Unit 7 It's raining! Section A(1a-2d)同步练习(含答案)人教新目标(Go for it)版

Unit 7 It's raining!
第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)
1. Don't go out, Tom. It's r outside.
2. What a (sun)day! Let's go to the park.
3. Look! It (snow)outside. How cold itis!
4. I have many (problem). Can I ask you for help
5. He is a good teacher and we all love (he).
6.It's (cloud)today, so we can't see the beautiful moon tonight.
7. Sounds Jim is a good boy.
8. What bad w .It's windy and snowy outside.
( )9.- is the weather in Xiangyang now
-It's rainy.
A. What B. How C. Where D. Why
( )10.-Hello, Li Lei speaking.
-Hi, Li Lei. Meimei. How is it going
A.I'm B. It's C. She's D. He's
( )11.-Is Jane at home
-No, she isn't. Can I take a for her
A.photo B. phone C. notice D. message
( )12.-It's really today, isn't it
-That's right. Why don't we fly a kite(放风筝)then
A.windy B. snowy C.rainy D. foggy
( )13.—Will you nice chicken for me
-Just wait and see.
A.make B. brush C. cook D. do
( )14.-How is it going - .
A. Not bad B. I'm sorry C. She is fine D. It doesn't matter
( )15.-Can you teach me how to make a video(视频) this afternoon
- .I will be free then.
A. Never mind B. It's hard to say
C. No problem D. It doesn't matter
Thanks for me.
They're in the park now.
Tom .
Mike, could you please remember
after work
Steve with his friends .
1.raining 2.sunny 3. is snowing 4.problems 5.him 6.cloudy 7.like
8.weather 9-15.BBDACAC 16. taking a message for 17. having a good time 18. is cooking in the kitchen 19. to call me back 20. is playing basketball; at/in the park




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