【情境试题】Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use. 情境练语法 外研版八下(含答案)

Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles
Unit 3 Language in use
建议用时:25分钟 满分:23分 班级: 姓名: 得分:
◆ I. Bill和父母计划假期去上海游玩,请用and, but, or或so填空,补全他们的旅行安排。(每空1分,共9分)
1. My parents and I want to visit many famous tourist places, we have to make a plan.
2. When we get there, we may take a taxi ① take a bus to the hotel,
② we haven't decided yet.
3. On the first day, we plan to visit only one place. We are thinking about going to the Bund Disneyland.
4. On the next day, we will go shopping try different foods along the Nanjing Road.
5. We've heard that the traffic can be really bad in the city centre, we're planning to take the underground.
6. The weather report says it might rain next week, we are still looking forward to visiting the city.
7. Of course, I'm going to take my camera, I can take lots of pictures of this trip.
8. I am so excited to go on vacation to Shanghai, I am a little nervous
about taking a plane.
◆ II. Evellyn正在给家人写信分享自己在中国的生活,请用适当的连词将两个句子合并成一句。(每小题2分,共10分)
Now I'm studying Chinese in China. I'm enjoying a new life.
The weather in China is different from that in Australia. I have to wear warmer clothes in February.
Some of my Chinese friends can't speak English well. I usually talk with them in Chinese.
On weekends, sometimes I study at school.Sometimes I hang out with my Chinese friends.
I can't wait to see you all again. I want to share everything with you.
How do you improve your English I think reading English books is a good way to improve my vocabulary 1. grammar. It can also help me learn more things and see more of the world. 2. I always take a book and read it when I have free time. On the morning of the weekends, I like to watch an English movie 3. a TV show. I think it can help me understand the language better. Sometimes I feel sad when I don't understand something. When that happens, I ask my teacher or my friends for help. It's important not to give up. Just keep trying.
Learning a new language is not easy, 4. with practice and confidence, all of us can do it !
情境2 Learning Chinese in Beijing 短文填空:用方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确(每个词或词组限用一次)。(教材P58 Activity 2素材引用)(每小题1分,拓展任务每小题2分,共14分)
how much sure culture depend on or prefer friendship for day excite
Come and study in Beijing! We can offer you great summer Chinese courses.
You are certain to understand more about Chinese 1. The courses last 2. four weeks. Our teachers have lots of experience. You can work in small or big groups. It 3. your personal choice. We hope you can form a close 4. with other students. What's more, we have tests every Sunday to check 5. you have learned.
We also hope you can experience the common life in China. You can stay in a Chinese family and enjoy their 6. life. But if you 7. , you can stay in a hotel. There are many 8. things to do in Beijing. You can visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City, 9. you can go shopping and taste delicious Chinese food. You are 10. to get the best possible experience in China.We cannot wait to see you!
11. How often will there be a test during the courses
A. Every day. B. Every week.
C. Every month. D. Every term.
12.(中考新考法·细节多选)According to the passage, what activities can you join in after class
a. visit places of interest
b. taste Chinese food
c. work in groups
d. go shopping
A. abd B. abc C. bcd D. acd
I. 1. so 2. ①or ②but 3. or 4. and 5. so 6. but 7. so 8. but
Ⅱ. 1. Now I'm studying Chinese in China and enjoying a new life.
The weather in China is different from that in Australia, so I have to wear warmer clothes in February.
3. Some of my Chinese friends can't speak English well, so I usually talk with them in Chinese.
4. On weekends, I study at school or hang out with my Chinese friends sometimes.
5. I can't wait to see you all again and want to share everything with you.
1. and 2. So 3.or 4. but
1. culture 2. for 3. depends on
4. friendship 5. how much 6. daily
7. prefer 8. exciting 9. or 10. sure 11. B
12. A 【解析】细节多选题。题干意为:根据文章内容,你可以在课后参加哪些活动?根据第三段中的“You can visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City, 9. you can go shopping and taste delicious Chinese food. " 可知,在课后可以参观名胜古迹、去购物和品尝中国美食。故选A。




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