Unit 8 Life in the future 语法填空(含解析)牛津深圳版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 8 Life in the future 语法填空(含解析)牛津深圳版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训
Dear Lucy,
How are you It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we are fine.
England is very different 1 Hong Kong. The weather is terrible and it 2 (rain) a lot. The buildings are funny. They are in rows and not high. I love them because the rooms are much 3 (large). I’m having 4 wonderful time at my new school and my new home!
Mum and Dad are happy with their new 5 (job). But my brother Jack doesn’t like moving to England 6 he misses his friends so much.
I’ve made lots of new friends at school. My teachers are really nice too and my English has improved a lot. After school, we can take part in 7 (relax) activities such as 8 (watch) films or playing computer games. There’s a park near the school where I often go with the other students at the weekend. There are many famous places of interest in England and we visited the most famous tourist attraction London Bridge last Sunday. London Bridge 9 (build) many years ago. London is so amazing, and I love it very much. 10 (travel) is my favourite hobby.
We will travel back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday. I will visit you and bring you a present next year!
Write back soon!
Love, Sandy
What will a smart house look 11 in the future First, the house will be 12 (connect) to the Internet. For example, your kitchen will be linked (连接) to the supermarket, so you can have the kitchen 13 (prepare) food for you. Second, the future house will be 14 (friend) to the environment. New technology will be used in the walls and windows, so the house will be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Third, computers will help you 15 (control) the lights and music in your house, so you can always stay 16 (relax) and feel comfortable. And finally, your bedroom will have an electronic closet. There will be 17 touch screen. You will be able 18 (mix) and match clothes on the screen. Then the closet will find and bring your clothes to you 19 you are waiting. Are you looking forward to 20 (own) such a smart house
Now it may be difficult to predict (预言) the future, but many people believe that we will live on Mars by the year 2100. Our own planet, the Earth, is 21 (become) more and more crowded and polluted. But what 22 (problem) will we need to solve before we go to Mars
First of all, transport (运输) should be much 23 (good). Now human beings need to spend months going to Mars by spaceship. However, by 2100, spaceships can travel 24 half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get there.
Secondly, human beings need food, water and air to live. Scientists should develop plants that can be 25 (grow) on Mars. The plants will produce the food, water and air that we need. However, there is no answer for all 26 problems now.
There is also a problem for us 27 (live) on Mars. Mars attracts us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous 28 we might easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space there. So we will have to wear special shoes to make 29 (we) heavier.
In some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on Earth today. Food will not be the same. Meals will 30 (probable) be in the form of pills (药片) and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will possibly make many people feel very uncomfortable.
In some science fiction films, people in the future have their own robots. The robots are just 31 human beings. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.
Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree that it may take hundreds of years. Scientists are now 32 (try) to make robots look like people and do the same things as 33 (we). Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance. It is funny 34 (watch) this kind of robots.
But the robot scientist James White 35 (think) that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. For example, it’s easy for 36 child to wake up and know where he or she is. But robots won’t be able to do this. Other scientists don’t think so. They think that robots will 37 (probable) talk to people in 25 to 50 years.
Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, some robots are now working in factories. They look more like huge arms. They do simple work over and over again, but they never get 38 (bore).
In the future, robots will have many different 39 (shape). Some might look like human beings, and others might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot can help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, 40 computers and space rockets seemed impossible a hundred years ago. We never know what will happen in the future.
Here is the car of the future! This car is very different 41 today’s cars; it is silent and clean. Today’s cars have wheels, but this one does not. It 42 (move) like a snail, but is much faster than a snail!
This car will use electricity instead of gasoline. It will have 43 (battery) that can be recharged (充电) very quickly from chargers built into the road. It will also be easy to drive.
In fact, you won’t need to drive the car because it will drive 44 (it). You will just need to tell the computer: “Go to X” and the car will go there. Also, it will reach your destination (目的地) very quickly, much 45 (fast) than today’s cars. It will also be very safe and comfortable.
A lot of the technology already exists, 46 it is very experimental. Scientists are making new materials for the surfaces of roads. Fifty years from now, perhaps sooner, some new roads will have solar energy panels. They will store energy under 47 road and some cars will be able to use it.
However, you 48 (probable) won’t ever drive a “snail car”, even if you’re under 20 today. This, perhaps, is the car of the year 2100, the car that your grandchildren will maybe drive.
Driving will be nice in the 49 (22) century! No pollution, no traffic jams, no stress. Scientists have lots of ideas about the cars of the future. It will be 50 (interest) to see what ideas they come up with many years from now.
How much do you know about Medellin It is the 51 (two) largest city in Colombia. The weather is always great, because it is just like spring all year around. However, the beautiful city was one of the 52 (bad) places for people to live in the past. But today, the people in Medellin are working together 53 (make) it a safer and more beautiful place. 54 are they doing this Through art! Many years ago, the local government (当地政府) 55 (start) to ask artists to paint on city walls. Those artists made many 56 (create) paintings. The government also gave local people colored paints so that they could paint 57 (they) houses. As the people did the work together, they got to know each other better. Another way the government used was to give kids art classes. After they learned how to paint 58 (proper), they painted on walls, too. It was fun, and it also made the kids love their neighborhoods(邻居) better than before.
Because of art, Medellin is getting more and more beautiful. And more people feel comfortable with the city. Now, a large number 59 art lovers and visitors go to Medellin to enjoy the wonderful street art and 60 beautiful city every year.
We are all proud of our country — China. People from home and abroad are all surprised at China’s progress. 61 October 1st, 2019, China held its largest military parade (阅兵仪式) in Tiananmen Square. It was really 62 (amazed). Looking back at the past, the great changes have taken place in China.
Many people died because of 63 (hungry) and wars in the past. Most people lived a hard life. About five to seven people ever lived in a small house. Children couldn’t have 64 (they) own rooms and the younger seldom had new clothes. People had little money to see a doctor. And there were few hospitals.
65 , in 1978, China carried out the reform and opening-up policy (政策). It was 66 important turning point for Chinese people. China has developed rapidly since then. Now, people’s life is much 67 (good). More people begin to have a happy life 68 the country tries its best to help poor areas. China also 69 (pay) great attention to compulsory (义务) education.
I think it is important 70 (remember) the past, live in the present and dream about the future.
Our city will have an amazing future. There will be much 71 (few) people working in offices, compared with today. Most people will work at home with their computers, smart phones or other 72 (electron) products. Powerful network will connect all of us and make work much more efficient(高效的). Since most work can be done by AI, fewer workers in the factories 73 (require). Most people will work six hours a day and three days a week. There will be many new types of jobs in the future such as space policeman 74 space tour guide. 75 (take) a spaceship will be as easy as taking an airplane today. The space tour guides will be similar to the tour guides today, having good knowledge of the 76 (attract) and making travels pleasant. Because 77 the development of science and technology, a travel from Shenzhen to the moon will be a trip instead of a journey. It will only take us several hours 78 (get) there. Visitor will be able to drive a special car on the moon. Of course, he/she will need to get the moon-driving license(资格) 79 (one). The future of our city will be great and it is our responsibility to make the bright future 80 reality.
What will our world be 81 in 2050 We asked a group of experts to make their predictions about our future.
By 2050 we will have “clever” cars. We won’t have so many accidents because they will be able 82 (communication) with each other. Cars will slow down by 83 (they) or stop in dangerous situations. Also, our cars will run on electricity or water.
By 2050 our homes will be 84 (complete) eco-friendly(环保). We will use solar energy, 85 we will clean and recycle our water. There will be many more people in the world and our houses will be 86 (small). Many houses will be underground and we will have robots 87 can help clean, cook and do our home shopping.
We won’t die ! We will put our brains onto computers and live forever. 88 computers of the future won’t look like machines. They’ll look like humans.
By 2050 there will be too many people on the Earth and over 100 million people 89 (live) on the Moon and other 90 (planet). We will be able to travel to Mars and back in just three days.
Yesterday afternoon when I was on the bus coming home from school, I fell asleep and started to dream. In the dream, it was the year 2080 and I 91 (drive) my car named CJ5 to the supermarket. CJ5 was in the shape of a blue whale 92 could fly faster than any other car in the sky. Later, I 93 (meet) my best friend Andy in the supermarket. He told me about his wonderful week. 94 Tuesday, he got a present from his aunt. It was a computer watch 95 (connect) with the Internet. Although it looked the same as other watches, it could 96 (use) as a computer. How 97 (surprise)!
Just then I felt someone touched 98 (I) on the shoulder. I woke up and saw the driver of the bus. He said 99 (gentle), “Boy, it’s time to get off.” So that’s where my dream ended. How I wish I could have 100 car like CJ5!
1.from 2.rains 3.larger 4.a 5.jobs 6.because 7.relaxing 8.watching 9.was built 10.Traveling/Travelling
1.句意:英国和香港很不一样。be different from“与……不同”。故填from。
4.句意:我在我的新学校和新家过得很愉快!have a wonderful time“过得很愉快”,固定搭配。故填a。
6.句意:但是我哥哥杰克不喜欢搬到英国,因为他太想念他的朋友了。分析“But my brother Jack doesn’t like moving to England…he misses his friends so much.”可知,前后两句为因果关系,前果后因,应用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
9.句意:伦敦桥是许多年前建造的。根据“many years ago”可知,此句用一般过去时;主语“London Bridge”和build是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为第三人称单数,谓语结构为was done。故填was built。
11.like 12.connected 13.prepare 14.friendly 15.control 16.relaxed 17.a 18.to mix 19.when/while 20.owning
11.句意:未来的智能住宅会是什么样子?根据“What will a smart house look...in the future ”可知,此处指的是look like“看起来像”,故填like。
13.句意:这样你就可以让厨房为你准备食物。have sth do“让某物做”,是固定短语,故填prepare。
15.句意:第三,电脑可以帮助你控制家里的灯光和音乐。help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,固定短语,故填control。
18.句意:你可以在屏幕上混搭衣服。be able to do sth“能够做某事”,空处用to do形式,故填to mix。
20.句意:你期待拥有这样一栋智能的房子吗?look forward to doing sth“盼望做某事”,故填owning。
21.becoming 22.problems 23.better 24.at 25.grown 26.the 27.to live 28.because 29.ourselves 30.probably
21.句意:我们自己的星球,地球,正变得越来越拥挤和污染。根据“Our own planet, the Earth, is...more and more crowded and polluted.”可知,时态是现在进行时,故填becoming。
24.句意:然而,到2100年,宇宙飞船的速度可以达到光速的一半。at the speed of“以……速度”,故填at。
27.句意:我们在火星上生活也有一个问题。根据“There is also a problem for us...on Mars.”可知,此处使用动词不定式作定语,故填to live。
28.句意:这将是危险的,因为我们很容易跳得太高,慢慢地飞到那里的太空。“we might easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space there”是“This will be dangerous”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。
29.句意:因此,我们将不得不穿特殊的鞋子,使自己更重。根据“So we will have to wear special shoes to make...heavier.”可知,主语和宾语是同一人,是使自己更重,用反身代词形式。故填ourselves。
31.like 32.trying 33.us 34.to watch 35.thinks 36.a 37.probably 38.bored 39.shapes 40.but
31.句意:机器人就像人类一样。根据后文的“to make robots look like people”可知让机器人看起来像人,因此是电影中的机器人像人一样,be like表示“像”。故填like。
34.句意:观看这种机器人很有趣。句型it is +adj.+to do sth表示“做某事如何”,应用不定式作真正的主语。故填to watch。
40.句意:现在看来这是不可能的,但计算机和太空火箭在一百年前似乎是不可能的。根据“That may not seem possible now, ...computers and space rockets seemed impossible a hundred years ago.”可知空格前后句子是转折关系,应用but表示。故填but。
41.from 42.moves 43.batteries 44.itself 45.faster 46.but 47.the 48.probably 49.22nd/twenty-second 50.interesting
41.句意:这辆车和现在的车很不一样。be different from“与……不同”,固定短语,故填from。
42.句意:它像蜗牛一样移动,但比蜗牛快得多!主语是it,结合“but is much faster than a snail”可知,时态是一般现在时,谓语动词用三单形式,故填moves。
44.句意:事实上,你不需要驾驶汽车,因为它会自动驾驶。根据“you won’t need to drive the car”可知,应是汽车会自动驾驶,此处用it对应的反身代词itself。故填itself。
47.句意:它们将在路面下储存能量,一些汽车将能够使用它。根据“store energy under ...road”及语境可知,此处是特指上文提到的路,所以用定冠词the,故填the。
51.second 52.worst 53.to make 54.How 55.started 56.creative 57.their 58.properly 59.of 60.the
52.句意:然而,这座美丽的城市在过去是最不适合人们居住的地方之一。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“……之一”,此空应填最高级worst,故填worst。
53.句意:但今天,麦德林的人们正在共同努力,使它成为一个更安全、更美丽的地方。根据“working together… it a safer and more beautiful place”可知,共同努力的目的是让它成为一个安全和美丽的地方,动词不定式表目的,故填to make。
54.句意:他们是怎么做到的?根据“Through art”可知,对方是提问,疑问词用how,故填How。
55.句意:许多年前,当地政府开始要求艺术家在城墙上作画。根据“Many years ago”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填started。
59.句意:现在,每年都有大量的艺术爱好者和游客前往麦德林欣赏精彩的街头艺术和美丽的城市。a large number of“大量的”,固定搭配,故填of。
61.On 62.amazing 63.hunger 64.their 65.However 66.an 67.better 68.because 69.pays 70.to remember
61.句意:2019年10月1日,中国在天安门广场举行了最盛大的阅兵仪式。根据“October 1st, 2019”可知,此处指具体的某一天,应用介词on,句首首字母大写。故填On。
63.句意:在过去,很多人死于饥饿和战争。because of后跟名词,hunger“饥饿”,不可数名词。故填hunger。
64.句意:孩子们不能拥有自己的房间,年纪较小的孩子很少有新衣服。根据“own rooms”可知,此处用形容词性物主代词their“他们的”作定语。故填their。
66.句意:这是中国人的重要转折点。根据“turning point”可知,此处用不定冠词表示泛指,important是以元音音素开头的单词,因此用不定冠词an。故填an。
68.句意:更多的人开始过上幸福的生活,因为国家尽力帮助贫困地区。根据“More people begin to have a happy life”和“the country tries its best to help poor areas.”可知,两者是因果关系,前者是果,后者是因,用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
69.句意:中国也非常重视义务教育。pay attention to“关注”,固定短语,本句时态是一般现在时,主语是China,因此谓语用三单。故填pays。
70.句意:我认为重要的是记住过去,活在当下,梦想未来。it is+形容词+to do sth“做某事是怎么样的”,固定句型,it为形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语。故填to remember。
71.fewer 72.electronic 73.are required 74.or 75.Taking 76.attraction 77.of 78.to get 79.first 80.become
71.句意:与今天相比,在办公室工作的人将更少。根据“compared with today”可知,此处应用few的比较级,fewer“较少的,更少的”。故填fewer。
73.句意:由于大多数工作可以由人工智能完成,因此工厂需要的工人更少。主语是动作的承受者,要用被动语态be done;时态是一般现在时,且主语“workers ”是复数,故填are required。
74.句意:未来将有许多新的工作种类,如太空警察或太空导游。根据“such as space policeman…space tour guide.”可知,此处表示“或者”,用表示选择关系的连词or。故填or。
77.句意:由于科学技术的发展,从深圳到月球的旅行将是一次短途旅行而不是长途旅行。because of“因为,由于”固定短语。故填of。
78.句意:我们到那里只需要几个小时。It takes sb. some time to do sth.“花费某人一些时间做某事”,故填to get。
80.句意:我们城市的未来将是美好的,我们有责任使美好的未来成为现实。根据“make the bright future…reality.”可知,此处指使美好的未来“become成为”现实,make后面要用动词原形。故填become。
81.like 82.to communicate 83.themselves 84.completely 85.and 86.smaller 87.which/that 88.The 89.will live 90.planets
81.句意:2050年我们的世界会是什么样子?根据句意可知,此处是指2050年世界会变成什么样,what ...be like...“……会是什么样子”,固定句型。故填like。
82.句意:我们不会有那么多的事故,因为它们将能够彼此沟通。be able to do sth“能够做某事”,空处用动词不定式。故填to communicate。
83.句意:汽车在危险的情况下会自己减速或停下来。by oneself“靠自己”,空处应用they的反身代词themselves。故填themselves。
86.句意:世界上将会有更多的人,我们的房子将会更小。根据“more people ”可知,前后应形成对应,所以空处用small的比较级smaller。故填smaller。
88.句意:未来的计算机看起来不像机器。此处是特指上文提到的“ computers ”,所以用定冠词the。故填The。
89.句意:到2050年,地球上将有太多的人,超过1亿人生活在月球和其他星球上。根据“By 2050”可知,时态是一般将来时(will do),故填will live。
91.was driving 92.and 93.met 94.On 95.connected 96.be used 97.surprising 98.me 99.gently 100.a
91.句意:在梦里,那是2080年,我正开着我的车CJ5去超市。根据“it was the year 2080”可知,用过去进行时描述正在开车,主语是“I”,be动词用was。故填was driving。
95.句意:这是一块连接到互联网的电脑手表。根据“a computer watch”和“connect”可知,两者是动宾关系,因此用过去分词形式作定语,故填connected。
96.句意:虽然它看起来和其他手表一样,但它可以用作电脑。根据“it”和“use”可知,两者是动宾关系,故用被动语态,could是情态动词,其后接动词原形,故填be used。



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