Unit 1 Know yourself 基础知识过关小页(含答案)牛津译林版英语九年级上册

1. ________adj. 天生的 2. ________n. 赞扬, 表扬
3. ________adj. 总的;普遍的;首席的
4. ________n. 竞赛;赛跑
5. ________n. 领先地位; 榜样 6. ________adj. 高速的
7. ________vt. 连接 8. ________n. 错误, 过失
9. ________n. 注意, 专心 10. ________n. 标准
11. ________n. 先锋, 开拓者 12. ____________n. 粗心
13. ____________n. 搭档, 合作伙伴
1. art—____________(职业)
2. devote—____________(过去式)—____________(过去分词)
1. ________________一个天生的艺术家 
2. ________________用……给某人留下印象
3. ________________处于领先地位
4. ________________放弃某事/放弃做某事
5. ________________日复一日 6. ________________落后
7. ________________使某人不高兴
8. ________________和……几乎一样, 简直是
9. ________________注意 10. ________________接受新的挑战
11. ________________向着高标准工作
12. ________________致力于某事/做某事
13. ________________尊敬某人
1. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have __________________ the art community.
2. You either __________________ or __________________.
3. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high speed railway ____________ Sunshine Town ________ Tianjin. 刘浩是连接阳光镇到天津这段高速公路的首席工程师。
4. To us, ____________________.
5. We can't ____________________ any mistakes.
6. All of us know that it's necessary to ____________________ every detail.
7. He always ____________________,but he's modest and easy to work with.
8. ____________ will be a disaster ____________ to ourselves ____________ to patients.
9. She has ____________ most of her time ____________ her work.
1. ____________________接受某人的建议  
2. ____________________既不……也不……
3. ____________________或者……或者……
4. ____________________不但……而且……
5. ____________________担心太多
6. ____________________依靠, 依赖
7. ____________________洗碗
1. Kitty is kind but sometimes she is ____________. 基蒂很善良,但有时她没有耐心。
2. Billy would not accept others' advice or ____________________.
3. Both Kitty and I have __________________ the four people.
4. ____________ the students ____________ their teacher knows about the four people.
5. __________________ David is ready to take on new challenges.
西蒙或者戴维准备接受新的挑战。Integrated skills & Study skills
核心单词1. calendar 2. appear 3. fixed 4. powerful 
5. lively 6. divide 7. shape
单词变形1. personality 2. powerful
核心短语1. every twelve years 2. in all
3. born in the Year of the Rabbit 4. in some ways 
5. read for fun 6. believe in 
7. liveliness and impatience 8. star sign
重点句型1. Chinese lunar calendar; animal signs
2. in a fixed order 3. decide your personality
4. is divided into 5. It is you who 
6. influences your personality 7. Like father; like sonIntegrated skills & Study skills
1. ________________n. 日历;挂历    2. ________________vi. 出现
3. ________________adj. 固定的
4. ________________adj. 有力的;强大的
5. ________________adj. 活泼的;生气勃勃的
6. ________________vt. & vi. 分开, 分
7. ________________vt. 使成形, 塑造
1. personal—________________(名词)
2. power—________________(形容词)
1. __________________每12年 2. __________________ 总共, 总计
3. __________________________兔年出生
4. __________________ 在某些方面
5. ____________为了消遣而阅读 6. __________________ 相信, 信仰
7. __________________活泼和急躁 8. __________________星座
1. In the ________________, there are 12 ____________.
在中国的阴历中, 有十二个生肖。
2. They appear ____________ and the cycle repeats every 12 years.
它们按照固定的顺序出现, 每十二年循环一次。
3. Some people believe that your star sign may ____________________.
4. In Western countries, a year ____________ a cycle of 12 star signs.
在西方国家, 一年被分成了一个十二星座的循环。
5. ____________ shape your life and your future.
6. That is how your experience ____________________.
7. ____________________, __________________. 有其父必有其子。Task & Self assessment
1. ____________n. 演说, 讲话, 发言;台词    
2. ____________adj. 缺席的
1. help—____________(形容词)
2. suit—____________(形容词)
1. __________________________在许多人面前演讲
2. __________________________让某人自己更有条理
3. __________________________ 推荐某人作为我们的班长
4. __________________________有许多突出的品质适合这个职位
5. __________________________同意某人(的看法)
1. He ________________________ a speech in front of many people.
2. ________________________ good ideas. 他总是提出好主意。
3. He has __________________________. 他在好几次竞赛中获奖了。
4. He will help us with our lessons if we ____________.
如果我们上课缺席, 他会帮助我们学习功课。Task & Self assessment
核心单词1. speech 2. absent
单词变形1. helpful 2. suitable
核心短语1. make a speech in front of many people 
2. get oneself more organized
3. recommend sb.as our monitor 
4. have many strong qualities for this position 
5. agree with sb.
重点句型1. is not afraid of making
2. He always comes up with 3. won several competitions
4. are absent from schoolGrammar
核心短语1. accept sb.'s advice 2. neither…nor…
3. either…or… 4. not only…but also… 
5. worry too much 6. depend on 7. do the dishes
重点句型1. impatient 2. think twice
3. known something about 4. Not only; but also
5. Either Simon or 9A Unit 1 Know yourself
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
核心单词1. order 2. grammar  3. neither 4. nor
单词变形1. ate; eaten  2. organization; organize 
3. energy
核心短语1. make sb.do sth. 2. feel good; feel well 
3. well organized 4. people with different personalities 
5. patient enough 6. be curious about sth.
7. get angry easily 8. come up with=think of
9. make a good accountant=be a good accountant
10. work without speaking all day long
重点句型1. eaten up 2. keeps; in good order
3. shows off  4. comes up with 9A Unit 1 Know yourself
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
1. ________n. 顺序      
2. ________n. 语法
3. ________conj. (否定句中)两者之一不
4. ________conj. 也不
1. eat—________(过去式)—________(过去分词)
2. organized—________(名词)—________(动词)
3. energetic—________(名词)
1. ______________使某人做某事  
2. ______________感觉好;________________身体好
3. ______________很有条理 4. ______________有不同品性的人
5. ______________足够耐心 6. ______________对某事/某物充满好奇
7. ______________容易生气 8. ______________想出……
9. ______________________________成为一个好的会计
10. ______________________________一整天不说话地工作
1. You've ____________my breakfast!你把我的早饭吃光了!
2. She ____________ all her things __________________. 她所有的东西都井然有序。
3. Daniel is very clever, but he is modest and never ____________.
丹尼尔非常聪明, 但是他很谦虚, 从不炫耀。
4. He often ____________________ new ideas. 他经常提出新想法。Reading
核心单词1. born 2. praise 3. general 4. race 
5. lead 6. high speed 7. connect  8. miss 9. attention
10. standard 11. pioneer 12. carelessness 13. partner
单词变形1. artist 2. devoted; devoted
核心短语1. a born artist 2. impress sb.with… 
3. take the lead 4. give up sth./give up doing sth.
5. day after day 6. fall behind 
7. make sb.unhappy 8. as good as 
9. pay attention to 10. take on new challenges
11. work to high standards 12. devote…to sth./doing sth.
13. respect sb.
重点句型1. won high praise from
2. take the lead; fall behind 3. connecting; to
4. a miss is as good as a mile 5. afford to make
6. pay attention to 7. works to high standards 
8. Carelessness; not only; but also 9. devoted; to




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