2024年中考英语(书面表达)题型突破 (吉林专用)(含解析)

1.(2024·吉林松原·三模)生活中,总有很多重要的人或者事情,帮助我们成长。比如:一本书、一句话、一次经历等等。请你以“________help/helps me grow up”为题,结合图示和要求,用英语写一篇短文。
要求:1. 短文需包含如图所示的所有要点;
2. 词数90~100;
3. 短文中不得泄露个人信息。
________ help/helps me grow up
Failure helps me grow up
It’s known that failure is the mother of success. If we can learn to turn a failure into our advantage, we will learn another secret to success. What failure to us is what sunshine to the trees, without which we cannot arrive at the place where we hope to go. As long as we face it bravely, we will succeed one day.
There was once a time when I had difficulty in maths. However hard I tried, my maths grade was still bad. Later, I failed to pass an important examination. Before I decided to give up, it was my maths teacher who gave me a hand and told me that failure could also teach us a lesson. What she told me encouraged me to face my maths problem bravely. Knowing the importance of failure, I was not afraid of maths any longer. Finally, my maths
grades improved.
Taking my experience into conclusion, everyone can conquer the unavoidable failure in our life so long as we have faith in ourselves. Treasure the failure, and you will win the treasure.
①as long as只要
②fail to do sth.没做成某事
③give up放弃
①If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage, we will learn another secret to success. (if引导的条件状语从句)
②As long as we face it bravely, we will succeed one day. (as long as引导的条件状语从句)
2.(2024·吉林松原·三模)九年磨一剑,中考试锋芒!忙碌又充实的初中学习生活即将结束,在装载你收获的行囊——成长记录袋中还应该增添一份你自己满意的答卷。请以“My Middle School Life”为题,写一份90-100词的自我评价。
My Middle School Life
My Middle School Life
How time flies! My colorful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think about myself.
In the past, I was proud of myself because I got on well with my classmates and my grades were good. I was busy learning my subjects and worked hard at them. Now, I have many interests, such as reading books, playing sports and so on. In this way, I’ve got more knowledge and improved my life.
As for the future, I’ve two dreams. One is to be a teacher, and the other is to be a volunteer. Helping others is my greatest happiness. Although I have made much progress, I’ll try my best to be better. Believing in myself is the key to success.
①be proud of 为……感到骄傲
②get on well with 和……相处得很好
③be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
①In the past, I was proud of myself because I got on well with my classmates and my grades were good.(使用because引导的原因状语从句)
②Helping others is my greatest happiness.(使用非谓语动词)
内容提示:1.开放时间:周一至周五8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.;
Hi, Lisa!
There are many books in our library. It opens from Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. You can read there, but you must follow the library rules.
First, you must be quiet. Don’t be noisy. Second, you can’t eat in the library and keep the library clean. Third, you have to take good care of all the books. Don’t write or draw in the books. It isn’t allowed to take the books from the reading room.
All the rules are important and I’m sure you will have a good time there.
Li Hua
①take good care of好好照顾
②be allowed to do sth被允许做某事
③have a good time玩得愉快
①There are many books in our library.(there be句型)
②Don’t be noisy.(否定祈使句)
“Filial piety and respect” is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. I have seen many touching stories in my life. Let me share one with you.
One rainy day, a young mother was driving her daughter on a battery car. The little girl held the umbrella all over her mother’s head, while her own back was all wet. She held that pose the whole way.
I was deeply moved by this little girl’s kindness. I think it’s an expression of a little girl’s love for her mother. What filial piety and respect means is not only an act, but also a reflect of our love for elders.
②时态:时态为 “一般过去时”;
①traditional virtue传统美德
②share sth with sb与某人分享某事
①The little girl held the umbrella all over her mother’s head, while her own back was all wet. (while用于并列连词)
②What filial piety and respect means is not only an act, but also a reflection of our love for elders.(What引导的主语从句)
1. 大赛时间:下周五;
2. 大赛地点:校图书馆;
3. 大赛要求:请准时到达;
4. 大赛奖品:获胜者将得到《中国好故事》(Tales of China) 图书一本。
To spread Chinese culture, our English club is going to have an English speech competition in the school library next Friday. The competition is about Chinese traditional story. You’re supposed to arrive on time. The winner will get a book called Tales of China as the prize. You’re welcome to take part in the competition.
①be supposed to应该
②on time准时
③take part in参加
To spread Chinese culture, our English club is going to have an English speech competition the school library next Friday. (动词不定式作目的状语)
1. 语言流畅,层次清晰,内容可以适当发挥;
2. 书写规范,卷面整洁;
3. 词数不少于80词;
4. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名。
参考词汇: struggle v./n. 奋斗; virtue n. 美德
As the saying goes, “Struggle is also a virtue, and no one can succeed easily.” For myself, I can’t agree more. It tells us we can only succeed through hard work and struggle.
Last year, I was chosen to participate in the sports meeting. Because I was not good at sports, I felt anxious. I didn’t want to let others down. Through struggling with exercise, I got the third place in the race walking. When I heard my name was called out, I realized that only through hard work and struggle could we succeed.
All in all, no pains, no gains. Struggle leads to success. And please remember, the genius work harder than you do.
①participate in the sports meeting参加运动会
②let sb. down使某人失望
①For myself, I can’t agree more. (比较级的否定意义表示最高级)
②When I heard my name was called out, I realized that only through hard work and struggle could we succeed. (when引导的时间状语从句,that引导的时间状语从句,部分倒装)
7.(2023·山东枣庄·中考真题)为了响应国家全民阅读的号召,你校将举办读书节。假如你是李华,请你以“My favourite book”为主题,写一篇英语发言稿,在读书分享会中介绍自己最喜欢的一本书,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Li Hua. I’m very glad to share my favourite book with you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all. Thank you for your attention.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Li Hua. I’m very glad to share my favourite book with you.
My favorite book is Journey to the West. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China. It was written by Wu Cheng’en, a great writer in ancient China. The story tells us about four main characters. They are Tang Monk, the Monkey King , Piggie and Monk Sha. They get over many difficulties on the way to the West. Finally, they make it. The Monkey King is my favorite character. He is so smart and brave that he can protect his master and brothers well. He never gives up when he faces difficulties and challenges.
The book is so interesting that I lose myself in it. It tells me that as long as I never give up, I can achieve everything.
That’s all. Thank you for your attention.
①get over difficulties克服困难
②on the way to在去往某地的路上
③give up放弃
①He is so smart and brave that he can protect his master and brothers well.(so...that引导的结果状语从句)
②He never gives up when he faces difficulties and challenges.(when引导的时间状语从句)
8.(2024·吉林松原·二模)学习和生活中所遇到的各种困难或问题会给我们带来一些不良情绪,从而导致一些不良后果。而有效控制不良情绪却往往能带给我们解决困难的力量。某青少年英文网站以“How to control our feelings”为主题开展征文活动,请你给该网站投稿。
1. 阐述你成功管理情绪的一次经历;
2. 就如何有效管理情绪给出两点建议。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数90-100词。
Feelings play an important role in our life. If we manage our feelings well, everything can go on well.
In my life, I have a lot of pressure on study. Sometimes I cry a lot. But once I took control of my bad feeling. In the final exam of junior high school, I did poorly. After I returned home, my mother severely criticized me. I felt very down. But I didn’t shout at her or cry. Instead, I chose to go running alone. Through running, I released my bad feeling and told myself to study harder to get good grades.
I think there are two ways to manage feelings. The first is to release our bad feeling through exercise. The second is to share our bad feeling with our good friends.
①take control of…取得对……的控制
②feel down情绪低落
③shout at sb.对某人大喊
④choose to do sth.选择做某事
⑤share sth. with sb.与某人分享某事
①If we manage our feelings well, everything can go on well. (if引导条件状语从句)
②I think there are two ways to manage feelings. (省略that的宾语从句)
③Through running, I released my bad feeling and told myself to study harder to get good grades. (并列复合句)
1. 适当增加细节,语句通顺,语意连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、班级及校名;
3. 80-100词 。
As we know, we have only one Earth. Everyone can make a difference to the environment. So I always go to school by bike.
Protecting the environment begins with small things. We can save electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room. We can reuse our own bags instead of buying plastic bags from supermarkets. We can choose to ride a bike, take a bus or walk to school, but not by taxi or car. It is also important for us to remind ourselves to throw the rubbish in the dustbin. All these small things could add up and become big things that could improve the environment.
If we can keep them a habit in our daily life, the earth will become a safer planet for us to live on.
① 题材:本文是一篇话题作文;
② 时态:一般现在时;
③ 提示:考生应讲述自己对环保的认识和自己的做法,以及如何环保。
① make a difference to 对……产生影响
② save electricity 节约用电
③ begins with 开始于……
④ turning off the lights 关灯
⑤ instead of 而不是
⑥ remind ourselves to... 提醒我们自己……
⑦ add up 积少成多
① Protecting the environment begins with small things.(动词ing形式作主语)
② We can save electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room.(when引导时间状语从句)
③ It is also important for us to remind ourselves to throw the rubbish in the dustbin.(it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语)
④ If we can keep them a habit in our daily life, the earth will become a safer planet for us to live on.(if引导条件状语从句)
提示: 1. 表示理解并给予安慰;
2. 提出具体的建议。
要求: 1. 词数90-100 (开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数) ;
2. 短文包含提示内容, 可适当发挥;
3. 文中不能出现真实校名和人名。
Dear Alice,
I’m sorry to hear about your worry at your new school.
Best wishes.
Li Hua
Dear Alice,
I’m sorry to hear about your worry at your new school. You say you feel lonely and worried because you are a new student. It is normal that you have these feelings in a new school. Don’t worry about it too much. I understand your feelings, so I’d like to give you some advice.
First, you should be active and communicate with your classmates. Second, why don’t you join some clubs You can make more friends in the clubs. Third, you can play sports with your classmates and teachers. You’ll get on well with them soon. Finally, if you have difficulty with your life and study, you can ask your teacher for help,
Cheer up. Believe in yourself. I think you will be better and better.
Best wishes.
Li Hua
第二步,具体阐述提出的建议,可用first, second, third, finally等来分条列举;
①worry about担心
②communicate with与……交流
③get on well with与……相处融洽
④ask sb. for help向某人寻求帮助
Finally, if you have difficulty with your life and study, you can ask your teacher for help.(if引导条件状语从句)
Here are some suggestions about protecting the environment. We’d better take cloth bags instead of plastic ones when shopping. And it will be wonderful if we use both sides of paper when we work on math problems. What’s more, we should save water by turning off the tap while washing hair, and turn off the light when we leave.
①instead of代替
②turn off the light关灯
①We’d better take cloth bags instead of plastic ones when shopping.(had better do sth.)
②What’s more, we should save water by turning off the tap while washing hair, and turn off the light when we leave.(while引导时间状语从句)
要求:1. 行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和校名;
Dear Linlin,
Li Hua
Dear Linlin,
I’d like to invite you to Changchun for a holiday this year. The winter here is cold, but also beautiful, lively. Do you like white winter Winter is cold and long, but the snow here is beautiful and charming. When I wake up in the morning, everything outside is white. At this time, I can go out with my family to have a snowball fight and make a snowman. The snow is cold, but our hearts are warm. On winter nights, my family usually sit together and eat hot pot. The delicious food drive away the cold of winter. Do you like to spend your holiday in such weather I hope I can see you in winter.
Li Hua
① 题材:本文是一篇电子邮件;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误,可适当发挥。
① invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事
② wake up醒来
③ drive away驱走
When I wake up in the morning, everything outside is white.(when引导的时间状语从句)
13.(2024·吉林长春·一模)为弘扬祖国文化,学校将举办一次中国文化节。你作为学生会主席,请根据下面的要点和要求 ,用英语写一封邀请信向你校外籍教师发出邀请。
1. 举办时间:5月28日—5月30日;
2. 举办地点:学校礼堂;
3. 活动内容丰富;期待参加。
Dear teachers,
China is a great country with rich history and culture. To help you know more about our country, we will have a Chinese Culture Festival in the school hall from May 28th to May 30th. We have prepared different kinds of activities, from which you can learn to make kites, watch Peking Opera and experience the happiness of paper cutting.
We are looking forward to your coming.
Li Hua
①different kinds of各种各样的
②learn to do sth.学习做某事
③look forward to期待
①To help you know more about our country, we will have a Chinese Culture Festival in the school hall from May 28th to May 30th. (动词不定式作目的状语)
②We have prepared different kinds of activities, from which you can learn to make kites, watch Peking Opera and experience the happiness of paper cutting. (which引导的定语从句)
14.(2024·吉林长春·一模)在我们的成长与生活中总是面对着各种各样的困难、压力与担忧,我们的情绪也难免会受影响,而有效的情绪管理可以帮助人更好地应对压力和挑战。请结合自身经历,谈一谈你是如何做好情绪管理的(control one’s temper),并谈一谈你的感受。不少于80词。
1. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。
In my opinion, it is common to see that teenagers’ moods are changeable. Maybe it is because we are in a special time. However, it is important for us to control our temper.
I still remember the day when I had an English class. Seeing me talking with others, my teacher reminded me in front of the class. With a red face, I thought I lost face and became angry at that time. But I tried my best to control myself and took a deep breath. Then I realized I was wrong: I shouldn’t talk with others in class and my teacher was for my good. After class, I went to my teacher’s office and said sorry to him.
As you can see, we are supposed to manage our moods in order not to hurt others. It’s a good idea to learn to put ourselves in others’ shoes, which can lead to a big difference to our lives.
①in my opinion在我看来
②try my best尽我最大的努力
③be supposed to应该
①It’s a good idea to learn to put ourselves in others’ shoes, which can lead to a big difference to our lives. (which引导的非限制性定语从句)
15.(2024·吉林长春·一模)假设你是文兴中学的王强,你从校园英语广播站获悉,你校正在为中美两国学生的文化交流活动招募志愿者。你有意愿参加此活动,请用英语给活动的负责人Miss Zhang写一封不少于40词的申请信。
要点:1. 简单自我介绍;
2. 自身优势(英语口语或交流能力);
3. 参加意图(传播中国传统文化);
4. 期待答复。
Dear Miss Zhang,
I’m Wang Qiang, a student from Wenxing Middle School. After hearing the news, I’d like to apply for the position as a volunteer for a cultural exchange between Chinese and American students.
In an attempt to let foreigners have a deeper insight into our tradtional culture, I believe I am fit for the job for I have patience and intelligence to solve problems, which are necessary qualities for volunteers. Besides, as an outgoing boy, I’m easy to get along with others and always ready to help others. More importantly, I have a good command of spoken and written English.
I would be very grateful if you could give me the opportunity. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours truly,
Wang Qiang
①apply for申请
②get along with和睦相处
③have a good command of精通
①I believe I am fit for the job for I ahve patience and intelligence to solve problems, which are necessary qualities for volunteers.(定语从句)
②I would be very grateful if you could give me the opportunity.(if引导的条件状语从句)
16.(2024·吉林长春·一模)人生只有一次,我们努力成为自己喜欢的样子,活出属于自己的精彩人生。请你以“You Only Live Once”为题,为校刊的英语专栏投稿,讲述一个你自己或者你知道的某个人敢于拼搏、挑战自我、震撼蜕变的励志故事及你从中获得的启发或激励。
要求:1. 条理清晰,内容完整,语句通顺,书写工整;
2. 文中请勿提及你的真实姓名和学校;
3. 不少于80词。
You Only Live Once
During our growth, we may gain success and joy, but we may also face difficulties and problems. When talking about dealing with problems in life, one experience flows into my mind.
When I got to junior high school, thousands of exams were like flood coming towards me. No matter how many efforts I made, my grades were always very unsatisfying. However, I didn’t give up and asked my English teacher for help. She inspired me to turn difficulties into opportunities. After that, I studied so hard that my grades improved. With my efforts and teacher’s encouragement, I not only drove away the black clouds, but also deeply understood that I must face difficulties and problems bravely and never give up.
①give up放弃
②ask sb. for help向某人寻求帮助
③not only…but also…不仅……而且……
①When talking about dealing with problems in life, one experience flows into my mind.(when引导的时间状语从句)
②No matter how many efforts I made, my grades were always very unsatisfying.(No matter how引导让步状语从句)
17.(2024·吉林·一模)人们常说:人生是一场马拉松。每天进步一点点,在平凡中不断突破,你将遇见更优秀的你。请以“Be a Better Person”为题,结合自己的实际情况,从生活习惯、体育锻炼、人际交往三
内容包括:1. 你未来的目标;
2. 你的哪些不足阻碍了目标的实现,请举例说明(至少两点);
3. 这些不足带给你的负面影响(至少两点);
4. 你将如何改进不足,让自己更优秀(至少两点)。
写作要求:1. 语言流畅,层次清晰,内容可以适当发挥:
2. 词数90—100,开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数;
3. 书写规范,卷面整洁;
4. 文中不能出现考生姓名和学校名称。
Be a Better Person
Life is like a marathon. We should make an effort to improve ourselves every day.
Be a Better Person
Life is like a marathon. We should make an effort to improve ourselves every day. I really want to become healthy.
When I entered the middle school, I didn’t like P.E. classes. And I often played computer games on weekends. I seldom did exercise. As a result, I became fat and I often fell ill.
I plan to improve myself from now on. I will get up early to run for half an hour ever day. It will help me prepare for the day. What’s more, I will take an active part in after-school activities to keep healthy. On weekends, I will ride bikes to relax myself.
As long as I try my best, I believe I will be better and better.
①on weekends在周末
②take an active part in积极参加
③prepare for为……做准备
①When I entered the middle school, I didn’t like P.E. classes. (when引导的时间状语从句)
②As long as I try my best, I believe I will be better and better. (as long as引导的条件状语从句)
A person who loves traveling must like his life. As the saying goes, “Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.”
A person who loves traveling must like his life. As the saying goes, “Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.”
I took a trip to Sanya with my friends last summer vacation. The trip was much more amazing than I had expected. I walked on the shore, collecting pebbles and shells. What impressed me most was the beautiful sunrise. I also tasted much delicious seafood. What’s more, I went snorkeling for the first time in my life. How exciting it was!
Travelling can not only broaden our horizon but also help us to relax after a period of boring work. I have become much more independent after the trip and learnt how to make a plan before taking action.
Travelling benefits us a lot. I hope all of us love travelling and enjoy our life.
①what’s more 此外
②for the first time 第一次
③not only…but also 不仅……而且
①A person who loves traveling must like his life.(定语从句)
②I hope all of us love travelling and enjoy our life.(宾语从句)
19.(2024·吉林松原·一模)健康对每个人都很重要,我们应该学会如何保持健康。请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题,写一篇英语短文,向学校校刊投稿。
Should(√) Shouldn’t(×)
do sports every day refuse to exercise
keep a balanced diet have junk food
eat fruit and vegetables stay up too late
have enough sleep play computer games a lot
keep healthy sit for a long time
… …
写作要求: 1.语言流畅,层次清晰,内容可适当发挥;
How to Keep Healthy
Nowadays, people pay much more attention to health. It is necessary for everyone to learn some ways to keep healthy.
How to Keep Healthy
Nowadays, people pay much more attention to health. It is necessary for everyone to learn some ways to keep healthy.
We should do sports every day. We shouldn’t refuse to exercise. Running for an hour every day is good for health. We should keep a balanced diet. Eat more fruit and vegetables. We shouldn’t have junk food, because they are bad for health. We had better not stay up too late. Getting enough sleep is helpful. We shouldn’t play computer games a lot. It is bad for our eyes. Sitting for a long time is also bad for our health. We may feel pain in our shoulders and backs. We should have a happy mood. We can keep happy by listening to music and talking to our friends. And we shouldn’t be angry so often.
It’s important to be healthy.
①do sports做运动
②refuse to do拒绝做某事
③stay up too late熬夜
①Running for an hour every day is good for health. (动名词作主语)
②We shouldn’t have junk food, because they are bad for health. (because引导原因状语从句)
20.(2024·吉林长春·一模)假如你是李华,你校英语阅读社团正在招募 (recruit) 新成员,你非常渴望加入。请你根据下面内容提示和要求,用英语写一封不少于 40 词的申请信 (application)。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua. Learning the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing to tell I want to be one of them.
Reading classics can give me a deep insight into history and culture. So, the club becomes what I’m willing to join. For one thing, challenging to read English books will improve my English level. For another, I can make more friends and share my ideas.
I would be thankful if you could consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
①want to do想要
②be thankful感谢
①Learning the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing to tell I want to be one of them.(宾语从句)
②I would be thankful if you could consider my application.(if引导的条件状语从句)
21.(2024·吉林长春·一模)“不信不立,不诚不行”,诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德。某英文网站正在开展以“诚信”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李辉,请结合生活实例用英语写一篇不少于 80 词的短文投稿。
参考词汇:virtue 美德, honesty 诚实
It’s one of our traditional virtues to be honest. Honesty is a great virtue which is traditionally encouraged by Chinese people. It’s really important for us to be honest in our life.
As for me, I consider honesty to be one of the most important rules that should be followed. I never tell a lie to others. If I do something wrong in life, I usually choose to tell the truth, even if it brings me some trouble. Once I make a promise, I will try my best to keep it.
Being honest helps us have more confidence in people around us. All in all, honesty makes the world more trustworthy and a better place to live in.
②as for至于
③tell a lie说谎
④tell the truth说实话
⑤make a promise作出承诺
Honesty is a great virtue which is traditionally encouraged by Chinese people. (which引导定语从句)
22.(2024·吉林四平·一模)虽然我们与父母会有不同见解,但父母依然是我们最亲的人,请以“How to Get on Well with Our Parents”为题,用英语写一篇短文,与大家分享一下你的做法。
1. 与父母相处融洽的意义;
2. 分享你与父母亲和谐相处的做法;
3. 提出倡议。
1. 语言流畅,层次清晰,内容可以适当发挥;
2. 词数90左右;
3. 书写规范,卷面整洁。
How to Get on Well with Our Parents
How to Get on Well with Our Parents
Parents are the people who love us most. They care for us and take care of us. Without doubt we should get on well with them and respect them. Here are some of my ways to get on well with my parents.
First of all, I often talk with my parents about my feelings and worries so that they can know me better. Sharing ideas can make us closer. What’s more, I am never rude to them even if we don’t agree with each other. Being polite is the key to a better relationship. Besides, I often find out the reasons why we have different ideas. Only in this way can we accept each other little by little.
Let’s try our best to get on well with our parents. The more we do, the better relationship with our parents we will have.
①without doubt毫无疑问
②First of all...首先……;What’s more...其次…… ;Besides...除此以外……
①Only in this way can we accept each other little by little.(倒装句)
②The more we do, the better relationship with our parents we will have.(the+比较级,the+比较级...“越……就越……”)
23.(2024·吉林长春·一模)为了提高同学们的英语阅读和写作技巧,我校英语俱乐部将邀请Ms. Green
1. 时间:下周四下午3点到5点;
2. 地点:学校礼堂(school hall);
3. 带笔和本。
Dear students,
In order to improve our English reading and writing skills, our English club will invite Ms. Green to give a lecture. It will be held next Thursday from 3 pm to 5 pm at our school hall. Please take your pens and notebooks and don’t be late.
English Club
①in order to为了
②invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事
③from ... to从……到……
Please take your pens and notebooks and don’t be late. (祈使句)
24.(2024·吉林长春·一模)幸福的感觉如同蜜糖般甘甜,阳光般灿烂。只要用心感受,幸福无处不在。你最幸福的时刻是什么?学校英文校刊正在进行以“My happiest moment”为题的征文活动,请你写一篇不少于80词的英语短文投稿,谈谈初中以来你最幸福的时刻以及你的感悟和收获。
1. 适当增加细节,行文连贯;
2. 语法准确、书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名。
【答案】 Everyone has the happiest moment. So do I. In my opinion, my happy moment is when I stay with my friends. When I’m in trouble, my friends are always around me and ready to do me a favor, which makes me happy.
What’s more, my friends always give their support to me when I feel sad. Furthermore, they tell me some jokes or take me for a walk. Sometimes we play sports, we all like sports. In addition, I always share all my happiness with them so that the happiness is twice than before.
I am very happy because I spend much time with my friends. With our efforts, our friendship are more stable than before. We are not only friends but also family members now. That is why I think my happy moment is with my friends.
① in my opinion 依我看来
②in trouble 遇到麻烦
③do me a favor 帮助我
④give their support 给我支持
⑤in addition 此外
⑥with our efforts 通过我们的努力
①When I’m in trouble, my friends are always around me and ready to do me a favor, which makes me happy. (时间状语从句+非限制性定语从句)
②That is why I think my happy moment is with my friends. (表语从句+宾语从句)
25.(2024·吉林长春·一模)假如你是李华,你和你的家人想在新家举办一次乔迁聚会 (a housewarming party),请根据下面要点和要求,用英文给你的朋友们写一则不少于40词的邀请函。
要点:1. 新家地址—和平路5号;
2. 开始时间—本周日晚上7点;
3. 提供服务—美食和饮料;
4. 回复时间—本周五之前。
Dear friends,
Li Hua
Dear friends,
We’re planning a housewarming party at our new house this Sunday. Can you come Our house is at 5 Heping Road. The party will begin at 7:00 p.m. We will serve delicious food and drink. Please let us know by Friday if you can come. Hope you can make it!
Li Hua
①a housewarming party乔迁聚会
①Please let us know by Friday if you can come.(“if”引导宾语从句)
②Hope you can make it!(祈使句)
要求:1. 语句通顺,条理清晰,书写规范,卷面整洁;
2. 要点全面,可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名或校名;
4. 不少于80词。
During my three years’ school life, I have taken part in many sports activities. Of these sports activities, one experience impresses me a lot.
Last spring sports meeting, I took part in the 1000-metre race. At first, I thought it was nothing, but in the middle of the race, I found it difficult to breathe and couldn’t run any more. But when I heard the cheers from the students, I persisted and finally got the fifth place.
I think that students’ participation in sports makes us healthy and beneficial to physical and mental development. Although I didn’t get a good place in this sports meeting, I received support from my classmates and I practiced my will.
①take part in参加
②at first起初
①But when I heard the cheers from the students, I persisted and finally got the fifth place. (when引导的时间状语从句)
②Although I didn’t get a good place in this sports meeting, I received support from my classmates and I practiced my will. (Although引导的让步状语从句)
27.(23-24九年级下·吉林长春·阶段练习)假如你是李华,初中三年你与同学们在一起学习,参加各种活动,互相帮助,彼此之间建立了深厚的友谊。你们即将毕业,校园网英语论坛开辟了“Thank-you letter”专题,请你给你的同学李明写一封不少于40词的感谢信。
1.李明性格:友爱善良; 乐于助人
2.感谢原因:李明经常在功课上帮助你; 让你变得开朗
要求:要点齐全; 语言通顺; 简洁得体。
Dear Li Ming,
Li Hua
Dear Li Ming,
The high school entrance examination is coming, and our 3-year junior school life is going to be over. I would like to thank you.
You’ve been very kind and helpful since we knew each other. I’ll never forget all the help you’ve given me. Last term, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home. When I was worrying about my lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject. With your help, I didn’t fall behind others. You also encourage me to be confident. Since then, we’ve been very close friends. Thank you again. Even though we may go to different schools, I will always stay in touch with you.
I wish you success in the future.
Li Hua
① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为书信作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“信息提示”中“祝福”一项,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①worry about 担心
②help sb. with sth. 在……帮助某人
③stay in touch with 保持联系
①You’ve been very kind and helpful since we knew each other. (since引导的时间状语从句)
②When I was worrying about my lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject.(when引导的时间状语从句)
③Even though we may go to different schools, I will always stay in touch with you.(even though引导的让步状语从句)
28.(23-24九年级下·吉林长春·阶段练习)假如你校英文报Memory栏目面向全体学生征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文,讲述你在学校参加过的一次(有意义的/难忘的/感动的/有收获的/……) 活动并投稿。
A/An ________ school activity
An unforgettable school activity
The most unforgettable activity I did while in middle school was that I raised the national flag for the first time.
That happened in Grade 7. I felt lucky enough to be chosen to do such a meaningful thing. To get this done perfectly, I practiced over and over again. I felt tired but I didn’t give up. Every time I heard the national anthem, my spirit was raised. I said to myself, “No one succeeds without effort. Only practice makes perfect.” In the end, I succeeded in raising the national flag that Monday morning.
Watching the flag swing in the wind, I felt very proud of myself. The experience made me realize that hard work pays off and it inspired me to keep working hard.
①give up放弃
②in the end最后
①I felt tired but I didn’t give up.(but连接并列句)
②The experience made me realize that hard work pays off and it inspired me to keep working hard.(宾语从句)
1. 在校与同学老师和睦相处,遵守校规;
2. 在公共场合举止得体;
3. 尊老爱幼,积极向有需要帮助的人伸出援手。
Dear students,
Students’ Union
【答案】Dear students,
In order to create a harmonious society, the people of the whole country need to work together. As well-educated people, we should work hard for it.
First of all, at school we get along well with our classmates and teachers and abide by the school rules. Secondly, let’s behave properly in public. Don’t litter, and take care of our public environment. Finally, We should also respect the old and cherish the young, and actively extend a helping hand to those in need.
I hope we can all work together to build a harmonious society. Dear friends, let’s start right now and do a little bit every day, every hour and every minute! Thanks!
Students’ Union



上一篇:【情境试题】Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use. 情境练语法 外研版八下(含答案)
