期末专题 完形填空(含解析) 牛津译林版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训

期末专题 完形填空(含解析) 牛津译林版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训
How did we help to save our earth last week Let me tell you.
First, my family tried to save electricity(电). We never left the lights 1 when leaving the room. We 2 the TV when nobody was watching it. Mum only used cold water in the washing machine. Second, we started recycling. We tried to write on 3 sides of our paper, but not just on one side.
We also separated our rubbish into 4 groups for bottles, paper and food. Mum kept the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags.
Third, my family started to save 5 . We stopped 6 long baths and had short showers 7 . We washed toilet with used water. Mum and dad used less water to do the washing. My sister and I didn’t leave the tap running when we brushed our teeth.
At last, mum and dad began to save gas(汽油). Mum used to 8 us to school, but now my sister and I started riding our bikes to school. It’s hard work 9 a good way to exercise!
Dad and a few of the people in his company also started to go to work in one car and share the 10 .
These are great ways to help protect our environment.
1.A.out B.on C.of D.behind
2.A.turned up B.turned on C.turned down D.turned off
3.A.any B.all C.neither D.both
4.A.large B.small C.different D.similar
5.A.money B.food C.water D.paper
6.A.making B.using C.cleaning D.taking
7.A.again B.instead C.already D.too
8.A.drive B.order C.show D.carry
9.A.or B.but C.for D.and
10.A.idea B.joy C.cost D.price
A man was walking through the woods with his axe(斧子) when a small tree called out to him. It said, “Hello friend. Can you cut 11 those bigger trees They’re stopping the sun. It is so crowded(拥挤的) here that I have no room to spread my roots(根). I can’t 12 the wind.”
The little tree held out its leaves. It looked so sad. It continued, “If those trees were gone, I’d be 13 to grow. A year from now, I’d be bigger than any other tree here. But for now, I’m just a small tree.”
The man thought for a while and 14 . He walked over to the bigger trees and started cutting them down. Soon he 15 lots of space around the small tree. Now it would grow bigger and become the biggest tree in that area.
16 , something else happened. The sun’s heat came first, burning the small tree which wasn’t used to so much 17 . Heavy wind and rain came—without the bigger trees to protect it, the small tree was hit by the storm. Soon it was going to die.
“You are quite foolish,” said a snake that knew what had happened. “You brought this on 18 . If you had left the bigger trees alone, the sun and storm wouldn’t have hurt you so badly. 19 , they protected you. If you had just waited longer, you would have grown to be just as 20 as them. You’d be strong. But now…”
11.A.on B.up C.down D.in
12.A.feel B.smell C.taste D.sound
13.A.willing B.able C.afraid D.careful
14.A.waited B.whispered C.agreed D.shouted
15.A.cleared B.collected C.broke D.built
16.A.Usually B.Luckily C.Mainly D.Sadly
17.A.water B.sunlight C.soil D.air
18.A.yourself B.yourselves C.itself D.themselves
19.A.In all B.In fact C.In this way D.By the way
20.A.straight B.thick C.big D.cute
1970 was World Conservation Year. Everyone must know that the world is in danger. 21 is one example of the 22 . At one time there were 1300 different kinds of trees and flowers in Holland (荷兰), but now only 866 remains (继续存在). 23 have been destroyed (毁坏) by modern man. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and 24 that grows and lives. If we go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future Perhaps 25 is more important to ask “What must we do now ” The people who will be living in the world tomorrow are 26 young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save 27 .
Now fifteen million young people in many countries are studying 28 and the country around them. In some countries they spend much time as “conservation volunteers”. They plant trees and help to 29 wild birds and animals.
But everyone, 30 young people, must work to save our world.
21.A.He B.It C.Here D.There
22.A.problem B.question C.trouble D.difficult
23.A.Some B.Others C.The other D.The others
24.A.everything B.Nothing C.Something D.all things
25.A.this B.that C.it D.one
26.A.a B.an C.the D./
27.A.ourselves B.our world C.our lives D.living things
28.A.man B.men C.a man D.the men
29.A.find B.protect C.catch D.keep
30.A.not only B.except C.also D.together with
In the past, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they would be 31 in many ways—the buildings, the food, the national dresses and so on. At present, 32 , one large city is similar to 33 . They all have their hotels everywhere. They all have their Mc-Donald’s, and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look 34 everywhere.
Then what do the foreigners travel 35 What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot 36 at home The 37 could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation’s history and 38 that are the main attractions. Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries’ history and culture 39 be like. Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.
Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists 40 . Their own 41 scenery (风景) would attract tourists from other countries. A country is not just its old buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, it’s also the 42 who live in it. 43 , Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the people there. It is why the Pacific islands are also so 44 . The friendly, smiling people make visitors 45 welcome.
31.A.beautiful B.same C.similar D.different
32.A.however B.but C.anyway D.while
33.A.other B.another C.the other D.others
34.A.exciting B.the same C.friendly D.different
35.A.for B.in C.with D.from
36.A.have B.experience C.see D.hear
37.A.question B.key C.problem D.answer
38.A.dress B.art C.food D.culture
39.A.used B.used to C.be used to D.get used to
40.A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited
41.A.new B.special C.strange D.old
42.A.history B.nature C.people D.culture
43.A.moreover B.such as C.however D.for example
44.A.important B.interesting C.popular D.large
45.A.feeling B.to feel C.felt D.feel
In hot summer, many people like wearing flip-flops (人字拖), especially people in Kenya and other warm countries on the east coast of Africa. Each year, lots of plastic flip-flops 46 into the Indian Ocean (印度洋) as rubbish. These 47 cause a lot of plastic pollution. The environment there is getting 48 than before.
Plastic pollution is 49 to animals. A survey shows that one fifth of seabirds 50 eating plastic each year. Luckily, a company in Kenya has found a way 51 plastic pollution. Several years ago, a scientist called Julie Church noticed some children 52 toy boats out of the old flip-flops. That gave her 53 . In 2017, she 54 a company called Ocean Sole. It recycles old flip-flops and then turns 55 into colourful works of art. Now those works of art 56 well all over the world.
“I’m so happy that the plastic shoes 57 wisely. If everyone makes a change, rich resources in Indian Ocean 58 . What we are doing is good for the 59 , and it also provides new jobs 60 local people,” says Julie Church.
46.A.throw B.threw C.are thrown D.were thrown
47.A.trousers B.shirts C.shoes D.caps
48.A.better B.worse C.easier D.favourite
49.A.harmful B.wonderful C.careful D.meaningful
50.A.die of B.die from C.die to D.die with
51.A.to reduce B.reduce C.increase D.to increase
52.A.are making B.were making C.are made D.were made
53.A.a prize B.some money C.an idea D.a boat
54.A.sets off B.sets out C.set off D.set up
55.A.that B.it C.us D.them
56.A.is sold B.are sold C.sells D.sell
57.A.can use B.is using C.can be used D.can be using
58.A.will save B.is saved C.will be saving D.will be saved
59.A.environment B.achievement C.treatment D.equipment
60.A.with B.for C.on D.to
I love Switzerland. It is a country 61 high mountains and clean 62 lakes. It is beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way.
63 Switzerland, things 64 glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes. It collects old 65 from all over the country. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are 66 to the poor, and 67 are sent to factories for recycling. My family and I often send our old jeans and T-shirt to this organization.
Our government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, we are not allowed to cut 68 trees. 69 , we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined 70 the police. There are also laws to limit air and water pollution.
Nature is our greatest treasure. We 71 its rich resources to live, so it is important for us 72 it wisely. Luckily, we are starting to use energy from the sun, wind and water. These new types of energy cost very little and will never 73 . Moreover, they produce 74 pollution.
Today is 5 June, World Environment Day. What have you done for the environment Remember that everyone can do something to make a 75 .
61.A.without B.with C.have D.has
62.A.blue B.red C.yellow D.green
63.A.On B.At C.To D.In
64.A.likes B.liking C.like D.is like
65.A.clothes B.trousers C.T-shirt D.jeans
66.A.give B.given C.gives D.giving
67.A.another B.other C.the others D.others
68.A.down B.off C.out D.from
69.A.Therefore B.However C.Otherwise D.Moreover
70.A.for B.from C.up D.by
71.A.carry on B.depend on C.keep on D.turn on
72.A.to practise B.to pollute C.to protect D.to produce
73.A.run out B.run after C.run away D.run out of
74.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little
75.A.different B.difference C.differences D.differently
The fox cheated(欺骗)the meat from the crow’s mouth with sweet words. It made the crow very angry. But do you think that’s the end of the story No, it’s still going on.
One day, the crow stood in a tree with a piece of meat in its mouth, preparing to enjoy a good dinner. Then the fox 76 under the tree again.
As the crow was thinking 77 to guard against the fox, suddenly it heard the fox say, “Crow, you big fool, do you still remember the last time you were fooled by me and gave me your delicious meat for nothing. It can be seen from this matter that you crow are the most 78 animal all over the world. Ha, ha, ha…” After hearing the fox’s words, the crow 79 with anger. It said angrily, “You fox have done all the bad things, so you are not in a position to blame(责备)us crow. You will 80 the price sooner or later.” The crow still wanted to continue, but it suddenly discovered that the meat in its mouth fell into the fox’s mouth. The fox smiled in 81 .
Cheated again, the crow warned itself not only to ignore(忽视)sweet talk but also not to mind abuse. The days passed. One day, the crow in the tree got a piece of meat again. Suddenly, it found that the fox was under a tree. So it immediately told itself, whatever the fox would say, it decided not to speak to see what the fox would do. And therefore, it waited for the fox 82 with the meat in its mouth.
However, after waiting for a long time, the crow still did not hear the fox speak. The crow thought that maybe the fox didn’t find it and it must let the fox know it had a piece of meat in its mouth. So it said to the fox, “Do you have any tricks Show them.” 83 it finished its words, it suddenly found the meat in the mouth fell again. Goodness, the crow was fooled again. The crow was very disappointed in itself. So, it asked the wise elephant for help.
“You have been cheated for three times because the fox caught your weakness, 84 he could got meat as wished. In fact, the real opponent(对手)is yourself, not the fox. As long as you overcome your weakness, the fox could do nothing.” The elephant explained. Are we similar 85 this crow Throughout our life, the real opponent is not others, but ourselves.
76.A.came B.walked C.ran D.appeared
77.A.what B.how C.when D.whether
78.A.useless B.clever C.crazy D.lovely
79.A.turned B.shook C.felt D.kicked
80.A.take B.spend C.pay D.cost
81.A.interest B.surprise C.doubt D.satisfaction
82.A.carefully B.angrily C.quietly D.directly
83.A.Before B.After C.When D.While
84.A.and B.for C.or D.so
85.A.to B.as C.from D.with
Let’s protect our environment!
Do you know natural resources In fact, natural resources are from nature and used with few charges.
86 you can see from the picture, things like the windmill, the trees, the grass and the ground are all natural resources. People depend on them 87 . We can use the ground to grow crops. We can use trees to build houses. We can also use the wind to get the energy and 88 that energy into electricity(电能). Water and soil 89 us with necessary food and drinks. Coal, oil and natural gas are not only useful for families, but also have a wider use for factories.
Natural resources can help make our lives better. Some natural resources are around us, such as water and air. Others like coal, oil and natural gas 90 up from the ground. They will be formed over thousands or even millions of years. As a result, it is very important for us to use them 91 . If these natural resources are used and thrown away carelessly, finally some of them 92 out. So we must be careful about using these resources. We can’t use too much or too fast. We have to make sure that we 93 enough for other people that will come after us.
Some natural resources are harmful to the environment. It is time for us to take proper action to protect our environment. We should try to produce 94 waste than before. We should also reuse or recycle things if possible. 95 this way, we can save our natural resources and protect our environment.
86.A.While B.Because C.When D.As
87.A.to live B.living C.live D.lived
88.A.turning B.turns C.turn D.to turn
89.A.provides B.provide C.will provide D.provided
90.A.were dug B.is dug C.are dug D.was dug
91.A.wise B.wiser C.wisely D.wiselier
92.A.run B.is run C.will run D.be run
93.A.leave B.to leave C.leaving D.left
94.A.more B.much C.less D.little
95.A.By B.In C.On D.Over
The Yellow Crane Tower, a famous place of interest in Wuhan, is standing on the Snake Hill. From the west to the east, it 96 an area of 133, 330 square metres and it is 51.4 metres in 97 with five floors.
In the Three Kingdoms Period, the Yellow Crane Tower was built at the corner of Xiakou to protect the city. Later, the tower was changed into a place for local people to visit 98 the whole country was unified ( 统 一 ). With the development of the city, this tower was becoming a place of interest, 99 in the Tang Dynasty. A lot of famous people have come here, 100 plenty of famous poems for people all over the world to read.
From the year 223 when the Yellow Crane Tower was first built to the year 1985 when it was last built, 1762 years 101 . During these years, it was damaged ( 损坏 ) and built for 12 times. Again and again, the famous tower was 102 to the ground in the wars and fires, but after each time it was built by the people of Hubei.
Now, the Yellow Crane Tower is known 103 one of the three famous towers in South China. With classical poems and modern beauty, the tower has a 104 meaning of climbing mountains and getting close to nature. Standing on the fifth floor of the tower, you can not only see the fantastic 105 of Wuhan city and the Yangtze River, but also feel the history and culture behind it, relaxing your body and mind at the same time.
96.A.fills B.covers C.takes D.costs
97.A.top B.size C.weight D.height
98.A.if B.so C.before D.after
99.A.especially B.usually C.recently D.really
100.A.leaving B.throwing C.forgetting D.carrying
101.A.moved B.passed C.entered D.returned
102.A.cut B.hurt C.lost D.burnt
103.A.for B.to C.as D.from
104.A.smaller B.bigger C.deeper D.lower
105.A.signs B.views C.senses D.memories
Do you often use plastic straws (吸管) You probably use them to 106 lots of things, such as soybean milk (豆浆) , cola or milk tea. Plastic straws are small 107 they are a big problem. They are made in 10 minutes, used in 20 108 and normally remain on the earth for over 100 years since they cannot be 109 easily.
But how do plastic straws get into the 110 Because of human mistakes, they are often thrown away, left on beaches, or blown out of bins. The waste management (管理) in some areas are so poor and remember, all gutters (排水沟) lead to our ocean. 111 , plastic straws kill ocean life. Once a 112 was found bleeding because a 12-centimeter-long plastic straw was pushed into 113 nose. How terrible!
In fact, around 500 million plastic straws are used every day in the US alone. That is enough to circle 114 two-and-a-half times around our planet! If we don’t take action now, there will be 115 plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.
Luckily, more and more people around the world have realized this problem. They begin to think about 116 plastic straws are necessary or not when drinking drinks.
So what can we do right now to reduce plastic pollution The simplest way is to say “ 117 ” to single-use plastic, like straws. For example, next time if you go to a restaurant, make sure you order your drink without a straw. What if people need to use a straw There are reusable (可再用的) straws instead. These straws can be used, 118 , and reused over and over again.
Coffee house chain Starbucks (星巴克) has started to 119 lids (盖子) without straws and paper straws instead of plastic straws in almost 1000 stores in Shanghai and Shenzhen. Starbucks is not alone. McDonald’s has 120 taken action to reduce the use of plastic straws. It is hoped that more businesses and customers will work together to protect our environment.
106.A.drink B.eat C.tie D.make
107.A.so B.and C.or D.but
108.A.seconds B.minutes C.hours D.days
109.A.cut down B.written down C.broken down D.put down
110.A.earth B.air C.water D.ocean
111.A.For example B.Such as C.Even worse D.For one thing
112.A.camel B.monkey C.turtle D.giraffe
113.A.their B.its C.her D.his
114.A.closely B.nearly C.specially D.particularly
115.A.more B.fewer C.less D.better
116.A.whether B.if C.why D.what
117.A.hello B.sorry C.yes D.no
118.A.repaired B.burned C.picked D.cleaned
119.A.offer B.afford C.affect D.instruct
120.A.still B.also C.ever D.just
阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
This April, students at Rocky Mountain High School in the USA took part in their fourth yearly food drive(募捐). They were called on to 121 food and other goods for their local food bank.
Since lots of people in the world are still suffering from 122 , food banks are set up to help them. They collect and store food and give it to people who can’t 123 to buy it. 124 there have been thousands of food banks in the world. Some people 125 food or money to them, and some work as volunteers in the banks. While students from Rocky Mountain High School still had 126 to do, they had to collect items that poor people need for their holiday.
Each grade received a 127 task from the food bank. Some needed to collect potatoes and vegetables from a farm. Some went to bakeries to 128 left cakes. Seventh-grader Isabelle Sydow had to make gift boxes with her classmates. In her words, the reason for donating is simple. “Not everybody has everything they needed, and we thought it would be 129 to give everybody what they need for the holiday, “Sydow said.
This year, students collected a(n) 130 of 1, 409 items for the food bank and donated $262(1, 633 yuan). They said they hope that poor people can have an Easter just like everybody else.
121.A.raise B.buy C.give D.help
122.A.illness B.hunger C.blindness D.cold
123.A.afford B.decide C.prepare D.turn
124.A.So long B.The other day C.So far D.Soon after
125.A.make B.control C.donate D.cook
126.A.work B.homework C.report D.market
127.A.different B.wonderful C.similar D.difficult
128.A.care for B.pay for C.look for D.ask for
129.A.difficult B.easy C.sad D.nice
130.A.number B.kilo C.total D.ton
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C
out(灯、火等)熄灭的;on处于工作状态或使用中;of属于……的;behind在……后面。根据“First, my family tried to save electricity.”可知,我们开始节约用电,所以离开房间时,不让灯开着。故选B。
turned up调高;turned on打开;turned down调低;turned off关闭。根据“First, my family tried to save electricity.”可知,我们要节约用电,所以不看电视的时候就关掉它。故选D。
any任何一个;all所有(三者或三者以上);neither两者都不;both两者都。根据“sides of our paper”可知,一张纸包括正反两面,用both。故选D。
large大的;small小的;different不同的;similar相似的。根据“bags for bottles, paper and food”可知,此处是进行垃圾分类,分成不同的组。故选C。
money钱;food食物;water水;paper纸。根据“We washed toilet with used water.”可知,此处是开始节约用水。故选C。
making制作;using使用;cleaning清洁;taking与名词连用,表示动作。根据“long baths”可知,此处是take baths“洗澡”。故选D。
again再,又;instead代替;already已经;too也。根据“long baths and had short showers”可知,用短时间淋浴代替长时间洗澡,以此节约用水。故选B。
drive驾车送(人);order命令;show展示;carry搬。根据“At last, mum and dad began to save gas(汽油).”可知,妈妈开始节约汽油,说明妈妈过去开车送我们去上学。故选A。
or或者;but但是;for为了;and并且。根据“It’s hard work”和“exercise”可知,此处是转折关系,即:虽然骑车上学很累,但是可以锻炼身体,用but连接。故选B。
idea主意;joy快乐;cost费用;price价格。根据“go to work in one car”可知,开车去上班会产生一些费用,大家一起分担这些费用。故选C。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C
on在……上;up向上;down向下;in在……里。cut down“砍倒(树木)”,故选C。
feel感觉起来;smell闻起来;taste尝起来;sound听起来。feel the wind“感受到风”,故选A。
willing乐意的;able能够的;afraid害怕的;careful小心的。根据前文“It is so crowded here that I have no room to spread my roots.”可知,这里太拥挤了,我没有地方扎根。所以如果那些树没了,我就能生长了。be able to do sth“能够做某事”,故选B。
waited等待;whispered低语;agreed同意;shouted大喊。根据“He walked over to the bigger trees and started cutting them down.”可知,他走到更大的树前,开始砍伐它们。所以是同意了小树的砍倒大树的请求。故选C。
cleared清理;collected收集;broke破坏;built建造。根据“started cutting them down”可知,砍倒大树,所以小树周围清理出了空间。故选A。
Usually通常;Luckily幸运地;Mainly主要地;Sadly不幸地。根据“The sun’s heat came first, burning the small tree...”可知,太阳的热量把小树烧了,所以这是很不幸的事情。故选D。
water水;sunlight阳光;soil土壤;air空气。根据“The sun’s heat came first”可知,太阳有热量、有阳光,小树不习惯太多阳光。故选B。
In all总之;In fact事实上;In this way用这种方式;By the way顺便说一下。根据“If you had left the bigger trees alone, the sun and storm wouldn’t have hurt you so badly.”可知,如果你不去管那些更大的树,阳光和风暴就不会对你造成如此严重的伤害。即事实上大树是以阻挡阳光和风暴的方式保护小树。故选B。
straight笔直;thick粗的;big大的;cute可爱的。根据前文多处出现“bigger trees”可知,长得和大树一样大。故选C。
21.C 22.A 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.A
He他;It它;Here这;There那。此句是介绍某物,用Here is...句型。故选C。
problem难题;question问题;trouble麻烦;difficult困难的。根据“Everyone must know that the world is in danger.”可知此处是对前面的难题举例,要解决的问题用problem。故选A。
some一些;others其他的;the other一定范围内另一些;the others一定范围内另一些人或物。根据“At one time there were 1300 different kinds of trees and flowers in Holland (荷兰), but now only 866 remains (继续存在).”可知此处指一定范围内另一些树和花。故选D。
everything每件事;nothing没什么;something一些事;all things所有事。根据“... that grows and lives.”可知此处指一些东西,谓语动词是三单,因此用不定代词。故选A。
ourselves我们自己;our world我们的世界;our lives我们的生活;living things生物。根据“... must work to save our world.”可知此处指拯救我们的世界。故选B。
man人类;men男人,复数;a man一个男人;the men那男人。根据“Now fifteen million young people in many countries are studying ...”可知此处指研究人类,man不可数名词,表“人类”。故选A。
find找到;protect保护;catch抓住;keep保持。根据“They plant trees and help to ... wild birds and animals.”可知种树的目的是保护野生动物。故选B。
not only不仅;except除了;also也;together with和。此处指插入语,表示“不仅仅是年轻人”。故选A。
31.D 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.B 37.D 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.D
beautiful美丽的;same相同的;similar相似的;different不同的。根据“in many ways — the buildings, the food, the national dresses and so on”并结合备选词汇可知应是认为在许多方面不同,所以去外国旅行。故选D。
however然而;but但是;anyway无论如何;while同时。根据上题和“one large city is similar to...”可知此处表转折,而由“逗号”可知应用however,故选A。
other其它的;another另一个,表泛指;the other两者中的另一个,表特指;others别的,复数代词。此处应填一个代词,而主语one large city为单数,所以应同another进行比较,故选B。
exciting令人兴奋的;the same相同的;friendly友好的;different不同的。根据上题可知现在的大城市很相似,故选B。
have有;experience经历;see看;hear听。根据“What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country”可知应是在国内不能经历的,故选B。
dress裙子;art艺术;food事物;culture文化。根据“Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.”可知吸引外国游客的主要是这个国家的历史和文化。故选D。
used使用;used to曾经;be used to习惯于;get used to习惯于。根据第七题可知人们对过去感兴趣,故选B。
visit参观,原形;visiting动名词;to visit动词不定式;visited动词过去式。此处应是动词不定式作后置定语,故选C。
new新的;special特别的;strange奇怪的;old老的。根据“Every country also has its own beautiful places”可知应是特有的,与众不同的,故选B。
history历史;nature自然;people人;culture文化。根据“who live in it”可知应是住在里面的民众。故选C。
moreover此外;such as例如;however然而;for example例如。根据“Thailand attracts millions of people”可知是在为前面的观点举例子,而其后逗号,故选D。
important重要的;interesting有趣的;popular受欢迎的;large大的。根据“Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the people there.”和“also”可知此处是说太平洋岛屿和泰国一样受欢迎。故选C。
feeling感觉,动名词;to feel动词不定式;felt过去式;feel原形。make“使”,使役动词,其宾语后续省略to的动词不定式,故选D。
46.C 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.B 51.A 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.D 56.D 57.C 58.D 59.A 60.B
【导语】本文介绍了每年很多人字拖被作为垃圾扔进印度洋,导致很多塑料污染。一位名叫朱莉·丘奇的科学家注意到一些孩子在用旧的人字拖做玩具船,给她带来了想法,她建立一个名为Ocean Sole的公司,回收旧的人字拖,然后把它们变成丰富多彩的艺术品。
throw扔,是动词原形;threw扔,是过去式;are thrown被扔,是一般现在时的被动形式;were thrown被扔,是一般过去时的被动形式。根据“Each year”可知,此处用一般现在时,主语lots of plastic flip-flops 与谓语throw之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态,故选C。
trousers裤子;shirts衬衫;shoes鞋;caps帽子。根据“lots of plastic flip-flops...into the Indian Ocean (印度洋) as rubbish.”可知,人字拖是鞋,它们导致污染,故选C。
better更好的;worse更糟糕的;easier更容易的;favorite最喜欢的。根据前文的“These ...cause a lot of plastic pollution.”可知,这些鞋导致了很多塑料污染,因此那里的环境更差,故选B。
harmful有害的;wonderful精彩的;careful认真的;meaningful有意义的。be harmful to表示“对……有害”,故选A。
die of死于疾病等内部原因;die from死于事故等外部原因;die to渴望做;die with伴有……而死。此处吃塑料死亡,属于外部原因死亡,用短语die from,故选B。
to reduce减少,是动词不定式;reduce减少,是动词原形;increase增加,是动词原形;to increase增加,是动词不定式。a way to do sth“做某事的方法”,根据前文的“Plastic pollution is...to animals.”可知,塑料污染对动物有害,因此要减少塑料污染,故选A。
are making制作,是现在进行时;were making制作,是过去进行时;are made被制作,是一般现在时的被动形式;were made被制作,是一般过去时的被动形式。根据主句谓语noticed是一般过去时,表示过去注意到某人正在做某事,因此用过去进行时,故选B。
a prize一个奖项;some money一些钱;an idea一个想法;a boat一艘船。根据后文的“In 2017, she...a company called Ocean Sole.”可知,她建立一家公司,应是这件事给了她一个想法,故选C。
54.句意:在2017年她建立一个名为Ocean Sole的公司。
sets off出发,是第三人称单数形式;sets out开始;set off出发,是动词原形;set up建立;根据宾语a company可知,此处表示建立一家公司,故选D。
that那个;it它;us我们;them它们。此处代指old flip-flops作宾语,用代词them,故选D。
is sold被卖,是被动形式,是第三人称单数形式;are sold被卖,是被动形式,是复数形式;sells卖,是第三人称单数形式;sell卖,是动词原形。根据“well”可知,此处指商品卖得好,此处应用主动形式表示被动,故选D。
can use可以使用;is using正在使用;can be used可以被使用;can be using可以正在使用。主语the plastic shoes与谓语use之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态,故选C。
will save将要挽救,是一般将来时;is saved被挽救,是一般现在时的被动形式;will be saving将正在挽救,是将来时进行时;will be saved将被挽救,是一般将来时的被动形式。主语 rich resources in Indian Ocean与谓语save之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,所以此处用一般将来时的被动语态。故选D。
environment环境;achievement成就;treatment治疗;equipment设备。根据前文的“If everyone makes a change, rich resources in Indian Ocean ...”可知,能挽救印度洋的资源,因此是对环境有好处的,故选A。
with和……一起;for为了;on在……上面;to向。provide sth for sb“为某人提供某物”,故选B。
61.B 62.A 63.D 64.C 65.A 66.B 67.D 68.A 69.C 70.D 71.B 72.C 73.A 74.D 75.B
without “没有”,介词;with “有”,介词;have“有”,动词;has 译为“有”,是have的第三人称单数形式。根据语境“It is a country…high mountains”,可知缺少介词with。故选B。
likes喜欢,动词第三人称单数;liking喜欢,动词的现在分词形式;like喜欢,为动词;像,为介词;is like谓语。结合语境“things…glass, plastic and paper are …”可知,有谓语动词,缺少介词like。故选C。
clothes衣服;trousers裤子;T-shirt T-恤,短袖汗衫;jeans牛仔裤。结合文中“I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes.”,可知应该是收集衣服。故选A。
give动词原形;given过去分词;gives第三人称单数;giving现在分词。根据语境“some are…to the poor.”,可知clothes和give之间为被动关系。故选B。
another三者以上的另一个;other其他的,后接名词复数;the others其他的人或物(范围内);others其他的人或物。根据“Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are...to the poor, and...”可知,此处指其他的衣服。故选D。
cut down砍倒;cut off中断,停止;cut out剪切;cut from从……中剪切。根据“we are not allowed to cut…trees”,可知cut down符合语境。故选A。
therefor因此;however然而;otherwise否则;moreover此外。根据“we are not allowed to cut…trees…we will be punished.”,可知otherwise符合语境。故选C。
for为了;from从;up向上;by被。结合“be fined”,可知句子为被动语态,by the police“被警察……”。故选D。
carry on继续,坚持,举行; depend on依赖,依靠; keep on继续; turn on 打开。根据“ We…its rich resources to live”,可知此处指依赖大自然生存。故选B。
practice练习;pollute污染;protect保护;produce生产。根据“it is important for us …it wisely”,可知保护自然资源很重要。故选C。
run out用完,耗尽,主语通常是时间,金钱,食物等无生命的名词;run after追赶,追求;run away逃跑,离开;run out of 用完,用光,主语只能是人。根据“These new types of energy cost very little and will never …”,可知,是指新型能源不会被用完。故选A。
a few修饰可数名词,表示肯定意思,有几个; few修饰可数名词,表示否定意思,几乎没有; a little修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意思,有几个; little 修饰不可数名词,表示否定意思,几乎没有。文中pollution为不可数名词,新型能源阳光,风,水,几乎不产生污染。故选D。
different不同的,形容词。difference差异性,名词;differences差异性,名词复数;differently不同地,副词。根据文中“make a …”可知,应该跟名词单数形式。故选B。
76.D 77.B 78.A 79.B 80.C 81.D 82.C 83.A 84.D 85.A
came来;walked走;ran跑;appeared出现。根据前文“One day, the crow stood on a tree with a piece of meat in its mouth preparing to enjoy a good dinner.”可知这时候,狐狸又出现在树下。故选D。
what什么;how怎样;when什么时候;whether是否。根据“thinking … to guard against the fox”可知,这里表示乌鸦想如何防范狐狸,表示方式。故选B。
useless无用的;clever聪明的;crazy疯狂的;lovely可爱的。由“you were fooled by me and gave me your delicious meat for nothing”可知,乌鸦白白把自己的肉给了狐狸,狐狸嘲笑乌鸦是没用的动物。故选A。
turned翻转;shook颤动;felt感觉;kicked踢。根据常识以及“with anger”,可知乌鸦气得打哆嗦。故选B。
take花费,主语通常是it或事物;spend花费,主语为人;pay支付;cost花费,主语为事物。根据“the price”可知,此处应用pay the price表示“付出代价”。故选C。
interest兴趣;surprise惊喜;doubt疑问;satisfaction满意。根据前文“but it suddenly discovered that the meat in his mouth fell into the fox’s mouth.”可知,狐狸骗到了乌鸦的肉,所以是满意地笑着。故选D。
carefully仔细地;angrily生气地;quietly静静地;directly直接地。 根据前文“it decided not to speak to see what the fox would do”可知,乌鸦静静等着狐狸。故选C。
Before在……之前;After在……之后;When当……时候;While当……时候。根据“it finished its words”以及常识,乌鸦张嘴说话,嘴里的肉就会掉下来,所以是在说完话之前,它发现肉掉下去了。故选A。
to到;as作为;from从;with和。根据“similar”可知,be similar to“与……相似”,固定搭配。故选A。
86.D 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.C 91.C 92.C 93.A 94.C 95.B
to live去生存,动词不定式;living生存,现在分词;live生存,动词原形;lived生存,过去式或过去分词。depend on sth. to do sth.表示“依靠某物去做某事”,因此此处应用动词不定式。故选A。
turning转化,现在分词;turns转化,动词的第三人称单数形式,用于一般现在时;turn转化,动词原形;to turn去转化,动词不定式。连词and连接两个位于情态动词can后的动词原形,一个是use,另一个即是空格处的动词原形turn。故选C。
provides提供,动词的第三人称单数形式,用于一般现在时;provide提供,动词原形;will provide会提供,用于一般将来时;provided提供,过去式或过去分词。根据第二段的谓语动词的形式,如can see,can use等,可知句子应用一般现在时。主语Water and soil为复数概念,因此谓语用动词原形。故选B。
were dug被挖出,用于一般过去时,主语为复数名词时;is dug被挖出,用于一般现在时,主语为单数名词或不可数名词时;are dug被挖出,用于一般现在时,主语为复数名词时;was dug被挖出,用于一般过去时,主语为单数名词或不可数名词时。根据上一句的“Some natural resources are around us”可知此处应用一般现在时,主语Others指代复数概念的名词。故选C。
wise理智的,形容词;wiser更理智的,形容词;wisely理智地,副词;wiselier错误表达,副词wisely的比较级为more wisely。use为实义动词,应用副词修饰。故选C。
run被用(尽),动词原形;is run错误表达,表示“被用(尽)”,没有被动语态;will run将被用(尽),用于一般将来时;be run错误表达,表示“被用(尽)”,没有被动语态。根据“If these natural resources are used and thrown away carelessly”可知在if引导的条件状语从句中,遵循“主将从现”的原则,主句应用一般将来时。故选C。
leave留下,动词原形,用于一般现在时;to leave留下,动词不定式;leaving留下,现在分词;left留下,过去式或过去分词。根据“We have to make sure that”可知主语用于一般现在时,that引导的宾语从句也应用现在时。故选A。
By通过;In用;On在……上面;Over超过。in this way表示“用这种方式”。故选B。
96.B 97.D 98.D 99.A 100.A 101.B 102.D 103.C 104.C 105.B
fills充满;covers覆盖;takes拿,取;costs花费。根据“an area of 133, 330 square metres”可知,此处表示一个面积,推测此处应表示黄鹤楼占地多少。固定短语cover an area of...“占地面积……”。故选B。
top顶端;size尺码;weight重量;height高度。根据“it is 51.4 metres”可知,此处表示黄鹤楼的高度。固定短语in height“在高度方面”。故选D。
if如果;so因此;before在……之前;after在……之后。根据“the tower was changed into a place for local people to visit”以及“the whole country was unified ( 统 一 ).”可知,先国家统一,然后黄鹤楼才从保卫作用变为观赏作用。故选D。
especially尤其是;usually通常;recently最近;really真正的。根据“A lot of famous people have come here,”可知,黄鹤楼在唐代很受欢迎,这是对前文“成为名胜古迹”举的一个例子,应用“尤其是”表示突出。故选A。
leaving离开;throwing扔;forgetting忘记;carrying携带。根据“ plenty of famous poems for people all over the world to read.”可知,留下了诗篇,游客才能看到并解读。故选A。
moved移动;passed经过;entered进入;returned返回。根据“From the year 223 when the Yellow Crane Tower was first built to the year 1985 when it was last built, 1762 years”可知,此处是指1762年过去了。故选B。
cut切;hurt伤害;lost丢失;burnt烧焦。根据“to the ground in the wars and fires,”可知,此处是指被烧毁。固定短语burn to the ground“全部烧毁”。故选D。
for为了;to到,朝;as作为;from来自。根据“the Yellow Crane Tower is known...one of the three famous towers in South China.”可知,此处是指黄鹤楼作为三大名塔之一。固定短语be famous as“作为……而出名”。故选C。
smaller更小的;bigger更大的;deeper更深的;lower更低的。根据“the tower has a...meaning of climbing mountains and getting close to nature.”可知,此处是指有着更深刻的意义,故选C。
signs迹象;views风景;senses感觉,观念;memories记忆。根据“Standing on the fifth floor of the tower,”可知,站在楼的第五层,你就可以看到好的视野。故选B。
106.A 107.D 108.B 109.C 110.D 111.C 112.C 113.B 114.B 115.A 116.A 117.D 118.D 119.A 120.B
drink喝;eat吃;tie系;make使。根据“soybean milk (豆浆) , cola or milk tea”可知,这些液体的东西是用来喝的。故选A。
so所以;and和;or或者;but但是。根据“Plastic straws are small … they are a big problem.”可知,“小吸管”和“大问题”之间构成转折。故选D。
seconds秒;minutes分钟;hours小时;days天。根据常识和“They are made in 10 minute”可知,应该表示20分钟之内可以使用。故选B。
cut down切断;written down写下;broken down分解;put down放下。根据“normally remain on the earth for over 100 years”可知,吸管不容易分解。故选C。
earth地球;air空气;water水;ocean海洋。根据下文“The waste management (管理) in some areas are so poor and remember, all gutters (排水沟) lead to our ocean.”可知,应该使用“海洋”。故选D。
For example举例子;Such as例如;Even worse更糟糕的是;For one thing一方面。根据上文和“plastic straws kill ocean life.”可知,表示递进关系。故选C。
camel骆驼;monkey猴子;turtle乌龟;giraffe长颈鹿。根据上文“lead to our ocean”可知,此处描写海洋中的动物。故选C。
closely密切地;nearly几乎;specially特地;particularly特殊地。根据上文中的“around 500 million plastic straws”可知,这么多的吸管可以绕地球近两圈半。故选B。
more更多;fewer更少;less更少;better更好。根据情境和“more than”意为“超过”可知,到2050年,海洋中的塑料将超过鱼类。故选A。
hello喂;sorry对不起;yes是;no不。根据“or not”可知,应该使用“whether”。故选D。
repaired修理;burned燃烧;picked挑选;cleaned清理。根据“These straws can be used… and reused over and over again.”可知,吸管反复使用、重复使用,应该清洗。故选D。
offer提供;afford负担得起;affect影响;instruct指导。根据“instead of plastic straws”可知,星巴克已开始提供不带吸管的盖子和纸吸管,而不是塑料吸管。故选A。
121.A 122.B 123.A 124.C 125.C 126.A 127.A 128.D 129.D 130.C
raise筹集,捐赠;buy买;give给;help帮助。根据“… took part in their fourth yearly food drive(募捐)”可知,此处是说筹集食物。故选A。
illness疾病;hunger饥饿;blindness失明;cold寒冷。根据“food banks are set up to help them”可知,食品银行救济站被建立,所以是人们遭受饥饿。故选B。
afford负担得起;decide决定;prepare准备;turn改变。根据“They collect and store food and give it to people…”可知,此处是说把食物给买不起的人。故选A。
So long再见;The other day前几天;So far到目前为止;Soon after稍后。根据“there have been thousands of…”可知是句子是现在完成时,所以用so far作时间状语。故选C。
make制作;control控制;donate捐赠;cook做饭。根据后面“food or money to them,”可知,此处是donate sth to sb“捐赠某物给某人”。故选C。
work工作;homework家庭作业;report报告;market市场。根据“they had to collect items that poor people need for their holiday.”可知,此处是表达“虽然学生们有工作要做,但他们必须收集穷人度假所需的物品。”故选A。
different不同的;wonderful完美的;similar相似的;difficult困难的。根据后面“Some needed to collect …Some went to bakeries to…”可知是不同的任务。故选A。
care for关心;pay for付款;look for寻找;ask for要求。根据前面说每个年级从食物银行收到不同的任务,可推知此处是说去面包店要剩下的蛋糕。故选D。
difficult困难的;easy简单的;sad伤心的;nice好的。根据“Not everybody has everything they needed, and we thought it…”可知此处是表达“给每个人节日所需的东西是好的”。故选D。
number数目;kilo千克;total总共;ton吨。根据后面“…of 1, 409 items for the food bank and donated $262(1, 633 yuan).”可知,此处是说总数。故选C。



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