期中专题 补全对话(含解析) 牛津深圳版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训

期中专题 补全对话(含解析) 牛津深圳版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训
Ann: Hi, Mary. Jenny’s birthday is coming. Have you received her invitation
Mary: Yes. 1
Ann: Me too. I’m just thinking about the gift. 2
Mary: Well, she likes reading. Why not get her books
Ann: 3 I think she’ll be happy to get them.
Mary: By the way, how will you buy the gift Will you ask your parents for money
Ann: 4 I’ve already saved my pocket money.
Mary: You’re right. I think we should learn to plan money.
Ann: That’s true. 5
Mary: Great job. Learning to save and use money are both important to us.
A.Sounds good.
B.I also use it to help others in need.
C.Yes, I will.
D.How about you
E.Do you have any good ideas
F.Of course not.
W: Good morning, young man! What’s the matter with you
M: Good morning, Doctor Li! 6
W: Tell me more about it.
M: I took a cold shower after a basketball game yesterday afternoon. 7
W: Let me give you an examination. Open your mouth and say “ah”.
M: Ah ... ah ...
W: 8
M: Is it serious
W: No. 9
M: Do I need to take some medicine
W: No. 10
M: I see. Thank you very much.
A.You have a cold.
B.I feel terrible.
C.You have to take the medicine three times a day.
D.But remember not to take a cold shower after doing sports.
E.Just have a rest and drink much hot water.
F.Then I started to cough.
A: Would you like to have dinner with me this evening, Eric
B: 11 Maybe another time.
A: What are you doing
B: I’m making a plan. 12
A: What plan Is it very important
B: Yes. I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.
A: 13
B: I help out at the children’s hospital. I help to plan some activities.
A: 14
B: Of course. You could help to make the sick children happy.
A: 15 I can tell them some interesting stories.
A.En…could I join you
B.What kind of volunteer work do you do
C.Sorry. I can’t. I’m busy today.
D.Could you come and help me
E.Oh, I’d love to do that.
F.I must finish it on time.
John: What are you reading, Linda
Linda: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
John: 16 .
Linda: It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.
John: Really I can’t imagine! What’s Robinson like
Linda: 17 .
John: Is the story interesting
Linda: Sure. 18 I can’t stop reading the book.
John: 19 .
Linda: Of course! I’ll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.
John: Great. 20 .
Linda: It won’t take long.
A.Can I borrow it
B.I enjoy it so much.
C.What’s the book about
D.I can’t wait to read the book.
E.The book is difficult to understand.
F.He’s clever enough to get over many difficulties.
A: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. 21
B: Sure, Andy. When shall we have the party
A: 22
B: No, it is too early today. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.
A: OK. Let’s have it tomorrow morning.
B: Hmm. 23 Students will study for the test. It’s better to make it on the weekend.
A: OK. Let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.
B: No, 24 Some students will be bored. Why not play party games
A: OK, good idea. Can you think about the party games to play
B: Sure. I happen to know a game that can show the teamwork. 25
A: Yes, no problem.
A.There’s a test tomorrow afternoon,
B.Will you help me with it
C.You will have a good time.
D.Let’s have it today after class.
E.And can you prepare some food for us
F.I don’t think we should watch a video.
A: Hello, Daisy.
B: Hi, Alice. I’m going to have a party next week. 26
A: A party That’s cool! But why are you going to have a party
B: 27 I’m going to be sixteen.
A: Oh, dear! I’m afraid I can’t come on Wednesday.
B: 28 My birthday’s on Wednesday, but the party’s on Friday.
A: Oh, that’s OK. I can go to your party. 29
B: At 8:30. It’s going to be at the London Hotel. Can you find it
A: 30 I’ve got a map.
B: Wonderful. See you next time.
A: See you.
A.Yes, I can find it.
B.What time will it start
C.Because it’s my birthday on Wednesday.
D.It doesn’t matter.
E.Can I help you
F.Would you like to come
G.I’m sorry I will be very busy that day.
Betty: Hello, Sally.
Sally: Oh, Betty! Long time no see.
Betty: I went on vacation.
Sally: 31
Betty: I went to Paris.
Sally: My god. It’s one of my favorite cities. 32
Betty: I like it very much. It’s really a beautiful city.
Sally: 33
Betty: I went shopping, traveled and ate a lot of delicious food.
Sally: It must be a wonderful vacation.
Betty: Sure.
Sally: 34
Betty: Yes. There were too many people there. I didn’t like that.
Sally: 35
Betty: No. The things there were very expensive.
A: Linda, what’s your reading project(计划) this month
B: 36 . Can you give me some advice
A: Certainly. I think Tom Sawyer is a good choice. 37
B: No, I haven’t. 38
A: Mark Twain.
B: 39
A: Yes. It’s easy to read and there aren’t many new words in it. You can have a try.
B: Thank you for your advice.
A: 40 .
A: You don’t look happy this morning . 41
B: Well. My parents want me to study all day without doing anything else. 42
A: Don’t worry about it. Talk to them and they will understand you.
B: How should I do it They don’t usually listen to me. 43
A: Yes, I’d love to. Tell them we need to relax if we want to study well. So we should study for about an hour and then do something else to relax ourselves. 44
B: Thank you for your advice.
A: 45
B: I think they will.
A.Would you please tell me how to do it
B.And then tell them even at school we relax for ten minutes between the classes.
C.You should have a fight with them.
D.What’s the matter with you
E.I hope your parents will understand you and leave you some free time.
F.What should I do
G.I need much time to study many other things.
A: Have you read today’s newspaper
B: No. 46
A : Yes. 47
B: How did it happen
A: Two kids were playing football on their way home. 48
B: What did the driver do with them
A: He took them to the hospital. 49
B: How are the children now
A: They were out of danger at last. 50
B: I hope everything goes well.
A: I hope so, too.
A.What happened to you
B.They are getting better.
C.Anything important
D.There was a traffic accident on Binhe Road yesterday evening.
E.A car hit them and they were badly hurt.
F.I’m sorry to hear that.
G.The doctors began to save them at once.
A: Good morning. 51
B: Doctor, my ear hurts.
A: Which ear is it
B: My right ear.
A: 52
B: It stared about two days ago.
A: Well, let me have a look at it. Yes, it’s a little red.
B: Is it serious
A: No, nothing serious.
B: 53
A: You should drink much water and take this medicine.
B: OK, I will. By the way, 54
A: Three times a day. You will be better soon.
B: 55 .
A: You’re welcome.
A: Hi, Daming, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Did you go travelling
B: No. I had no time to travel. 56
A: What did you do there
B: 57
A: Sounds exciting! How did you perform(表现)
B: I won the first prize.
A: 58
B: Thank you.
A: Whose poems did you choose
B: I chose DuFu’s.
A: 59
B: Fantastic. You know, our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We can learn much from them.
A: 60
B: That’s right.
A.Where are you been
B.Congratulations(祝贺)! You’re always the best.
C.I went to Beijing last week.
D.Have you ever seen it before
E.I took part in the Chinese Ancient Poem Reading Competition there.
F.And what do you think of the competition
G.I agree with you. It’s our duty to keep and spread(传播)our traditional cultures.
Doctor: 61
Bill: Well, I’ve got a pain in my back.
Doctor: 62
Bill: For about two weeks.
Doctor: Let me have a look. Where do you work
Bill: 63
Doctor: Do you play computer games
Bill: Yes, a lot. I usually play computer games late at night.
Doctor: That’s it.
Bill: 64
Doctor: Well, you spend too much time in front of the computer.
Bill: 65
Doctor: Stand up and do some exercise from time to time. Don’t play computer games too much.
A.What’s wrong with me
B.Can I help you
C.How long have you been like this
D.Is it serious
E.What can I do
F.I work in an office.
G.I like to play computer games.
1.D 2.E 3.A 4.F 5.B
1.根据“Me too. I’m just thinking about the gift”可知是问对方有没有收到邀请,选项D“你呢?”符合语境,故选D。
2.根据“Well, she likes reading. Why not get her books ”可知此处是问对方有什么好的想法,选项E“你有什么好主意吗?”符合语境,故选E。
3.根据“I think she’ll be happy to get them.”可知认为对方的主意很好,选项A“听起来不错。”符合语境,故选A。
4.根据“Will you ask your parents for money ”和“I’ve already saved my pocket money.”可知此处应作否定回答,选项F“当然不是。”符合语境,故选F。
5.根据“Great job. Learning to save and use money are both important to us.”可知此处是和省钱或使用钱有关。选项B“我也用它来帮助有需要的人。”符合语境,故选B。
6.B 7.F 8.A 9.E 10.D
6.根据“What’s the matter with you ”可知,此处是回答医生自己怎么样,选项B“我觉得很难受。”符合语境。故选B。
7.根据“I took a cold shower after a basketball game yesterday afternoon.”可知,此处是讲病情是如何发展的,选项F“然后我开始咳嗽。”符合语境。故选F。
8.根据“Let me give you an examination. Open your mouth and say ‘ah’.”可知,此处是医生检查后的结果,选项A“你感冒了。”符合语境。故选A。
9.根据“Is it serious ”及“No”可知,此处是说病情不严重,应该采取的措施,选项E“只是休息一下并多喝热水。”符合语境。故选E。
10.根据“Do I need to take some medicine ”及“No”可知,此处是提醒病人一些注意事项,选项D“但是记住不要在运动后洗冷水澡。”符合语境。故选D。
11.C 12.F 13.B 14.A 15.E
11.根据上文“Would you like to have dinner with me this evening, Eric ”可知,对方邀请B去吃晚饭,再结合下文“Maybe another time.”可知,想下次去,因此表示这次不能去,C项“对不起,我不能去。我今天很忙。”符合情景。故选C。
12.根据上文“Maybe another time.”和“I’m making a plan.”可知,这个计划必须按时完成,所以才去不了吃晚饭,F项“我必须按时完成它。”符合情景。故选F。
13.根据下文“I help out at the children’s hospital. I help to plan some activities.”可知,此处询问做的什么工作,B项“你做什么样的志愿者工作?”符合情景。故选B。
14.根据下文“Of course. You could help to make the sick children happy.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,询问是否能做志愿者工作,A项“呃……我能和你一起去吗?”符合情景。故选A。
15.根据上文“You could help to make the sick children happy.”和下文“I can tell them some interesting stories.”可知,A很乐意做志愿者工作,选项E“哦,我很乐意这么做。”符合情景。故选E。
16.C 17.F 18.B 19.A 20.D
16.根据“It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.”可知此处应是询问《鲁宾逊漂流记》是关于什么内容的,选项C“这本书是关于什么的”符合语境,故选C。
17.根据“What’s Robinson like”可知此处应是回答鲁滨逊是一个什么样的人,选项F“他是足够聪明的,克服了许多困难”符合语境,故选F。
18.根据“Is the story interesting”和“I can’t stop reading the book”可知此处应是与阐述这本书很有意思有关,选项B“我非常喜欢它”符合语境,故选B。
19.根据“Of course! I’ll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.”可知此处应是John表明想要看这本书,选项A“我能借它吗”符合语境,故选A。
20.根据“It won’t take long.”可知此处应是表示着急想看这本书,选项D“我迫不及待地想读这本书”符合语境,故选D。
21.B 22.D 23.A 24.F 25.E
21.根据“I want to have a class party.”及答语“Sure, Andy.”可知,A想举办一场班级聚会,想要请求B帮忙,选项B“你能帮我吗?”符合语境。故选B。
22.根据“When shall we have the party ”可知空处在回答举行聚会的时间,选项D“我们今天下课后举行吧。”符合语境。故选D。
23.根据“Let’s have it tomorrow morning.”及答语“Students will study for the test. It’s better to make it on the weekend.”可知,空处B不赞成明天举行,选项A“明天下午有一场考试”符合语境。故选A。
24.根据“We can all meet and watch a video.”及答语“No...”可知,空处B不赞成在聚会上看录像,选项F“我认为我们不应该看录像。”符合语境。故选F。
25.根据“Yes, no problem.”可知空处B在询问问题,选项E“你能为我们准备一些食物吗?”符合语境。故选E。
26.F 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A
26.根据下文“ Oh, dear! I’m afraid I can’t come on Wednesday.”可知,此处为Daisy想邀请Alice参加派对,选项F“你想来吗?”符合语境。故选F。
27.根据上文“But why are you going to have a party ”可知,此处解释举行派对的原因,选项C“因为星期三是我的生日。”符合语境。故选C。
28.根据空后的“My birthday’s on Wednesday, but the party’s on Friday.”可知,派对不在周三举行,所以Alice周三来不了也没有关系,选项D“没关系。”符合语境。故选D。
29.根据下文“At 8:30.”可知,此处指询问时间,选项B“什么时候开始?”符合语境。故选B。
30.根据上文“Can you find it ”及空后的“I’ve got a map.”可知,此处为肯定回答,选项A“是的,我能找到。”符合语境。故选A。
31.Where did you go 32.What do you think of it/How do you like it 33.What did you do there 34.Did you dislike anything/Were there many people 35.Did you buy anything
31.根据“I went to Paris”可知,空格处在询问贝蒂去哪里旅行了,对地点提问应用特殊疑问词where,根据“went”可知,句子时态为一般过去时。故填Where did you go。
32.根据“I like it very much. It’s really a beautiful city”可知,空格处应在询问对方认为巴黎这座城市怎么样,此处用it指代“Paris”。故填What do you think of it/How do you like it。
33.根据“I went shopping, traveled and ate a lot of delicious food”空格处在询问对方在那里做了什么事。故填What did you do there。
34.根据“Yes. There were too many people there. I didn’t like that”可知,空格处为一般疑问句,且在询问是否有不喜欢的事情或者询问那里是否有许多人。故填Did you dislike anything/Were there many people。
35.根据“No. The things there were very expensive”可知,空格处为一般疑问句,且在询问对方是否有去购物。故填Did you buy anything。
36.I have no idea/I don’t know/I haven’t decided yet/I’m not sure 37.Have you (ever) read it (before) 38.Who is the writer/Who wrote it/Who was it written by 39.Is it easy to read 40.You’re welcome/Not at all/It’s my pleasure/My pleasure
36.根据“Can you give me some advice ”可知,空处表示对上句提到的内容还一无所知。故填I have no idea/I don’t know/I haven’t decided yet/I’m not sure。
37.根据“I think Tom Sawyer is a good choice.”及“No, I haven’t.”可知,空处是询问之前是否看过。故填Have you (ever) read it (before)。
38.根据下文“Mark Twain.”可知,空处是问谁写的。故填Who is the writer/Who wrote it/Who was it written by。
39.根据下文“Yes. It’s easy to read and there aren’t many new words in it”可知,此处是询问这本书是否容易读。故填Is it easy to read。
40.根据上文“Thank you for your advice.”可知,此处表达不用谢。故填You’re welcome/Not at all/It’s my pleasure/My pleasure。
41.D 42.F 43.A 44.B 45.E
41.根据“You don’t look happy this morning.”结合下文描述地问题可知,此处应是问“怎么了”,因此选项D“你怎么了?”符合情景。故选D。
42.根据答语“Talk to them and they will understand you.”可知此处应是向对方寻求建议,因此选项F“我应该做什么?”符合情景。故选F。
43.根据“How should I do it They don’t usually listen to me.”及答语“Yes, I’d love to.”可知此处应是提出请求,因此选项A“你能告诉我怎么做吗?”符合情景。故选A。
44.根据前文“So we should study for about an hour and then do something else to relax ourselves.”可知此处仍然在提建议,因此选项B“然后告诉他们,在学校我们甚至都有课间10分钟的休息时间”符合情景。故选B。
45.根据答语“I think they will.”可知此处应提出祝愿,因此选项E“我希望你的父母能够理解你并且给你留一些空闲时间”符合情景。故选E。
46.C 47.D 48.E 49.G 50.B
46.根据问句“Have you read today’s newspaper ”和答语“No.”可知,空处应是说“有什么重要的新闻吗”这样的疑问句。选项C“有什么重要的吗”符合情景。故选C。
47.根据下句“How did it happen ”可知,空处应是说发生了什么事情。选项D“昨天晚上滨河路发生了一起交通事故”符合情景。故选D。
48.根据前句“Two kids were playing football on their way home.”可知,空处应是说两个孩子被车撞了。选项E“一辆车撞了他们,他们受了重伤”符合情景。故选E。
49.根据前句“He took them to the hospital.”可知,空处应是孩子们被送医院以后的事情。选项G“医生们立即开始抢救他们”符合情景。故选G。
50.根据前句“They were out of danger at last.”可知,空处应是和孩子们的健康状况有关的话题。选项B“他们正在好转”符合情景。故选B。
51.What’s the matter with you 52.When did it start 53.What should I do 54.how often do I need to take the medicine 55.Thank you
51.根据“Doctor, my ear hurts.”可知,医生询问“怎么了”,故填What’s the matter with you。
52.根据“It stared about two days ago.”可知,询问症状什么时候开始,故填When did it start。
53.根据“You should drink much water and take this medicine.”可知,询问医生自己该做什么,故填What should I do。
54.根据“Three times a day.”可知,询问服药的频率,故填how often do I need to take the medicine。
55.根据“You’re welcome.”可知,此处表示感谢,故填Thank you。
56.C 57.E 58.B 59.F 60.G
56.根据答语“I had no time to travel”及提问句“What did you do there ”可推测,此空应该表达“自己”去了某个地方。选项C“我上周去北京了”符合题意。故选C。
57.根据提问句“What did you do there ”可知,答语应该是做了某事。选项E“我在那儿参加了北京古诗词阅读大赛”符合题意。故选E。
58.根据答语“I won the first prize”及“Thank you”可知,应该是对获奖表示祝贺。选项B“祝贺!你总是最好的”符合题意。故选B。
60.根据答语“That’s right”可推测,此空应该是在表达某种观点或看法。选项G“我同意你的看法。保留和传播我们的传统文化是我们的责任”符合题意。故选G。
61.B 62.C 63.F 64.A 65.E
61.根据“Well, I’ve got a pain in my back.”可知,此处应是询问是否需要帮助,选项B“我能帮你吗?”符合句意,故选B。
62.根据“For about two weeks.”可知,此处问多长时间了,选项C“像这样多久了?”符合句意,故选C。
63.根据“Where do you work ”可知,询问是哪里工作,所以回答应是地点,选项F“我在办公室工作。”符合句意,故选F。
64.根据“Well, you spend too much time in front of the computer.”可知,此处是回答背疼的原因,所以空处应是询问,选项A“我怎么了?”符合句意,故选A。
65.根据“Stand up and do some exercise from time to time. Don’t play computer games too much.”可知,此处是在给出建议,所以应是询问怎么做,选项E“我该怎么做?”符合句意,故选E。



上一篇:期末专题 完形填空(含解析) 牛津译林版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训

下一篇:期末专题 书面表达(含解析) 牛津深圳版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训