Grade. I come from Australia. My hometown is in a town in the southern part of an island in Australia. It has changed a lot over the past years. I have many hobbies like reading and travelling. I spend two and a half hours reading books every day because I think reading can not only improve our knowledge and help us relax but also open a whole new world for us.
So far, I have travelled many places of interest all over the world, for example, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and so on. Last summer holiday, I took a direct flight to Shanghai—the world famous trade centre. When I visited the bund, I could’t help taking many photos.
I hope I can travel around the world without passport some day.
①over the past years在过去的几年里
②spend time doing sth花时间做某事
③open a whole new world for sb为某人打开一个全新的世界
④all over the world全世界
①I spend two and a half hours reading books every day because I think reading can not only improve our knowledge and help us relax but also open a whole new world for us. (because引导原因状语从句;省略that的宾语从句)
②When I visited the bund, I could’t help taking many photos. (when引导时间状语从句)



