
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
1.—Can we wear jeans at the party —________.
A. Yes, you do B. No, you don t C. No, you can t D. Yes, you can t
2.Why ________ go to the zoo
A. don't B. not C. are you D. you don't
3.The cat is one of my ________.
A. lives B. life C. pets D. pet
4.—Don t forget _________ your homework after school.—Sure, I always remember _________ that.
A. do; do B. to do; to do C. doing; doing D. to do; doing
5.________ (K) koalas are very friendly, ________ he wants to see them first.
A. Because; so B. So; because C. /; because D. /; so
6.—Are they in the ______ —Yes. They are eating lunch there.
A. library B. music room C. dining hall D. club
7.—What's the English for 8:10
—It's ______.
A. eight past ten B. ten eight C. ten to eight D. eight ten
8.______ takes Helen two hours ______ her homework every evening.
A. It; doing B. It; to do C. That; doing D. That; to do
9.I m and I have a sister.
A. 15 years old; 16-year-old B. 15-year-old; 16 years old
C. 15 years old; 16-years-old D. 15 year old; 16-year-old
10.— ,Dale
—Because I think they are too lazy.
A. Why do you like koalas B. Why don t you like koalas
C. What do you like koalas D. Why not you like koalas
11.__________ to our zoo. There are many different kinds of animals in it.
A. Reach B. Help C. Welcome D. Arrive
12.Sam with his friends every weekend.
A. skates B. is skating C. skate D. will skate
13.I usually go to bed at 10:00 ________ night.
A. in B. on C. about D. at
14.It s ________ for students to listen to their teachers carefully(仔细地)in the class.
A. important B. quiet C. sorry D. afraid
15.Do you like to sing Come and join ________.
A. we B. us C. our D. I
Dear Liu Ying,
Thank you for your last e-mail. I like it very much.
Thank you for telling me about your school life. In this (16) I'll tell you about my life.
My day starts at 6:30 a.m. on school days. I get up and (17) a shower before breakfast. I usually eat a (18) breakfast. I have a lot in the morning-three pieces of bread, some fruit and a glass of milk. At half (19) seven I take a bus and get to school at 8:00 a.m. I study five days a (20) , from Monday to Friday. I have seven classes a day, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. I study science, biology, math, Chinese, English, music, P. E., art (21) American history. I like Chinese and music (22) , but I can only speak a little (23) . My Chinese teacher always helps me with my Chinese. I like all my teachers. They are great. I eat lunch at 12 o'clock in our school. My classes (24) at 4:20 p.m. Then I do my homework. I want to (25) a music club. I can sing and play the drums well. I think they're really interesting
16.A. book B. e-mail C. lesson D. subject
17.A. make B. taste C. clean D. take
18.A. good B. late C. busy D. funny
19.A. past B. to C. from D. in
20.A. month B. week C. year D. minute
21.A. So B. but C. or D. and
22.A. also B. best C. too D. either
23.A. art B. science C. Chinese D. music
24.A. teach B. work C. finish D. run
25.A. draw B. play C. join D. exercise
People in Los Angeles are known for their love for cars. The city is very big, and its public transportation (公共交通) is slow. So people drive everywhere. But now, a group of bicyclists (骑自行车的人) are trying to get people out of their cars but on bikes.
Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streets. "A lot of people drive very fast, and it's very difficult to be careful." Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous he likes to ride his bike to work. "It's much easier than driving a car. For example, I don't have to worry about parking."
Roger Ross drives to work. "You always have to make sure you look to the other side because someone would rush (冲) across by bike. Or you can easily get into an accident."
To make bicycling safer, some people who live and work near each other are riding to work together, which they call a "bike train". Nona Varnado helped create (创设) the group— L. A.Bike Trains. "You're in a big group. If you're afraid of riding alone, you can now ride with other riders." Nona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group.
26.Most people in Los Angeles use in their lives.
A. cars B. buses C. trains D. bicycles
27.Devon Fitzgerald thinks it is to ride his bike in the streets.
A. safe B. dangerous C. boring D. exciting
28.Why does Roger Ross think it is easy to get into an accident when she drives to work
A. Because she drives fast.
B. Because she doesn't look carefully to the other side of the road.
C. Because someone would ride a bike and rush across the street suddenly.
D. Because too many people drive cars in Los Angeles.
29.Who helped create L. A.Bike Trains
A. Devon Fitzgerald. B. Nona Varnado.
C. Roger Ross. D. We don't know.
30.From the passage, we know that .
A. riding in a "bike train" can help people feel safer
B. Devon Fitzgerald is one bicyclist of the group—Bike Trains
C. Roger Ross likes riding her bikes to work
D. Devon Fitzgerald thinks riding a bike is more difficult
V.Read the passage and choose the best answers.
The kiwi is a kind of bird. They live only in New Zealand.
They re very famous, just like the koalas in Australia. They look a little like chickens, but they have no wings (翅膀) or tails (尾巴). They can't fly. If you want to see the kiwi, go to the Kiwi House and Native Bird Park.
The Kiwi House and Native Bird Park in Otorohanga, New Zealand
Opening hours
The park is open every day of the year except (除了) Christmas.
From 9:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.(June, July & August: 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.)
The price of ticket (票)
Adults(成人): $15.00 School groups: $3.50 each child
Children(5-16 years old): $4.00 Children(under 5): Free
How to find the Kiwi House
To see a map of Otorohanga. Or you can call us at 873-7391.
31.How many hours can people stay at the Kiwi House in August
A. 7 hours. B. 7.5 hours. C. 8 hours.
32.Tommy is 10 years old. When he and his parents visit the Kiwi House, they must pay ________ dollars.
A. 19 B. 30 C. 34
33.How can people find the Kiwi House according to the passage
A. By sending an e-mail or calling them at 873-7391.
B. By seeing a map of Otorohanga or asking the policemen there.
C. By seeing a map of Otorohanga or calling them at 873-7391.
34.Which of the following is TRUE about the kiwi
A. The kiwi is a kind of chicken.
B. People in New Zealand like the kiwi very much.
C. The kiwi lives in Australia and New Zealand.
35. On school days, Chen Ling gets up at 6:20 a.m. She has breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and then goes to school. Her school is about ten kilometers away. It s a little far. First she walks to the subway station. It takes her five minutes. Then she takes the subway to school. That usually takes her twenty-five minutes. Classes finish at 4:30 in the afternoon. Chen Ling doesn t take the subway home. She takes the bus.
Mike works in the city, but lives in the village. Every day he gets up very early and eats breakfast. Then he walks to the nearest(最近的)bus stop. Mike takes one of the buses to go to the riverside. It takes him about an hour to get there, and then he has to cross the river. There is no bridge over it, so he takes a boat. Then he walks to his office(办公室).
Tony lives about five miles away from his school. He usually goes to school by subway. He gets up at 6:50 every morning. It takes him about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then he leaves for school before 7:30 a.m. First he walks to the subway station. It takes about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes him about 15 minutes. He always arrives at school at about 8:00 a.m.
Name Time to (1) Ways to go to school/go home/ (2)
Chen Ling 6:20 a.m. by subway→by (3)
Mike very early by bus →by (4) → on foot
Tony (5) by subway
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
a symbol of; cut down; get lost; made of; in danger
(1) We shouldn't buy things ivory.
(2) As we know, the color of green is life.
(3) Some animals are . We should protect them.
(4) Take a map with you, or you'll in the forest.
(5) People are trees and elephants are losing homes.
37.(1) The road is b________ the two villages.
(2) His d________ is to be a runner like Su Bingtian.
(3) There’s no b________ over the river, so they have to go there by boat.
(4) I don’t like the TV show because it’s b________.
(5) Our teacher is l________ a mother to us.
(6) Look, there are some boats in the r________.
(7) Tony likes reading and he has m________ books.
(8) I’m a________ Ms. Li is not at home now.
(9) It’s 6:30. I have to go home. I must l________ now.
(10) I hope my dream can come t________ one day.
(1) today
(2) — is your holiday
(3) day. Let’s at home.
(4) my now.
(5) It’s and at night.
(1)参观了张大千(Zhang Daqian)博物馆,看到了很多名画。
Dear Mike,
How s it going ____________________________________________________________
Best wishes!
Li Hua
【解析】句意:干嘛不一起去动物园呢?Why not+动词原形... /Why don't you+动词原形... “为什么不……?”故选B。
【解析】句意:这只猫是我的宠物之一。life生活,lives生活(复数),pet宠物,pets宠物(复数)。 one of+可数名词复数形式“……中之一”,故选C。
【解析】forget/remember to do sth. 记得/忘记做某事(未做);forget/remember doing sth.记得/忘记做某事(已做)。结合句意,选B。
【解析】句意:——他们在餐厅吗?——对。他们正在那里吃午饭。A.library图书馆;B.music room音乐教室;C.dining hall食堂;D.club俱乐部。根据They are eating lunch there. 可知答案,故选C。
【解析】句意:——8:10的英语是什么?——八点十分。英语中时间有两种表达方法:一、直接表达法。先说小时再说分钟,8:10,即eight ten;二、间接表达法。分钟+介词+小时,当分钟小于或等于30时,用介词past,8:10,即ten past eight;如果分钟是30,用half past+小时;当分钟大于30时,用介词to,分钟用60减去原来的分钟数,小时在原来的基础上加1,如:10:35,即twenty-five to eleven。结合选项,故选D。
【解析】句意:海伦每晚要花两个小时做家庭作业。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定句型:it take sb. some time to do sth做某事花费某人多少时间。此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to do,故选B。
【解析】句意:我是15岁,我有一个16岁的姐姐。15 years old15岁;15-year-old是复合形容词,只能作定语,表示“15岁的”;15 year old表达错误,year应该用复数。根据I m______ ,可知第一空应填15 years old;分析句子,可知第二空应填复合形容词,作定语,修饰sister。复合形容词:基数词-可数名词单数或基数词-可数名词单数-形容词。故选A。
【解析】句意:——你为什么不喜欢考拉,Dale?——因为我认为它们太懒了。A.Why do you like koalas你为什么喜欢考拉?B.Why don t you like koalas你为什么不喜欢考拉;C.What do you like koalas表达不正确;D.Why not you like koalas表达不正确。根据Because I think they are too lazy,可知此处问的是你为什么不喜欢考拉。故选B。
【解析】句意:欢迎来到我们的动物园。这里有很多不同种类的动物。A.Reach到达;B.Help帮助;C.Welcome欢迎;D.Arrive到达;welcome to... 欢迎来到...;固定搭配,结合句意,故选C。
【解析】根据every weekend可知,该句的时态是一般现在时,主语是Sam,对应的词是skates,故答案为A。
【解析】at night意为“在晚上”,是固定短语。
句意:我通常在晚上十点上床睡觉。A.in在某年、月、季节等时间段内,表示在晚上时可以用in the night,在晚上,在夜间,不适合本题;B.on在某一天,或在某一天的上午、下午、晚上等;C.about,大约,关于;D.at在某时刻,也常用于at night在晚上,at noon在中午等固定搭配中。故选D。
1. 句意:在电子邮件中向别人介绍自己的学校生活。book书;email电子邮件;lesson课;subject学科。根据上文中的“Thank you for your last e-mail.”可知,作者是在电子邮件中向别人介绍自己的学校生活。e-mail意为“电子邮件”,故选B。
2. 句意:早饭前我起床洗个澡。make制作;taste品尝;clean打扫;take带走。take a shower为固定搭配,意为“洗淋浴”。故选D。
3. 句意:我早饭通常吃得很好。good好的;late迟的;busy繁忙的;funny有趣的。根据后一句I have a lot in the morning-three pieces of bread, some fruit and a glass of milk.(我早上吃很多东西——三片面包,一些水果和一杯牛奶。)及所给选项可知,此处表示“我早饭通常吃得很好”。good意为“好的”,作形容词,修饰名词breakfast。故选A。
4. 句意:七点半我乘公共汽车,在早上八点到达学校。past过了;to差;from从;in在……里。表示几点半常用介词past。故选A。
5. 句意:我一周学习五天,从周一到周五。month月;week周;year年;minute分钟。根据空后的from Monday to Friday可知此处应选week,意为“周”。故选B。
6. 句意:我学习科学、生物、数学、语文、英语、音乐、体育、艺术和美国历史。 so表示因果,因此;but表示转折,但是;or表示选择,或者;and表示并列,意为“和”。空格前后为学科,并列关系应使用and。故选D。
7. 句意:我最喜欢中文和音乐,但我只会说一点中文。also也;best最好;too台,也;either也不。根据语境,此处表示“我最喜欢汉语和音乐”,应用best。故选B。
8. 句意:我最喜欢中文和音乐,但我只会说一点中文。art美术;science科学;Chinese汉语;music音乐。根据上文I like Chinese and music (7) ,(我最喜欢中文和音乐),speak意为“说”,后跟某种语言;Chinese意为“汉语”,符合语境。故选C。
9. 句意:我的课在下午4:20结束。teach教;work工作;finish完成,结束;run跑。由后一句“Then I do my homework.”可知,下午4:20学校的课程结束。故选C。
10. 句意:我想加入一个音乐俱乐部。draw画;play玩;join加入;exercise锻炼。根据空格后a music club可知,应是“加入音乐俱乐部”。故选C。
1. 根据“People in Los Angeles are known for their love for cars.”可知大多数洛杉矶人在生活中使用汽车。故选A。
2. 根据“Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streets.”以及“Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous he likes to ride his bike to work.”可知Devon Fitzgerald认为在街上骑自行车很危险。故选B。
3. 根据“You always have to make sure you look to the other side because someone would rush (冲) across by bike. Or you can easily get into an accident.”(你总是要确保你看向另一边,因为有人会骑自行车冲过去。或者你很容易出事故)可知Roger Ross认为开车上班时很容易出事故,是因为有人会骑着自行车突然冲过马路。故选C。
4. 根据最后一段“Nona Varnado helped create (创设) the group— L. A. Bike Trains”可知Nona Varnado帮助创建了L. A. Bike Trains。故选B。
5. 根据“Nona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group.”可知人们在一个团体中一起骑行会感觉更安全。故选A。
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
get up
work/go to work
6:50 a.m.
【解析】1. 由第一段的首句“On school days, Chen Ling gets up at 6:20 a.m.”和表格第二行第二列的6:20 a.m. 可知表格第二列的信息是起床的时间。故填get up。
2. 由第二段的最后一句“Then he walks to his office.”可知表格第三列的信息除了去上学、回家的方式外,还有去上班的方式。
3. 由第一段的最后两句可知陈玲(音译)放学后不是乘坐地铁回家,而是乘坐公共汽车。故填bus。
4. 由第二段的倒数第二句“There is no bridge over it, so he takes a boat.”可知,除了坐公共汽车和步行外,迈克还得乘小船才能到达办公室。故填boat。
5. 由第三段中的“He gets up at 6:50 every morning.”可知,托尼每天早上的起床时间是6:50。
made of
a symbol of
in danger
get lost
cutting down
【解析】1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
37.【答案】【小题1】 between
【小题2】 dream
【小题3】 bridge
【小题4】 boring
【小题7】 many
【小题8】 afraid
【小题10】 true
【解析】1.句意:马路在两个村庄之间。between在两者之间,介词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 between。
2.句意:他的梦想是成为像苏炳添那样的的跑步运动员。dream梦想,可数名词。由is可知,主语要用单数名词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 dream。
3.句意:河上没有桥,所以他们不得不乘船去那里。bridge桥,可数名词。由is可知,主语要用单数名词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 bridge。
5.句意:我们的老师对我们就像妈妈一样。like像,介词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 like。
6.句意:看!河里有一些船。river河,可数名词,特指某一条河要用单数名词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 river。
7.句意:托尼喜欢阅读,他有许多书。many许多的,形容词,修饰可数名词。根据句意及首字母提示,故填 many。
10.句意:我希望我的梦想有一天能实现。true真实的,形容词。come true实现。根据句意及首字母提示,故填true。
【小题1】A, 将What's改为How's/C, 在weather后加like 【小题2】A, 将What改为How 【小题3】B, 在rainy前面加上a 【小题4】B, 将do改为doing 【小题5】B, 将in day改为in the day
【解析】1.询问天气的句型是What's the weather /How is the weather A项错误, 将What's改为How's;或C项错误,在weather后加like。故将A.What's改为How's;/将C.weather后加like。
5.句意:白天下雨,晚上多云。在白天in the day,为固定短语,故将B.in day改为in the day。
39.【答案】Dear Mike,
How s it going Last weekend, I was invited to take a trip to Neijiang. ① First, we paid a visit to Zhang Daqian Museum, where we saw many famous paintings. Most of them were really amazing. After that, we went to a nearby village. There were fishes in the pond and fruits were everywhere on the trees. So we went fishing, and at the same time we tasted the fresh fruits picked from the trees. How happy we were! In the evening, we tried some special local food for dinner. ② The food was so delicious that I really enjoyed myself.
The trip was unforgettable and Neijiang is a place worth visiting.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
①go fishing钓鱼;
②at the same time同时;
③enjoyed oneself过得很愉快
①First, we paid a visit to Zhang Daqian Museum, where we saw many famous paintings. (where引导的非限制性定语从句)
②The food was so delicious that I really enjoyed myself.(so...that引导的结果状语从句)



