四川省南充高级中学2023-2024高二下学期4月期中考试英语试题(有答案解析五听力原文 无音频)

考试时间:120分钟 总分150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Which of the following does the man choose to drink
A. Beer. B. Red wine. C. White wine.
2. What did the man do last night
A. He worked at his assignment. B. He watched a soccer game. C. He went to the opera.
3. What is Ben doing
A. Mopping the floor B. Making the bed. C. Doing the dishes
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The weather. B. Their clothes. C. A movie star.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Family members.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In an office. B. In a repair shop. C. At a computer shop.
7. What do we know about the computer
A. All the files in it are missing.
B. Its screen turns blue frequently.
C. Its hard drive may have stopped working.
8. How often does the man take online Spanish courses
A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Twice a month.
9. Who makes the woman become fascinated by Spanish
A. Mike. B. Cathy. C. The man.
10. Where will the speakers go this afternoon
A. To a club. B. To a library. C. To a bookshop.
11. What kind of parks does the woman tend to visit with her children
A. Dog parks. B. Water parks. C. Forest parks.
12. What is probably the man
A. A writer. B. A tour guide. C. A salesperson.
13. What season is it now
A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
14. What does the man think of preparing for the presentation
A. Relatively simple. B . Fairly interesting. C. Rather difficult.
15. What will the woman probably do this Saturday morning
A. Go to the cinema. B. See her grandparents. C. Do some exercise.
16. When will the speakers do the shopping
A. This Saturday afternoon. B. This Sunday morning. C This Sunday afternoon.
17 In which state did eighth graders keep their math scores steady in early 2022
A. California. B. Ohio. C. Utah.
18. Who is Peggy Carr
A. An officer. B. A secretary. C. A head teacher.
19 What percentage of eighth graders scored “below basic” in math in 2019
A. 38%. B. 31%. C. 16%.
20. What have schools in Cleveland done to improve students’ test scores
A. They added winter school.
B. They provided after-school tutoring.
C. They cooperated with communities.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
For new otherworldly stories, try these attractive books for teens.
The Spell Tailors Hen is a beginner to his family’s spell-tailor business, learning to make magical clothes. A cheap clothing factory has opened nearby and now the business is in trouble. Then Hen comes across a new kind of stitch (缝法) — one that causes his grandmother to ban him from sewing because it can create problems. What is the power of the stitch And could it save the day The Midnighters In this atmospheric tale, Ema goes to stay with an uncle in Prague. There, she makes a new friend, Silvie, and soon they have secret adventures together on the city’s stone streets. Then Silvie goes missing and the only clue to what has happened points Ema in the direction of the mysterious (神秘的) Midnight Guild.
The Book of Stolen Dreams Rachel and Robert are given a stolen book by their librarian father and go on an adventure. Now, their father has been caught and they’re on the run, trying to protect the book and track down its final, missing page. It’s an exciting tale about the power of reading. Explorers at Stardust City It’s the latest in the Explorers’ Club series. Ursula and her friends must stop the Collector from stealing beautiful places. They get help from a Pirate Queen and are taken to space in a rocket, in an adventure with everything from space creatures to sea animals.
1. Why is Hen prohibited from sewing
A. He causes his family trouble. B. He finds a troublesome sewing way.
C. He wants to work in another factory. D. He fails to master sewing techniques.
2. Which book is the most attractive to lovers of the space adventure
A. The Spell Tailors. B. The Midnighters. C. The Book of Stolen Dreams. D. Explorers at Stardust City.
3. What do the leading characters of the four stories have in common
A. They value their friends. B. They get help from others.
C. They face some challenges. D. They can make use of magic.
Nashville-based helicopter pilot Joel Boyers had just finished his job on Saturday morning and was heading home when he received a call for help from a woman in Pennsylvania. Her brother Johnson’s home in Waverly, Tennessee, was underwater and he was trapped on a roof with his daughters. Could Boyers help “I thought how I would feel if I told her I was not even going to try ” he said in a Thursday interview. “She just so happened to call the right person, because I’m the only person crazy enough to even try to do that.”
The weather was terrible and Boyers had to deal with hills and power lines on the way to Waverly, a small city about 60 miles west of Nashville. Just before reaching the town, he found the Internet was down, making it impossible to locate the house he was looking for. He flew on anyway.
“When I arrived, it was nothing but raging water below me,” he said. A few people were out in boats, rescuing the trapped. Boyers was alone in the sky. He started flying up and down the flooded area, grabbing anyone he could.
Boyers said he ended up rescuing 17 people that day. He was proud of that, but said he was the one who should be thanking them. “I literally prayed just days before this that I would be given some meaning in my life, and then I end up getting this call,” he said. He had flown over disasters before including floods, but “The police are usually there, and my hands are tied. This time there isn’t any,” he said.
To perform the rescues, Boyers had to carefully avoid power lines, balance his skids (打滑) on sloped rooftops, and fly over flood waters. It took all the skills learned over 16 years of flying, including for a television news station, for documentaries and for country music stars. “I don’t want to lie,” he said. “It was almost a little fun for me.”
4. Why did Boyers fly to Waverly?
A. Because he had to do his routine tasks.
B. Because his brother was caught in the flood.
C. Because he was going to have an interview.
D. Because he received an emergency call.
5. What was the biggest obstacle to finding Johnson’s house?
A. A long distance. B. The Internet failure.
C. High mountains. D. Fallen power lines.
6. Which of the following best describes Boyers?
A. Caring and courageous. B. Ambitious and demanding.
C. Modest and creative. D. Humorous and cooperative.
7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A. Surviving a Crisis B. Performing a Task
C. Braving a Flood D. Testing Flight Skills
Insurance companies are starting to use smartbox technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates.
The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can contribute to cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. The device is connected to the electronics in your car and collects information such as time, speed, braking, cornering, acceleration and location. It’s like having an insurance agent sitting beside you while driving.
The smartbox data is wirelessly transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. This profile is then used to compare insurance rates and to reward low-risk driving behavior with cheap insurance rates.
Drivers are high-risk when they drive irresponsibly such as speeding, frequent lane changing, driving in high-risk locations or at high-risk times such as in heavy traffic or late at night.
These new electronic inventions are intended to practice a new standard in lieu of the previous way to sort drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. For example, young drivers are more likely to drive fast, drive at night and use a cell phone while driving. Statistically, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident, so insurance companies charge them higher rates to cover the costs of accident claims. So even if you’re a young, responsible driver, you will pay high insurance rates because of group behavior. This technology allows you to provide proof that your driving behavior doesn’t fit the pattern of your demographic (统计) group.
All the information collected about your driving can be viewed online — including what you’re doing well and what could be improved. Your insurance premium is then calculated according to your driving profile.
8. What do we know about the smartbox according to paragraph 2
A. It is a black box. B. It helps reduce car insurance.
C. It benefits responsible drivers. D. It records how the car is produced.
9. How does the insurance company monitor the driving
A. By monitoring the device in the car. B. By collecting the smartbox data.
C. By watching the traffic on the roads. D. By arranging an agent beside the driver.
10. Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase “in lieu of” in paragraph 5
A. Instead of. B. Full of. C. In defense of. D. In favor of.
11. What will the use of smartboxes bring about
A. Better service for cars. B. Much lower prices of gas.
C. More convenient transport. D. More reasonable insurance charge.
Over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water but it’s undrinkable. Scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC ) have modeled a system that can collect water vapor (水蒸汽) from above the ocean surface and freeze it into fresh drinking water at a large scale.
Water shortage is an issue that’s projected to get worse, as climate change makes dry areas even drier. The oceans, home to over 96% of water on Earth, represent a huge potential reservoir (a place to store water), but desalination (海水淡化) is a challenging and complex prospect to scale up because of the poisonous wastewater it produces.
But nature already has a pretty good desalination system — the sun is heating up the surface of the ocean and evaporating water out of it, which of course goes on to become rain. In a new study, the UIUC team came up with a method to use this resource. The team proposes that structures could be built several kilometers offshore to obtain air rich in water vapor from above the ocean surface. That air can then be piped back to land and turned into water. This fresh water could then be used for drinking, agriculture, or whatever else a region needs it for. The whole system could be powered by offshore wind farms and land-based solar panels.
The researchers evaluated 14 cities around the world, analyzing how much water could be collected based on the offshore air in those locations. Based on their models, the scientists estimated that these structures could collect between 37.6 billion and 78.3 billion liters of water per year, depending on the conditions in a specific location.
The team says that the solution is pretty good, since it works like the natural water cycle except that the vapor is guided to where it’s needed. “The system we are proposing will be useful under climate change. This provides a much needed approach for adaptation to climate change, particularly to populations living in dry and semi-dry regions of the. world,” said Afeefa Rahman, the co-author of the study.
12. Why do scientists design this vapor-collecting system
A. To improve water quality. B. To relieve the water shortages.
C. To approach climate change. D. To reduce the pollution of water.
13. What can we learn about the vapor-collecting system from the text
A. It’s mainly powered by batteries.
B. The water collected by it is rich in mineral.
C. It makes full use of the natural water cycle.
D. It should be built as close to the ocean as possible.
14. What can be learned from the fourth paragraph
A. The system could be applied around the world.
B. More and more cities would bring in the system.
C. The researchers have built structures in 14 cities to collect water.
D. The researchers made great efforts before introducing the system.
15. What is Afeefa Rahman’s attitude towards the system
A. Negative. B. Concerned. C. Skeptical. D. Optimistic.
Have you ever looked in your food-waste bin ____16____ It’s estimated that families in the U. K. create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year. “Food waste” means food that could have been eaten but instead is thrown away. Apples, bananas, bread, potatoes and salad are the most common items that are binned.
With food prices rising, it’s a good time to become a “food-waste warrior”. Not only will it save money, but it is good for the environment. After all, growing, packaging and transporting food use a lot of Earth’s resources such as energy and water. ____17____ First, it’s a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your bin. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get chucked out most often—and why. Planning meals for the week with your family can save time and money. For instance, meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday.
____18____ Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it(there are portion sizes on the packet but they are for adults, so adjust them), and before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are so you don’t end up leaving food because you’re too full.
Your freezer is a good way to save food. Keep a sliced loaf in there; you can put frozen slices straight into the toaster. You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. ____19____ It’s hard to keep track of food that’s gone to the back of the fridge. You could label a shelf an “Eat me first” spot for anything that has been there for a while.
Finally, use your senses. Some U. K. supermarkets have taken “best before” dates off fruit and vegetables. ____20____ Ask an adult to help. Don’t forget to update your diary to see how much change you can make.
A. Cooking the correct portion size helps too.
B. However, heat defrosted leftovers thoroughly before eating.
C Fruit that looks bad can be made into a juice for a Friday treat.
D. Potatoes and carrots, however, last a long time if kept in a cool, dark place.
E. Here are some simple tips that can help your family become food-waste warriors.
F. This is done to decide whether something is still fine to eat with your noses and eyes.
G. It may sound unpleasant but in fact it tells you how much food your family throws out.
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,满分15分)
Dave and I had just arrived home from his chemo-treatment (化疗) appointment. I should have noticed him___21___ the door. When I opened it, he fell sideways out of the car onto the walkway. He lay there, too weak to___22___ himself. I rushed to help, but he weighed close to two hundred pounds and was just ___23___. The slightest bump (碰撞) caused terrible pain, so this___24___would be more than he could bear. I called “Dave.” He didn’t___25___, and I wondered if he had passed out. I looked around in all directions___26___.
Just then, a man___27___ , pushing a baby carriage, with two children walking beside him. The man___28___the baby carriage safely, gestured the children to wait and stepped forward. He lifted Dave’s arm over his shoulder and put his own arm around Dave’s___29___to stabilize him. The two___30___ for the house. Into the sitting room, slowly and gently, the man___31___Dave onto our little sofa. He smiled as Dave tried to___32___him and said he was glad to help.
He walked back out to the street where the children stood waiting for him. The little group slowly___33___. There, in the shining sun, I watched, with___34___. They were just like angles, emerging from nowhere and helping me___35___ .
21. A. breaking down B. knocking at C. leaning against D. slipping into
22. A. raise B. convince C. defend D. hide
23. A. immobile B. impractical C. impatient D. immature
24. A. treatment B. fall C. rest D. try
25. A. breathe B. hesitate C. quit D. respond
26. A. ambitiously B. desperately C. cautiously D. casually
27. A. turned up B. showed off C. backed away D. reached out
28. A. dragged B. parked C. rolled D. moved
29. A. neck B. shoulder C. waist D. leg
30. A. dashed B. dived C. searched D. headed
31 A. lowered B. threw C. accompanied D. dropping
32. A. correct B. thank C. bother D. interrupt
33. A. emerged B. changed C. proceeded D. explored
34. A. disappointment B. appreciation C. embarrassment D. guilt
35. A. as usual B. at length C. at random D. in time
Researchers have been applying artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor biodiversity and enhance efforts to protect some species from ____36____ (threaten). Unlike conventional methods, AI has the capacity ____37____ (analyze) massive amounts of data effectively.
Species are disappearing ____38____ a rate much faster than that millions of years ago, with up to one million species on the edge of ____39____ (extinct). In response, the United Nations set a goal in 2020 to safeguard at least 30% of Earth’s land and oceans. “AI is imperfect ____40____ could promote important discoveries,” says Nicolas Miailhe, paris-based founder of the Future Society, an international non-profit organization ____41____ aims to better govern AI. “We badly need human practitioners to design models and interpret data.”
Besides ____42____ (monitor) biodiversity in real time, AI can also be used to model the impacts of human activities on an ecosystem. Although it ____43____ (document) that human activities have resulted in biodiversity loss, little is known about which environmental factors have the largest impact.
“Long-term statistics will play ____44____ essential role in connecting changes in biodiversity with environmental changes,” says Luisa Orsini, who _____45_____ (study) evolutionary bio-systems at the University of Birmingham, UK.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校最近组织高二学生去附近的河岸清理垃圾。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动介绍;
2. 活动意义。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Successful Cleanup Activity
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A boy called Jamy always arrived home hungry every day and his parents couldn’t figure out why, despite making meals for him. When Jamy wouldn’t share what was going on, his parents decided to visit he school principal and his teacher Callum, hoping they could offer some insight.
After talking with Jamy’s classmates, the principal and his parents heard a story they weren’t expecting. Although Jamy never talked about it, his classmates told them that he always came to school without food. The principal and his parents were shocked. No wonder Jamy was always so hungry after school! Was there something happening on the way to school that Jamy didn’t tell them
To make the situation clear, the principal asked Jamy’s teacher, Callum to talk to Jamy in private. During the conversation with the teacher, Jamy refused to say any further details about the situation, leaving everyone frustrated and helpless. And despite multiple questioning, Jamy still refused to say any knowledge of the situation. This left the principal and the teacher so confused that they were at a loss what to do.
Jamy’s parents were becoming increasingly concerned as their child continued to come home from school without saying a word about it. They hadn’t gotten any closer to uncovering the truth about why Jamy was always so hungry. The lack of communication from their child only added to their frustration and helplessness. They knew they needed to take action to get to the bottom of the problem, but they had no idea where to start, which puzzled Jamy’s parents.
One day, by accident, Jamy’s father found a thank-you note from his study.
Jamy’s parents were touched by Jamy’s act of kindness.
1-5:BACBC 6-10:ACABC 11-15:BACAC 16-20:BCABB南充高中高2022级高二下期期中考试
考试时间:120分钟 总分150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Which of the following does the man choose to drink
A. Beer. B. Red wine. C. White wine.
2. What did the man do last night
A. He worked at his assignment. B. He watched a soccer game. C. He went to the opera.
3. What is Ben doing
A. Mopping the floor B. Making the bed. C. Doing the dishes
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The weather. B. Their clothes. C. A movie star.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Family members.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In an office. B. In a repair shop. C. At a computer shop.
7. What do we know about the computer
A. All the files in it are missing.
B. Its screen turns blue frequently.
C. Its hard drive may have stopped working.
8. How often does the man take online Spanish courses
A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Twice a month.
9. Who makes the woman become fascinated by Spanish
A. Mike. B. Cathy. C. The man.
10. Where will the speakers go this afternoon
A. To a club. B. To a library. C. To a bookshop.
11. What kind of parks does the woman tend to visit with her children
A. Dog parks. B. Water parks. C. Forest parks.
12. What is probably the man
A. A writer. B. A tour guide. C. A salesperson.
13. What season is it now
A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
14. What does the man think of preparing for the presentation
A. Relatively simple. B . Fairly interesting. C. Rather difficult.
15. What will the woman probably do this Saturday morning
A. Go to the cinema. B. See her grandparents. C. Do some exercise.
16. When will the speakers do the shopping
A This Saturday afternoon. B. This Sunday morning. C This Sunday afternoon.
17. In which state did eighth graders keep their math scores steady in early 2022
A. California. B. Ohio. C. Utah.
18. Who is Peggy Carr
A. An officer. B. A secretary. C. A head teacher.
19. What percentage of eighth graders scored “below basic” in math in 2019
A. 38%. B. 31%. C. 16%.
20. What have schools in Cleveland done to improve students’ test scores
A. They added winter school.
B. They provided after-school tutoring.
C. They cooperated with communities.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
For new otherworldly stories, try these attractive books for teens.
The Spell Tailors Hen is a beginner to his family’s spell-tailor business, learning to make magical clothes. A cheap clothing factory has opened nearby and now the business is in trouble. Then Hen comes across a new kind of stitch (缝法) — one that causes his grandmother to ban him from sewing because it can create problems. What is the power of the stitch And could it save the day The Midnighters In this atmospheric tale, Ema goes to stay with an uncle in Prague. There, she makes a new friend, Silvie, and soon they have secret adventures together on the city’s stone streets. Then Silvie goes missing and the only clue to what has happened points Ema in the direction of the mysterious (神秘的) Midnight Guild.
The Book of Stolen Dreams Rachel and Robert are given a stolen book by their librarian father and go on an adventure. Now, their father has been caught and they’re on the run, trying to protect the book and track down its final, missing page. It’s an exciting tale about the power of reading. Explorers at Stardust City It’s the latest in the Explorers’ Club series. Ursula and her friends must stop the Collector from stealing beautiful places. They get help from a Pirate Queen and are taken to space in a rocket, in an adventure with everything from space creatures to sea animals.
1. Why is Hen prohibited from sewing
A. He causes his family trouble. B. He finds a troublesome sewing way.
C. He wants to work in another factory. D. He fails to master sewing techniques.
2. Which book is the most attractive to lovers of the space adventure
A. The Spell Tailors. B. The Midnighters. C. The Book of Stolen Dreams. D. Explorers at Stardust City.
3. What do the leading characters of the four stories have in common
A. They value their friends. B. They get help from others.
C. They face some challenges. D. They can make use of magic.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据The Spell Tailors部分中的“Then Hen comes across a new kind of stitch (缝法) — one that causes his grandmother to ban him from sewing because it can create problems. (然后,母鸡发现了一种新的针法——这种针法让他的祖母禁止他缝纫,因为它会产生棘手的问题)”可知,Hen因为发现了一种会带来麻烦的缝纫法而被禁止缝纫。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据Explorers at Stardust City部分中的“They get help from a Pirate Queen and are taken to space in a rocket, in an adventure with everything from space creatures to sea animals. (他们得到了海盗女王的帮助,乘坐火箭进入太空,与从太空生物到海洋动物的所有生命一起冒险)”可知,Explorers at Stardust City中包含在太空中探索的部分,因此它最吸引太空冒险爱好者。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据The Spell Tailors部分中“A cheap clothing factory has opened nearby and now the business is in trouble. (附近开了一家廉价服装厂,现在生意陷入了困境)”、The Midnighters部分中“There, she makes a new friend, Silvie, and soon they have secret adventures together on the city’s stone streets. (在那里,她交了一个新朋友Silvie,很快他们就在城市的石头街道上进行了秘密冒险)”、The Book of Stolen Dreams部分中“Rachel and Robert are given a stolen book by their librarian father and go on an adventure. (Rachel和Robert的图书管理员父亲给了他们一本偷来的书,他们开始了一场冒险)”和Explorers at Stardust City部分中“Ursula and her friends must stop the Collector from stealing beautiful places. (Ursula和她的朋友们必须阻止收集者偷走美丽的地方)”可知,这四个故事的主角都面临挑战。故选C项。
Nashville-based helicopter pilot Joel Boyers had just finished his job on Saturday morning and was heading home when he received a call for help from a woman in Pennsylvania. Her brother Johnson’s home in Waverly Tennessee, was underwater and he was trapped on a roof with his daughters. Could Boyers help “I thought how I would feel if I told her I was not even going to try ” he said in a Thursday interview. “She just so happened to call the right person, because I’m the only person crazy enough to even try to do that.”
The weather was terrible and Boyers had to deal with hills and power lines on the way to Waverly, a small city about 60 miles west of Nashville. Just before reaching the town, he found the Internet was down, making it impossible to locate the house he was looking for. He flew on anyway.
“When I arrived, it was nothing but raging water below me,” he said. A few people were out in boats, rescuing the trapped. Boyers was alone in the sky. He started flying up and down the flooded area, grabbing anyone he could.
Boyers said he ended up rescuing 17 people that day. He was proud of that, but said he was the one who should be thanking them. “I literally prayed just days before this that I would be given some meaning in my life, and then I end up getting this call,” he said. He had flown over disasters before including floods, but “The police are usually there, and my hands are tied. This time there isn’t any,” he said.
To perform the rescues, Boyers had to carefully avoid power lines, balance his skids (打滑) on sloped rooftops, and fly over flood waters. It took all the skills learned over 16 years of flying, including for a television news station, for documentaries and for country music stars. “I don’t want to lie,” he said. “It was almost a little fun for me.”
4. Why did Boyers fly to Waverly?
A. Because he had to do his routine tasks.
B. Because his brother was caught in the flood.
C. Because he was going to have an interview.
D. Because he received an emergency call.
5. What was the biggest obstacle to finding Johnson’s house?
A. A long distance. B. The Internet failure.
C. High mountains. D. Fallen power lines.
6. Which of the following best describes Boyers?
A. Caring and courageous. B. Ambitious and demanding.
C. Modest and creative. D. Humorous and cooperative.
7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A. Surviving a Crisis B. Performing a Task
C. Braving a Flood D. Testing Flight Skills
【答案】4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了飞行员Joel Boyers不畏洪水,驾驶直升飞机英勇救人的故事。
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Nashville-based helicopter pilot Joel Boyers had just finished his job on Saturday morning and was heading home when he received a call for help from a woman in Pennsylvania. Her brother Johnson’s home in Waverly, Tennessee, was underwater and he was trapped on a roof with his daughters.(总部位于纳什维尔的直升机飞行员乔尔·博尔斯周六早上刚完成工作,正在回家时,接到了宾夕法尼亚州一名妇女的求助电话。她的哥哥约翰逊在田纳西州韦弗利的家被淹了,他和女儿们被困在屋顶上)”可知,Joel Boyers接到一位陌生人的求救电话才飞去Waverly的。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Just before reaching the town, he found the Internet was down, making it impossible to locate the house he was looking for.(就在到达小镇之前,他发现互联网已经坏了,无法找到他要找的房子)”可知,找到约翰逊房子的最大的障碍是上不了网。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“He started flying up and down the flooded area, grabbing anyone he could. (他开始在洪水地区飞来飞去,营救任何能抓住的人)”和最后一段的“To perform the rescues, Boyers had to carefully avoid power lines, balance his skids on sloped rooftops, and fly over flood waters.(为了进行救援,Boyers必须小心地避开电线,在倾斜的屋顶上保持滑行平衡,飞过洪水)”以及全文可知Joel Boyers不畏艰险在洪水中奋力挽救受灾群众,由此可以推断他既乐于助人又十分英勇。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“To perform the rescues, Boyers had to carefully avoid power lines, balance his skids on sloped rooftops,and fly over flood waters.(为了进行救援,博耶斯必须小心地避开电线,在倾斜的屋顶上保持滑行平衡,飞过洪水)”以及全文可知Joel Boyers勇敢面对洪水,奋力救人,从而得出C项“勇敢面对洪水”为最佳标题。故选C。
Insurance companies are starting to use smartbox technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates.
The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can contribute to cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. The device is connected to the electronics in your car and collects information such as time, speed, braking, cornering, acceleration and location. It’s like having an insurance agent sitting beside you while driving.
The smartbox data is wirelessly transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. This profile is then used to compare insurance rates and to reward low-risk driving behavior with cheap insurance rates.
Drivers are high-risk when they drive irresponsibly such as speeding, frequent lane changing, driving in high-risk locations or at high-risk times such as in heavy traffic or late at night.
These new electronic inventions are intended to practice a new standard in lieu of the previous way to sort drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. For example, young drivers are more likely to drive fast, drive at night and use a cell phone while driving. Statistically, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident, so insurance companies charge them higher rates to cover the costs of accident claims. So even if you’re a young, responsible driver, you will pay high insurance rates because of group behavior. This technology allows you to provide proof that your driving behavior doesn’t fit the pattern of your demographic (统计) group.
All the information collected about your driving can be viewed online — including what you’re doing well and what could be improved. Your insurance premium is then calculated according to your driving profile.
8. What do we know about the smartbox according to paragraph 2
A. It is a black box. B. It helps reduce car insurance.
C. It benefits responsible drivers. D. It records how the car is produced.
9. How does the insurance company monitor the driving
A. By monitoring the device in the car. B. By collecting the smartbox data.
C. By watching the traffic on the roads. D. By arranging an agent beside the driver.
10. Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase “in lieu of” in paragraph 5
A. Instead of. B. Full of. C. In defense of. D. In favor of.
11. What will the use of smartboxes bring about
A. Better service for cars. B. Much lower prices of gas.
C. More convenient transport. D. More reasonable insurance charge.
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, records details about how your car is driven, which can contribute to cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. (这个智能盒子,类似于飞机上的黑匣子,记录你的汽车如何驾驶的细节,这可以为负责任的司机提供便宜的汽车保险。)”可知,智能盒子有利于负责任的司机。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“The smartbox data is wirelessly transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. (智能盒子的数据通过无线实时传输到保险公司,并提供你何时、何地以及如何开车的资料。)”可知,保险公司通过在线收集驾驶数据监控驾驶行为,故选B。
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“These new electronic inventions are intended to practice a new standard”以及后文“previous way to sort drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments”可知,这些新的电子发明旨在实践一种新的标准,而不是用以前的方式,这种标准将司机分类为群体行为,以确定保险范围和保费支付,故划线词意思是“而不是”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第五段“These new electronic inventions are intended to practice a new standard in lieu of the previous way to sort drivers into group behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. (这些新的电子发明旨在实践一种新的标准,以取代以前的方式,将司机分类为群体行为,以确定保险范围和保费支付。)”可推断,智能盒子的使用会使保险费用更合理。故选D。
Over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, but it’s undrinkable. Scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC ) have modeled a system that can collect water vapor (水蒸汽) from above the ocean surface and freeze it into fresh drinking water at a large scale.
Water shortage is an issue that’s projected to get worse, as climate change makes dry areas even drier. The oceans, home to over 96% of water on Earth, represent a huge potential reservoir (a place to store water), but desalination (海水淡化) is a challenging and complex prospect to scale up because of the poisonous wastewater it produces.
But nature already has a pretty good desalination system — the sun is heating up the surface of the ocean and evaporating water out of it, which of course goes on to become rain. In a new study, the UIUC team came up with a method to use this resource. The team proposes that structures could be built several kilometers offshore to obtain air rich in water vapor from above the ocean surface. That air can then be piped back to land and turned into water. This fresh water could then be used for drinking, agriculture, or whatever else a region needs it for. The whole system could be powered by offshore wind farms and land-based solar panels.
The researchers evaluated 14 cities around the world, analyzing how much water could be collected based on the offshore air in those locations. Based on their models, the scientists estimated that these structures could collect between 37.6 billion and 78.3 billion liters of water per year, depending on the conditions in a specific location.
The team says that the solution is pretty good, since it works like the natural water cycle except that the vapor is guided to where it’s needed. “The system we are proposing will be useful under climate change. This provides a much needed approach for adaptation to climate change, particularly to populations living in dry and semi-dry regions of the. world,” said Afeefa Rahman, the co-author of the study.
12. Why do scientists design this vapor-collecting system
A. To improve water quality. B. To relieve the water shortages.
C. To approach climate change. D. To reduce the pollution of water.
13. What can we learn about the vapor-collecting system from the text
A. It’s mainly powered by batteries.
B. The water collected by it is rich in mineral.
C. It makes full use of the natural water cycle.
D. It should be built as close to the ocean as possible.
14. What can be learned from the fourth paragraph
A. The system could be applied around the world.
B. More and more cities would bring in the system.
C. The researchers have built structures in 14 cities to collect water.
D. The researchers made great efforts before introducing the system.
15. What is Afeefa Rahman’s attitude towards the system
A. Negative. B. Concerned. C. Skeptical. D. Optimistic.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. D
推理判断题。根据第二段“Water shortage is an issue that’s projected to get worse, as climate change makes dry areas even drier.(随着气候变化使干旱地区更加干燥,缺水问题预计将变得更加严重)”可推知,科学家设计这种蒸汽收集系统是为了缓解水资源短缺。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段“But nature already has a pretty good desalination system — the sun is heating up the surface of the ocean and evaporating water out of it, which of course goes on to become rain. In a new study, the UIUC team came up with a method to use this resource. The team proposes that structures could be built several kilometers offshore to obtain air rich in water vapor from above the ocean surface. That air can then be piped back to land and turned into water.(但是大自然已经有了一个相当好的海水淡化系统——太阳正在加热海洋表面,蒸发其中的水,当然,这些水会变成雨。在一项新的研究中,UIUC团队提出了一种利用这种资源的方法。研究小组提出,可以在离岸几公里处建造一些结构,以从海面上获取富含水蒸气的空气。然后,这些空气可以通过管道输送回陆地,变成水)”可知,蒸汽收集系统充分利用自然水循环。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段“The researchers evaluated 14 cities around the world, analyzing how much water could be collected based on the offshore air in those locations. Based on their models, the scientists estimated that these structures could collect between 37.6 billion and 78.3 billion liters of water per year, depending on the conditions in a specific location.(研究人员评估了世界上14个城市,分析了这些地方的近海空气可以收集多少水。根据他们的模型,科学家们估计这些结构每年可以收集376亿到783亿升水,具体取决于特定地点的条件)”可知,研究人员在引入该系统之前做了大量的分析和研究。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““The system we are proposing will be useful under climate change. This provides a much needed approach for adaptation to climate change, particularly to populations living in dry and semi-dry regions of the. world,” said Afeefa Rahman, the co-author of the study.(“我们提出的这个系统在气候变化的情况下是有用的。这为适应气候变化提供了一种急需的方法,特别是对生活在世界干旱和半干旱地区的人口而言。”该研究的合著者阿菲法·拉赫曼(afefa Rahman)说。)”可推知,Afeefa Rahman对这个系统的态度是乐观的。故选D。
Have you ever looked in your food-waste bin ____16____ It’s estimated that families in the U. K. create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year. “Food waste” means food that could have been eaten but instead is thrown away. Apples, bananas, bread, potatoes and salad are the most common items that are binned.
With food prices rising, it’s a good time to become a “food-waste warrior”. Not only will it save money, but it is good for the environment. After all, growing, packaging and transporting food use a lot of Earth’s resources such as energy and water. ____17____ First, it’s a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your bin. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get chucked out most often—and why. Planning meals for the week with your family can save time and money. For instance, meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday.
____18____ Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it(there are portion sizes on the packet but they are for adults, so adjust them), and before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are so you don’t end up leaving food because you’re too full.
Your freezer is a good way to save food. Keep a sliced loaf in there; you can put frozen slices straight into the toaster. You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. ____19____ It’s hard to keep track of food that’s gone to the back of the fridge. You could label a shelf an “Eat me first” spot for anything that has been there for a while.
Finally, use your senses. Some U. K. supermarkets have taken “best before” dates off fruit and vegetables. ____20____ Ask an adult to help. Don’t forget to update your diary to see how much change you can make.
A. Cooking the correct portion size helps too.
B. However, heat defrosted leftovers thoroughly before eating.
C. Fruit that looks bad can be made into a juice for a Friday treat.
D. Potatoes and carrots, however, last a long time if kept in a cool, dark place.
E. Here are some simple tips that can help your family become food-waste warriors.
F. This is done to decide whether something is still fine to eat with your noses and eyes.
G. It may sound unpleasant but in fact it tells you how much food your family throws out.
【答案】16. G 17. E 18. A 19. B 20. F
根据上文的“Have you ever looked in your food-waste bin (你看过你的食物垃圾桶吗 )”和下文的“It’s estimated that families in the U. K. create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year.(据估计,英国家庭每年制造的食物垃圾超过600万吨。)”可知,G项(这可能听起来令人不快,但实际上它告诉你你的家庭扔掉了多少食物。)承接上文,告诉人们通过查看家里的垃垃圾桶可以知道一家人浪费了多少食物,下文给出了英国全国家庭浪费食物的大体数字。故选G项。
根据上文的“With food prices rising, it’s a good time to become a “food-waste warrior”. Not only will it save money, but it is good for the environment. After all, growing, packaging and transporting food use a lot of Earth’s resources such as energy and water.(随着食品价格的上涨,这是一个成为“与食物浪费作斗争的斗士”的好时机。它不仅会省钱,而且对环境有好处。毕竟,种植、包装和运输食物要消耗大量的地球资源,比如能源和水。)”可知,做一名“与食物浪费作斗争的斗士”有很多好处;根据下文的“First, it’s a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your bin. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get chucked out most often—and why. Planning meals for the week with your family can save time and money. For instance, meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday.(首先,弄清楚有多少食物进了你的垃圾桶是个好主意。记日记,记下最常被扔掉的食物以及原因。和家人一起计划一周的膳食可以节省时间和金钱。例如,周日烤的肉可以放在周一的三明治里。)”可知,这里指出了做一名“与食物浪费作斗争的斗士”的具体做法。E项(这里有一些简单的建议,可以帮助你的家人成为一名“与食物浪费作斗争的斗士”。)承接上文,既然做一名“与食物浪费作斗争的斗士”有很多好处,那就要去做,引出下文的具体做法,故选E项。
根据下文的“Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it(there are portion sizes on the packet but they are for adults, so adjust them), and before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are so you don’t end up leaving food because you’re too full.(在烹饪之前称一下你需要的意大利面或米饭,包装上有分量说明,但这是给成年人的,所以要调整一下,在盘子上摞一堆食物之前,确认一下你有多饿,这样你就不会因为吃得太饱而把食物扔掉。)”可知,控制好要使用的食材的量是重要的,A项(烹饪正确份量的食物也有帮助。)能够概括本段内容,可以作为主题句,这是节约食物的做法,故选A项。
根据上文的“You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. (你可以把剩饭剩菜放在密封的容器里再冷冻一天。)”和下文的“It’s hard to keep track of food that’s gone to the back of the fridge. You could label a shelf an “Eat me first” spot for anything that has been there for a while.(很难追踪那些被放到冰箱后面的食物。任何东西已经放在架子上一段时间了,你可以在架子上贴上“先吃我”的标签。)”可知,B项(然而,在吃之前,要彻底加热解冻剩菜。)承接上文,指出冷冻食物要先充分解冻后再食用,这是冰箱储存食物的第一个问题,下文接着谈论冰箱储存食物的第二个问题,即容易遗忘,故选B项。
根据上文的“Finally, use your senses. Some U. K. supermarkets have taken “best before” dates off fruit and vegetables.(最后,运用你的感官。一些英国超市已经取消了水果和蔬菜的“最佳食用日期”。)”可知,使用感官来判断食物是否还能食用是重要的;根据下文的“Ask an adult to help. (找个成年人帮忙。)”可知,通过感官来判断食物是否还能食用需要有经验的成年人帮忙。F项(这样做是为了决定用鼻子和眼睛来判断某些东西是否可以吃。)承接上文,通过鼻子和眼睛来判断食物是否还能食用,若做不到应该找成年人帮忙,因此与下文连接通顺,故选F项。
第三部分 语言知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,满分15分)
Dave and I had just arrived home from his chemo-treatment (化疗) appointment. I should have noticed him___21___ the door. When I opened it, he fell sideways out of the car onto the walkway. He lay there, too weak to___22___ himself. I rushed to help, but he weighed close to two hundred pounds and was just ___23___. The slightest bump (碰撞) caused terrible pain, so this___24___would be more than he could bear. I called “Dave.” He didn’t___25___, and I wondered if he had passed out. I looked around in all directions___26___.
Just then, a man___27___ , pushing a baby carriage, with two children walking beside him. The man___28___the baby carriage safely, gestured the children to wait and stepped forward. He lifted Dave’s arm over his shoulder and put his own arm around Dave’s___29___to stabilize him. The two___30___ for the house. Into the sitting room, slowly and gently, the man___31___Dave onto our little sofa. He smiled as Dave tried to___32___him and said he was glad to help.
He walked back out to the street where the children stood waiting for him. The little group slowly___33___. There, in the shining sun, I watched, with___34___. They were just like angles, emerging from nowhere and helping me___35___ .
21. A. breaking down B. knocking at C. leaning against D. slipping into
22. A. raise B. convince C. defend D. hide
23. A. immobile B. impractical C. impatient D. immature
24. A. treatment B. fall C. rest D. try
25. A. breathe B. hesitate C. quit D. respond
26. A. ambitiously B. desperately C. cautiously D. casually
27. A. turned up B. showed off C. backed away D. reached out
28. A. dragged B. parked C. rolled D. moved
29. A. neck B. shoulder C. waist D. leg
30. A. dashed B. dived C. searched D. headed
31. A. lowered B. threw C. accompanied D. dropping
32. A. correct B. thank C. bother D. interrupt
33. A. emerged B. changed C. proceeded D. explored
34. A. disappointment B. appreciation C. embarrassment D. guilt
35. A. as usual B. at length C. at random D. in time
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. D
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我本该注意到他靠在门上的。A. breaking down出故障;B. knocking at敲;C. leaning against靠着;D. slipping into溜进。根据下文“When I opened it, he fell sideways out of the car onto the walkway”可知,Dave原本是靠在车门上的,所以当作者开门时Dave摔倒了。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他躺在那里,虚弱得站不起来。A. raise提起,举起;B. convince使信服;C. defend保卫;D. hide躲藏。根据上文“He lay there”、“too weak”和下文“I rushed to help”可知,他太虚弱了,躺在那里起不来,raise oneself意为“站起来”。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我冲过去帮忙,但他体重将近200磅,动弹不得。A. immobile不动的;B. impractical不切实际的;C. impatient不耐烦的;D. immature不成熟的。根据上文“he weighed close to two hundred pounds”可知,作者的丈夫太重了,所以作者扶不动,因此空格处是“不动的”。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最轻微的撞击都会引起剧烈的疼痛,所以这次摔倒会让他无法承受。A. treatment治疗;B. fall跌倒;C. rest休息;D. try尝试。根据上文“he fell sideways out of the car onto the walkway”可知,作者的丈夫摔倒了,此处表示“这次摔倒会让他无法承受”。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他没有回应,我怀疑他是不是昏过去了。A. breathe呼吸;B. hesitate犹豫;C. quit退出;D. respond回应。根据下文“I wondered if he had passed out”可知,作者的丈夫没有回应作者,所以作者才以为他昏过去了。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我绝望地四下张望。A. ambitiously雄心勃勃地;B. desperately绝望地;C. cautiously谨慎地;D. casually随意地。根据上文“He didn’t__5__, and I wondered if he had passed out”和“he weighed close to two hundred pounds and was just __3__”可知,作者的丈夫没有回应,作者也扶不动他,所以作者很绝望。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:就在那时,一个男人推着一辆婴儿车出现了,旁边走着两个孩子。A. turned up出现;B. showed off炫耀;C. backed away后退;D. reached out伸出。根据下文的描述“pushing a baby carriage”可知,一个男的带着孩子出现了。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个男人把婴儿车停好,示意孩子们等着,然后走上前去。A. dragged拖;B. parked停放;C. rolled滚动;D. moved移动。根据下文“gestured the children to wait and stepped forward”可知,那个男的要先把婴儿车停放好才能走上前来帮助作者。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把Dave的手臂举过肩膀,用自己的手臂搂住Dave的腰,使他稳定下来。A. neck脖子;B. shoulder肩膀;C. waist腰;D. leg腿。根据上文“put his own arm around Dave’s”可知,要把Dave扶起来,那个男的需要用自己的手臂搂住Dave的腰。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人朝房子走去。A. dashed冲;B. dived跳水;C. searched搜索;D. headed朝(某方向)行进。根据下文“for the house. Into the sitting room”可知,那个男的扶着Dave朝房子走去。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个人慢慢地、轻轻地把Dave放到起居室的小沙发上。A. lowered把……放低;B. threw扔;C. accompanied陪伴;D. dropping落下。根据下文“onto our little sofa”可知,沙发比人低,所以那个男的是把作者的丈夫放低,放在沙发上。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Dave试图感谢他时,他微笑着,并说他很乐意帮忙。A. correct纠正;B. thank感谢;C. bother打扰;D. interrupt打断。根据下文“said he was glad to help”可知,Dave是要感谢那个男的。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一小群人慢慢地走着。A. emerged出现;B. changed改变;C. proceeded行进;D. explored探索。根据上文“He walked back out to the street”可知,那个男的在帮助完作者后返回去找自己的孩子,他们几个慢慢走着路,空格处意为“行进”。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那里,在灿烂的阳光下,我怀着感激的心情看着。A. disappointment失望;B. appreciation感激;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. guilt内疚。根据下文“They were just like angles, emerging from nowhere and helping me”可知,那个男的帮助了作者,所以作者是感激地看着他们。故选B。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:他们就像天使一样,不知从哪里冒出来,及时帮助了我。A. as usual像往常一样;B. at length详细地;C. at random随机地;D. in time及时。根据上文“I looked around in all directions __6___”和“Just then, a man __7__”可知,作者在绝望的时候那个男的出现了,所以是及时地帮助了作者。故选D。
Researchers have been applying artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor biodiversity and enhance efforts to protect some species from ____36____ (threaten). Unlike conventional methods, AI has the capacity ____37____ (analyze) massive amounts of data effectively.
Species are disappearing ____38____ a rate much faster than that millions of years ago, with up to one million species on the edge of ____39____ (extinct). In response, the United Nations set a goal in 2020 to safeguard at least 30% of Earth’s land and oceans. “AI is imperfect ____40____ could promote important discoveries,” says Nicolas Miailhe, paris-based founder of the Future Society, an international non-profit organization ____41____ aims to better govern AI. “We badly need human practitioners to design models and interpret data.”
Besides ____42____ (monitor) biodiversity in real time, AI can also be used to model the impacts of human activities on an ecosystem. Although it ____43____ (document) that human activities have resulted in biodiversity loss, little is known about which environmental factors have the largest impact.
“Long-term statistics will play ____44____ essential role in connecting changes in biodiversity with environmental changes,” says Luisa Orsini, who _____45_____ (study) evolutionary bio-systems at the University of Birmingham, UK.
【答案】36. being threatened
37. to analyze
38. at 39. extinction
40. but 41. which##that
42. monitoring
43. is documented
44. an 45. studies
考查非谓语动词。句意:研究人员一直在应用人工智能来监测生物多样性,并加大努力来保护一些物种免受威胁。protect sb. from doing“保护某人免受……”为固定短语,动词threaten与它的逻辑主语some species构成被动关系,故空处应用threaten的动名词的被动式作宾语。故填being threatened。
考查非谓语动词。句意:与传统方法不同,人工智能具有有效分析大量数据的能力。分析句子可知,空处应用不定式作后置定语修饰名词capacity。故填to analyze。
考查介词。句意:物种正在以比数百万年前快得多速度消失,多达100万种物种处于灭绝的边缘。at a rate“以……的速度”为固定搭配。故填at。
考查连词。句意:“人工智能并不完美,但可以促进重要的发现。”Nicolas Miailhe说,她是巴黎未来社会的创始人, 这是一个旨在更好地管理人工智能的国际非营利组织。分析句子可知,上文提到“人工智能并不完美”,下文提到“可以促进重要的发现”,上下文之间是转折关系,需用连词but连接。故填but。
考查动词时态语态。句意:尽管有文献记载人类活动导致了生物多样性的丧失,但对于哪些环境因素的影响最大却知之甚少。陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语it和document为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为it,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填is documented。
考查冠词。句意:“长期统计数据将在将生物多样性变化与环境变化联系起来方面发挥至关重要的作用。”在英国伯明翰大学研究进化生物系统的路易莎·奥尔西尼说。play a role in“在……起作用”为固定短语,essential发音以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an。故填an。
考查名词。句意同上。句子描述现在的一般情况,应用一般现在时。此处who引导修饰Luisa Orsini的非限制性定语从句,从句中谓语的单复数与先行词Luisa Orsini保持一致,故用一般现在时第三人称单数形式。故填studies。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校最近组织高二学生去附近的河岸清理垃圾。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动介绍;
2. 活动意义。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
A Successful Cleanup Activity
【答案】One possible version:
A Successful Cleanup Activity
Last weekend, a volunteer activity, aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was organized for senior 2 students of our school.
Early in the morning, we, accompanied by our teachers, arrived at the river with garbage bags in hand. For several hours, we worked in groups, collecting bottles, cans, plastic bags and other garbage along the riverbanks. With our hard work, the river soon returned to its former cleanliness.
By participating in this activity, not only did we contribute to the beautification of the local community, we also gained valuable team-working skills and developed a sense of responsibility towards our environment. (101 words)
垃圾:garbage → rubbish/trash
参与:participate in→take part in
获得:gain→ obtain
原句:Last weekend, a volunteer activity, aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was organized for senior 2 students of our school.
拓展句:Last weekend, a volunteer activity, which was aimed at cleaning up the river nearby, was organized for senior 2 students of our school.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Early in the morning, we, accompanied by our teachers, arrived at the river with garbage bags in hand. (运用了过去分词作状语)
【高分句型2】By participating in this activity, not only did we contribute to the beautification of the local community, we also gained valuable team-working skills and developed a sense of responsibility towards our environment.(运用了倒装结构以及介词短语作状语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
A boy called Jamy always arrived home hungry every day and his parents couldn’t figure out why, despite making meals for him. When Jamy wouldn’t share what was going on, his parents decided to visit he school principal and his teacher Callum, hoping they could offer some insight.
After talking with Jamy’s classmates, the principal and his parents heard a story they weren’t expecting. Although Jamy never talked about it, his classmates told them that he always came to school without food. The principal and his parents were shocked. No wonder Jamy was always so hungry after school! Was there something happening on the way to school that Jamy didn’t tell them
To make the situation clear, the principal asked Jamy’s teacher, Callum to talk to Jamy in private. During the conversation with the teacher, Jamy refused to say any further details about the situation, leaving everyone frustrated and helpless. And despite multiple questioning, Jamy still refused to say any knowledge of the situation. This left the principal and the teacher so confused that they were at a loss what to do.
Jamy’s parents were becoming increasingly concerned as their child continued to come home from school without saying a word about it. They hadn’t gotten any closer to uncovering the truth about why Jamy was always so hungry. The lack of communication from their child only added to their frustration and helplessness. They knew they needed to take action to get to the bottom of the problem, but they had no idea where to start, which puzzled Jamy’s parents.
One day, by accident, Jamy’s father found a thank-you note from his study.
Jamy’s parents were touched by Jamy’s act of kindness.
【答案】One day, by accident, Jamy’s father found a thank-you note from his study. The information was as follows: A boy thanked Jamy for helping him with the lunch issue. In fact, the boy came from a poor family and wasn’t able to afford a meal. Afterwards, Jamy decided that he would give his own lunch to the boy and told the boy not to tell anyone. The boy was so grateful to Jamy for giving him a chance to have lunch. A secret act of kindness resolved the mystery of the missing lunches.
Jamy’s parents were touched by Jamy’s act of kindness. They thought that it was a great example of how people should look after one another, especially those in need. As a gesture of gratitude, Jamy’s father decided to give Jamy two lunch boxes so that the boy would never have to worry about being hungry again. Jamy was celebrated as a hero that day and was proud to have done something so selfless. His father went to Jamy, hugged him and said that it was a noble thing to do. Jamy felt proud of himself. All his family members also praised him for his being so kind, brave and generous.
①. 给予:give/provide
②. 照顾:look after/take care of
①. 感谢:be grateful/show his gratitude
②. 为……感到骄傲:feel proud of/take pride in
[高分句型1]. The boy was so grateful to Jamy for giving him a chance to have lunch.(由非谓语动词动名词作介词宾语)
[高分句型2]. As a gesture of gratitude, Jamy’s father decided to give Jamy two lunch boxes so that the boy would never have to worry about being hungry again. (运用了so that引导的目的状语从句)
1-5:BACBC 6-10:ACABC 11-15:BACAC 16-20:BCABB



上一篇:Unit 1 Know yourself 基础知识过关小页(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册
